MKT 350 quizzes ch 10-14

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You recently attended a lecture on the topic "Digital Media for Marketers-the Promise and the Pitfalls." As the title suggests, the speaker divided his talk into two parts; the first part discussed how digital media tools can help marketers, while the second part warned of potential problems that marketers need to anticipate. -Choose the points that the speaker made in the FIRST part of the talk.

-Digital media allows marketers to accelerate the process of getting paid. -Digital media tools allow markets to receive customer feedback faster and in greater quantity than ever before.

Your boss is convinced that appreciating the impact of electronic marketing is a key to success in today's business world. So in every employment interview, he asks candidates to consider the question. "How has e-marketing changed your own experiences and perceptions as a consumer?" Select the comments that would be likely to satisfy your boss.

-I appreciate the ability to interact at my convenience with the companies I patronize. -I appreciate it when a marketer keeps up with the latest digital tools. -Thanks to e-marketing, I can evaluate alternative brands more efficiently and effectively.

You own a bakery which specializes in elaborately decorated cakes. But sales are stagnant because people are only buying your cakes for weddings. Your partner comments, "I'm sure we can use digital media to convince customers that our cakes are also perfect fo birthdays, holidays, and lots of other occasions and events. -Which of the following digital tools does your partner recommend?

-Media-sharing site -blog

The _____________ experience is being transformed by mobile technology. Consumers use digital media not only to access information, but also to control how fast they receive it and the ________________ of what they see.

-Shopping -Sequence

Frank prides himself on his Internet activity, which goes beyond just maintaining accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites. He regularly updates his feeds and status, enjoys commenting on blogs, posts his own movie reviews, and spends time gathering and organizing content generated by others. Which of the following is a social Technographic profile that does NOT apply to Frank?

-early adopter -spectator

Select the statement that is true regarding nonprofit marketing. -Nonprofits are not primarily providers of services instead of goods. -The target public is the group of individuals who oppose the nonprofit's message, and is the target of the nonprofit's attempt to change attitudes. -Because of its altruistic nature, nonprofit marketing is non-controversial. -A nonprofit organization seeks to obtain a desired response from those individuals and entities that it communicates its message to. -For the nonprofit organization, the client public and the general public are the same.

A nonprofit organization seeks to obtain a desired response from those individuals and entities that it communicates its message to.

The company's own ___________ can also influence customers' perceptions of the firm's customer service.


If you are doing your job exceptionally well to the point that customers will not accept any substitutes over your brand, you have achieved a degree of brand loyalty called _____________.

Brand Insistence

____________ _____________ is the marketing and financial value associated with a brand's strength in the market.

Brand equity

___________ _____________ occurs when a customer is aware that the brand exists and views it as an alternative purchase if the preferred brand is unavailable or if the other available brands are unfamiliar.

Brand recognition

Select the statement that is true regarding services marketing. -Services represent a small part of the total U.S. economy. See "13-1 The Growth and Importance of Services" from chapter 13 for more information. -Business services are in greater demand than consumer services. See "13-1 The Growth and Importance of Services" from chapter 13 for more information. -The customer can touch, taste or smell a service product. See "13-1 The Growth and Importance of Services" from chapter 13 for more information. -Services have more factors for the customer to evaluate. So, she is able to make a more informed purchase decision. See "13-1 The Growth and Importance of Services" from chapter 13 for more information. -Services are dominated by the tangible portion of the total product; whereas, goods are dominated by the intangible portion. See "13-1 The Growth and Importance of Services" from chapter 13 for more information.

Business services are in greater demand than consumer services.

_______________ ______________may be difficult if the channel captain lacks channel power.

Channel leadership

The ability of marketers to ____________ information has been diminished by the growth of digital media.


_________________ __________________ are attributes that customers may be unable to evaluate even after the purchase and consumption of the service.

Credence qualities

__________ ____________ occurs if the brand helps customers to develop their identity and self-concept and serves as a form of self-expression.

Cultural branding

The marketer may also cut promotion efforts and eliminate marginal distributors in the __________stage of the product life cycle.


You were hired by a small consumer e-commerce firm in the US to expand its online advertising—the key to its success. But your task is getting complicated due to the potential for increased government regulation. In an upcoming meeting with the CEO, you plan to warn her about the need to respond to this threat.

Develop company rules to govern the collection of information from consumers who visit your website.

_______________ could involve making delivery more accessible to customers and to increase the supply of a service as well as to reduce labor costs, service providers should decrease the use of contact personnel and replace them with equipment and technology where possible.


Author of blogs are known as avatars.


Products only provide functional and social benefits to consumers.


You would have direct interaction with the cash management department on a regular basis in your role as process analyst for supply-chain management.


You would have direct interaction with the human resources department on a regular basis in your role as process analyst for supply-chain management.


__________ ______________ involves the consolidation of shipments from multiple firms into efficient lot sizes.

Freight forwarding

____________ stage of the product life cycle, the marketing strategy goal is to establish and fortify the product's market position by encouraging brand loyalty.


__________________ makes it difficult to standardize service delivery.


You manage a chain of grocery stores and you are reviewing customer comments from a recent in-store survey conducted at 50% of the stores. The following is a sampling of some of the comments received in the survey: "I like shopping at your store because I can shop for just about every household product category I need. However, the choices in each category are too limited." "I shop at your store primarily for breakfast cereal, but I get frustrated when I can't find cereal brands I see advertised on television." Which one of the following steps should you take to address these types of customer concerns?

Increase the depth of your product mix

You just finished meeting with a marketing client where you discussed the importance of packaging products strategically. Your client was amazed that the packaging of a product was as significant as you described in the meeting. She asked you to summarize the key points from your meeting so she could give some thought to how she might want to move forward with some changes to the packaging for her products. What accurately describes characteristics of product packaging?

Innovative packaging must be stylish in order for it to be effective.

Depending on the length of time it takes them to adopt a new product, consumers tend to fall into one of five major adopter categories. -Sally is venturesome when it comes to trying new products. She is a member of the _______________.


______________ is the strongest and least common degree of brand loyalty, in which a customer strongly prefers a specific brand, will accept no substitute, and will go to great lengths to acquire it.


Businesses can benefit from _____________ applications of digital media.


Marketing strategy should be designed to attract the segment that is most interested and has the fewest objections during the _________ stage of the product life cycle.


______________ _____________ is very important to service providers.

Inventory management

_________________ ________________ involves developing and maintaining adequate assortments of products to meet customers' needs.

Inventory management

KidLuv, a children's clothing firm, has recently experienced some digital media disasters. You have been hired to fix the problems. But first you need to pinpoint the specific characteristics of digital marketing which KidLuv has handled poorly. Here is what happened: -The "Buy Now" link on the website failed. Three out of every five customers who clicked on the link got an error message. -There was no way for online customers to pose question to KidLuv fabric care experts about how to clean the company's clothes. -Customers who expressed an interest in how the clothes were made got instantly inundated with technical data. They were unable to regulate how much or what type of technical info they received about the machines, fabrics, dyes, or production process. Which of the following statement correctly links these problems to specific characteristics of KidLuv's digital marketing?

KidLuv has problems with interactivity, connectivity, and control.

A greater mix of pricing strategies is used during the __________ stage of the product life cycle.


There is no tactic or strategy that will allow the firm to recover unused service capacity occurs due to the _____________ of services.


You are the new logistics director for a major manufacturing company based in Tennessee. Your boss wants to meet with you tomorrow to discuss how an efficient logistics operation can enhance the company's supply-chain management. Which of the following key points will you emphasize to your boss in tomorrow's meeting?

Planning an efficient physical distribution system can reduce marketing channel costs and boost customer satisfaction.

______________ may include adding tangibility; ads for services often show pictures of facilities, equipment, and service personnel.


__________ ____________are purchased in large quantities according to grade.

Raw materials

_____________ _________________ is the customer's perception of how well a service met her expectations.

Service quality

Select the statement which is not true regarding the labeling of products. -Products with nutritional claims must have nutritional labeling. -A label can be part of the package or attached to the package as a separate feature. -The FTC requires that at least 40% of a product must be made in the United States if the product label says "Made in the U.S.A.". -Questionable labeling practices still persist in the United States despite the regulations against them. -Garments must be labeled with cleaning instructions.

The FTC requires that at least 40% of a product must be made in the US if the product label says "Made in the USA".

Imagine that the Internet suddenly disappeared from the US. American consumers would no longer have access to social networks, digital tools, or websites. Select the strategic advantage(s) that American marketers would have in this strange low-tech world.

There would be less competition form overseas businesses.

A big mistake businesses can make when using digital marketing is to treat it like a(n) ____________ marketing channel.


A drawback of the wiki is that this digital tool is vulnerable to vandalism.


A product can be a good, service, or idea.


You would have direct interaction with the advertising department on a regular basis in your role as process analyst for supply-chain management.


You would have direct interaction with the manufacturing department on a regular basis in your role as process analyst for supply-chain management.


You would have direct interaction with the shipping department on a regular basis in your role as process analyst for supply-chain management.


_________ __ _________ __________________ relates to customers' tendency to tell others about a bad experience with a service more readily than about a good experience with a service.

Word-of-mouth communication

A well-managed brand is a(n) ____________ to an organization.


A ___________ helps a buyer evaluate the quality of products, especially when the buyer is unable to judge the product's characteristics effectively.


There is a higher likelihood that Mary will purchase the same brand of detergent every time she shops if she has ____________ _____________.

brand loyalty

The element of a brand that is not made up of words, such as a symbol or design is a __________ __________.

brand mark

If the role of each channel member has not been specified, then ___________ _____________ may occur.

channel conflict

A critical component in ______________ ____________ is a precise definition of each channel member's tasks.

channel cooperation

During __________ ___________ channel stages are combined effectively, either vertically or horizontally.

channel integration

____________ ______________ are purchased according to buyer's own specifications or industry standards.

component parts

Buyer exerts minimal purchasing effort for __________ ____________.

convenience products

A basic service experience expected by a customer is called a(n) __________ _______________.

core service

Because of aspects of _____________ ______________ service organizations must train employees to perform customer-oriented behavior and reward them for success.

customer contact

Comments and opinions expressed by the firm's ________ can influence consumers' expectations about the firm's customer service.


The time needed to complete a process is known as __________ ___________.

cycle time

Depending on the length of time it takes them to adopt a new product, consumers tend to fall into one of five major adopter categories. -Mary chooses new products carefully and is considered "in-the-know" by her friends. She is a member of the ____________ __________.

early adopters

Depending on the length of time it takes them to adopt a new product, consumers tend to fall into one of five major adopter categories. -Thomas tends to try new products just before the average person does. He is a member of the ___________ ____________.

early majority

Nonprofits do not use social media as extensively as for-profits.


Because of ______________ employee training should educate employees in ways that will help them provide quality service consistently to customers.


Employees should be trained to understand ______________ because customers not only want a specific type of service but expect it to be provided in a specific way by a specific individual.


Service marketers are compelled to make promises to customers because of ______________.


There is no tactic or strategy that will influence this characteristic. You can't make it possible for a service to be seen, touched or smelled because of the ________________ of services.


An exclusive dealing agreement can be considered anticompetitive and illegal if ________________.

it blocks competitors from 10% of the market

Depending on the length of time it takes them to adopt a new product, consumers tend to fall into one of five major adopter categories. -John distrusts new products. He is a member of the ____________.


Depending on the length of time it takes them to adopt a new product, consumers tend to fall into one of five major adopter categories. -Mark and all of his friends are skeptical of new products. They are members of the ____________ ________.

late majority

Unit loading and containerization are two common methods used in _____________ ____________.

materials handling

_____________ ______________ with the service heavily influences what the customer expects regarding the firm's customer service.

past experiences

Services offered to customers in bundles give marketers the flexibility to offer the services at one price, separately priced, or to use a combination of the methods, these are all aspects of ____________.


A service offered by an organization that is generally a package, or bundle, of services consisting of a core service and one or more supplementary services are characteristics of a ______________.


______________ _______________ are tangivle attributes like color, style, and size.

search qualities

You have made the marketing channel decision for your company. You have chosen a market channel that is best suited to your customers' needs and your product's attributes. You know what type of producers and other marketing intermediaries will be a part of your marketing channel. Now you must decide on the intensity of market coverage that will meet your organization's needs most effectively. Assuming your company produces shopping products, which one of the following intensity of coverage strategies should your company select?

selective distribution

One of the most important factors in customer judgments of service quality is ____________ _____________.

service expectations

Buyers spend considerable time comparing stores and brands with respect to price, product features, qualities, services, and perhaps warranties for _____________ _____________.

shopping products

Buyers will not accept substitutes for _____________ _____________ .

specialty products

Marketers will use a(n) _______________ _____________ as a supportive service related to a core service in order to differentiate the service bundle from competitors.

supplementary service

William wants to make sure he always has exclusive use and control of his newly invented brand of leisure shoes. William needs a _____________ in order to accomplish this.


Distribution decisions in nonprofits relate to how ideas and services will be made available to clients.


The financial price, or an exact dollar amount, may or may or not be charged for a nonprofit product.


_______________ provides time utility by enabling firms to compensate for dissimilar production and consumption rates.


Customers are also significantly influenced by __________ __ __________ communications from friends and associates.

word of mouth

_____________ __ _____________ is the difference between desired service and acceptable service in the mind of the customer.

zone of tolerance

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