Module 10

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What is structure?

The way something is composed/built

What is function?

The way something works



Why can't a person describe what they saw if it was on the left side of the Plus sign (+)?

it is going to the right side of the brain where there is no speech to explain what they saw

What goes out?

motor nerves

A mass of nerve cells is called


What is the base unit of the nervous system?


Does a reflex involving a painful stimulus get processed in the brain?


What goes in?

sensory nerves

What surgical procedure can be used to calm seizures?

sever the corpus collosum

What type of neuron carries the information away from the spinal cord to the muscle or effector organ?

Motor neurons or effector neurons

Where does the Sodium begin?

On the outside of the banana

Does a reflex involving a painful stimulus go through the CNS or just the PNS?


What nervous system is this(sensory) a part of: CNS or PNS?


How is myelin formed in the PNS and CNS?

PNS- Schwann cells CNS- oligodendroglial cells

What is the Na+/K+ pump?

Reestablishes the gradient

Parietal lobe


Somatosensory cortex

Sensory nerves coming into the brain

What type of receptor receives information when you touch something?

Sensory neurons


Sorting data

List the four sections of the primitive brain.

Spinal cord, hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain


Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Posterior pituitary

What are the two divisions of the nervous system, and describe them briefly.

The central nervous system (CNS) which contains the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) which contains the remainder of the nerves in the body.

Basal ganglia

The nuclei that control motor control

What does he recommend about the number of connections?

The number of connections form memories. The more things you can get via auditory, verbal, etc. the more likely you are to remember things

Once the Sodium channels close, what happens next?

The potassium channels open up and allow the potassium to exit the banana so we have a balance

List the steps of the action potential at a nerve synapse.

We get an influx of calcium that release the neurotransmitters across the gap that match up with a channel on the other side of the gap, changes its shape so it can take the ions

What is a Schwann cell?

What myelin is made of

What is a reflex?

When your body reacts to a sensory stimulus with a patterned response

What happens during an "electrical storm" in the brain?

a seizure

Sensory neuron




What allows the ions to cross the membrane?





convey information between different types of neurons

motor neurons

convey motor information

sensory neurons

convey sensory information

Put these in the correct order from receiving an action potential to passing it on to the next neuron: cell body, axon, dendrite:

dendrites cell body axon

Medulla oblongata


Motor neuron


Which relates to the physiology?


What is an action potential?


Brain Stem

midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata

What kind of neurotransmitter is GABA

negative or inhibitory neurotransmitter

What side does your left field of view go to in the brain?


What is the gap between neurons?


Frontal Lobe

Emotional control

What is the voltage for the membrane?

-70mV for an average neuron

What is the axon?

Everything from the dendrite to the end of the neuron (axon terminals)

Temporal lobe

Language, hearing, memory

Motor cortex

Motor nerves going out

Posterior pituitary

Sending off hormones

Describe the structure and function of a dendrite.

A web like structure that receive electrical messages

What goes to your brain after you are hurt?

Action potentials

Where does the Potassium begin?

On the inside of the banana

After the sensory neuron, where is a signal sent for processing?

The brain

How should you refer to the hemispheres of the brain?

The left and right hemisphere

Cerebral cortex

The main part of the brain


Body control and motion memory

What happens to the voltage when the Sodium crosses the membrane?

It will become less and the channels are activated by the mV

What happens when the threshold is met?

It will have an action potential

What do the neurotransmitters do?

Chemicals that send a message to the next neuron

Give an example of radial symmetry


What connects the two sides of the brain?

Corpus collosum


Corpus collosum, Basal ganglia, Cerebral cortex, Frontal Lobe, Parietal lobe, Occipital lobe, Temporal lobe, Somatosensory cortex, Motor cortex

When do the channels open

Domino effect

What does an inhibitory message mean?

Wants the action potential to stop (don't fire)

What is the threshold measurement?


Corpus collosum

A bundle of nerves that connect the 2 hemispheres of the brain

What is myelin?

A fat material that insulates and speeds up the message as it goes

What kinds of functions are found closest to the spinal cord?

Basic functions such as keeping the heart beating, keeping the circulation going, keeping digestion going.

What happens at a node of Ranvier?

Gaps between the myelin where the message jumps

Describe the space between action potentials if the pain is severe or light.

If the pain is severe the space is very short. If the pain is very light there is a lot of space between the action potentials

Which direction does an inhibitory message send the voltage?

It sends the voltage farther down from -70

Occipital lobe


What does an excitatory message mean?

Wants the action potential to go (fire)

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