Mktg 351 Ch. 16

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Public Relations

A broad set of communication efforts used to create/maintain favorable relationships between organization and stakeholders


A business cannot operate at peak efficiency when sales ___________ widely

Objectives and Policies

A company's ________________ influence the types of promotions used

Product Placement

A form of promotion that strategically locates products or product promotions within entertainment media to reach a product's target market


A non-personal communication in a news-story form about an organization, its products, or both


A paid non personal communication about an organization and its products transmitted to a target audience through mass media

Personal Selling

A paid personal communication that seeks to inform customers and persuade them to purchase products


A person, group, or organization with a means it tries to share with a receiver or an audience


A sharing of meaning through the transmission of information

Viral Marketing

A strategy to get consumers to share a marketer's message, often through email or online video, in a way that spreads dramatically and quickly


A target market with more dispersed customers often rely more heavily on __________


Absolute dollar outlay can be ________ in advertising

Sales Promotion

Activities or materials that act as a direct inducement, offering added value or incentive for the product to resellers, salespeople, or customers


Advertising ________ provides rapid feedback


Advertising is _______ persuasive than personal selling


Advertising is ____________ when it reaches a large number of people at a low cost per person

Mass Media Consumption

Advertising is changing as _________________ are changing


Advertising is highly _____________ and can reach large/small audiences depending on need


Advertising lets the source repeat the ___________ several times

Buzz Marketing

An attempt to incite publicity and public excitement surrounding a product through a creative event


Anything that reduces communication's clarity and accuracy


Communication that builds and maintains favorable relationships by informing and persuading one or more audiences to view an organization positively and to accept its products

Coding Process (Encoding)

Converting meaning into a series of signs or symbols

Decoding Process

Converting signs and symbols into concepts and ideas

Integrated Marketing Communications

Coordination of promotion and other marketing efforts for maximum informational and persuasive impact

Objectives of Promotion

Create awareness, stimulate demand, encourage product trial, identify prospects, retain loyal customers, facilitate reseller support, combat competitive promotional efforts and reduce sales fluctuations are the ___________________


Culture creates the values that encourage ___________, not promotion

Primary Demand

Demand for a product category rather than a specific brand

Selective Demand

Demand for a specific brand


Demographic characteristics of the target market affects the consumers' ______ consumption patterns

Existing Products

For _________, promotional efforts create increased awareness of brands, product features, image-related issues, or operational characteristics

Trial Techniques

Free samples, coupons, test drives, limited free-use offers, contests and games are all examples of ______________

Sales Promotions

Free samples, games, rebates, sweepstakes, contests, premiums, coupons, word of mouth/buzz marketing are all examples of _____________

Customer retention techniques

Frequent-user programs, special offers for existing customers, and maintaining contact are all examples of ______________


Holidays and seasonal products can cause sales _______________


IMC helps to coordinate/manage ________ efforts


IMC helps to protect consumer _________


IMC helps to send a ________ message to customers


IMC helps with the synchronization of promotional __________


IMC uses __________ marketing


IMC uses more precisely targeted promotional _________

Product Trial

If customers stall in the evaluation stage, markers can use methods to encourage ________________ in order to move them to product adoption


If promotion is working to stimulate demand, producing and marketing larger quantities can actually help _______ prices


In advertising there is generally ________ time exposure

Relationships, Promotional

Integrated Marketing Communications fosters long-term ___________ and efficient use of ______________ resources


It is difficult to measure advertisings effect on ____________


Keeping current customers is _______ costly than acquiring new customers


Locating and identifying potential customers is considered as ideniftying ____________


Marketing makes consumers aware of _________ they already have


Most organizations expend a large amount of resources on ________

Push and Pull

Organizations may use both ______________ policies at the same time

Specific individuals

Personal selling can be targeted to __________


Personal selling has a ________ impact on consumers than advertising


Personal selling is _______ labor intensive and time consuming than advertising


Personal selling is much more _________ than advertising


Personal selling provides _________ feedback

Promotion Mix

Personal selling, public relations, sales promotion and advertising are the elements that make up the __________

Word-of-Mouth Communication

Personal/informal communication, rely on opinion leaders, increasingly electronic, most likely from friends/family


Potentially harmful products are okay to sell as long as it is __________

Stimulate Demand

Primary Demand and Selective Demand are the two examples of the ______________ objective of promotion

Pull Policy

Promoting a product directly to consumers with the intention to develop strong consumer demand for product

Push Policy

Promoting a product to the next institution down the marketing channel

Product Demand, Customer Relationships

Promotion's goal is to stimulate ___________ and build _____________

Mass Medium

Public Relations is transmitted through a _____________ at no charge

Ongoing Program

Public relations should be viewed as an ___________ during crises and good times

Public Relations Tools

Publicity, advertising, internet, social media, personal selling/lobbying, annual reports, brochures, event sponsorships, sponsorship of socially responsible programs, press releases/conferences/feature articles are all examples of _______________


Receiver's response to a decoded message

Reseller Support

Resellers view promotion as form of support, share promotional expense, and special offers/buying allowances all help to facilitate ________________

Personal Selling

Small target markets (B2B) often rely on _____________

Competitive advantage

Strong relationships with resellers are important to an organization's ability to maintain sustainable ________________


The individual, group, or organization that decodes a coded message


The internet and digital media aim at more ___________ audiences

Channel Capacity

The limit on the volume of information a channel can handle effectively

Communication Channel

The medium of transmission that carries coded message from the source to the receiver

Promotional Budget

The size of an organization's ____________ affects the number and intensity of promotional methods used

Target Market

The size of the ___________ often drives what promotional elements are chosen


When combatting competitive promotional efforts in highly competitive markets you want to ______________ a competitors promotion


_________ is crucial to initiating the product adoption process for new products


___________ gained from advertising can enhance a firm's image

Consumer Products

____________ concentrate on convenience goods (advertising), durables/expensive products(personal selling/advertising) or both (public relations)

Business Products

_____________ concentrate on personal selling and sales promotion

Product Placement

_____________ has become more important as more consumers bypass advertisements through DVR and the Internet


______________ product placements have become a successful method of reaching consumers, rather than relying on commercial breaks

Promotional activities

_______________ are often designed to stimulate sales during slumps

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