MPO learnsmart questions

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Executive Order 11246 applies to discrimination among federal contractors receiving more than ___ from the government


Individuals who believe they have experienced discrimination can file a complaint with the EEOC within ___.

180 days

The age discrimination in employment act prohibits discrimination against employees over the age of


Which of the following would be considered reasonable accommodation for disables workers?

Allowing employees to bring guide dogs to work Restructuring jobs to eliminate marginal tasks Providing alternative testing formats to accommodate specific disabilities

The federal government is authorized to establish and enforce safety and health standards for places of employment as a result of the


Which of the following are examples of disparate treatment?

Steve is hired instead of Ray because Steve is white Sally is hired instead of Mary because Sally is black

The pregnancy discrimination act was passed as an amendment to ___.

The civil rights act

Which law gave all citizens the right to sue in federal court over alleged civil rights violations?

The civil rights act of 1871

Which of the following laws were passed as a result of a perceived societal need

The occupational safety and health act the employee retirement security income act the age discrimination in employment act

Which of the following are among the things a plaintiff has to prove to win a disparate treatment discrimination case?

The plaintiff belongs to a protected group The plaintiff applied for and was qualified for the position After rejecting the plaintiff, the employer hired someone with similar qualifications The plaintiff was rejected, despite being qualified

Which of the following are examples of the executive branch's power to impact the legislative branch and the laws it passes?

The president can propose bills to Congress The president has the power to veto any law passed by Congress The regulatory agencies have responsibility for enforcing laws

Equal employment opportunity in the United State is regulated by ___ of the civil rights act of 1964

Title VII

An employment practice that lacks discriminatory content but still leads to discrimination is known as ___.

a facially neutral employment practice

When presented with circumstantial evidence of discrimination, an employer has to produce

a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason

a persons perception about the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange between him or herself and another is called

a psychological contract

select the psychosocial functions of mentoring

acceptance and confirmation, role modeling, friendship, counseling

the three phases in daniel feldman's organizational socialization model are ___ socialization, ___ and change and ___

anticipatory encounter acquisition

OSHA assigned the Department of Labor with which of the following responsibilities?

applying health standards inspecting employers levying fines

The physical manifestation of an organization's culture is referred to as___


organizational values that have become so taken for granted over time that they become assumptions that guide organizational behavior are called

basic underlying assumptions

select three levels of organizational culture

basic underlying assumptions observable artifacts espoused values

making sure that management does not ___ its psychological contracts is a good way to increase employees' commitment


In 2009, the americans with disabilities act amendments act revised to the ada to make the definition of disability


In which of the following ways does the U.S. constitution affect HRM?

by establishing three primary governing bodies by delineating citizens' rights

In which of the following ways does the U.S. Constitution affect HRM

by establishing three primary governing bodies by delineating citizens' rights

how does organizational socialization embed their cultures in new employees

by promoting and reinforcing core values and beliefs

The___ phase of the organizational socialization process required employees to master important tasks and roles and to adjust their work group's values and norms

change and acquisition

schwartz's second bipolar dimension rages from openness to ___ to ___

change conservation

As a result of the civil rights act, those who discriminate based on race, age, and other factors can be ___.

charged punitive damages

one lesson from competing values framework is that innovation and equality can be increased by building characteristics associated with which of the following cultures

clan adhocracy market

the two most opposed cultures are the ___ culture with emphasis on internal focus and flexibility and the ___ culture which emphasizes an external focus with structure and control

clan market

OSHA inspections are performed by government agents known as

compliance officers

Over the past few years, the number of religious discrimination charges filed in court have___.

consistently dropped

select examples of organizational citizenship behavior

constructive statements about the departments expression of personal interest in the work of others respect for the spirit as well as the letter of housekeeping rules

individuals committed to an organization tend to display a

continuation of employment with the firm

low employee engagement and low performance are examples of ___ work behaviors


behavior that harms other employees, the organization as a whole or organizational stakeholders such as customers and shareholders is called

counterproductive work behavior

certain organizational ___ types reflect opposing core values


select observable artifacts that can be present in a firms culture are

decorations special parking spaces manner of dress

select all the characteristics of telecommuting

decreases absenteeism enhanced productivity and retention 30-40% telecommute for part of a job

major reasons that companies use personality tests include

decreasing bias against applicants reducing expenses associated with hiring expanding the number of candidates being considered

select implications of social networking systems

developers willingness depends on the protege's relationship quality proteges should become proficient at using social networking tools number and quality will influence career success create a mentoring plan and incorporate it into the firm network should align with career goals

If a company has a formal policy of discrimination, the plaintiff in a discrimination case can use that information as ___.

direct evidence

which of the following are examples of organizational systems being used for culture change

disney used big data to track best practices in customer service lifevsize communications maintains internal online networks to foster collaboration hearsay social inc. tracts performance feedback to identify competing values

When an employment practice disproportionately excludes a protected group from employment opportunities, a company can be accused of ___ impact.


Which of the following are among scholars' legal theories of discrimination?

disparate treatment reasonable accommodation disparate impact

the fact that at work some coworkers remain satisfied in situations where others always seem dissatisfied is the idea behind

disposition/genetic components

Unlike other theories of discrimination, reasonable accommodation places a special obligation on employers to

do something accommodate an individual's religion or disability

two lessons from the competing values framework are that organizational culture is related to measures of organizational ___ and employees are more satisfied and committed to firms with a ___ culture

effectiveness clan

using a basketball analogy for core self-evaluation

emotional stability and self-esteem are like teammates a core self-evaluation and its parts are much the same the core self-evaluation is the team and the traits are the players

the harnessing of organization members selves to their work roles is

employee engagement

when people express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during a role performance, they are demonstrating ___ ___

employee engagement

it is believed that awareness of multiple intelligences should play an important role in

employee selection training performance

which of the following are true concerning the search for employees with the right personality type

employers should try to find a fit for an employee's personality one personality does not fit all jobs there is no ideal personality profile

how might a manager reinforce an adhocracy culture using work flow and organizational structure

encouraging brainstorming meetings

employee motivation involves which of the following

encouraging employee interest in doing a task guiding employee behavior

Gallup has estimated that when employees are highly ___, it can achieve 12% higher customer satisfaction and loyalty ratings


The equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment prevents the states from denying ___ protection of the laws


What are the branches of government that were established by the U.S. constitution?

executive judicial legislative

The branch of government that consists of the president of the united states and the many regulatory agencies the president oversees is known as the ___.

executive branch

research has concluded that which personality traits have a strong impact on performance

extraversion, conscientiousness

The courts are bound to interpret the ADA exactly as the EEOC does


select ways to reduce cognitive dissonance

find consonant elements that outweigh the dissonant ones belittle the importance of the inconsistent behavior change your attitude or behavior

managers have more influence over

flexible individual differences

The concept used to analyze employment practices to determine if disparate impact occurs is called the ___ rule.


The requirements of the vocational rehabilitation act pertain to which of the following

government subcontractors government contractors executive agencies

characteristics of a person with low self-efficacy

has low commitment, thinks of excuses for failing, avoids difficult tasks, focuses on personal deficiencies

emotional intelligence has been shown to

have little power to drive performance

select all that apply to those with an internal locus of control

have strong expectations that effort leads to performance derive more job satisfaction from performance display greater work motivation

Reviewing annual EEO-1 reports from organizing allows the EEOC to ___.

identify patterns of hiring discrimination

which of the following are true of personality

it combines characteristics that give people unique identities, it is stable across situations, it results from the interaction of genes and the environment

which of the following are true concerning using personality tests in the workplace

it is critical to make sure the test id legally sound and does not violate applicants rights it is helpful to use experts outside the company to help select appropriate test there should be independent research validating the effectiveness of the test

select the situation factors that drive employee engagement

job characteristics leadership stressors

___ ___ has a positive association with behavioral outcomes like job performance and OCB

job satisfaction

the most significant contributor to withdraw cognitions is low levels of ___ ___

job satisfaction

the term ___ ___ reflects the extent to which a person likes his or her job

job satisfaction

value attainment relates positively to ___ ___

job satisfaction

Businesses with more than $50,000 in contracts with the federal government are required to do which of the following

keep a written affirmative action plan on file not discriminate in employee hirings

select the statements that are true regarding culture and change

leaders are the architects and developers of organizational change use a structured approach when considering culture and change be sure culture fits the vision and mission of the firm changing culture starts with targeting one of the three levels of organizational culture

U.S. supreme court decisions can only be overturned by ___.


which of the following are positively associated with organizational support in firms

less tendency to resign employee engagement better job satisfaction more commitment to the organization

when employees understand why the firm does what it does and how it intends to accomplish its long term goals, the culture is said to be helping members

make sense of their surroundings

The national labor relations board hears disputes between which of the following parties?

management unions

the competing values framework teaches us that companies with a ___ culture tend to have more positive organizational outcomes, but financial performance is not strongly related to organizational ___

market culture

the difference between what an individual expects to receive from a job and what he or she actually receives is called

met expectations

When hearing a disparate treatment case, the court first tries to rule out the ___.

most obvious reasons for rejecting the plaintiff's claim

check all of the following statements that are true of liking and fit

most people evaluate a persons personality by whether or not they like them they are not precise enough to have real value in management they are not particularly beneficial for managers

the positive outcomes of job satisfaction include

motivation, job involvement

select all the attitudinal outcomes of job satisfaction

motivation, withdraw cognitions, perceived stress, job involvement

shalom schwartz believed that values are ___ meaning that they represent broad goals that apply across contexts


intend of using general measures, it is more practical to think of intelligence in terms of

multiple intelligences

___ are physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior


a challenge for managers is that all employees have different ___ to be fulfilled


what kind of emotions tend to travel faster and farther within an organization

negative emotions

companies are using electronic ___ as a tool to promote different types of cultures


What information would be important to a manager who wanted to foster an adhocracy culture

number of new ideas submitted through suggestion systems results of customer satisfaction surveys number of patents developed in R&D

the first level of organizational culture is ___ ___

observable artifacts

The agency responsible for enforcing executive orders covering companies that do business with the federal government is known as the ___.

office of federal contract compliance programs

according to schwartz's theory, and employee who values tradition will not want to work

on a holiday

IQ scores are

only one of a number of complex attributes of intelligence

individual behavior that is discretionary and not part of a formal reward system and promote the effective performance of the firm is called ___ ___ ___

organizational citizenship behavior

if an employee values achievement and an employer rewards people for accomplishing goals, the employee is more likely to experience

organizational commitment

The set of implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about and reacts to its various environments is called

organizational culture

Daniel Feldman promotes a three phase model of ___ ___ in order to counter the rather haphazard fashion some firms treat new employees

organizational socialization

the process by which a person learns the values, norms and required behaviors which permit him to participate as a member of the organization is called

organizational socialization

only when a firm's favorable treatment is voluntary rather than mandated by an external constraint will it be seen as:

organizational support

select all the ways that Cisco increases employee commitment

pay very well emphasis on fitness and health offer flextime support for volunteering

select all the job dimensions in the JDI tool developed at Cornell University

pay, work, promotions

personality and positive psychological capital are considered ___ ___ that contribute to employee engagement

person factors

select the person factors that contribute to employee engagement

personality, social capital

select the benefits of high emotional intelligence

positively viewed by subordinates greater level of sales increased customer retention

to be an effective manager, a person should

precisely define personality

extraversion has been found to

predict job performance better than agreeableness

according to Ajzen, someone's intention to engage in a given behavior is a strong ___ of that behavior


a person with a ___ personality is someone who is relatively unconstrained by situational forces and who affects environmental change


which of the following behaviors have been shown by research to improve intelligence

problem solving, constructive thinking, reasoning

select career functions of mentoring

protection, challenging assignments, sponsorship, coaching, exposure and visibility

cognitive dissonance is a representation of

psychological discomfort

Differences in which of the following allow for legally permissible differences in pay?

quality of production merit seniority

When a benefit is contingent on an employee submitting to a sexual advance, it is known as___

quid pro quo harassment

According to the Executive Order of 11478, issued by Richard Nixon, the federal government is specifically forbidden from considering which of the following when hiring?

race, sex, color, religion

intelligence entails a person's capacity for

reasoning, constructive thinking, problem solving

Congress designed the Vocational Rehabilitation Act to encourage government contractors to ___.

recruit qualified individuals with disabilities

Which of the following are key components of most safety awareness programs

reinforcing safe practices communicating hazards to managers and employees identifying potential hazards

The concept of reasonable accommodation was initially applies in cases of

religious discrimination

select the elements of emotional intelligence

self-awareness, social-awareness, relationship management, self-management

how people feel about their chances of doing something successfully is known as


According to the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, refusing to hire someone because

sex discrimination

compared to people with an external locus of control, people with an internal locus of control

show greater motivation

A compliance officer takes which of the following steps as part of the OSHA inspection process?

shows up unannounced interviews employees reviews employer records for deaths, injuries, and illnesses discussed findings and violations with employer

personal attitudes are related to behaviors directed towards which of the following

situations, objects, people

Which kind of reward would be best suited for a clan culture

stock shares that increase when an entire devision performs well

environmental characteristics that cause stress are called ___


according to the americans with disabilities act, a disability is an impairment that___.

substantially limits one or more major life activities

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, employers must refrain from discriminating against workers with disabilities and

take positive actions to accommodate individuals protected under the law

select all that apply to those with an external locus of control

tent to be more anxious, demonstrate less motivation for performance, earn lower salaries and smaller salary increases

When alleging religious discrimination, an employee must demonstrate which of the following?

that he or she has a legitimate religious belief that he or she provided the company with notice of the need to accommodate the religious practice that he or she has suffered adverse consequences because the company failed to accommodate the request

Which of the following were amended as a result of the civil rights act of 1991

the americans disabilities act the age discrimination in employment act the civil rights act of 1964

why is it important to understand that some cultures reflect opposing core vales

the competing values inherent in different culture types can impact a company's success

when an employee enjoys the work being done and has a positive attitude, which of the following will be true

the employee will be more agreeable to working harder the employee will be more open to taking on greater burdens

which of the following are true of using core self-evaluations in a managerial role

the training power of core self-evaluations is limited because of the fixed nature of the traits self-efficacy is more flexible to use in training than the other traits using core self-evaluations as one characteristic works better than using the four traits

when evaluating core self evaluations

the whole is greater than the sum of the parts

which of the following are characteristic of companies with a market culture

they are focused externally and value stability they are driven by results and achieving goals

select characteristics related to OCB

they are voluntary they promote the firm's productivity

Which of the following reflect companies with an adhocracy culture?

they focus externally and value flexibility they emphasize creation of new products and services they are highly responsive to marketplace changes

which of the following describe how effective managers should address personality

they should be precise they should pay attention to emerging scientific data on how personality affects important work processes and outcomes they should be scientific

select ways to improve self-esteem

think of desirable characteristics possessed by yourself perform at a high level apply yourself to things important to you

values remain mostly stable across ___ and ___

time situations

The EEOC issues guidelines___

to help employers follow the law

perceptions of organizational support can be either positive or negative


practical achievements and praise tent to bolster one's self-esteem


___ can be a good thing when a low performing person quits or gets fired


select those things to which stress is positively related

turnover, heart disease, viral infections, absenteeism

When an employer's workforce falls significantly short of reflecting the composition of a comparison group in terms of race, sex, and ethnic composition, the minority groups that in the categories that fall short are considered to be___.


Before doing business with the government, a company must compare the race, sex, and ethnic composition of its workforce with those of the available labor supply as part of a process called ___ analysis.


the idea that satisfaction result from the perception that a job allows for fulfillment of an individual's important values is

value attainment

the abstract ideals that influence the choices we make are called


an individuals overall thoughts and feelings about quitting are called

withdraw cognitions

what is the term for the way work gets done

work flow

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