MLA Format & Citation Rules

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In what order do you list your sources on your Annotated Bibliography/Works Cited page?

Alphabetically by the author's last name, book/article title, or website name

What does not have to be cited?

Common Knowledge

MLA format follows the page-author method of in-text citation. (True or False)


T/F Alphabetize your Annotated Bibliography/Works Cited page including "A" "An" or "The" as the first word of a title.


T/F You should capitalize every word in a title


T/F You should underline the title of a text, but not the period at the end in the Works Cited Page


T/F for multiple authors of the same text in your Works Cited page, list all authors in reverse order, seperated by commas, and a period at the end


You don't always need a page number in a citation for a book. (True or False)


True/False: Works Cited are only used on writing assignments.

False-Works cited should be used ANYTIME you use an idea, fact, picture or saying that is not your own!

When documenting one author by name in your sentence/text, which is correct?

Frye has argued this point before (197).

Incorrect Citation

Human beings have been described as "symbol-using animals" (3 Burke).

Correct citation.

Human beings have been described by Kenneth Burke as "symbol-using animals" (3).

What is the format for citing a book in MLA format?

Lastname, Firstname, Title of book. City of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication

What does a Works Cited page do?

Lists all of the sources you've used

What does the acronym MLA stand for?

Modern Language Association

What is another name for "in-text" citation?

Parenthetical citation

What is parenthetical citation?

Placing relevant source information after a quote or a paraphrase.

Incorrect Citation

Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings (263 Wordsworth)."

Incorrect citation.

Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings (Wordsworth 263)."

Correct citation for an essay containing more than one source.

Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (Wordsworth 263).

How do you format your Annotated Bibliography/Works Cited page?

Start each entry on new line, regular left margin, Indent the second and all subsequent lines ("hanging indent") Double space all lines.

Which is the correct way to cite a website?

The Modern Language Association was founded in 1883 and Accoring to the Modern Language Association's (MLA) website, the MLA was founded in 1883 (

Which of the following is true about block quotes:

The entire block quote is indented, author is mentioned in the text, Page number is included at the end after the period, quotation marks are not used

When documenting one author in reference to a text, but not mentioned in your sentence, which is correct?

The point has been argued before (Frye 197).

What is the purpose of an Annotated Bibliography?

To summarize and evaluate sources, an extended works cited page

MLA format follows the author-page method of in-text citation. (True or False)


Quotation marks must go around the exact words that were borrowed from someone else. True or false?


T/F MLA prefers Times New Roman font


T/F The period (.) is placed after the page number in parentheses ...into his heart" (9).


T/F You only use "et al" when you are citing a text with more than three authors


T/F You only use block quotes when quoting more than 4 lines (not sentences) of text


True/False: Punctuation is very important when citing a source.


True/False: a book citation is different than a website citation.


Why do we need to use in-text citations?

We need to use in-text citations so we'll know which part of the text that we're referencing

Incorrect citation.

Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process (263)."

Correct citation for an essay containing only one source.

Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (263).

Incorrect citation.

Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings." (263)

A bibliography is also known as what?

Works Cited page

When should you use quotation marks in your research paper?

You should use quotation marks in your research paper when you directly quote something.

What are the consequences for plagiarism in my class?

a zero on the assignment

How should the sources be listed on your works cited page?


What is a source?

any idea, fact, picture or say you did not create yourself

Where should the words Annotated Bibliography/Works Cited appear on the top of your page?


As a writer it is your responsibility to give what to your sources?


On what page can your works cited be found?


If you fail to give proper credit to your sources, what have you done?


What do you do to show that a title is from a short piece of text like a poem, article, song, short story, or a tv episode?

quotation marks

What do you do to show that the title is from a book, movie, album, video game or tv show?

underline or italicize

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