MKTG Exam 2

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Which of the following is the fastest growing, most affluent subculture in the United States?

Asian Americans

High school seniors who are trying to decide which college to attend and newlyweds looking to buy their first home exhibit the same behavior with respect to their level of involvement in their buying process. Which of the following best describes this common buying behavior?

Extended problem-solving behavior

Logan loves Chipotle Mexican Grill. He views it as being socially responsible and loves the food. The other day he read in the paper that several people got sick from E. coli from Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurants. The article also detailed safety measures Chipotle was instituting to prevent this from happening again. Logan would expect nothing less from Chipotle. He feels confident that Chipotle will institute highly effective safety measures. This is most likely an example of ________.

Selective retention

As Brianna walks to classes, she selects, organizes, and interprets the sensations she is receiving through her sense organs. Brianna is experiencing the process of


You commute a long distance to get to work every day, and the cost of gasoline is putting a strain on your personal finances. You realize that you need to look at buying a new car that gets better gas mileage, or that doesn't run on gasoline at all. In terms of the traditional consumer buying decision process, you are currently in the ____ stage, and you are about to enter the _____ stage

problem recognition, information search

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