MM "A" School Test 2

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Below 15psi (~14PSI)


Relief, Safety

A _______ Valve lifts and resets at the same pressure, and a _______ valve lifts at a set pressure, and reseats at a significantly lower pressure.


A heat exchanger is a device that _____ the transfer of heat from one substance to another.


Air leakage into the casing of the main propulsion turbine can cause the main condenser to __________.


An auxiliary condenser is a _____ pass heat exchanger?


At what pressure does the main or auxiliary condenser unloading valves start to open?


At what pressure is the main or auxiliary condenser unloading valve fully open?

Quantity, Quality, Lube Oil

Before using any bearing insure that the bearing has a proper _______ and _______ of __________.

Double Helical Double Reduction Articulating

Classify the Main Reduction Gear. (MRG)


De-aeration is the process of _____ dissolved oxygen from the water.

Lay up duration, Planned Maintenance to be completed, Shore support, Planned repairs to be completed.

Determining idle boiler lay up depends on what considerations?


EOCC Deviations must be authorized in writing by the ___.

Talk through, walk through, exercise

EOCC Training is typically conducted using what methods?


EOCC consists of what two procedural formats?

1.)Atmosphere 2.)Bilge 3.)Uptake

Escape steam piping system directs excess steam to what locations?

Generation Phase, Expansion Phase, Condensation Phase, Feed Phase

Four phases of the basic steam cycle? (In order)

Chemical ➡️ Thermal

Fuel oil burned converts _______ energy to _______ energy in the boiler firebox.

80%, 95%

Fuel oil tanks are filled to a maximum of ___ in port and ___ underway?

1/2, 2

Gland Seal regulating valve station reduces 150PSIG superheated steam to between ____ to ____PSIG for sealing the shaft glands of the main propulsion turbine.


Gland Seal steam unloading station function is to ______ excess gland sealing steam to the main condenser.

1.) Direction of flow 2.) Path of Flow 3.) # of passes 4.) Type of Construction

How do we classify a heat exchanger?

Hand easing gears

How do you operate boiler safety valves manually?

Vacuum Drag

How is condensate in the Fresh Water Drain Collecting Tank (FWDCT) returned to the basic steam cycle?

Over speed trick valve

If a Main Feed Pump is in an over speed condition, what protects it from damage?

Nozzle, Blade

In a Rateau Stage, steam flows through the _____ first, then through the _____.

Generating Tubes

Largest bank of tubes that makes the most amount of steam in the boiler are called?

1.) Surface 2.) Continuous 3.) Bottom

List the 3 blowdowns the Navy conducts:

Loop system, Normal Alternate Power sources, Split plant

List the examples of sound design.

1. Type of design and construction 2. Type of arrangement of staging 3. Direction of steam flow 4. Repetition of steam flow 5. Division of steam flow 6. Type of exhaust

List the six classifications of a turbine?

Redirect steam flow

Moving blades of a turbine convert kinetic energy of steam to mechanical energy. What do fixed blades do?

S.H.I.T 1.(S)uper (H)eater 2.Safety 1 (I) 3. Safety (T)wo

Name the 3 boiler safety valves. What is the safety valve lifting order?

1.) Shell pressure relief valve 2.) vacuum breaker

Name two safety devices on the dft?

Thermal, Kinetic

Nozzles convert _______ energy of steam into _______ energy.

Warmup/ Bypass Valve

Sudden temperature changes in steam piping develops stress. What allows the controlled warm up of downstream piping and equalization across valves?


T/F: In a helical flow turbine, steam is directed into the steam buckets, into a reversing chamber and then back into the steam buckets.


T/F: MCRP Can be used as a study guide for increasing watch stander knowledge.


The DFT operates at what pressure?


The ___ Prevents personnel from accidentally cutting in fuel to a secured burner that does not have an atomizer in place in place or from uncoupling an atomizer that is pressurized with fuel.


The ________ augmenting station is used to augment Auxiliary Exhaust.

Mechanical Counter

The ___________ is a speed sensing device mounted on the forward end of the second reduction gear, and it's gear driven by the thrust shaft.

Steam drum

The automatic feed water control valve opens and closes as needed to control water level in what component?


The auxiliary exhaust system is usually the main cause of an unstable _____?


The auxiliary exhaust system operates at what pressure?


The auxiliary exhaust system operates at what temperatures?

Non-condensing gases

The auxiliary exhaust system provides a means to recover steam from?

Feed Phase

The bottom half of the DST is what phase of the basic steam cycle?

Progressive Flooding

The bulkhead stuffing box allows the shaft to pass from one space to another and prevent _____________ thus maintaining watertight integrity.


The inter-condenser is under a vacuum of ___in.(HG).


The main condenser overboard temperature should be approximately ____ higher than the injection temperature.

Air, Non-Condensable

The purpose of the Gland Exhauster Fan is to remove ____ & ___-_________ from the Gland Exhaust Condenser.

Provide, Prevent

The purpose of the gland seal system is to ________ a steam seal at the turbine casing to ________ air leakage into the casing at low steam rate and steam leakage out during high steaming rate.

Radiant heat

The superheater is protected from what type of heat?


The vacuum breaker is set at approximately __"H20

Main steam stop

The valve that isolates 600 Main steam from the boiler is called?

Oil Vapors

The vent fog precipitator prevents _________ from escaping in the main reduction gear.


To prevent over pressurizing the de-aerating feed tank shell, the relief valve is set at ___PSI

Kinetic ➡️ Mechanical

Turbines convert the _______ energy of the steam to ________ energy to perform useful work.

Scoop injection, Circulating

Two ways saltwater gets in to the main condenser is ___________ and ___________.

Existing, Potential

Utmost care must be maintained to unsure that _________ and _________ hazards are corrected before damage to equipment and personnel occurs.

Expansion loop

What allows thermal expansion or contraction of steam system piping?

Heated Air, Desicant

What are methods of Dry Lay-Up?

1.)Pre-heat water 2.)Remove oxygen (deaerate) 3.)Provide storage

What are the 3 functions of the DFT?

Cyclone, scrubber, dry box.

What are the 3 moisture separators in the steam drum?

1.) Normal 2.)Relief 3.)Maintenance/Safety

What are the 3 positions of the CERV?

1.) Thrust 2.) Line 3.) Stern 4.) Tail

What are the 4 sections of a main shaft? (In order)

Inspections, Maintenance, Communications, Sound Design, Personnel Organization + Training

What are the 5 influencing factors of EOCC?

Controlling, Immediate, Supplementary, Restore

What are the Four actions of EOCC?

1.) Service System 2.) Transfer System 3.) Stripping System

What are the three types of tailpipes on a fuel oil service tank?

Wet, Dry

What are the two categories of idle boiler lay-up?

Vapor condensate & Cooling water

What are the two circuits in the main condenser?

1.) Rubber lip Type Face - Syntron Seal 2.) Mechanical Type Face - Mx-9 Seal

What are the two types of shaft seals?

1.) Electrical 2.) Static

What are the two types of sight glass used on fuel oil tanks?


What boiler tube brings feed water from the steam drum down to the water drum and lower heads?


What boiler tube is located in the water drum?

1.) Air 2.) Nitrogen 3.) CO2

What can be used to inflate the emergency shaft seal?

Spray Nozzle

What component divides the condensate into a fine mist, providing a large surface area for the steam in the pre-heater compartment to act upon?

Steam Force Draft Blower

What component uses 600PSI Auxiliary steam and provides combustion air for the boiler?

Distilling plant

What components use auxiliary exhaust?

Engineering Operation(EO); Sequencing System (SS), Procedures (P), Casualty Control (CC)

What does EOSS, EOP, EOCC stand for?

Allows boilers in one Main Machinery Room (MMR) to supply steam to More than one MMR.

What does cross-connected mean?

Method by operating 2 or more propulsion plants completely independent of eachother.

What does split plant mean?

Operating two propulsion plants that are independent.

What does split plant mean?

Master casualty response procedure; EOOW

What does the MCRP stand for and which SPECIFIC watch stander uses MCRP?

Thermal ➡️ Mechanical

What energy conversion takes place in the expansion phase?

Chemical ➡️ Thermal

What energy conversion takes place in the generation phase of the basic steam cycle?

HP: Single LP: Double

What flow type is the HP/LP Turbine?


What insulates the boiler and minimizes heat loss?

Removes combustible gas from furnace; Electric Force Draft Blower (FDB)

What is a furnace purge and what is used to conduct one?

Fire main

What is an example of a loop system?

Steam bucket

What is another name for a turbine blade?

Safety Valve- Resets at a significantly lower pressure Relief valve- Resets at the same pressure

What is the difference between a safety valve and a relief valve?

Collects Turbines Steam or Gland Seal Steam that has passed through the middle labyrinth packing rings.

What is the function of the Gland Seal supply cavity?


What is the maximum temperature differential between the upper and lower halves of the dft?

Prevent, Minimize, Correct Casualties.

What is the mission of EOCC?

To remove Air and remove Non-Condensable gases

What is the purpose if the Gland Exhaust Condenser?

Allows to flex; Prevents cracking and breaking

What is the purpose of an Expansion (piping) loop?

Provide fine filtration to for boiler and atomizers

What is the purpose of fuel oil strainer?


What is the purpose of inter-bottoms?

Provides positive-head suction to the Main Feed Pump (MFP)

What is the purpose of the Main Feed Booster Pump (MFBP)?

Pumps feed water to boiler 150-200PSI Above boiler operating pressure

What is the purpose of the Main Feed Pump (MFP)?

Dumps excess exhaust to the atmosphere

What is the purpose of the auxiliary exhaust atmospheric unloading valve?

Protects the non-condensing turbine casing from over-pressurization by functioning as a relief valve.

What is the purpose of the combination exhaust relief valve (CERV)?

Provide fuel from service tanks to ships propulsion boilers and other equipment

What is the purpose of the fuel oil system?

2 valve protection, isolates HP/LP Turbine

What is the purpose of the main engine guarding valve?

Vents foreign material from entering main engine

What is the purpose of the main steam strainer?

Steam around reducing valve

What is the purpose of the reducing station bypass valve?

1.)Locks in the atomizer and prevents cutting in just fuel 2.) Enables you to cut off one burner

What is the purpose of the safety shut off device (SSD)?

Prevents changes in water level caused by roll of ship

What is the purpose of the swash plates in the dft?

1.) Determines Fuel/Water Lvl 2.) Taking Samples

What is the purpose of the vent pipe in a fuel oil tank?

Prevents swirling motion of water

What is the purpose of the vortex elminator?


What is the temperature of condensate prior to entering the DFT?

600/14 Augmentor

What is used to augment the Auxiliary Exhaust system?

Spring hangars

What is used to hold and support pipes?

Emergency Inflatable Seal

What is used to maintain watertight integrity if the primary shaft seal fails?

Auxiliary exhaust hp drain

What is used to pre heat condensate in the DFT?


What is used to remove soot from boiler tubes?


What kind of contact heat exchanger is the inline-de superheater?

Constant- Speed Governer

What limits the speed of a main feed pump?

Secure and tag out

What must be done before inflating an emergency shaft seal?


What must be done prior to placing a fuel oil service tank on suction?

Shift and Clean

What must be done when fuel oil strainer differential pressure reaches 10PSID?


What preheats incoming feed water 100F-200F?

Swing check valve

What prevents back flow of saltwater in the main condenser?

Wye Strainer

What prevents foreign particles from entering a reducing valve?

U-Shape Loop Seal

What prevents the Main Condenser and the Inter Condenser from equalizing in vacuum?

Relief Valve

What relieves excess pressure in the Gland Seal system?

Shell pressure relief valve

What safety device prevents the dft from over pressurizing?

Vacuum breaker

What safety device protects the dft from collapsing?


What score did I get by using quizlet?

Screen wall tubes

What set of boiler tubes protects the superheater?

Diaphragm Air Pilot Control Valve

What type if reducing valve use LP Air to control outlet pressure?

Steam Atomization

What type of atomization are you going to use after you light off?

Air Atomization

What type of atomization are you going to use if you are the first boiler to light off?

Propeller type

What type of pump is the main circulating pump?

Radial - Perpendicular Flow Axial - Parallel Flow Helical - Tangent Flow

What type of steam flow is a radial, axial, and helical turbine?

Sky valve

What valve dumps excess auxiliary exhaust pressure to the atmosphere?

Sentry Valve

What valve gives an audible signal in the event of unloading valve failure?

Fuel oil quick closing valve

What valve secures all fuel flow to an applicable boiler?

Bulkhead isolation valve

What valve separates two of the same systems from compartment to compartment?

Cross connect

What valve separates two of the same systems from one MMR to another MMR?

Inspection and Preventive maintenance

What will minimize the occurrence of casualties caused by material failure and help eliminate conditions which lead to equipment failure?


What would you use to secure 1 or 2 burners?

Fuel oil quick closing valve

What would you use to secure all fuel flowing to an applicable boiler?

Steam Atomization, Steam Smothering, Superheated Protected Steam (SPS)

Where does 150PSI De-Superheated steam go to?

Mn Engine Gland Seal, Aux Gland Seal, Mn Engine air ejector, Aux air ejector, Distilling plant air ejector, Desuperheater.

Where does 150PSI Superheated steam go to?


Where does 600PSI Auxiliary steam come from?


Where does the 600 Main steam come from?

Dumps to Atmosphere

Where does the Gland Exhauster Fan discharge to?

Non-Condensing Turbine

Where does the auxiliary exhaust come from?

Positioned where shaft passes through hull

Where is the stern tube located?

Controlling action

Which EOCC action details the sequential steps to be taken to stabilize an abnormal situation and prevent an actual casualty?

Controlling, Immediate

Which EOCC actions must be memorized?


Which blow down cannot be done while the boiler is online?


Which component produces 600PSI Auxiliary steam?

Feed Water Drain

Which drain system is located inside of the MMR and operates below 150PSI?


Which drain system is located outside of the MMR and operates below 150PSI?

HP Drain

Which drain system operates above 150PSI and goes to the DFT?


Which set of boiler tubes does NOT have water in it or around it?

Rear wall and Side wall

Which set of boiler tubes protect refractory?

Engineering Training Team

Which training team conducts EOCC drills and has ultimate authority for the engineering plant while casualty control exercises are being performed?

Main Steam Stop

Which valve provides a means to isolate the boiler from the Main Steam system?

Auxiliary steam stop

Which valve provides the means to isolate the 600PSI Auxiliary steam system from the boiler?

1.) Make up feed 2.)Excess condensate dump valve

Which valves control DFT water level?


Which watch stander is overall in charge of the propulsion plant and all watch standers underway?


Who can grant permission to restore from a casualty?


Who sets boiler safety valves?


Who uses the casualty response procedures (CRP)?

Too much fuel not enough air; 2min

Why do we get heavy black smoke and how many minutes to secure?

Too much air not enough fuel; 1min

Why do we get white smoke and how many minutes to secure?

Firemain, AMCW

_________ or ______ provides the seawater used for cooling and lubrication of the stern tube.

Immediate Actions

___________ Contains steps necessary to stabilize, gain control, and stop the Cascading effect of the casualty.

Personnel Knowledge

______________ Is the foundation of EOCC.

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