Multiple Choice Section Health Final Exam

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What do we call a relationship in which you feel a common bond with and may share interests or goals with someone

Close (Friendship level 3)

What is the area which a person will not go beyond; a place of security

Comfort Zone

What is confessing your sins to God

Confession (ACTS)

What is the face as an indication of mood, emotion, or character called


What is the common problem in haircare when the outer layer of dead skin cells begin to flake off


What substances will slow down the body's functions and reactions


What is the recording of the electrical impulses set off by the heart

EKG (electrocardiogram)

Small air sacs called alveoli are damaged in what disease


What is an important key phrase to understanding your mental health? "How well do you respond to your ____________________?"


What is someone called who is concerned about the quality of the environment


What causes abnormal limb development, retardation, cleft palate, and heart disease

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). When a women drinks while pregnant

What type of response occurs when your body sends our certain hormones to either face your stress or flee from it

Fight or flight (Body gives adrenaline; heart rate, blood pressure, and rate of breathing increase)

What are the organisms called that cause the majority of skin diseases


One of the most important things you can do to help avoid certain diseases is to know your family ____________


What is your body's response to external or internal changes


What do we call a relationship in which we experience a mutual open flow of sharing

Intimate (Friendship level 4)

What type of weight training results in muscle contraction without muscular movement


What are the muscle contractions against fixed resistance known as


What is the reference of the following verse: "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another"

John 13:34-35

What is the condition in which the upper and lower teeth do not line up properly


What is the addictive substance in tobacco


What is a form of oxygen that is formed naturally in the upper atmosphere

Ozone layer

What are the 5 keys to consistent Christian living

Renewing the mind, Growing in Christian Virtues, Discipline, Perseverance (Patience), Have a vision (a Motivating cause) for your life

What is the oily substance that may clog the pores


What is the view you have on yourself and the way you believe you are seen by others


What is that tape running through your head, repeating all the positive or negative things you hear or say, read or imagine


What is the term for when an adult has sexual intercourse with an underage individual

Statutory rape

What is praying for others and yourself

Supplication (ACTS)

What are lymphocytes that fight germs by several means are called


What is giving thanks to God

Thanksgiving (ACTS)

What microscopic living organisms are responsible for more infections than any other pathogen


What are the correct parts of the Armor of God

belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword of the Spirit

What are the common reactions to experiencing a loss

5 reactions: Shock (sense of numbness and not sharing feelings), Anger, Longing (wishing the person was back), Depression, Going on

What are the signs of spiritual atrophy

6 signs: Feeling like God is far away, struggling with temptation and sin, difficulty getting along with someone like a family member, little desire to read the Bible, little desire to pray, little desire to attend church or church activities

What happens when oil becomes trapped inside a pore

A whitehead is created

What contains pollutants from the air

Acid rain

What do we call a relationship in which you know someone by name but do not spend a lot of time with them

Acquaintances (Friendship level 1)

What is praising God for who He is

Adoration (ACTS)

When your muscles demand more oxygen than normal the activity is called what

Aerobic (anaerobic exercise is short bursts of energy, without the use of oxygen)

What is habitual, compulsive, long-term drinking called


What is it called when to take on the particular character that other are saying whether it is true or not


What are lymphocytes that make antibodies that attack germ cells are called


What is able to be broken down in water without causing a problem


What is a condition caused by abnormal cells growing without control


What are the substances around you that cause cancer called


What do we call a relationship in which you talk to someone often, but not on a personal level

Casual (Friendship level 2)

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