MKTG 351 chpt 16

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Convenience Stores

7- eleven is an example of which General-Merchandise Retailer?

Category Management

A retail strategy of managing groups of similar, often substitutable products produced by different manufacturers

Category Killer

A very large specialty store that concentrates on a major product category and competes on that basis of low prices and product availability


All transactions in which the buyer intends to consume the product through personal, family, or household use


An arrangement in which a supplier grants a dealer the right to sell products in exchange for some type of consideration


An organization that purchases products for the purpose of reselling them to ultimate consumers

Risk Taking

Assuming responsibility for theft, product obsolescence, and excess inventories.


Carrefour is an example of which General-Merchandise Retailer?


Facilitates exchange with the ultimate consumer

Location of intended target market Kinds of products sold Ease of movement to/from site Competitors' locations

Factors affecting retail store location: (Four)


Giant retail outlets that carry food and non food found in supermarkets, as well as routinely purchased consumer products

Through direct selling, vending machines, online, and in stores

How can retailing occur?

Provide services Assist in product selection Make shopping experience more convenient Location facilitates comparison shopping Demonstrate products Create utility for ultimate consumers

How do retailers enhance Value?

Warehouse Showrooms

IKEA is an example of which General-Merchandise Retailer?

Retail Positioning

Identifying an unserved or undeserved market segment and serving it through a strategy that distinguishes the retailer from others in the minds of consumers in that segment

Cash-and-Carry Wholesalers

Intermediaries whose customers pay cash and furnish transportation


Kroger, Albertson's and Winn- Dixie are example of which General-Merchandise Retailer?

1.Cash-and-Carry Wholesalers: Intermediaries whose customers pay cash and furnish transportation 2.Truck Wholesalers: Transport a limited line of products directly to customers for on-the-spot inspection and selection 3.Drop Shippers: Take title to goods and negotiate sales but never take actual possession of products 4.Mail-Order Wholesalers: Use catalogs instead of sales forces to sell products to retail and business customers (Internet)

Limited-Service Wholesalers include? (4)

Department Stores

Macy's. Sears, and JCPenny are example of which General-Merchandise Retailer?

Online security

One serious problem that still remains with Online Retailing is what?

Producers and the ultimate consumer

Retailers are the ultimate link between what?

Warehouse Clubs

Sam's Club and Costco are example of which General-Merchandise Retailer?


Subway, McDonald's, 7-Eleven, Hampton Hotels, H&R Block and Supercuts are all examples of the top U.S. ___________.

Off- price specialty

TJ Maxx is an example of what kind of store?

Drop Shippers

Take title to goods and negotiate sales but never take actual possession of products


The least flexible of the strategic retailing issues, but very important


The performance of marketing-related activities by telephone

Wholesalers: To Producers

These are Services Provided by ______: To ____________ -Serve as an extension of the producer's sales force -Often pay for transporting goods -Reduce a producer's warehousing expenses and inventory investment by holding goods in inventory -Extend credit and assume losses from buyers who turn out to be poor credit risks -Can be a source of working capital -Serve as conduits for information within the marketing channel

Wholesalers: To Producers

These are Services Provided by ______: To ____________Essential for many small retailers Assist with marketing strategy, especially distribution Help retailers select inventory Are often specialists on market conditions and experts at negotiating final purchases Can reduce a retailer's burden of looking for and coordinating supply sources

Direct selling

These are all Benefits of what? Demonstrate the product Customers get personal attention Products are presented at convenient times and locations for customers

Direct selling

These are all Limitations of what form of selling? Is the most expensive form of retailing Some customers do not trust direct sellers Some communities prohibit direct selling

Traditional Specialty Retailers

They are sometimes called "limited-line retailers

Truck Wholesalers

Transport a limited line of products directly to customers for on-the-spot inspection and selection

1.General-Merchandise Wholesalers: Carry a wide product mix but offer limited depth within product lines 2.Limited-Line Wholesalers: Carry few product lines but offer an extensive assortment of products within those lines 3.Specialty-Line Wholesalers: Offer the narrowest range of products 4.Rack Jobbers: Full-service, specialty-line wholesalers that own and maintain display racks in supermarkets, drugstores and discount and variety stores

Types of Full-Service Wholesalers include? (4)

Free standing structures, shopping malls and centers, business districts

Types of locations: (3)

Mail-Order Wholesalers

Use catalogs instead of sales forces to sell products to retail and business customers (Internet)

Traditional specialty

Victoria's Secret is an example of what kind of store?


Wal- Mart supercenter is an example of which General-Merchandise Retailer?

Discount Stores

Wal- Mart. Target and Kmart are example of which General-Merchandise Retailer?


Warehouse _____: Large-scale, members-only selling operations combining cash-and-carry wholesaling and discount retailing


Warehouse _______ : Retail facilities in large, low-cost buildings with warehouse materials-handling technology, vertical merchandise displays, large on-premises inventories, and minimal services

1.Traditional Specialty Retailers: Carry a narrow product mix with deep product lines. They are sometimes called "limited-line retailers 2.Category Killers: A very large specialty store concentrating on a major product category and competing on the basis of low prices and product availability 3.Off-Price Retailers: Buy manufacturers' seconds, overruns, returns and off-season production runs at below-wholesale prices for resale to consumers at deep discounts

What are the 3 types of specialty realtors?

1.Superregional Shopping Centers: Contain the widest and deepest product mixes 2.Lifestyle Shopping Centers: Typically open-air and feature upscale stores 3.Power Shopping Centers: Combine off-price stores with category killers

What are the three types of Regional Shopping Centers?

Warehouse Clubs

What combines cash-and-carry wholesaling and discount retailing

supermarkets and discount store shopping in one location

What do Hypermarkets combine?

Utility (Time, place, possession and maybe form)

What does a retailer create for a consumer?


What percent of all employees in the U.S. work in retail?

Catalog Marketing

What type of marketing are these two Advantages of? 1.Customers benefit from efficiency and convenience 2.The retailer benefits by being able to locate in remote, low-cost areas, save on expensive store fixtures and reduce both personal selling and store operating expenses


_____ Can help generate sales leads, improve customer service, accelerate payments on past-due accounts, raise funds for nonprofit organizations and gather marketing data

Television home shopping

a form of selling in which products are presented to television viewers

General merchandise retailer

a retail establishment that offers a variety of product lines that are stocked in considerable depth

Convenience store

a small self-service store that is open long hours and carries a narrow assortment of products

Direct-response marketing

a type of marketing in which the retailer advertises a product and makes it available through mail or telephone orders

Power shopping center

a type of shopping center that combines off-price stores with category killers

Lifestyle shopping center

a type of shopping center that is typically open air and features upscale specialty, dining, and entertainment stores

Regional shopping centers

a type of shopping center with the largest department stores, widest product mixes, and deepest product lines of all shopping centers

Superregional shopping center

a type of shopping center with the widest and deepest product mixes that attracts customers from many miles away


an individual or organization that sells products that are bought for resale

Warehouse Showrooms

contains warehouse materials-handling technology, vertical merchandise displays, large on-premises inventories, and minimal services

Supply-Chain management

creates long-term partnerships among channel members


enables a company to start a business with limited capital and to benefit from the business experience of others

Limited-line wholesalers

full-service wholesalers that carry only a few product lines but many products within those lines

Specialty line wholesalers

full-service wholesalers that carry only a single product line or a few items within a product line

General-merchant wholesalers

full-service wholesalers with wide product mix but limited depth within product lines

Rack jobbers

full-service, specialty-line wholesalers that own and maintain display racks in stores

Merchant wholesalers

independently owned businesses that take title to goods, assume ownership risks, and buy and resell products to other wholesalers, business customers, or retailers

Department stores

large retail organizations characterized by a wide product mix and organized into separate departments to facilitate marketing efforts and internal management


large, self-service stores that carry a complete line of food products, along with some non food products

Warehouse clubs

large-scale, members-only establishments that combine features of cash-and-carry wholesaling with discount retailing

Interior atmospherics

lighting, wall and floor coverings, store fixtures are considered to be apart of what?


limited-service wholesalers that transport products directly to customers for inspection and selection

Cash-and-carry wholesalers

limited-service wholesalers whose customers pay cash and furnish transportation

Direct Response Marketing

mailing samples, brochures and booklets are common forms of what type of marketing?

Direct selling

marketing products to ultimate consumers through face-to-face sales presentations at home or in the workplace

Full-service wholesalers

merchant wholesalers that perform the widest range of wholesaling functions

Limited-service wholesalers

merchant wholesalers that provide some services and specialize in a few functions

Automatic Vending

one of the most impersonal forms of retailing

Warehouse showrooms

retail facilities in large, low cost buildings with large inventories and minimal services

Online retailing

retailing that makes products available to buyers through computer connections

Discount stores

self-service, general-merchandise stores that offer brand name and private brands at low prices

Neighborhood Shopping centers

shopping centers usually consisting of several small convenience and specialty stores

Community shopping centers

shopping centers with one or two department stores, some specialty stores, and convenience stores

Exterior atmospherics

storefront, displays, entrances are considered to be apart of what?

Off-price retailers

stores that buy manufacturers' seconds, overruns, returns, etc for resale to consumers at deep discounts

Traditional Specialty retailers

stores that carry a narrow product mix with deep product lines


stores that combine supermarkets and discount store shopping in one location


the physical elements in a store's design that appeal to the consumer's emotions and encourage buyers

Non-store retailing

the selling of products outside the confines of a retail facility

Automatic vending

the use of machines to dispense products

Direct marketing

the use of the telephone, internet, and non-personal media to introduce products to customers


transactions in which products are bought for resale, for making other products, or for general business operations

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