MLT Study Guide

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In a disk diffusion susceptibility test, which of the following can result if disks are placed on the innoculated media and left at room temp for an hour before incubation: a. the antibiotic would not diffuse into the media resulting in no zone b. zones of smaller diameter would result c. zones of larger diameter would result d. there would be no effect on the final zone diameter


In electrophoretic analysis, buffers: a. stabilize electrolytes b. maintain basic pH c. act as a carrier for ions d. denature proteins


In the international system of units, serum urea is expressed in millimoles per liter. A serum urea nitrogen concentration of 28 mg/dL would be equivalent to what concentration of urea? (Urea: NH2CONH2; atomic wt. N=14, C=12, O=16.H=1) a. 4.7 b. 5.0 c. 10.0 d. 20.0


Ion selective electrodes are called selective rather than specific because they actually measure the: a. activity of one ion only b. concentration of one ion c. activity of one ion much more than other ions present d. concentration and activity of one ion only


Most of the carbon dioxide present in the blood is in the form of: a. dissolved CO2 b. carbonate c. bicarbonate ions. d. carbonic acid.


Muramidase (lysozyme) is present in: a. granulocytes and their precursors b. monocytes and their precursors c. granulocytes, monocytes and their precursors d. lymphocytes and their precursors


Myoglobinuria is MOST likely to be noted in urine specimens from patients with which of the following disorders: a. Hemolytic anemia b. Lower urinary tract infections c. Massive muscle trauma d. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria


Myoglobinuria is MOST likely to be noted in urine specimens from patients with which of the following disorders? a. hemolytic anemias b. lower UTI c. mycardial infarctions d. PNH


Patient cells Patient Serum anti-A neg A1 red cells 2+ anti-B neg B red cells 4+ anti-A,B 1+ IAT neg The most probable reason for these findings is that the patient is group: a. O - confusion due to faulty group antiserum b. O - with an anti-A1 antibody c. Ax- with an anti-A1 antibody d. A1 - with an anti-A antibody


Patients suffering from Waldenstroms macroglobinemia demonstrate excessively increased concentrations of" a. IgG b. IgA c. IgM d. IgD


Patients with Cushings syndrome exhibit: a. decrease plasma 17-hydroxysteroid concentration b. decrease urinary 17-hydroxysteroid excretion c. serum cortisol concentrations greater than 15mg/dL d. decreased cortisol secretory rate


Pic. The most probable ID of the fungus recovered from an induced sputum specimen is a. Fusarium sp. b. Penicillium sp. c. Aspergillus sp. d. Syncephalastrum sp.


Pink pigment seen within the colonies and extending to the surrounding agar is caused by the fermentation of: a. Sucrose b. Glucose c. Lactose d. Citrate


RhIg is used to prevent immunization to the D antigen in women who are Rh neg carrying an Rh pos fetus. One dose of RhIg contains enough anti-D to protect against: a. 50mL of whole blood b. 50mL of packed red cells c. 30mL of whole blood d. 20mL of packed red cells


During an evaluation of adrenal function, a patient had plasma cortisol determinations in the morning after awakening and in the evening. Lab results indicated that the morning value was higher than the evening. This is indicative of: a. A normal finding b. Cushing's syndrome c. Addison's disease d. hypopituitarism


Each of the following lab characteristics can be used to sep. B. fragilis from the closely related Prevotella/Porphyromonas group of anaerobes EXCEPT: a. Indole b. Brick red fluorescence under UV light c. Growth in 20% bile d. Esculin hydrolysis


Failure to obtain anaerobiosis in anaerobe jars is most often due to the: a. inactivation of the palladium-coated alumina catalyst pellets b. condensation of water on the inner surface of the jar c. instability of reactants in the disposable hydro-carbon dioxide generator envelope d. expiration of the methylene blue indicator strip that monitors oxidation


False results in urobilinogen testing may occur if the urine specimen is: a. exposed to light b. adjusted to neutral pH c. cooled to RT d. collected in a non sterile container


Following the second spin in the prep of platelets, the platelets should be: a. allowed to sit undisturbed for 1 hour b. agitated immediately c. pooled immediately d. transfused withing 48 hours


From the following organisms, which one is the LEAST pathogenic to humans: a. Corynebacterium ulcerans b. Bacillus anthrcis c. Listeria monocytogenes d. Nocardia brasilensis


Given the Hep B results, what is the immune status? HBsAG pos HBeAG pos Anti-HBc IgM pos Anti-HBs neg a. Acute infection b. Chronic infection c. Immune to infection d. Past infection


Gray,white and swarming colonies. XLD agar have black centers with pigmentation that does not extend into the agar. Pre ID of Proteus. What biochem reaction sep. P. vulgaris from P. mirabilis? a. Pos Indole b. Pos urease c. Neg MR d. Pos Phenylalanine deaminase


How does Aspirin affect platelet function? a. Inhibit cyclooxygenase b. activate lipids c. inhibit carbohydrates d. activate nucleic acid


How long should therapy continue for patients with hereditary hemochromotosis? a. Lifetime b. until normal values c. one year d. varies per patient


IM/EDTA test and the bioMerieux MBL E test. Detects metallo beta lactamase production. Does this organism produce metallo beta lactamase? a. Yes b. No c. Indeterminant d. Further test req.


Identify the urine sediment shown by the arrow: a. WBC cast b. RBC cast c. Waxy cast d. Granular cast


If automated methods utilizing a biochromatic analyzer, dual wavelengths are employed to: a. minimize the effects of interference b. improve precision c. increase throughput d. monitor temp changes


If the unit is going to be transfused within the collection facility, autologous blood must always be tested for which of the following before transfusion? a. ABO, Rh b. ABO, Rh, HBsAG c. ABO, Rh, HIV d. ABO, Rh, HBsAG, HIV


Image 1 = rouleaux. Image 2 = cell. Which of the following conditions is assoc. with both findings? a. Mult. myeloma b. Infectious mono c. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia d. Normal smear findings


Immunocomp. patients, such as those with AIDS are at an increased risk of contracting an unusual form of pneumonia from which of the following organisms? a. Pneumocystis jiroveci (carinii) b. Cryptosporidium spp. c. Toxoplasma gondii d. Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex


In PCV, the platelet count is: a. elevated b. normal c. decreased d. variable


In the Jendrassik-Grof method for the determination of serum bilirubin concentration, quantitation is obtained by measuring the green color of: a. azobilirubin b. bilirubin glucuronide c. urobilin d. urobilinogen


In the Kleihauer-Betke test, a maternal blood smear is treated with acid and then stained with counterstain. The fetal cells contain fetal hemoglobin, which is resistant to acid and will remain pink. Since the calculated volume of FMH is an estimate, how many additional RhIg vials need to be added for the dose? a. 1 b. 1.5 c. 2 d. 3


In the image, small, minute, colonies are growing around a colony of S. aureus on SBA. Which of the following organisms is this a characteristic? a. Haemophilus influenzae b. Abiotrophia sp c. Moraxella catahhalis d. Haemophilus ducreyi


In the potentiometric measurement of hydrogen ion concentration, reference electrodes that may be used include: a. silver-silver chloride b. quinhydrone c. hydroxide d. hydrogen


Platelet satellitosis is usually due to: a. EDTA phenomenon b. inadequate mixing of blood and anticoag c. hemorrhage d. poorly made wedge smear


Proteins as a buffer that sets the pH at 8.6 will become ______ charged and migrate to the _______? a. Neg/Anode b. Neg/Cathode c. Pos/Anode d. Pos/Cathode


Protozoan cysts are found in a wet mount of sediment from ethyl-acetate concentrated material. The cysts are without perph chromatin on the nuclear membrane. Each cyst has 4 nuclei and each nuclei has a large karyosome which appears as a refractive dot. These oval shaped cysts are most likely: a. Endolimax nana b. Chilomastix mesnili c. Entamoeba histolytica d. Entamoeba harmanni


RBC inclusion represents? a. Howell-Jolly b. artifact c. Pappenheimer d. Baso stippling


Recently the ADA recommended reporting which of these values to correlate with hemoglobin A1C as a further indicator of glycemic controls? a. Est. Avg glucose b. Blood urea nitrogen c. Microalbumin d. Insulin


Relapsing fever in humans is caused by: a. Borrelia recurrentis b. Brucella abortus c. Leptospira interrogans d. Spirillum minor


Serum calcitonin is typically elevated in which of the following conditions: a. Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid b. Hyperthyroidism c. Glioblastoma d. Adrenal adenoma


The pH of a urine specimen measures the: a. free hydrogen ions b. free sodium ions c. volatile acids d. total acid excretion


The parasite Endolimax nana trophozoite shows what type of nuclear appearance? a. Blot like karyosome, no periph chromatin b. Central karyosome, even periph chromatin c. Large karyosome, no periph chromatin d. Eccentric karyosome, uneven periph chomatin


The trophozoites indicated and the 10um oval cyst were observed in a stool specimen from a person with mild intermittent diarrhea: a. Iodamoeba butschii b. Chilomastix mesnili c. Entamoeba harmanni d. Endolimax nana


Thee initial immune response following fetal infection with rubella is the production of which classes of antibodies? a. IgG b. IgA c. IgM d. IgG and IgA


This pattern is consistant with: Patient Ref Total Protein 6.1 6.0-8.0 Alb. 2.3 3.6-5.2 A1 0.2 0.1-0.4 A2 0.5 0.4-1.0 Beta 1.2 0.5-1.2 Gamma 1.9 0.6-1.6 a. cirrhosis b. acute inflammation c. polyclonal gammopathy d. alpha-1 antitrypsin deficient, severe emphasema


To be analyzed by gas liquid chromatography a compound must: a. be volatile or made volatile b. not be volatile c. be water soluble d. contain a nitrogen atom


To determine if an elevated aPTT is caused by a factor deficiency or a factor inhibitor when the PT is normal, the FIRST step would be: a. Mix one part patient plasma and one part normal pooled plasma and repeat the aPTT b. Mix one part patient plasma and one part normal aged plasma and repeat the aPTT c. Perform a Factor IX to see if it is a Factor IX deficiency d. Perform a test for a lupus anticoag.


UA report on a 37 y/o female. ER - headache, hypertension, weight loss, mild edema: Color: Red RBC: 25-50 Clarity: Cloudy WBC: 2-4 SG: 1.010 Gran Cast: 2-5 pH: 5.0 Hya Cast 2-5 Gluc: neg RBC Cast 0-2 Pro: 3+ few epi Ket: neg Nit: neg Blood: mod Uro: norm a. Acute Glomerulonephritis b. Acute puelonephritis c. Acute cystitis d. Nephrotic Syndrome


Ureaplasma urealyticum are difficult to grow in the lab on a routine media because of their requirement for: a. sterols b. horse blood c. ferric pyrophosphate d. surfactant such as Tween 80


Using polarized microscopy, which urinary elements are birefringent? a. cholesterol b. triglycerides c. fatty acids d. neutral fats


What are the cells: a. Codocytes (target) b. Acanthocytes c. Spherocytes d. Tear drop


What are the possible ABO genotypes of offspring whose parents are AA and BB? a. AB b. AO c. BO d. OO


What causes the hemolysis assoc. with infection by malaria organisms? a. Mult. of merozoites within erythrocytes b. Invasion of erythrocytes by sporozoites c. Hosts immune response to damaged erythrocytes d. Toxins produced the the malarial organism


What changes in potassium and sodium results may occur with diuretic use? a. Decrease in both b. Increase in both c. Increase in K and decrease in Na d. Decrease in K and increase in Na


What is a typical finding for determining the endpoint for the initial or iron-depletion phase of treatment for hereditary hemochromotosis: a. The serum ferritin decreases to between 20 and 50 ng/mL b. The hepatic iron index returns to normal c. The transferrin saturation drops below 20% d. The serum iron falls to below 35ug/dL


What is ergonomics? a. The study of human capabilities in relation to work demands b. The science of human measurement c. The study of muscular activity d. The study of infectious diseases


What is the minimum hemoglobin concentration required for autologous blood donation? a. 11 b. 10 c. 13 d. 12.5


What is the nucleated cell present in the following image? a. Osteoblast b. Megakaryocyte c. Osteoclast d. Macrophage


What type of anticoagulant is generally suitable for TDM analysis? a. Heparin b. EDTA c. Citrate d. Oxalate


When evaluating a 2 hour GTT performed on a pregnant woman, which of the following is considered normal? a. Less than 140 mg/dl b. Less than 10 mg/dl c. greater than 153 mg/dl d. No change


When measuring enzyme activity, if the instrument is operating 5 degree C lower than the temp prescribed for the method, how will the results be affected? a. Lower b. Higher c. Varied d. No effect


When performing an antibody panel, which one of the following antigens will be destroyed by enzyme treatment? a. Fya b. Jka c. E d. Lua


Which IgG subclass is most efficient at crossing the placenta? a. IgG1 b. IgG2 c. IgG2 d. IgG4


Which are the following adipocyte products is an important messenger in metab, signaling the hypothalmus that there are changes in fat stores? a. Leptin b. Resistin c. IL-6 d. Angiotensiogen


Which characteristic best differentiates Acinetobacter sp. from Moraxella sp. a. production of cytochrome oxidase b. growth on MAC c. motility d. suscept to penicillin


Which is assoc with pseudo-Pelger-Huet anomaly: a. aplastic anemia b. iron def anemia c. myelogenous leukemia d. Chediak-Higashi


Which morphologic term describes this slide? a. alder-reilly neutrophils b. Auer rods c. Dohle bodies, bacteria, toxic granulation d. Pelgeroid neutrophils


Which of the erythrocyte inclusions would appear on a Wright stain as round, smooth, almost pyknotic, dark-purple staining bodies ranging in size from 0.5 to 1.0 micron in diam. and usually occuring singly in erythrocytes? a. Howell-Jolly bodies b. Heinze c. Baso stip d. Pappen


Which of the following BEST describes a transfusion reaction? a. any adverse event assoc. with the transfusion of blood products b. A fever assoc. with transfusion c. The destruction of transfused red cells d. The dev. of a rash after transfusion


Which of the following applies to cryoscopic osmometry? a. the temp at equalibrium is a function of the number of particles in solution b. The temp plateau for a solution is horizontal c. the freezing point of a sample is absolute d. the initial freezing of a sample produces an immediate solid state


Which of the following arthropods would be classified as Arachnida: a. ticks b. fleas c. lice d. crabs


Which of the following best defines "sensitivity"? a. The % of patients with a disease who will have a positive result b. The % of patients w/o a disease who will have a neg result c. The % of patients with a disease who will have a neg test d. The % of patients w/o a disease who will have a pos test


Which of the following cells is characterized by a thin rim of cytoplasm around the nucleus? a. small lymph b. large lymph c. mono d. seg. neut


Which of the following conditions would make a sample unsuitable for lactic acid testing? a. Movement of hand or arm during spec. collect b. Received in the lab on ice c. Centrifuged in a refridge cetrifuge d. Specimen centrifuged and plasma sep from cells less than 15 min after collect


Which of the following describes gastrin's roll in digestion? a. Stimulates gastric acid-HCl secretion b. Stimulates secretion of a base to lower stomach pH c. Is secreted when the gastric fluid pH is low to buffer fluid d. Inhibits the secretion of intrinsic factor


Which of the following helminths is a tissue nematode whose life cycle resides in a single host? a. Trichinella spiralis b. Taenia solium c. Teinia saginata d. Diphyllobathrium latum


Which of the following is most likely to be ordered in addition to serum calcium to determine the cause of tetany? a. Mg b. Phosphorous c. Sodium d. Vit D


Which of the following is most often used to prepare a slide from a plate culture of a dermatophyte for micro observation: a. lactophenol cotton blue b. potassium hydroxide c. iodine solution d. Gram stain


Which of the following is proper procedure for prep of platelets from whole blood? a. light spin followed by hard spin b. light spin followed by 2 hard spins c. two light spins d. hard spin followed by a light spin


Which of the following is the "recognition unit" in the classical complement pathway? a. C1q b. C3a c. C4 d. C5


Which of the following is the correct calculation using the Friedewald calculation for LDL? a. LDL = total chol. - HDL- tri/5 b. LDL = tri/5 + HDL - total Chol c. LDL = total chol. + HDL - tri/5 d. LDL = total chol. + HDL + tri/5


Which of the following is the formula for calc a % (w/v) solution? a. g of solute/vol of solvent * 100 b. g of solute * vol of solvent * 100 c. vol of solvent/g of solute * 100 d, (g of solute * volume of solvent)/100


Which of the following is the formula for calc the amount of moles of a chemical? a. g/GMW b. g*GMW c. GMW/g d. (g*100)/GMW


Which of the following is the recommended method for preparing a CSF sample for a diff count? a. Cytocentrifugation b. Concentration of cells by traditional centrifugation c. Manual smear method d. Use of hemocytometer


Which of the following leukocytes is most directly assoc. with antibody production? a. B cell b. T cell c. Neut d. NK cell


Which of the following markers is assoc. with normal mature B cell expression? a. CD19 b. CD8 c. CD14 d. C42


Which of the following media is routinely used to culture C. jejuni: a. Skirrow's medium b. CIN agar c. anaerbic CNA agar d. bismuth sulfite


Which one of the following results is typical of Campylobacter jejuni? a. optimal growth at 42C b. oxidase neg c. catalase neg d. nonmotile


Which one of the following species of Mycobacterium does NOT usually fluoresce on fluorochrome stain? a. M. fortutium b. M. tuberculosis c. M. ulcerans d. M. bovis


Which platelet response is most likely assoc with classic vW disease? a. a decreased platelet aggregation to ristocetin b. normal platelet aggregation to ristocetin c. absent aggregation to epinephrine, ADP, and collagen d. decreased amount of ADP in platelets


Which sets of tests best diff Salmonella and Citrobacter sp. a. KCN, malonate, beta-gal, lysine decarb b. dulcitol, citrate, indole, H2S production c. lactose, adonitol, KCN, motility d. lysine decarb, lactose,sucrose, malonate, indole


A gram neg rod was isolated from a wound infection caused by a bite from a pet cat. The following were seen: Oxidase + Glucose OF fermented Catalase + Motility - MAC no growth a. P. aeruginosa b. Pasturella multcida c. Aeromonas hydrophila d. Vibrio cholerae


A lipid panel is composed of which of the following tests? a. Cholesterol, lipoprotein, glucose, triglycerides b. Chol, lipo, HDL, tri c. Chol, BUN, glucose, tri d. Albumin, chol, glucose, lipo


A liquid fecal specimen from a 3mo/o infant is submitted for micro exam. In additions to culture on routine media for Salmonella and Shigella, the specimen routinely should be: a. examined for the presence of Entamoeba hartimanni b. examined for the presence of Campylobacter sp c. screened for the detection of enterotoxigenic E. coli d. placed in thio broth to detect C. diff


A mean value of 100 and a SD of 1.8 were obtained from a set of glucose measurements on a control solution. The 95% CI would be? a. 94.6-105.5 b. 96.4-103.6 c. 97.3-102.7 d. 98.2-101.8


A normal hemoglobin molecule is comprised of: a. Ferrous iron and 4 globin chains b. 4 heme and 4 globin chains c. 4 heme and 1 globin d. 1 heme and 4 globin


A potentiometric electrode which measures an analyte that passes through a selectively permeable membrane and rapidly enters into an equilibrium with an electrolyte solution is: a. pH b. pCO2 c. pO2 d. HCO3


A serologic test for syphilis that depends upon the detection of cardiolipin-lecithin-cholesterol antigen is: a. FTA-ABS b. RPR c. MHA-TP d. TPI


A solution contains 20g of solute dissolved in 0.5mL of water. What is the % of this solution? a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8


A throat swab is submitted for anaerobic culture. This specimen should be: a. set up immediately b. rejected c. inoculated into thio broth d. sent to a ref. lab


A urine specimen comes to the lab 7 hours after it is obtained. It is acceptable for culture only if the specimen has been stored: a. at 22C b. at 6C c. at -22C d. without a preservative additive


A voided urine specimen sent to lab 6 hours after collection: Clarity = cloudy, pH = 9.0, Nitrate = + a. The patient has a UTI b. The urine may have remained too long at RT and bacteria contaminants have affected pH and nitrites c. The specimen had a preservative added d. The leukocyte esterase result is wrong


According to AABB standards, which of the following allogeninc donors may be accepted as a blood donor? a. hip replacement 5 mo prev b. spontaneous abortion at 2 mo of preg, 3 mo ago c. resides with a known hep patient d. received a blood trans 22 wks prev


The avoidance of lab dx techniques that utilize water is recommended for the ID of which of these? a. Cryptosporidium parvum b. Blastocystis hominis c. Toxoplasma gondii d. Balantidium coli


The bacteria producing a swarming on the surface of the 5% SBA was indole neg. The most likely ID is a. Morganella morgani b. Proteus mirabilis c. Proteus vulgaris d. Providencia rettgeri


The characteristics of an acute phase protein include the following EXCEPT: a. an acute phase response is a non-specific indicator of an inflammatory response b. Acute phase proteins are synthesized slowly in response to tissue injury c. C-reactive protein is an acute phase protein d. Lab measurements of an acute phase can be used to monitor the progress of therapy in inflammatory diseases.


The charcteristic morphologic feature in multiple myeloma is: a. cytotoxic T cells b. rouleaux formation c. spherocytosis d. macrocytosis


The electrophoretic pattern of a plasma sample as compared to a serum sample shows a: a. broad prealbumin peak b. sharp fibrinogen peak c. diffuse pattern because of the presence of anticoags d. decreased globulin fraction


The following is an inclusion that may be round in the immature cyst of amoebae such as Entamoeba histolytica and Entomoeba coli. This inclusion is rod shaped, contains refractile chromatin, and may have smooth, rounded edges or splintered ends. a. Glycogen Mass b. Chromatoid bars c. Karyosomes d. Flagella


The following lab results were obtained on arterial blood: Sodium 136 pH 7.32 Potassium 4.4 pCO2 79 Chloride 92 Bicarb 40 a. Resp alk b. resp acid c. meta alk d. meta acid


The following results were obtained on a 55y/o male complaining of headaches and blurred vision: WBC 19.0*10^3 DIFF RBC 7.2*10^6 Seg - 84% PLT 1056*10^3 Band - 10% Uric acid 13.0 Lymph - 3% O2 sat 93% Mono - 2% Rh Neg Eos - 1% Red cell vol 3911mL (normal = 1600) a. neutrophilic leukemoid reaction b. PCV c. chronic granulocytic leukemia d. leukoerythroblastosis in myelofibrosis


The following results were obtained on an elctronic particle counter: WBC 6.5 RBC 4.55 HGB 18.0 HCT 41.5 MCV 90.1 MCH 39.6 MCHC 43.4 The first step in obtaining valid results is to: a. perform a microhematocrit b. correct the hemoglobin for lipemia c. dilute the blood d. replace the lysing agent


The formation of estriol in a pregnant woman is dependent on: a. maternal ovarian function b. fetal and placental function c. fetal adrenal function d. maternal liver function


The immunoglobulin class typically found to be present in saliva, tears, and other secretions is: a. IgG b. IgA c. IgM d. IgD


The infectious disease process in which large numbers of activated macrophages and histiocytes are collected at the site of inflammation is called? a. Purulent b. Granulomatous c. Chronic d. Opportunistic


The infective stage for the majority of all intestinal amebae is the: a. Trophozoite b. Cyst c. Larva d. Egg


The lectin Dolichus biflorus agglutinate which type of cells? a. B b. A1B c. A2 d. Both A1B and A2


The middle value of a data set is statistically known as: a. mean b. median c. mode d. SD


The most appropriate screening test for hemoglobin S: a. KB test b. dithionite solubilty c. osmotic fragility d. sucrose hemolysis


The most appropriate screening test for hered spherocytosis is: a. osmotic fragility b. sucrose hemolysis c. heat instability test d. KB test


The most common cause of error when using automated cell counters is: a. contamination of the diluent b. inadequate mixing of the sample prior to test c. variation in voltage of the current supply d. a calibrating error


The most common testing method for Vit E determination is by: a. Protein binding radioimmunoassay b. High performance liquid chromotography c. 2, 4 dinitrophenylhydrazine d. Not assayes


The most likely primary site of infection represented by the Staphylococcus sp. growing on the surface of the agar plate with a 2mm zone of inhibition around a 5ug novobiocin disk is: a. The genital tract b. The urinary tract c. The respiratory tract d. The central nervous system


The presence of Bence Jones protein in urine is assoc. with which of the following conditions? a. TB b. Mult. myeloma c. UTI d. Diabetes


The production of neutral 17-ketosteroids is measure of which of the following? a. Cholesterol production b. Androgen production c. Estrogen production d. Growth hormone


The smallest amount of test antimicrobial that will inhibit visible growth of a microbe, is the definition of" a. synergism b. minimal inhibitory concentration c. indifference of additive d. min. bacterial concentration


The solute that contributes the most total serum osmolality is: a. glucose b. sodium c. chloride d. urea


The substance that is measured to estimate the serum concentration of triglycerides by MOST methods is: a. phospholipids b. glycerol c. fatty acids d. pre-beta lipoprotein


The urine test strip was normal. Upon viewing microscopically, the tech noticed these circular elements. ID? a. RBC b. Artifacts c. Yeast d. Trans epi cells


These results are consistent with: ALP slight increase ALT slight increase APT slight increase Gamma-glu slight increase a. acute hep b. chronic hep c. obstructive jaundice d. liver hemangioma


These results are most consistent with: Alkaline phosphatase slight increase Alanine aminotransferase slight increase Aspartate aminotransferase slight increase Gamma-glutamyl transferase slight increase a. acute hep b. chronic hep c. obstructive jaundice d. liver hemangioma


Trichomonas, Giardia, and Chilomastix belong to the following parasitic group based on the type of motility: a. Amoebae b. Flagellates c. Ciliates d. Microsporidia


Two SD is the acceptable limit of error in the chem lab. If you run the normal control 100 times, how many of the values would be out of control due to random error? a. 1 b. 5 c. 10 d. 20


What battery of tests is most useful in evaluating an anion gap of 22 mEq/L? a. Ca, Mg, PO4, and pH b. BUN, creatinine, salicylate, and methanol c. AST, ALT, LD, and amylase d. glucose, CK, myoglobin, and cryoglobin


What characteristic is common to all of these conditions: hereditary spherocytosis, elliptocytosis, stomatocytosis, and PNH? a. Autosomal dominant inheritance b. Red cell membrane defects c. Positive DAT d. Presence of Hb C


What conclusion can be made if a person has a cardiovascular risk marker that is abnormal? a.The person will have a cardiac event withing the next 12-24 months b. The person has an increased prob. of developing CD c. The person has a decreased prob. of developing CD d. With only 1 marker, the person is not at risk for CD


What is the ID of these crystals seen in a urine with an Acid pH? a. Uric Acid b. Calcium oxalate c. Triple phosphate d. Calcium carbonate


What is the acceptable temp range for maintaining RBC components during transport? a. 1-6 b. 1-10 c. 10-15 d. 20-24


What is the molarity of a solution that contains 18.7 g of KCI (MW=74.5) in 500 mL of water? a. 0.1 b. 0.5 c. 1.0 d. 5.0


What is the most common Rh haplotype among whites? a. Dce b. DCe c. DcE d. dce


What is the most prudent step to follow to select units for XM after recipient antibodies have been ID? a. Perform DAT on patient serum and donor units b. Antigen type patient cells and any donor cells to be XM c. Perform IAT on patient cells and donor units d. Obtain a different sample and repeat antibody panel


What is the patients Free Thyroxine Index? Patient Ref T4 4 5-12 T3 uptake 40% 25-35 a. 0.1 b. 1.6 c. 10.0 d. 36.0


When can a Dr. order a panel made up of test they specifically want? a. any time b. Only if lab ensures the Dr. knows what tests are included on the panel and the appropriate procedure and dx codes for each c. If approved by a dept. head d. If the panel is used by the Dr at another lab and they have approved it.


When considering TDM, which two organ systems are assoc with drug elimination? a. Cardiac and pulmonary b. Hepatic and renal c. Renal and cardiac d. Hepatic and respiratory


When considering therapeutic drug monitoring, what is the definition of bioavailability? a. The relative proportion between the circulation and the tissues b. The fraction of the admin. dose that eventually reaches its site of action c. The variations in drug metabolism as related to genetics d. The metabolic generation of a therapeutically cative metabolite.


Where does most CSF originate? a. Cerebral arachnoid space b. Choroid plexus c. Ventricles d. Lumbar region


Which class of immunoglobulin is thought to function as an antigenic receptor site on the surface of immature B lymphocytes? a. IgD b. IgM c. IgA d. IgG


Which disorder is most closely assoc with granulocyte hyposegmentation? a. May-Hegglin b. Pelger-Huet c. Chediak-Higashi d. Gauchers


Which family of steroid hormones is characterized by an unsaturated A ring? a. progestins b. estrogens c. androgens d. glucocorticoids


Which is assoc with May-Hegglin anomaly? a. membrane defect of lysosomes b. Dohle bodies and giant platelets c. chronic myelogenous leukemia d. mucopolysaccharidosis


Which lab finding is assoc. with Factor XII defic.? a. prolonged activated Partial thromboplastin time b. clot solubility in a 5 molar urea solution c. prolonged thrombin time d. prolonged prothrombin time


Which of the following Mycobacterium sp. is closely associated with infection in HIV+ patients? a. M ulcerans b. M avium-intracellulare complex c. M simiae d. M bovis


Which of the following activities may lead to a HIPAA violation? a. Faxing health info to Dr. b. Throwing lab results in regular trash c. Discussing info with patient family with permission d. Logging off computer after entering updates


Which of the following are markers currently used to diff heart failure from lung disease? a. TnI and TnT b. BNP and NT-proBNP c. Myoglobin and LD d. hs-CRP and hemocysteine


Which of the following best describes reverse typing? a. Known antisera used to detect ABO antigens b. Known antisera used to detect ABO antibodies c. Known antigen used to detect ABO antigens d. Known antisera used to detect ABO antibodies


Which of the following blood components contains the most Factor VII concentration relative to volume? a. Single Donor Plasma b. Cryo AHF c. FFP d. Platelets


Which of the following blood components is the best source of Factor IX? a. platelets b. Prothrombin complex c. Cryo d. Single donor plasma


Which of the following blood components must be prepared within 8 hours after pheleb? a. RBC b. FFP c. RBC Frozen d. Cryo


Which of the following cardiovascular risk markers is a more sensitive version of a test that is used to assess inflammation? a. Oxidized-LDL b. hs-CRP c. ApoB/ApoA1 d. LpPLA2


Which of the following cells when found upon microscopic examination of the urine would be most indicative of kidney disease? a. WBC and bacteria b. Renal tubular and epi cells c. Squamous epi cells d. RBC


Which of the following conditions is assoc. with Epstein Barr Virus? a. Measles b. Burkett's lymphoma c. Mumps d. Chicken pox


Which of the following conditions should be suspected if a health patient presents with an elevated potassium level while all other chem results are normal? a. The sample is turbid b. The sample is hemolyzed c. The sample is clotted d. The sample is lipemic


Which of the following crystals would most likely be found in normal ALKALINE urine? a. Amorphous urates b. Triple phosphate c. Uric Acid d. Calcium oxalate


Which of the following electrodes is based on the principle of ampero metric measurement: a. pCO2 electrode b. pO2 electrode c. pH electrode d. ionized calcium electrode


Which of the following is MOST likely discrepancy seen when a person demonstrates and "acquired B-antigen" phenomenon? a. Forward type appears B, but reverse is O b. Forward type appears AB, but reverse is A c. Forward type appears AB, but reverse is B d. Forward type appears B, but reverse is AB


Which of the following is the correct storage temp for component listed? a. Cryo AHF 4 b. FFP -20 c. RBC frozen -40 d. Platelets 37


Which of the following is the formula for calc the gram equiv weight of a chemical? a. MW x oxidation number b. MW/oxidation number c. MW + oxidation number d. MW - oxidation number


Which of the following is the most probable explanation for these results? Anti-A Anti- B Anti-D Rh cont. DAT AB screen Infant 4+ 0 2+ 0 0 NT Mother 0 0 w+ 0 0 0 a HDFN due to antibody against high freq antigen b. large FMH c. HDFN due to anti-D d. mothers cells are polyagglutinable


Which of the following organisms can grow in the small intestine and cause diarrhea in children, travelers diarrhea, or a severe cholera-like syndrome through the production of enterotoxins? a. Yersinia enterocolitica b. E. coli c. Salmonella typhi d. Shigella dysenteriae


Which of the following statement re: the ABO phenotype A2 is true? a. A2 cells contain more antigens per RBC than A1 cells b. A2 antigens are linear where A1 are branched c. A2 RBC will agglutinate with anti-A1 lectin d. A2 cells will not agglutinate with anti-A antisera used for ABO blood typing


Which of the following steroids is an adrenal cortical hormone? a. angiotensinogen b. corticosterone c. progesterone d. pregnanetriol


Which of the following substances can cause a false + result for blood on the urine chem strip? a. Ascorbic acid b. Bleach in the bottle c. high levels of nitrite d. high specific gravity


Which of the following tests would be most useful in the ID of S. pneumoniae? a. Niacin accumulation b. Optochin c. Phenylalanine deaminase d. Indoxyl acetate


Which of the following would be true of the myeloid to erythroid ratio in a case of CML? a. Normal 2:1-4:1 b. High >41 c. Low <2:1 d. Variable


Which one of the following statements concerning Vit D is correct? a. Vit D deficiency is a cause of scurvy b. Vit D acts as a hormone in calcium regulation c. Vit D functions in part to aid in optic nerve transmission d. One form of Vit D is referred to as pyridoxal phosphate.


Which urinary parameters are measured during the course of concentration and dilution tests to assess renal tubular function? a. urea nitrogen and creatinine b. osmolality and SG c. Sodium and chloride d. Sodium and osmolality


Within the genus Campylobacter, the lab test most helpful in ID C. jejuni is? a. Indoxyl acetate b. Hippurate hydrolysis c. Nitrate reduction d. Susceptibility to nalidixic acid


All of the following statements about fluorometry are true, EXCEPT: a. its more sensitive than spectrphotometry b. Both excitiation and emission spectra are characteristics of the analyte c. Fluorescence is indirectly proportional to the analyte being measured. d. Fluorometes typically utilize monochromators or optical fibers


All of the following would be considered a normal part of a routine electrolyte panel, EXCEPT? a. Sodium b. Potassium c. Magnesium d. Chloride


An 8 y/o girl was admitted to the ER with a 3 day history of fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. A stool culture grew many lactose neg colonies that yielded the following: Oxidase neg TSI A/A Indole neg Urease pos Orin pos Sucrose pos H2S neg Motility at 22C a. Providencia alcalifaciens b. Providencia stuartii c. Yersinia enterocolitica d. Providencia rettgeri


An acid elution stain was made using a 1-hour postdelivery maternal blood sample. Two thousand cells were counted and thirty of these cells appeared to contain fetal hemoglobin. It is the policy of the medical center to add one vial of Rh immune globulin to the calculated dose when the estimated volume of the hemorrhage exceeds 20 mL of whole blood. Calculate the number of vials of Rh immune globulin that would be indicated under these circumstances. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5


An adult diabetic with renal complications has the following results sodium 133 mEq/L glucose 487 mg/dL BUN 84 mg/dL creatinine 5 mg/dL On the basis of these results, the calculated serum osmolality is a. 266 b.290 c. 304 d. 709


An elevated serum iron with normal iron binding capacity is most likely assoc with: a. iron deficiency anemia b. renal damage c. pernicious anemia d. septicemia


An organism was inoculated to a TSI tube and gave the following reactions: alkaline slant/acid butt, H2S, gas produced This organism most likely is: a Klebsiella pneumoniae b Shigella dysenteriae c Salmonella typhimurium d Escherichia coli


An urticarial transfusion reaction is characterized by: a. Rapid rise in temperature b. Difficulty breathing c. Rash and hives d. Blood in the urine


Anti-Fya is: a. usually a cold reactive agglutinin b. more reactive when tested with enzyme treated RBC's c. capable of causing hemolytic transfusion reactions d. often an autoagglutinin


Arterial blood: pH = 7.51 pCO2 = 49 HCO3 = 38.7 pO2 = 85 a. Met acid b. Resp acid c. Met alk d. Resp alk


At what temp should urine be prior to testing with the reagent strip method? a. 4 b. 37 c. RT d. Temp does not affect results


Calibration of refractometers is done by measuring the SG of? a. DI water and protein b. DI water and glucose c. DI water and sodium chloride d. DI water and urea


Cells that produce antibodies are called: a. erythrocytes b. granulocytes c. lymphocytes d. thrombocytes


Cells that stain + with acid phosphatase and are NOT inhibited with tartrate are charcteristically seen in: a. Infectious Mono b. Infectious Lymphocytosis c. Hairy cell leukemia d. T-cell ALL


Coughing cyanosis and difficult breathing ar symptoms of which of the following transfusion reactions? a. febrile b. allergic c. circulatory overload d. hemolytic


Cryo, if maintained in the frozen state at -18C or below, has a shelf life of: a. 42 days b. 6 mo c. 12 mo d. 36 mo


Elevation of the lymphocyte percentage above 75% is termed? a. absolute lymphocytosis b. relative lymphocytosis c. relative neutrophilic leukocytosis d. absolute neurophilic leukocytosis


Enterobius vermicularis infection is acquired by? a. Skin penetration of larvae b. Insect bite c. Ingestion or inhalation of egg d. Ingestion of infected fish


Evaluation of the total white cell count above 12*10^9/uL is termed: a. relative lymphocytosis b. absolute lymphocytosis c. leukocytosis d. relative neutrophilic leukocytosis


Excessive carbohydrate loss that may occur due to vomiting or rapid weight loss may result in which of the following substances not normally contained in the urine? a. Glucose b. Bilirubin c. Ketones d. Urobillinogen


First-gen cephalosporins can be adequately represented by: a. streptomycin b. chloramphenicol c. cephalothin d. colistin


Fluid from a cutaneous black lesion was submitted for routine bacterial culture. After 18 hours of incubation at 35°C there was no growth on MacConkey agar, but 3+ growth on sheep blood agar. The colonies were nonhemolytic, nonmotile, 4-5 mm in diameter and off-white with a ground glass appearance. Each colony had an irregular edge with comma-shaped outgrowths that stood up like "beaten egg whites" when gently lifted with an inoculating needle. A Gram stain of a typical colony showed large, gram-positive rectangular bacilli. The organism is most likely: a Clostridium perfringens b Aeromonas hydrophila c Bacillus anthracis d Mycobacterium marinum


Forward Reverse Anti-A Anti-B Anti-A1 A1 cells A2 cells B cells 4+ neg 4+ neg 2+ 4+ The ABO discrepancy seen is most likely due to: a. anti-A1 b. rouleaux c. Anti-H d. unexpected IgG antibody present


Four mL of water are added to 1 mL of serum. This represents which of the following serum dilutions? a 1:3 b 1:4 c 1:5 d 1:6


Hemoblobinurea, hypotension, and generalized bleeding are symptoms of which of the following transfusion reactions? a. allergic b. circ overload c. hemolytic d. anaphylactic


How long are healthy neutrophils expected to reside in the peripheral blood of an adult? a. 3 days b. 1 day c. 7-8 hours d. 12-14 hours


Hypotension, nausea, flushing, fever, and chills are symptoms of which of the following transfusion reactions? a. allergic b. circulatory overload c. hemolytic d. anaphylactic


Identify the cell: a. Spherocytes b. Giant platelets c. Polychromatophilic erythrocytes d. Artifacts


If the effect of combined antimicrobials is greater than the sum of the effects observed with the two drugs independently, the condition is decribed as: a. indifference of additive b. inhibition c. synergism d. antagonism


Select the statement that best describes high sensitivity CRP testing? a. Measurement of acute inflammation and used to monitor these types of conditions b. An anti-inflammatory adipokine synthesized by adipocytes c. A marker of chronic inflammation and measured to predict the risk of cardiovascular disease d. Is decreased in inflammatory conditions and measured to predict a return of inflammation


Smal,slowly growing gray-white colonies were recovered from a blood culture of a farm worker who developed fever and chills leading to septicemia, following ingestion of contaminated milk. Gram stain is neg coccobacilli in loose clusters. Rapid urease reaction. a. Cardiobacterium hominis b. Eikenella corrodens c. Brucella sp. d. Campylobacter fetus


That statistical term for the avg value is the: a. mode b. median c. mean d. coefficient of variation


The A1 subgroup represents what % of group A individuals? a. 25-30 b. 50-60 c. 75-80 d. 95-98


The Rh nomeclature which uses the letters DCE is? a. Wiener b. Shorthand c. Fisher-Race d. Rosenfield


The bacterial species most likely assoc. with bacillary angiomatosis is: a. Afipia felis b. Bartonella elizabethae c. Bartonella henselae d. Bartonella bacillifomis


The first step to be taken when attempting to repair a piece of electronic equipment is: a. check all the electronic connections b. reseat all the printed circuit boards c. turn the instrument off d. replace all the fuses


The following data were obtained on a patient: PT 20sec Thrombin time 13 sec aPTT 55 sec aPTT +aged serum Corrected apTT + absorbed plasma Not corrected Circ. inhibitor none present What coag is deficient? a. Factor V b. VIII c. X d.XI


The formula for calculating serum osmolality that incorporates a correction for the water content of plasma is: a. 2Na*(Glucose/20)*(BUN/3) b. Na + [(2xGlucose)/20]*(BUN/3) c. 2Na + (Glucose/20) + (BUN/3) d. 2Na + (Glucose/3) + (BUN/20)


The latex agglutination titer commonly considered as the lower limit of positivity for dx or RA is: a. 1:2 b. 1:40 c. 1:160 d. 1:640


The major cross match is performed using: a. donor serum and patient red cells b. donor serum and patient serum c. donor red cells and patient serum d. donor red cells and patient red cells


The majority of cells present in this urine slide: a. RBC b. WBC c. Yeast d. Squamous epi cells


The measurement of sodium and chloride in sweat is the most useful test for the dx of what? a. Steatorrhea b. Direct determination of the exocrine secretory capacity of the pancreas c. CF d. Zollinger-Ellison syndrom


The most appropriate screening test for PNH is: a. heat instatbility b. sucrose hemolysis c. osmotic fragility d. dithionite solubility


The most appropriate screening test for detecting cells with predominant hemoglobin F is: a. osmotic fragility b. dithionite solubility c. KB test d. heat instability test


The most important use of non treponemal antibody test alone is in: a. establishing the dx of acute active syphilis b. establishing the dx of chronic syphilis c. evaluating the success of therapy d. determining the prevalence of disease in the gen population


The most sensitive enzymatic indicator for liver damage from ethanol intake is: a. ALT b. AST c. GGT d. Alkaline phosphatase


The part of the kidney in which there is selective retention and excretion of various substances and in which the concentration of urine occurs in the: a. glomerulus b. papilla c. tubule d. ureter


The porphyrin test was devised to detect strains of Haemophilus capable of: a. ampicilin degradation b. capsule production c. synthesis of porphobilinogen d. chloramphenicol resistance


The product produced in amplification is termed: a. Codon b. Nucleic acid c. Amplicon d. Translation


What are data collected in a real time PCR a. Prior to addition of fluorescent dyes or probes b. At a single end point c. During nucleic amplification d. During the cooling stage


What are the PRIMARY reagents used in the aPTT? a. Thromboplastin and Sodium chloride b. Activated partial thromboplastin and potassium c. Activated partial thromboplastin and calcium d. Actin and sodium chloride


What are the two general categories of nucleic acid amplification techniques? a. PCR and branched chain DNA b. FISH and strand displacement amplification c. Target amplification and signal amplification d. PCR and RT-PCR


What is the lower reference limit for progressive motility of spermatozoa when performing a semen analysis? a. 12% b. 22% c. 32% d. 40%


What is the mechanism that causes megaloblastic anemia? a. Defective stem cell production b. Interruption of hemoglobin production c. Interruption of DNA synthesis d. Interruption of development of precursor cells


What is the most reliable test to diff Neisseria lactamica from Neisseria meningitidis? a. acid from maltose b. growth on mod. TM c. lactose degradation d. nitrite reduction to nitrogen gas


What is the primary functional unit of the kidney? a. Ureter b. Glomerulus c. Nephron d. DCT


What is the process of monoclonal antibody production? a. Stimulation of activated T-cells b. Fusion of plasma cell secretions c. Fusion of antibody specific lymphocyte and myeloma cell d. multiplication of cytotoxic T-cells


What procedure is used by the lab personnel to confirm ABO typing by using cells with known blood groups? a. DAT b. Forward type c. Reverse type d. Antibody ID panel


Which group of conditions increases the risk of HbS polymerization? a. Acid pH, dehydration, decreased level of 2,3 DPG b. Alk pH, dehydration, increased 2,3 DPG c. Acid pH, dehydration, increased 2,3 DPG d. Alk pH, dehydration, decreased 2,3 DPG


Which hemoglobin will be increased in delta-beta thalassemia? a. HbA b. HbA2 c. HbF d. HbH


Which lab procedure is most helpful in diff severe liver disease accompanying secondary fibrinolysis from DIC a. Presence of fibrin split products b. increase aPTT c. Factor VII activity d. fibrinogen level


Which marker is most useful for detection of gestational trophoblastic disease? a. CEA b. AFP c. hCG d. CA-125


Which of the following anaerobes is inhibited by sodium polyanetholesulfonate: a. Peptostreptococcus magnus b. Peptostreptococcus prevotii c. Peptostreptococcus anaerobius d. Veillonella parvula


Which of the following chemical determinations may be of help in establishing the presence of seminal fluid? a. Lactic dehydrogenase b. isocitrate dehydrogenase c. acid phosphatase d. alkaline phosphatase


Which of the following conditions would be suggested by a jaundiced patient experiencing a marked rise in ALP, conjugated bilirubin and a slight rise in ALT? a. Cardiovascular disease b. Hepatitis c. Post-hepatic cholestasis d. Renal failure


Which of the following genotypes cause beta thalassemia minor? a. B/B b. B+/B+ c. B0/B d. BO/BO


Which of the following is a TRUE statement concerning ALP? a. It is optimally active at pH 5 b. It is decreased in bone disorders involving the osteoblasts c. it is increased in obstructive jaundice d. it is increased in myocardial infarctions


Which of the following is a mechanism known to cause platelet satellitosis? a. An antibody directed against factor VII b. An antibody directed against vWF c. An antibody directed against the platelet membrane d. An antibody directed against fibrinogen


Which of the following is correct regarding CRP: a. It is a highly specific test b. Corresponds to serum complement levels c. Is usually elevated in pediatric bacterial infections d. Does not react with pneumococcal C-polysaccharide


Which of the following is the formula for coefficient of variation? a. (SD*100)/SE b. (mean*100)/SD c. (SD*100)/mean d. (variance*100)/mean


Which of the following is the most useful morph feature in ID the mycelial phase of Histoplasma capsulatum? a. arthrospores every other cell b. microspores 2-5 microns c. tuberculate macroconidia 8-14 microns d. nonseptate macroconidia 5-7 cells


Which of the following lipoproteins will form a creamy layer at the top of stored, non fasting plasma specimens? a. HDL b. LDL c. Chylomicrons d. VLDL


Which of the following organisms causes disease by direct invasion of tissues? a. Clostridium botulinum b. Vibrio cholerae c. Yersinia enterocolitica d. Shigella sonnei


Which of the following organisms is considered universally susceptible to penicillin: a. H. influenzae b. N. gonorrhoeae c. S. pyogenes d. Corynebacterium diptheriae


Which of the following serum protein factors is most likely to be elevated in patients with nephrotic syndrome? a. alpha 1 globulin b. alpha 1 and alpha 2 globulins c. alpha 2 and beta globulin d. beta and gamma globulin


Which of the following statements about immunoassays using enzyme labeled antibodies or antigens is correct? a. inactivation of the enzyme is required b. the enzyme label is less stable that an isotopic label c. quantitation of the label cam be carried out with a spectrophotometer d. the enzyme label is not an enzyme found naturally in serum


Which of the following statements about lead poisoning is False? a. While lead distributes to all the tissues, the CNS, kidney, and BM are particularly susceptible to lead toxicity b. Whole blood lead measurement is the best test c. Serum lead level is a good inexpensive screening test d. Lead levels below 5ug/dl in kids do not prompt monitoring


Which of the following statements concerning the germ tube test is true? a. using a heavy innoc enhances the rapid prod of germ tubes b. germ tubes should be read after 2 hrs incubation at 25C c. C. albicans and C. tropicalis can be used as + and - controls d. serum will be stable fro 1 year if stored at 4C prior to use


A patients blood was collected at 8 am for a serum iron determination. The result was 85ug/dL. A repeat specimen was collected at 8 pm, the serum was stored at 4C and run the next morning. The result was 40ug/dL. These results are most likely due to: a. iron deficiency anemia b. improper storage of the specime c. possible liver damage d. the time of day the second specimen was drawn


A person suspected of having meta alkalosis would have the following lab findings? a. CO2 content and pCO2 elevated, pH decreased b. CO2 content decreased and pH elevated c. CO2 content, pCO2 and pH decreased d. CO2 content and pH elevated


A phelb. enters a draw room to perform routine venepuncture. The phleb uses a vein that appears to be good. No blood. Uses other arm. All of the following info would have been obtained from palp of the vein EXCEPT: a. Size b. Health or resiliency c. Direction and depth d. Observation of hematoma formation


A physician suspects his patient has pancreatitis. Which test would be most indicative of this disease? a. Creatinine b. Troponin c. Gastrin d. amylase


When platelets concentrate at edges and feathered end of a blood smear, it is usually due to: a. EDTA phenomenon b. inadequate mixing of blood and anticoag c. hemorrhage d. poorly made wedge smear


Which Brucella sp has pos H2S production and may or may not need CO2 for growth? a. Brucella canis b. Brucella suis c. Brucella melitensis d. Brucella abortus


Which blood group antibody would you find in group AB individuals? a. Anti-A b. Anti-B c. Anti- A, Anti-B d. None


Which branch of the immune system has an immediate response on first exposure to a foreign antigenic stimulus? a. Cell Mediated b. Specific c. Humoral d. Innate


Which is associated with Alder-Reilly inclusions? a. membrane defect of lysosomes b. Dohle bodies and giant platelets c. two lobed neutrophils d. mucopolysaccharidosis


Which is characteristic of PCV? a. elevated urine erytropoietin levels b. increased oxygen affinity of hemoglobin c. tear drop poik d. decreased or absent BM iron stores


Which of the following cells have pale blue cytoplasm with a few azurophilic granules and an oval or indented nucleus? a. Mono b. Seg Neut c. Eos d. Lymph


Which of the following choices is the basic technique used to detect unexpected antibodies with a commercial set of reagent cells? a. Polyclonal b. DAT c. Enzyme d. IAT


Which of the following genotypes is found with the highest frequency in the Caucasian population? a. CDe/cDe b. cDE/ce c. cDE/cE d. CDe/ce


Which of the following hemoglobins is replaced by HbH after birth in individuals with HbH disease? a. Constant Spring b. A2 c. Lepore d. Bart's


Which of the following is NOT a condition in which coarse basophilic stippling is typically found? a. Anemias of abnormal hemoglobin sythesis b. Thalassemia c. Lead poisioning d. Hemolytic anemia


Which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of PCH? a. Patient pop: children and young adults b. Pathogenesis: following viral infection c. Site of hemolysis: intravascular d. Autoantibody class: IgM


Which of the following is a cause of metabolic alkalosis? a. Late stage of Salicylate poisoning b. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus c. Renal failure d. Excessive vomiting


Which of the following is an indicator of polyagglutination? a. RBCs typing as weak D + b. presence of red cell autoantibody c. decreased serum bilirubin d. agglutination with normal adult ABO compatible sera


Which of the following organisms typically produces umbilicate (deprssed center) colonies? a. Yeast b. Staph aureus c. Proteus mirabilis d. Strep pneumoniae


Which one of the following combinations of organisms would be appropriate as controls to test the functions listed: a. beta hemolysis - E. coli and S. pyo b. catalase - S. aureau and S. epi c. H2S - P. mirabilis and Salmonella typhi d. indole - E. coli and P. mirabilis


Which one of the following specimen requests is acceptable: a. feces submitted for anaerobic culture b. foley cath tip submitted for aerobic culture c. rectal swab submitted for direct smear for gonocci d. urine for culture of acid-fast bacilli


Which represents characteristic features of iron metabolism in patients with anemia of a chronic disorder? a. A serum iron is normal, transferrin saturation is normal, TIBC is normal b. serum iron is increased, transferrin is increased, TIBC is normal or slightly increased c. serum iron is normal, transferrin is markedly increased, TIBC is normal d. serum iron is decreased, transferrin is decreased, TIBC is normal or decreased


Which urine result is most apt to be changed by prolonged exposure to light? a. pH b. protein c. ketones d. bilirubin


Why are small dense LDL molecules more atherogenic: a. Contain less cholesterol and phospholipids b. increase the concentration of HDL-C in the blood c. increase the concentration of adiponectin and inflammatory cytokines d. have greater mobility in the endothelium and arterial wall


Why would a unit of group O blood never be administered to a Bombay patient: a. Anti-A in donor b. Anti-B in donor c. Anti-H in donor d. Anti-H in recipient


5% SBA will support the growth of most strains of the following organisms, EXCEPT: a. Haemophilus spp b. Staph aureus c. Bacillus anthracis d. Listeria monocytogenes


A 16 y/o boy with infectious mono has a cold agglutinin titer of 1:2000. Am important consideration of this antibody's clinical relevance is the : a. thermal range b .titer at 4C c. specificity d. light chain type


A 40 y/0 man shows: RBC 2.5 HCT 22 Retic 2% Which statement describes his condition? a. The absolute retic count is 50*10^3 indicating that the BM is not adequately compensating for the anemia b. The retic count is greatly increased indicating an adequate BM response for this anemia c. The absolute retic count is 5.0*10^6 indicating that the BM is adequately compensating for the anemia d. The retic count is slightly increasing indicating an adequate response to the slight anemia


A patients serum reacted weakly + with 16 of 16 group O panel cells at the AHG test phase. The AC was neg. Tests with ficin treated panel cells demonstrated no reactivity at the AHG phase. Which antibody is most likely responsible for these results? a. Anti-Ch b. anti-k c. anti-e d. anti-Jsa


A sample has reactions occurring at immediate spin and AHG in a panel that show varying reaction strengths. There is no obvious pattern that matches a particular panel cell or single antigen profile and the auto-control was negative. Which of the following is the most likely cause? a. An IgM and IgG antibody b. An IgG antibody only c. An IgM antibody only d. An autoantibody


Acute phase proteins generally fall into which category? a. Glycoproteins b. Immunoglobulins c. Lipoproteins d. Microglobulins


After birth, which of the following is the biggest concern for a newborn suffering from HDFN? a. Accumulation of bilirubin b. Anemia due to RBC destruction c. Decrease in bilirubin production d. Low Hct values


All of the following are features of SLE EXCEPT: a. increased serum compliment b. positive ANA c. circulating immune complexes d. elevated ESR


All of the following represent an area in clinical micro using molecular detection methods a routine dx tool, EXCEPT? a. Mycology testing b. Microbial ID testing after culture c. Neg validation testing d. Genotyping for antimicrobial resist.


Which of the following is a possible type from the mating of an O and AB (non-cis) individual? a. AB b. O C. BB d. OO


Which of the following is an important cellular mediator of immune complex tissue injury? a. monocyte b. neutro c. baso d. eos


The biuret reaction for the analysis of serum protein depends of the number of: a. free amino groups b. free carboxyl groups c. peptide bonds d. tyrosine residues


The cyst state may be recovered from formed fecal specimens submitted for parasitic examination if the specimen: a. is incubated at 37C for 24 hours b. is the result of a saline enema c. is stored at refridge temp d. contains barium


The disappearance of HBsAG and HBeAG, the persistence of anti-HBc, the appearance of anti-HBs and often of anti-Hbe indicate: a. early acute b. early convalescent c. recovery d. carrier


The enzyme responsible for conferring H activity on the red cell membrane is alpha: a. galactosyl transferase b. N-acetylgalactosaminyl transferase c. L-fucosyltransferase d. glucosyltransferase


A cell culture line commonly used for the recovery of Chiamydia trachomatis from clinical specimens is: a. HeLa 229 b. Hep-2 c. BHK-21 d. McCoy's


Auer rods are most likely present in? a. chronic granulocytic leukemia b. myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia c. erythroleukemia d. acute granulocytic leukemia


Bioavailability of an oral drug refers to the: a. Availability for therapeutic administration b. Ratio of protein bound to free drug c. Amount of drug transformation d. Fraction of the drug that is absorbed into systemic circulation


Cells involved in hemostasis are: a. erythrocytes b. granulocytes c. lymphocytes d. thrombocytes


During phagocytosis by a neutrophil, the granules which fuse with the phagosome can contain all of the following EXCEPT: a. Lysosome b. Myeloperoxidase c. Lactoferrin d. Lactase


Each of the bacterial species listed below may be associated with culture-negative endocarditis except: a. Cardiobacterium hominis b. Streptococcus abiotropha c. Brucella abortis d. Staphylococcus epidermidis


Found freq in newborns, the cells indicated are: a. Neut b. Small lymph c. Metamyelocytes d. NRC


In the FTA-ABS test, the presence of a beaded pattern of fluorescence along the treponeme indicates: a. postive ID of T. pallidum b. presumptive dx of active syphilis c. prescence of non treponemal antibody d. false positive reaction


In the liver, bilirubin is converted to: a. urobilinogen b. urobilin c. bilirubin-albumin complex d. bilirubin diglucronide


Of the organisms listed, which is the most likely to be contracted following consumption of unpasteurized milk? a. Erysipelothirx rhusiopathiae b. Listeria monocytogenes c. Clostridium tetani d. Pasteurella multocida


Oligoclonalbands are present on electrophorsis of concentrated CSF and also on concurrently tested serum of the same patient. The proper interpretation is: a. diagnostic for primary CSF tumor b. diagnostic for MS c. CNS involvement by acute leukemia d. nondiagnositic for MS


On Monday, a patients hbg was 11.3 and on Tuesday is was 11.8. The SD is +/- 0.2. What can be concluded about the results? a. one value prob resulted in lab error b. there is poor precision, daily QC should be checked c. the second value is out of range and should be repeated d. there is no sig change in the patients hemoglobin concentration


Rh antibodies generally: a. React best at 4C b. React best at RT c. Generally do not react at any temp d. React best at 37C


The parent substrate in the biosynthesis of androgens and estrogens is: a. cortisol b. catecholamines c. progesterone d. cholesterol


The peripheral blood smear represented by the image was submitted for review. ID of the inclusion are: a. Malarial pigment b. Pappenheimer bodies c. Howell-Jolly bodies d. Baso stippling


The stimulant that causes localized sweating for the sweat test is: a. polyvinyl alcohol b. lithium sulfate c. potassium sulfate d. pilocarpine nitrate


The type of hypersensitivity reaction assoc. with macrophage activation, cytokine-mediated inflammaiton is: a. Type I b. Type II c. Type III d. Type IV


Thrombocytopenia is a characteristic of: a. Classic vW disease b. hemophilia A c. Glanzmanns thrombasthenia d. May-Hegglin anomaly


Which is the best component to treat a patient with fibrinogen deficiency? a. RBC b. Platelet c. Whole blood d. Cryoprecipitated AHF


Which is the most common cause of abnormality in hemostasis? a. decreased plasma fibrinogen level b. decreased Factor VIII level c. decreased Factor IX level d. quantitative abnormality of platelets


Which of the following additives should be used for the collection of a sample for blood gas analysis? a. Sodium citrate b. EDTA c. Sodium oxalate d. Heparin


Which of the following packed RBCs could be transfused to a group O patient? a. A b. B c. AB d. O


Which of the following parameters, according to the AHA, is not included in the dx of the presence of the metabolic syndrome in adults? a. Elevated waist circumference b. Elevated triglyceride level c. Elevated fasting glucose d. Elevated HDL


Which of the following serum constituants is unstable if a blood specimen is left standing at RT for 8 hours before processing: a. Cholesterol b. Triglycerides c. creatinine d. Glucose


Which of the following sites is used most often for CSF collection? a. Ventricles b. L1-L2 c. Subarachnoid d. L3-L4


Which of the following statements is true in re: CYP450 enzymes? a. Only hepatic enzymes involved in drug metab b. Few in number but very important in metab c. Very specific in the substrates they accept d. Able to make compounds more water-sol and therefore enhance excretion


Which of the following substances are detected with Clinitest tablets? a. Glucose only b. Glucose and albumin c. Ketones d. All reducing substances


Which of the following terms could be used to describe this picture? a. Thrombocytosis b. Monocytosis c. Leukopenia d. Lymphocytosis


Which of the following tests is used to confirm a syphilis infection after another method tests + a. RPR b. VDRL c. Dark field exam d. T. pallidum partical agglutination (TP-PA)


Which of the following tests is used to monitor bactericidal activity during antimicrobic therapy in cases of endocarditis? a. Elek b. tolerance c. Sherris synergism d. serum bactericidal


Which of the following urine chem reagent strip test is based of the Ehrlich-aldehyde reaction? a. pH b. Protein c. Glucose d. Urobilinogen


Which of the formulas given below is used to calc. MCHC? a. Hgb*10/RBC b. Hct*10/RBC c. RBC/Hgb*10 d. Hgb*100/Hct


Which test is used to monitor red cell production? a. packed cell volume b. total iron binding capacity c. Schilling test d. retic count


Increased concentrations of alpha-fetoprotein in adults are MOST characteristically assoc. with: a. Hepatocellular carcinoma b. alcoholic cirrhosis c. chronic active hepatitis d. multiple myeloma


Irregular clumping of platelets is usually due to: a. inadequate mixing of specimen b. hemorrhage c. poorly made wedge smear d.hypersplenism


Naegleria fowleri is assoc with which of the following? a. Amebic meningoencephalitis b. Amebic encephalitis c. Travelers diarrhea d. Non-pathogen


Oral cavity of 16y/o girl. Micro = GNR loose clusters, light gray-yellow smooth colonies. Indole and lipase +, alk- non fermentor......? a. Porphyromonas asaccharolytica b. Fusobacterium nucleatum c. Bacteroides fragilis d. Propionibacterium acnes


Panel Cell a. Anti-Fya b. Anti=Fyb c. Anti-e d. Anti-Le


Severe intravascular hemolysis is most likely caused by antibodies of which blood group system? a. ABO b.Rh c. Kell d. Duffy


Sodium bicarb and sodium citrate are components of which of the following: a. JEMBEC system b. MTM agar c. NYC medium d. ML agar


Specific (secondary) granules of the neutrophilic granulocyte: a. appear first in the myelocyte stage b. contain lysosomal enzymes c. are formed on the mitochondria d. are derived from azurophil (primary) granules


Sputum spec grew lactose ferm organism. VP + Motility - Indole - Citrate + Urea 1+ a. Klebsiella pnemoniae b. E. coli c. Klebsiella oxytoca d. Klebsiella aerogenes


The chamber counting method of platelet enumeration: A. allows direct visualization of the particles being counted B. has a high degree of precision C. has a high degree of accuracy D. is relatively free from technique variation


The cyclic antidepressants are classified as: a. basic drugs b. neutral drugs c. acidic drugs d. structurally cycloparaffinic


The following aerobic, branching, filamentous Gram + species is weakly acid fast and known to cause mycetomas and lung infections in immuno comp patients: a. Nocardia sp. b. Mycobacterium sp. c. Streptomyces sp d. Corynebacterium sp.


The included Gram stain was made from a CSF specimen submitted to the lab. What is the organism: a. GPC in chains b. GPC in clusters c. Yeast d. GNB


The light blue staining cells represented in the photo represent 50% of the total white blood cell count. Which of the following conditions is this peripheral blood picture most consistent with" a. Infectious Mono b. Chronic Lymphocytic leukemia c. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia d. Bacterial Infection


The majority of the iron in an adult is found as a constituent of: a. hemoglobin b. hemosiderin c. myoglobin d. transferrin


The method of choice for performing a SG measurement of urine following administration of xray contrast dyes is: a. reagent strip b. refractometer c. urinometer d.densitometer


The most common form of childhood leukemia is: a. Acute lymphocytic b. acute granulocytic c. acute monocytic d. chronic granulocytic


The most efficient method to distinguish Group B Strep from other beta hemolytic strep is: a. latex agglutination b. growth in a 6.5% NaCl broth c. growth on bile esculin medium d. bacitracin susceptibility


The most frequent cause of bacterial meningitis in adults and children is: a. Streptococcus pneumonia b. Neisseria meninitidis c. Haemophilus influenzae d. Escherichia coli


The most frequent value in a collection of data is statistically known as: a. mode b. median c. mean d. SD


The optimum storage temp for whole blood is: a. 4 b. -12 c. -20 d. -80


The osmolal gap is defined as measured Osm/kg minus the calculated Osm/kg. The avg osmolal gap is near: a. 0 b. 2 c. 4 d. 6


The osmolality of a urine or serum specimen is measured by a change in the: a. freezing point b. sedimentation point c. absorbance d. osmotic pressure


The presence of HbsAg, anti-HBc and often HbeAg is characteristic of: a. early acute phase HBV hep b. early convalescent phase HBV hep c. recovery phase d. carrier state


The presence of erythrocytes with altered morphology as indicated in the pic has a close assoc with which of the following conditions? a. Extensive burns b. Babesiosis c. Sickle cell d. Type I vWF


The recovery of some Cryptococcus sp. may be compromised if the isolation media contains: a. cycloheximide b. gentamicin c. chloramphenicol d. penicillin


The red cells in this illustration exhibit which of the following abnormal erythrocyte shapes: a. Teardrop b. Blister c. Stomatocytes d. Ovalcytes


The selectivity of an ion-selective electrode is determined by the: a. Properties of the membrane used b. Magnitude of the potential across the membrane c. The size of the membrane used d. Neural potential of the membrane


The serum of which of the following individuals may agglutinate group A1 cells? a. A2 b. A1B c. A1 d. Newborn


The smallest concentration of antimicrobial agent which prevents growth in subculture or results in a 99.9% decrease of the initial inoculum, is the definition of: a. min bactericidal concentration b. indifference of additive c. min inhibitory concentration d. synergism


The specimen of choice for preparation of blood films for manual differential leukocyte counts is whole blood collected in: A. EDTA B. oxalate C. citrate D. heparin


These results are most consistent with: Alkaline phosphatase slight increase Alanine aminotransferase marked increase Aspartate aminotransferase marked increase Gamma-glutamyl transferase slight increase a. acute hep b. chronic hep c. obstructive jaundice d. cirrhosis


Which of the following organisms must be incubated in a microaerophilic environment for optimal recovery of the organism: a. Campylobacter fetus b. E. coli c. P. aeruginosa d. Proteus mirabilis


Which of the following statements is true re: cardiovascular disease and adipose tissue? a. Inflammatory cytokines, synthesized and released by adipose tissue, contribute to the develop of cardio disease b. Increased synth and secretion of PAI-1 in metab synd contributes to cardio disease by increasing BP c. Obesity in metab synd contributes to the develop of cardio disease by increased synth and secretion of adiponectin d. There is no correlation between the amount of adipose tissue and cardio disease


Which test assess platelet function: a. bleeding time b. PT c. Thrombin time d. partial thromboplastin time


Which type of lipoprotein is the least dense? a. Chylomicrons b. VLDL c. LDL d. HDL


While performing a UA, a tech notices the urine specimen to have a fruity odor. This patients urine most likely containes: a. acetone b. bilirubin c. coliform bacilli d. porphyrin


Within one week after exposure to a rash illness, a maternal serum rubella titer that is = to or greater than 1:8 indicates: a. prob immunity b. evidence of acute infection c. susceptibility d. absence


Calculate the specificity + - Disease 984 7 No Disease 16 873 a. 98.2% b. 98.4% c. 99.1% d. 99.99%

A TN/(TN + FP) x 100

A patient has increase RBC with decreased Hb and normal Hct. MCV is microcytic and the RDW is within normal. Many codocytes are present. Serum Iron is 165 (60-150), and the TIBC is 230 (250-400). Increase hemoglobin A2 of 5%? a. Beta Thalassemia silent b. Beta Thalassemia minor c. Beta Thalassemia intermedia d. Beta Thalassemia major


A patient with CF is admitted with a fulminant lung infection. A sputum culture grows non lactose fermenting, oxidase +, Gram neg bacilli. It is pyo neg, nitrate reduction variable and arginine dihydrolase neg. a. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia b. Burkholderia cepacia c. Pseudomonas aeruginosa d. Acinetobacter baumannii


If one finds excessive rouleaux formation on a smear, then which of the following might also be increased? a. Leukocyte count b. ESR c. Hct d. Osmotic fragility


In a spectrophotometer, light of a specific wavelength can be isolated from white light with a(n): a. double beam b. diffraction grating c. aperture d. slit


In chronic active hepatitis, high titers of which of the following antibodies are seen? a. anti-mitochondrial b. anti-smooth muscle c. anti-DNA d. anti-parietal cell


Mott cells are associated with? a. CLL b. Plasma cell myeloma c. Chediak-Higashi anomaly d. Severe pyogenic infection


Osmolal gap is the difference between: A. the ideal and real osmolality values B. calculated and measured osmolality values C. plasma and water osmolality values D. molality and molarity at 4C


Phagocytosis is a Funciton of: a. erythrocytes b. granulocytes c. lymphocytes d. thrombocytes


Some regional and public health labs carry out mass screening tests on the urine of newborns for a genetic disorder involving metabolism of: a. fructose b. galactose c. glucose d. lactose


Th following results WBC 61.3 RBC 1.19 HGB 9.9 HCT 21 MCV 125 MCHC 54.1 What action should be taken next: a. dilute the specimen and recount b. warm the specimen and recount c. check the tube for clots d. clean the aperture tubes and recount


The Liley method of predicting the severity of HDFN is based on the amniotic fluid: a. bilirubin concentration by standard methods b. change in optical density measured at 450 nm c. Rh determination d. ratio of lecithin to sphingomyelin


The amp of an RNA target through RT-PCR to detect HIV requires the following enzyme for the initial synthesis of DNA from the viral RNA template: a. Transcriptase b. Reverse transriptase c. Taq polymerase d. Thermocycler


The anemia of chronic infection is characterized by: a. decreased iron stores in the reticuloendothelia system b. decreased serum iron levels c. macrocytic erythrocytes d. increased serum iron binding capacity


The extent to which measurements agree with the true value of the quantity being measured is known as: a. reliability b. accuracy c. reproducibility d. precision


What condition would be suspected in an asymptomatic patient with greater than 20% atypical lymphs on their periph blood smear? a. Herpes simplex virus b. Epstein-Barr virus c. Bacterial meningitis d. Acute leukemia


Which of the following factors is known as Hageman factor? a. X b. XII c. V d. VII


Lewis Blood Group System- The antigen is produced by exocrine glands, eventually adsorbing to the surface of the RBC. Its expression is based off the genetic expression of the Lewis secretor genes. Based of the following (Le) (Se), what would you predict the Lewis type is? a. Le(a-b-) b. Le(a+b+) c Le(a-b+) d. Le (a+b-)


MF agglutination at the AHG phase of a XM may be attributed to: a. recently transfused cells b. intrauterine exchange transfusion c. an antibody such as anti-Sda d. FMH


MF reactions with anti-A and anti-A,B and neg reactions with anti-B and anti-A1 lectin (Dolichos bilforus) are observed. Without further testing, the most likely conclusion is that the patient is group: a. A1 b. A2 c. A3 d. Ae1


Molecular methods offer improvements in sensitivity, but they are dependent upon what factor? a. The presence of significant numbers of organisms in the specimen b. Meeting unique/fastidious culture requirements c. the availability of specific instrumentation d. Maintaining the viability of the organism


The serologic test for syphilis recommended for detecting antibody in CSF is: a. non treponemal antibody b. CSF-VDRL c. FTA-ABS d. MHA-TP


The serum protein electrophoresis pattern is consistant Patient Ref Total Protein 8.9 6-8 Alb. 4.8 3.6-5.2 Alpha 1 0.3 0.1-0.4 Alpha 2 0.7 0.4-1.0 Beta 0.8 0.5-1.2 Gamma 2.3 0.6-1.6 a. cirrhosis b. acute inflammation c. monoclonal gammopathy d. polyclonal gammopathy


The stock cultures needed for QC testing of oxidase production are: a. E. coli/ K. pneumoniae b. Salmonella/E. coli c. E. coli/P. aeruginosa d. Proteus/E. coli


The test used for the ID of specific capsular serotypes of Strep pneumoniae is: a. Optochin b. Bile c. Quellung d. Hippurate


The use of RBC, Deglycerolized would be most beneficial when transfusing a patient: a. with sickle cell anemia b. who is at high risk for hep B infection c. with high freq antibodies d. with warm autoantibody


The values were obtained on an automated system performed on a blood sample from a 25 y/o man: Patient Ref WBC 5.5 5.0-10.0 RBC 2.94 4.6-6.2 HBG 13.8 14-18 HCT 35.4 40-54 MCV 128 82-90 MCH 46.7 27-31 MCHC 40 32-36 a. Megaloblastic anemia b. hered spherocytosis c. high titer of cold agglutinins d. elevated retic count


There are several different types of media that can be used in electrophoresis. Most methods today use a gel- cellulose acetate, agarose, or polyacrylamide gel. Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. The compounds used to make cellulose acetate gels are carcinogenic b. Polyacrylamide gels are comprised of polysaccahrides and acrylamides c. Polyacrylamide gels have the greatest resolution or separation of solutes. d. Cellulose acetate and agarose gels are the more commonly used gels


Total iron binding capacity measures the serum iron transporting capacity of: a. hemoglobin b. ceruloplasmin c. transferrin d. ferritin


Urine samples should be examined within 1 hour of voiding because: a. RBC, Leukocytes and cast agglutinate on standing for several hours at RT b. Urobilinogen increases and bilirubin decreases after prolonged exposure to light c. bacterial contamination will cause alkalinization of the urine d. ketones will increase due to bacterial and cellular metabolism


Use of EDTA plasma prevents activation of the classical complement pathway by: a. causing rapid decay of compliment components b. chelating Mg ions which prevents the assembly of C6 c. chelating Ca ions which prevents assembly of C1 d. preventing chemotaxis


What is the composition of Howell Jolly bodies? a. Iron b. Wright stain precip c. DNA d. RNA


Which of the following viral families contains DNA as its nucleic acid? a. Paramyzovirdae b. Rhabdovirdae c. Poxviridae d. Orthomyzoviridae


Which tumor marker is used for colorectal cancer: a. CA-125 b. AFP c. CEA d. PSA


50%-90% myeloblasts in peripheral blood is typical of: a. chronic granulocytic leukemia b. myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia c. erythroleukemia d. acute granulocytic leukemia


88y/o foot wound. Gram-neg rods on MAC, dark pink oxidase neg along with: TSI: A/A H2S: neg Indole: neg Urea: pos MR: neg Motility: neg VP: pos Ornithine: neg Citrate: Pos a. Serratia marcescens b. Proteus vulgaris c. E. coli d. Klebsiella pneumonia


All of the following are common support media used in electrophoresis EXCEPT: a. Cellulose acetate b. Agarose gel c. Polyacrylamide gel d. Dextrose


All of the following are true in re: to performing QC on urine chem strips, EXCEPT: a. As often as req. by the labs procedure b. On each new lot c. When a new bottle is opened d. QC is performed only when patient results are questioned by health care provider


All of the following are true of Xanthochromia in CSF, EXCEPT: a. An immature blood brain barrier b. Increase protein in CSF c. Elevated bilirubin in the blood d. Clear appearance of CSF


All of the following are uses of nucleic acid tests for HIV infection, EXCEPT? a. Monitor the effectiveness of therapy b. Obtain a baseline value c. Dx HIV infection d. Determine the degree of immune suppression caused by HIV


All of the following steps should be taken in the IMMEDIATE investigation of a potential HTR EXCEPT: a. DAT on the post patient sample b. Check for clerical errors c. Visual exam of the post and pre plasma for hemolysis d. A gram stain on the patients plasma


An index of of precision is statistically known as the: a median b mean c t-test d coefficient of variation


Antigen processing is primarily accomplished by what type of cells: a. Baso b. Eos c. PMN d. Macrophages


Elevation of the total granulocyte count above 9.0*10^3/uL is termed: a. relative lymphocytosis b. leukocytosis c. relative neutrophilic leukocytosis d. absolute neutrophilic leukocytosis


Exposure to all of the following chemicals may cause hemolytic anemia, EXCEPT? a. Heavy metals b. Lead c. Naphthalene d. Ascorbic acid


Fecal urobilinogen level may be markedly decreased because of: a. Hemolysis b. Decreased intestinal reabsorption of urobilinogen c. Increased serum bilirubin d. Biliary obstruction


Heinz bodies are: a. readily identified with polychrome stain b. rarely found in glucose-6-dehydroginase deficient erythrocytes c. closely assoc. with spherocytes d. denatured hemoglobin inclusions


Hematology standards include: A. stabilized RBC suspension B. latex particles C. stabilized avian RBCs D. certified cyanmethemoglobin solution


Hemolysis in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is: a. temp dependent b. compliment independent c. antibody mediated d. caused by a red cell membrand defect


Hemolytic anemias are dx by clinical findings and lab tests. All of the following are lab values that are relied on to help dx hemolytic anemia EXCEPT? a. Hbg and/or Hct b. Retic and RBC morph c. Bilirubin and haptoglobin d. Fibrinogen and C-reactive protein


How many milliliters of 0.25 N NaOH are needed to make 100mL of a 0.05N solution of NaOH? a. 5mL b. 10mL c. 15mL d. 20mL


ID the WBC a. Myelocyte b. Neut c. Eos d. Baso


Middlebrook 7H10 and 7H11 media must be refrigerated in the dark, and incubated in the dark as well. If these conditions are not met, the media may prove toxic for mycobacteria because: a carbon dioxide will be released b growth factors will be broken down c light destroys the ammonium sulfate d formaldehyde may be produced


One advantage of the antimicrobial dilution tests is that: a. it is based on a predetermined breakpoint b. contamination can be detected easily c. it provides categorical reports d. it can detect varying degrees of organism sens and resist


Organisms that may be mistaken for Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Gram stained smears of uterine cerivix exudated include: a. Lactobacillus sp. b. S. agalactiae c. P. aeruginosa d. Moraxella osloenis


Plasma creatinine concentration is dependent on all of the following EXCEPT: a. Relative muscle mass b. Renal function c. Rate of creatinine turnover d. Sodium concentration


Seg small intestine. On the surface are adult Cestode worms. Based on the morphology of the proglottid, ID: a. Taenia species b. Dibhyllobothrium latum c. Hymenolepis species d. Dipylidium canium


Thalassemias are characterized by: a. structural abnormalities in the heme molecule b. absence of iron in hemeoglobin c. decreased rate of heme synthesis d. decreased rate of globin synthesis


The Gram stain was prepped from a lower respit tract specimen. How should it be reported? a. GNC b. GPC c. Many GPC in pairs d. Many GPC in pairs, many PMNs


The IS phase of an IAT could most likely lead to the detection of which of the following? a. Clinically sig. warm antibodies b. Clinically sig. cold antibodies c. Clinically insig. warm d. Clinically insig. cold


The degree to which the kidney concentrates the glomerular filtrate can be determined by: a. urine creatine b. serum creatinine c. creatinine clearance d. urine to serum osmolality ratio


The enzymatic process in each PCR cycle consists of the following EXCEPT: a. DNA denaturation b. Primer annealing c. Extension of primed DNA sequence d. Analysis of PCR product


The following results were obtained in a creatinine clearance eval: Urine concentration 84 Urine volume 1440 Serum concentration 1.4 Body surface area 1.6 The creatinine clearance is: a. 6 b. 22 c. 60 d. 65


The following results were obtained on an electronic particle counter: WBC ++++ RBC 2.01 HGB 7.7 HCT 28.2 MCV 141 MCH 38.5 MCHC 23.3 What is the next step? a. clean the apertures b. warm the specimen c. replace the lysing agent d. dilute the specimen


The following urine were obtained on a 25y/o female Color Amber Micro: Appear Cloudy Bacteria = many SG 1.015 WBC cast Few pH 5.0 WBC 30-40 Protein 1+ Glucose Neg Blood Small a. glomerulonephritis b. renal calculus c. vaginitis d. pyelonephritis


The form in photo was recovered from a BM sample and measures 11 um in length. ID? a. Trypanosoma epimastigote b. Trypanosoma trypomastigote c. Leishmania epimastigote d. Leishmania promastigote


The most appropriate screening test for Hemoglobin H is: a. dithionite solubility b. osmotic fragility c. sucrose hemolysis d. heat instability test


The one characteristic by which an unknown Cryptococcus sp. can be ID as C. neoformans is: a. appearance of yellow colonies b. pos urease test c. presence of a capsule d. pos Niger seed agar test


The optimum storage temp for RBC Frozen is: a. 4 b. -12 c. -20 d. -80


The parasite was recovered in a vet stool sample. Which human parasite does it most closely match? a. Trichinella spiralis encysted larva b. Ascaris lumbricoides egg c. Enterobius vermicularis egg d. Trichuris trichiura egg


The parasitic form in the pic may be found in the eye, as a cause of keratitis. It measures appx. 25um in diameter. ID? a. Loa loa b. Naegleria fowleri c. Trypansoma brucei gambiense d. Acanthamoeba sp.


The stock cultures needed for a QC testing of deamination activity are: A. E coli/ Klebsiella penumoniae B. Salmonella typhimurium/ E coli C. E coli/ Pseudmonas aeruginosa D. Proteus mirabilis/ E coli


The stock cultures needed for quality control testing deoxyribonuclease (DNAse) production are: a. Salmonella typhimurium/E. coli b. E. coli/ P. aeruginosa c. Proteus mirabilis/E. coli d. Serratia marcenscens/ E. coli


The term "internal autoinfection" is generally used in referring to infections with: a. Ascaris lumbricoides b. Necator americanus c. Trichuris trichiura d. Strongyloides stercoralis


What ANA staining pattern is in this image? a. Homogeneous b. Speckled c. Nucleolar d. Centromere


What is the ABO type Red Cells Serum Anti-A 4+ A cells 1+ Anti-B 4+ B cells 0 a. Group AB b. Group O c. Group B d. Inconclusive: could be A2B with anti-A1 in the serum


Which of the following is considered one of the most common coagulation inhibitors? a. Lupus anticoagulant b. Anti-factor II c. Anti-factor V d. Anti-factor X


Which of the following processes can lead to the formation of microclots in a patients specimen that is collected in a tube containing EDTA? a. Failing to invert the tube after specimen collection b. Filling the tube as full as the vacuum in the tube allows c. Inverting the tube 5-10 times after the specimen collection d. Using the EDTA tube for an automated platelet count


Which of the following serum constituents is increased following strenuous exercise? a. Creatinine b. Total lipids c. Sodium d. Iron


Which of the following species is an oxidase +, glucose fermenting, Gram neg bacilli? a. Plesiomonas shigelloides b. Serratia marcescens c. Escherichia coli d. Providencia rettgeri


Which of the following statements about fluorometry is true? a. A compound is said to fluoresce when it absorbs light at one wavelength and emits light as a second wavelength b. Detectors in floremeters are placed 180 from the excitation source c. it is less sensitive than spectrophotometer d. It avoid the necessity for complexing of components because fluorescence is native property


Which of the following statements is TRUE with respect to uncompensated metabolic alkaloisis? a. pH will be elevated without an elevation of pCO2 b. pH will be elevated with an elecation of pCO2 c. pH will be elevated with a decrease of pCO2 d. pH will be normal with an elevation of pCO2


Which of the following test BEST correlates with the severity of HDFN? a. Color Doppler ultrasonography b. An antibody screen of the mothers blood c. Amniotic fluid bilirubin d. Antibody titer of moms blood


Factors commonly involved in producing anemia in patients with chronic renal disease include: a. marrow hypoplasia b. ineffective erythropoiesis c. Vit b12 defic d. increased erythtopoietin production


Given the following values: 100, 120, 150, 140, 130 What is the mean? a. 100 b. 128 c. 130 d. 640


Serum levels that define hypoglycemia in pre-term or low birth weight infants are: a: the same as adults b. lower than adults c. the same as a normal full term infant d. higher than a normal full term infant


Which purine base is found in RNA and not in DNA? a. Thymine b. Guanine c. Uracil d. Cytosine


Identify the nucleated blood cell: a. Lymph b. Neu c. Baso d. Mono


40y/o develops intermittent spiking fevers after trip to Western Africa. Based on the morphology of the erythrocytes and the heavy invasion with ring form trophozoites, the dx of malaria could be made. With particular focus on the sickle form gametocyte, which Plasmodium sp. is represented? a. P. vivax b. P. falciparum c. P. malariae d. P. ovale


52 y/o male has urine glucose as part of 3 hour GTT Time Serum Urine Fasting 82 neg 1/2 hr 120 neg 1 hr 190 neg 2 hr 115 1+ 3 hr 95 trace a. serum levels must exceed the thresh lev b4 glucose is filtered by the renal glom b. serum levels must exceed the thresh lev b4 reabsorption of glucose is exceeded c. tested patient probably has renal glucosuria d. tested patient probably has diabetes mellitus


A 9mo boy from Israel has gradually lost the ability to sit up and develops seizures. He as an increased amount of phospholipid called GM2-ganglioside in his neurons, and he lacks the enzyme hexosaminidase A in his leukocytes. These findings suggest: a. Neimann-Pick b. Tay-Sachs c. phenylketonuria d. Hurler's


A CBC is performed. The WBC is elevated and a manual diff is required. RBC is "Normal". Which histogram represents normal? a. b. c. d.


A D- mom gives birth to a baby that tests as D- in the IS phase. What step is next? a. Calc dose for RhIg b. Perform weak D c. Administer 1 dose of RhIg d. Perform a Kleihauer-Betke stain


A clean catch urine is submitted to the lab for routine UA and culture. The routine UA is done first, and the specimen is then sent to micro for culture. The specimen should: a. be centrifuged and the supernatant cultured b. be rejected due to poss contam from UA c. not be cultured if no bacteria are seen d. be immediately processed for culture regardless of UA results


A condition in which erythrocyte protoporphyrin is increased is: a. acute intermittent porphyria b. iron deficiency anemia c. porphyria cutanea tarda d. acute porphyric attack


A deficiency in which of the following coag factors will produce an abnormal PT test result, but will not affect the aPTT test result? a. X b. VII c. V d. II


A dilution commonly used for a routine sperm count is: a. 1:2 b. 1:20 c. 1:200 d. 1:400


A gram neg diplococcus that grows on Mod TM medium can be further confirmed as Neisseria gonorrhoeae if it is: a. oxidase pos, glucose pos, maltose pos b. oxidase pos, glucose pos, maltose neg c. oxidase pos, glucose neg, maltose pos d. oxidase neg, glucose pos, maltose neg


Coag factors affected by coumarin drugs are: a. VII, IX, and X b. I, II, V, and VII c. II, VII, IX, and X d. II, V, and VII


2y/o treated for upper resp. a few weeks ago, showed bruising and labs Hgb = 13.5 RBC = 3.9*10^12 WBC = 8.0*10^9 Plate = 5*10^9 BM ratio = 3:1 Mega = increased a. Glanzmann thrombasthenia b. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome c. Immune (idopathic) thrombocytopenic purpura d. Thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura


55 y/o white male labs RBC 3.7 x 10 WBC 5.8 x 10 Serum Iron 220 ug/dl MCV 86 fl TIBC 300 ug/dl MCH 26 pg Hct 32% MCHC 32% Serum Ferritin 2800 ng/mL Prussian Blue stain of BM indicates elevated iron stores a. Sideroblastic anemia b. anemia of chronic disease c. Hemocromotosis d. Megoblastic anemia


6mo. African American who experiences vomiting and diarrhea after milk ingestion and has failed to gain weight: pH 5.0 Protein neg Glucose neg Ketone Neg Blood Neg Bilirubin Neg Nitrite Neg Uro 0.1 Clinitest 2+ a. Diabetes mellitus b. Lactose intolerance c. Galactosemia d. CF


7 day old colony with a gray-yellow, velvety mold and a black staining perimeter. Although characteristic of a colony of chomomycosis, what ID of fungi that produces the sharply pointed end of the phialide from which clusters of elliptical conidia are formed? a. Cladophialophora carrionii b. Phialophora richardsiae c. Exophiala jeanselmei d. Fonsecaea pedrosoi


A 300ug dose of RhIg can suppress immunization up to a maximum of _____ mL of D-positive whole blood: a. 15mL b. 20mL c. 25mL d. 30mL


From the IgG molecule, which region is the heavy chain: a b c d


Identify the crystal: a. Leucine b. Cholesterol c. Bilirubin d. Cystine


Identify the nucleated blood cell: a. Baso b. Neutrophil c. Eos d. Mono


In the sweat test, the sweating stimulant is introduced to the skin by application of: a. filter paper moistened with pilocarpine nitrate b. an electric current c. copper electrodes d. filter paper moistened in DI water


Necator americanus is a parasite assoc with which of the following conditions? a. Beef tapeworm infection b. Hookworm infection c. Whipworm infection d. Fish tapeworm infection


The anticoag of choice for routine coag procedures is: a. sodium oxalate b. sodium citrate c. heparin d. sodium fluoride


The area of the immunoglobulin molecule referred to as the hinge region is located between which domains? a. Vh and Vl b. CH1 and CH2 c. CH2 and CH3 d. CH3 and Vl


The average bone marrow cellularity in a normal adult is: a. 30 b. 50 c. 65 d. 70


Arterial blood collected in a hep syringe, but exposed to room air would cause what changes? pO2 pCO2 pH a. elevated decreased elevated b. decreased elevated decrease c. unchanged elevated unchanged d. decreased decreased decreased


Cells used for the transport of O2 and CO2 are: a. erythrocytes b. granulocytes c. lymphocytes d. thrombocytes


Clinical resistance to penicillin dosages appears to correlate with beta-lactamase production in: a. N. gonorrhoeae b. N. meningitditis c. S. agalactiae d. S. pyogenes


From these test results, it can be concluded that Patient #3 has: HBsAG anti-HBC IgM anti-HAV IgM Patient #1 - - + Patient #2 + + - Patient #3 - + - a. recent acute hep A b. acute hep B c. acute hep C d. chronic hep B


Hives and itching are symptoms of which of the following transfusion reactions? a. febrile b. allergic c. circulatory overload d. bacterial


How many doses of RhIg should be administered if the calculated amount of fetal whole blood volume in maternal circulation was 28 mL? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4


Amebic cyst observed in stool specimen from a patient with low-grade, intermittent diahhrea. Distinctive cytoplasmic vacuole and "ball in socket" nucleus. a. Iodamoeba butschii b. Entamoeba harmanni c. Chilomastix mesnili d. Endolimax nana


An anaerobic gram negative rod isolated from a blood culture following bowel surgery grew smooth, white, nonhemolytic colonies. A gram stain showed a pale, bipolar-staining rod with rounded ends. Bile stimulated growth of the organism and catalase was produced. The isolate was not inhibited by colistin, kanamycin, or vancomycin; indole was not produced. The most likely identification of this isolate is: a. Bacterioides fragilis b. Prevotella melaninogenica c. Fusobacterium nucleatum d. C. diff


An automated leukocyte count is 22.5x10^3/uL. The differential reveals 200 normoblasts/100 leukocytes. What is the acutal leukocyte count per microliter? a. 7500 b. 11,500 c. 14,400 d. 22,300


An electrolyte panel consists of: a. K, Na, Cl, CO2 b. K, Na, Cl, Glucose c. K, Na, Cl, Creatinine d. K, Na, Cl, BUN


Antibodies involved in WAHA are often assoc. with which blood group system? a. Rh b. I c. P d. Duffy


Antibodies to which of the following immunoglobulins is known to have produced anaphylactic reactions following blood transfusions? a. IgA b. IgD c. IgE d. IgG


A 50 y/o woman has been receiving busulfan for three years for chronic myelogenous leukemia becomes anemic. Thrombocytopenia Many peroxidase-neg blasts in periph blood BM hypercellular in blast transformation Markedly increased BM TdT a. ALL b. acute myelocytic leukemia c. acute myelomonocytic leukemia d. busulfan toxicity


A 68 y/o man arrives in the ER with a glucose level of 722mg/dL and serum acetone of 4+ undiluted. An arterial blood gas from this patient is likely to indicate: a. Low pH b. High pH c. Low pO2 d. High pO2


A completely sickled cell is most commonly seen in which of these conditions? a. Homo HbSS b. Hetero HbSA c. Double Hetero HbSC d. HbS with Beta thalassemia


A cytokine can be described as: a. A soluble protein that regulates the immune response b. A chemical messenger that is only produced by lymphocytes c. A substance that acts alone to influence an immune response d. An antibody that reacts with lymphocytes


A diff was performed on an asymptomatic patient. The diff included 60% neutrophils: 55 of which had 2 lobes and 5 were not seg. There were no other abnormalities. This is consistant with: a. Pelger-Huet b. May-Hegglin c. Alder-Reilly d. Chediak-Higashi


A hemophiliac male and a normal female can produce: a. female carrier b. male carrier c. male hemophiliac d. normal female


A hospitalized patient has a decreased serum copper level and increased urine copper level. This is MOST consistent with? a. Wilson's b. Addison's c. Parathyroid d. Not Clinically sig.


A leukocyte count and diff on a 40 y/o caucasian man revealed: WBC 5.2 Diff: seg 22% Lymph 55% Mono 20% Eos 2% Baso 1% a. relative lymphocytosis b. absolute lymphocytosis c. relative neutrophilia d. leukopenia


A one molal solution is equivalent to: a. a solution containing one mole of solute per kg of solvent b. 1000mL of solution containing one mole of solute c. a solution containing one gram-equiv weight of solute in 1L of solution d. a one liter solution containing 2 moles of solute


A patient admitted for ongoing fever: RBC = 3.56 WBC = 57.5 Platelet = 375000 Diff: 3 blast, 10 myelocytes, 6 meta, 12 bands, 64 segs, 4 lymph and 1 mono LAP score = 155 a. Leukemoid Reaction b. CML c. Genetic translocation (9:22) d. Paroxsymal Noc. Hemo


A patient has 2 sep UA reports A B SG 1.004 1.017 pH 5.5 7.0 Protein neg trace Glucose neg neg Blood neg neg Microscopic Rare epi Occ. gran casts Rare hyaline mod epi cells a. the protein, glucose and micro of A are false neg b/c of the SG b. The protein, glucose are false + in B due to SG c. The micro of A is false neg b/c of pH d. the micro of B is false + b/c of pH


A solution of gamma globulins containing anti-Rh (D) is given to an Rh (D) negative mother to: a. Prevent fetal cells from initially sensitizing the mother b. Neutralize any of the childs antibody that may have passed the placental barrier c. Neutralize any natural maternal antibodies present d. Prevent greater antibody response in a prev. sensitized mother.


A test area of urine reagent strip is impregnated with only sodium nitroprusside. This section will react with: a. acetoacetic (diacetic) acid b. leukocyte esterase c. beta-hydroxybutyric acid d. ferric chloride


Absorption of Vit B12 requires the presence of: a. intrinsic factor b. gastrin c. secretin d. folic acid


Acute DIC is characterized by: A. hypfibrinogenemia B. thrombocytosis C. negative D-dimer D. shortened thrombin time


Acute intravascular hemolysis as the result of a blood transfusion is most assoc. with which of the following? a. Transfusion of ABO incompatible RBC b. Allergic reaction c. Passively transfused antibodies to HLA antigens d. TA-GVHD


All stages of neutrophils are most likely to be seen in the peripheral blood smear of a patient with: a. chronic granulocytic leukemia b. myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia c. erythroleukemia d. acute granulocytic leukemia


How many grams of sulfosalicylic acid (MW=254) are required to prepare 1L of 3% (w/v) solution? a. 3 b. 30 c. 254 d. 300


How many milliliters of a 3% solution can be made if 6g of a solute are available? a. 100 b. 200 c. 400 d. 600


According to the Michaelis-Menton kinetics theory, when a reaction is performed in zero-order kinetics: a. The sub concentration is very low and the reaction rate is depend on the sub concentration b. The sub concentration is in excess and the reaction rate is depend on the enzyme concentration c. The enzyme concentration is in excess and the reaction rate is depend on the sub concentration d. The sub concentration is equal and the reaction rate is depend on the enzyme concentration


All of the following are causes of hypernatremia EXCEPT: a. Excess water loss b. Low aldosterone production c. Decreased water intake d. Increased sodium intake or retention


All of the following are directly involved in the production of semen, EXCEPT: a. Prostate b. Pit gland c. Sem vesicles d. Bulb gland


All of the terms below are a measure of central tendency, EXCEPT a. Mean b. Molarity c. Median d. Mode


Although ABO compatibility is preferred, ABO incompatible product may be administered when transfusing: a Single Donor Plasma b. Cryo c. FFP d. Granulocytes


An antibiotic that inhibits cell wall synthesis: a. chloramphenicol b. penicillin c. sulfonamide d. colistin


An antibiotic used to suppress or kill contaminating fungi in media is: a penicillin b cycloheximide c streptomycin d amphotericin B


An autopsy performed on an 8-year-old child revealed Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome. Blood and throat cultures taken just prior to death were positive for which organism? a Neisseria gonorrhoeae b Neisseria meningitidis c Haemophilus influenzae d Klebsiella pneumoniae


An unusual number of methicillin resistant S. areus were isolated in the lab in the past month. Which of the following is the most likely explanation: a. incubation of the susceptibility plates at 35C b. deterioration of the methicillin discs c. inoculation of plates 10 min after standardizing the inoculum d. standardization of the inoculum to a 0.5 McFarland turbidity standard


Anti-Sda is strongly suspected if: a. the patient has been previously transfused b. the agglutinates are mixed field and refractile c. the patient is group A or B d. only a small number of panel cells are reactive


Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) are both elevated in which of the following diseases? a. Muscular distrophy b. viral hep c. pulminary emboli d. infectious mono


At what frequency should quality control testing be performed on each lot of AHG to be in compliance with the FDA's current good mfg practices? a. At the beginning of each shift b. Each day of use c. Only at the time of receipt d. By each new user


Basophils' primary role involves: a. Phagocytosis b. allergic reactions c. Long term immunity d. Fighting parasitic infections


Beer's law states that concentration is directly proportional to which of the following? a. Light transmitted b. Absorbance c. Incident light d. Absorptivity coefficient


Blood pCO2 may be determined by: a. potentimetric measurement of pH resulting from concentration of dissolved CO2 b. calculations of blood pO2 and totol CO2 concentrations c. measurement of CO2 saturated hemoglobin d. measurement of CO2 consumed at the cathode


Calcium concentration in the serum is regulated by: a. insulin b. Parathyroid hormone c. thyroxine d. Vit C


Carbon dioxide is predominately found in blood in the form of: a. Bound CO2 b. Bicarb ions c. Sodium carbonate d. pCO2


Children who have throat or skin infections with Group A beta-hemolytic strep can develop: a. acute pyelonephritis b. acute glomerulonephritis c. chronic glomerulonephritis d. nephrosis


Chocolate agar base containing vanco, colistin, nystain, and trimethoprim is also known as: a. EMP b. Mod. TM c. Columbia CNA d. KV-laked


Concerning antigen-antibody reactions, the prozone effect causes: a. False + b. False - c. No reaction d. MF


Each of the following bacterial species are commonly assoc. with wound infections following a dog bite, EXCEPT? a. Staphylococcus intermedius b. Bordetella bronchiseptica c. Pasturella multicida d. Capnocytophaga cynodegmi


Electrophoretic separation of hemoglobin fundamentally relies on: a. Weight differences of molecules b. Electrical charge differences of molecules c. Concentration differences of molecules d. Shape variations of molecules


Elevation of the lymphocyte percentage above 47% is: a. absolute lymphocytosis b. relative lymphocytosis c. relative neutrophilic leukocytosis d. absolute neurophilic leukocytosis


Enterobacteriacea member H2S neg Lysine + Ornithine neg Citrate + Phenylalanine neg Urea + Motility Neg a. Enterobacter cloacae b. Klebsiella pneumoniae c. Escherichia coli d. Yersinia enterocolitica


Enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique differ from all other types in that? a. Lysozyme is the only enzyme used to label the hapten molecule b. No separation of bound and free antigen is req. c. Inhibition of the enzyme label is accomplished with polyethylene glycol d. Antibody absorption to polystyrene tubes precludes competition to labeled and free antigen


Erythropoietin acts to a. shorten the replication time of the granulocytes b. stimulate RNA synthesis of erythroid cells c. increase CSF produced by the B-lymphs d. decrease the release of marrow retics


Esterase stains are used to help diff. which of the following? a. Myeloblasts from Lymphoblasts b. Monoblasts from myeloblasts c. Monoblasts from lymphoblasts d. Erythroblasts from lymphoblasts


Examine the red cells in the image. Which of the following tests are necessary to confirm the condition suggested by the morphology? a. Serum Vit B12 and folate b. Hemoglobin electrophoresis for HbS c. Hemoglobin electrophoresis for Hb Bart's d. Column chromotography for elevated Hb A2


A KB stain of postpartum blood film revealed 0.3% fetal cells. What is the est. vol (mL) of the FMH expressed as whole blood? a. 5 b. 15 c. 25 d. 35

B - Fetal cell % = Number of fetal cells*100/ Total RBC

What is the corrected WBC if the WBC is 14,460 and there were 47 nucleated RBC per 100 WBC? a. 6796 b. 9837 c. 10165 d. 21256

B 14460*(100/147)=9837

When performing a manual white blood count, 236 cells were counted on one and 224 cells were counted on another. A 1/20 dilution of 1% HC1 was used and the area counted on each was 4 sq. mm. Twenty five RBC in the diff were observed per 100 WBC. What is the correct WBC/uL? a. 8500 b. 9200 c. 9575 d. 12425

B 236+224/2=230*10/4=11500 11500*100/25+100=9200

What is the molarity of H2SO4 (GMW = 98) that has a specific gravity of 1.21 and an assay weight of 68% w/v? a. 0.84M b. 8.4M c. 1.68M d. 16.8M

B moles of solute/liter of solution

All of the following are present in normal BM EXCEPT a. Siderocytes b. Siderblast c. Ringed sideroblast d. Hemosiderin


A 1 - 2 mm translucent, non pigmented colony, isolated from an anaerobic culture of a lung abscess after 72 hours, was found to fluoresce brick red under UV light. A gram stain of the organism revealed coccobacillus that had the following: growth in bile neg vanco resistant catalase neg esculin neg indole neg glucose, lactose, sucrose pos a. Bacteroides ovatus b. Bacteroides fragilis c. Prevotella melaninogenica d. Porphyromonas asaccharolytica


What is the main function of the hexose monophosphate shunt in RBC? a. Regulate levels of 2,3 DPG b. Protect Hb from oxidation via NADH c. Provide ATP d. Provide NADPH and reduced glutathione to prevent oxidation of hemoglobin


A 24 hr urine from a man who had no evidence of kidney impairment was sent to the lab for hormone determination. The volume was 600mL, but there was some question as to the completeness of the 24 hour collection. The next step would be: a. Perform the hormone determination since 600mL is normal 24 hr urine volume b. check the creatinine level, if less than 1g do the procedure c. report the hormone determination in mg/dL in case the specimen was incomplete d. check the creatinine level, if it is greater that 1g do the procedure


A HbA1C result for a diabetic patient is 6.0%. What conclusion can be made re: this patients carb mgmt? a. Inconclusive b. Not following diet c. compliant with diet d. critical and patient needs treated


A UA is performed on a 27 y/o SG 1.008 Micro pH 5.0 WBC 20-30 Protein 2+ RBC 30-55 Glu neg Cast Ket neg Hyaline 5-7 Bili neg RBC 2-5 Blood 3+ Blood 2-3 Nitrite neg waxy 1-3 Leuk pos Uro 0.1 Uric acid crystals mod a. yeast b. bacterial cystitis c. glomerulonephritis d. pyelonephritis


A beta-hemolytic strep which is bacitracin resistant and CAMP pos is: a. group A and B b. Group A c. Group B d. beta-hemolytic Group D


A blood smear shows 80 NRC per 100 leukocytes. The total leukocyte count is 18*10^3. The true white count is: a. 17.2 b. 9.0 c. 10.0 d. 13.4


A cercaria is capable of penetrating the skin of a human who might be swimming in contaminated water. These cercaria in turn enter the circulation, and mature in the portal vascular system where they develop into mature flukes. The female fluke occupy the gynecophoral cavity of the male fluke. Select the genus that represents the parts of the life cycle as described: a. Clonorchis b. Fasciola c. Schistosoma d. Paragonimus


A chemical reaction that is utilized by many different analytical methods involves: a. Fluorometry b. Glucose oxidase c. The reduction of NAD to NADH d. UV spectrophotometry


A diff on a 40 y/o Caucasian male: WBC diff seg 20% Lymph 58% Mono 20% Eos 2% a. absolute lymphocytosis b. relative neutrophilia c. absolute neutropenia d. leukopenia


A male patients urea nitrogen is 15mg/dL and his creatinine is 5mg/dL. If this patient is not undergoing dialysis, what conclusion would you draw? a. Labs are normal b. Early stage renal disease c. One of the values has an error d. Muscle deterioration


A patient has a normal PT and a prolonged aPTT using a kaolin activator. The aPTT corrects to normal when the incubation time is increased. These finding suggest: a. hemophila A (VII deficiency) b. Hageman factor (XII) c. Fletcher factor defic. (prekallikrein) d. Factor V defic


A patient has the following test results: ANA + 1:320 compliment decreased ASO 50 Todd units RA pos a. Rheumatic fever b. RA c. Lupus erythematosus d. Glomerulonephritis


A patient has the following values: RBC 6.5 HGB 14.0 HCT 42.0 MCV 65 MCH 21.5 MCHC 33 a. Iron deficiency b. pregnancy c. thalassemia minor d. beta thalassemia major


A patient presents with an elevation of unconjugated bilirubin, normal serum ALP, normal liver enzymes, and no bilirubin in the urine. This would suggest? a. Viral infection of the liver b. Chemical damage to the liver c. Increased rate of hemolysis d. Obstruction of the common bile duct.


A patient received 2 units of RBC and had a delayed hemolytic trans reaction. Pretrans records indicate a neg antibody screen. Repeat testing of the pretrans specimen detected and antibody at the AHG phase. What is the most likely explanation for the original results? a. Red cells were overwashed b. Centrifugation time was prolonged c. Patients serum was ommitted from the original testing d. antiglobulin reagent was neutralized


A rosette test to screen for FMH is indicated in all of the following, EXCEPT? a. A weak D+ infant b. A D+ infant c. A D+ mother d. A D- mother


A stat microscopic UA is reported as: WBC 10-13 RBC 2-6 Hyaline 5-7 Bacteria 1+ The centrifuge tube was not discarded and the urine sed was reevaluated microscopically 5 hrs after the above results were reported. A second tech reported the results with the same results, except 2+ bacteria and no hyaline casts were found. The most probable explanation of the second techs findings is: a. sed was not aggitated b4 prepping slide b. cast dissolved due to decrease in pH c. cast dissolved due to increase of pH d. casts were never present in this specimen


A technologist decides to make a 1:20 dilution of CSF. After making the dilution and changing the chambers, the number of cells that are observed in each large square of the hemocytometer is >100. What should the technologist do to obtain the most accurate count? a. Count all four corner squares b. Make a smaller dilution c. Make a larger dilution d. No dilution is necessary


A technologist pipetted 200ul of serum in a test tube and added 5 mL of saline to the tube. What is the ratio of serum to the total volume? a. 1:2.5 b. 1:25 c. 1:26 d. 1:50


A thin, anaerobic, gram negative bacillus with tapered ends isolated from an empyema was found to be indole positive, lipase negative, and inhibited by 20% bile. Colonies were described as "speckled" or resembling "ground glass" and fluoresced weakly when exposed to ultraviolet light. The most probable identification of this isolate would be: a. Bacteroides sp. b. Prevotella sp. c. Fusobacterium sp. d. Eikenella sp.


A urine screen test for porphobilinogen is +. The MOST likely disease state is: a. lead poisoning b. porphyria cutanea tarda c. acute porphyria attack d. erythrocytic protophyria


A urine screening test for porphobilinogen is positive. The MOST likely disease state is: a. lead poisoning b. porphyria cutanea tarda c. acute porphyria attack d. erythrocytic protophyria


According to AABB standards, 90% of all Platelet Pheresis units tested shall contain how many platelets per uL? a. 5.5*10^10 b. 6.5*10^10 c. 3.0*10^11 d. 5.0*10^11


All of the following are possible medical complications for an individual dx with metabolic syndrome, EXCEPT: a. Fatty liver disease b. Renal disease c. Brain tumor d. Sleep apnea


Which of the following statements is TRUE for specific gravity measured but the urine chem strip method? a. High concentrations of protein in the urine do not increase the readings b. An alk pH would not affect the SG c. The urine chem strip method is not affected by the presence of xray contrast media in the urine specimen d. They urine chem strip method is based on the fact that light is refracted in proportion to the amount of total solids dissolved in the urine


Which of the following statements re: the periph blood smear shown in the photo is TRUE? a. This area is acceptable for a manual diff b. This area is unacceptable for scanning for blast, parasites, fibrin and platelet clumps c. This area is unacceptable for evaluating RBC morph because its too thin d. This area is acceptable for eval. RBC morph


Which of the following terms describes a graft between genetically unidentical individuals belonging to the same species? a. autograft b. isograft c. allograft d. xenograft


Which one of the following organisms could be used as the positive QC for lecithinase on egg yolk agar: a. B. fragilis b. Fusobacterium necrophorum c. C. perfringens d. C. sporogenes


Which substance is used in the Jendrassik-Grof method to accelerate the reaction of unconjugated bilirubin with the diazo reagent? a. NADH b. N-butanol c. Caffeine-benzoate d. Acetic acid


Which two inclusions can sometimes be seen in seg. neutrophils? a. Baso stip and Dohle b. auer rods and toxic gran c. toxic gran and Dohle d. auer rods and baso stip


Which would be affected by allowing a urine specimen to remain at RT for 3 hr b4 analysis? a. Occult blood b. SG c. pH d. protein


In a moderately bloody specimen, 250 cells are counted in 1 primary square, the dilution is 1:100. What is the count? a. 2.5*10^3 b. 2.5*10^4 c. 2.5*10^5 d. 2.5*10^6

C (250*100)/(1*0.1)

What is the GFR for a patient with a serum creatinine of 2mg/dL, if the urine creatinine was 124mg/dL and the urine vol. was 2.2L/24hrs? a. 9.5 mL/min b. 13.6 c. 95 d. 136

C 124*(2200/24*hour/60)/2=94.7

Calc. the red cell indices: RBC = 3.19 x 10^12 Hb = 11.3 Hct = 35% a. MCV = 99, MCH = 38, MCHC = 34 b. MCV = 109, MCH = 36,MCHC = 34 c. MCV = 110, MCH = 35, MCHC = 32 d. MCV = 105, MCH = 38,MCHC = 32

C MCV= 35/3.19=10.97*10=109.7 or 110 MCH = 11.3/3.19 = 3.54*10 = 35.4 MCHC = 11.3/35=0.32*100 = 32

A 10 y/o boy was admitted to the ER with a dx of appendicitis. The labs were: Patient Ref % seg neutr 75 16-60 WBC 200*10^3 5.0-10.0 During surgery the appendix appeared normal; an enlarged node was removed and cultured. Small gram neg rods were isolated from blood agar and MAC. The organisms grew better at RT. The organism is most likely: a. Prevotella melaninogenica b. Shigella sonnei c. Listeria monocytogenes d. Yersinina enterocolitica


A 30 y/o man has a painful right knee and a slightly enlarged spleen: HGB 15 Ab. neut count 10 Platlet count 900 Uncorrected retic 1% Cell Morph Normal RC indices slight increase in bands rare meta and myeloctyte giant and bizarre platelets a. congenital spherocytosis b. RA with reactive thrombocytosis c. myelofibrosis d. idiopathic thrombocythemia


A 31y/o returned from Africa. He presented as weak with weight loss, abdominal pain, and bloody diarrhea. CBC revealed EOS and anemia. A wet prep showed a 52um by 27 um parasite: a. Enterobius vermicularis b. Giardia duodenalis c. Ascaris lumbricoides d. Trichuris trichiura


A 65y/o woman experienced shaking, chills, and a fever of 103 approx 40 min following the transfusion of a second unit of RBC. The most likely explanation? a. Transfusion of bacterially contam. blood b. cong. heart failure due to fluid overload c. anaphylactic trans reaction d. severe febrile trans reaction


A GPC isolated from a blood culture has the following characteristics: Optichin neg Bacitracin neg Bile esculin neg Hip hydro pos catalase neg a. S. aureas b. S. pneumonia c. S pyogenes d. S agalactiae


A TSI tube inoculated with an organism gave the following reactions: Alk slant Acid Butt No H2S No gas Nonmotile a. Yersinia sp. b. Salmonella sp c. E coli d. Shigella


A batch of trichrome-stained slides for ova and parasite exam contains numerous minute crystals which totally obscure the micro field. Which of the following measures is the most appropriate remedial action? a. change the Schaudinns fixative, remove coverslip and restain b. change the acid alcohol and restain c. remove coverslip and remount using fresh Permount or similar medium d. change the iodine alcohol solution to obtain a strong tea colored solution, restain


A beta hemolytic, catalase +, GPC is coag neg by the slide of the coag test. Which of the following is the most appropriate action in the ID of this organism? a. report coag neg Staph b. report coag neg S. areus c. reconfirm the hemolytic reaction on a fresh 24 hr culture d. perform a tube coag test to confirm slide test


A colorimetric method calls for the use of 0.1mL serum, 0.5mL reagent, and 4.9mL of water. What is the dilution of the serum in the final solution? a. 1:5 b. 1:10 c. 1:50 d. 1:100


A gram stained sputum smear revealed 25-50 squam. epi cells and 10-25 PNM leukocytes per 100x field, as well as lancet shaped GPC, many GNR, and many GPC in pairs, clumps and long chains. The best course of action would be: a. inoculate appropriate media and incubate anerobically b. inoculate appropriate media and incubate aerobically c. call the Dr and notify him of this "life threatening" situation d. call the nursing station to request a new specimen


A morph feature common to HGB C disease is: a. macrocytosis b. spherocytosis c. rouleaux formation d. target cells


A patient has a high cold agglutination titer. Automated cell counter results reveal an elevated MCV, MCH, and MCHC. Individual erythrocytes appear normal on a stained smear, but agglutinates are noted. The appropriate course of action would be to: a. perform the RBC, HGB, and HCT using manual methods b. perform the RBC determination by a manual method, use the automated results for the HGB and HCT c. repeat the determinations using a microsample of diluted blood d. repeat the determinations using a prewarmed specimen


A patient with glomerulonephritis would present with the following serum results: a. creatinine decreased b. calcium increased c. phosphorous decreased d. BUN increased


A patient with historic AB+ required a type and screen. Gel Results Anti-A pos A1 Cells MF Anti-B pos B Cell MF Anti-D pos a. The back type is correct, the front is incorrect due to manufacturing defect b. An elderly O patient with a weak reaction in the back type due to compromised anti a and b productio c. The front type is correct, the back type can be ignore because its not strong d. The front type is correct and the back may be due to cold agglutinins. Prewarm and retest.


When combined antimicrobial drugs are clearly less effective than the most active drug alone, the condition is described as: a. minimal inhibitory concentration b. synergism c. minimum bacteriocidal concentration d. antagonism


A traveler is being evaluated for GI pain, fever, and diarrhea. The patient has recently returned from SE Asia. No history of sexual activity or IV drug use, but conditions of poor sanitation. If liver function test results were elevated and bilirubinurea was noted, what would the next logical test be: a. ELISA test for HBsAG b. Recombinant Immunoblot Assay for Hep C c. Western blot for HIV d. ELISA test for Hep A antigens in the stool


A unit of RBC is issued at 9am. At 9:10am the unit is returned to the blood bank? The container has NOT been entered, but the unit has NOT been refridgerated during this time. The best course of action is: a. culture the unit for bacterial contamination b. discard the unit if not used within 24 hours c. store the unit at RT d. record the return and place the unit back in inventory


A young man is experiencing difficulty breathing after fainting. The Dr orders and arterial blood gas which shows the following: pH 7.25 pCO2 62 pO2 70 HCO3 23 a. Met Alk b. Met Acid c. Resp alk d. Resp acid


Absorbance (A) of a solution may be converted to percent transmittance (%T) using the formula: a. 1+ log%T b. 2+ log%T c. 1-log%T d. 2-log%T


All of the following are applications of real-time PCR, EXCEPT? a. Microbe ID b. Genotyping HLA components c. ID of DNA sequences d. Amplification of DNA for northern blot


Anti-RNA antibodies are often present in individuals having an anti-nuclear antibody immunofluorescent pattern that is: a. speckled b. rim c. diffuse d. nucleolar


Antisera Reaction Anti-C + Anti-D + Anti-E + Anti-c + Anti-e + a. R1R1 b. R1r' c. R0R" d. R1R2


Each of the following characteristics will differentiate between Listeria monocytogenes and Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae except: a. Hydrolysis of esculin b. Motility c. Catalase d. Fermentation of glucose


Elevation in conjugated bilirubin is most likely to be found in which of the following conditions: a. Transfusion reactions b. Erythroblastosis fetalis c. Cirrhosis of the liver d. Biliary obstruction


Genes of the MHC: a. Code for HLA-A, B, C only b. are linked to genes in the ABO system c. are the primary genetic sex determinants d. contribute to the coordination of cellular and humoral immunity


Haemophilus influenzae becomes resistant to ampicillin when the organism produces a(n): a. capsule of polysaccharide material b. affinity for the beta-lactam ring of the ampicillin c. requirement for hemin d. beta-lactamase


In a specimen collected for plasma glucose analysis, sodium fluoride: a. serves as a coenzyme of hexokinase b. prevents reactivity of non glucose reducing substances c. precipitates proteins d. inhibits glycolysis


In order for hemoglobin to combine reversibly with oxygen, the iron must be: a. complexed with haptoglobin b. freely circulating in the cytoplasm c. attached to transferrin d. in the ferrous state


In serum protein electrophoresis all of the following proteins reside in the band closest to the anodal end EXCEPT: a. Retinol-binding protein (RBP) b. Transthyretin c. Albumin d. Haptoglobin


In suspected cases of HDFN, what sig info can be obtained from the baby's blood smear? a. est. of WBC, RBC, and platelet count b. marked increase in immature neutrophils (left shift) c. a diff to estimate the absolute number of lymphs present d. determination of the presence of spherocytes and elevated numbers of NRBC


Isoimmunization to platelet antigen (HPA-1a) and the placental transfer of maternal antibodies would be expected to cause newborn: a. erythroblasts b. leukocytosis c. leukopenia d. thrombocytopenia


Magnesium carbonate is added in an iron binding capacity determination in order to: a. allow color to develop b. precipitate protein c. bind with hemoglobin iron d. remove excess unbound iron


Many microspherocytes, schistocytes and budding off of spherocytes can be seen on peripheral blood smears of patients with: a. hereditary spherocytosis b. DIC c. acquired autoimmune hemolytic anemia d. extensive burns


The function of N-acetyl-L-cysteine required in the NALC-NaOH reagent for acid fast digestion-decontamination procedure is to: a. inhibit growth of normal resp flora b. inhibit growth of fungi c. neutralize the sodium hyroxide d. liquefy the mucus


The nanometer is used as a measure of: a. absorbance b. % transmittance c. intensity of radiant energy d. wavelengths of radiant energy


These results are most consistent with: ALP marked increase ALT slight increase APT slight increase Gamma-Glut marked increase a. acute hep b. osteitis fibrosa c. chronic hep d. obstructive jaundice


Thiolycollate broth is stored at RT and in the dark so that: a. ureases are not formed b. the cysteine is not decomposed c. sunlight does not hydrolyze the glucose in the medium d. there is a decrease absorption of oxygen in the medium


This electrophoresis pattern is consitant with: Patient Ref Range Total protein 7.3 6.0-8.0 Albumin 4.2 3.6-5.2 Alpha 1 0.0 0.1-0.4 Alpha 2 0.9 0.4-1.0 Beta 0.8 0.5-1.2 Gamma 1.4 0.6-1.6 a. cirrhosis b. monoclonal gammopathy c. polyclonal gammopathy d. alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency


UA on 27 y/o SG 1.008 Micro pH 5.0 WBC 20-30 Protein 2+ RBC 30-55 Glu neg Cast Ket neg Hyaline 5-7 Bili neg RBC 2-5 Blood 3+ Coarse 2-3 Nitrite neg waxy 1-3 Leuk pos Uro 0.1 Uric acid crystals mod a. nephritic syndrome b. gout c. bilary obstruction d. chronic renal disease


What are the main functions of the DCT? a. Balance hydrogen ions and keep the body pH at 6.8 b. Control aldosterone production and ammonia reabsorption c. Excrete various antibiotics and uric acid d. Maintain water-electrolyte and acid-base balances


What is the MOST likely cause of the ABO discrepancy? Anti-A Neg A1 Cells Neg Anti-B Neg B cells 3+ a. Loss of antigen due to diease b. Acquired B c. Low immunoglobulin levels d. Weak subgroup of A


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