Multiple Choice

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Which of the following is NOT an example of a human resources system? a. legislative laws b. personnel requirements c. personal preferences d. work environment


Which of the following represents the strongest correlation between two variables? a. r = -0.84 b. r = -0.55 c. r = 0.01 d. r = 0.80


Which law is the supreme law in Canada and has a pervasive impact on employment practices? a. constitutional law b. human rights law c. employment equity d. labour law


Which of the following is NOT a principle of professional standards? a. taking the time to determine right from wrong b. respect for dignity of persons c. responsible caring d. responsible for society


Which of the following occurs when individuals who are predicted to perform successfully for a given position (based on pre-selection assessment scores) do not perform at satisfactory levels when placed on the job? a. false positives b. false negatives c. true negatives d. true positives


What is the term for an individual's degree of proficiency or competency on a given task, which develops through performing the task? a. abilities b. skill c. knowledge d. other attributes


What kind of allegation is the most commonly cited signed complaint at the Canadian Human Rights Commission? a. service-related b. employment-related c. employment related harassment d. retaliation


When screening a résumé, which of the following characteristics would be a potential warning sign that you may have a bad candidate? a. a detailed section on work experience b. gaps in employment history c. an exhaustive list of past employers d. a detailed education history


Which is the correct term for an indication of the stability or dependability of a set of measurements over repeated applications of the measurement procedure? a. validity b. reliability c. coefficient determination d. construct validity


Which is the correct term for an interviewer's beliefs about the requirements of the job and the characteristics of applicants? a. competency structures b. knowledge structures c. skill structures d. ability structures


Which law prohibits discrimination in employment and in the provision of goods and services in Canada? a. constitutional law b. human rights law c. employment equity d. labour law and employment standards


Which of the following are voluntary actions that violate significant organizational norms and, in so doing, threaten the well-being of an organization and its members? a. task performance b. counterproductive behaviours c. contextual performance d. job performance domain


Which of the following could be identified as a weakness when an organization (client) outsources recruitment and selection to an external firm? a. The employee is "leased" to the client by the outside firm. b. The client can be subject to discrimination claims. c. The client has to pay increased administrative fees. d. The client suffers from a decrease in work force flexibility.


Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using weighted application blanks? a. They are good predictors of work behaviour (e.g., absenteeism). b. It is easy and quick to develop weighted applications blank questions and norms. c. They are cost effective. d. They are good predictors of employee turnover.


Which of the following is NOT a social or economic factor that can influence recruitment and selection? a. globalization b. labour-employee relations c. demographics d. marketplace


A new human resources intern has been asked to generate a pool of potential candidates for a new position within the organization. What is the correct term for this task? a. recruitment b. selection c. recruitment and selection d. promotion


A practice-based selection system in human resource management is based on which of the following principles? a. a person's "gut feeling" b. select valid measures of KSAOs c. rational decision making d. information based on a job analysis


An employer is using a test that inadvertently discriminates against race. What type of discrimination would this be? a. adverse effect discrimination b. direct discrimination c. adverse impact d. pardonable discrimination


Based on the Big Five dimensions of job personality, which is the best predictor of several different aspects of performance? a. conscientiousness b. extroversion c. emotional stability d. agreeableness


It is important to use valid and reliable psychological tests for selection purposes. Where can you get information to assess whether the test you are considering using is psychometrically sound? a. Buros Center for Testing b. non-peer-reviewed articles (Internet or newspapers) c. popular management journals d. human resources professional magazines


Research has demonstrated that using proper, effective recruitment and selection practices can lead to which of the following? a. reduced employee turnover and increased productivity b. increased motivation and improved knowledge, skills, and abilities c. decreased trust and increased productivity d. increased employee turnover and increased employee commitment


What determines individual differences on Campbell's eight dimensions of job performance? a. declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, and motivation b. practical knowledge, organizational knowledge, and motivation c. contextual knowledge, personal attributes, and motivation d. declarative knowledge, organizational knowledge, and motivation


What has research shown about individuals holding a Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation? a. They are more likely to receive higher salaries. b. They are more likely to be recognized in the Human Resources field. c. They are more likely to enjoy their jobs. d. They are more likely to perform well.


What is a simulation exercise designed to assess leadership, organization, and communication skills also known as? a. leaderless group discussion b. in-basket test c. assessment centre d. case study analysis


What is the correct term for a case when a job candidate has the knowledge, skills, abilities, or competencies required by the job in question? a. person-job fit b. person-organization fit c. KSAO's match d. person-competency fit


What is the correct term for a job analysis technique that emphasizes work outcomes and description of the various tasks performed to accomplish those outcomes? a. work-oriented job analysis b. worker-oriented job analysis c. work-description job analysis d. work-outcomes job analysi


What is the correct term for a written outline of what job occupants are required to do, how they are supposed to do it, and the rationale for any required job procedures? a. a job description b. a job specification c. a job d. a position description


What is the correct term for advertising that is designed to raise an organization's profile in a positive manner to attract job seekers? a. image advertising b. positive image-enhancing promotions c. guerrilla advertising d. corporate advertising


What is the term for knowledge that is derived from experience when learning is not the primary objective? a. tacit knowledge b. practical intelligence c. emotional intelligence d. job knowledge


What is the term for the reduction in the size of the validity coefficient due to the selection process? a. range restriction b. sampling error c. bias d. fairness


When conducting reference checks, which guideline should you follow? a. Have candidates sign a waiver. b. Conduct an academic reference check c. Conduct only one reference check. d. Obtain one personal reference (e.g., friends or family).


Which is the correct term for attempts by applicants to create a favourable end result by monitoring interviewer reactions and responding accordingly? a. impression management b. social desirability c. recency effect d. primacy effect


Which is the correct term for the degree to which the criterion measure is influenced, or measures, behaviours or competencies that are NOT part of job performance? a. criterion contamination b. criterion deficiency c. criterion relevance d. criterion defectiveness


Which is the first step of the selection process that involves identifying individuals from the applicant pool who have the minimum qualifications for the position? a. screening b. recruitment c. selection d. outsourcing


Which of the following statement is FALSE? a. Executive searches are considered ethical b. Executive searches cost, on average, 30 percent of the candidate's gross starting salary. c. Executive search firms can contact potential clients directly. d. Executive search firms conduct hiring negotiations.


Which of the following tests can be used to collect information on workers' traits? a. Fleishman job analysis survey b. critical incident technique c. position analysis questionnaire d. Harvey's common-metric questionnaire


According to the text, which of the following is NOT a benefit of recruiting internal candidates? a. They have greater expectations about the job or organization. b. They have minimal qualifications for the job c. They have higher levels of organizational commitment. d. They have higher levels of satisfaction.


Although recruitment methods change over time, which of the following does recent research suggest is the recruitment method that people use most often to find work? a. personal initiative b. family or friend c. help-wanted sign d. walk-in


An organization administered a test to existing employees to see how it correlated with their performance. Which type of evidence does this provide? a. predictive b. concurrent c. cumulative d. composite


Based on Campbell's eight job dimensions, which of the following job performance categories would the dimension "facilitating peer and team performance" fall under? a. job task behaviours b. contextual behaviours c. counterproductive behaviours d. written and oral communication and task proficiency


Before starting to collect data for a job analysis, where can human resource managers collect information about the job in question? a. National Occupational Competency Database b. O*Net c. National Organizational Database d. Canadian Classification Dictionary of Job Analysis


During the recruitment and selection process, candidates may suddenly decide that they no longer want to work for the company recruiting them. What is the term for this? a. walk out b. self-selecting out c. walk in d. false positive


Having each interviewee undergo the same series of interview questions and the same series of probes is characteristic of which type of interview? a. an unstructured interview b. a structured interview c. a personality-based interview d. an organized interview


There are 19 prohibited grounds of employment discrimination across all jurisdictions in Canada. On how many grounds of employment discrimination do all jurisdictions agree? a. 3 prohibited grounds b. 6 prohibited grounds c. 9 prohibited grounds d. 12 prohibited grounds


What are the three categories of job performance? a. conscientiousness, contextual performance, counterproductive performance b. task performance, contextual performance, counterproductive performance c. overall performance, declarative knowledge, motivation d. overall performance, practical knowledge, conscientiousness


What is the correct term for a single criterion measure that reflects overall job performance? a. global criterion b. ultimate criterion c. overall criterion d. composite criterion


What is the correct term for an idea or concept constructed or invoked to explain relationships between observations? a. validity b. construct c. construct validity d. reliability


What is the correct term for knowledge about facts and things including knowledge of rules, regulations, and goals? a. procedural knowledge b. declarative knowledge c. practical knowledge d. informative knowledge


What is the correct term for the degree to which accumulated evidence and theory support specific interpretations of test scores in the context of the test's proposed use? a. reliability b. validity c. a high correlation coefficient d. Cronbach's alpha


Which of the following is a standardized questionnaire that includes 195 items and organizes job elements into 6 dimensions? a. critical incident technique b. position analysis questionnaire c. work profiling system d. Harvey's common-metric questionnaire


Which of the following is the correct term for characteristics that apply only to certain positions within the organization? a. competencies b. job-specific competencies c. functional competencies d. core competencies


Which of the following is the correct term for the connection between assessment scores and job performance measurement? a. predictive validity b. validity coefficient c. validity d. reliability


Which of the following is the only way to defend a discriminatory policy or practice? a. by using a bona fide work requirement b. by using a bona fide occupational requirement c. by appealing to individual accommodation d. by appealing to reasonable accommodation


Which style of interview has greater levels of predictive validity and reliability? a. an unstructured interview b. a structured interview c. an organized interview d. a personality-based interview


Which type of test is the most powerful predictor of job performance when used by itself? a. personality test b. general cognitive ability test c. integrity test d. graphology test


With respect to recruitment and selection, many organizations are requesting that human resources professionals hold which type of qualification? a. Canadian Human Resource Professional b. Certified Human Resource Professional c. Human Resource Professional Certificate d. Human Resource Professional Credential certificate


You are applying for a job and are asked to complete an application form that includes the following question: "How many parties do you go to in a year?" Which of the following are you completing? a. a biographical information blank b. a weighted application blank c. a regular/basic application form d. a discriminatory application form


According to the text, what is an authentic concern about weighted application blanks? a. Weights are not based on job analysis. b. Questions do not predict valid work behaviours. (e.g., absenteeism) c. Questions, although supported by empirical research, may not explain the relationship between behaviours and performance. d. Weighted application blanks require data from a small sampling of employees.


According to your text, what is the validity of résumés in predicting future job success? a. Résumés have high validity. b. Résumés have moderate validity. c. Résumés have relatively low validity. d. Résumés have no validity.


Bill, a job candidate, was just given a set of short reports, notes, telephone messages, and memos of the type that most managers have to deal with on a daily basis. The person conducting the interview has asked Bill to set priorities for each task and determine whether or not they can be delegated. What is this selection test known as? a. a management skill test b. an assessment centre c. an in-basket test d. a personality test


For which of the following is the notion of sufficient risk important? a. reverse discrimination b. individual accommodation c. bona fide occupational requirement defence d. adverse effect discrimination


Jamie just underwent an interview where she was asked questions by four individuals. According to your text, what is the correct term for this type of interview? a. a serial interview b. a team interview c. a panel interview d. a group interview


Kim, a human resources manager, is conducting interviews for an intern position. She has done very little preparation and has been coming up with questions as the interviews progress. What style of interview is Kim conducting? a. a one-on-one interview b. a stress interview c. a, unstructured interview d. a comprehensive interview


Rick, a general manager, has to evaluate the performance of four of his employees. Instead of taking the time to properly evaluate each employee, Rick opts to assign each one an average rating. What kind of errors would result? a. leniency errors b. severity errors c. central tendency errors d. halo errors


The ability to access and generate feelings when they facilitate thought is a component of which of the following? a. tacit knowledge b. practical knowledge c. emotional intelligence d. cognitive ability


What information should NOT be asked for on an application form? a. languages spoken by applicant b. applicant's job experience c. applicant's date of birth d. applicant's education


What is the correct term for modifying an existing selection test to allow persons with mental or physical disabilities a fair chance to demonstrate their abilities? a. individual accommodation b. reverse discrimination c. reasonable accommodation d. bona fide occupational requirement


What is the first step in developing and implementing an employment equity plan? a. conducting a survey to determine the current representation of designated groups b. removing systemic employment barriers to increase representation of designated groups c. obtaining support of senior management for the employment equity effort d. setting future representation targets for designated groups based on the availability of qualified workers in the labour market


Which element in a human resources system takes into consideration compensation and benefits? a. work environment b. personnel c. retention d. performance management


Which element in a human resources system takes into consideration training and development? a. performance management b. work environment c. personnel requirements d. retention


Which is NOT an external factor that can influence HR recruitment strategies? a. the labour market b. the legal environment c. the business plan d. the competition


Which law aims to eliminate discriminatory practices that prevent the entry or retention of members from the four designated groups in the workplace? a. constitutional law b. human rights law c. employment equity d. labour law and employment standards


Which of the following is NOT a fundamental principle underlying a human resources system? a. Human resource managers must carefully coordinate their activities with other organizational units. b. Human resource managers must think in terms of systems. c. Human resource managers should focus on the strengths of their subordinates. d. Human resource managers should consider the welfare of the entire organization.


Which of the following is NOT an appropriate technique to increase the perceived fairness and satisfaction of performance rating systems? a. using behaviourally anchored rating scales (BARS) b. using behaviour observation scales (BOS) c. using graphic rating scales d. allowing employees to help develop the performance evaluations


Which of the following is NOT an example of a screening practice? a. reviewing applications b. reviewing résumés c. reference checks d. employment testing


Which of the following is NOT one of the grounds of employment discrimination on which all Canadian jurisdictions agree? a. race b. religion c. sexual orientation d. age


Which of the following is NOT representative of a science-based system in human resource management? a. use of valid and useful predictors b. rational decision making c. implementation on a case-by-case basis d. empirical evaluation processes


Which of the following is a criticism of using self-report inventories? a. They are expensive. b. They are time consuming. c. They are prone to social desirability responses. d. They are not valid and reliable.


Which test CANNOT be used to measure personality dimensions? a. NEO-FFI b. Personal Characteristics Inventory c. Wonderlic Personnel Test d. Work Personality Index


Which will NOT help job candidates develop accurate expectations about the job that they are applying for? a. providing candidates with a realistic job preview b. using more than one media source to communicate with job candidates c. providing candidates with only positive feedback about the job d. providing candidates with information about the job and organization


Your organization has a selection ration of 0.05. Based on this number, how many applicants did your organization receive, and how many positions were available? a. 300 applicants/10 positions b. 150 applicants/50 positions c. 200 applicants/10 positions d. 100 applicants/60 positions


A background investigation would immediately follow which step of an effective selection process? a. the candidate completes an application form b. the candidate writes a written selection test c. the candidate undergoes a screening interview d. the candidate undergoes a second (in-person) interview


According to the text, what is a disadvantage to using the Internet to recruit external candidates? a. It reaches a mass audience. b. It is inexpensive. c. It is time consuming. d. It is not always valid and reliable


According to the text, when should a physical/medical exam be given? a. during the recruitment process b. after the screening interview c. during other employment tests d. after the applicant has received a job offe


Betty evaluated one of her employees on each performance domain on a 101-point scale (with 50 representing average). Each performance domain was derived through job analytic procedures. What type of rating system is this? a. rank order b. paired comparisons c. forced distributions d. relative percentile method


Information on which of the following CANNOT be found on the National Occupational Classification System? a. aptitudes b. interest c. physical activity d. salaries


What is the correct term for a collection of duties assigned to individuals in an organization at a given time? a. job family b. job specification c. job d. position


When choosing a job analysis method, which of the following should NOT be taken into consideration? a. cost b. reliability of the method c. sample size d. employment equity law


When conducting a job analysis, most human resources managers will identify people who are most knowledgeable about a job and how it is currently performed. Who is LEAST likely to have this kind of knowledge? a. experienced employees currently holding the position b. immediate supervisors of people holding the position c. subject-matter experts d. a manager of the department


Which does an effective recruitment plan NOT do? a. attract a large pool of candidates b. meet management goals c. meet current legal requirements d. attracts only those candidates from certain diverse groups


Which of the following claims is FALSE about using Canadian Employment Centres to recruit external candidates? a. They are inexpensive. b. They provide job-KSAO fit. c. Their success is limited to certain occupational categories. d. They are rarely used by companies.


Which of the following does NOT contribute to having a structured interview? a. Interview questions are standardized. b. Follow-up questioning is limited. c. Questions from candidates are not allowed until after the interview. d. Interview questions focus on opinions and self-evaluations.


Which of the following groups is NOT a designated protected group as defined by employment equity? a. women b. minorities c. Aboriginal peoples d. senior citizens


Which of the following internal recruitment practices are the least systematic internal recruitment method? a. internal job postings b. replacement charts c. human resources information systems d. nominations


Which of the following is NOT a technique for establishing the validity of a test? a. Gather evidence based on test content. b. Compare the technique to other non-related variables. c. Examine test-criterion relationships. d. Examine internal consistency rates.


Which of the following is NOT an example of contextual performance? a. organizational citizenship behaviour b. defending organizational objectives c. following organizational rules and procedures d. interpreting policies and guidelines


Which of the following is NOT one of Campbell's eight dimensions of job performance? a. demonstrating effort b. maintaining personal discipline c. facilitating peer and team performance d. designing performance appraisals


Which of the following is NOT one of the great eight competencies developed by Bartram? a. leading and deciding b. interacting and presenting c. creating and conceptualizing d. communicating and supervising


Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. A job analysis does not refer to a single methodology, but rather to a range of techniques. b. A job analysis breaks down a job into its constituent parts, rather than looking at the job as a whole. c. A job analysis is a formal, structured process carried out under a set of guidelines established in advance. d. A job analysis is required by the law and must always be done.


Which of the following would NOT be an example of an objective measure of job performance? a. number of times late for work b. speed of production c. rate of increase in production d. decision-making processes


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