muscles test

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The origin of the frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle is the A) mandible. B) frontal bone. C) occipital bone. D) galea aponeurotica. E) temporal bone.

d) galea aponeurotica

The muscle that originates along the entire length of the linea aspera of the femur is the A) vastus lateralis. B) vastus medialis. C) iliacus. D) rectus femoris. E) biceps femoris.

b) vastus medialis

Muscles that insert into the deltoid tuberosity are most likely to A) flex the shoulder. B) extend shoulder. C) abduct the shoulder. D) adduct the shoulder. E) none of the above

c) abduct the shoulder

Which of the following is a synergist for elbow flexion? A) brachioradialis B) triceps brachii C) pronator quadratus D) biceps brachii E) latissimus dorsi

a) brachioradialis

Which of the following is characteristic of cardiac muscle? A) Cardiac muscles are striated. B) Cardiac muscles achieve tetany with every contraction. C) Cardiac muscle fibers are multinucleated. D) Cardiac muscles are faster than skeletal muscles. E) Neurons that innervate cardiac muscles are under voluntary control.

a) cardiac muscles are striated

A muscle that inserts on the radial tuberosity is most likely involved in A) elbow flexion. B) elbow extension. C) protraction. D) pronation. E) elbow abduction.

a) elbow flexion

Which of the following is considered a postural muscle? A) erector spinae B) biceps brachii C) triceps brachii D) rectus femoris E) hamstrings

a) erector spinae

Which of the following muscles has its insertion on the cartilage of the ribs? A) internal oblique B) external intercostals C) transversus abdominis D) internal intercostals E) both A and B

a) internal oblique

The transverse processes of the upper cervical vertebrae are the origin of the A) levator scapulae. B) rhomboideus major. C) subclavius. D) supraspinatus. E) pectoralis major

a) levator scapulae

Which of the following originates from the sternum? A) pectoralis major B) teres major C) teres minor D) subscapularis E) supraspinatus

a) pectoralis major

Tom is having difficulty dorsiflexing and everting his right foot. Which muscle(s) is/are most likely involved in this problem? A) tibialis anterior B) soleus C) gastrocnemius D) flexor digitorum E) both B and C

a) tibialis anterior

Because skeletal muscle contractions demand large quantities of ATP, skeletal muscles have A) a rich nerve supply. B) a rich vascular supply. C) very few mitochondria. D) little need for oxygen. E) all of the above

b) a rich vascular supply

Which of the following moves the humerus? A) pectoralis minor B) deltoid C) serratus anterior D) rhomboideus E) trapezius

b) deltoid

Which of the following muscles contracts when grasping an object in the hand? A) palmaris longus B) flexor digitorum C) extensor carpi radialis D) pronator teres E) supinator

b) flexor digitorum

Muscles whose names contain the root cervi- would be found in the A) head. B) neck. C) chest. D) abdomen. E) groin.

b) neck

The "kissing muscle" that purses the lips is the A) zygomaticus. B) orbicularis oris. C) buccinator. D) orbicularis oculi. E) temporalis.

b) orbicularis oris

The rotator cuff refers to muscles surrounding the A) pelvic girdle. B) pectoral girdle.

b) pectoral girdle

Newborns are most likely to develop which muscles most quickly? A) the masseter and buccinator B) the buccinator and orbicularis oris C) the orbicularis oris and risorius D) the risorius and zygomaticus E) the levator labii and mentalis

b) the buccinator and orbicularis oris

Which of the following muscles is named for its shape? A) pectoralis major B) biceps brachii C) deltoid D) erector spinae E) tibialis anterior

c) deltoid

Which of the following is a muscle of facial expression? A) masseter B) buccinator C) mentalis D) temporalis E) medial and lateral pterygoid

c) mentalis

The less-movable end of a skeletal muscle is the A) insertion. B) belly. C) origin. D) proximal end. E) distal end.

c) origin

The muscle that inserts on the superior surface of the pubis around the symphysis is the A) internal oblique. B) external oblique. C) rectus abdominis. D) transversus abdominis. E) diaphragm.

c) rectus and abdominis

Which of the following can be a stimulus for contraction in all three muscle tissue types? A) epinephrine B) thyroid hormone C) testosterone D) parathyroid hormone E) acetylcholine

e) acetylcholine

In addition to the number and type of muscle fibers in a muscle, peak athletic performance requires A) a good blood supply and system of blood delivery. B) a well-developed respiratory system. C) the coordination of the nervous system. D) good supplies of nutrients. E) all of the above

e) all of the above

Compared to skeletal muscle, smooth muscle A) contracts faster. B) relaxes faster. C) contracts and relaxes faster. D) contracts faster and relaxes more slowly. E) contracts and relaxes more slowly

e) contracts and relaxes more slowly

The muscle that inserts on the iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of the femur is the A) gracilis. B) sartorius. C) rectus femoris. D) gluteus medius. E) gluteus maximus.

e) gluteus maximus

The muscle that inserts on the superior angle of the scapula is the A) serratus anterior. B) trapezius. C) sternocleidomastoid. D) pectoralis minor. E) levator scapulae.

e) levator scapulae

Multi-unit smooth muscle A) is composed of sheets of muscle cells. B) is found in the wall of the stomach. C) tends to contract rhythmically. D) is connected by gap junctions. E) none of the above

e) none of the above

Which of the following is the origin of the pectoralis minor? A) vertebral border near the spine B) coracoid process of the scapula C) mastoid region of the skull D) occipital bone of the skull E) upper pairs of ribs

e) upper pairs of ribs

1. rectus femoris A. dorsiflexion _____ 2. adductor magnus B. extends leg _____ 3. biceps femoris C. plantar flexion _____ 4. gastrocnemius D. adducts thigh _____ 5. tibialis anterior E. flexes leg

1-B, 2-D, 3-E, 4-C, 5-A

Muscles comprising the quadriceps group include the A) rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis. B) rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, soleus, and adductor longus. C) peroneus, gastrocnemius, vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris. D) iliopsoas, gracilis, adductor magnus, biceps femoris, and gracilis. E) semitendinosus, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, and vastus medialis. Answer: A

a) rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis.

The muscle that adducts and rotates the scapula laterally is the A) rhomboideus. B) levator scapulae. C) serratus anterior. D) pectoralis minor. E) subclavius.

a) rhomboideus

The minor abductor of the upper arm that works as a synergist is the A) supraspinatus. B) subscapularis. C) deltoid. D) biceps brachii. E) teres major.

a) supraspinatus

The muscle that inserts on the coronoid process of the mandible is the A) temporalis. B) masseter. C) lateral pterygoid. D) medial pterygoid. E) platysma

a) temporalis

The muscle that dorsiflexes the foot is the A) tibialis anterior. B) tibialis posterior. C) soleus. D) peroneus. E) gastrocnemius.

a) tibialis anterior

Which of the following is an muscular adaptation as a result of exercise? A) Muscle fibers become smaller in diameter. B) Muscles become less elastic. C) Muscles fatigue more rapidly. D) Muscle fibers increase their reserves of glycogen. E) Muscle fibers become less efficient.

d) muscle fibers increase their reserves of glycogen

Which of the following inserts into fascia, rather than a bone? A) extensor carpi ulnaris B) flexor carpi radialis C) extensor digitorum D) palmaris longus E) flexor digitorum

d) palmaris longus

Which of the following is a lateral spinal flexor when used unilaterally? A) iliocostalis group B) spinalis group C) longissimus group D) quadratus lumborum E) both A and B

d) quadratus lumborum

Which of the following describes the action of the trapezius? A) adducts the arm B) adducts and flexes the humerus C) retracts the shoulder and adducts the scapula D) medial rotation of the humerus E) lateral rotation of the humerus

c) retracts the shoulder and adducts the scapula

Nonstriated, involuntary muscle is A) cardiac. B) red skeletal. C) smooth. D) white skeletal. E) intermediate skeletal.

c) smooth

The muscle directly deep to the gastrocnemius is the A) peroneus. B) extensor digitorum. C) soleus. D) tibialis posterior. E) tibialis anterior.

c) soleus

The muscle that adducts and extends the humerus is the A) coracobrachialis. B) deltoid. C) trapezius. D) latissimus dorsi. E) triceps brachii.

d) latissimus dorsi

Which of the following terms is a descriptive word for a muscle's size? A) levator B) extensor C) tensor D) longissimus E) adductor

d) longissimus

Which of the following is the origin of the pronator teres? A) olecranon process of the ulna B) infraglenoid tuberosity of the scapula C) lateral epicondyle of the humerus D) medial epicondyle of the humerus E) base of the second metacarpal

d) medial epicondyle of the humerus

The muscle that extends the arm while doing push-ups is the A) deltoid. B) pectoralis major. C) brachialis. D) triceps brachii. E) biceps brachii.

d) trcieps brachii

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