MKTG Final

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Which of the following is not part of the Marketing Value Chain? A. What firms plan B. What firms do C. What customers think/feel D. What customers do E. What firms get

A. What firms plan

All of the following are reasons why a company should have metrics from across the marketing value chain except: A. You can never have too much information B. Behavioral loyalty does not tell you the why C. An outcome focus means you might find things out late D. It gives a holistic view of the Marketing Value Chain E. All of the above are reasons

A. You can never have too much information

Many Firms now use email and the internet to promote their products instead of sending promotional literature to current and proscpective customers through the mail. UPS and Fedex continue to grow, as they have both expedited (overnight) and ground package delivery services. These marketplace acitivites have caused the USPS to lose millions of customers and billions of dollars in revenues. As a result, the USPS has had to cope with new _________ forces in the marketplace. A. Economic B. Competitive C. Legal D. Social E. Technological

B. Competitive

Although an organization has limited influence on market growth rate, its main alternative is to try to change its relative market share. The most likely way for a company to turn a "question mark" into a "star" rather than a "dog" is to A. Remove cash from it B. Reduce advertising for it C. Inject cash into it D. Reduce the feature set for it E. Decrease the market growth rate

C. Inject cash into it

In the 1980's, a lapse in production Quality and an increase in Japanese imports drove the Harley Davidson motorcycle company to the brink of bankruptcy. The company's share of the U.S. super heavy weight market segment ( motorcycles with engine capacity of 850 cubic centimeters or more) collapsed from more than 40 percent in the mid 1970's to 23 percent in 1983. However, by 1989, Harley Davidson controlled some 65 percent of this market segment. Considering the strategic marketing process, what was the most likely first step in Harley-Davidsons resurgence? A. Developing a new mission statement B. Repositioning their product in the minds of super-heavy weigh motorcycle buyers C. Performing a SWOT analysis to assess where the firm has been D. Selling new models of super heavy weigh motorcylces in both the U.S(current) and foreign(new) markets E. Improving the quality of its product and communicating this to motorcycle buyers

C. Performing a SWOT analysis to assess where the firm has been

The Hermitage, a famous Russian art museum, was suffering financial difficulties as the result of lost funding and a decrease in tourists. The decrease in visitors is blamed on a lack of awareness of the treasures contained in the museum. As a result, the Hermitages director used a strategic alliance with IBM to create a website where people can go and view some of the wonders of the Hermitage in an online virtual tour. The hope is that the sampling of paintings, sculptures, etc. will encourage visitors to make a trip to the Hermitage and spend some money there to cover the costs of its operations. The Hermitage is a(n) ___________ that uses online virtual tours to market itself worldwide. A. Good B. Idea C. Service D. Product E. Charity

C. Service is a social network that is targeted primarily to people under the age of 25. In 2005, when Myspace was the leading social network, News Corp, owner of the Wall Street Journal and Fox news, bought the firm for 580 million. Since then, its membership had declined precipitously due to changing consumer tastes. As a result, News Corp, sold Myspace to a group of investors for a paltry 28 million in mid-2011. This is an example of how __________ forces impact the marketing environment. A. Economic B. Competitive C. Social D. Technological E. Regulatory

C. Social

A SWOT analysis requires a firm to consider the external forces and trends that affect it. Some of these may be favorable to the organization while others may be unfavorable. Which of the following is an example of an external force? A. The firm buys its own fleet of trucks, so it no longer needs to hire a trucking company for distribution B. A hiring freeze is put into place. Although no one is fired, no one can be hired C. A goal is set to close the gap between production costs and profits D. A local government requires that all businesses within the city limits must recycle or be fined. E. Shareholders are rewarded with a sizeable dividend check.

D. A local government requires that all businesses within the city limits must recycle or be fined.

Which of the following is NOT an inherent difficulty with cause related marketing? A. The colors, visibility, target market, and location of the cause and brand must match B. Consumers care about different causes C. Consumers can evaluate a brand negatively for engaging in cause related marketing D. Consumers do not like the idea of cause-related marketing E. All of the above reflect an inherent difficulty

D. Consumers do not like the idea of cause-related marketing

The four Ps of the marketing mix are A. Priorities, personnel, placement and profits B. Prediction, prodctuon, pricing, and promotion C. Product, price, production, and place D. Product, price, promotion, and place E. Predict, produce, package, and persuade

D. Product, price, promotion, and place

The maker of Wrigley chewing gum funded a 10 million ad campaign aimed at getting African Americans to use doctors for regular health care maintenance instead of only when they are sick. This is an example of A. Profit responsibility B. Cause-related marketing C. Stakeholder responsibility D. Societal responsibility E. Mass marketing

D. Societal responsibility

22. Demographics describe all of the following population characteristics Except: A. Income B. Age C. Gender D. Zip code E. Ethnicity/Race

D. zip code

The second step of the marketing research approach is to _____

Develop the research plan

Acme company's market share has recently shrunk from 50% to 30%. Over the same time, a competitors market share has increase from 20% to 30%. Total industry sales has increased by 300,000 from 700,000 last year. What is Acme company's total sales? A. 90,000 B. 150,000 C. 200,000 D. 210,000 E. 300,000

E. 300,000

Which of the following is NOT a reason for why critical thinking is necessary for environmental scanning? A. Because fads can look like trends B. Because assumptions need to be challenged C. There is too much data D. Because causation is not the same as correlation E. All of the above are reasons.

E. All of the above are reasons.

Consider the following statement "Marketing is selling more things, to more people, more often, for more money". All of the following are ways in which the statement is inaccurate except: A. The statement represents thinking from the sales era B. There are times when a business may want to sell less often C. There are times when an organization want to sell to fewer people D. There are times when an organization may want to sell fewer products E. All of the above are ways in which the statement is inaccurate

E. All of the above are ways in which the statement is inaccurate

Which of the following is unnecessary to best calculate customers lifetime value? A. Retention rate B. Discount Rate C. Customer revenue D. Customer cost E. Customer value

E. Customer value

The lemon Tree is a high fashion boutique selling top of the line womens clothing. The keys to its success include knowing customers chanign tastes and providing something different from other retailers. In addition, because of the high value of the merchandise, The Lemone trees management is exploring the use of computerized inventory controls and sales order processing. From this description, one can infer that the LEAST IMPORTANT environmental force to The Lemon Tree at this particular time would be A. Economic B. Competitive C. Technological D. Social E. Regulatory

E. Regulatory

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy outlined a consumer bill of rights that codified the ethics of exchange between buyers and sellers. These were the right: 1_________2. To be informed choose, and 4. To be heard. A. To privacy B. To be compensated for product defects C. To be treated with respect D. Be treated without prejudice E. To safety

E. To safety

Chipotle is a corporately owned business whereas Moe's Southwest Grill is a franchise. As discussed in class, these two types of ownership are having what kind of effect on the marketing for the two companies?

Moe's form of ownership means it has less control in. maintaining a certain image as compared to Chipotle

Which of the following about the long tail is most accurate?

The tail has the majority of demand. Therefore, there is more overall revenue potential in the tail than the head

If a grocery store looks at their sales data and finds that increases in consumer spending on grape jelly happens at the same time as increases in consumer spending on peanut butter, which of the following could be safely deduced based on the data alone?

There may be a confounding variable

The ford escape uses hybrid fuel technology to deliver more power, convenience, prestige, fuel economy with the latest in technology than non-hybrid cars. These criteria would be identified in which stage of the consumer purchase decision process for an automobile? a. Information search b. Alternative evaluation c. Purchase decision d. Post purchase behavior e. Problem recognition

a. Information search

Lets say that two customers both spend $2,500 a month with your company buying nearly the same products. Which of the following would NOT potentially put them on different segments? a. Share of wallet b. Pareto principle c. Geographics d. Psychographics e. Demographics

a. Share of wallet

Lets say that a consumer exercises to lose weight as a way to boost his or her self-confidence. Exercising would be considered a ___________ goal. a. Subordinate b. Focal c. Superordinate d. Primary e. Secondary

a. Subordinate

A consideration set refers to a. The group of brands that a consumer would consider acceptable from among all the brands which he or she is aware in the product class. b. The group of generic brands that a consumer would reluctantly consider acceptable. c. The group of brands of which a consumer is aware. d. All possible competitive product substitutes that may satisfy a consumers regarding (regardless?) the product class. (partially cut off) e. Those product alternatives a consumer has considered but deemed unacceptable.

a. The group of brands that a consumer would consider acceptable from among all the brands which he or she is aware in the product class.

Product mix refers to a. all of the different product lines offered by an organization b. the variations within a product class c. a specific product SKU that has a unique brand, size, or price d. a group of products that are closely related because they satisfy a class of needs, are with the same customer group, are distributed through the same types of outlets or fall within

a. all of the different product lines offered by an organization

According to the Dell article and what we discussed in class, how is the success of content marketing measured? a. earned media b. sales c. request for information d. trial e. increasing demand

a. earned media

Which of the following statements about price elasticity of demand is most accurate? a. the more substitutes a product had, the more likely that product is price elastic b. price elasticity with inelastic demand must always be greater than 1 c. the more inexpensive a product is, the more likely that product is price inelastic d. with inelastic demand, reducing price will result in an increase of total revenue e. with inelastic demand, reducing price will result in an increase in total revenue, although not necessarily an increase in profit

a. the more substitutes a product had, the more likely that product is price elastic

According to the idea of marketing myopia, what was wrong with Blockbuster? a. they defined their business based on the product b. they were invested in the wrong things c. they were not in a growth industry d. they did not use environmental scanning and missed technological changes e. they created an inferior product

a. they defined their business based on the product

Life insurance companies attempt to convince an individual that loved ones wont be able to provide for themselves once he/she is dead. Because of these consequences are so grim, the insurance company urges people to act before its too late. This is an example of ___________________: a. Fear appeal b. Rhetorical appeal c. life cycle appeal d. humorous appeal e. security appeal

a.fear appeal

There are five stages of the consumer purchase decision process. The third stage is ____________. a. Information search b. Alternative evaluation c. Purchase decision d. Post purchase behavior e. Problem recognition

b. Alternative evaluation

Based solely on the cross tab above which shows monthly beer spending based on gender and age, which of the following is accurate? a. Beer manufactures would be best served overall by targeting male and female senior citizens in the same way. b. Beer manufactures probably need to most vary their marketing strategy between middle-aged males and females. c. The greatest decline in beer spending is among young to middle-aged females. d. None of the differences in the cross tab would be apparent when looking just at the straight line data (i.e. gender and age by itself) e. All of the above are accurate

b. Beer manufactures probably need to most vary their marketing strategy between middle-aged males and females.

In comparison to demographic and geographic variables, psychographic variables are typically: a. Easier to use in assigning customers b. More effective in making segments of similar customers c. Represent easier and cheaper information to collect d. Used by more businesses e. All of the above are typical for psychographic variables as compared to demographic and geographic variables.

b. More effective in making segments of similar customers

Which list below presents the hierarchy of needs in the correct order, beginning at the bottom of the pyramid? a. Personal, social, physiological, psychological, and safety b. Physiological, safety, social, personal, self-actualization c. Safety, physiological, safety, self- actualization, and personal d. Self-actualization, personal, social, safety, and physiological e. Safety, personal, self-actualization, physiological, and social

b. Physiological, safety, social, personal, self-actualization

For which of the following products is Pay What You Want Pricing Most likely not to work? a. Dinner at a restaurant b. Tickets to movie theatre c. digital music d. public transportation e. tickets to a museum

b. Tickets to movie theatre

Which of the following is true about brand extensions? a. customer's evaluate brand extensions based solely on the amount of fit between the brand and the product b. Virgin's ongoing success in brand extensions is partly because it has been successful at brand extension in the past c. newer and more exciting brands are more likely to have successful brand extensions especially with millennials d. brand extensions are a discontinuous innovation e. greater fit between two brands protects the brands from failure from either individual brand

b. Virgin's ongoing success in brand extensions is partly because it has been successful at brand extension in the past

Which of the following products has a demand that is price inelastic.... a. movie tickets b. cigarettes c. cars d. airline tickets e. frozen pizza

b. cigarrettes

Spending on advertising tends to fluctuate with GDP and has done so for over 60 years. What does this tell us about advertising? a. as advertising spending increased, GDP increases b. companies view advertising as a cost function c. advertising is a quickly evolving field d. companies use advertising for differentiation from competitors even during recessions e. advertising is the strongest form of marketing

b. companies view advertising as a cost function

Which type of advertising is Coke Zero using in the ad above? ("A Clear Case of Taste Infringement") a. reminder b. competitive c. pioneering d. advocacy e. cause-related

b. competitive

Procter & Gamble (P&G) decide to skip a generation of consumers when it began to market old spice deodorant. The target market consists of men aged 18-34 years old (generation Y) because they don't remember the old spice brand sold to their grandfathers (pre baby boomers) many years ago. P&G is using which type of segmentation variable? a. behavioral b. demographic c. lifestyle d. geographic e. psychographic

b. demographic

Which statement is most accurate about a business firm and a nonprofit organization? a. profits and nonprofit organizations have similar marketing budgets b. in theory, the marketing concept applies to non-profits and business firms c. nonprofit organizations are concerned with social issues and business firms are not d. nonprofit organizations are publicly owned and business firms are privately owned e. in reality, the marketing for non-profits and business firms is exactly the same

b. in theory, the marketing concept applies to non-profits and business firms

In modern times, have all companies embraced the marketing concept? a. yes b. no c. I have no idea d. yes, but they've also moved on beyond the marketing concept

b. no

Two important disadvantages of secondary data are that it is sometimes ____ and ____. a. inexpensive; up-to-date b. not up-to-date; not specific enough for the project c. low cost; saves time d. tailor-made to specifications; out of date e. none of the above

b. not up-to-date; not specific enough for the project

The Geico as "Hump Day" which equates the Geico brand with calling Wednesday "hump day" takes advantage of which part of STEPPS? a. social currency b. triggers c. practical value d. emotion e. public

b. triggers

The Pareto Principle suggest that: a. 80% of a firms inventory should be readily available and 20% should be for emergency demand b. 80% of a firm's first-time users will become brand loyal and 20% will use the product only once then abandon it c. 80% of a firm's sales are obtained form 20% of its customers d. 80% of a firm's marketing program expenses are tax deductible and 20% is not e. 80% of a firm's products will be sold to ultimate consumers and 20% to original buyers

c. 80% of a firm's sales are obtained form 20% of its customers

If a workout gym tried marketing to current customers by providing free workout regiments to fit common lifestyles, this type of campaign would be targeting which goal formation state? a. Goal setting b. Goal intention c. Action planning d. Action and control e. Goal success

c. Action planning

All of the following are psychographic segmentation variables EXCEPT: a. Lifestyle b. Needs c. Birth era d. VALS e. Personality

c. Birth era

Which of the following is true about organizational purchasing? a. Organizational purchases account for more of the U.S.'s GDP than Consumer purchases b. Overall consumer spending is greater than organizational spending c. Organizational purchases account for less of the U.S.'s GDP than consumer purchases d. Manufacturing account for the majority of organizational purchasing e. On average, any given consumer spends more than any given organization

c. Organizational purchases account for less of the U.S.'s GDP than consumer purchases

Social media marketing represents the fullest expression of what aspect of marketing? a. Connecting ROI to marketing b. decreasing costs c. co-creations d. increasing consumption

c. co-creations

If a retailing brand is stuck in the middle of the brand value hierarchy, what is the best thing for it to do? a. reposition itself at the low end of the hierarchy b. reposition itself at the high end of the hierarchy c. differentiate itself from the middle by becoming a specialty store d. move into a new market e. bankruptcy

c. differentiate itself from the middle by becoming a specialty store

Which of the following is incorrect about cause related marketing programs? a. consumers are favorably disposed towards cause-related marketing b. it represents less than 1% of advertising spending c. it helps the company more than the cause d. it must tie into customer spending e. total spending on cause related marketing is still increasing

c. it helps the company more than the cause

KFC's "Fresh is Better" advertisement during the Walking Dead ran right after a scene of zombies disemboweling a living person. As discussed in class, what part of the communication process is this an example of? a. mistranslation b. encoding c. noise d. message e. channel of communication

c. noise

Which of the following is a conceptual difference between outbound and inbound marketing? a. outbound marketing is mass marketing whereas inbound marketing is niche marketing b. outbound marketing is much more expensive than inbound marketing c. outbound marketing tries to find where customers are and interrupt them whereas inbound marketing tries to attract and lure customers in based on providing useful and engaging content d. the success of outbound marketing is more easily tracked and measured than the success of inbound marketing e. outbound marketing is typically non-viral whereas inbound marketing is typically viral

c. outbound marketing tries to find where customers are and interrupt them whereas inbound marketing tries to attract and lure customers in based on providing useful and engaging content

The marketing concept refers to a. the activity for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that benefit its customers, the organization, its stakeholders, and society at large b. the belief that an organization should focus its efforts on continuously collecting info about customer's needs, sharing this information across departments, and using it to create customer value c. the idea an organization should strive to satisfy the needs of consumers while also trying to achieve the organizations goals d. the process of identifying prospective buyers, understanding them intimately, and developing favorable long-term perceptions of the organization and its offerings so that buyers will choose them in the marketplace e. all the above

c. the idea an organization should strive to satisfy the needs of consumers while also trying to achieve the organizations goals

A demand curve refers to a graph that relates a. the quantity and price, which shows the minimum number of units that must be sold to break even b. the quantity sold and price, which shows the minimum number of units that must be sold in order to make profit c. the quantity sold and price, which shows the maximum number of units that will be sold at a given price d. total production costs to various price points in order to determine how many units must be sold in order to realize a predetermined profit e. primary demand to selective demand

c. the quantity sold and price, which shows the maximum number of units that will be sold at a given price

Criteria for forming segments involve both similarities and differences. The similarities are ____ a segment, and the differences must be ____ segments. a. between; within b. throughout; absent in c. within; between d. absent in; throughout

c. within; between

According to number we went over in class, how much is annually spent on advertising in the U.S.? a. $ 2 billion b. $3 billion c. $20 billion d. $160 billion e. $250 billion

d. $160 billion

15) What percentage represents the approximate amount of advertising spending wasted? a. 10% b. 30% c. 50% d. 60% e. 80%

d. 60%

Marketers recognize that people have and actual self-concept and ____________. a. A view of self determined by their peers b. A view of self determined by their families c. A perfect self-concept d. An ideal self-concept e. A flawed self-concept

d. An ideal self-concept

Selling a product to a different market segment usually requires a different marketing action that in turn means greater costs. If increased revenues don't offset costs of this action, a marketer should ___________. a. Increase the advertising budget b. Prune the product offerings c. Family brand their products d. Combine segments e. Group products into categories

d. Combine segments

Which of the following about the long tail is most accurate? a) The head has the products with the majority of demand. Therefore, there is more overall revenue potential in the head than the tail. b) There tail has the majority of demand. Therefore, there is more overall revenue potential in the tail than the head. c) The head represents the niche markets that are not feasibly reached by major companies. d) The long tail represents niche markets that are not feasibly reached by major companies. e) was the first company to embrace the long tail.

d. The long tail represents niche markets that are not feasibly reached by major companies.

Which type of advertising is Chevron using in the ad above? a. reminder b. competitive c. pioneering d. advocacy e. cause-related

d. advocacy

The Marketing concept can be argued as preferable over a shareholder orientation in the following ways except: a. returns to shareholders can be maximized to detriment of an organization b. the incentives designed for CEOs to achieve a shareholder orientation encourage term thinking c. if the marketing concept is achieved, shareholders are taken care of d. all money comes from customers e. all the above are ways in which the marketing concept is preferable

d. all the money comes from customers

Which of the following is not true about advertising on the Super Bowl? a. advertising during the super bowl is risky because the price b. advertising during the super bowl is risky because of advertising waster c. from CPM perspective, advertising during the super bowl is a good value d. from a frequency perspective, advertising during the super bowl is a good value e. the super bowl is the most watched program on TV

d. from a frequency perspective, advertising during the super bowl is a good value

Which of the following is an invalid argument for business getting involved in causes and goals other than making profit? a. because government will get bigger and more powerful if it has to do it b. it is what consumers want c. business is best equipped for handling some of these problems d. it is what investors want e. all of the above or valid arguments

d. it is what investors want

If a movie is going to be successful, which of the following must happen? a. It must get positive reviews from critics b. it needs to cross strong ties c. it must get primarily positive word of mouth d. it must get a high volume of word of mouth no matter where it is more positive or negative e. it must have a strong opening weekend because this determines how people react to and talk about the movie

d. it must get a high volume of word of mouth no matter where it is more positive or negative

An organization that focuses its efforts on 1. continuously collecting information about customer's needs; 2. sharing this information across departments; and 3. using it to create customers value is aid to have a a. shareholder orientation b. focus on macro marketing c. marketing concept d. market orientation e. profit maximization orientation

d. market orientation

A market refers to: a. people with the desire to buy a specific offering b. people with the ability to buy a specific offering c. people who typically buy a specific offering d. people with both the ability and desire to buy a specific offering e. people with the desire, ability, and who typically purchase a specific offering

d. people with both the ability and desire to buy a specific offering

Which of the following statements regarding stakeholders is most accurate? a. employees are typically not classified as a stakeholder group b. there are only 3 types of external stakeholders, customers, suppliers, and distributors c. all stakeholders are internal to the organization d. stakeholders are in some way affected by how well a company performs e. stakeholders are impacted by, but have no real impact on, how well a company performs

d. stakeholders are in some way affected by how well a company performs

Which of the following about the long tail is most accurate? a. the head has the products with the majority of demand. Therefore, there is more overall revenue potential in the head than the tail b. the tail has the majority of demand. therefore there is more overall revenue potential in the tail than the head c. the head represents the niche markets that are not feasibly reached by major companies d. the long tail represent niche markets that are not feasibly reached by major companies e. was the first company to embrace the long tail

d. the long tail represent niche markets that are not feasibly reached by major companies

What is the marketing objective for the growth stage of the product life cycle?


Given our discussions and what we saw in Quirky, getting information from general consumers for product development is lest likely to lead to what kind of innovation?


Which of the following is false? a. IMC requires the alignment of different functional areas b. IMC requires the alignment of external partners c. For IMC to be successful, the brand message must have different manifestations in different communication channels d. For IMC to be successful, the organization's nimbleness must be maintained e. IMC required a brand manager to be given authorization power over any department which has communication with customers

e. IMC required a brand manager to be given authorization power over any department which has communication with customers

Based on the discussion in class, the above advertisement would most likely be useful targeting ___________. a. Katy Perry fans who love potato chips b. Katy Perry fans who generally have high-involvement with music c. Katy Perry fans who generally have low-involvement with music d. Katy Perry fans who generally have high-involvement with potato chips e. Katy Perry fans who generally have low-involvement with potato chips

e. Katy Perry fans who generally have low-involvement with potato chips

Which of the following is false? a. Silo mentality occurs because different departments have different incentives b. Silo mentality occurs because employees in different departments often have different forms of training c. Silo mentality is represented by finance workers not listening to marketing executives d. Silo mentality occurs because managers in different departments often have different forms of training e. Silo mentality is represents by the CMO not listening to marketing executives

e. Silo mentality is represents by the CMO not listening to marketing executives

Which of the following is a criterion used in forming marketing segments? a. Your competitors have similar segments b. Differences between potential suppliers and distributors c. Differences of needs of buyers within segments d. No marketing action to reach a segment e. Simplicity and cost of assigning potential buyers to segments

e. Simplicity and cost of assigning potential buyers to segments

Caveat Emptor refers to a. the legal concept of "let the buyer beware" which is pervasive in the American business culture today b. the marketing concept of "be first or be last" implying that the first company to the marketplace wins c. the latin term meaning that "all is fair in love and war" an attitude that was held by most marketers before the 1990s d. the legal concepts of "such is life" which created many illegal as as legal but unethical business practices during the 1980s e. The legal concept of "let the buyer beware" which was pervasive in the American business culture prior to the 1960s

e. The legal concept of "let the buyer beware" which was pervasive in the American business culture prior to the 1960s

Which of the following statements about the meaning of a brand is false? a. a strong brand meaning and equity can rewire your brain b. a strong brand meaning and equity can ruin your brand c. a strong brand meaning and equity is expensive to create d. a strong brand meaning and equity is typically based on abstract concepts e. a strong brand meaning and equity is created by changing and updating the brand meaning constantly over time to be current

e. a strong brand meaning and equity is created by changing and updating the brand meaning constantly over time to be current

All of the following are true about marketing except: a. marketing is broader activity than advertising b. marketing stresses the importance of delivering genuine benefits in the offerings of products, services, and ideas c. marketin gis a broader activity than personal selling d. when an organization engages in marketing, all stakeholders should benefit e. all of the above are true

e. all of the above are true

The concept of designing marketing communication programs that coordinates all promotional activities - advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing - to provide a consistent message across all audiences is referred to as ___________________: a. the media mix b. the marketing matrix c. the promotional blend d. marketing by objectives (MBO) e. integrated marketing communications (IMC)

e. integrated marketing communications (IMC)

Marketing refers to a. the production of products or services that will generate the highest return on investment b. the strategies used in the advertising and promotion of products and services c. the process of identifying target market segments d. the activity involved in actually getting a product or service to ultimate consumers and organizational buyers e. the activity of creating offerings that have value

e. the activity of creating offerings that have value

Which of the following statements most likely would account for the shift in demand curve D1 to D2?(shift to right) a. the firm increased its prices and consumers perceived the value of the product to be greater b. there were more product substitutes available in the marketplace c. competitors in the market lowered their prices d. a downward economic shift caused a proportionate change in consumer income e. the firm's price remained the same but changes occurred in consumer tastes

e. the firm's price remained the same but changes occurred in consumer tastes

According to our discussion in class, which of the following is the best description of the goal of marketing research? a. to find customer insights b. to find unique customer insights c. to find unique and actionable customer insights d. to find actionable customer insights e. to find unique and actionable customer and market insights

e. to find unique and actionable customer and market insights

The emphasis of a marketing strategy for a discontinuous innovation would most likely be to

educate consumers about entirely new consumption patterns through product trial and personal selling

Based on the discussions in class, the above advertisement which explains how the coin card allows consumers to access all of their credit cards through a single card, would probably be most useful for targeting consumer at the _______ stages of the purchase decision process

information search and problem

In comparison to the last ad shown, the ad above for the coin card would probably be most useful for targeting consumers at the ______ stage of the purchase decision process

purchase decision

A general rule of thumb among marketing researchers is to use _____ first and then collect ______

secondary data; primary data

Depth of product line refers to

the number of items available within a product line

The figure above represents sales for the Apple iPod. Given the above figure, which of the following is true?

to get a better view of the shape of sale and PLC stage, Apple should use a moving average

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