MRCH 3300 Exam 2

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How can you measure the success or failure of a mobile market campaign?

Compiling your likes, posts, page views, time on site, and unique visitors for each month and seeing how much it makes up for that month. This will show you if you are growing or not each month.

Which of the following statement is TRUE about online shoppers?

Consumers skills (lack of) with online shopping can impede shoppers use of online channels


Encourage visitors to interact with your brand


Encouraging visitors to share their likes and comments with friends

HTML, CSS, JavaScript are Backend Languages


Two most important factors shaping decision to purchase online are Utility and Prices.


The Web server software does not have significant impact on how a Web site's Web pages look on a user's computer

False -It actually works with many websites in order to transfer that information to the site

Using prebuilt templates is typically one of the most expensive choices when building an e-commerce site

False -It is already pre-built so it saves you time and money

The transport layer is not required

False -It is required because it is part of the 4 TCP/IP layers

The annual maintenance cost for a Web site is typically much lower than its development cost.

False -They are actually both similar in price

What is the web

an infrastructure of distributed information combined with software that uses networks as a vehicle to exchange that information

Security Service

consists mainly of authentication services that verify that the person trying to access the site is authorized to do so

Logical Design

describes the flow of information at your e-commerce site, the processing functions that must be performed, the databases that will be used, the security and emergency backup procedures that will be instituted, and the controls that will be used in the system

Page Post Ads

have social context and can be liked, shared and commented on, just like any other post on Facebook. They can contain photos, videos, and links to be shared with consumers.

Fan aquisition

involved using any of a variety of means, from display ads to news feed and page pop ups attract people to your page

Viral marketing

it is marketing designed to inspire consumers to mass message to other individuals

Identify why local mobile is attractive to marketers

o Mobile users are more active and readier to purchase than desktop users o 80% of U.S. smartphone owners use mobile devices to search for local products and services. o 50% of people visit a store within 1 day of local search o 18% makes a purchase

What are the features of mobile marketing that make it so advantageous for businesses?

o Personal communicator and organizer o screen size and resolution o GPS location o Web browser o Apps o Ultraportable and personal o Multimedia capable


open source, general purpose scripting language

Conversion rate

percentage of consumers who buy a product after viewing it. Converting a customer to a buyer

Social Density

refers to the number of interactions among members of a group and reflects the "connectedness" of a group, even if these connections are forced on users

The types of e-commerce that is best suited for providing product information to customers (home base)

social media

Proximity Marketing

techniques that identify a perimeter around a physical location, and then target ads to users within that perimeter, recommending actions possible within the fenced in area.


the measurement of how long visitors stay on a website

Unique visitors

the number of distinct, unique visitors to a site. people who are new to the site

Physical Design

translates the logical design into physical components

Surge pricing

a pricing strategy in which the price of a product is raised as demand for that product goes up and lowered as demand goes down Ex. Uber and Google


a process by which a company compares its performance with that of high-performing organizations. They compare their response speed, quality of layout and design

What is the presence map?

a ways of tracking and mapping the presence of a business platform

Identify the management challenges specific to building a successful e-commerce presence

-Developing a clear understanding of your business objectives -Knowing how to choose the right technology to achieve those objectives

Functions of a website

-Establish a brand identity and consumer expectations -Anchor the brand online -Inform and educate customer -shape customer experience

Steps of the social marketing process

-Fan acquisition -Engagement -Amplification -Community -Brand Strength

Transport Services and Representation Standards

-In layer 2 -The layer of internet architecture that houses the TCP/Ip protocol. -You are online, so layer 2 is how the information gets to you

Middleware Services

-In layer 3 -the "glue" that ties the applications to the communications networks -Getting on the internet, finding information and logging in -putting in your ID and password to log in

What are the main stages of the online purchasing process

-awareness of need -search for more information -evaluation of alternatives -actual purchase decision -post-purchase contact with firm


-in layer 4 -Layer of internet architecture that contains client applications Ex. world wide web and email. This includes web browsers, media and shopping online


-includes perception of credibility, ease of use and perceived risk. -It also means that sellers can develop trust by building strong reputations for honesty, fairness and delivery

Network Technology Substrate

-located in layer 1 of the model. -It is the layer of internet technology that is composed of telecommunication networks and protocols. -Technology you need to get online

Internet advertising

-makes up display, search, mobile messaging, sponsorships, classifieds, lead generation and e-mail. -It's the fastest growing form of advertising which includes ad targeting, price discrimination, personalization and reaches people aging from 18-34

What is the internet?

-network of networks -internet is first web is second

TV advertising

-offline, takes more money to advertise especially for start-ups. -allows businesses to show and tell a large audience about your business, product or service.

Identify the online communications that support the evaluation of alternatives stage of the consumer decision process

-search engines -online catalogs -site visits -product reviews -user evaluations -social networks

What are the 5 major steps in the systems development life cycle

-systems/analytic planning -system designs -building the system -testing -implantation service delivery

What are the characteristics of an e-commerce consumer

-they have knowledge about conducting online shopping -single, young, white college educated male and female with high incomes -young adults between the ages of 18-29 and 30-49


A program or group of programs that are designed for users to accomplish a specific task. Word processors, Web browsers, games, database management programs, presentation programs are a few examples of applications.


A stable group of fans that communicate with one another over your brand


Ability or capacity of a good or service to be useful and give satisfaction to someone. Better prices, convenience and speed

Encouraging users to click a like button is an example of which step in the social marketing process??


Geo-aware techniques

Identify location of user's device and target ads, recommending actions within reach

Internet vs Intranet

Internet --> Worldwide communication network, Intranet --> communication and sharing within an organization. You need a log in to access it

Packet switching

Method of slicing digital messages into parcels (packets), sending packets along different communication paths as they become available, and then reassembling packets at destination

How does data transfer over the Internet

Packets of information are distributed through channels that connect with one another to travel to their location.

Middleware service

Putting in your ID and password to log in

Brand Strength


Describe what an online consumer purchasing model is?

This graph shows that reaching a larger audience still won't always bring you a large number of loyal customers. Out of the 10,000 who saw the post only 50 people actually purchased something and 12 became loyal customers. This is why reaching a larger consumer base is so important.

How is a web site able to personalize the content presented to a visitor

Through the use of cookies. This is a primary method to achieve personalization


Transmission control protocol/internet protocol - a set of standards that control how data is sent across networks including the internet.

All internet applications can be used in private intranets


Apache Web server software works with only with Apple operating systems


CSS is what is used to design the Aesthetic of a site


HTML5 is an updated Coding language for the web that will make it more efficient, Eliminating Video Plug-Ins


Prior to the development of e-commerce, Web sites primarily delivered static HTML pages


Scaling hardware vertically and horizontally help right-size a Web site's hardware platform.


The intranet has a TCP/IP network located within a single organization for communications and processing


The intranet is often used by private and government organizations for internal networks


To improve the processing architecture of a Web site one can, separate static content from dynamic content, optimize ASP code, and optimize the database schema


When developing an e-commerce presence, it is important to understand that the business must drive technology decisions, not the reverse


The Hourglass Model of the Internet

You need each layer to proceed to the next one

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