Module 8 Reading Assignment - Upper GI Disorders

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A.) Likely to occur post-gastrectomy B.) Not likely to occur post-gastrectomy

A.) pernicious anemia, fat malabsorption, dumping syndrome B.) constipation, improved bone density, weight gain, increased iron absorption

A.) Thin liquids B.) Nectar-like liquids C.) Honey-like liquids D.) Spoon- thick

A.) water, orange juice B.) buttermilk, tomato juice, eggnog C.) tomato sauce D.) thick applesauce, pudding

In what way does gastric bypass surgery help with weight loss? a. decreases ghrelin production and lowers appetite b. improves serotonin production and less mental focus on food c. removes all of the stomach so a person can only consume liquids d. increases testosterone production and thereby increases metabolism


In what way does gastric bypass surgery help with weight loss? a. decreases ghrelin production and there lowers appetite b. improves serotonin production and less mental focus on food c. removes all of the stomach so a person can only consume liquids d. increases testosterone production and thereby increases metabolism


What is a potential complication of gastritis? a. Vitamin B12 deficiency b. Weight gain c. Periodontal disease d. Dysphagia


What is the common cause of chronic gastroesophageal reflux? a. hiatal hernia b. frequent consumption of acidic foods c. excess acidic production by the stomach d. rapid weight loss


What priority action should the nurse take when witnessing a client with dysphagia begin to choke during their meal? a. Call for help and encourage the client to clear their airway by coughing. b. Provide four back blows between the scapula. c. Assess for pocketing of food in between coughing. d. Run to get additional assistance for the client.


Which of the following is a symptom of dysphagia? a. food and drink spilling down side of mouth b. hiccups c. sneezing d. dizziness


Which strategy reduces the risk of gastroesophageal reflux that could be aspirated? a. Remain sitting upright for 30 minutes after a meal. b. Drink water between each bite. c. Tilt chin down while eating. d. Swallow at least twice between mouthfuls.


Which are the following signs of dysphagia? Select all that apply. [mark all correct answers] a. Drooling during a meal. b. Coughing while eating. c. Food pocketing in the cheek. d. Gurgling or change in voice. e. Ability to clear throat.

a b c d

Identify the potential causes of both gastritis and ulcers. Select ALL that apply. [mark all correct answers] a. h.pylori bacterial infection b. frequent consumption of alcohol c. consumption of acidic foods d. use of anti-inflammatory pain medications

a b d

Which of the following should be avoided after bariatric surgery? Select all that apply. [mark all correct answers] a. Carbonated beverages b. Fried foods c. Cooked vegetables without skins or peels d. Plain yogurt e. Fruits canned in syrup f. Caffeinated beverages g. Bananas h. Chocolate milk

a b e f h

Which of the following is likely to cause dysphagia? Select all that apply. [mark all correct answers] a. Stroke b. Tooth decay c. Aging d. Injuries e. Diabetes f. Developmental disabilities

a c d f

Which of the following are potential complications after gastric surgery? Select all that apply. [mark all correct answers] a. Bone disease b. Weight gain c. Anemia d. Malnutrition e. Diabetes f. Excessive iron absorption g. Vitamin B12 deficiency h. Lactose intolerance

a c d g h

Which of the following should be avoided with GERD? Select all that apply. [mark all correct answers] a. Fried chicken b. Apple juice c. Peppermint d. Alcoholic beverages e. Bananas f. Leafy greens g. Coffee with caffeine h. Chocolate

a c d g h

Which nutrient deficiencies have an effect dental caries? Select ALL that apply. [mark all correct answers] a. Vitamin A b. Carbohydrate c. Vitamin D d. Vitamin E e. Calcium f. Phosphorus g. Sodium h. Fluoride

a c e f h

All of the following are signs and symptoms of periodontal disease EXCEPT: a. gingivitis. b. fruity smelling breath. c. bad taste in the mouth. d. painful chewing.


An example of a strategy used by dietitians to encourage clients on mechanically altered diets to eat is to a. allow them to eat all desired foods. b. identify a person's favorite foods and foods that have pleasant smells. c. allow them to eat just one meal a day. d. restrict all their favorite foods.


What is a common complication of ulcers and gastritis? a. iron overload b. anemia c. vitamin C deficiency d. impaired absorption of calcium


What is dysphagia? a. food entering the airways b. difficulty swallowing c. indigestion d. malnutrition


What type of surgery to the stomach produces weight loss benefits? a. gastrectomy b. bariatric surgery c. ostomy d. adenectomy


Which of the following foods would weaken the lower esophageal sphincter pressure? a. Skim milk b. Fried fish c. Steamed carrots d. Mashed potatoes


You need to assist a client who is two months post cerebrovascular accident (CVA), with left-sided weakness and dysphagia. Which side of the client's mouth should you place the food? a. Left b. Right c. Center d. Not at all


Which of the following are recommended after gastric surgery to prevent dumping syndrome? Select all that apply. [mark all correct answers] a. Consume fluids only with meals b. Avoid concentrated sweets c. Meals high in protein d. Consume 3-6 small meals and snacks daily e. Diet high in carbohydrate f. Diet low in fat

b c d

Which of the following should be avoided with peptic ulcers? Select all that apply. [mark all correct answers] a. Orange juice b. Whole chocolate milk c. Tea d. Sausage e. Ice cream f. Rice g. Spinach

b c d e

A Speech-Language Pathologist ordered a thickened liquid diet for a client diagnosed with dysphagia. Which food items would you find on the client's tray? Select all that apply. [mark all correct answers] a. Coffee b. Oatmeal c. Yogurt d. Broth e. Hummus

b c e

Which meal assistance techniques would you use when assisting a client who has dysphagia? Select all that apply. [mark all correct answers] a. Encourage the client to drink water between bites of food. b. Ensure the client is sitting upright with their head slightly titled forward. c. Use utensils adapted with a large handle. d. Encourage the client to take a 1/2 teaspoonful of food with each bite. e. Encourage the client to swallow twice before eating the next spoonful. f. Use the clock face method to identify food location. g. Encourage the client to swallow by gently touching client's chin.

b d e

A client has right-sided weakness in their arm and leg. The client is right-handed. During breakfast, you noticed the client's arm becomes lethargic and the client begins to struggle raising their arm to their mouth. The client still has half of their breakfast to eat, including yogurt and oatmeal. What should the nurse do first? a. Offer to feed the client. b. Begin to use the hand under hand technique with the client. c. Encourage the client to eat with their non-dominant hand. d. Encourage the client to rest.


A post gastrectomy diet is a a. protein-controlled diet to prevent hypoglycemia. b. fat-controlled diet to prevent dumping syndrome c. simple carbohydrate-controlled diet to prevent dumping syndrome d. protein- and fat-controlled diet to prevent hypoglycemia.


The most serious concern with dysphagia is aspiration, which can lead to: a. malabsorption b. lack of appetite c. pneumonia d. stroke


What is the best response to a client asking why it so important to avoid sugars and sweets after gastric bypass surgery? a. Sugars and sweets provide empty calories. b. Sugars increase risk of developing diabetes post surgery. c. Sugars can draw water into the intestines and cause cramping and diarrhea. d. Sugars will prevent you from losing weight.


What is the main characteristic of GERD? a. rapid digestion due to cell damage b. inability of food to move throughout the stomach properly c. acidic content of stomach backing up into the esophagus d. lesions in the esophagus affecting the ability of consumed food to move to the stomach


What is the primary reason why dysphagia is life-threatening? a. causing strokes b. food entering the esophagus c. aspiration d. food entering the stomach


Which of the following supplements are usually recommended after gastric surgery? a. Vitamin C and zinc b. Potassium and magnesium c. Calcium and vitamin D d. Essential amino acids


A client with gastric ulcers receives the following items on his breakfast tray: scrambled eggs, toast, coffee, and apple juice. Which food/beverage should not be on the tray for someone with gastric ulcers? a. scrambled eggs b. toast c. apple juice d. coffee


What is a complication after gastric surgery? a. excessive iron absorption b. diabetes c. weight gain d. bone disease


What is the long term risk if GERD is left untreated? a. rapid weight gain b. poor digestion and constipation c. vitamin B12 deficiency d. esophageal cancer


What is the main characteristic of gastritis? a. chronic intestinal gas after eating b. inability of the stomach to digest food c. bleeding lesions in the esophagus d. inflammation of the lining of the stomach


Which of the following beverages is most appropriate for a client with dysphagia with an order for nectar-like liquids? a. water b. chicken broth c. iced tea d. tomato juice


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