Multiple Choice Questions on John 1:1-18

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According to John 1, was John that light? A) No, because he was on the side of darkness B) No, because he was only a witness of the light C) Yes, because his testimony brought light into the world D) Yes, because he came from God


According to John 1, what happened to those who did receive the Light? A) They became sons of thunder B) They became children of God C) They realized they were born of a man's will D) They became veritable giants


According to John 1:4, what was in God? A) phōs B) zōē C) sōtēria D) doxa


According to John 1:6, by whom was John the Baptist sent? A) No one B) God C) Himself D) His parents


What does John 1:9 say is coming into the world? A) The Word B) The Light C) Salvation D) The Glory of God


What is the last word in John 1:16? A) alētheia B) charis C) eleos D) doxa


What was the goal of John's witnessing, according to John 1:7? A) That we might receive of His fullness B) That we might believe C) To send us as witnesses D) That we might confess our sins


Which of the following have we not studied in John 1? A) God's children are born of Him B) God's children are born by His blood C) God's children have been given the Light D) God's children have believed in His name


Who is the Word begotten of, according to John 1:14? A) Grace and Truth B) The Father C) The flesh (He was born of Mary) D) No one; He is self existent.


According to John 1:9, where is the light coming? A) Into our hearts B) Into our minds C) Into the world D) Into heaven


What are children of God born of, according to John 1? A) They are born by the blood B) They are born by a man's decision C) They are born of God D) They are born by the will of the flesh


What right is given to those who believe in John 1:12? A) The right to receive the Life B) The right to receive the Light C) The right to become children of God D) The right to bear witness


Where is Jesus, according to John 1:18? A) Shining in the darkness B) In flesh on the earth C) In the bosom of the Father D) Crying in the wilderness


Who does John 1 say grace and truth come from? A) God the Father B) The Holy Spirit C) Jesus Christ D) Both B and C


Who does John 1:10 say the Light originally came to? A) The Gentiles B) The Greeks C) His own D) The whole world


Who is sent, according to John 1:6? A) John the disciple B) John of Bethabara C) John the Baptist D) John the Arimathean


According to John 1, how long has the Word existed? A) 1,000,000,000 years B) 1,000,000,000,000 years C) 1,000,000,000,000,000 years D) Forever


According to John 1, what cannot darkness understand/overcome? A) God's glory B) Our hope C) Our salvation D) The light


According to John 1, what does the light shine in? A) doxa B) elpis C) sōtēria D) skotia


According to John 1, what shines in the darkness? A) doxa B) elpis C) sōtēria D) phōs


According to John 1, what was in the beginning? A) All things B) God C) The Word D) Both B and C


According to John 1:14, where did the Word dwell? A) In heaven B) With God C) In His kingdom D) Among us


What does John 1 say Moses did? A) He spoke with God B) He led the Israelites out of Egypt C) He went up into the mountain D) He gave the law


What does John 1 say that John was to bear witness of? A) God's glory B) Our hope C) Our salvation D) The light


What does John 1:14 say the Word did? A) Gave light and begat the Father B) Gave light and lived among us C) Became flesh and begat the Father D) Became flesh and lived among us


What is Jesus called in John 1:18? A) The Word B) Elijah C) the Prophet D) The only begotten Son


What was John's testimony in John 1:15? A) "This the Lamb of God who takes away our sins!" B) "This is the Christ, the Son of God!" C) "This is the one who will continue my ministry after my death!" D) "This is the one who I said would come after me who is better than me!"


Who is the witness mentioned in John 1? A) God B) Jesus C) The Word D) John


In John 1, what became flesh? A) The Word B) God C) The Life D) The Light


Which attribute of the Word was not beholden in John 1:14? A) eleos B) charis C) alētheia D) doxa


John 1:2 says that the Word was with God. When did this occur? A) In the beginning B) When Jesus came to earth C) At the time of the events recorded in the verse D) 4 BC


Who bore witness in John 1:15? A) John the Baptist B) John of Bethabara C) The Word D) The Father


Who does John 1 say the law was given through? A) Moses B) Jesus C) God D) Aaron


Who does the light give light to, according to John 1? A) Everyone B) The Jews C) The Gentiles D) Both B and C


According to John 1, who made everything? A) The Word B) The Life C) The man sent from God D) We did


Fill in the blanks from John 1:10: "He was in the __, and the world was ___ through Him, yet the world did not ___ Him." A) world, made, recognize B) world, saved, receive C) light, created, receive D) light, saved, recognize


How is the light described in John 1:9? A) It gives light to all B) It confuses the dark C) It became flesh and dwelt among us D) Both A and B


According to John 1, what is the reaction of the darkness to the light? A) It fears and cringes from it B) It cannot understand nor overcome it C) It loathes and hates it D) It works against it


According to John 1, would anything exist if God did not make it? A) Yes B) No C) Man only would exist D) Everything except man would exist


According to John 1:1-2, what was the Word? A) The Word was light B) The Word was God C) The Word was the witness D) The Word was flesh


According to John 1:10, did His own receive Him? A) Yes B) No C) Sometimes D) Both A and B


According to John 1:10, did the world know/recognize the light? A) Yes B) No C) Sometimes D) Both A and B


What have we all received, according to John 1:16? A) His truth B) His glory C) His law D) His fullness


According to John 1, what was the light of men? A) The life B) The light C) The glory D) The salvation


Who is the only one who sees God, according to John 1? A) Jesus B) Moses C) Joshua D) Elisha


According to John 1, has anyone ever seen God? A) No; only the angels have seen God B) No; no one can see God C) Yes; certain men of God have seen God D) Yes; anyone can see God


Who said "This is the one who I said would come after me who is better than me"? A) Jesus B) John the Baptist C) Nathaniel D) Philip


According to John 1, what was made through God? A) The sun, moon and stars B) The heavens and the earth C) All things D) The sky and sea, the grass and trees, the animals and man


According to John 1, what was the life? A) The life of men B) The life of God C) The light of men D) The light of God


According to John 1:1-2, where was the Word? A) On earth B) In the light C) With God D) In heaven


According to John 1:15, who does John bear witness of? A) Elizabeth B) Zachariah C) Jesus D) Joseph


According to John 1:7-8, why did John come? A) To baptize with water B) To give light to everyone coming into the world C) To bear witness of the light D) To help us receive the fullness of God


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