MMBIO 221: Exam 1

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An antibiotic was tested against 5 strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for each strain. The results of the test are illustrated below. The MIC for strain B was determined to be:

2 ug/ml

Cellulitis is caused when bacteria are transmitted by/through ___________________.

A bruise or skin wound

Which of the following is most likely to have severe clinical disease?

A normal host infected with a microbe that is highly virulent.

A microbiologist attempted to determine the cause of an infectious disease. She first took blood samples from a diseased animal and used the blood to inoculate a susceptible animal and, as expected, the animal died. She concluded that the disease was caused by a microbe that she isolated later from the susceptible animal. Why might she be in error?

A pure culture of a suspected pathogen should be isolated first, then used to inoculate a susceptible animal.

MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) was identified in patients in a hospital intensive care unit in France. The prevalence of nasal carriage in patients in the ICU was high (≤5.6%). Which factor influencing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases is described by this statistic?

Advances in healthcare technology

On September 18, 2012, the Tennessee Department of Health was alerted by a clinician regarding a patient with culture-confirmed Aspergillus fumigatus meningitis diagnosed 46 days after epidural steroid injection at a Tennessee ambulatory surgical center. This was the first of 137 cases and 12 deaths associated with this outbreak in 10 states. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) discovered that patients had received epidural steroid injection with preservative-free methylprednisolone acetate solution (MPA), compounded at New England Compounding Center (NECC) in Framingham, Massachusetts. Which factor influencing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases is described by this statistic?

Advances in healthcare technology

Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection (TB) occurs when a susceptible person inhales 1-10 bacteria that move through the mouth or nasal passages, upper respiratory tract, and bronchi to reach the alveoli of the lungs. Needless to say, the particles containing the bacteria are very small (< 5um). What kind of disease transmission is consistent with TB?

Airborne (droplet nuclei) transmission

Measles is transmitted by _____________________.

Airborne (respiratory) droplets

Rubella is transmitted by ____________________.

Airborne (respiratory) droplets

A physician prescribes amoxicillin to treat gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted disease caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a Gram negative bacterium. What kind of beta-lactam antibiotic is amoxicillin?


An antibiotic was tested against 5 strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for each strain. The results of the test are illustrated below. Which strain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae is most susceptible to the antibiotic tested?


Botulism is caused by a


Cellulitis is caused by a


Furuncles are infections of hair follicles caused by Staphylococcus aureus, which is a ________________.


Haemophilus influenzae is a ____________ that causes conjunctivitis.


Haemophilus meningitis is caused by a


Hansen's Disease is caused by what kind of microorganism?


Impetigo is caused by a


Necrotizing fasciitis is caused by a


Tetanus is caused by a


Trachoma is a disease caused by a _________________.


Treatment of West Nile Fever includes the use of which therapies?

Bed rest, proper hydration, and analgesics to relieve fever and headache. In extreme cases, ventilation, control of nausea, vomiting and encephalitis is required.

To which family of antibiotics does the molecule shown below belong?


A woman in New Jersey contracts Lyme Disease. She has two annular ringed rashes on her body consistent with tick bites. What kind of disease transmission does this suggest?

Biological vector transmission

Trypanosoma rhodesiense is a protist and the causative agent of East African Sleeping Sickness. It is spread between cattle and other mammals, including humans when they are bitten by an infected tsetse fly (Glossina sp.) What does this scenario state about the transmission route of this disease?

Biological vector transmission

Chikungunya virus is transmitted to humans by mosquito. The most common symptoms of this infection are fever and joint pain. Other symptoms may include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling, or rash. What kind of disease transmission is consistent with chikungunya infection?

Biological vector transmission Previous

West Nile Virus is transmitted in which way?

Bite of an infected mosquito

Early diagnosis and treatment is required. An antitoxin is used to decrease the activity of circulation of toxin in the blood. Metronidazole or penicillin can be used to prevent the growth of bacteria. To what disease do these treatment strategies correspond?


Many cases of this disease is a result poor food preparation—particularly of home canned goods containing low-acid fruits and vegetables. Infants under the age of 1 year should not be fed honey to prevent which disease?


Signs and symptoms of this disease begin within 18 to 36 hours and include double vision and drooping eyelids. As the disease progresses, the speech becomes slurred, the patient has a dry mouth and experiences difficulty swallowing. Eventually all affected muscles are weak. If not treated, respiratory failure and death can ensue.


What disease is associated with one of the most dangerous neurotoxins known to man? It has a lethal dose of less than 1 microgram.


A physician is treating a patient with a Proteus mirabilis bacteremia. She chooses to use ticarcillin. To what family of antibiotics does this antibiotic belong?


An appropriate treatment for meningococcal meningitis is use of which antibiotic?


Which of the following cephalosporin antibiotics could be used to treat gonorrhea, an STI caused by the Gram negative bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae?


Meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae is treated using

Ceftriaxone or a combination of chloramphenicol-ampicillin

An outbreak originally reported in mid-December 2016 with at least 56 cases of campylobacteriosis was linked to a farm's raw milk sales from a vending machine. What factor indicative of the infection of humans with campylobacteriosis influencing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases is described by this statistic?

Changes in the treatment and handling of water and foodstuff

In 2012, 89 cases of Salmonella gastroenteritis were reported in 5 states in the southeastern United States. Using a set of detailed questionnaires, epidemiologists determined that patients had eaten tempeh, a bean product that is fermented by the mold, Rhizopus It was the mold, produced in Indonesia, which was contaminated with Salmonella enterica. Which factor influencing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases is described by this statistic?

Changes in the treatment and handling of water and foodstuff

American health officials reported an outbreak of EHEC O157:H7 infections in 15 states. While the exact source of the outbreak has not been identified, there was a strong indication that it was associated with leafy greens, specifically romaine lettuce. Even though, no common supplier, distributor, or retailer of leafy greens linked with the EHEC O157:H7 strain, which factor influencing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases is strongly suggested by this statistic?

Changes in treatment and handling of water and foodstuff

What disease is characterized by the following symptoms? Low-grade fever, runny nose, slight cough, decreased appetite, headache, and malaise. Within a few days an itchy rash first appears on the chest, then the back or face and eventually to the rest of the body. The papules develop into vesicles.


What disease is treated using acetaminophen to lower the fever and lotion can be applied to relieve the tendency to scratch, and for which acyclovir or immunoglobulin to treat premature infants and those with compromised immunity.


The VZV vaccine is used to treat which disease?


Bacterial conjunctivitis may be treated with

Ciprofloxacin or ofloxacin drops

Which of the antibiotics is among the safest to use?


"Complete the limerick!This illness called Hansen's DiseaseFrom Mycobacterium lepraeAmputation's expectedFrom injuries neglectedGive dapsone and ______________"


The causative agent of botulism is

Clostridium botulinum

The causative agent of tetanus is __________________.

Clostridium tetani

These lesions, if left alone, will heal spontaneously; however the lesions may always reoccur. Prescription medications include topically applied acyclovir and penciclovir.

Cold sores

What disease is characterized by the following symptoms? Vesicles that form on the lips, gums, tongue, or eyes. The vesicles rupture to form ulcers that may or may not be painful.

Cold sores

Which disease is difficult to prevent but which, because it is induced by sunburn, sunscreen may curb attacks?

Cold sores

An Escherichia coli O26 (STEC O26) outbreak in 9 states (not Utah, fortunately!) during 2015. An epidemic curve, shown below, represents the number of people infected by date of illness onset. What kind of epidemic is indicated by the data?

Common-source outbreak

Consider Figure 1 (below.) What kind of outbreak is indicated by the data?

Common-source outbreak

A 65-year old person presented to his primary care physician in Walton, New York, with fever, muscle aches, headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance, and convulsions. He reported having eaten soft cheese made by a local creamery over the past week. That he had eaten food produced by this creamery met the case definition for an outbreak of listeriosis. A stool sample taken from the patient tested positive for Listeria monocytogenes. What kind of case would this be defined as?

Confirmed case

To prevent this disease, do not touch the eyes and wash hands if they have been touched. Do not share towels, washcloths, make-up, or eye drops. Avoid wearing contact lenses.


Which mode of transmission is the main way that the poliovirus is spread?

Contaminated food and water

Contaminated tissues and body fluids that are used as therapies for other diseases or transplantation have been linked to which disease?

Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease

Rapid onset of delirium and dementia with anxiety, confusion, disorientation, jerking or seizures are symptoms of which disease?

Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease

Cryptococcus neoformans is the causative agent of which disease?

Cryptococcal meningitis

Intravenous administration of amphotericin B together with 5-flucytosine is a typical therapy of which disease?

Cryptococcal meningitis

The signs and symptoms of this disease include headache, stiff neck, fever, altered mental status, nausea, vomiting, and photophobia that have developed over a few days to weeks, not within hours. What disease is these signs and symptoms representative of?

Cryptococcal meningitis

This disease is associated with more than 80% of HIV-AIDS patients. What disease is it?

Cryptococcal meningitis

Which disease should people with compromised immune systems due to HIV-AIDS and cancer avoid environments in which fungal spores might be inhaled.

Cryptococcal meningitis

A South American species of hairy-legged vampire bat that was thought to feed only on birds has been caught feeding on human blood for the first time which is of concern if the bats become rabid. Humans are increasingly inhabiting the forests, bringing domestic animals with them. What factor indicative of the infection of humans with rabies influencing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases is described by this statistic?


Tuberculosis is endemic in the slums of Lima, Peru. An investigation into the factors contributing to the spread of the disease in the city cited the population density in the city and individuals riding overloaded minibuses where close proximity favors disease transmission. Which factor influencing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases is described by this statistic?


How is ringworm transmitted?

Direct contact

Viral conjunctivitis is spread by

Direct contact

Warts are spread by __________________.

Direct contact

Impetigo is transmitted by _________________________.

Direct contact with an infected individual or contaminated fomite

How are the microorganisms that cause conjunctivitis transmitted?

Direct contact with infected eye secretions

The molecular structure shown is one of two antibiotics that is often used prophylactically when someone may have been exposed to anthrax spores. What is the name of this antibiotic?


Madagascar reports from 300 to 600 reported cases of plague each year. What term best describes the prevalence of this disease in Madagascar?


Necrotizing fasciitis is spread by which mode of transmission?

Endogenous spread of bacteria to an open wound

Arboviruses cause diseases that are spread by mosquitoes. We observe epidemics of such diseases when there has been a particularly wet spring season. Regarding the cause of increased mosquito populations, with what part of the epidemiological triangle do you propose is this information is associated?


According to the WHO 2016 World Malaria Report, the incidence of malaria in Burundi, a small country in Africa about the size of Massachusetts, increased more than 50 percent from 2010 to 2015.Which term best describes this disease?


Thirty people infected with two strains of Salmonella have been reported in nine states (in the U.S..) Of those ill people, 24 were infected with Salmonella Reading, 1 was infected with Salmonella Abony, and 5 were infected with both. An epidemiological study indicated that alfalfa sprouts supplied by Sprouts Extraordinaire of Denver, Colorado was the likely source. What term best describes this disease?


Trachoma is an infection of the _______________.


Signs and symptoms of Haemophilus meningitis include

Fever, chills, severe headache, altered mental status, nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, and photophobia

Symptoms of West Nile Fever include which of the following?

Flu-like symptoms; but may include severe headache, muscle weakness, mental confusion, flaccid paralysis, coma and death.

A 2009 study reported MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) contamination on 15% of stethoscopes tested. A case of MRSA in a hospital setting spread by the use of a contaminated stethoscope would have been transmitted by which way?

Fomite vehicle transmission

The role that a used Kleenex tissue or doorknob harboring infectious agents has in disease transmission is described as

Fomite vehicle transmission

Cefepime is usually reserved to treat moderate to severe nosocomial pneumonia infections caused by multiple drug-resistant microorganisms. To what class of cephalosporin antibiotics does cefepime belong?


Cryptococcal meningitis is caused by what kind of organism?


Ringworm, which is not a worm at all, is actually caused by a type of ____________.


What is the following treatment used for? Lancing and drainage. If antibiotics therapy is required, a topical treatment with clindamycin or erythomycin may be prescribed.


Some individuals of European descent possess variants in the complement factor H (CFH) gene that make them more likely to contract meningococcal disease. Which of the following most impacts the host's chance of acquiring this disease?

Genetic predisposition

Cefoxitin is a cephalosporin antibiotic that is used primarily to treat or prevent infections by

Gram negative bacteria

Ehrlichosis is a disease caused by the bacterium, Ehrlichia chaffeensis. The number of cases of this disease has increased dramatically since the late 1990's. To which NIAID group of emerging and re-emerging diseases can ehrlichosis infection be categorized?

Group I

Group A Streptococcus is a re-emerging pathogen. To which NIAID group of emerging and re-emerging diseases can Group A Streptococcus infection be categorized?

Group II

Hib is the abbreviation of a vaccine to prevent which disease?

Haemophillus meningitis

This disease is characterized by disfiguring nodules forming on the skin on the nose, ear lobes and extremities. Anesthesia with decreased sensitivity to touch, pain, and heat can lead to neglect of injury.

Hansen's Disease

Haemophilus meningitis is caused by

Hemophilus influenzae

Cold sores are caused by

Herpes simplex virus Type 1

A new study from Columbia University School of Nursing supports a growing body of evidence that women are less likely to contract bloodstream or surgical site infections than their male counterparts. With which part of the epidemiological triangle is this information associated?


Warts are caused by which virus?

Human papilloma virus

How is tetanus prevented?

Immunization with Tdap or DTaP vaccine

Meningococcal meningitis is best prevented in which way?

Immunization with the meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine or meningococcal conjugate vaccine

Which of the following bacterial diseases should be prevented by appropriate personal hygiene, careful washing of the infected area, and daily laundering of the infected person's clothes, towels, and bed-linen.


Polio can be prevented by which strategy?

Inactivated virus is used as a vaccine at 2 months of age, with boosters at 4, 6, between 6 and 18 months, and at about 5 years. There are two forms of the vaccine: the Salk (killed virus) vaccine that is administered intramuscularly, and the Sabin (attenuated live virus) vaccine that is delivered orally.

Between July 2005 and September 2010, 1,032 new cases of pertussis were identified. This statement reflects which epidemiological statistic?


Tetanus is acquired by which mode of transmission?

Infection of a wound

How is toxoplasmosis prevented?

Infection of pregnant women place the fetus at risk, so education of first trimester pregnant women is an important way by which the disease can be prevented.

A primary pathogen is capable of causing an infectious disease in a healthy human. A disease, like influenza, is one of these and is considered highly virulent. What other factors contribute to the outcome of the severity of the infectious disease?

Infectious dose and host resistance

In which way is listeriosis transmitted?

Ingesting contaminated foods

Botulism is generally caused by

Ingestion of toxin or endospores

Meningococcal meningitis is transmitted in which way?

Inhalation of contaminated respiratory droplets

For the antibiotic shown below, predict what its mode of action is.

Inhibiting cell wall synthesis

The figure represents sulfamethoxazole, an antibiotic that is commonly used to treat urinary tract infections. What is its mode of action?

Inhibiting folic acid biosynthesis

Linezolid is used to treat serious infections caused by Gram positive bacteria, such as MRSA. What is linezolid's mode of action?

Inhibiting the function of the large ribosomal subunit

Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic whose mode of action is

Inhibiting the function of the small ribosomal subunit

The figure shown represents doxycycline, the antibiotic that is used to treat diseases caused by the Rickettsiae, such as Rocky mountain spotted fever or epidemic typhus. What is its mode of action?

Inhibiting the function of the small ribosomal subunit

The mode of action of kanamycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic, is

Inhibiting the function of the small ribosomal subunit

The mode of action of neomycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic, is

Inhibiting the function of the small ribosomal subunit

Another name for Hansen's Disease is ______________.


Intravenous penicillin or ampicillin, or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is used to treat which disease of the nervous system?


To avoid this disease, pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals should avoid soft cheeses, such as Brie, Camembert, Queso blanco, luncheon or deli meats.


Which disease is likely to cause pregnant women to miscarry, have a premature birth, or stillbirth?


This disease is prevented using a vaccine containing live attenuated virus.


What disease is characterized by the following symptoms? Early symptoms include fever, runny nose, cough, and sore and reddened eyes. A blotchy, brownish-red rash forms on the face and spreads down the body, which lasts for about three days.


The causative agent of measles is

Measles morbillivirus

How is trachoma transmitted?

Mechanical transmission by contaminated arthropod or fomite

Filth flies are able to contaminate milk with Toxoplasma gondii cysts 48 hours after last contact with infectious feces, and infectious cysts were isolated from flies up to 72 h after contact with contaminated fecal material. The cysts can be found on the hair-like setae that are found on the fly's legs. What kind of disease transmission does this portray?

Mechanical vector transmission

Fever, chills, severe headache, altered mental status, nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, photophobia, petechiae and echymosis are potential symptoms of which disease?

Meningococcal meningitis

Neisseria meningitidis is the causative agent of which disease?

Meningococccal meningitis

Influenza is a disease caused by an RNA virus that is currently causing widespread disease in the USA. We know that we ought to receive influenza vaccinations annually. Despite this, some of us have become infected this year. What factor influencing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases is described by the need for annual vaccinations?

Microbial evolution

In the United States, a certain antibiotic is licensed for the treatment of acute bacterial sinusitis, acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, community acquired pneumonia, complicated and uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections, and complicated intra-abdominal infections. It inhibits the ability of the bacterium to replicate its DNA. What is its name?


Hansen's Disease is caused by which microorganism?

Mycobacterium leprae

Prompt treatment of streptococcal infections is required to prevent which disease?

Necrotizing fasciitis

What disease is characterized by the following symptoms? Swollen, hot, and very painful lesion. Necrosis of epidermis and dermis. Bullae (fluid-filled blisters) form. Flu-like symptoms: fever, nausea, vomiting, fatigue occur as the disease progresses. Late symptoms include dizziness, confusion, and shock.

Necrotizing fasciitis

What disease is this strategy used to treat? Surgical debridement of necrotic tissue. Penicillin, vancomycin, and clindamycin.

Necrotizing fasciitis

A case in an outbreak of dysentery was defined as a patient in a psychiatric rehabilitation center in Taipei, Taiwan, who had diarrhea (loose stools three and more times a day in the past week and who had tested positive for the dysentery bacillus, Shigella sonnei, and that had blood in the feces. For precise analysis of the outbreak, what additional information is needed for a proper case definition?

No further information is needed for the case definition.

Methicillin is not used in the United States because compared to other β-lactamase-resistant penicillins, it is less active, can be administered only through intravenously or intramuscularly, and has a higher frequency of side effects. Which of the following antibiotics are also β-lactamase-resistant penicillins?


In 2009, influenza H1N1 infected 94,512 individuals globally with 429 deaths attributed to the disease. What term best describes this outbreak?


Cellulitis is treated with which antibiotic?

Penicillin G or erythromycin

What disease presents the following symptoms? Severe muscle spasms that may be accompanied with loss of reflexes and loose or flaccid limbs. Paralysis.


Polio is caused by which agent?


Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a bacterium that infects the upper respiratory tract of humans. Which part of the cycle of infection is the upper respiratory tract?

Portal of entry

Cholera is a disease that causes profuse watery diarrhea. It is acquired when water contaminated with Vibrio cholerae is ingested and the bacteria release a toxin that causes hyper-secretion of water into the gut. Bacteria are then released into the environment. This last step in the cycle of infection is described by which term?

Portal of exit

During 2015, state health departments reported a total of 20,762 cases of pertussis to CDC. This statement reflects which epidemiological statistic?


Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease is caused by which kind of infectious agent?


Herpes infections usually begin with pain, itching, or tingling. The pain is typically described as muscle or toothache-like but which can become more intense as the infection progresses. What term describes the period is best associated with the time before the onset of vesicular lesions more often associated with the disease?


The figure shows the cases of measles in an outbreak at the end of 2007 through the beginning of 2008. What kind of outbreak does this figure indicate?

Propagated Outbreak

West Nile Virus transmission is prevented in which way?

Protection from mosquito bites by using insect repellents containing DEET. Elimination of mosquitoes.

The causative agent of toxoplasmosis is a _____________.


Treating toxoplasmosis includes the use of which therapy?

Pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine, plus folinic acid.

Prompt treatment of which disease as soon after exposure to the rabies virus must occur? The actual therapy includes 5 doses of the human immunoglobulin that are administered over a one-month period. Alternatively, another form of the vaccine can be administered intramuscularly on the day of exposure and on days 3, 7, 14, and 28, thereafter.


The rhabdovirus causes which disease?


The virus that causes this disease is usually delivered through a bite, but cases of aerosolized droplets have been documented.


Which disease is characterized by the following signs and symptoms? A prodrome of headache, fever, vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy, and pain at the original site of infection—the bite. Once in the brain neurologic symptoms ensue with hydrophobia, pharyngeal spasms, anxiety, loss of coordination, paralysis, confusion, and delirium.


Your roommate has strep throat. By unfortunate coincidence you also get strep throat. Considering your roommate to be the source of your infection, what term best describes the role of your roommate in your infection?


Hemophilus meningitis is transmitted by

Respiratory droplets

Which disease is characterized by the following symptoms? Swollen lymph nodes, low-grade fever and a maculopapular rash that develops on the face and neck. The rash spreads to the chest and limbs. Congenital symptoms include cardiac disorders, and loss of vision and hearing.


The causative agent of German measles is the

Rubella togavirus

Gram negative bacteria are commonly treated by which classes of cephalosporin antibiotics?

Second and Third

Streptomycin was discovered in 1943 by Albert Schatz, a scientist working in the laboratory of which father of chemotherapy?

Selman Waksman

A three-year old boy was found to be running a fever on Jan. 13 of this year by his caretakers at a daycare facility. At that time his parents were called and he was picked up. He did not return to the daycare center and died at home four days later of an untreated strep infection and scarlet fever. This scenario typifies the rapid onset of symptoms and danger of untreated Group A Streptococcal disease. What factor influencing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases is described by this statistic?

Social and behavioral changes

In London there has been an ongoing measles outbreak within the largest European Orthodox Jewish community. Vaccination coverage within this community is lower than in the general population of London, causing low herd immunity and outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. Which factor influencing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases is described by this statistic?

Social and behavioral changes

In Scotland, an outbreak of anthrax was reported among IV-drug abusers that resulted in a 28% death rate. Which factor influencing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases is described by this statistic?

Social and behavioral changes

The incidence of impetigo in children in the United Kingdom increased 12-fold over the period from 1989-2004. The outbreak of this disease was of particular concern because children can be barred from attending school and nurseries, which activity has increased dramatically over the same time period. Which factor influencing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases is described by this statistic?

Social and behavioral changes

Cryptococcal meningitis is acquired by which mode of transmission?

Spores of this fungus are inhaled in dusty environments containing bird droppings.

Another name for a furuncle is a boil. It is caused by ____________________.

Staphylococcus aureus

Cellulitis is a subcutaneous infection caused by either Streptococcus pyogenes or ___________________.

Staphylococcus aureus

In the United States, impetigo is most commonly caused by

Staphylococcus aureus

Necrotizing fasciitis is caused by

Streptococcus pyogenes

An outbreak of botulism was investigated in Argentina. The case definition was defined as a patient presenting at a clinic with blurred vision, double vision, drooping eyelids, and problems swallowing. Patients should have eaten at a specific restaurant during the past 72 hours. Supposing a patient presents at the clinic with symptoms but reports not to have eaten at the restaurant. What kind of case would this be defined as?

Suspected case

Immunoglobulin is used to inactivate the toxin. Metronidazole to counter the growth of the bacteria. What disease is being treated?


Which class of antibiotics would most likely be used to treat diseases caused by obligate intracellular parasites such as intracellular Chlamydia and tick-borne Rickettsia?


Chikungunya virus is transmitted to humans by mosquito. Considering transmission of this virus, what is the portal of entry?

The skin

Investigators defined a confirmed case of botulism as a bus driver with a serum or stool sample that demonstrated botulinum toxin or yielded Clostridium botulinum with onset of symptoms such as acute cranial nerve dysfunction (e.g., blurred vision, double vision, drooping eyelids, problems swallowing) between January 5 and 15. For precise analysis of the outbreak, what additional information is needed for a proper case definition?

The town, institution or venue, and activity of those affected by the outbreak.

How is poliomyelitis treated?

There is no cure for this viral infection. Only supportive therapies, such as respiratory assistance, may be used.

Rubella has an incubation period of 12-23 days, but the symptoms last only about 3-7 days. With which part of the epidemiological triangle is this information associated?


Personal hygiene, including regular shampooing of hair. Keeping the skin, feet, or groin, clean and dry. Wearing sandals in locker rooms, pools, and showers. Avoiding the sharing of hair-care items or towels. Which disease is prevented by these instructions?


What disease is characterized by the following symptoms? A circular, spreading, lesion or rash forms on the skin whose border can be raised, scaly, and distinct. Such lesions may sometimes be blister-like and ooze.


Ingestion of raw or partially-cooked meat (pork or lamb) containing cysts and ingestion of cysts from cat feces found in cat litter boxes or garden soil ways by which this disease is transmitted. What disease is it?


Name the disease that has the following symptoms. Individuals with a compromised immune system may develop severe nausea, fever, headache confusion, seizures, and loss of coordination. In congenital cases, the infant is born with a small or abnormally enlarged head. If no symptoms are evident at birth, mental deficits, loss of vision, and seizures may occur later in life.


Toxoplasma gondii is the causative agent of which disease?


Oral azithromycin and doxycycline ointment can be used to treat which disease?


Prompt treatment is required to prevent spread of this disease. Also, personal hygiene including washing face and hands with a stream of water. People with this disease should not share towels. What disease is this?


The signs and symptoms of tetanus include which of the following?

Trismus, risus sardonicus, opisthotonus, low-grade fever, heart beat irregularities, and elevated blood pressure.

Botulism is a disease contracted by eating food in which Clostridium botulinum bacteria have grown and produced toxins prior to ingestion of that food. This kind of disease is considered an intoxication.


Examples of fungi that cause tinea, the medical term for ringworm and ringworm-like diseases, include Epidermophyton, Microsporum, and Trichophyton.


The recommended serum antibiotic concentration level should be maintained above the MIC for at least 50% of the time of treatment.


There are six types of Haemophilus influenzae. Based on the type used in the vaccine, which type is most clinically important?

Type B

The figure below represents the cases of typhoid fever in the United States for the years 1983-2013. Regarding the number of cases in the United States, what can we say about this disease?

Typhoid fever in the United States is endemic.

Rabies may be prevented in which way?

Vaccination of domestic cats and dogs. Wild animals may be vaccinated with a recombinant vaccinia virus containing the rabies virus G protein.

Chickenpox and shingles are diseases caused by which kind of pathogen?


Cold sores are caused by a _____________.


Measles is caused by which kind of agent?


Rubella, or German measles, is caused by what kind of infectious agent?


The causative agent of poliomyelitis is a _________________.


Warts are caused by a kind of ________________.


West Nile Fever is caused by a ______________.


Avoid direct contact with someone else who has this infection. Wash your hands well after any contact with infected individuals can prevent the transmission or spread on the body. What disease do these instructions help prevent?


Left alone, these will disappear in a year or two. However, there are several over-the-counter remedies that can be applied daily for several weeks. Physicians may also remove these by burning, freezing them with liquid nitrogen, or by surgically removing them.


A traveler to Guatemala contracted shigellosis (bacterial dysentery) from "bottled" water. What kind of disease transmission does this suggest?

Water vehicle transmission

Under what conditions might a very low dose of infectious microbes produce disease in a healthy host?

When the microbes are highly virulent.

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