Module 8- Exam

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One of these surface proteins is _________, which is important for viral binding to host cells.


Contact diseases cause a wide variety of symptoms. Infectious mononucleosis is manifested by enlargement of _________ and spleen, sore throat, headache, nausea, general weakness and tiredness, and a mild fever.

Lymph nodes

Human _________ can cause genital warts--- soft, pink cauliflower-like growths that occur on the genital area of women and men.


Before attempting to identify an unknown bacterial species, the organism must be isolated in a/an _________ culture.


After inoculation with _________ virus, the viron's envelope spike attaches to the plasma membrane of nearby skeletal muscle cells, which the virus then enters.


Symptoms of ________ in humans usually begin 2 to 16 weeks after exposure and include anxiety, irritability, depression, fatigue, loss of appetite, fever, and a sensitivity to light and sound.


New forms of these two surface proteins are introduced from animal _______ as well, particularly swine and fowl.


Influenza is a common ______ illness caused by a virus that has segmented _________ genome.

Respiratory; RNA

Rickettsia is known as an "energy parasite". This means that _______.

They use a membrane protein to switch their internal ADP with the host cell's ATP

Evaluate the statements below and choose those that represent the burden placed on society by the impact of pathogenic protozoans:

1. Food- and waterborne pathogenic protozoans are a global problem 2. There were 216 million new cases of malaria worldwide in 2016 3. Infants and young children are particularly susceptible to plasmodium spp. 4. Up to 8 million people develop Chagas disease in the Americas each year

Invasive aspergillosis has a mortality rate of _________.

50 to 100%

Pandemics of influenza arise from _________, caused by rearrangement of these RNA segments mainly in influenza ________.

Antigenic shifts; Type A

A systemic mycosis, in which the initial infection begins when blastospores are inhaled into the lung, is called _________.


A patient exhibiting septic shock could be infected with all of the following EXCEPT _________.


This type of Escherichia coli infection causes the formation of effacing lesions.


Choose the statement below that correctly describes symptoms caused by viral diseases transmitted from animals:

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is characterized by abrupt fever, headache, muscle and joint aches, sore throat, and weakness followed by vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

Two arthropod-borne viral diseases that occur in the United States are ______.

Equine encephalitis and west nile disease

(T/F) Many bacterial species can be identified by Gram stain alone.


When Sylvia D. told her husband they were expecting a baby after several years of trying to get pregnant, her ebulliant but cautious husband decided their pet cat had to be moved to the garage. What condition was Sylvia's husband trying to prevent?


You are shadowing a physician at an OBGYN clinic. A young woman tells you and the doctor that she has developed an itchy, yellowish, vaginal discharge that has a fishy odor. When examining the discharge microscopically, which of the following is most likely to be seen?

Trichomonas vaginalis

Cryptococcus is a systemic mycosis caused by Cryptococcus gattii and C. neoformans and an apparent source of the fungus is _________.

aged pigeon droppings

Which of the following are examples of physiological characteristics that could be used in the bacterial identification process?

1. Ability to break down lipids 2. Presence of a specific enzyme

During the chronic ______ stage of AIDS, patients have symptoms including fever, weight loss, malaise, fatigue, anorexia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headaches, and lymphadenopathy.


The other surface protein is __________, which is important for viral release from the host cell.


Botulism is a ______ illness that comes from consuming performed _________ produced by C. botulinum, not the bacteria itself.

Food-borne; neurotoxin

Which two approaches to identification of bacteria are least dependent on the ability to grow the microorganisms in culture?

1. Genetic approach 2. Immunologic approach

Select the characteristics of sporotrichosis to review the disease's severity:

1. Infection occurs from a puncture wound from a fungal contaminated splinter or thorn 2. New lesions can spread throughout the body

Evaluate the statements below and assess which are correct regarding the virulence factors produced by Bacillus anthracis:

1. Protective antigen binds to macrophages and forms a ring structure allowing the edema and lethal factors to enter the cell 2. Lethal factor prevents the transcription factor NFkB from regulating the genes 3. B anthracis contains two plasmids that each code for different virulence factors 4. B anthracis exotoxin comprises three polypeptides

Select the statements below that pertain to Trichomoniasis in order to review the signs and symptoms of the disease:

1. Trichomoniasis is caused by the protozoan flagellate Trichomona vaginales 2. The infection is usually asymptomatic in males. 3. In females, the infection results in a profuse, purulent discharge accompanied by itching.

Which of the following are physiological tests that can help in identification of a bacterial isolate?

1. pattern of growth in nutrient broth

Which of the following are morphological features of microorganisms?

1. shape and arrangement of cells 2. presence of endospores 3. presence and arrangement of flagella

Which of the following statements about common foodborne and waterborne viral diseases is true?

Acute gastroenteritis, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, is caused by four major categories of viruses: rotaviruses, adenoviruses, caliciviruses, and astroviruses

Symptoms occur 12-72 hours after the contaminated food is eaten. Muscles, unable to receive the signal from the neuron, do not contract and __________ results.

Flaccid paralysis

The insoluble polysaccharides act like cement and bind bacterial cells together resulting in an anoxic environment that allows acid-producing ______ to proliferate.


Vaccines against the flagellated protists called trypanosomes are not useful because the parasite is able to evade the immune response because it can change its protein coat by a process called _______ _________.

Antigenic variation

Primary treatment is administration of ________ and supportive care. Without treatment, patients may die of respiratory or __________ failure. At particular risk are infants; with an immature immune system they are not able to eliminate C. botulinum __________ they may ingest from raw honey, for example.

Antitoxin; cardiac; endospores

The most common manifestation of aspergillosis is when fungal colonies in the lungs develop into "fungus balls" called ________.


Human paroviruses include the ________ parovirus, which can infect the fetus, resulting in anemia, fetal hydrops, and spontaneous abortion.


Which of the following statements about contact disease symptoms is correct?

Blisters involving the epidermis and surface of mucous membranes of the lips, mouth, and gums are referred to as herpes labialis

Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), caused by the fungus Pneumocystis jiroveci, occurs almost exclusively in hosts immunocompromised by HIV-AIDS, irradiation, and immunosuppressive drugs. In patients with PCP, the fungus ________.

Causes the lungs to fill with a frothy exudate

When choosing a biochemical test to perform on an unknown bacterium, you should consider which of the following?

Choose an easy, rapid test that is applicable for its main group of bacteria

Ms. R. is a 58-year-old woman who has lived in Boston her whole life. She has a severe rheumatoid arthritis for which she takes immunosuppressive medications. At a recent doctor's visit, Ms. R. tells her physician after visiting her niece in Arizona about 10 day ago, she developed a cough and occasional fever. What fungal infection does her physician most likely suspect?

Coccidiodes immitis

A systemic mycosis, due to inhalation of arthroconidia that are abundant in soils in southwestern United States, and parts of Mexico, and South America, is called _________.


Which of the following is mismatched?

Creutzfeldt-Jackob disease--transmitted through cannibalism

A systemic mycosis, due to inhalation of thick walled yeast cells present in dried pigeon droppings, is called ________.


Because plaque is not permeable to saliva, the acids produced are not diluted or neutralized, and they _________ the enamel to produce a lesion on the tooth. It is this chemical lesion that initiates dental decay.


The _____ surface of the teeth selectively absorbs acidic glycoproteins from saliva forming a membranous layer called this acquired enamel pellicle. This pellicle contains ions that confer a net _______ charge to the tooth surface. Because most bacteria have a negative charge, there is a natural _______ between the tooth surface and bacteria.

Enamel; negative; repulsion

(T/F) Even though food- and waterborne pathogenic protists are a global burden, the worldwide problem is due to the pathogenicity of the organisms, not because of inferior public health standards. All humans have access to clean water.


(T/F) Protozoans are not transmitted by airborne means, nor are there as many pathogenic species compared to bacteria, thus, their impact on society is minimal.


Hospital wards that specialize in treating patients with chemotherapy for cancer typically do not permit fresh flowers or plants so as to prevent the transmission of which of the following opportunistic pathogens?

Fungi belonging to the genus Aspergillus

In Ebola fever, the overall host vascular system is damaged, resulting in vascular leakage or _________.


In females, the infection results in the cervical mucosa covered with punctate _________, papules, and vesicles which is referred to as ________________

Hemorrhages; strawberry cervix.

During spring break, one of your roommates goes on a spelunking trip in Ohio. Shortly after returning, he develops a dry hacking cough, fever, and night sweats. Initially it is thought that he has flu but further tests reveal the presence of small budding yeast cells in his lung secretions as well as within his macrophages. Which of the following microorganisms is the most likely causing your roommates illness?

Histoplasma capsulatum

A systemic mycosis, due to inhalation of microconidia which become airborne when soil contaminated with bird droppings is disturbed called _________.


In about 50% of all cases, the victim may go into spasms at the mere sight, thought, or smell of water; this is known as ________.


In water, viable cysts of the protists Entamoeba histolytica can be destroyed by _______.

Hyperchlorination or iodination

Infection typically occurs in a milder, localized bronchopulmonary disease in ________ patients.


Choose the statement that is true about West Nile disease:

In west nile disease, there is a peak of infection in late august and early september and most infected individuals exhibit only mild flu-like symptoms

Cell shape, arrangement, presence of flagella, presence of endospores, and appearance of colonies on agar plates are all examples of _______________________ characteristics that can be helpful in the identification of bacteria.


Food and water can serve as vehicles to transmit a number of infectious protists leading to infections such as amebiasis, which occurs from _______.

Ingestion of mature cysts from fecally contaminated water, food, or hands

Please choose the statement that best describes Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome:

It is an exotoxin-mediated disease that can be compared to a systemic form of impetigo.

In response to the infection, the body accumulates ___________ at the site of infection.


Histoplasma capsulatum can be disseminated to many organs because the fungus grows within _______.


The incubation period for Marburg hemorrhagic fever is 5 to 10 days; symptoms begin abruptly and include a __________ rash that is most prominent on the chest, back, and stomach.


The botulinum toxin is an AB exotoxin that binds to the _________ membrane of the _________, preventing the release of the neurotransmitter __________.

Presynaptic; motor neuron; acetylcholine

The free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri found in water and moist soil causes the central nervous system disease _______.

Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis

When the number of lactobacilli are decreased, candidal vaginitis can result because the bacteria normally control the fungi by _________.

Producing an inhibitory, low pH

Trichomoniasis is one of the most common STDs and is caused by the ________ Trichomonas vaginalis.


Invasive aspergillosis occurs in immunosuppressed patients resulting in _________ infection that disseminates to the brain, liver, kidney, bone, or skin.


In females, the disease is diagnosed by microscopic examination for the pathogen in the ___________.

Purulent discharge

The form of ______ caused by variola major virus is more severe, having a more extensive rash and higher fever.


These segments rearrangements can create virus particles with new surface _______ protruding through the viral envelope.


Certain bacterial species such as ______ can adhere to, and colonize the pellicle. Once the initial colonizers are established, secondary organisms such as _________ can attach and produce extracellular enzymes that polymerize the ___________ monomer of sucrose into a water insoluble polysaccharide.

Steptococcus mitis; S. mutans; glucose

Which of the following is the quickest way to isolate bacteria from a mixture?

Streak plating

(T/F) Microbes of the normal microbiota can become pathogenic if they are allowed to gain access to a site in the body other than their normal environment.


(T/F) The only mode of transmission for Yersinia pestis is from an infected animal to a human via a flea.


At least eight distinct papillomavirus genotypes produce benign epithelial ________ that vary in respect to their location, clinical appearance, and histopathological features.


Which of the following viral diseases is not spread through airborne transmission?

West nile fever

The ________ for Ebola hemorrhagic fever ranges from 2 to 21 days and is characterized by abrupt fever, headache, joint and muscle aches, sore throat, and weakness, followed by diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain.

incubation period

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