Module 8: Conflict Management

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lack of courage, confidence, or training/support

Why is conflict challenging for managers?

simple conflict

conflict that stems from different ideas, definitions, perceptions, or goals

personal conflict

disagreement among group members related to differences in personalities and communication styles, and conflicting core values and beliefs

First Impression Bias

initial judgements influence later assessments. More weight given to data first presented.

intrapersonal conflict

conflict that occurs within an individual

Anchoring bias

A ridiculously high starting amount to make the original price seem low by comparison

Framing bias

An option is presented two different ways, and one option seems more appealing than the other


Approach to conflict resolution focused on the issue with an aim to find a resolution.


Approach to conflict resolution where one side comes out ahead of the other.


Assertive & Cooperative approach to conflict in which individual/team win the conflict.


Assertive, uncooperative approach to conflict in which the individual pursues own needs at the expense of others. Useful when an immediate decision is needed.

Overconfidence Bias

Believing the result will favor you

Yielding approach

Conflict Management tactic in which team members give in rather than engage in conflict.

structural conflict

Conflict due to unfair, unclear, or inefficient policies & procedures, organization cultures, or ingrained practices.

affective conflict

Conflict in which individuals attack each other's personalities through criticism, threats, and insults

Avoiding approach

Conflict management tactic where all but large disagreements are ignored.


Conflict resolution approach in which a third party is brought in to facilitate discussion.

pseudo conflict

Conflict that arises due to a misunderstanding in communication due to incomplete information or miscommunication.

Role incompatability

Conflict that arises due to complex reporting structures when tasks are highly interdependent.

Irrational stubbornnes

Decision-making bias illustrated by the desire to stick to the original plan, even though it no longer seems to be the best plan.

Zero-Sum Thinking

Decision-making bias that believes any gain made by another person naturally leads to a loss at your expense

Shared Negotiation Bias

Failing to consider there is more than one person in a team or negotiation

environmental stress

Increased conflict due to scarcity of resources, including attention.


Moderately assertive, cooperative approach to conflict in which the individual's ability to negotiate and willingness to give and take result in conflict resolution and fulfillment of priorities for all involved. No one wins or loses


Passive & Cooperative conflict where an individual has greater concern for others than self.


Passive & Uncooperative conflict where concerns of both parties are neglected. No one wins.

1. Create an effective atmosphere 2. Clarify perceptions 3. Focus on individual and shared needs 4. Take a positive approach 5. Generate options 6. Develop a list of stepping stones to actions 7. Make mutual benefit agreements 8. Part on good terms

Steps for effective conflict resolution:

1. work with data and facts 2. Share agreed upon goals 3. Use humor 4. Maintain balanced power structure 5. Resolve issues without forcing consensus

Steps to manage conflict successfully

Smoothing approach

Tactic to manage conflict by attempting to minimize differences between people, reduce emotional charge, and emphasize shared goals.

assertiveness and cooperativeness

Two dimensions of conflict


a state of discord cause by actual or perceived opposition of needs, values, or interest between people working together.

Informational Deficiencies

breakdowns in organizational communication. Conflicts based on the resulting misunderstandings tend to be common but easy to resolve

Ego conflict

conflict in which the original issue is ignored as partners attack each other's self-esteem

intergroup conflict

conflict that occurs between groups or teams in an organization

Interpersonal conflict

conflict that occurs between two or more individuals

intragroup conflict

conflict that occurs within a group or team

substantive conflict

issue focused disputes that deal with aspects of a team's work. Often involve disagreements over the strategies, policies, and procedures the group should use to complete its tasks.

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