Module 10 Modern America Part 1

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Why were some Hollywood writers, actors and directors blacklisted in the late 1940s? [choose all that apply]

-They were suspected of being members of the CPUS. -They were mentioned in the testimony of someone who was a witness before the HUAC. -They refused to testify before Congress regarding their involvement in the Communist Party or their Communist sympathies.

What was Martin Luther King, Jr's "dream?" [choose all that apply]

-a country where justice would be equal -a country where character was the most important factor in judging a person -a country where race was irrelevant

The Montgomery Bus Boycott ________________________________________. [choose all that apply]

-began in Martin Luther King, Jr's church -ended segregation of buses in the United States -was inspired by the bravery of Rosa Parks

As a result of the shift in public opinion sparked by the video evidence of violence against black protesters in Birmingham, Alabama, ____________________________________. [choose all that apply]

-city leaders negotiated with King and the SCLC -lunch counters in the city were desegregated

Martin Luther King, Jr's essay Letter from Birmingham Jail argued that ____________________________. [choose all that apply]

-civil disobedience against segregation was consistent with Christian principles -civil disobedience against segregation was consistent with Constitutional principles

The Civil Rights Act of 1957 ________________________________________________. [choose all that apply]

-created a Civil Rights Commission to protect voting rights -created a Civil Rights Division in the Department of Justice -was largely ineffective -was passed with the leadership of Lyndon B. Johnson (all)

How did eligibility requirements for subsidized public housing affect the family structure of residents? [choose all that apply]

-most children grew up without fathers since residents were required to be single mothers -children grew up unsupervised and undisciplined and often turned to crime

The National Security Act created _______________________. [choose all the apply]

-the Central Intelligence Agency -the Department of Defense

Which of the following are the political party/parties created by Democratic split(s) in the Election of 1948? [choose all that apply]

-the Progressive Citizens of America -the States' Rights Democratic Party

What was General Matthew Ridgeway's strategy in Korea? [choose all that apply]

-use superior artillery and air power to weaken the enemy before engaging on foot -seize and hold the high ground

What State Department official was accused of betraying America to the Soviets and was tried and convicted of perjury in 1949?

Alger Hiss

South Korea


Robert F. Kennedy

Attorney General

Who was the Democratic nominee for President in the Election of 1960?

John F. Kennedy

The suburban development that was the first example of a modern suburb was called _____________________.


The students at the center of the federal intervention to force the desegregation of the public schools were called the _______ __________ _____________.

Little Rock Nine

Why did President Truman relieve General MacArthur of command in Korea?

MacArthur was insubordinate to the President.

Nation of Islam

Malcolm X

Why were North Korean forces able to push back the Americans in Korea so easily in the early stages of the war?

Most American troops were not prepared for combat.

The theory or principle which implied that if either side started a war and attacked with nuclear weapons, the other side would also attack, thereby destroying each other was called ______________________________.

Mutually Assured Destruction

In response to the first successful satellite launch, Congress created this new agency.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

What were the trials of Nazi war criminals collectively called?

Nuremberg War Crime Trials

Who was the NAACP attorney who argued that segregated facilities could never be equal because they were separate?

Thurgood Marshall

Which of the following is true of television in the 1950s?

Programmers eliminated shows that portrayed violence or violent themes.

Within two months of North Korea's invasion of South Korea, American and South Korean forces were pushed back to an area called the "_______________ _______________."

Pusan Perimeter

Who made McDonald's the nation's largest single restaurant chain?

Ray Kroc

Who was the Republican nominee for President in the Election of 1960?

Richard Nixon

The black female civil rights activist who refused to give up her seat to a white man was ___________ ______________.

Rosa Parks

What precipitated the Montgomery Bus Boycott? Answer in one to two sentences.

Rosa Parks, a black woman, would not give up her seat to a white man. This caused the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Under President Truman, what federal entitlement program expanded?

Social Security

North Korea

Soviet Union

Who rejected the offers of the Marshall Plan?

Soviet Union

The Soviet launch of the satellite _____________ caused Americans to worry about the Russian ability to attack with nuclear weapons.


How did the Republicans gain control of Congress in the 1946 elections?

The American people were angry about the economic conditions in the nation.

What Conference did the United States and Great Britain attend to address the punishment for Nazi War Crimes, and how to bring those responsible to justice?

The London Conference

During World War II, where was the decision made to create an international organization to succeed where the League of Nations had failed?

The San Francisco Conference

Why did the United States see more economic benefit from the end of the war than any other nation that had been involved?

The United States saw no combat on its home soil and exited the war relatively unharmed.

In response to the creation of NATO, the Soviet Union created a competing organization called ________________________.

The Warsaw Pact

In what meeting did Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt meet to discuss the Russian involvement in the war against Japan and Allied occupation policy in Europe once Germany was defeated?

The Yalta Conference

In two or three sentences, summarize the impressions left on the American people in the first televised presidential debate between Nixon and Kennedy.

The debate between Nixon and Kennedy made Kennedy go from being behind to being ahead.

What was the primary difference between the First "Red Scare" of the 1920s and the Second "Red Scare" of the 1950s?

The first "Red Scare" played out in the press, while the second played out in the halls of Congress.

In the Election of 1948, the Democratic Party split not once but twice. In two or three sentences, name the two new "parties" that the split produced and who was behind them.

The first new party was called the Progressive Citizens of America. The second split was more serious and was called the States' Rights Democratic Party.

Dr. Benjamin Spock's book, The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care, ______________________________________________________________.

advised parents toward a more permissive and relaxed parenting style

The generation of children born between 1945 and the late 1960s are known as the "_________ _________" generation.

baby boom

The ______________ looked for personal fulfillment through artistic self-expression and the hedonistic pursuit of pleasure.


Sixteenth Street Baptist Church

bombed - 4 killed

George Kennan's article, "The Sources of Soviet Conduct," called for America to follow a policy of "____________________" to keep Communism in the places where it was already established.


Which of the following was NOT one of the main points of Truman's domestic program?

federal funding for unemployment benefits

Who did Truman say needed to be protected from outside pressures and supported by the United States?

free people who were resisting Communism

What was the primary political issue that drove the formation of the "Dixiecrats"?

Civil Rights

The first sit-in of the 1960s occurred in _________________________.

Greensboro, North Carolina

What was one important reason why John F. Kennedy was at a disadvantage in the 1960 election campaign?

He was Catholic.

The UN coalition planned an invasion of the port city of _______________ as a bold maneuver to drive back North Korean forces.


In order to accommodate increasing automobile traffic in the 1950s, the federal government authorized the construction of the ________________________________.

Interstate Highway System

What was the result of the meeting between President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev in Vienna in 1961?

It resulted in the construction of the Berlin Wall.

What was the purpose of the House Un-American Activities Committee?

Its purpose was to investigate domestic subversion wherever it appeared.

What was the purpose of the "GI Bill"?

Its purpose was to provide benefits to veterans to help ease them back into civilian life.

In the 1960s, the primary tactic of the Civil Rights Movement was the ___________________.


Woolworth's Department Store

student sit-in

The single most important development in American culture in the 1950s was the rise of ________________.


When considering whether to continue the war and press across the 38th parallel, what was the fear regarding China?

that China would veto the move in the UN Security Council

What promise did Khrushchev receive in return for the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

that the Americans would never invade Cuba

What failed CIA plot was damaging to America's reputation and relations with Cuba?

the "Bay of Pigs"

Where was the dividing line between the Allied sector and the Soviet sector of the Korean peninsula?

the 38th parallel latitude

In 1957, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. helped found this organization that quickly took leadership in the Civil Rights Movement?

the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

In response to the momentum caused by sit-ins, black and white students formed ___________________________________.

the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee

Who officially declared American involvement in the Korean War?

the United Nations

James Meredith sued this institution for not admitting him because of his color, in defiance of federal law?

the University of Mississippi

What was the original purpose of the CIA?

to gather information

What is the job of the UN Security Council?

to oversee and maintain international peace and security

According to the Supreme Court's decision, when were individual state and local governments required to desegregate schools?

with all deliberate speed

Why did many industries move manufacturing jobs to the South after the 1950s?

"Right to work" laws made labor cheaper in the South.

Who were the major party candidates for President in the Election of 1952? [choose 2]

-Dwight D. Eisenhower -Adlai Stevenson

When American forces reached the Yalu River in late 1950 ______________________________.[choose all that apply]

-General MacArthur announced that most American troops would be home for Christmas. -Chinese forces crossed the border and attacked.

What was President Kennedy's reaction to the violence in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963? [choose all that apply]

-He called on Congress to pass new Civil Rights legislation. -He gave federal agencies power to fight segregation

The two most popular sitcoms of the 1950s were ____________________________. [choose two]

-I Love Lucy -Leave it to Beaver

What was different about Kennedy's Inaugural Address? [choose all that apply]

-It was meant to encourage and uplift the American people. -It was powerful because it was simple. -It was one of the shortest. -Kennedy did not pledge himself to a specific agenda. (all)

Which of the following are factors for the growth of organized Christianity during the 1950s? [choose all that apply]

-People wanted to be sure that their children received moral and religious instruction. -Billy Graham helped lead a major evangelical revival during the period. -People were looking for a place of peace and stability in a troubled world. -The practice of some form of Christianity was to be more American. (all)

Which of the following is true of the HUAC activities in the age of "McCarthyism"? [choose all that apply]

-The American people saw the unpleasant nature of McCarthy and the hearings on television, which shaped public opinion. -Their investigations prompted a dispute between Senator McCarthy and the Secretary of the Army. -State legislatures began requiring loyalty oaths of faculty in-state colleges and schools. -Hollywood drew up lists of unemployable Communists and Communist sympathizers. (all)

Why were the North Koreans given permission to invade South Korea in 1950? [choose all that apply]

-They believed the South Korean government was on the verge of collapse. -They believed that South Korean people would welcome the Communists.

What purposes did advertising and commercials play in the live television broadcasts of the 1950s? [choose all that apply]

-They provided revenue to TV stations and networks. -They gave television crews time to change sets, repair equipment, or make adjustments during live broadcasts.

What German city was blockaded by the Soviet Union to force the west to change their minds about creating a unified West Germany?


Eugene T. "Bull" Conner

Birmingham Police Commissioner Nation of Islam

"Operation C," which called for demonstrations to provoke segregationists that would elicit a greater response from public opinion, took place in which city?

Birmingham, Alabama

Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that led in the case that overturned racial segregation in public schools?

Earl Warren

Ross Barnett

Governor of Mississippi

The 1957 Cuban revolution was led by a Marxist revolutionary named _____________________.

Fidel Castro

Which of the following is NOT true of the U-2 spy plane incident?

Francis Gary Powers was able to escape to friendly territory before being captured.

President Kennedy's domestic agenda was called the "New ________________."


Japan was governed by the office of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP). Who held the role of Supreme Commander?

General Douglas MacArthur

Who developed a program in the years following the war to provide financial aid to all European countries?

General George C. Marshall

What new strategy did General Ridgeway bring when he entered the Korean conflict? Answer in two to three sentences.

His new strategy was to seize ad hold the high ground.

"Free at last, Free at last"

I Have a Dream

The ring of satellite states that surrounded Russia and lay in the Soviet sphere of influence became known by the phrase "_______ _________" especially after Winston Churchill used it in a speech in 1946.

iron curtain

The Twenty-Second Amendment ___________________________-.

limits the President to two terms in office

Germany was divided into four _________ ______ which would be self-contained and governed separately from the others.

occupation zones

The biggest of the clashes between President Truman and the Republican Congress was over the question of ________________________.

organized labor

Under Truman, the policy of containment meant that American needed to ___________________________.

play an active role in saving the world from Communism

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