Module 2 Test

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Choose ten answers that could complete the following statement. If relativism were true, then there would be no:

Blame Right or wrong Justice Good or evil Praise Meaningful moral conversations Accountability Fairness Moral improvement Tolerance

Matthew 7:24-27

Build your house (life) upon the rock (truth) or else it will collapse when the storms come

According to Jesus in John 18:28-40, how can we know the truth?

By listening to his (Jesus') voice.

What are the five ways that truth is revealed by God?

By the Holy Spirit. In the person of Jesus Christ. In the conscience. Through the Word of God. Through creation

What are the three questions that we can ask to help determine whether or not something is true?

Does it make sense? Is there evidence for it? Does it work in real life?

We must speak the truth in a loving way.

Ephesians 4:15

We should make disciples by teaching the truth of the gospel people all over the world.

Matthew 28:18-20

We should rely upon God when making decisions and he will direct our paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

What is the difference between societal relativism and individual relativism, especially since societies consist of individuals?

Societal relativism determines right and wrong by what the majority says; individual relativism determines right and wrong by what each person says.

What is the definition of relative truth?

Something that is not necessarily true for all people, in all places, and at all times.

What is the definition of absolute truth?

Something that is true for all people, in all places, and at all times.

What is truth?

That which corresponds to reality.

Matthew 7:13-14

The gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction; the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life

What is the most foundational reason why Christian's life turned out so differently than Skeptic's life?

Their view of truth was different.

What are the three problems with societal relativism?

There is no such thing as an immoral law. There is more than one society in the world; how does an individual know which one to obey? Those who have tried to reform corrupt societies are criminals.

According to John 18:28-40, what is the reason that Jesus came into the world?

To bear witness to the truth

What are the four things that truth does?

Truth gives us a solid foundation to stand upon. Truth corrects us when we are wrong. Truth shows us what is right. Truth explains reality.

I like the Boston Red Sox more than any other team. Therefore, they are the best team of all-time.

Truth is not a matter of individual preference

In my opinion, I think that stealing is morally permissible.

Truth is not a matter personal opinion

Abortion is legal in all fifty states and is simply an accepted norm in society.

Truth is not always politically correct or socially acceptable

I feel like the Toyota Corolla is the best car in America.

Truth is not based upon emotions

I sincerely believe that there is life on other planets.

Truth is not merely what is believed

This has worked for the past five years, it must be true.

Truth is not simply whatever works

After listening to experts speak on whether or not dinosaurs lived at the same time as humans, reading several books on the issue, and studying a large amount of research, I have come to the conclusion that dinosaurs did not live at the same time as humans.

Truth is not what is comprehensive

It makes the most sense that humans evolved from apes.

Truth is not what is understandable or coherent

Even though you don't do your homework, you are still the best student in the class.

Truth is not what makes people feel good about themselves

Over sixty percent of people think that humans have never walked on the moon.

Truth is not what the majority says is true

What is the definition of societal relativism?

Truth is relative to the individual within the society that he/she lives.

Choose four answers to complete the following statement. According to individual relativists, truth...

changes frequently. is unknowable. is different for every person. is constructed by man's ideas.

What is societal relativism also referred to as?

cultural relativism

"You can't [Select] truth without [Select] it." For example, if someone says, "I don't think truth is telling it like it is," you could respond by asking, "Did you just tell it like it is?" Of course, the answer to this question is, "Yes, they did tell it like it is." Simply put, their statement disproves itself.

deny; affirm

Truth cannot be invented; it must be ________.


Regarding his relationship to truth, God is:

the source of truth the standard of truth the embodiment of truth

According to Dr. Norman Geisler in the lesson video, what is truth? (Choose three answers.)

Truth is that which corresponds to reality. Truth is that which matches its object. Truth is telling it like it is.

Jeremiah 7:38

Truth perishes in the nation that does not obey God's voice

If truth cannot be known, then the truth claims of all religions ________ ________ ________.

cannot be investigated

In the wheat and chaff analogy, chaff is a metaphor for what?

People who are consumed by falsehood.

In the wheat and chaff analogy, wheat is a metaphor for what?

People who live according to truth.

How should a Christian respond to the statement, "We can't know anything for sure"?

"How do you know that for sure?"

How should you respond to the following statement? "You can't know anything for sure."

"How do you know that you can't know anything for sure?"

How should you respond to the following statement? "There are no absolutes."

"Is that absolutely true?"

A few (three) statements that characterize individual relativism are:

"No one can tell me how to live my life." "That may be right for you, but it isn't for me." "I am my own authority."

How should you respond to the following statement? "Who are you to say?"

"Who are you to say, 'Who are you to say?'"

How should you respond to the following statement? "You shouldn't force your morality on me."

"Why not?"

Relativists deny the existence of absolute truth and live by the mantra, "What's (1)________ for you may not be (2)________ for me, and what's (3)________ for you may not be (4)________ for me." Choose the correct words to fill in each of the four blanks.

(1) true; (2) true; (3) false; (4) false

If what we believe to be true doesn't affect the way we live our lives, then we do not really believe it.

1 John 1:5-10

What is a "truth claim"? (Choose two answers below.)

A statement that a particular person or belief system holds to be true. A hypothesis that hasn't yet been verified by logic, evidence and experience.

Like the Bereans, we should search for truth daily.

Acts 17:10-11

We should be witnesses to the truth to the uttermost parts of the earth.

Acts 1:8

Regarding its relationship to truth, the Bible is:

God's revelation of truth to mankind

According to the Word's definition of truth, truth:

Is absolute Is knowable Endures forever Is universal Never changes

According to the world's view of truth, truth...(choose all applicable answers)

Is constructed by man's ideas. Changes frequently. Is relative. Is unknowable.

What should you ask someone who makes the statement: "Absolute truth doesn't exist"?

Is that absolutely true?

When we are unsure about a looming decision, we should ask God for direction and he will give it to us.

James 1:5

The person who places his trust in humans is like a shrub in the desert that withers away, but the person who places his trust in God is like a tree planted by water that flourishes.

Jeremiah 17:5-9

Jesus is the Truth.

John 14:6

Jesus is full of truth.

John 1:14

If we abide in God's Word, then we will know the truth and it will set us free.

John 8:31-32

How can you avoid being "taken captive by philosophy and empty deceit"?

Learn how to separate truths from untruths.

John 3:19-21

Light (Truth) exposes evil works and affirms good works

When it comes to how truth is viewed, there are two main camps in which nearly all people reside. What are these two camps? (Choose the two answers below.)

Relative truth Absolute truth

Correctly identify the eight problems with individual relativism.

Relativists can't improve upon their morality. Relativists can't complain about being mistreated. Relativists can't hold meaningful discussions about morality. Relativists can't make the claim, "That's not fair." Relativists can't say, "You're wrong!" Relativists can't say, "You need to stop being intolerant of other views!" Relativists can't place blame or accept praise. Relativists can't call something "good" or "bad."

What is individual relativism?

Right and wrong are determined by individuals.

What are the six response to truth as discussed in this lesson?

We should confront those who are living in opposition to truth. We should allow truth to determine the way we live our lives. We should continually seek truth. We should rely upon truth when making decisions. We should cherish truth above all else. We should boldly proclaim truth.

What is the most important question that a person could ever ask?

What is truth?

Judges 17:6

When there was no king in Israel, everyone did what was right in his own eyes

What happens when you learn how to separate truths from untruths? (Choose the answer that best answers this question.)

You can begin living according to Christ, who is the truth.

If taken to its logical end, relativism leads to ________.


Problem 2: Fill in the blank in the following sentence: "There is no such thing as an ________ law."


Judges 17:6 says, "In those days there was no [Select] in Israel. Everyone did what was [Select] in his own [Select]."

king; right; eyes

Problem 3: Fill in the blank in the following sentence: "Those who have tried to ________ corrupt societies are actually criminals of the worst kind."


Individual relativism is the belief that individuals determine what is...


Problem 1: Fill in the blank in the following sentences: "There is more than one ________ in our world. How are we to know which one we should obey?"


The central idea of individual relativism is: One person's view of ________ is no truer or better than another person's view of ________; therefore, one person cannot look down upon another person. (Same word fills both blanks.)


Choose the list of words below (in order) that fill in the missing blanks in the following sentence: "A person's view of _______ influences their _______, and their _______ influence their _______."

truths, beliefs, beliefs, actions

An individual's [Select] of [Select] shapes everything about them.

view; truth

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