Max Weber felt this was an ideal form of organization.
A bureaucracy
Which of the following best characterizes a transnational corporation?
A company that eliminates geographical boundaries
An external analysis, the second step of the strategic management process, helps identify ________.
A company's opportunities and threats
An organization is ________
A deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose
Which of the following defines a problem in the decision-making process?
A discrepancy between what exists and what the decision maker desires to exist
Which innovation did the United States NOT introduce to the world's economic system?
A safety net for workers
Which person was best known for developing the hierarchy of five needs theory?
Abraham Maslow
To improve workplace diversity, a manager might ________.
Advertise in an ethic newspaper and internet sites
Directional plans ________.
Are flexible general guidelines
Studies of planning show that the key to successful planning is to make sure that the plans ________.
Are high in quality and insight
In management by objectives (MBO), goals ________.
Are jointly determined by employees and managers
A salad dressing company that buys a large olive grove to provide olive oil is practicing which of the following?
Backward vertical integration
In traditional goal setting, as they work their way from top management to employees, goals are likely to ________.
Become less clear
When a firm advertises that it only uses recycled paper products, it is ________.
Being socially responsive
Which of the following is the best example of a company being socially responsive?
Building a community day-care center
How does a virtual organization save on costs?
By keeping only a small permanent staff for administrative purposes only
Which of the following is an advantage of using private employment agencies for recruiting?
Careful screening of applicants
If a car buyer knows the inventory dealer price of the same car at different dealerships, he or she is operating under what type of decision-making condition?
A ________ is a formal document that states an organization's primary values and the ethical rules it expects its employees to follow.
Code of ethics
Which of the following most accurately reflects the difference between strong cultures and weak cultures?
Company values are more deeply held and widely shared in strong cultures than in weak cultures.
Which of the following is a primary characteristic of groupthink?
Complete conformity among group members
General Mills expanding its line so that it sells several different types of Cheerios is an example of which of the following?
Designing a series of interview questions to provide information about possible customers for a company would primarily require ________.
Conceptual skills
A learning organization develops the capability to ________.
Continuously learn, adapt, and change
Which of the following is NOT allowed in a brainstorming session?
Criticism or dismissal of poor ideas
Which of the following might be an example of increased efficiency in manufacturing?
Cutting the amount of labor required to make the product
Which of the following is an example of a structured problem?
Deciding shipping options for a vacuum cleaner
According to Lewin, which of the following is the best way to unfreeze the status quo?
Decrease restraining forces and increase driving forces
All of the following are part of the process of organizational design EXCEPT ________.
Determining goals for the organization
A manager is determining what kind of new computers she should purchase for her department. She has made a list of five different computer models for consideration. Which stage of the decision-making process is this?
Development of alternatives
When Google purchased YouTube, a company that featured different, but related products, Google was engaging in which of the following?
In a ________ structure each business unit has complete autonomy to reach its goals.
Another term for efficiency is
Doing things right
Sticking to a decision despite evidence that it is a mistake is called ________.
Escalation of commitment
After purchasing new computers for her department, a manager is now comparing the performance of the new computers to the computers they replaced. Which stage of the decision-making process is she carrying out?
Evaluation of decision effectiveness
Your firm's attorney has ________ power when giving legal advice.
Software programs that use a series of questions to aid humans in decision making are called ________.
Expert systems
Which of the following do managers NOT typically use to formulate strategies?
Finding ways to rule out existing organizational opportunities
A sneaker company creating its own stores where it sells only its own brand is an example of which of the following?
Forward vertical integration
Informal planning is ________.
General and usually lacks continuity
Compared to the manager of a large organization, a small business manager is more likely to be a(n)
Effectiveness is synonymous with
Goal attainment
________ are important because they provide the standards against which all organizational accomplishments are measured.
This was one of the conclusions of the Hawthorne studies engineers.
Group pressure can affect individual productivity.
The Hawthorne studies engineers found that brighter light levels in the factory ________ productivity.
Had no consistent effect on
Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of a global organization?
Has a home country in which all decisions are made and all profits flow
What do most high performing companies have in common when it comes to stakeholder relationships?
High performing companies tend to consider the interests of all stakeholder groups when they make important decisions.
Tactical plans are operational plans that identify ________.
How overall goals are to be achieved
Which of the following would be likely to be true in a country with a high power distance?
Hundreds of statues, billboards, and posters of the leader would appear all over the capital.
Early proponents of division of labor made claims that it could dramatically ________.
Increase productivity
Which statement accurately defines work specialization?
Individual employees specialize in doing part of an activity rather than the entire activity.
Why is innovation a key component of a manager's job in today's business environment?
Innovation gives an organization an edge over its competition.
A multinational corporation (MNC) ________.
Is any organization that maintains operations in more than one country
A country with a high uncertainty avoidance ________.
Is highly structured and depends on rules and social institutions to cope with uncertainty
A fully global organization might set up a ________ with a foreign company to create a new, independent company that produces a specific product.
Joint venture
The difference between firing and layoffs is that ________.
Layoffs are not permanent
Resolving a conflict would be considered to fall under which managerial function?
In a team structure, team members ________.
Make decisions and are accountable for their decisions
To create a competitive advantage that is sustainable, a company can begin by focusing on quality, then ________
Make incremental improvements to keep quality levels high
Larger organizations tend to have ________ than smaller organizations.
More specialization
Which of the following is a drawback to seeking diverse views in decision making?
More time consuming
Which of the following is NOT assumed in a rational decision?
Most alternatives and consequences are known.
The greater the environmental uncertainty, the more an organization needs to become
The greater the environmental uncertainty, the more an organization needs to become ________.
Which choice constitutes the typical first step for an organization that is "going global"?
Robert Owen, Mary Parker Follett, and Hugo Munsterberg wrote extensively about how important ________ to an organization's success.
People are
In his study of differences in cultural environments, Geert Hofstede found that ________.
People vary from culture to culture in five value categories
Today, the basic management functions are considered to be
Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
A soap company that features a bath soap department, a laundry detergent department, and a dish soap department is using which of the following?
Product departmentalization
A mission statement includes identification of an organization's ________.
Products and basic philosophy
The three main models that managers use to make decisions are ________.
Rational, bounded rational, and intuitive
Most studies have shown that companies that engage in social involvement ________.
Receive a small positive benefit
Which of the following best defines sustainability for a company?
Running the company with a strategy that is both profitable and good for the environment
Taylor began to develop his theory of ________ after a result of viewing workers in steel companies.
Scientific management
Compared to fully rational decision making, what is a major advantage of intuitive decision making?
Programmed decisions work well for solving ________.
Structured problems
Looking for ways to make their organization more flexible and innovative, today's managers may choose this kind of structure.
Understanding building codes would be considered a(n) ________ skill for a building contractor.
Workforce diversity will be significantly affected in the next decade by ________.
The aging of the U.S. population
Which of the following best defines environmental uncertainty?
The amount of change and complexity in an organization's external environment
Which managerial planning decision is most affected by organizational culture?
The degree of risk that plans contain
The most important environmental factor in the HRM process is ________.
The legal environment
This is the most important factor in determining how much pay an employee receives
The type of job the employee has
How are the "Post-Millennials" likely to be different from previous generations?
They require products that are completely customized to the individual.
Which of the following is NOT a reason why managers often resort to using heuristics?
They thoroughly explore all alternatives.
Which is an important job responsibility for a middle manager?
Translating goals defined by top managers into action
Which form of on-the-job training might have a trainee working with a single mentor from the organization?
Understudy assignments
A company with a differentiation strategy focuses on making its products or services ________.
Unique and special
A(n) ________ view of ethics states that more productive workers should get more pay and less productive workers less pay, regardless of other circumstances
A(n) ________ selection device shows a clear link between test performance and job performance.
The most important reason for why managers are increasingly using performance-simulation tests is that they have been found to be ________.
Valid predictors of job performance
As represented in a hierarchical organization diagram, authority is based on ________.
Vertical position only
Which of the following is true of the path-goal theory?
Whether workers should work individually or in teams
The chain of command answers this question
Who answers to whom
Why is a negotiator a decisional role according to Mintzberg?
Why is a negotiator a decisional role according to Mintzberg?
________ in Germany give(s) employees the right to participate in personnel decisions.
Work councils
According to Henri Fayol, the principle of ________ requires employees to respect the rules of their organization
Which of the following is NOT considered to be a part of the planning function of a manager?
Which of the following is a key element of total quality management (TQM)?
responding to customer needs
An organization's resources identify ________.
what the organization has