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What are the 6 qualities of good UX

(FADUCU) Findability Accessibility Desirability Useability Credibility Usefulness

Three things that the QS looks for

-Expected CTR -Ad Relevance -Landing page experience

9 Principles of Mobile

-personal, -always carried, -always on, -build in payment systems, -creative tool, -accurate audience, -social context, -augmented reality, -digital interface

How much time do user spend in apps?


Push Messaging

A notification from an app that displays on a smartphone while the app is not actively in use.

Moral Hazard

A situation in which you know you can do the bad thing because you will get away with it.


A social media platform has the ad and goes and gets the ad to show it to you. Measures how many times it is shown not seen.

Responsive design

A specific feature that websites have; changing sizes and shapes depending on what device it is being viewed on.


A version of google analytics

What is a sitemap?

A virtual table of contents for your website.

Search Advertising

Also known as paid search and sponsored search : anytime a company spends money to be a google result.

$300 Million Button

An Article about when people got to the register button they would leave the stuff in their cart and leave the webpage; Amazon changed the word to "Continue"

What does APP stand for?



Application Programming Interface; software that helps other two software's talk to each other.

AR vs VR

Augmented Reality Virtual Reality


Blind and deaf people have trouble accessing webpages.


Call to Action.


Can this person connect to the website.


Click through rate


Combining two words to make a new word. Ex: mansplain

What are the two meanings of accessibility?

Connection and Disabilities

Tracking cookies

Constantly giving information to companies


Cost per Action: changes between advertiser to advertiser; the CPA is what matters to the brand.


Dynamic Keyword Insertion: You give an ad to a platform and allow them to change the ad when its appropriate.

What was the word of the year in 2015?


Digital Interface

Everything is easy to send and digitized

What is above the fold

Everything that you see on the homepage before you have to start scrolling.

Creative UX

Everything you can do to increase engagement and shares; the user likes to use the software.

Web apps

Ex: Zoom; program that brings you to the internet and looks like an app.


Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trust; Things that might affect your ranking on a search page.

What are the two main UX categories?

Functional and Creative

Reputation Score

Google decides what makes an author have a good reputation.


Graphical User Interface; How you interact with software. Ex: if your car is the computer the GUI is the steering wheel and pedals.

Comcast moral hazard

Has the content that they want people to see but could be shady.

High Fi

High Fidelity: the website is as close to its final stage as we can make it.

Thematic Document Corpus:

How much of the body of work did you make


Hyper Text Markup Language: how we write webpages. Version 5 does more inter-connectivity within programs.


Hyper Text Transfer Protocol


Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure; Steps that you can take to secure called light ranking factor. HTTPS is better

Information Hierarchy: Known as the F pattern:

Important information is at the top then middle of the page; makes the letter F

Google Ads QS

Internal rating system: google will look at all the other ads and see if your ad is good within that space.


Internet of Things; idea that all of our internet capable devices are connected.


Knowledge Based Trust; Looking at the internet and trying to determine whether or not most of the sources on the internet is agreeing to what you are saying.

What are cookies?

Little programs that companies will put into your computer.

Hybrid Apps

Live on your computer, is an app, and has features that access your phone but majority of the stuff that it can do is accessed through the internet.


Long Term Evolution; how we been developing radiofrequency's so we can download data faster. LTE is standard and 5G is where we are going.

Two main types of copywriting

Long and Short Long: people preferer long copy in a downloadable pdf then a short copy on a webpage.

How do we know if a person is an expert?

Look at their credentials and see if it is available to read on website.

Content Audit

Looking at someone's webpage or app and seeing what could be done better.

Low Fi

Low Fidelity: Beta version


Making a viewer become a customer

How do Gen Z and Millennials view the internet?

Millennials: internet is the computer. Gen Z: internet is their phones.


Minimum Viable Product; the beta testing version. Progressive web apps are constantly being involved so it is a good thing to test out software's on users.

What are long tailed keywords?

More detailed keywords

What was the 2015 inflection?

More people were accessing the internet on their mobile device then on desktops.


Multimedia Message Service; videos and music


Multitask Uniform Module: means Multi-Media; Analyzes music, moving pictures, gif....

What are the two types of apps?

Native apps and Web apps

Native apps

Native apps are applications that are designed to work on a particular platform or device, such as Android, iOS, or a Windows computer.


Near Field Communication; two internet connected devices are close enough together they can share information voluntarily. EX: airdropping

what is the CTR formula?

Number of people that click on the ad / number of people who saw the ad = CTR

Heat Map

People will spend more time in certain areas (physical)

Social Copy

Practice of writing for social media post

What is a pro and con to a web app?

Pro: Users don't run out of storage Con: dependent on a browser

What is a pro and con to a native app?

Pro: better performance Con: higher cost to maintain

What is a pro and con of a hybrid app?

Pro: loads quickly Con: certain features might not be useable on devices.

Authentication Cookies

Programming that gets installed on your computer that proves that you are a real person.


Progressive Web Apps: can be easily updated.


Quality Score


Short Message Service

What are some of the third party social media management software's?

Sprout Social and HubSpot

What is a wireframe?

The blueprint of the design of the webpage.

Native Analytics

The built in software that comes with the platform. Ex: Pinterest Analytics

Functional UX

The user can do everything on the software easily.

What is the downside to DKI

There is a keyword in every ad which lowers the clickthrough rate.

Which is better Trust or Legitimacy?



Urchin Tracking Module

Rank Brain

Used to be called page rank. Looks at the website to determine its quality.


User Centric Design


User Experience


User Intuitive Design

What is a measure of exchange in the digital space?

Value; what a person is willing to give up in order to interact with your brand.

Seed Sites:

Where you grow information from; looks at a few different things

Click Map

Where you spend your mouse time (on the computer)


Wireless Fidelity


Your Money or Your Life; Pages that directly talk about money or things that affect your life.

What is a Zero Rating Website?

Zero-rating is a technique where internet service providers (ISPs) allow consumers to utilize a specific website without charging their internet data plan.

Google Panda:

a series of questions that google ask itself to determine whether a webpage is of good quality.


a series of steps that google tells itself to go through.


entire body of work


getting a viewer to do anything; the more you have the more likely you will get a long term customer.

Baby or Tiny algorithms:

google is using thousands of tiny algorithms to determine how good a web page is.


natural language processing; the way machines interpret what we say

How do we determine the quality of a website:

one way is to use software called rank brain.

Socially Embedded Consumption

our purchases are shared through our phones; affiliate marketing

50/50 spilt

people are about 50/50 spilt whether they like push notifications


people believe you are a good source of information.


people get their questions answer when they visit the website. -Click through rates

List some possible factors for an EAT evaluation

popularity of author, click through rates, use of hhtps, knowledge based trust.... etc

Seed Sites looks at the....

position of the link, the degree of deviation of the source page, and number of outgoing links of the source page.

Escalation Protocol or Communication Protocol

set of instructions to use when something crazy happens online. Does the social media manager handle it or the CEO , etc...

Anchor Text:

shorten link that is highlighted; Google looks to see if the link and anchor text corresponds.

Geolocation and Geofencing

targeting an ad to a certain location.

What are the steps for writing towards an audience?

the 4 Ws: what when where who


the positive or negative direction of something; Are people saying good or bad things about your brand.

Black Hat SEO:

the shady or illegal stuff that SEO optimizers will do to a webpage so google will show the webpage

What happened around DiGiorno Twitter post?

they used the #whyistayed without doing their research


variables that are inside the system (how many PHDs the author has)


variables that effect the system (author that didn't publish for a while because they were sick)


what everyone else thinks.

Terms in search queries:

what people are asking for; Do people search for Sedan or Mercedes Sedan (people say the brand when looking for a term)


when people are searching a topic, do they also search that author or company?

Meta Descriptions

when you google something, and a little description shows up under the webpage. The webpage owners create the meta description

Digital Copywriting

writing the stuff that you will post on the internet

Gary Illyes quote:

you want to write the stuff that actually gets shared.

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