music 127: Spanish & Portuguese
Check the Spanish words of Arabic origin
Usted, Almohada, and Ojala
Check the 3 genres that belong to the Flamenco music
Cante jondo, Cante chico, and Fandango
Check 3 languages also spoken today in Spain in addition to Spanish
Catalonian, Galician, and Basque
Check the 2 instruments used in 16th century regional music
Oboe like instruments (chirimía, tible, tenora) and Bagpipes
Check the names of famous Flamenco artists
Paco de Lucía, Carmen Amaya, and Camarón de la Isla
Check the Romance languages
Portugese, Spanish, and Italian
Check the 3 influences on Flamenco music in addition to its "Spanish" roots
Sephardic, Arab/North-African, and Gypsy
Flamenco is a PART of Latin American Music or is a strong influence on latin American music?
Strong influence
Check the important Arabic monuments in Spain
The Alhambra, Seville's Giralda, and The Mosque of Córdoba
Who were important Spanish composers?
Tomás Luis de Victoria and Juan Del Encina
The map 16th century Europe was
Very different to the current map
Check 3 important cultures in Spanish history
Arab/Berbers, Phoenicians, Romans
Who was Charles the 5th?
Holy Roman Emperor