MLA format

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What should be included in citing media sources?

"Title of the episode." Title of program or series. Name(s) of director(S), performer(S), narrator(s). Name of network. Call letters and city of station. DD MMM. YYYY. Format descriptor

"University Press" can be abbreviated


What font and pt.

12pt. Time New Roman

In-text citation

Authors last name and page number

The works cited page provides

Information needed for a reader to find and retrieve any source used in your paper

Book titles are


Cite the Postal codes for states of

Lesser-known cities

After punctuation, leave only

One space

If a newspaper article continues on another page, write

Only the first page number and a plus sign F1+.

How to cite 2 works

(Taylor 54; Thomas 327)

Set all margins to ___ inch(S) on all sides


Indent the first line of paragraphs to

1/2 inch

When citing, always indent the second line for each work

1/2 inch

All lines after the first in the works cited page should be indented

1/2 inch for each work cited

Header must be at

1/2 inch from top and 1 inch from the right of page

How to cite volumes and issues

60.3 60 -> volume 3 -> issue


A restatement of the text of your source in your own words

For websites, the date accessed months can be


Sources in the works cited are listed


Works cited page appears

At the end of your paper on its own page

How to cite internet sources

Author(s) if available: title of the document. Title of scholarly project, database, periodical, or website. Date electronic publication was last updated. Name of the organization sponsoring or associated with the site. Format descriptor. Date when you accessed the source.

What should be included when citing a book?

Author(s) or editor(s), complete title, edition, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, format descriptor

What should be included in journal articles?

Author(s). Article in quotes. Periodical title (journal, magazine, etc.) italicized. Volume #. Issue #. Publication date (abbreviate months, if used): page numbers of the article. Format.

What should be included in periodical articles?

Author(s). Article title in quotes. Periodical title (journal, magazine, etc.) italicized. Volume #. Issue #. Publication date (abbreviate months, if used): page numbers of the article. Format descriptor.

Cite more than one work by the same author in your paper

Author, comma, title, page number (Smith, our environment 87)

Most citations will include

Author, title, publication information, format descriptor


Briefly captures the main ideas of your source

Title works cited is ______ at the top of the page


Citing two pages from your source

Cite as you normally would and separate citations with a semicolon (136-39, 145)

Each entry in the works cited must be

Cited in the text

For electronic books, include

Date of access and format descriptor

It is important that you include the ___

Date you accessed the electronic or online source. You should also include the date the source was published or last updated

If available for an article, give complete

Date: day, month and year

Quotations that are indirect

Do not use quotation marks

MLA paper should be

Double spaced

The entire works cited page is


For books with editors, list the

Editor(s) name(S) followed by "eds" Smith, Ava and Judith Clark, eds.

If more than one author is given, list

First author "last name, first" then second or third authors should be listed "first name last name" with "and" connecting the last name Singer, Fred S., Christopher smith, and David Avery

Citing two or more sources by the same author

For the second listing by the same author, type three hyphens and a period in place of the name Friar, John. The Changing Atmosphere —-. The Crowded Greenhouse

Every citation should have a ________ ________

Format descriptor

Article titles, titles of chapters, essays, short stories are

In Quotes

References sited in the text must appear

In the works cited

First part of citing in MLA format

In-text citations in parentheses within the body of the paper

Format descriptor website

Indicate that its a web source with the word, web


Indicate the name of the database, like ProQuest or lexisnexis, italics

How to cite one author in one book

Italicize the book, use a colon between the main title and the subtitle

For electronic articles, the database needs to be


The name of the journal, magazine, or newspaper needs to be


2nd part of citing in MLA format

List of full citations in the Works cited page at the end of the paper

How to cite 2 to 3 authors in a book

List the first author last name, first, and the second first name then last Singer, Fred and Dennis Avery

What does MLA stand for?

Modern Language Association

How to cite a book by corporate author

Name of corporate author. Information National research council.

If you use an authors name in a sentence, do you use it again in the parenthetical citation?

No, just give the page numbers

If an electronic resource does not have a page number, ...

Omit them from the parenthetical reference (Smith) -> authors last name ("Major source of Gas") -> if no author

How to cite with more than one page

Only the last two digits for the second number (123-25)

All citations end in a

Period (.)

Quotations that are direct use

Quotation marks

Article title needs to be in


You must cite authors material whenever you

Summarize, paraphrase, or quote another authors material

Media sources (examples)

TV and radio broadcasts, films and video recordings, sound recordings

Format descriptors (examples)

Television; Radio Film; DVD; Video Recording CD; Sound Recording

How to cite without a known author

Title and page number

Do not use italics, bold, or underline for


Have a header with page numbers located in the

Upper right-hand corner

Examples of format descriptors

Web, print, film

MLA paper should be typed on

White 8.5x11 paper

Where should the format descriptor be placed

Within the citation

The parenthetical reference must be placed at the end of the sentence....

before the punctuation mark

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