Mod 1 - EAQ: CH 1 Nursing, Theory, and Professional Practice

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Which educational program with the nurse recommend to a patient whose child wishes to pursue a career in nursing and wants to enroll in a program that is a short duration and makes them eligible to take the nursing registration exam?

Associate's degree program in nursing. Rationale: in the United States, a student can take the NCLEX nursing licensure examination after completing either the associate or the baccalaureate degree program in nursing. An associates degree program is a two-year program, whereas a baccalaureate program is a four-year program. A masters in nursing degree is an advanced degree. A nurse must complete a masters in nursing program to become eligible for doctoral programs. p. 15

Which term is a domain of Henderson's theory?

Developmental. Rationale: Henderson's theory is based on the individual needs of a person. According to this theory each person has 14 basic needs, which are divided into five domains: physiological, psychological, Socio cultural, spiritual, and developmental. This theory defines nursing is assisting an individual-well or sick-in performing activities that would contribute to health, recovery, or peaceful death. Input, theory, and achievement are not domains within Henderson's theory. p. 7

Which statement defines a metaparadigm?

Explains a phenomenon. Rationale: A metaparadigm, as the most abstract level of knowledge, is defined as a global set of concepts that identify and describe the central phenomena of the discipline and explain the relationship between those concepts. The Code of Ethics sets the standard of right and wrong behavior for nursing professionals. Professional nursing organizations help formulate legislation in an attempt to guide nursing practice. The nursing process measures nursing functions. Nursing leaders believed and continue to believe that nursing needs a theoretical base that reflects its practice. With this concept in mind the and are to be developed. p. 6

Which statement about theory-based nursing practice would a nurse question?

Is not linked to nursing outcomes. Rationale: Theory-based nursing practice does reflect nursing outcomes. For example, prescriptive theories address specific nursing interventions and predict the patient response. Theory-based nursing practice guides nursing assessment, contributes to evidence-based practice, and provides a systemic process for designing nursing interventions. Test taking tip: Reread the question if the answers do not seem to make sense because you may have words such as not or except in the statement. This question asked for the incorrect response. p. 6

Which Nursing role is the nurse fulfilling one's supervising staff in a hospital?

Manager. Rationale: The nurse manager supervises/overseas the staff in the hospital while managing the budget and resources required. A nurse leader assist in Addressing the challenges while caring for a patient. The nurse as an advocate interprets information and provides education to the patient. The nurse working as a change agent works with patients and addresses their healthcare needs. A change agent also works with healthcare providers and other stakeholders to address changes that may be needed within an organization or community. p.4

Which action by the nurse caring for a patient with cancer would fall under the first level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Providing enteral nutrition. Rationale: according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, basic physiological needs like air, water, and food come under the first level. Providing enteral nutrition meets the first level of human needs. Providing support to the patient is an action to satisfy the love and belonging needs of a patient. Therefore this action comes under level three. Constantly assessing the presence of bedsores is the nursing action, which addresses the safety needs of the patient. This action comes under the second level of Maslow's hierarchy. Using strategies to improve self-esteem in the patient comes in level four of Maslow's hierarchy. p. 10

Which factors are components of the metaparadigm of nursing?

The person, health, environment/situation, and nursing. Rationale: The nursing meta-paradigm focuses on person, health, environmental/situation, and nursing. All the elements interact with one another, with the patient being central. The metaparadigm does not focus on theory or concepts. Metaparadigm does not focus on nurses or physicians. p. 6

Which description best describes an advanced practice registered nurse?

Functions independently. Rationale: and advanced practice registered nurse functions independently as a clinician, educator, case manager, consultant, and researcher within their area practice to plan or improve the quality of nursing care for the patient and family. An advanced practice registered nurse may function as a unit Director, where can acute care setting, or work in the university setting, but these are not the best descriptors of that position. Test-Taking Tip: After you have eliminated one or more choices, you may discover that two of the options are very similar. This can be very helpful, because it may mean that one of these look-alike answers is the best choice and the other is a very good distractor. Test both of both of these options against the stem. The option that best completes or answers system is the one you should choose. Here, too, pause for a few seconds and give your brain time to reflect, and recall may occur. p. 14

Which nursing care theory would be applied by a group of nurse researchers working on a project whose main purpose is to design interventions for paralyzed patients and help regain their mobility, strength, and independence as soon as possible?

Henderson's Theory. Rationale: Henderson's theory promotes assisting patients to gain independence, strength, and self sufficiency. The researchers should apply this theory to improve nursing interventions that help paralytic patients recover from their decreased mobility. King's theory deals with using communication to help the patient re-establish positive adaptation to the environment. Peplau's theory deals with developing interactions between the nurse and the patient. Watson's theory deals with preservation of dignity and wholeness of humans and help or while dying. p. 7

Which standard of practice is being performed when a nurse administers the prescribed medicated nebulizer treatment to a patient who has developed wheezing and shortness of breath in the emergency department?

Implementation. Rationale: This phase is where the nurse follows through on the decided plan of action. Once the patient and the nurse agree on the diagnoses, a plan of action can be developed. Each problem is assigned a clear, measurable goal for the expected outcome. Once all nursing intervention actions have taken place, the nurse completes an evaluation to determine if the patient goals have been met. Assessment is the first step of the nursing process. During this phase, the nurse gathers information about a patient's psychological, physiological, sociological, and spiritual status. Test-taking-tip: space be aware that information from previously asked questions may help you respond to other examination questions. p. 3

Which theory outlines goal attainment through the interactions between nurses and patients?

King's Theory. Rationale: King developed the general systems framework model based on the importance of interactions between the nurses and the patients for goal attainment. Roy developed the adaptation model that enhances person and environment transformation. Orem created the Self-Care Deficit Theory, which highlights the importance of nurses to the self-care of patients. Rogers developed the science of the Unitary Human Beings based on nonrepeating rhythmicities giving importance to the interactions between the person and the environment. p. 8

Which Quality and Safety in the Education of Nurses (QSEN) competency is the nurse exhibiting by working with a couple to determine what they know about their medication and helping them decide on one care provider rather than to when caring for an older-adult couple in a community-based assisted living facility?

Safety. Rationale: helping patients understand the consequences and complications of multiple health care providers and multiple medication helps ensure patient safety. Informatics is a multidisciplinary field that uses health information technology to improve healthcare via any combination of higher quality, higher efficiency, and new opportunities. Patient-centered care focuses on direct care rendered to patients. Teamwork and collaboration seeks information or help from other health care professions and disciplines. p. 17

Including physiological, how many concepts interact with each other to form Newman systems model of nursing? Record your answer using a whole number.

5. Rationale: Betty Newman's theory is based on stress and the patients reaction to it. This theory has five components: physiological, psychological, Socio cultural, developmental, and spiritual. These concepts interact with internal and external factors at all levels of prevention and also with each other to achieve optimal wellness. p. 10

Which criterion is specific to a middle-range theory?

Addresses specific phenomena in reflects practice. Rationale: A middle-range theory focuses on a specific field or phenomenon rather than the broad scope of nursing. A descriptive theory is the first level of theory development and describes the phenomena under study. A grand theory is systematic and broad in scope and provides structural framework for nursing practice. A prescriptive theory details nursing interventions for a specific phenomenon and the expected outcome of the care. These theories help guide research. p. 7

Which nursing role is depicted by a nurse who informs the healthcare provider that the patient prefers to deliver in the squatting position?

Advocate. Rationale: The nurse supports the patients wishes and communicates them to other healthcare providers in the nursing role of advocate. The nurse should support the patient's will and communicate the same to other medical professionals. In the role of educator, the nurse teaches patients about measures to promote health or about their medications or diagnostic procedures. The role of delegator is characterized by signing responsibilities to other medical professionals. A manager overseas the staff on a patient care unit while managing the budget and resources required for necessary functions. Test-Taking Tip: Start by reading each of the answer options carefully. Usually, at least one of them will be clearly wrong. Eliminate this one from consideration. Now you have reduced the number of response choices by one and improved the odds. Continue to analyze the options. If you can eliminate one more choice in a four-option question, you have reduced the odds to 50/50. While you are eliminating the wrong choices, recall often occurs. One of the options may serve as a trigger that causes you to remember what a few seconds ago had seem. p. 3

Which role is the nurse of fulfilling when explaining the risks and benefits of surgery and discussion the patient's wishes to the family of a patient with end-stage lung disease who wants to go home on oxygen and be comfortable despite the family wanting the patient to have a new surgical procedure?

Advocate. Rationale: an advocate protect patients human and legal rights to make choices about their care. An advocate may also provide additional information to help a patient decide whether to accept a treatment or find an interpreter to help family members communicate their concerns. The nurse as an educator ensures that patients receive sufficient information on which to base consent for care and related treatments. A nurse as a care provider uses the nursing process to assess patient data, prioritize nursing diagnoses, plan the care of the patient, Implement the appropriate interventions, and evaluate care in an ongoing cycle. A nurse as a manager overseas the staff on a patient care unit while managing the budget and resources required for necessary functions. STUDY TIP: Familiarize yourself with the definitions of different types of nurses (nurse educator, case manager, etc.) and roles of the nurse (advocate, care provider, etc.) so the answers to these types of questions are crystal clear. p. 3

Which need is a priority, according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, for a patient who is an active businessperson who is worried about getting back to work and is admitted to an acute care area with sever diarrhea, vomiting, dyspnea, and weakness?

Air, water, and nutrition. Rational: This patient's physiological needs are priority: air, water, and nutrition. The patient needs to have sufficient air exchange, which may require oxygen administration. In addition, the patient needs to have appropriate fluid balance and some nutritional supplement. Safety and security should be the second tier of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This would include safety form threats, protection, stability, and lack of danger. Self-actualization is the recognition and realization of one's potential growth, health and autonomy. Self-esteem or self worth is the fourth tier of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Test-Taking Tip: For questions concerning Maslow's hierarchy of needs, recall the needs in order of highest priority first. First, is there any indication that basic physiological needs are not being met? Ah-ha! The question states that breathing is labored and the patient is weak, and so you have the answer. If basic physiological needs were being met, then you would proceed in the order of the hierarchy until you found the highest priority that was not being met. p. 10

Which professional characteristic is the nurse exhibiting when staying to comfort a patient who is crying after being diagnosed with breast cancer even though the nurse is off duty?

Altruism. Rationale: Altruism is the professional characteristic with which nurses are practitioners motivate the patient with the intention of public service rather than personal gain the nurses compassionate towards the patient is selfless and providing care autonomy involves making independent decisions and taking responsibility for such decisions collaboration refers to working together towards a common goal accountability refers to the ability of healthcare professionals to answer for their own actions. SUDY TIP: If you had trouble with this question, make a notecard for each characteristic that defines a profession (altruism, accountability, etc.) Put the name of the characteristic on one side with the definition and an example on the other side. Creating these notecards will help reinforce your memory and understanding of the characteristics. p. 11

Which role of nursing is depicted by an advanced practice nurse (APN) prescribing bronchodilators and oxygen therapy for a patient who is experiencing an asthma attack?

Nurse practitioner. Rationale: Nurse practitioner is an advanced practice role of nursing that involves providing primary care services and treatment to patients. A nurse practitioner can also diagnose illnesses and injuries and prescribe medication. The nurse educator educates nurses and nursing students in taking care of patients. The nurse educator doe snot provide direct primary care to patients or prescribe medication. The nurse researcher may conduct research to improve nursing health care; however, the nurse researcher is not involved in direct care of the patient. A nurse administrator may schedule and develop work policies for the nurses, but again, a nurse administrator is not necessarily qualified to provide primary care or prescribe medication. Study tip: Know the descriptions and practice roles for each type of nurse. In this case, the one who can prescribe bronchodilator's and is involved in direct patient care is the nurse practitioner. p.16

Which nursing theorist would be useful to a nurse teaching a patient with diabetes self-management of the disease with insulin and diet?

Orem. Rationale: Orem's theory of self-care provides a solid theoretical background for self-management for a variety of diseases. This theory shows the nurse how to direct a patient towards self-management to promote health hand or sustain wellness. Roy's Adaptation Theory is based on the human being as an adaptive open system. Nursing care is directed at altering stimuli that are stressors to the patient. Peplau focused on the roles played by the nurse and the interpersonal process between a nurse and the patient. Newman's theory includes a holistic concept and an open system approach. This theory looks at the stressors and how the patient response to stress. STUDY TIP: Have each member of a study group write what they think are the focuses of Orem's, Peplau's, and other theories. Compare your responses and summarize each theory on a note card for review. p.8

Which action falls within the scope of the clinical nurse leader?

Overseeing the integration of nursing care. Rationale: overseen integration of nursing care provided to a distinct group of patients and providing direct care to patients in complex situation is the role of a clinical nurse leader. The nurse administrators provide patient care services by coordinating human, financial, and technological resources. The nurse educator prepares nurses and nursing students to practice by teaching and guiding them. The nurse researcher establishes principles of nursing. p. 4

Which research topic based on Orem's theory would be studied by a group of free surgers conducting research on asthma patients?

Self-administration of inhalation medication. Rationale: Orem's theory focuses on the patient's self-care needs. Evidence gained by research based on the self-administration of inhalation medication would help in improving care to patients with asthma. Research based on affective strategies to improve nurse-patient communication would be based on Peplau's theory. A study of asthma's effect on the 14 basic needs to be based on Henderson's theory. Research based on Neuman's model would focus on stress and equilibrium. STUDY TIP: work with a small group and have each student summarize one of the key nursing theories. As each student presents the theory he or she studied, each student should make a quick study guide (notecards, chart-whatever works for you) of the theory until all major theories are reviewed. p. 8

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