Module 2: Chapter 21,22,23,24

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Which of the following occurred during the coal strike of 1902?

President Theodore Roosevelt won support for his forceful leadership against corporations and his work refereeing the dispute.

Who originated the Wisconsin idea of efficient government?

Robert M. La Follette

what was the state of sports in the 1920s?

Spectator sports attracted large crowds, as automobile ownership anf rising incomes changes the way Americans spent leisure time.

Ida M. Tarbell is best known for her investigation of

Standard Oil Trust.

The Waste Land, a poem that became the favorite of many modernist readers because of its sense of disillusionment and its suggestion of a burned-out civilization, was written by

T. S. Eliot.

what was the issue that provoked an open break between Taft and Roosevelt?

Taft fired Pinchot after he showed opposition to the Taft administrations' opening up protected federal lands to commercial development.

What brough about the end of the Jazz Age?

The Great Depression caused the collapse of the Jazz Age and, with it, helped erode the American belief in freedom at all costs.

What brought about the end of the Jazz Age?

The Great Depression caused the collapse of the Jazz Age and, with it, helped erode the American belief in freedom at all costs.

In 1937, ________ set out to become the first pilot to fly around the world and disappeared over the South Pacific.

Amelia Earhart

Which of the following is an example of how the United States helped the Allied powers prior to joining the war?

American banks and the U.S. government offered loans and credits to the Allies that allowed the Allies to pay for purchases later but made it harder for Americans to remain neutral.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between African Americans and sports such as baseball in the 1920s?

Baseball remained a segregated sport with so-called Negro Leagues.

Which of the following was true under the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917 and 1918?

Criticism of American government leaders or war policies became a crime.

What was the relationship between the Great War and the Great Migration?

Due to mobilization for the war, employment efforts led by northern businesses were directed at African Americans as well as whites for the first time, causing many to move north.

The ________ amendment to the Constitution is known as the Prohibition amendment and resulted in ________.

Eighteenth; widespread lawbreaking

Which London-based American not only wrote and published modernist works but mentored up-and-coming authors?

Ezra Pound

During the presidential election of 1916, Republicans used the slogan "He kept us out of war" to discredit Wilson.


In the 1920s, the progressive wings of the Republican and Democratic parties grew stronger and more influential.


Jazz music was a combination of folk, gospel, and country.


Progressives generally believed government should not interfere with Big Business.


The Germans intercepted the Zimmermann telegram, which the White House had sent to the Mexican government.


The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) favored militant protests over legal challenges as a way to end racial discrimination.


The growth of advertising in the United States slowed the creation of a mass culture.


The so-called Arabic Pledge involved Wilson's stand to stop North Africa's fall into chaos during the war.


Theodore Roosevelt considered the Federal Trade Commission to be the cornerstone of his program for Big Business.


Under Roosevelt, the nation established its first regular federal income tax.


Women in "war work" were usually able to keep their jobs after the war.


What assumption did progressives share?

Governments must become more active to address the problems created by rapid industrial and urban growth.

Which court case or legal action brought the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments back to life?

Guinn v. United States (1915)

which court case or legal action brought the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments back to life?

Guinn v. United States (1915)

What was Theodore Roosevelt's position on the matter of environmental conservation?

He believed in environmental preservation and, as a result, set aside federal land for conservation purposes created a number of national forests.

Who was Frederick W. Taylor?

He championed the idea of "scientific management," showing employers how to cut waste and improve productivity.

Why did Charles A. Lindbergh Jr. become famous?

He completed the first solo transatlantic flight.

How did Wilson justify the was to Congress during one of his famous speeches?

He described it as a war to make the world safe for democracy.

How was J. Luz Sáenz's experience representative of many Mexican Americans and members of other minorities during the Great War period?

He experienced discrimination following the war, even as a war veteran.

In negotiating with the Big Four over many postwar territorial issues, President Wilson did which of the following?

He had to largely abandon his lofty principle of national self-determination.

which of the following statements accurately describes Woodrow Wilson's background?

He was a professor and college president.

Which of the following was a result of Wilson's campaign to win public support for the Treaty of Versailles?

His failing health after a stroke, his refusal to compromise, and his alienation of Republican senators ultimately caused the treaty to fail to pass.

What is the significance of the interception of the Zimmermann telegram?

It announced Germany's decision to wage unrestricted submarine warfare and caused angered Americans to call for war.

What did the Seventeenth Amendment do?

It authorized the popular election of U.S. senators.

Which of the following statements accurately describes jazz?

It blended several musical traditions, such as ragtime and the blues.

During the early twentieth century, what happened to the nation's century-long isolation from European conflicts?

It ended, in part because the interests of the United States became more bound up with the expanding world economy, and new war technology threatened national security.

What significance did the election of 1912 have for progressivism?

It offered voters a choice of four candidates who, despite their differences, believed in the progressive idea that an active government could resolve modern social problems.

Which of the following statements characterizes Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom platform?

It proposed vigorous anti-trust action to break up corporate concentration.

what was the signifiacnce of the events at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in 1911?

It took the death of workers as a result of a tragic fire there to result in meaningful government regulation of dangerous workplace.

Which of the following was true of the Revenue Act of 1916?

It was primarily to raise money to pay for war preparations.

Which of the following statements accurately descrives the Immigration Act of 1917?

It was the first widely restrictive immigrationlaw and included requirements for a literacy test and an increased "head tax" upon arriving to the United States.

What was the state of the Socialist party during the Progressive Era?

Its membership grew dramatically, as it offered an alternative to a stalemated political system; however, many also feared socialism.

Which of the following was a result of the spread of radios in households across America?

Jazz music became a national favorite.

Which of the following statements accurately describes recruitment to the American army as the United States entered the war?

Many men initially rushed to enlist before being drafted, including a significant percentage of immigrants.

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the Progressive Era?

The Progressive Era saw remarkable social activism and political innovation, in part due to the belief that America was experiencing a crisis of democracy because of the urban industrial revolution and the evidence of fraud by elected officials.

Which of the following was a major factor in Wilson's initial rise to the presidency?

The Republican party had split in two

which of the following was a major factor in Wilson's initial rise to the presidency?

The Republican party had split in two

Which of the following statements accurately describes the experiences of most American women in the 1920s?

The conservative political mood helped steer women who had worked for the war effort back into their traditional roles as homemakers.

Which of the following statements describes changes in the way goods were purchased during the 1920s?

The rise of advertising contributed to a new consumer culture, strenghtening the percieved relationship between social status and possessions.

What was the significance of the events involving Mabel Puffer and Arthur Hazzard in Concord, New Hampshire?

They demonstrated that, despite having fought to "make the world safe for democracy," the United States remained unsafe for those who dared to cross the color line.

what was the signifance of the events involving Mabel Puffer and Arthur Hazzard in Concord, New Hampshire?

They demonstrated that, despite having fought to "make the world safe for democracy," the United States remained unsafe for those who dared to cross the color line.

Which of the following was true of Wilson's Fourteen Points?

They reflected his belief that the world could be improved and were intended to shape the peace treaty and make the Great War the last world war.

What did Roosevelt and Wilson have in common?

They were both activist presidents who helped bring about the modern presidency by expanding the scope of the executive branch at the expense of Congress.

African American and Latino women faced the greatest challenges, as they often worked as maids, laundresses, or seamstresses, or on farms.


Alice Paul encouraged American suffragettes to use more aggressive approaches in their campaign for the vote.


Among the varied sources of progressivism were populism and Mugwumps.


Despite repeatedly promising to stop, Germany continued to use submarines to sink merchant and passenger vessels, spurring the United States to strengthen its army and navy in case the nation was to be forced into war.


During the Great War, northern businesses sent recruiters into the rural south to encourage black families to move north for work in industry.


During the Great War, some American symphonies refused to perform Bach and Beethoven due to the common assumption of disloyalty associated with anything German.


Henry Cabot Lodge led the Senate Republicans who demanded amendments to the Treaty of Versailles.


Immediately following the war the nation was hit by a terrible flu pandemic that killed even more people than the war, and did so in a single year.


Many immigrant groups in the United States supported the Central Powers in the European war.


President Wilson saw no contradiction between declaring neutrality in the war and supplying both sides with weapons and war materiel.


The Harlem Renaissance was in part an effect of the Great Migration.


The phrase "Square Deal" is associated with Theodore Roosevelt.


William Howard Taft viewed his role as president as an administrator rather than an innovator.


Woodrow Wilson was a minister's son who grew up in the South.


Woodrow Wilson was a minister's son who grew up in the south


among the varied sources of progressivism were populism and the Mugwumps.


Which of the following figures was considered the greatest champion of the social gospel movement and worked in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood of New York?

Walter Rauschenbusch

The MOST important of all the federal mobilization agencies was the ________ because it had the unprecedented authority to ration raw materials, construct factories, and set prices.

War Industries Board

Of the following, who eventually became chief justice of the Supreme Court?

William Howard Taft

The "House That Ruth Built" is known as

Yankee Stadium

The event that triggered the Great War in Europe was

a Serb's assassination of the Austrian Archduke.

What change did young people experience during the 1920s?

a defiant sexual revolution

Contrary to his party tradition, President Taft called for

a lower tariff

Who was Alvin York?

an American soldier from Tennessee who earned the Congressional Medal of Honor

Who was Margaret Sanger?

an early advocate for women's access to birth control and contraception

Which of the following was recommended to Wilson as a Fifteenth Point but went ignored?

an end to racial discrimination

Which sectors were the leading cause of economic growth in the 1920s, or "New Era"?

construction and automobile manufacturing

The National Child Labor Committee pushed to

enact laws prohibiting the employment of young children.

What did the muckrakers consider their primary objective?

exposing social problems to the public

what did the Seventeenth Amendment do?

it authorized the popular election of U.S. senators

For all of his accomplishments and abilities, Woodrow Wilson had

little experience in international relations before he was elected president.

Which of the following best describes the method used by most progressives to solve the problem of economic power and its abuses?

regulating giant corporations

Charlie Chaplin is best associated with

slapstick comedy.

Which of the following was part of the Versailles negotiations and contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party?

the "war guilt" clause that forced Germans to accept responsibility for the war and its full expense

On November 9, 1918, a German republic was proclaimed after

the German Kaiser resigned

Who was Eugene V. Debs?

the Socialist candidate who came out surprisingly strong in the 1912 election

What was the single biggest economic factor that ignited the spirit of progressives?

the economic depression of the 1890s

The horrors of the Great War accelerated

the rise of modernism in the arts.

Which of the following contributed to the Red Scare of 1919-1920?

the violent actions of militants in the United States and the belief that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia had spread to the United States, causing the wave of labor strikes and race riots

What was the purpose of the Federal Reserve Act?

to adjust the nation's currency supply and create a national banking system to promote growth and ensure the stability of member banks

Which of the following accurately describes the "new women" of the 1920s such as flappers?

women who defied traditional standards for women with a carefree, self-indulgent rebelliousness

Which of the following was a result of the Great Migration?

African Americans who had participated in the migration still experienced discrimination but fewer injustices than before.

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