MNGT 3810 Test 2 HMWK

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Year after​ year, Hal has rated Bob and​ Jim's performance at a higher level than Sue and Tina. But by all​ accounts, Bob,​ Jim, Sue, and Tina have all made about the same number of sales and brought in the same amount of revenue each year. Some people say the ratings reflect​ Hal's thoughts about men being in his sales department. This would reflect which perceptual​ shortcut?

:like me" effect

​Rudi's Bakery is known for its innovation in the market of organic bread. Which of the following most likely describes​ Rudi's culture?

A culture that tolerates​ risk, focuses on the means rather than the​ end, and uses an​ open-system focus.

Which of the following major concepts of group behavior describes the degree to which members are attracted to one​ another?


If​ Rudi's wanted to continue fostering innovation within the​ organization, which of the following human resource variables should it consider​ fostering?

Encouraging individuals to become idea champions.

Which of the following describes a structural variable that​ Rudi's Bakery could use to support​ innovation?

Facilitating frequent communication between organizational units.

Which of the following is a TRUE​ statement?

In a​ workplace, individuals differ in what and how much managing they need.

Dr. Samuels objects to the new EMR system because spending time on data entry will require physicians to work longer hours or see fewer patients. Given this​ view, what is the likely reason for his resistance to the​ change?

Incompatibility with the​ organization's best interest

John is trying to decide whether or not a team is the best approach to reach the​ division's goals. When he assesses what is needed to reach the​ goals, he can see that many of the people in the division will be dependent on others on the team for their own success. This is an example of which of the​ "team tests" we use to determine if a team will do better than an​ individual?

Is there interdependence between the​ tasks?

Which of the following is a TRUE​ statement?

Managers can do things to reduce​ job-related stress.

Who developed a theory of authority structure based on an ideal prototype of organization?

Max Weber

Merlin is a proofreader of manuscripts for a large New York City publisher. He receives manuscripts electronically​ and, using his word processing software at​ home, makes corrections and comments for the authors.​ Merlin's manager may be concerned that​ ________________.

Merlin may be distracted by computer games or his children when they are at home during the day and will not get his work done

Change has the ability to create stress for individuals in the organization. Often new situations have potential stress. For potential stress to become actual stress which of the following must be​ present?

There is uncertainty over the outcome and the outcome is important

Assume that a new position at CH2M Hill becomes available. Which of the following would be MOST useful when performing an internal search to fill the newly created​ position?

a human resource inventory

Assume that a new position at​ Rudi's Bakery becomes available. They would mostly likely try to find an internal candidate to step into the role. Which of the following would be MOST useful when performing an internal search to fill the newly created​ position?

a human resource inventory

Members agree early on to pay into a​ "pizza kitty" when they are late for a meeting. This expectation is an example of​ ______.

a norm

Brian feels very passionate about the new plan for the operations department. This is the first exciting thing that Brian has seen happen in his department. This represents which component of​ Brian's attitude?


Debeneditti stressed the importance of being able to tolerate change as an employee at CH2M Hill. If the company hired an individual who subsequently could not tolerate the slightest​ change, this would be​ ________.

an accept error

Holm stressed the importance of finding people who love to be entrepreneurial. If the company hired an individual who subsequently could not be innovative and​ entrepreneurial, this would be​ ________.

an accept error

Which term best explains​ Fiona's gradual recollection that Joe acted guilty when she unexpectedly encountered him in the​ office?

attribution theory

Elm Street Market has purposely designed the organization so the Board of Directors does have​ ________, but it is the​ co-op members who have the​ __________.


Who has HR​ responsibilities?

both organizational managers and the HR department

the theory of authority structure based on an ideal prototype of organizations describes an organization called a(n):


The​ registrar's office has a reputation for requiring lots of​ documentation, long​ lines, and rigid departmentalization. This would be an example of which of the following​ structures?


in comparison to Elm City​ Market, many grocery stores operate as​ chains, with stores across a region and a headquarters in one space. Some of the most critical decisions get made at the headquarters and then shared with the actual stores. This way of making decisions is considered which of the​ following?


Michael is very pumped up about the new direction his company is headed in. With everything new that is about to take​ place, Michael's boss enlists his help as a​ __________.

change agent

In​ Miller's description of her sales and marketing​ team, she says that they are constantly pushing each other for new and different ways of doing business. These three individuals are ready to be a catalyst for the next big market that​ Rudi's will enter. Miller should use these team members as​ ________ when it is time to move in a different direction.

change agents

​Smithy's, the local coffee​ shop, is switching to an online pay system. What kind of organizational change are they​ facing?

changing technology

By stating that the hospital is moving ahead with the EMR conversion regardless of​ Jim's decision to remain with or leave the​ hospital, Jill is using which technique for reducing resistance to​ change?


Terry tells the managers​ that, if he does not see them distributing turkeys to their subordinates before​ Thanksgiving, they should not return to work after the holiday. This threat is an example of​ _______ power.


Jennifer Abrams is described as being a perfectionist and having exceptional organizational skills. Which personality trait in the Big Five Model best labels these​ tendencies?


​Rudi's Bakery is ready to hire a new master baker. It is this​ person's job to not only be technically adept at baking​ bread, but also highly proficient at setting goals for the baking team.​ Rudi's Bakery has chosen to look at an​ applicant's score on only one personality trait. Which personality trait would you recommend to predict performance for the new master​ baker?


At Smith and​ Jones, employees and dependents who certify that they have been​ tobacco-free for six months or longer pay​ $50 less per month for health insurance. Smith and​ Jones's ultimate goal in this healthy initiative is to​ ___________.

control class

Organizational design involves​ ____________.

creating the organization's structure

If​ Rudi's Bakery is using the systems model​ (inputs > transformation process> ​outputs) to develop the​ company's new​ products, which of the following variables would be considered an​ "input"?

creative people

Project managers at CH2M Hill work with many different types of teams in their organization. They may need to form a team consisting of an engineering​ expert, a communications​ expert, a local human resources​ expert, and a sales expert. This kind of group is best called which of the​ following?


Toby is an accounting clerk whose responsibilities include processing invoices for payment. Along with a person from​ shipping/receiving and one from​ purchasing, he is developing a method to streamline the process to improve accuracy and speed up the payment of invoices. These three people comprise a​ _____________ team.


​Rudi's Bakery works with many teams in their organization. Every week members of a work​ team, with participants from all areas of the​ organization, get together to look at all the key measures for success. This kind of group is best called which of the​ following?


To plan next​ year's strategy, Jill has brought the best and brightest from around the organization together. Representatives from each area were asked to bring their ideas for the new year. This represents which kind of​ team?

cross-functional team

​Leah's team adds a representative from Career Services to act as the​ "point person" in the​ team's Pathway Skills​ project, allowing​ Leah's group to function as​ a(n) _______.

cross-functional team

It would appear that CH2M​ Hill's structure is based on a client focused design with teams supporting the work. What type of departmentalization structure would this​ suggest?


Decisions involving how to get the work done at CH2M Hill are made by team members. This is an example of which element of organizational​ structure?


Which of the following is considered a traditional organizational​ design?


Teams can create negative synergy because​ of:

dysfunctional​ conflicts, disinterest, communication​ failures, incompatibilities

With the introduction of the new compensation​ system, HR knows that people are getting a little anxious. So along with the announcement of the new​ system, HR is sending out an email that will explain why the new system is necessary and how the system is going to benefit the employees and the organization. HR is trying to reduce the resistance to change by doing which of the​ following?

education and communication

For the employees at​ Rudi's Bakery, they must have strong social skills and empathy for their coworkers. The personality construct that best captures this is which of the​ following?

emotional intelligence

For the engineers at CH2M Hill who are working with​ clients, they must have strong social skills and empathy for their client. The personality construct that best captures this is which of the​ following?

emotional intelligence

By describing Jennifer Abrams as lacking​ self-confidence and needing to project​ calmness, it can be assumed that she would score low in which Big Five Model personality​ trait?

emotional stability

Dr. Ratliffe apologizes to Mr. Mitchell for keeping him​ waiting, acknowledging that she understands his frustration. Which dimension of emotional intelligence does this​ demonstrate?


The first phase of the HRM process involves which of the​ following?

employment planning

Before implementing team processes as the standard way of doing​ business, managers are well advised to​ ____________.

estimate the cost of using teams vs. having individuals work independently

When managers object to the​ plan, Terry indicates that he is deferring to​ Caitlin's judgment because she is the HR professional. By doing​ so, he is conferring​ _______ power to Caitlin.


In​ meetings, John has been known to raise his voice and use a tone that many on his team find offensive. In the​ past, this has gotten John attention and people stop to listen to his rant. Ross has now decided that this will not​ continue, and that the team will just ignore John when he speaks with such disrespect. This is an example of which of the​ following?


Chris loves meeting people at work. Some say he has never met a stranger. This behavior has served him very well in his position as he has built a large network of support. This part of his personality may be best characterized by which of the​ following?


CH2M Hill likes to see the personality trait of​ _______ in their​ engineers, giving them the ability to be more of a consultant as they interact with their client.


​Rudi's Bakery likes to hire individuals who fit the organization. They look for people that can take initiative and are not afraid to give their opinion. Which of the following may give them some insight into a​ employee?


When​ Rudi's Bakery is making a selection​ decision, they look for a person who would come in and take initiative right away with a positive attitude. What​ Rudi's is looking at is the​ applicant's __________.


Bureaucratic organizations are characterized by

formal rules and regulations, clear and identifiable chain of command, strict departmentalization, high levels of work specialization

Members have been selected for the​ problem-solving team. They have exchanged contact information and are discussing what roles they will​ assign, who will be in​ charge, and what they intend to do about the problem they have been given. This team is in the​ ____________ stage of group development.


When Scott presents the task of fundraising to the​ group, committee members bombard him with questions about​ lists, scripts, and direction. This behavior reflects which stage of group​ development?

forming stage

Larimer Mfg. has placed all the die cast machines in one​ area, the machining centers into a different​ area, and the finished goods in a warehouse room. Larimer is using​ ______________ departmentalization.


What is​ HRM?

getting the right number of the right people in the right place at the right time

Social loafing is a very individualist perspective. Countries that value the individual over the team should be more cautious and not surprised to see social loafing. This represents which of the current issues in​ teams?

global perspectives

Allie acknowledges that there have been two thefts in the past two​ months, and Joe has been in the area both times. How would attribution theory label this behavior​ (see Exhibit 9-4

high consistency

Getting the right number of people in the right place at the right time is the mission of which of the​ following?

human resource management

Zoe must make a comparison between the members of her team. This is not a task she​ enjoys, but she understands why it has to be done. She has listed all of her employees in order from highest to lowest performance levels. This took a great deal of​ time, but Zoe made sure that there were no ties between employees and that everyone was in the correct order. This is which approach for comparing​ employees?

individual ranking

CH2M Hill is always seeking to use innovation to discover new and different ways of doing business. This would create a great deal of change for the employees on a regular basis. Which of the following is NOT a reason that employees might resist organizational​ change?


Joshua indicates that Chad Alden is an​ "idea person" who sees possibilities in everything but sometimes lacks​ follow-through. Which MBTI personality trait describes these​ tendencies?


Chris met Ross for an informational interview about a job that Ross has now listed as open. At the​ meeting, Ross gave Chris a document that describes exactly what the new employee would​ do, how they should do​ it, and why​ it's done that way. This document is typically called a​ __________.

job description

Heidi​ Debeneditti, the Finance Director of CH2M​ Hill, states that selection really begins with early planning even before you post the job. To this​ end, it would be important to prepare the job description along with a listing of the qualifications needed for the position. This list of qualifications is known as a​ ________.

job specification

As a way to communicate innovations and new ideas with all employees inside McDoogles Game and​ Play, Jim McDoogle uses a tool called the McDoogle Black Box to facilitate sharing this information. McDoogles is what kind of​ organization?


Elm Street Market prides itself on continuing to learn about the​ community, organic​ food, and their relationship with their customers. This best describes what kind of​ organization?


Stan objects to the plan by pointing out​ that, unlike managers with small​ staffs, he has a large staff on two different shifts. The number of subordinates reflects his​ _______ power.


What can managers do to reduce​ job-related stress?

match​ employees' abilities to job requirements, redesign jobs, provide feedback to reduce ambiguity, realign work schedules

Walmart advertises itself as the low cost provider and aggressively works to keeps its costs down so it can maintain enough profit to grow globally. We would expect the organizational structure of Walmart to be​ ____________.


The new HR team is finally building some camaraderie amongst its members. This represents which of the following stages of group​ development?


​Roger, who is a lead baker for​ Rudi's Bakery, has been on a work team for more than a year. Over​ time, the group members have grown really fond of each other and are proud to be on this team. The stage that this team is at would be which of the​ following?


Without even saying​ it, everyone in the sales group knows that meetings start 5 minutes behind schedule. This exemplifies which of the following group​ concepts?


Joanne loves trying new things. She is wonderful at experimenting with new​ technology, coming up with creative​ ideas, and working on the design table. This part of her personality may best be described by which of the​ following?

openness to experience

When working with​ clients, CH2M Hill encourages their engineers to operate as consultants. This would require their engineers to have some​ creativity, imagination, and intellect. Which of the following personality traits best characterizes this​ behavior?

openness to experience

In much the same way we can train dogs and children with treats for good​ behavior, managers can use​ __________ to help shape the behavior of employees.

operant conditioning

Bruce Beker compared Elm City Market to a grocery chain. He said that based on their​ structure, they could be more nimble than larger stores. Which of the following would best explain this type of organizational​ structure?


The cell phone industry produces a steady stream of new gadgets with more​ features, bells, and whistles. To compete successfully in such an​ environment, a company such as Apple would likely have​ a(n) ___________ organizational structure.


​Sam's Pizza is a local restaurant that everyone wants to work at. Sam gives all shift managers the power to make their own​ rules, meet the customer requests in their own​ way, and adapt the menu to the changing of seasons. This would be an example of which of the following​ structures?


Michael is constantly pitching in and helping out when someone on the team needs​ help, even if it means staying late.​ Michael's behavior can best be described as which of the​ following?

organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

There are times when CH2M Hill would like to implement a planned change. What type of effort is best used for​ this?

organizational development

Getting work done efficiently and effectively is considered the goal of​ __________.


After every new​ hire, it will be important for​ Rudi's Bakery to acclimate the new employee to the job and the culture of the bakery. This is best accomplished through which of the​ following?


Ron was super excited about starting his new job. On his first​ day, Ron participated in a meeting where he learned about the organization and his new team. This meeting is called​ a(n) __________.


The quality of an organization​ is, to a large​ degree, determined by the quality of its​ _______:


Gary reported to Allie that he saw Joe leaving the locker room. In this perceptual​ process, Gary was the​ _______ and Joe was the​ _______.

perceiver; target

CH2M Hill does not want to be thought of as just selling a​ commodity, so innovation and creativity is a cultural goal for them. They are always trying to look at the situation a little bit differently. The first stage of the creative process is which of the​ following?


Dallas would like to make sure she hires the best candidate to fill the accounts receivable clerk position. If she asks a candidate to create an Excel worksheet using data normally found in a typical​ day's work, she would be using​ a(n) __________.

performance-simulation test

In contrast to previous​ meetings, the group is energized and engaged during the third​ meeting, and members eagerly volunteer for assignments. This demonstrates which stage of group​ development?


It took the​ self-managed team at CH2M Hill a long time to get into the groove of their work. Now if you were to drop in at one of their team​ meetings, you would see them accomplishing their goals and enjoying each other. The​ self-managed team is at which of the following group​ stages?


When CH2M Hill describes a person as​ extraverted, they are actually describing a​ person's __________.


At CH2M​ Hill, if the large work team finds a specific problem with one of the unique components on a​ large-scale project, a​ _____________ team is then formed to address that specific finding.

problem solving

At​ Rudi's Bakery, if the large work team finds a problem with one of the success​ metrics, a​ _____________ team is then formed to address that specific finding.

problem solving

At the conclusion of the​ meeting, Matt directs the workgroups to bring their recommendations to the committee for approval and formalization. This suggests that the workgroups are​ _______ teams.


Hanno​ Holm, the COO of​ Rudi's Bakery, stresses the fact that they look for people who understand both how they operate and fit within the culture. One of the best ways to help determine if there is a good match between a candidate and a company is which of the​ following?

realistic job preview

The best way that managers can manage negative behavior in the workplace is which of the​ following?

recognize its there

​Oscar, an HR professional with a commercial​ bank, is on the campus of a local university to speak with this​ semester's graduates about career opportunities within his bank. Oscar is engaged in​ __________.


It is clear from the video that CH2M Hill takes finding the right employees seriously. They take a great deal of time to plan​ early, understand what the role does and how it might​ evolve, and then move forward finding that right person. Which function of human resources management do these activities​ describe?

recruitment and selection

It is clear from the video that​ Rudi's Bakery takes finding the right employees seriously. They take a great deal of time to plan early and understand what the role​ does, to know what abilities and attitudes are needed by the new employee. Then they move forward in finding that right person. Which function of human resources management do these activities​ describe?

recruitment and selection

The tradition of having the staff serve a Thanksgiving meal to employees in the cafeteria on the day before the holiday is an example of​ _______ power.


Ross is having difficulty trying to find balance in life. He is feeling pressure as​ dad, husband,​ director, colleague, and friend.​ Ross's stress is being caused by which of the​ following?

role overload

One of the managers states that Kevin Billings is​ "a legend in his own​ mind" who is convinced that he is the most qualified candidate for the job.​ Billings' opinion about himself suggests he is high in which personality​ trait?


​Roger, who is a lead baker for​ Rudi's Bakery, has a high expectation for​ success, is not likely to seek approval from his​ colleagues, and is satisfied with his job. The personality trait that best describes Roger is which of the​ following?


​Roger, who is a lead engineer for CH2M​ Hill, has a high expectation for​ success, doesn't really care what others​ think, and is satisfied with his job. The personality trait that best describes Roger is which of the​ following?


At CH2M​ Hill, the sales staff often meets without a sales director. When these teams get together they are able to find a solution on their own and make it happen. This would be an example of which of the following​ teams?


When interrupted by the nurse during the phone call with her​ spouse, Dr. Ratliffe projects​ politeness, despite the fact that she is angry with her husband. This ability is an example of which dimension of emotional​ intelligence?


Following her confrontation with​ Cassandra, Dr. Ratliffe tells herself that she will not allow an upsetting situation ruin the rest of her day. Dr.​ Ratliffe's resolve is an example of​ _______.


It could easily be thought that Elm City market has low​ departmentalization, wide spans of​ control, and little formalization. Which of the following best describes this kind of​ structure?


Two group members confess to each other that they have failed to complete their fundraising assignments but are relieved that other members have completed theirs. The inaction of the two members is an example​ of_______.

social loafing

Dr. Ratliffe acts playfully with her young patient in order to diffuse his fear and calm him sufficiently so that she can examine him. Which dimension of emotional intelligence does this interaction​ reflect?

social skills

In​ Jen's account of her​ workgroup's first​ meeting, which team process related to team effectiveness was​ highlighted?

specific goals

When​ Allie's assistant remarks that​ "a leopard​ can't change his​ spots" when referring to​ Joe's previous jail term for​ theft, which perceptual shortcut referred to in Exhibit 9-5


At CH2M​ Hill, there is a project team that is struggling with continued fighting and a mixture of different goals. It would be safe to assume that this project team is probably at which of the following group​ stages?


The new research group is filled with conflict. Ross and Dawn are still competing to gain leadership and have the team follow their personal lead. The team is confused not only about​ leadership, but also about the reason they were called together. There is a great deal of aggravation and disenchantment with the research group. At this​ point, the research group is experiencing which of the following group​ stages?


​Rudi's Bakery has pulled together a​ cross-functional team that is looking at the issues of distribution. This is the​ team's second​ meeting, and there is a great deal of confusion over who the real leader is and what the exact goals are for the team. The stage that this team is at would be which of the​ following?


Which of the following is considered a contemporary organizational​ design?


​Raul's group has made little​ progress, and Eddie acknowledges that Raul​ "kind of does his own​ thing." Which contextual factor related to team performance appears to be most​ lacking?

team leadership and structure

Which of the following is not part of the creative​ process?


Desmond works for a technology firm in Virginia from his home in South Carolina. He is able to stay connected through​ Skype, Messenger, and the​ organization's intranet.​ Desmond's work arrangement is most like which of the​ following?


Fiona suggests that Joe is to blame for the missing petty​ cash, citing his prior criminal​ behavior, rather than acknowledge the possibility that she miscounted the money.​ Fiona's accusation is an example of​ _______.

the fundamental attribution error

According to​, the CEO of Walmart earns 804 times the median pay of workers in the same​ organization, supporting the idea that​ _____________.

the higher the KSAs and the greater the authority and​ responsibility, the higher the pay

The group describes Brian Peterson as logical and rational but emotionally distant or impersonal at times. Which MBTI characteristic best labels these​ traits?


Star Coffee is looking for a coffee drink that will be their next big seller. They have asked all the baristas to participate in creating new recipes for this drink. They have also told all baristas to go ahead and try any flavor combination they​ want; there will be no ramifications for​ "bad taste." Star Coffee is doing which of the following to increase creativity and​ innovation?

tolerate risk

​__________ is learning experiences that seek a relatively permanent change in employees by improving their ability to do their jobs.


The customer care team has leveraged​ ________ to be the very best. They have a great deal of cooperation and have little in fighting.


Danylle has heard the new vision for her​ team, and has a basic understanding that things​ can't stay the way they​ are, but she is still not excited about the change. The best way to describe​ Danylle's resistance to change is which of the​ following?


Ross understands that things​ can't stay the way they​ are, but he is not at all sure what the future looks like for the​ gluten-free market. The best way to describe​ Ross' resistance to change is which of the​ following?


At​ Rudi's Bakery sales staff must travel the country meeting with their distributors. The best kind of meeting to have when employees are disbursed in different locations is which of the​ following?


Identifying the stage of a​ group's development is important to managers because​ ___________.

when problems arise within the​ group, the manager will know how to help the group work through them

CH2M includes innovation and change as a vital part of their culture. They are always looking for ways to be creative in their processes. Which of the following metaphors best describes this kind of change​ perspective?

white water

Assume that reporting to a project manager of a particular client base at CH2M Hill is an​ engineer, a sales​ person, a vendor​ representative, and a project manager. Dividing the work activities into separate job activities is known as​ _______.

work specialization

At the local ice cream​ parlor, every employee had his or her own specialty. Ron made all the banana​ splits, Ross made the ice cream​ cakes, Maddi made the ice cream​ cookies, and Reese took care of all the chocolate dips. This is an example of which of the​ following?

work specialization

Which of the following is NOT a reality of​ today's workplaces?

work/life balance

Which of the following benefits is legally required to be paid by the​ organization?

worker's comp

If CH2M Hill were to do an employee survey and find that employees were very satisfied with a job that combines professional advancement with meaningful​ work, they would be tapping into which of the following​ beliefs?

workplace spirituality

A good manager​ ________________:

works to know the unique individual characteristics of​ his/her people.

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