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List the National Music Education Standards as outlines for music educators instructing children in grades K-4 as they read and notate music.

Ability of each child to read whole, half, dotted half, quarter, and eighth notes Determine pitch; identify traditional terms and symbols Ability of each child to incorporate the use of standard symbols to indicate meter, pitch, rhythm, and dynamics in easy phrases as presented by the music educator

When was the Renaissance, and how did it affect music?

Started around 1430, composers sought to create a new birth or renaissance of music by connecting music and social aspects of culture such as humanism.

Describe the rise and fall of different types of music within the past 100 years

Started with blues, jazz, folk and classical music, rock n roll now musicians have been able to play with different styles to create music

Define symphony

Symphony has a mix of strings and winds

Explain what music educators can do to help parents encourage their children's music education at home

Take them to free concerts or theaters, find teachers that will provide musical lessons

Explain reasons there should be an increased focus on music and the arts.

An increased focus on music and the arts could motivate students to learn more in other areas, and all educational encouragement avenues should be considered for the changing student body.

Identify Ludwig van Beethoven

Beethoven was forced to produce music because of his fathers or he could achieve greatness like Mozart. Multiple symphonies, and showcases more classical sense of order.

Explain how to define the quality of music

For any musician to become accepted, he or she must master a particular style or technique and perform or compose with a kind of genius that inspires others.

Define these art terms: frieze, lithography, modeling, and polyptych.

Frieze is a horizontal brand of painted or sculpted decoration usually found at the top of the wall Lithography is a printing process in which a stone or metal plate has been treated with an oily substance. Modeling is when a sculptor uses clay or dry wax to build up a form Polyptych is when multiple scenes are hinged together

Discuss the composers and their works from the 20th century period.

From 1900 on, composers of all nationalities were searching for a different kind of expression that would be new and exciting. Claude Debussy created the whole-tone scale after studying Eastern music

Describe jazz.

Jazz started as an african american creation of prinicpally instrumental music combined with elements of the church, story telling, vocal inflections, and the call and response technique.

Discuss creative movement

A child's interpretation of the song without paying attention to the beat. being more free

Define and discuss acoustics

Acoustics refers to the study of the production and perception of sound within a particular room or area

Explain how one's capacity for aesthetic awareness can affect their appreciation of visual art.

Act of appreciating visual art is, in its simplest form, one of simply deriving satisfaction or pleasure from observing the beauty given to it by its creator.

List materials that should be avoided when children are participating in an art project and some common rules that can help prevent accidents.

All adult materials should be avoided as these may contain toxic chemicals including solvents, thinners, shellac a, acids, alkalis, bleaches, rubber cement and permanent markers.

Discuss the music educator's role

Any educator of children is in a position to exert remarkable control and influence over these young lives. Music educators should be able to guide children in their musical experiences and encourage their progress as it occurs.

Define and discuss rhythm

As the pattern of movement in a particular time, rhythm has referred to both the flow of a piece and the ability of the piece to maintain or uphold the pulse.

Compare and contrast the Baroque style to the Classical style

Baroque gave us the motet and opera Classical gave us the symphony, string quartet, and sonata

Identify the three most celebrated composers from the history of music.

Bach, Mozart and Beethoven

Define the following terms related to the positioning of subject matter within a painting: background, foreground, horizon, landscape, middle ground, vertical lines, horizontal lines, point of view, negative space, overlapping, design.

Background: part of the scene intended to be the most distant from the perspective of the viewer. Foreground: part of the scene intended to be nearest to the viewer. Horizon: line where the sky and earth meet Landscape: a view of a section of country Middle ground: area between the foreground and the most distant part of a scene Vertical and horizontal lines (know) Point of view (know) Negative space: space behind and around an object in two dimensional art. Overlapping: occurs when one object partially covers another. Design: arrangement of elements in a picture

Define the basic principles of art: balance and harmony, proportion, and unity and variety

Balance and harmony is a state of equilibrium between parts that creates a pleasant arrangement in the whole. Proportion is the pleasing symmetry between objects or their parts with respect to comparative size, quantity, or degree. Unity is the state of being in accord, and having a continuity of purpose or action Variety is diversity

Explain how music educators can assist children in their ability to improve their motor skills while improvising or singing new songs

By adding movements to the songs, clapping and dancing to the beat of the song. Playing games that involve rhythm

Define these art terms: carving, casting, collage, dry point, engraving, and etching

Carving: to cut out hard material to create a form Casting: sculptor uses plaster Collage: made of separate pieces of different materials glued to a surface Dry point: engraving technique that uses a sharp steel needle to create a rough edge,Mohican produces soft lines. Engraving: Art of carving, cutting or etching a design on wood or metal surface then adding ink so the design can be printed. Etching is the art of cutting into metal or glass

How should the music educator instruct young children to recognize the rhythm of familiar songs?

Clapping of the beats for songs that are familiar, such as twinkle twinkle little star. Music educators can also clap a measure or phrase and have the children clap the same pattern back.

Define creative and synchronized movement

Creative movement is letting the kids be free in their movements. Synchronized movement follows a routine

Define and discuss dynamics in music

Dynamics is the degree of loudness or softness of a musical piece.

Define the following terms associated with color: hue, shade, tone, value, achromatic, black, chroma, complementary colors, secondary colors, spectrum, tint

Hue: any specific color Shade: a color made by adding black to a hue Tone: a color made by adding grey to a hue Value: the degree of light or darkness Achromatic: black,white and grays; artwork executed without color Black: complete absence of light Chroma:the I tensing, strength or purity of a color Complementary colors: colors which all ear opposite one another on a color wheel Secondary colors: green, purple, orange. Spectrum: colors that are the result of a beam of white light that is broken by a form of prism into its hues. Tint: opposite of shade; combining white with a color to make it lighter.

Describe the equipment found in a music classroom


Define intervals

Interval refers to the measurement from pitch to pitch.

Discuss creative expression

It means the ability to produce or bring into existence a work of art

Discuss the use of light and dark in two and three dimensional art forms.

Light is good, intelligence, and wholeness. Dark is mystery, ignorance and evil.

Define the basic elements of art: line, shape, space, texture and color

Line is a continuing path made by a tool. Shape: characteristic outline or contour of an object that's distinguished. Space: three dimensional empty area with a specific outline that's reserved for a particular purpose. Texture: surface of elements woven together that has characteristics Color: appearance of objects

Art and architecture can be found throughout the world. Describe some different places one might choose to visit to appreciate art in their local area.

Many newer areas around cities lack compelling diversity and creativity. Churches Shopping centers, banks, government buildings are often rich resources for art seekers.

List the basic elements of sculpture design and provide a brief description of each

Mass, space, plane, line, movement, scale, texture, color

Identify Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Mozart was a child prodigy. Mozart composed symphonies, operas, and quartets based on his own talent and his absorption of the different styles he studied.

Discuss the changes technology has made in music

Music can be shared more on a higher scale. Recording sessions, more ways to listen to music

Describe the benefits of music education

Music education allows students to see the application of math in different subjects, learn the fulfillment of self-expression while developing a personal creativeness, and discover the fundamentals of self-image and self-discipline through music practice.

Explain how the music educator should instruct young children to read time signatures.

Music educators can show students that the top note of the time signature tells how many beats occur in the measure and the bottom note shows which note gets one beat.

Explain why the right attitude of the music educator is paramount to the children's success

Music educators should always approach any musical assignments or practice with children with the right attitude of patience and exploration, so kids get the most out of their musical experience.

Explain why music should be included in the curriculum

Music is worth learning about since it tells a lot about people and culture.

Explain how the music educator should instruct young children to read measures

Music is written in measures within the staff. The music educator should have the children count the measures or sections separated by bar lines.

Discuss opera

Operatic works are centered around the recitative or singing that serves as a speech or declamation, which follows the natural rhythms of the written text.

Define these art forms: painting, literature, music, sculpture, theater, drama, and comedy

Painting: is a picture or design created in oil or water based paint. Literature is a body of creative writing that helps define a language, period or culture. Music is sounds arranged to produce a unified composition that has melody, rhythm and timber. Sculpture is an object created by chiseling marble, modeling clay or casting in metal into a real or abstract figure.

Define pastels and describe their origin

Pastels are chemically pure pigments gently bound by gum or resin and are much softer than their harder chalk crayon cousins. French artists in the 18th century

Describe the use of pen and ink as an art form and give a brief, historical overview of their use.

Pen and ink artists simply need the addition of virtually any kind of paper to produce their work. Pen use continued during the Renaissance and along with mixed media such as white highlighting, crayon and watercolors it flourished as an art form.

Define perspective and explain its principles

Perspective is a system of creating the illusion of three dimensions on a two dimensional surface. Aerial perspective refers to atmospheric effects on objects in space and can be seen as diminishing tones for objects. Linear perspective describes a process of seeing lines on objects from various angles converge and diverge.

Define these art terms: relief, stenciling, still life, and woodcut

Relief: if an object appears to project out from the flat surface suggesting three dimensions Stenciling: technique of applying paint or ink to forms cut out of cardboard Still life: study of ordinary objects in every day setting in a painting, drawing Woodcutting: art of carving an image into wood

Discuss style of music and list the chronological classifications of music

Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th century

Define rock n roll. List some artists and discuss the form it has taken.

Rock n roll was founded on the tenets of African American music and rhythm. Artists include Elvis, Jerry lee Lewis

Discuss some was to accommodate children who are self conscious

Room dividers, sing alongside the children without anyone being ridiculed.

Describe scales

Scales are a sequenced arrangement of notes or pitches that are located within the octave.

Describe the materials found in a music classroom

Scarves/ribbons, music playing, cans, bottles, instruments

Describe the drawing principles of shape, form and proportion

Shape is an aspect of form which constitutes the individual masses, groupings, or aesthetics that the artist uses to render the overall work. Proportion refers to the symmetrical three-dimensionality or solidity of a work.

Explain the concept of rests and how this should be taught to children.

Silences or rests within the music can be the most difficult to teach young children who are interested in playing or singing continuously. When interspersing beats with rests, some music educators find that clapping the beat.

Describe and discuss some goals of music education

Students will learn about self-discipline and also develop social skills and teamwork.

Explain how the music educator should instruct young children to read rhythm

The bottom number show which note gets the beat.

Discuss the best way to teach songs to young children

The music educator can sing the same song repeatedly or incorporate different methods of participation for the children.

Define and discuss tempo

The tempo or speed of the piece of music

Define and discuss musicals

The musical theater of the 20th century was popularly expressed through musicals, combining spoken dialogue with developing dramatic situations that are susceptible to the inclusion of dance, song, and ensemble performance

Discuss the history of singing and explain its' use as a musical instrument

Voice can be used as a musical instrument through singing or humming. Vocalists were encouraged to pursue musical instruction in how to use the voice as a musical instrument and not in the folk traditions enjoyed by previous audience members.

Describe the use of protective apparel while working in the studio.

Wear gloves, long sleeves, and hair should be tied up. Long pants and boots, shoes rather than sandals.

Explain why singing and chanting with young children is important

When music educators participate in the singing or chanting, they can interact with children, and show them how much fun moving to music and creating music can be for all ages.

Explain wood carving and engraving and provide an illustration of the difference between the two.

Wood carving is an ancient art which has changed very little in its history. Engraving is a more refined version of carving; engraving often requires tools similar to those used by copper and steel workers.

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