Module 3 Chapter 7 User Input and While Loops
quit value syntax
Clear Prompts
Be friendly to your user! Include a clear, easy-to-follow prompt Tell the user exactly what to do, what to enter
Using break to
Exit a Loop
Use continue in a
Prompt the user for an input and then Pause the program and waits for the user to enter text Bring a string value into the program
Moving Items from One List to Another output
Verifying user: Carol Verifying user: Bob Verifying user: Alice The following users have been confirmed: Carol Bob Alice
Filling a Dictionary with User Input output example
What is your name? alice What grade do you expect in CSCI 1200? a Are there others to take the poll? yes What is your name? Bob What grade to you expect in CSCI 1200? B Are there others to take the poll? yes What is your name? carol What grade do you expect in CSCI 1200? c Are there others to take the poll? no --- CSCI 1200 Poll --- Alice expects to receive a grade of A Bob expects to receive a grade of B Carol expects to receive a grade of C
flag variable
flag variable
acts as a signal to a program
We can use a quit value to
allow a program to run as long as the user wants to Letting the User Choose
Pass the prompt variable as our
argument to the input() function
Using while loops with Lists and Dictionaries allows us to
collect, store, and organize input to examine and report on later
Gearing up for Infinity
continue statement used
converts the string to an integer
continue statement example
current_number = 0 while current_number < 10: current_number += 1 if current_number % 2 == 0: continue print(current_number) ________________________
int() syntax
dict name=int(dict name)
•A continue statement
directs the flow of your program.
A break statement
directs the flow of your program. Works in for loops as well.
The modulo operator %
divides one number by another and returns the remainder.
= (operator)
example and equivalent to x = 5
We'll use a while loop to
fill a dictionary with user input
while loops
flag variable break statement continue statement
•Any problem with my rearrangement of this code? __________________________________________________ current_number = 0 while current_number < 10: if current_number % 2 == 0: continue current_number += 1 print(current_number)
if current_number % 2 == 0:- check if even or odd if even will be equal to zero *ask if divded by 2 from continous current print(current_number)- no results bur progress runs forever
Users provide
input to programs
We'll use a while loop to
move items from one list to another
Allows for
multi-line prompts
Removing All Instances of a value from a List syntax (USE REMOVE STATEMENT)
name of list.remove (list item) ex: pets.remove('cat')
While Loop Example
number = 1 while number <= 5: print(number) number += 1 __________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Modulo Operator example
number = input('Enter a number: ') print(f"You entered {number}.") number = int(number) if number % 2 == 0: print(f"The number {str(number)} is divisible by 2.") else: print(f"The number {str(number)} is not divisible by 2.") __________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter a number: 42 You entered 42. The number 42 is divisible by 2.
Removing All Instances of a value from a List example
pets = ['dog', 'cat', 'iguana', 'cat', 'dog', 'cat', 'python'] while 'cat' in pets: pets.remove('cat') print(pets) _________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ['dog', 'iguana', 'dog', 'python']
Moving Items from One List to Another
pop() method
Programmers write code to have
programs interact with users
input and += (compound assignment operator) example
prompt = 'Tell us who you are, so we can personalize your messages.' prompt += '\nWhat is your name?' user_name = input(prompt) print(f"Hello, {user_name}!") __________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tell us who you are, so we can personalize your messages. What is your name? Steven Hello, Steven!
We'll use Python's input() function to
prompt a user for input and receive that input into the program
We'll use a while loop to
remove all instances of specific values from a list
removes the last item from a list
Filling a Dictionary with User Input example
responses = {} polling_active = True while polling_active: name = input('What is your name? ') response = input('What grade do you expect in CSCI 1200? ') responses[name] = response repeat = input('\nAre there others to take the poll? (yes / no) ') if repeat == 'no': polling_active = False print(f"\n --- CSCI 1200 Poll ---") for name, response in responses.items(): print(f"{name.title()} expects to receive a grade of {response.upper()}")
while loop
runs as long as, or while, a certain condition is true.
skips the rest of the iteration and returns to the beginning
Most programs are written to
solve a user's requirement/problem
Once the program receives the input, it
stores it as a variable's value
for loop
takes a collection of terms and executes a block of code once for each item in the collection or values in a range
The input() function
takes one argument; the prompt, or instructions to present to the user
tells Python to treat the argument as a numerical (integer) value
for vs while loop
the for is usually appropriate for loops in which the initialization and increment are single statements and logically related, since it is more compact than while and it keeps the loop control statements together in one place.
int() converts
the string to an integer
Moving Items from One List to Another example
unconfirmed_users = ['alice', 'bob', 'carol'] confirmed_users = [] while unconfirmed_users: current_user = unconfirmed_users.pop() print(f"Verifying user: {current_user.title()}") confirmed_users.append(current_user) print(f"\tThe following users have been confirmed:") for confirmed_user in confirmed_users: print(confirmed_user.title())
int() example
user_age = input('Enter your age: ') print(f"You indicated you are {user_age} years old.") user_age = int(user_age) print(user_age >= 21) __________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter your age: 29 You indicated you are 29 years old. True
input () example
user_name = input('Please enter your name : ') __________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please enter your name: (cursor waits here till a response)
clear prompts example
user_name = input('Please enter your name: ') print(f"Hello, {user_name} !") __________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please enter your name: Steven Hello, Steven!
input() syntax
user_name = input('arugment to user : ')
flag example active is flag variable
user_sum = 0 prompt = 'Enter a number and I will add it to your total.' prompt += '\nType quit to exit the program.\n' active = True while active: user_input = input(prompt) if user_input == 'quit': active = False else: user_input = int(user_input) user_sum += user_input print(f"Your total is: {str(user_sum)} \n") print(f"\nYour final total was {str(user_sum)}.") __________________________________________________
quit example
user_sum = 0 prompt = 'Enter a number and I will add it to your total.' prompt += '\nType quit to exit the program.\n' user_input = input(prompt) while user_input != 'quit': user_input = int(user_input) user_sum = user_sum + user_input print(f"Your total is: {str(user_sum)} \n") user_input = input(prompt) print(f"\nYour final total was {str(user_sum)}.") 'quit' is my quit value
break statement example
user_sum = 0 prompt = 'Enter a number and I will add it to your total.' prompt += '\nType quit to exit the program.\n' while True: user_input = input(prompt) if user_input == 'quit': break else: user_input = int(user_input) user_sum = user_sum + user_input print(f"Your total is: {str(user_sum)} \n") print(f"\nYour final total was {str(user_sum)}") break exits the loop immediately
programs prompt
users for input
We can store our prompts as a
%= (operator)
x %= 5 (example) x = x % 5 (equivalent)
**= (operator)
x **= 5 (example) x = x ** 5 (equivalent)
*= (operator)
x *= 5 (example) x = x * 5 (equivalent)
+= (operator)
x += 5 (example) x = x + 5 (equivalent)
-= (operator)
x -= 5 (example) x = x - 5 (equivalent)
//= (operator)
x //= 5 (example) x = x // 5 (equivalent)
/= (operator)
x /= 5 (example) x = x / 5 (equivalent)
avoiding infinite loops example
x = 1 while x <= 5: print(x) x += 1 eliminate x+=1 infinite loop gone
Avoiding Infinite Loops
•Easy to program •They're bad... •Every programmer accidentally codes infinite loops __________________________________________________