Much Ado About Nothing

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Why is Margaret mistaken for Hero?

She is wearing Hero's clothes

Where and when does the play take place?

Sicily, sixteenth century

Who argues affectionately with Hero about what she should wear on her wedding day?


who does borachio make love to on heros balcony


Why is Beatrice annoyed with Margaret on the morning of Hero's wedding?

margaret teases beatrice

What does Beatrice compare Don Pedro to after he offers himself to her as a husband?

a fancy outfit

At the beginning of the play, what is Beatrice's relationship to Benedick?


When was this play probably first performed?


At the end of the play, how many couples get married in total?


After hearing the accusations against Hero at the wedding, what object does Leonato request?

A dagger

Which two characters write love sonnets?

B and B

To whom does Don Pedro propose marriage?


Why is it necessary for Hero to seem to die?

Because her reputation has been publicly tarnished

What makes Claudio realize that he wrongly accused Hero?

Borachio's confession of Don John's plot

Which character is sad at the end of the play?

Don Pedro

Why does Claudio reject Hero at the altar?

He thinks she cheated on him and lost her virginity

What reason does Don John give for his sullenness?

It's in his nature

How do Don Pedro and Claudio make Benedick fall in love with Beatrice?

They have him overhear their conversation in which they assert that she is in love with him

Why does Claudio rush out after speaking to Don John during the masked ball?

angry and upset

What is Don John's nickname?


Which character rails against the unequal status of women, saying, "O that I were a man for his sake!"?


Who refuses to marry in the beginning of the play?

beatrice and benedick

Where is Benedick hiding when he overhears his friends loudly describing how Beatrice has fallen in love with him?

behind some trees

Which histrionic character begs to be sent to "the furthest inch of Asia" rather than speak to Beatrice?


Who challenges Claudio to a duel after he jilts Hero?


Who immediately realizes that Don John is the likely culprit behind the plot to slander Hero?


Believing that Beatrice is in love with him, how does Benedick behave when she appears to fetch him to dinner?


Unaware that police are listening, who explains how Claudio and Don Pedro were tricked into thinking Hero was unfaithful?


Which servant overhears Claudio and Don Pedro conversing and correctly understands Don Pedro's role in Claudio's plan to woo hero?


Before the masked ball, who vows to help Don John in his desire to make trouble for Claudio?

borachio and conrad

Who carries out Don John's plan?

borachio and margaret

Despite being a witty and brilliant conversationalist, Benedick bemoans his inability to ___.

cannot write beatrice's sonnet

After the aborted wedding, what do Claudio and Don Pedro ask Benedick to do the next time they see him?

cheer them up

Which character has a suspicious nature that sees them easily tricked by evil rumors and hasty to take revenge?


What does Don Pedro propose to do in order to help Claudio win Hero's heart?

disguise himself as Claudio

Who is said to be "an ass"?


Who approaches Leonato just as he is about to enter the church for Hero and Claudio's wedding?

dogberry and verges

Who are the local heads of police?

dogberry and verges

Who is the first man to propose marriage to Beatrice, either seriously or in jest?

don pedro

Who is the most socially powerful person in the play?

don pedro

Who is the nobleman from Aragon that is sometimes referred to as "Prince"?

don pedro

Who is the only one of the play's gallants (fine gentlemen) not to end up with a wife at the end?

don pedro

Who vows to assist Claudio in publicly shaming Hero if she is proven to be unfaithful?

don pedro

After Claudio accuses Hero of promiscuity in front of everyone, what does Hero do first?


Although she's unaware of Don John's treachery, on the morning of her wedding Hero experiences a strong sense of ___.


At the church, who asks Claudio if he wishes to marry Hero, prompting Claudio's outraged outburst and accusations?

friar francis

Where does Hero stage a conversation about Benedick being in love with Beatrice, knowing that Beatrice is eavesdropping?


How does Claudio woo Hero?

he doesn't, Don pedro does disguised as Claudio

After overhearing Don Pedro in conversation with Claudio, Antonio mistakenly tells Leonato that Don Pedro is in love with ___.


Who is Leonato?

hero's father (beatrice's uncle)

Who is Antonio?

hero's uncle

What are the policemen instructed to do if someone fails to stand in Don Pedro's name?

ignore him

What is Balthasar's song in Act II, scene iii about?

infidelity of men

Claudio's epitaph is a poem celebrating Hero's ___.


What does Benedick and Beatrice's "merry war" consist of?


in what country does Much Ado About Nothing take place?


After Claudio jilts Hero at the altar, what does Beatrice ask Benedick to do?

kill claudio

What does Don John promise to Borachio if he can successfully ruin Hero and Claudio's wedding?

large reward

What is the stated offense for which the police arrest Conrad and Borachio?


Who do Dogberry and Verges request as an audience while they interrogate their prisoners?


Whose house are the policemen told to be particularly vigilant around?


in whose household are Don Pedro, Claudio, and Benedick invited to stay for a month?


After Claudio leaves Hero's grave, who does he believe he's going to marry?

leonato's niece

What term best describes Dogberry's verbal comedy?


What does the "savage bull" symbolize (I.i.213; V.iv.43)?

man unwilling to marry

What do Hero, Beatrice, and the waiting women wear to hide their identities at the second wedding?


Before Don John and Don Pedro became friendly, they were ___.

mutually hostile

After becoming infatuated with Beatrice, what item does Benedick run off to procure?


What does Leonato's household do to punish Claudio for shaming Hero?

pretend Hero is dead & challenge Claudio to a duel

What happens to Don John at the end of the play?

prisoner in medina

What does Beatrice do when Benedick first asks her in front of everyone if she loves him?

says no

After Claudio leaves Hero at the altar, Hero's family tells everyone that ___.

she died of grief

As compared with his demeanor at the start of the play, Benedick's infatuation with Beatrice makes him ___.


After Claudio and Hero agree to marry, Leonato schedules the wedding for...

the coming monday

Who discovers Don John's evil plot?

the watch

don john wants...

to ruin Claudio

Don John approaches Claudio and Don Pedro, and shocks them by informing them that Hero is ___.


After Borachio confesses, who informs Beatrice and Benedick that the scheme against Hero has been revealed?


Who is Hero speaking with when Beatrice overhears her talking about Benedick's secret infatuation?


At the start of the play, Leonato is preparing to welcome home his friends from ___.


After Borachio confesses, what does Leonato order Claudio to do?

write hero's epitaph

Have Beatrice and Benedick courted before?

yes, but Benedick left her

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