Napoleon, World War I, Victorian Age/ Industrial Revolution, Project

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What did Nelson say when he crossed T?

"England expects every man to do its duty"

How did the Neo-Classical time period impact US? And ex.

*Neo-Classical time period= first architect period that impacted US* *ex:* White house, mall in DC, buildings in DC, Philly art museum, Ben Franklin Parkway, statue of Neo-Classical George Washington

How did the machine gun change from past -> WWI?

*Past:* 2 shots per minute because you had to reload *WWI:* Machine gun fires faster + creates more casualties

What was India to Britain?

"Jewel of the British empire"

What= the famous quote about the Italian trains + Mussolini?

"Mussolini made the trains run on time."

When= Battle of Argonne Forest fought?

*Sept 26, 1918-> Nov 11, 1918*

Name who= involved in each... India, China, Indochina

*India:* British *Chine:* British *Indochina:* French

When did WWI start + end?

*Start:* June 28, 1914 *End:* Nov 11, 1918

J.L. David

*THE* painter during French Rev + Napoleon -lived mostly in Paris -was willing to die for French Rev + thought liberty, equality, and fraternity= ideas to die for ^ painted about this *Work:* Death of Marat, Tennis Court Oath, Oath of Horatii, Napoleon Crossing the Alps, Death of Socrates, Coronation of Napoleon + sketched Marie Antoinette before she= guillotined (last pic of her)

How was the Middle East affected by after effects WWI?

*Middle East= screwed up for years to come* 1) Sykes Picot Agreement 2) Balfar Declaration/ T.E. Lawrence + borders

parts Africa before the scramble

*N Africa-* under Muslim rule of the declining Ottoman empire, Sahara *W Africa-* growth of Islam= new Muslim empire - strong states like Asante *E Africa-* Slave trade + trade of ivory/ copper from Central Africa *S Africa-* Zulus battling Boers

How many children did Napoleon have?

*Napoleon I had "6" children but only 1 legitimate one* 1) Napoleon II 2) Eugène de Beauharnais- stepson (Joséphine's son) 3) Jules Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire- illegitimate 4) Charles Léon- illegitimate 5) Émilie Pellapra- illegitimate 6) Hélène Napoleone Bonaparte- illegitimate

Who was Gen. Charles Leclerc?

- French general who tried to suppress the revolt under Toussant. - He met Napoleon in the Battle of Toulon and married his sister (Pauline).

Where did the French aim during naval battles? British?

- French= shot high to try and hit sails + stop ships from moving - British= shot low to sink ship

What ACTUALLY happened with the bombardment at the battle of Somme?

- Germans= warned of the bombardment + took shelter/ reinforced trenches with steel and waited - Little real damage was done to the German fortifications and many of the British shells (bombs) were duds and never even exploded.

What do the colors of Italy's flag represent?

- Green= countries plains + hills - White= snow-capped Alps - Red= blood from wars of Italian Ind./ Unification

King Louis Philippe

- July monarch, citizen king - ruled until revolution in 1848 - last king of france

Pauline Bonaparte

- Married General Leclerc and accompanied him on an expedition to Haiti - Made princess of Guastalla

How is Social Darwinism the opposite of what Marx says?

- Marx= everyone is equal + gets same amount of wealth - Social Darwinism= harder workers= more successful

What= 3 reasons why Serbia was angered by Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo?

1) Serbia= mad they= NOT get Bosnia 2) saw Austrians/ Franz as foreign oppressors 3) the date of the visit= special date in Serbian history

What 3 wars did John Pershing fight in?

1) Spanish-Am 2) Mexican 3) WWI

Examples of American Romantic buildings

1) St. Patricks

what are the key inventions of the Industrial Rev?

1) Steam power 2) train 3) seed drill

Napoleon's Russian invasion

1) The Russians lured Napoleon in to a battle, then they would retreat + Napoleon would follow in an attempt to fight the *ONE* major battle 2) As they would retreat, the Russians did the scorched Earth policy 3) After 2 months, Napoleon was so deep into Russian territory + had trouble replenishing supplies + weather= SUPER hot so his troops began to die 4) Battle of Borodino 5) Napoleon waits for peace 6) winter comes + N retreats + soon he abdicates + goes into exile

Name 2 people during the Industrial Rev who supported Laissez-faire.

1) Thomas Malthus 2) David Ricardo

What= 2 major peace treaties of WWI? Who did they make peace between?

1) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk- ended war between G + R 2) Treaty of Versailles- ended WWI

Capitals of Italy from unification -> present

1) Turin- unification (1861) 2) Florence- (1865-1870) 3) Rome 1870

What= highest military honors in each country?

1) US- Congressional medal of honor 2) Germany- Iron Cross 3) Britain- Victorian Cross 4) France- Legion of Honor 5) Serbia- Princpson? (named after FF assassin-Princip)

What= result of Battle of Austerlitz?

1) Austria retreats 2) Austria and Russia sign a peace treaty saying there can= NO coalition (alliance) 3) Russia agrees to= peaceful

What is each nations motives to fight in WWI?

1) Austria- punish Serbia for terrorism 2) Germany- stand by its ally 3) Russia- protect the oppressed Slavic people 4) France- avenge defeat in Franco-Prussian war/ thought if didn't support Russia, France would have to face Germany alone later 5) Britain- protect Belgium/ feared powerful Germany

Why did each nation declare war to start WWI? Who did they declare war against?

1) Austria-Hungarian empire declares war against Serbia to punish Serbians for terrorism 2) Russia declared war of A-H to help Serbia 3) France had agreement with R + declared war on Germany 3) Britain declare war on Germany- invaded Belgium

Who tried to take lands off of the "Sick Man of Europe"? What= lands?

1) Austrian-Hungarian empire= Bosnia 2) Russia= during Crimean war

What were Horatio Nelson most famous battles? How are they similar?

1) Battle of Nile 2) Battle of Trafalgar *both= win against Napoleon + both= naval battles*

What= 2 battles in Egypt? What= the outcome?

1) Battle of the Pyramids- Napoleon wins 2) Battle of the Nile- Napoleon retreats

Famous music of the Romantic Period

1) Beethoven 2) Wagner 3) Verdi

What can the fighting in Africa be traced back to?

1) Berlin Conference 2) European Imperialism in Africa

What= 2 examples of German Artillery?

1) Big Bertha 2) Big Bertha II (Paris gun)

How did Boers Wars start?

1) Boers acquired Cape Colony (Cape of Good Hope) from the Dutch 2) British came + Boers retreated north to set up republics 3) In late 1800s, gold + diamonds= discovered in Boer lands which= conflict

What did Treaty of Nanjing say?

1) Britain receive indemnity 2) gained island of Hong Kong 3) China= open more ports to foreign trade (*more opium trade*) 4) British citizens= extraterritoriality in China

What did Social Darwinism cause in each country in Europe? Why did each country think they= the best?

1) Britain- IV, size ("Sun never set on the British empire") -> imperialism 2) French- largest African empire, Indochina had Nap, French Rev, Enlightenment started here etc. -> imperialism 3) Austria- intellect + different groups 4) Italy- geography, common lang, Roman history -> Italian unification/ ind./ imperialism 5) Germany= ........ -> German Unification/ imperialism

What 2 things caused the Orissa Famine to start in India?

1) British changed agriculture by taking India's raw materials making India have to import goods + make them poor 2) there= a drought in India

What are the 2 most famous battles of WWI?

1) Verdun (German VS *France*) 2) Somme (Germans VS French/ British)

Examples of German Romantic buildings

1) Neushuenstein 2) Austria Hungary (City hall in wein) 3) Hungary Parliament Building

Explain did the Peninsular Campaign impact Spain and France?

1) New king of Spain (cause) 2) guerilla fighting 3) Spanish attacks kept a large # of Napoleon's troops in Spain instead of fighting other enemies 4) Napoleon lost 200,000 of his soldiers 5) At the end of the war, Napoleon abdicated and Spain got the Iberian Peninsula back

Name 2 things Haussman built

1) Paris Opera House (romantic but made look Neo-Baroque) 2) Paris Metro

Famous American in WWI

1) Pershing- commander of AEF/ built US army 2) Sergeant Alum York- soldier (sharp shooter) 3) Eddie Rickenbacker- pilot 4) Billy Mitchell- commander of US air service 5) Pres Wilson

Battle of Lodi

1) Piedmont= knocked out of the war 2) The French were trying to trap General Beaulieu's Austrians but they allowed the enemy to escape across the Adda River to safety. 3) Beaulieu left behind a force at Lodi to delay any French pursuit. 4) The Austrians were in a strong position and protected the bridge, however, Napoleon was able to defeat the Austrians.

What was Ireland like before the Famine in 1800s?

1) Pop= 8 mil 2) there= mainly peasant farmers who are not= educated 3) one of poorest nations in western Europe 4) life expectancy= 40 5) 7 million tons of potatoes grown each year

Build up to prob in Spain (peninsular campaign).

1) Portugal didn't follow the Continental system 2) Napoleon tried to get to Portugal through Spain 3) This started fighting + a revolt called the Peninsular campaign

When President Hindenburg died, what happened in the German gov?

1) President Hindenburg died 2) Hitler (the Chancellor) became president 3) Hitler abolished the office of President + declares himself Fuhrer of German Reich in addition to Chancellor *now Hitler is the absolute dictator + has no limits to his authority*

How did the Battle of Waterloo go down?

1) Prussia + England come to invade + are going to meet in Belgium 2) Napoleon meets them in Belgium so he can divide + conquer 3) Napoleon defeated Prussia 4) the night before Napoleon planned to take the English, there= a rainstorm 5) Prussian army was able to reorganize + come back to fight 6) Napoleon's army= defeated+ Napoleon retreats

what= unattended consequences of Napoleon?

1) Quadruple alliances 2) French= hated for a while 3) Nationalism 4) loses US/ NA- made Am what it is 5) Caribbean + Latin Am= independent 6) causes Europe to= conservative + balance of power after Nap= overthrown 7) spread ideas of revolution 8) abolition of HRE would make Germany

What= famous aces?

1) Red Baron (Manfred von Richthofen) 2) Roland Garros 3) Billy Bishop 4) Eddie Rickenbacker (Am)

What did the Germans ASSUME would happen in the Schieffen plan?

1) Russia= take 6 weeks to mobilize 2) France= easily defeated in 6 weeks 3) Belgium= NOT resist German attack 4) Britain= NOT go to war over Belgium + would remain neutral

What happened in Paris after Napoleon= put in exile?

1) Russian + Austrian forces followed Napoleon back + took Paris 2) put king Louis XVIII (brother of Louis XVI) on thrown -*brought back Bourbon*

Describe the assassination of Franz Ferdinand + how it caused WWI

1) Sarajevo/ Bosnia went from being in the Ottoman empire to the Austrian-Hungarian empire in the early 1900s 2) To celebrate getting Bosnia, Franz Ferdinand (heir) went to a parade in Sarajevo to celebrate 3) In Sarajevo, he= shot by the angered Serbians (Black Hand) 4) Austrian-Hungarian empire blamed the Serbian gov + gave them an ultimatum 5) The ultimatum= ridiculous to fulfill + Serbia asked to negotiate 6) Austrian-Hungarian empire= NO + declared war 7) alliances of Austrian-Hungarian empire and Serbia teamed up on each other + WWI started

How did Cavour unite N Italy without violence?

1) Sardinia joined Britain + France in Crimean War against Russia which brought Cavour in good relations with Napoleon III 2) they negotiated a deal that Nap= protect Sardinia in case of war with Austria 3) Cavour then PROVOKED war with Austria 4) France helped defeat Austria winning Cavour some lands in the N (Lombardy)

What= events under Raj?

1) Sepoy Rebellion 2) Raj begins in India 3) Victoria= Empress of India 4) WWII 5) Gandi

What 2 things happened of June 28 in Serbia history?

1) Serbia= conquered by the Ottoman empire 2) Serbia= freed itself from Turkish rule

what were some demands in the ultimatum?

1) Serbia= end ALL anti-Austrian agitation 2) Serbia punish Serbian officers involves in the murder plot ^ + let Austrians join in the investigation

What does Indochina consist of?

1) Vietnam 2) Laos 3) Cambodia

Give examples of how factory conditions got better?

1) children under 13= 6 hrs only + equal time in school 2) NO one can= more than 10 hrs a day

How did Napoleon's Grand Armee decline so much?

1) climate- HOT summer + harsh winter - many died in winter while trying to retreat *2)* MOSTLY out of little supplies (famine)

WWI economic impact

1) conscription 2) raised taxes to pay for cost of war 3) rationed food/ other products 4) other economic controls- setting prices + forbidding strikes

Before resorting to opium, what did Europeans offered to trade first for silk/ tea + why did China say no?

1) cotton- NO, silk= more $ 2) pottery- NO, china= porcelain

How did the Napoleonic codes deprive women of rights?

1) couldn't vote 2) owed obedience to husband

Name the major liberal groups

1) democrats 2) Labor (UK) 3) Union 4) Communists (radical) 5) United Irishman (radical)

Disadvantages of Napoleonic codes

1) deprived women on many individual rights 2) reintroduced colonial slavery 3) minor had few rights 4) men= more power

What= 2 things that helps with the economy in South Africa?

1) raw materials 2) tourists (could= higher if murder rate= lower)

What happened during the Easter Rebellion?

1) rebels seized prominent buildings including the Dublin Post Office (which= their headquarters?) 2) from the steps of the Post Office Patrick Pearse read a proclamation declaring Ireland an independent republic + that a provisional gov has been appointed 3) rebellion= NOT supported by republic + was crushed by the British 4) leaders= executed by firing squad

What were Bismarck's steps to unifying Germany?

1) remove trade restrictions (Zollverein) 2) Build up industry (Krupp/ Thyssen) 3) Fought Denmark 4) Fought Austria 5) Fought France

Name the major conservative groups

1) republicans 2) Conservative (UK) 3) KKK (Ku Klux Klan)(reactionary) 4) Amish 5) Fascist (Reactionary)

Benefits of Scramble

1) roads, RR, ports, + mines= built 2) basic schooling + medical service = provided 3) colonial gov= no slave trade 4) brought new lang., religion, + culture

What neg affects did the Continental system cause?

1) ruined EVERYONES economy 2) causes pirating, looting, + stealing

When= Social Darwinism used?

1) scramble for Africa 2) Japan take Korea

What= 2 ways Europeans made $ off of China?

1) selling opium 2) took silk, made dresses, + then sold the dresses for even more

What caused the Kaiser to abdicate?

1) series of strikes of factory workers in Germany who= done with war 2) this shuts down Germany 3) Kaiser abdicates throne + flees to Holland 4) German Republic formed + Friedrich Ebert becomes head of state 5) German Republic signs armistice

Gaudi's architecture

1) showed nature- curved lines 2) shows Catalina nationalism

What were 2 great examples of Social Darwinism? Why?

1) slave trade 2) scramble for Africa -*Whites/ Christians thought they= better/ smarter + therefore could take over Africa/ use them as slaves*

After harvesting opium, what happened next?

1) smuggled it on a ship into China through Canton 2) drug dealers in China sold it

How did the use of planes change during WWI?

1) start= no one knew how to use them so they just flew them over land to make maps of trenches/ get info on enemies 2) Nations = NOT want enemies to know this info so they started giving their pilots guns to shoot down enemy planes (*dog fighting*) 3) put bomb in pilot's lap so he can throw it out over enemies 4) machine guns= attacked on plane

What affect did the rich business men from Hong Kong have in the places they settled?

1) started tearing down small houses + trees to give them the most sq feet possible (because in city, sq feet= important) - bigger houses + richer people *increased cost of living* 2) since they= richer, the wealthy competed which changed culture

What people/ groups reformed the Industrial rev?

1) suffragetes- Emily Pankhurst 2) Karl Marx 3) Gregor Mendel 4) scientists- Charles Darwin 5) labor unions

What= the symptoms of Mustard gas?

1) temporary blindness 2) digesting prob (vomiting, diarrhea) 3) burns/ blisters

Cons of Italy becoming a nation

1) tension between other nations because there= new rival 2) broke balance of power 3) *changes dynamics of Europe* 4) Industrialism (while good) created the N= richer + S= poorer/ poverty 5) Papacy= mad about lands (Papal States/ Rome) being taken/ only having Vatican that they urged Catholics to not cooperate with new gov 6) revolts of liberal people against conservative gov

How did the Napoleonic codes give men more power?

1) they= more authority over family 2) easier for them to sue for divorce on grounds of adultery

Describe the order of events that happened in India with Britain. What other places did a similar order of events happen?

1) trade (slave or reg trade) 2) local gov weakens 3) foreigners stay a little 4) start to rule 5) take raw materials 6) need help (*ex:* WWII with India) 7) promise freedom 8) no freedom because they= debt 9) national movement for freedom 10) change country names *also in Africa + Asia (Indochina but with France)*

What were the impact of railroads in India?

1) unified India 2) trains= means of transportation + faster communication

What are the 2 major things about the way Napoleon fought?

1) used enlightenment thinking 2) strategy= divide + conquer

How did Napoleon fight wars?

1) used strategy (divide + conquer) 2) used geometry 3) used enlightenment thinking 4) rapid movement 5) new plan for each battle so he = never anticipated

What did laborers being forced off their land cause?

1) villages shrank because jobless farmworkers migrated to towns + cities 2) there= growing labor forces to tend to machines

Why did European countries scramble to reach Africa first?

1) wanted the raw materials 2) wanted to spread their religion (Christianity)

Why did all the other countries let the war happen?

1) wanted to widen influence/ expand 2) help alliances

Orissa Famine

1860 - When India had a famine, but British did Laissez Faire + thought that if a few million starved, it= reset population

When was Italy unified?


When was Victor Emmanuel II crowned king of Italy?


Battle of Sedan

1870 - Prussian armies went into France and at Sedan they captured the entire French army and Napoleon III therefore placing the Franco-Prussian War in the victory of Prussia

When was Germany unified?


Berlin Conference

1884- Berlin, Germany - Meeting between 14 European nations where they agreed on rules for colonizing Africa + redrew borders on map of Africa - organized by Otto van Bismarck - *established borders which caused tension for tribal groups for years*

How long were the Boer wars?


When was the Romantic Period?

19 century (1815-1914)

When was the Battle of Tannenberg?


Fokker Scourge

1915-1916 - period of German superiority where allies air losses rose because they couldn't keep up with the Fokker + the German's aces

by what time did most of Am troops get to Europe the fight?


When= WWII?



1948-1993 -gov in South Africa were it separated people by their race (black, white, colored)

When did Cambodia get its independence from Indochina? Who became new leader in 1970?

1953, Pol Pot

How many parts was the industrial revolution split into?

2 (1st and 2nd) (1760-1820, 1860-1914)

How many Irish fled the nation?

2 million

How many= killed in Easter Rebellion?


How many died from Taiping rebellion?

20-30 million

How many African Am fought in WWI?


How many Germans= killed/ wounded in Spring offensive?


How many of Napoleon's troops died in Peninsular Campaign?


what percent of US male pop= in military in 1919?


When was the Reichstag fire? What did Hitler use it as?

27 February 1933 - Hitler used it to claim absolute power in Germany

What was the purpose of the Passendale?

3 battles that fought for the control the Belgian city of Ypre and its advantageous positions on the north coast of Belgium

How much did the Maginot Line cost?

3 billion francs

How much did Germany need to pay in reparations after WWI?

33 billion

What= another name for Harlem Hell Fighters?

369th Infrantry Regiment

What battle was poison gas first used in?

3rd Battle of Ypres (Passendale)

What is one of the most famous painting ever done? Who painted it?

3rd of May, by Francisco Goya

What were most of the American casualties in WWI from? What percent?

50% of US casualties= from disease (Spanish flu)

How many Germans attacked in Spring Offensive? Where? How?

50,000 German men attack region of Somme by storming the trenches (called storm troopers)

How many troops were left from the Grand Armee after Napoleon invaded Russia?

500,00 -> 10,000

What percent of Paris was torn down + redone during the urban renewal of Paris?

60% of Paris

How many kills did the Hat in the Ring Squad have?


How many British soldiers died in WWI thanks to Douglas Haig?


How many killed did Manfred von Richthofen have?


What is Manfred von Richthofen famous for?

80 kills

How many children did Queen Victoria have? Grandchildren?

9 children + 40 grand children

How many people died in WWI?

9 million

What were the Enabling Acts?

A German act that suspended the constitution so that Hitler could do whatever he wanted to "help" Germany without the involvement of the Reichstag

Constitutional Monarchy

A King or Queen is the official head of state but power is limited by a constitution.

Ottoman Empire

A Muslim empire based in Turkey - controlled N Africa, Middle East, + eastern Europe - ruled by sultans whose home seat in gov= Topkapi - capital= Constantinople - ruler at peak= Suleiman the Magnificient - *during 1800s, = "Sick man of Europe"*

What was the Austrian-Hungarian response to Serbia's request of negotiation?


Eddie Rickenbacker

American ace pilot - was a racecar driver before war - started as personal driver -> became pilot - *famous Am pilot in WWI*

Who was Wallis Simpson?

American socialite who divorces her husband to marry Edward which caused a constitutional crisis + led to Edward's abdication

Who did John Pershing fight for in WWI?


What set the road for an independence movement in India?

Amritsar Massacre


An Indian soldier serving under British command.

What family was brought back to rule after Napoleon= abdicated + put in exile?


Why were there so many composers in Austrian-Hungarian empire?

Francis I + Francis Joseph made empire cultured + big in music

Sagrada Familia

Gaudi's masterpiece - church - "holy/ sacred" family - still = not finished today - style= Romantic/ Neo-Gothic - contains symbolism + nature

Who assassinated Franz Ferdinand?

Gavrilo Princip who= part of the Black Hand

Who was the King of England from 1910-1936?

George V (George Frederick Ernest Albert)

What colony did Australia replace? How?

Georgia- prisoners= sent here

Who made Raft of Medusa? What= story behind the painting?

Gericault - people= going from France -> Senegal but boat begins to sink. So, they put rich in boat + made raft for poor. Rich= supposed to pull poor with rope, but they decide to leave them behind *representation of CLASS STRUGGLE*

What air force was the Flying Circus a part of?


Who did Ludendorff fight for?



German - basically in charge of German army - at the end of the war, he= one of the early members of the Nazi - elected into Reichstag


German - fought in Tannenburg on the Eastern front - Hindenburg Line - Pres of Germany (elected Hitler as chancellor)


German Parliament

What happened after the Kaiser abdicated the throne? Who= head of state?

German Republic formed + Friedrich Ebert becomes head of state

Who fought in the Battle of Verdun? who won?

German VS French - French won

Heinrich Schliemann

German archaeologist - studied Trojan war -discovered... 1) city of Troy 2) Mask of Agamemnon from Trojan war -brought wife with him + said the jewelry he have her was from Helen of Troy (face that launched a thousand ships)

Richard Wagner

German composer of operas


German emperor

Arthur Zimmerman

German foreign minister - wrote Zimmerman note

Who sent the Zimmerman Note?

German foreign minister- Arthur Zimmerman

Why don't the French troops have a face in the 3rd of May?

Having no face says ALL French soldiers= corrupt

What did Karl Marx believe?

He believed that factory workers would rise up in revolution and overthrown the factory owners + set up a new communist/ Utopian society

What did Paoli do after France took Corsica?

He departed to live in London and Napoleon later joined his army

How did Napoleon cross the Alps?

He followed a couple days after his troops on a donkey

After the letter got spread, what did Napoleon do?

He forgave Josephine and soon crowned her Empress

How did Napoleon lead the French to victory at Toulon?

He gathered hundreds of fresh guns, trained infantry, planned strategically, and provided courage

How did Napoleon use geometry in his warfare?

He had officers measure distances on the battle field + set up canons at the right angle for fire

Why did Napoleon invade Russia?

He invaded Russia because they = NOT follow continental system

How did Napoleon win the Battle of the Pyramids

He made defensive "squares" which could move in any direction while providing full protection

Name one way Haussman made Paris safer.

He made the streets wider so that it= harder for revolts to take up full street/ blockade French troops from passing

Why did Napoleon fight naval battles with the British?

He needed control of the sea and thought if he won some naval victories he could take England

How did Napoleon run out of supplies during the Russian Invasion?

He only got enough supplies for 1 major battle (about 2 months) + as he chased the Russians farther and farther into their land, the supplies lines grew longer + it= harder to replenish food.

After the Battle of Borodino what does Napoleon do?

He realizes he conquered more than he planned to of Russia and sent a message to Czar Alexander I for peace

Who said, "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs?" What does it mean?

Karl Marx - do what you can do but take only what one need

who said "religion is the opium of the people?"

Karl Marx - religion has certain practical functions in society as opium in a sick/ injured person ^1) reduces people's immediate suffereing 2) provides them with pleasant illusions which 3) saw religion as harmful because it prevents people from seeing the class structure and oppression around them - prevents the necessary revolution

Who said, "worker becomes all the poorer the more wealth he produces?" What does it mean?

Karl Marx *ex:* If there= buy 1 milkshake, get one free, the poor workers work more to make milkshakes by get the same $ yet the rich owners work same amount yet get richer

What gov did Pol Pot set up in Cambodia?

Khmer Rouge

What is a backlash of French colonization?

Khmer Rouge + its genocide

What was one of the worst genocides percentage wise?

Khmer Rouge killing 1/3 Cambodia pop

What place in South Africa= famous for diamonds?


what= 1 of the 10 worst genocides in history?

King Leopold II of Belgium abuses at Congo

Who hired Henry Stanley? Why?

King Leopold of Belgium - to explore the Congo River basin + arrange trade treaties with African leaders

Who was nicknamed July monarch?

King Louis Philippe

Who was nicknamed citizen king?

King Louis Philippe

Who was the last king of France?

King Louis Philippe

Where did Sir Arthur Evans excavate?

Knossos in Crete

What nations did Japan imperialize?


What did Bismarck do to stop Catholic opposition? Did it work?

Kulturkampf, no

enclosure Act

Law passed by Parliament in England in the late 1700's that converted public lands formerly shared by poor farmers into private property owned by wealthy lords

Mahatma Gandhi

Leader of Indian independence movement

Pol Pot

Leader of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia -killed 1/3 the pop of Cambodia -punish= house arrest -wanted to go back to colonial Cambodia (*conservative*)

Freidrich Ebert

Leader of the new German democratic republic that Surrendered to the Allies

Nelson Mandela

Led independence movement in Africa - First black president of South Africa

What is Sinn Fein?

Left wing Political party in Northern Ireland dedicated to the reunification of Ireland + end to British authority in N Ireland

French military medal of honor

Legion of Honor

Where did freed slaves that returned to Africa go?



Like to stick to the traditional ways of government and tend to oppose change

What was the nickname for Mark I?

Little Willie

What was the nickname for the 1st tank?

Little Willie

Westminster Palace

Location of parliament/government - where House of Commons + Lords are

What famous writer fought in the Greek War of Independence?

Lord Byron

What= surrounded US troops called in Argonne forest?

Lost Battalion

Who discovered Pasteurization? Why is it important?

Louis Pasteur - saved thousands of lives from disease

After Napoleon died who= king of France?


Why was Louis XVI's brother called king Louis XVIII NOT XVII?

Louis's son = Louis XVII but he= tortured to death when Louis + Marie Antoinette= executed

What was Napoleon's relationship with Marie Louise like?

Louise was very different than Josephine. She was an obedient, shy and timid. However, Napoleon respected her more than Josephine because she never lied or produced debt.

What did Napoleon sell? Why?

Louisiana Territory (Louisiana Purchase) to Jefferson - because the loss of the island of Haiti to the slave revolt + independence, the need of money to fight wars, + he realized it= difficult to protect NA from Britain Napoleon lost interest in North America

Which group would have said, "technology steals jobs?"


Which general was elected Reichstag?


What was Hitler's airforce called?


What were the 5 causes of WWI?

MANIA - Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism, Assassination

What was France's empire like in Africa?

biggest one but owned a lot of useless land - all land= desert - Senegal + Algeria

Why= Battle of Argonne Forest famous?

biggest operation + victory of AEF in WWI

carrier pigeon

bird used for delivering messages during WWI

What did the Continental System/ blockades do to Europe?

blockades created a scarcity of goods which= raise prices -higher prices= intensified resentment of France

Why was Battle of Somme famous?

bloodiest battle

Why was the 1st day of the Battle of Somme famous? Why?

bloodiest day in British military history - 58,000 casualties

What= burned in 1933 in Berlin? Who= some of the authors?

books - Karl Marx, Einstein, Freud, Thomas Menn (supported Weimar Republic), Bertolt Brecht + August Bebel (socialist)

Western Front

border area between France + Belgium/ Germany - where majority of WWI fighting took place


born of parents not lawfully married to each other.

Where does Napoleon lie on the political spectrum?

both a reactionary (conservative) + radical (liberal)

Napoleonic Code vs Bill of rights

both give equality + basic rights to everyone

Where is the Tomb of Unknown soldiers + internal flame?

bottom of the Arc de Triumphe

As foreigner came in what uprising started?

boxer uprising

In 1936, What fight occured? Against who? Who won?

boxing match between Joe Louis (US) + Max Schmeling (German) - Max Schmeling won the 1936 fight

How did Social Darwinism expand racism?

brought ideas that Europeans= better than everyone because they went through Industrial Revolution + made inventions so they thought they= smarter+ therefore better (according to social darwinism)

What was Britain's goal for Africa?

build a railroad all the way up through Africa from Cape Town to Cairo

August Thyssen/ Thyssen family

built a small *steel* factory of 70 workers into a huge one with over 50,000 in Germany


built by Ludwig II because he= obsessed with Wagnar's Operas

Oath of the Horatii

by J.L. David -piece of propaganda telling people to die for the Revolution

Malthusianism/ Malthusian trap

by Thomas Malthus -said that the population would increase and would soon run out the supply/ production of food leaving the world in mass starvation

What textile was popular in Britain at the time the Industrial Rev began? Where did Britain get this from?

cotton imported from India

Why was the Commonwealth of Nations formed? What does it do?

created in early 1900s in an attempt to help ease British decolonization/ independence - maintained global unity though shared lang, history, + culture - every 2 years there= a Commonwealth Heads of Gov meeting which allows members to make their projects + concerns known

As Iron Chancellor, what did Bismarck do?

crushed opposition to German empire - targeted Catholic Church + socialists


deliberate refusal to obey orders given by those in command, especially by sailors

Besides everything from the agricultural rev that helped trigger the Industrial rev, what= the 2 main things that REALLY put all these things in action?

demand and capital

What present party in US= liberals?



describe in an idealized or unrealistic fashion; make (something) seem better or more appealing than it really is.

Thomas Newcomen

developed a steam engine that was *powered by coal* to pump water out of mines

Why did Bismarck change the telegraphs instead of just starting a war himself with France?

didn't want to seem like the "bad guy" -"avoid leaving behind any desire for revenge"

How + when did Gaudi die?

died 1926 when hit by a trolley

Louis Pasteur

discovered process of pasteurization - discovered that microbes were responsible for souring alcohol and came up with the process of pasteurization

How did Manfred von Richthofen die?

dog fighting - didn't know if it= plane fire or groundfire

Why do many people say different # for how many people= in Grand Armee?

don't know for sure because Napoleon made up numbers

What was the nickname of soldier from America during WWI?

dough boys

What did Gandhi dream of?

dreamed of unifying India

How was Wilson a democrat?

he wanted all people to= same rights

Why did Manfred von Richthofen have a bright red plane?

he wanted people to target him so he can kill them -*physiological warfare*

Thomas Malthus

famous English thinker during 1800s/ IV -came up with Malthusianism/ Malthusian trap

What was Winston Churchill's plan?

fight in Battle of Gallipoli to knock Turks out of the war for good

Fokker Triplane

fighter plane Germans used - Advantage= Maneuverability - Disadvantage= Speed

What was Dachau?

first Nazi concentration camp

What did Louis XVIII want to do? This classifies him as...?

he wanted to turn back clock/ pull back to ideas of the French Rev -he= *reactionary* (Conservative

What did Mustafa Kemal do as President? Why?

he... 1) secularized Turkey 2) westernized Turkey 3) Modernized Turkey because he thought they= too backwards

How was Sergeant Alum York amazing with the rifle?

he= hunter

Why was Franz Ferdinand important?

he= nephew of Francis Joseph + heir to Austrian-Hungarian throne

What fighting technique was used in Boer Wars?

guerilla fighting

Why was Congo so important?

had raw materials like rubber + ivory

What did the middle class believe was the means to their success (and the worker's lack there of)? Who's ideas does this go against?

hard work + determination -thought the poor= too lazy to work their way out of poverty ^*opposite of Karl Marx ideas*

What was Thomas Malthus's advice to poor?

have fewer children

What was France's goal for Africa?

have most land

Why did Bismarck fight Denmark?

it= east win that he knew would build confidence/ nationalism

why did drug dealers initially sell opium at a low price?

more would buy it + get addicted to it so later when they raised the price, they would be addicted to buy it

What is Billy Bishop famous for?

most famous British fighter - Canadian

British Museum

most famous art museum in all of London -built in Neo- Classical style to make seem like from Greek/ Romans

What was Hermann Goering famous for?

most famous pilot coming our of WWI - after, her joined the Nazi + = in charge of Hitler's air force (Luftwaffe)

What= Eddie Rickenbacker famous for?

most famous/ most successful American fighter

young Italy

movement founded by Mazzini that urged a united, free, independent, *Republic*

Great Migration

movement of over 300,000 African American from the rural south into Northern cities between 1914 and 1920

How were the US exposed to WWI?



multistory building divided into crowded apartments


name for the Italian drive for unification in Italy

Lafayette Escadrille

name given to a group of American volunteers who flew for the French Air Force prior to US entry into WWI


name in UK for liberals

Who did Livingstone call them "Victorian" falls?

named them after Queen Victoria


practice of women living in a separate room or behind a curtain, or of dressing in all-enveloping clothes, in order to stay out of the sight of men or strangers.

What did Billy Mitchell predict? How?

predicted Pearl Harbor by saying that area= open for attack when other nations develop better planes that can fly longer distances

Why did Bismarck fight Austria?

solve question about who would unite Germany... Austria or Prussia

End of 100 days

Battle of Waterloo

What= the famous battle at the end of 100 days?

Battle of Waterloo

What is an important French victory during WWI?

Battle of the Marne

what= the battle where the 4 alliances put Napoleon into exile for the 1st time?

Battle of the Nations at Leipzig

Battle of the Marne

Battle where France (+allies) fought to keep German (central powers) out of France - pushed them back to Western Front

How did Suez Canal cause separation of India?

Before, journey around Africa= only taken by men because it= too dangerous for women. Then the canal let women and families go to India. Here, the women got jealous of the British men's affection for Indian women which along with different culture + religion caused a separation in India


Belief that one race is superior to another

what was the royal family of Prussia?


Where did the Kaiser flee to after abdication?

Holland, Netherlands

Who was the British hero of the Battle of the Nile?

Horatio Nelson

Who was the hero of the British navy?

Horatio Nelson

What= French machine gun called?


What house was Queen Victoria part of?

House of Hanovers


Human effort directed toward producing goods and services

Where was the Crystal Palace exhibition of 1851?

Hyde Park, London

What was the Battle of Verdun kind of like a missed opportunity for the Germans?

If they tried pass forward through Verdun instead of just kill, they could have taken Paris and ended the war

What was the prob with Mustard gas?

If winds changed, gas might blow back on the side that launched it

James Watt

Improved Newcomen's steam engine

describe offensives at the end of WWI

In March, 1918, Germans launched a huge offensive that pushed the Allies back 40 miles by July. These efforts exhausted Germans + when the Allies launched a counter attack, the Germans= slowly driven back across France + Belgium. Germans began to realize that the war= not be won


Site where diamonds were discovered in South Africa

Ram Mohun Roy

"Father of Modern India" -social reformer who tried to move India towards independence and away from traditional ideas of Hindi culture -founder of the Brahmo Samaj

What was Mustafa Kemal considered?

"Father of Turkey"

What did Garibaldi say during his battle in Sicily?

"Here we free Sicily- or die!"

Why did Francis Joseph run Austrian-Hungarian empire as a culturally free zone? What quote reveals this?

"I don't see peoples, I see subjects" - saw NO nationalism and just saw subjects so he didn't care what culture they were or if they were united together

What quote did Bismarck say to predict WWI?

"If there is another war it will come out of some silly thing in the Balkans"

What did Charles Dickens say about the French Rev that could describe the Industrial Rev?

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"

What is the most famous quote in literature?

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"

What is a famous "quote" or belief of Napoleon? How was it expressed in paintings about him?

"Never let truth get in the way of a good story" *ex:* Napoleon Crossing the Alps, Coronation of Napoleon, painting of Napoleon retreating from Russia

What was Kristallnacht? What else= it called?

"Night of Broken Glass" - destructive Nazi rampage against the Jews where they torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools, + businesses, + killed close to 100 Jews/ arrested 30,000 to= sent to concentration campes

Quote that describes Gaudi's art

"Nothing is art if it does not come from nature"

What did Bismarck say about politics? What does this mean?

"Politics is like sausages, you don't want to know how they are made." - meaning politics are messy and unappetizing

What did Francis Joseph say to his nephew Franz Ferdinand? Why?

"Rule and change nothing" - he wanted his nephew to keep the rule in Austria-Hungarian empire the same/ *conservative*

What were ships fighting style called during Napoleonic warfare? Why?

"Ships of the line" because they lined up and fired at each other horizontally (cannons= on side)

What was Clemenceau's nickname? Why?

"Tiger" for his fierce anti-German war policy

What did Petain say during the Battle of Verdun?

"they (Germans) shall not pass"

What was Rudyard Kipling's poem called? How did it explain European's thoughts for invading Africa?

"White man's burden" - It= white man's job to civilize the rest of the world because they invented things like the gun, etc. + are obviously better, so therefore it= their burden to help

What is a quote Napoleon said but ignored during the Russian Invasion?

"an army travels on its stomach"

What= Greece seen as?

"cradle of civilization"

What did Oskar Potiorek say before Franz Ferdinands assassination?

"do you think Sarajevo is full of assassins?"

What was Queen Victoria known as? Why + ex?

"grandmother of Europe" because her kids + grandkids= married into famous royal families all throughout Europe *ex:* one= Russian Royal fam (Romanov) + another= German Royal fam (Hohenzollern?)

What quote supports Douglas Haig tactics?

"hopefully we have more men then bullets"

Haiti meaning

"land of high mountains"

guerilla warfare

"little warfare" fighting carried on through hit-and-run raids - *ex:* ambush supply trains they run away into countryside

What quotes was used to describe the size of the British empire in 1800s?

"the sun never set on the British empire"

After a while, what would say $10,000 worth of opium be sold for in China?


Who was involved in the scramble for Africa?

*1) France* *2) Britain* *3) Belgium* 4) Germany 5) Italy 6) Portugal

Why was Passendale famous?

*1) Symbolized horrors of trench warfare* 2) one of the most costly and controversial offensives of World War I 3) symbol of the senseless slaughter.

What major changes did Napoleon bring to France?

*1)* brought back Roman Catholic Church *2)* Napoleonic code of law - gave citizens basic rights *3)* New educational system 4) tariffs to protect France 5) metric system 6) bank of france *7)* infrastructure improvements *8)* merit based society (those who do good get good) 9) strengthened central gov

What triggered the Industrial Revolution? When?

*1700s* 1) agricultural rev 2) Population growth 3) new technology

French Revolution

*1789* time where people believed you could change everything through political action - *shaped Europe/ most important event in Europe* - tore apart Medieval France - got rid of church, nobility, king, etc + introduced new things like a calendar and metric system - introduced the question about how much violence is justified to create a change - brought democracy to France

When + where was the Battle of Waterloo?

*1815* -town of Waterloo in Belgium

How did the size of the US army change from 1914- 1919?

*1914*- 98,000 men (smallest army basically in war) *1919*- 4,000,000 men

How were African Americans culturally and physically? How did this affect the way they were seen in Africa? America? Why?

*African- Americans= American culturally + African physically* - Africa= seen as American due to *culture* - America= seen as African due to *appearance*

How did the French flag change during the Rev?

*Before=* white with fleur de lys *After=* red + blue- colors of Paris + white- colors of Bourbon ^*made a flag of constitution + equality*

How was King Leopold II of Belgium viewed in 2 different ways?

*Belgians*- phrased him because he made Belgium rich by bringing in rubber + raw materials *Africans*- hated him because he abused them

What was going on Corsica when Napoleon was young?

*Corsica was going from under the control of Corsica to French control* 1) Genoa gained undisputed control of Corsica until a rebellion flared in 1729 2) The French helped Genoa pacify the island, however, the rebellion continued. 3) In 1769, the French took control of Genoa and forced the rebellion out. 4) In 1790, Paoli (Corsican patriot) returned with British help and he declared independence from France. 5) However this independence was short-lived because in 1796 the British withdrew and Corsica became a island of France ever since.

How did enclosure acts cause urbanization?

*Farmers= kicked out from lands+ forced to move to the cities to work in factories because...* 1) the rich landowners didn't need the workers due to the new inventions/ experiments 2) small farmers couldn't compete with large landholders so farm land became limited to the poor so they had to leave

How is Goya's life similar to the French Rev?

*French Rev eats own children* Goya life= went from painting flowers -> fighting + revenge -> go crazy+ paints Saton eating children similar to how Rev= went from fighting for peace -> guillotine -> turning on people who started it

What= British + German strategy in the Battle of Jutland?

*German*= encounter an isolated portion of the British Grand Fleet at sea and annihilate it in battle, so as to reduce the overwhelming odds against it. *British*= do what it always has done and seek decisive battle with their enemy

Did Italy or Germany get lands in Africa?

*Germany:* it got anything it could get *Italy:* Ethiopia

What was the Dawes Plan's goal? Explain how it works.

*Goal:* resolve the WWI reparations that Germany had to pay 1) US lended $ to Germany to help its economy prosper 2) Germany used increase tax revenues to pay reparations to France 3) France paid back the war loans to US as well as import goods to help rebuild France

Why was Petrain seen as a hero -> traitor of France?

*Hero*= hero at battle of Verdun *Traitor*= when France falls to Germany in 1940, Petain sides with Hitler + becomes the leader of Vichy France as Hitler's puppet -*French= HATE Vichy France*

What was it like for freed slaves who returned to Africa in Liberia + the Africans who never left?

*Tension formed between the 2 groups* - The Africans that never left hated them because they threatened their jobs + lands - they= thought of as "Americans" because they spoke English, = Christian, + didn't have ties to Africa for years

What= Turners mistake?

*Told:* to go in zigzags through "war zone" so it= harder to hit the ship *Did:* He didn't want to frighten passengers so he continued to reg straight path but just went faster which made him an easy target to hit

When + where= armitice signed?

*When:* 5 am Nov 11 1918 (go into affect 11 am) *Where:* Compiegne

How did pig/ cow fat as grease go against religion?

*animals= regarded as sacred/ forbidden* - no eating pig= Muslim/ Islamic religion - no eating cow= Hindi religion

Argonne Forest

*battle where Americans held out against Germans in France + stopped the German Army from taking Paris.* Where- N + NW of Verdun When: *Sept 26, 1918-> Nov 11, 1918* Who: US (Pershing) VS Germans Famous?: biggest operation + victory of AEF in WWI What happened?: Lost Battalion led by Charles Whittlesey= refused to surrender until they= rescued + forced Germans to surrender


*dog*/ official mascot of the 102nd infrantry of the *US army* during WWI - lived 18 months on Western Front + participated in 17 battles

How did Britain's views of Africa change?

*end of slaves -> drive for raw materials -> conquer* - After slave trade= abolished in Britain + IV= new tech, Britain could go into Africa for things like raw materials. Once found Africa= rich in them, they wanted to conquer

George Stephenson

*father of railroads* - developed steam-powered locomotives to pull carriages along iron rails

Though there weren't many naval battles during WWI, how was the sea still used?

*fleets= used to try to strangle other* 1) Germans used U-boats to blockade/ sink ships carrying supplies to England 2) British used fleet to stop supplies from getting to Germany

What effect did WWI have on the American economy?

*increased? economy short term* 1) cut off Europe immigration -> US 2) This= less labor 3) needed to bring people from South + more $ per person

Why was the Battle of Jutland famous?

*largest* naval battle and the *ONLY* full-scale clash of battleships in that war

What MOTIVATED Britain to go into Africa? What LET them?

*motivated:* 1) spread Christianity 2) raw materials *let:* New tech - guns= subdue resistances - medicine= fight disease - railroads, telegraphs, etc= communication

How was the Italy different from Austrian-Hungarian empire?

*nationalism* - they wanted to join together + used nationalism to do so

How did new technology trigger the industrial revolution/ mainly part 1 of it?

*new tech gave the ability to grow industries, such as coal, iron, railroads and textiles because...* 1) new sources of energy= powered industries/ machines *ex:* steam power/ engine 2) iron= improved + was now better quality and cheaper so more things can= made from it (steam engine, machines, railroads)

How did pop growth + urbanization from the agricultural rev combine to trigger the Industrial rev?

*these 2 things combined provided labor sources to get the revolution started* - more people (whom which most= going to cities)= labor to work machines/ work in factories

After the production of factories in Britain to make cloth from cotton, what came next? Why?

*transportation*- turnpikes, canals, bridges, *steam locomotive*, *railroads* - because entrepreneurs needed faster and cheaper methods of moving foods from place to place

Act of Union

- 1701 act of Parliament uniting England and Scotland into one kingdom: Great Britain. - 1801 uniting Great Britain (England and Scotland) and Ireland under the name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

President Woodrow Wilson

- 1902- pres of Princeton - won 1912 election - re-elected in 1916 for his campaign to "keep US out of the war" - idealistic + democrat - won Nobel Peace prize for Fourteen Points

Where were the cotton factories in Britain located at first? Why did their location change?

- 1st near moving stream (because they= water powered) - then anywhere because of the steam engine

New Zealand

- 2 major island (N+S) - Major city= Auckland - Capital= Wellington - Native Pop= called Maori - War dance of Maori= Haka

What= casualties in Battle of Gallipoli?

- 205,000 British casualties - 2/3 of ANZAC

What was the new German empires ranks?

- 2nd in pop - 3rd in area - most powerful army

How many casualties were there in the Sepoy Rebellion?

- 6,000-40,000 Europeans - 800,000 Indians

What= advantages + disadvantages of the Fokker Triplane?

- Advantage= Maneuverability - Disadvantage= Speed

Why= India + Australia important to Britain after 1700s?

- After Britain lost Am Rev, they lost the land that gave them cotton + housed their prisoners (Georgia) - So, they replaced these colonies with India (which= cotton) + Australia (which= house prisoners)

What caused the Taiping Rebellion?

- After opium war the Treaty of Nanking opened up new opportunities for European + American traders + the economic activity shifted from S to N - this led to an increase in poverty + misery for peasant + therefore led to the Taiping Rebellion

How did the battle of Somme start?

- Allies began by bombarding the German lines for 8 days straight. - Germans= warned of the bombardment + took shelter and waited - Little real damage was done to the German fortifications and many of the British shells (bombs) were duds and never even exploded.

Why did Britain diversify their trade with China? How?

- Brought back so much silk that the supply of silk increased which caused worth of silk to decrease - SO, diversify by bringing back tea so the prices of silk wouldn't worsen

How did Britain increase its capital? Population?

- Capital= trade (*ex:* slave trade) - Population= agricultural rev

What were Douglas Haig's tactics? Why did people question them?

- Douglas Haig believed that people = NOT matter + winning= more important than casualties - tactics= have Britain keep sending in troops until Germans run out of ammunition - people questioned this because there were thousands killed in battle

Why= alliance formed between France, Russia, + Serbia?

- F and R= scared of Germany - both R and Serbia= fellow slavs

Napoleon II

- First elected President of France and then became the Emperor of the French when he was not re-elected. - He founded and ruled the Second French Empire until the defeat of the French army in the Franco-Prussian War. - He modernized the French economy, rebuilt the center of Paris, and expanded the overseas empire.

How= the Fokker + Sopwith Camel opposites?

- Fokker's- advantages= maneuverability + disadvantages= speed - Sopwith- advantages= speed + disadvantages= maneuverability

What affect did the France-Prussian war have on France's gov?

- France= defeated + gov left Paris - conservative gov= replaced with the liberal Paris Commune

How did Napoleon improve infrastructure?

- Napoleon ordered the building of new roads, canals, and bridges. - Older buildings were improved, and new buildings were put up.

Napoleon's new education system

- Schools= called Lycees - schools= open to everyone (girls too just education= not on same level) - Schools stressed the importance of obedience and military values.

How did the Sepoy Rebellion start?

- The new guns used by British army in India had you bite off the cap which caused you to get some of the guns grease in your mouth - With Britain trying to Christianize Europe, there= rumors that they put pig/ cow fat as the grease - This went against many Indian's religion so they started a revolt

How did Wilson's ideas bring false hope to colonies? What= made instead?

- Wilson's idea of self-determination made colonies think they= get to decide own gov, etc. - Instead, mandates replaced colonies

Napoleon III

- nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte - gave France 20 years of peace/ prosperity - *urban renewal project* (highered Haussman) - Sent France to fight in Crimean War

What did Germany do after the Lusitania incident? Why did they so/ stop this?

- after Lusitania, they restricted submarine campaign (can't go after passenger ships) by making the *Sussex Pledge* - However, in 1916, Germany broke Sussex Pledge + resumed unrestricted submarine warfare because Germany= confident that they= starve B + win before US could send troops

Why was artillery useful in WWI?

- allowed troops to shell (bomb) enemy lines + cities form more than 10 mi away ^ created FEAR


- brought back to rule by Congress of Vienna - brother of Louis XVI - reigned after Napoleon - *didn't like French Rev + wanted const. monarchy so he= CONSERVATIVE*

King Leopold II of Belgium

- colonized Congo with help of Stanley - established the Congo free state in 1885 - ruled Congo by abusing African (10 million died)

Gustave Eiffel

- engineer/ architecture - designed bridges - created Eiffel tower + root work of Statue of Liberty (France gave US Statue of Liberty)

How does where you are change who= "seen" as hero of Battle of waterloo?

- england/ here= Duke of Wellington - germany= General Blucher of Prussia

Why was the Battle of Verdun important to the French?

- feared that if Germans got through Verdun, they would take Paris + all of France

What was Gen. Charles Leclerc role in the Revolt?

- he made peace with the rebel leaders and took possession of most of the island until his army was destroyed by a yellow fever epidemic. This along with when Napoleon re-introduced colonial slavery brought back the revolt.

Why was Woodrow Wilson elected Pres in 1916? Why= this ironic?

- he= elected Pres because "He kept us out of war" HOWEVER, he= one that declared US involvement in war

Why did the Khmer Rouge kill 1/3 pop in Cambodia?

- it wanted to go back to colonial Cambodia where French = NOT involved (*conservative*) - So, they killed anything French/ not colonial in killing fields (if you= french name, lived in city, etc.)

Why did some Americans join WWI before the US did? Which side? What= they called?

- joined allies/ British side after the rape of Belgium which made them think of Germans poorly - group= Lafayette Escadrille

Francis Joseph

- led dual monarchy- King of Austria + Hungary - Loses Unification of Germany - 1908 Annexation of Bosnia - nephew Franz Ferdinand= successor because he= no living son

Toussant L Overture

- led the Haitian Revolution - negotiated for the France colony of Saint-Domingue to be governed by black former slaves of French protectorate. - He was a son of an educated slave - Education: Jesuits- he acquired some knowledge of French. However, he wrote and spoke it poorly. - He was legally freed in 1776, and he got married and had two sons

Did people like king Louis XVIII?

- many (liberals/ moderate) didn't because he appealed + moved the clock back to a pre-Rev state - everyone who loved the Rev didn't support Louis XVIII


- most famous sculptor of the 1800s - arguable romantic or modern sculptor - most famous sculptors= "The Kiss" or "The Thinker"

Charles X

- short reign - *reactionary* - abdicated from thrown due to liberal revolt in Rev of 1830 - captured Algeria

Freddie Stowers

- won congressional medal of honor - African American corporal in US army - after being shot multiple times while leading an assault on a hill in the Argonne Forest, he still commanded troops + encouraged them to keep going

Paris Metro

- subway - built to alleviate traffic - largest subway in world (4 million passengers/ day) - extremely crowded

3 regions of Spain

1) Andalusia- S region (big in Muslim pop) 2) Castile la Mancha- Don Qiuxote 3) Catalina- Barcelona

What did the Japanese do when they colonized Korea? What is this an example of?

- they attacked Korean culture, lang, names, etc because they thought that they= better than Korea ^ ex of Social Darwinism

What was Napoleon III's urban renewal project?

- thought Paris= disgusting + medieval so he cleaned it up with public work projects - highered Haussman to build sanitation, beautify city, + make it same

Orsay Museum

- was a rail road built during 1800s when steam locomotives exploded - turned into a museum later - Has impressionist art (watercolor, lilies, etc?

When did the famine end?



- writer who wrote about unifying Italy because there= strength together ^like Thomas Pane in US rev but in Italy - group= known as "Young Italy" - wanted to set up republic

1st Industrial Revolution VS 2nd Industrial Rev

-*First*- agricultural + growth of industries, such as coal (for energy), iron (to build), railroads and textiles -*Second*- expansion of electricity, petroleum and steel (industrial heavy)

South Africa

-1st settled by Dutch in 1600s, then explored + taken over by Europeans in 1830s in the Boer Wars -part of Britain until it became independent in 1931 - GOV= Apartheid

Ferdinand Porsche

-Hitler came to him to build a cheap/affordable car that has great gas mileage -Volkswagen Beetle was made -automotive engineer and founder of Porsche car company

What did + didn't end with Robespierre's death?

-Terror= ended when Robespierre died -French Rev= NOT end when Robespierre died

How many casualties came from the battle of Somme on each side? Did a side win an advantage?

-allies= 623,000 -Germans= 500,000 *over 1.2 million all together without either side winning an advantage*


-discovered by Captain Cook -replaced Georgia after colonies= over (prisoners= sent here) -native population= Aboriginals -Capital= Canberra -famous city= Sydney

What did Napoleon's marriage with Marie Louise do?

-gave him a child (Napoleon II) -produced a peace between Austria and France

Immanuel Kant

-most famous German philosopher in 1700/ of the enlightenment -focused on ethics- what= right=right + wrong= wrong *Works:* Critique of Pure Reason

Where did the Irish flee? From where?

-they left from ports in county Cork (S Ireland) -some went to Canada but most went to the US *ex:* Boston, NYC, Philly, Charleston

How is Thomas Malthus's idea of Malthusianism coming true today?

-wealthy nations= fewer children While... -*poorer nations= more children + NEED more food*

How many people died from the Famine?

1 million

What= casualties of the Battle of Verdun?

1 million casualties - 550,000 French - 434,000 German

Timeline of declaring war in WWI

1) *A-H = war on S* 2) S= "help Russia" 3) *Russia helps by declaring war on Germany* 4) A-H= "Help Germany" 5) G= blank check 5) Russia= "Help France" 6) *France went with agreement with R + declared war on Germany* 9) G= didn't want to fight on 2 fronts so Schlieffen Plan (invade Belgium) 10) *Britain= war on Germany*

how did Germany change under Bismarck?

1) *IV* came - railroads, factories, but working conditions= good 2) took part in scramble of Africa

British positive impact on India?

1) *Infrastructure*- RR, canals, irrigation, trains, shipping, mining 2) commercialization of agriculture 3) established education system 4) integration India into a world economy 5) *unified India with trains (railroads)* 6) influenced style of gov (Parliamentary) 7) influenced lang.

How was imperialism good?

1) *spread Industrial Rev* 2) *built infrastructure* 3) introduced the British parliamentary gov 4) created nationalism? 5) *led to global economy* 6) good for Europeans 7) brought new lang., religion, + culture 8) commercialization of agriculture (India 9) established education systems (India+ Africa?)

What was the outcome of the Famine?

1) 1 mil died 2) population decreases 40% (2/8 or 25% leave + 1/8 or 12.5% die= 3/8 or 40%)

What 2 things honored Russians defeat of Napoleon?

1) 1812 Overture 2) Alexanders Column

End of War timeline

1) 1918- Wilson announces 14 points 2) March 1918- Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (end Russia in war) 3) March 1918- Spring Offensive starts 4) July 1918- Allied Counter offensive 5) Nov. 1918- German Navy Mutiny 6) Nov. 1918- Kaiser Abdicates- Holland 7) Nov. 1918- Friedrich Ebert becomes head of state- German Republic formed 8) Nov. 11 1918- Armistice signed

South Africa timeline

1) 1st settled by Dutch in 1600s 2) explored by Europeans in 1830s 3) Europeans took over South Africa in Boer Wars 4) part of Britain until it became independent in 1931

What happened in 1939 when the SS St. Louis sailed for Cuba?

1) 900 Jews fled on the SS St. Louis to Cuba to then travel to the US 2) However, neither the Cuban or US gov allowed the ships to land 3) the passengers were sent back to Europe + were able to land in Western European countries instead of Nazi Germany

How did Britain change India's agriculture? What did it cause for India?

1) British took India's raw materials (cotton + rice) back to England 2) British made things like shirts with raw materials 3) They sold back the manufactured products to India + other countries 4) India became poor because they= no raw materials to export + were importing more - *spend but don't make= POOR*

Famous Literature of the Romantic Period

1) Byron 2) Shelley 3) Keats 4) Tennyson 5) Wordsworth 6) Dickens 7) Hugo

What other nations/ countries did the British empire imperialize?

1) Canada 2) parts of Carribean 3) 13 colonies until they got independence 4) Australia 5) India 6) New Zealand 7) huge part of Africa 8) got Hong Kong

What= 5 major people involved in the Italian unification

1) Cavour 2) Garibaldi 3) Victor Emmanuel 4) Mazzini 5) Verdi

What inventors created new technology which helped trigger the Industrial Rev? What did they invent?

1) Charles Townshend- turnips= better soil 2) Jethro Tull- seed drill 3) Thomas Newcomen- 1st steam engine 4) James Watt- improved the steam engine 5) Abraham Darby- better iron

What happened in the Battle of Argonne Forest?

1) Charles Whittlesey led his troops forward but didn't realize how deep her was in German territory 2) He + the Lost Battalion= surrounded by Germans but said NO to surrender 3) US fought back + delayed time while they called for help through a carrier pigeon 4) soon the Lost Battalion= rescued by French divisions + Germans= driven out of Argonne Forest

Why was opium such bad for China?

1) China= dependent on Europe 2) China's spend more than got which= *trade deficit* 3) trade deficit= destabalize gov 4) trade deficit= ruins economy

Major figures of Paris Peace Conference/ Treaty of Versailles + ideas

1) Clemenceau- French- wanted reparations 2) Lloyd- British- wanted Germans to never= powerful again 3) Wilson- US- war of peace (14 points) 4) Orlando- Italian- wanted colonies

What were the names of the schools Napoleon went to?

1) College of Brienne (military school) 2) École Militaire in Paris, France (military school)

Why did the English hate the British after the Famine?

1) Cromwell+ slaughtering the Irish 2) due to Laissez-faire, the British did not help the Irish

Who= the famous Europeans in Africa?

1) David Livingstone 2) Henry Stanley 3) Cecil Rhodes 4) King Leopold II of Belgium

Famous Artists of the Romantic Period

1) Delacroix 2) Turner 3) Constable 4) Klimt

Who were Queen Victoria's Prime ministers?

1) Disraeli 2) Gladstone

Freud's ideas

1) EVERYTHING had to do with sex 2) Oedipus complex 3) Psychoanalysis 4) Freudian Slip 5) Repression 6) Free association 7) Id, super ego, + ego

Who were Napoleon's two wives?

1) Empress Joséphine 2) Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma

How did Germans defend them sinking the Lusitania?

1) Europe= war zone 2) U-boats= sinking ships 3) German gov placed an ad in newspaper not to travel to Europe 4) Ships= carrying weapons

Why did Africans sell slaves in the first place? What changed over time?

1) Europeans offered $ and had guns for them 2) slaves they sold= criminals, debtors, or prisoners of war THEN... - kings profited from the trade so they began gathering more people and selling more

What 2 airforce was Hermann Goering in?

1) Flying Circus (German) 2) Luftwaffe (German- Nazi)

What= major figures at the signing of the armitice at Compiegne?

1) Foch- French 2) Matthias Erzberger- German 3) Germans

What= alliances in Europe?

1) France, Russia, + Serbia 2) Germany, Austria, + Ottoman Empire (Central powers)

What were the alliances that caused WWI?

1) France, Russia, + Serbia (Triple Entente) (allies) 2) Germany, Austria, + Ottoman Empire (Turkey)- (Central powers) (Triple Alliance) (axis)

What= alliances as nations joined DURING WWI?

1) France, Russia, Serbia, GB, US, Italy, Japan (Allies) 2) Germany, Austria, Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Bulgaria- (Central powers)

who= leaders of the Austrian-Hungarian empire?

1) Francis I 2) Francis Joseph

What were some of the allies plans in WWI?

1) French Plan (Plan 17) by General Foch- attack Germany through Alsace + Lorraine 2) Russian Plan (Plan 19)- attack Germany with 2 armies + take Berlin

French involvement in Indochina

1) French forces fought with China over control of North Vietnam 2) 1885, French gained control of the entire country + annexed Laos + Cambodia as well

Famous Austrians

1) Freud 2) Gustav Klimt (artist) 3) Franz Joseph Haydn (composer) 4) Johannes Brahms (composer) 5) Johann Strauss (composer) 6) Gustav Mahler (composer)

Famous architects of the Romantic Period

1) Gaudi 2) John Nash 3) Eiffel

Why was the Battle of Lodi significant?

1) Gave Napoleon the nickname "Little Corporal" 2) Convinced people of Napoleon's greatness and gained support of his troops 3) Opened route to Milan and assured the conquest of Lombardy

What= nicknames of WWI?

1) Great War 2) War to end all wars

What was the prob with the US in WWI?

1) HUGE- 4 million men 2) all= untrained + need time to train 3) not enough food, supplies, or ammunition 4) not enough clothes 5) not enough medicine/ bandages 6) not enough shelter 7) hard to get 4 million men across sea quickly ^ever harder with German U-boats

What= 2 African Am groups that fought in WWI?

1) Harlem Hell fighters (369th Infrantry Regiment) 2) 370th from Illinois

What did BOTH Francis I and Francis Joseph do in Austrian-Hungarian empire?

1) Hated change (conservative) 2) made empire cultured/ big in music 3) Vienna= place for intellect *ex:* Freud 4) many nationalities came

How did the urban renewal of Paris affect the poor? How did this affect society?

1) Haussman/ gov bought run down houses 2) poor= kicked out of these houses 3) it= thought that poor= ones who revolt so less poor= less revolt

Generals of WWI

1) Hindenburg- German 2) Ludendorff- German 3) Foch- French 4) Philippe Petain- French 5) Mustafa Kemal- Turk 6) Douglas Haig- British 7) John Pershing- American 8) Oskar Pationek- Austrian-Hungarian

India's effect on English

1) Hindi's words= put in English lang. *ex:* shampoo, jungle

What 2 things= "landmarks" in Vienna?

1) Hofburg Palace- former palace of the Habsburg 2) Ring Road (ringstrasse)

What were the 2 economic hubs for British and Chinese in China?

1) Hong Kong 2) Shanghai

Who was apart of the Congress of Vienna?

1) Host= emperor Francis I of Austria 2) Prince Clemens von Metternich of Austria 3) Czar Alexander I of Russia 4) Lord Robert Castlereagh of Britain 5) Prince Charles Maurice of Talleyrand (rep France)

Houses in England

1) House of Tudor 2) House of Stuarts 3) Commonwealth 4) House of Stuarts - last= Anne 5) House of Hanover -George I- IV - William IV - Victoria

So, what really set off the scramble?

1) Industrial Rev + new tech 2) missionaries spreading religion *ex:* Livingstone then... 4) Henry Stanley then... 5) Leopold of Belgium

Why was the Battle of the Nile significant?

1) It isolated Napoleon's army in Egypt leading to its retreat from Egypt 2) It heightened British prestige and secured British control of the Mediterranean.

What 6 countries did Napoleon start something in? What was that thing?

1) Italy- Nationalism, united Italian peninsula/ first person to unify Italy 2) Spain- Nationalism, gorilla warfare in Spain 3) British- Nationalism 4) Germany (HRE)- Nationalism 5) Russia- Nationalism 6) France?- gained support/ united France

Who= 2 Utilitarians?

1) Jeremy Bentham 2) John Stuart Mill

Who were Napoleon's siblings?

1) Joseph Bonaparte (oldest brother) 2) Lucien Bonaparte (brother) 3) Elisa Bonaparte (sister) 4) Louis Bonaparte (brother) 5) Pauline Bonaparte (favorite sister) 6) Caroline Bonaparte (sister) 7) Jérôme Bonaparte (youngest brother)

What happened with Josephine when Napoleon went to Egypt?

1) Josephine had many affairs 2) when Napoleon found out, he wrote a letter pouring his heart out to Josephine 3) However, the letter was picked off by an English fleet + the English navy published it to every newspaper in Europe

What were the 2 battles Napoleon fought while crossing the alps?

1) Lodi 2) Arcola

Why was the Battle of Verdun famous?

1) Longest single battle of WWI 2) Paris= safe 3) one of bloodiest battles 4) led to Somme

famous people in Crimean war

1) Lord Raglen 2) Earl of Cardigan 3) Lord Lucan 4) Roger Fenton

Rulers in France from 1815-1900

1) Louis XVIII 2) Charles X 3) King Louis Philippe 4) Napoleon III

Which 2 generals became members of the Nazi? What= their roles?

1) Ludendorff- early member of Nazi 2) Philippe Petain- ran Vichy France

What= the weapons of WWI?

1) Machine gas 2) Artillery 3) flamethrowers 4) Machine guns 5) tank 6) planes 7) Submarines (U-boats) 8) barbed wire

What= members of the Flying Circus?

1) Manfred von Richthofen (Red Barron) 2) Lothar Richthofen (^brother) 3) Hermann Goering

What did the Zimmerman note say?

1) Mexico= alliance with Germany in WWI 2) Mexico= fight America 3) In return, Germans= help Mexico take back its lost territory in SW Am (New Mexico, Texas, + Arizona)

What 2 paintings expressed Napoleon's thoughts of the truth/ a good story?

1) Napoleon Crossing the Alps 2) Coronation of Napoleon

How the Battle of Austerlitz went down.

1) Napoleon got word that Austrians + Russians= coming to France 2) Napoleon moved his troops towards them + divided + conquered so they couldn't team up on him 3) The night before Napoleon attacked Austria, he went to them saying he was "thinking of surrendering" to buy him time 4) the next day, Napoleon knew Austria wanted high ground on a hill so he set up a "weak" looking right flank and strong left flank 5) When Austria went up the hill, they saw the weak right flank and went to attack it 6) The strong French flank then went up the hill and sandwiched Austria between the French forces 7) Austria retreated

During the retreat/ after what happens to Napoleon?

1) Napoleon hears of a coup that= overthrow him so he leaves his troops + retreats to raise a new force in Paris 2) tries to poison himself but fails 3) Russians + Austrians follow him back + captured him, arrest him, he abdicates + sent to exile in Elba

How did guerilla warfare start in Spain?

1) Napoleon occupied Spain + replaced king with his brother, Joseph Bonaparte + introduced reforms 2) Spaniards remained loyal to formal king + Church, so they resisted French (nationalism) 3) Soon, they conducted a campaign of guerilla warfare

What are 3 reasons why Russia withdrew from the continental system?

1) Napoleon's alliance with Austria's royal fam (from marriage of N + Marie) 2) didn't like the economic effects of the system 3) Napoleon enlarges the Grand Ducky of Warsaw that bordered Russia on the west

Characteristic of Romantic Period art

1) Nature 2) Nationalism 3) Dream like 4) supposed to look old but built in 1800s

What= ways Germany lost their military power from the Treaty of Versailles?

1) Navy= reduced + had to give up ships at Scapa Flow 2) no air force allowed 3) only can= 100,000 army 4) Rhineland= de-militarized

Joseph Bonaparte

1) Negotiated a peace treaty with the US and France 2) Napoleon made him king of Naples but then changed it to *king of Spain* when he invaded Spain

When was the peak of the Romantic Period?


How did the US get involved in the Vietnam War?

1) Vietnam helped French push out Japan in return for independence from France 2) France didn't give Vietnam independence because they= debt 3) In return, Vietnam fought against French in the Indochina war where French lost 4) French then got help from US starting US involvement in Vietnam War

Examples of British Romantic buildings

1) Westminster Palace 2) Tower Bridge

How did John Pershing protect the US from British/ French control during WWI?

1) When Am troops came to help allies, France/ Britain wanted to take US troops because they said they didn't know what they= doing 2) Pershing said NO + US troops only fighting under US flag 3) created tension between allies because F/B needed reinforcements 4) Perching gave some of his black troops

2 important people who fought against British during Asante war

1) Yaa Asantewaa- queen of Asante 2) Nehanda- military leader

How did Napoleon grow his empire?

1) added territories onto France (annexed) *ex:* Netherlands, belgium, + parts of Italy + Germany 2) abolished HRE + created the Confederation of the Rhine 3) put relatives/ friends on thrones of Europe *ex:* brother Joseph as king of Spain

What 2 things did nationalism cause EVERYWHERE?

1) anti-semitism 2) people (like Jews) leave to US

In 1800s how were large ideas communicated?

1) art 2) music

What= 2 ways the unification of Italy/ Germany were communicated?

1) art 2) music

What are 2 things that Napoleon studied?

1) artillery 2) successful people

How did US soldiers enter into the war?

1) badly armed 2) poorly trained 3) unprepared- saw war as romanticized because of movies in US

How were Cavour and Bismarck similar?

1) believed in Realpolitik 2) crafty politicians who= deceived others

Why was Battle of Tannenberg significant?

1) biggest victory in WWI for Germany 2) biggest defeat for Russians

How many attempts were there to kill Franz Ferdinand? What were they? Who did they injure?

1) bomb- injured Franz officer 2) gun shot- killed Franz on way to visit the officer

What 2 things contributed to the warfare in Africa today?

1) borders from Berlin Conference 2) Atlantic slave trade

Garibaldi life summary

1) born Nice 2) sea captain 3) joined Mazzini's "Young Italy" movement for Italian unification 4) tried to overthrow Piedmontese gov but failed + exiled to SA 5) lived in exile in SA + helped in rebel movements + liberated Uruguay - here got "red shirts" symbol 6) went back to Italy + led Italian forces battling French troops who were loyal to the Pope in Rome 7) exiled again but to NYC 8) went back to Italy but had to devote himself to farming 9) took Sicily + Naples in S 10) Handshake of Teano

Victor Emmanuel Life Summary

1) born Turin 2) got military + religious education 3) fought with Piedmontese forces against Austria 4) lost but instead of surrendering, his father abdicated throne to him 5) retained constitution in Piedmont, but lost a large chunk of empire to Austria 6) appointed Cavour minister of agriculture -> prime minister 7) got support of France in Crimean War 8) France helped got Lombardy BUT decided last minute not to give them Venice 9) against Cavour thinking, Emmanuel signed to this because he knew they needed France 10) marched S to Naples where he ran into Garibaldi + was given S Italy 11) king of Italy in 1861

Cavour Life summary

1) born Turin 2) prime minister of Piedmontese gov 3) editor of Il Risorgimento - opposed Mazzini ideas (he= monarchist) 4) got lands in N Italy 5) united Italy + made Victor Emmanuel king + he= prime minister

Napoleon's timeline

1) born in Corsica 2) education= military schools 3) Siege of Toulon 4) Whiff of Grapeshot 5) Crossing alps - Lodi + Arcola 6) went to Venice 7) Egypt - Pyramids, Rosetta Stone, Nile 8) Coup d'eat - First Consul -> First Consul for life-> Emperor 9) remarried + set up reforms 10) slave revolt in Haiti 11) Invade Spain+ make bro king 12) Trafalgar 13) Austerlitz 14) Continental System 15) Peninsula War 16) Russian Invasion 17) abdication + Elba 18) restoration/ 100 Days 19) Waterloo 20) Helena

Mazzini Life Summary

1) born in Genoa 2) age of 14, he entered university + graduated with a law degree 3) was a "poor man's lawyer" + journalists where he became interested in politics + unifying Italy 4) joined an organization for Italian independence but= caught + put in jail 5) founded "Young Italy" 6) thought of ideal of a united Europe + founded "Young Europe," "Young Germany"/ "Young Poland" too

Garibaldi events of life + importance

1) born in Nice 2) traveled to SA + hero in their independence movement 3) lived in NY 4) studied Enlightenment- he now wanted Italy to= republic based off Enlightenment ideas

What= in the Treaty of Versailles?

1) broke Ottoman + Austria-Hungarian empire + made new nations 2) F+ B got mandates in Middle East where Ottoman Empire= broken up 3) blamed Germany for starting war in Article 231 4) Germany needed to pay 33 billion in reparations 5) Germany loss military power 6) Alsace + Lorraine= back to French

How could Napoleon be a conservative?

1) brought back having an emperor 2) brought back Catholic Church 3) brought back women having less rights + men= more

Issues/ effect of Berlin Conference

1) brought new lang., religion, + culture 2) some countries= better land -some lands had better soil than others -some= better for trade -some= better resources 3) caused unhappiness - split tribes up 4) caused civil wars in Africa

What did Bismarck do to Prussia's army? What wars did he lead them into?

1) built up Prussian army 2) led Prussia into 3 wars: against Denmark, Austro-Prussian war (Seven weeks war), Franco-Prussian War

WWI impact on public opinion

1) censored press to keep discouraging news/ big casualties from reaching people ^ restricted popular literature, historical writings, motion pictures, + the arts 2) propaganda

Sepoy Rebellion

1857 (Sepoy Mutiny, Indian Mutiny) - Rebellion of Sepoys against East India Company

What did Hindenburg do as President?

1) early 1930s, he= persuaded into electing a Chancellor + he elected Hitler 2) When Hindenburg dies, Hitler combined chancellor + Pres position to make dictator

What= 3 main topics in the Fourteen Points?

1) end causes of war *ex:* secret agreement, freedom of seas, economic barriers, etc 2) Self determination - everyone= own country/ gov 3) League of Nations

Pros to Marx ideas (communism)

1) equality - Everyone gets the same chance - Almost everyone is employed - Almost everyone is educated - Agriculture and manufacturing are emphasized

What was the result of the Greek war of independence?

1) established independent kingdom of Greece 2) nationalism in Greece

What= financial burdens after WWI? How did the allies solve this?

1) everyone= in debt 2) needed to rebuild - Allies said loser (Germany)= pay reparations to pay for this

Pros of Industrial Rev

1) factories brought more jobs 2) worker's wages let the workers have a little money left over after paying rent + buying food 3) railroads= people can visit family in other towns 4) opportunities increased

How did urbanization/ factories change Britain's cities?

1) factories polluted the air/ rivers 2) there= vast numbers of poor packed into tiny rooms in tenements 3) diseases spreading rapidly due to overcrowding/ lack of sanitation - waste/ garbage rotted in the streets

Why= many American support Allies?

1) felt cultural + lang ties to Britain 2) rape of Belgium

What did people do during the famine?

1) fled the country 2) died of starvation/ disease

What were the pros that were supposed to come from Laissez-Faire according to Smith?

1) free market= produce goods at lower prices making them affordable 2) growing economy= encourage capitalist to reinvest (*capitalism*)

What did the US provide for the Allies in WWI?

1) fresh troops/ supplies 2) financial aid 3) moral boost

Why did Britain want South Africa?

1) get cape town to make railroads to Cairo 2) it= important stop on sea route between England and India

Summarize the process of selling opium/ path of the $

1) get capital to buy seeds 2) plant seeds in India 3) smuggle opium (which now= more $ than seeds) into China through Canton 4) dealers sell drugs (at first at a low price) 5) $ from drug deal= used to buy silk + tea 6) silk + tea= taken back to London 7) In London, silk= made into dresses which= sold at even more 8) opium company then took the $ they made + bought more opium to make even more $

What= Napoleon's plan for the Battle of Waterloo?

1) get to Belgium before Prussian + English army meet 2) take Prussian army down first 3) turn around + fight English

How was imperialism good for Europeans?

1) got them power 2) got them wealth 3) raw materials 4) spread Christianity 5) created jobs (working in fields, etc.)(but jobs = not pay well)

What happened to Napoleon after the Battle of Waterloo?

1) he retreated 2) Captured by British+ put on 2nd exile at St. helena

What= principles of Fascism?

1) headed by a dictator 2) extreme nationalism + racism 3) no tolerance to opposition 4) very clear social order which every member must follow 5) people= often rallied around views which= considered to be "national" views (nationalism)

How did the war cause Russian Rev? What happened next?

1) incompetent general (after Samsonov suicide) 2) corruption (Czar take over?) 3) riots in St. Petersburg that brought down Russian monarchy 4) V.I. Lenin came to power 5) he signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany ending Russian participation in WWI

Pros of Italy becoming a nation

1) industrialism 2) emigration to US (S Italians) 3) nationalism/ unity 4) developed economically

What was the Crimean War fought over?

1) influence in the Middle East (Turkey) 2) Russia obtaining land on the Black Sea for a port for trade 3) control of Holy Land

How did the Agricultural Revolution lead to the Industrial Revolution?

1) introduced new farming techniques (led to enclosure/ increased pop) 2) increases food production 3) caused a spike in population/ increased health 5) *urbanization* (enclosure acts)

How did the "ruler" change over the years

1) king= sole ruler 2) Georgian Age= Prime Minister introduced (because of lang. barrier) 3) Victorian Age (1800+)= primarily Parliament + King/ Queen= symbolic

Why was the Battle of Gallipoli fought?

1) knock Turks out of the war 2) break the stalemate on the Western and Eastern Front/ split German forces 3) help the Russians by controlling the sea route from Europe to Russia

How did new farming techniques trigger the Industrial Rev?

1) led to enclosure acts 2) improved livestock breeding which led to increase food production

Am Rev Warfare

1) line up 2) shoot gun which= no aim so bullets flew everywhere 3) little strategy

Cons of Industrial Revolution

1) low pay 2) unemployment 3) dismal living + working conditions 4) no sick days

What= 3 ways steam power was used in the Industrial Revolution?

1) machines 2) railroads 3) steamboat

Give 2 examples of how Napoleon defeated himself.

1) made Continental system 2) invasion of Russia

British negative impact on India?

1) made India poorer 2) created a high tax

What are some of the reforms in the Napoleonic code?

1) made authority of men over their family stronger 2) deprived women of any individual rights 3) reduced the rights of illegitimate children 4) reintroduced colonial slavery 5) equality of all in the eyes of law ^no longer any special privileged for Nobles, Churchmen or rich people. 6) no privileges of birth 7) freedom of religion 8) feudal rights were ended - peasants= given rights to land

How did the rainstorm affect Napoleon?

1) made him have to wait to fight British because in the mud, can't move cannons, horse, + it= hard to march 2) waiting gave the Prussians that retreated a chance to reorganize + come back 3) *Now it= British + Prussians VS Napoleon*

Who benefited the most from the Industrial Revolution? How?

1) merchants- invested in factories 2) inventors/ skilled artisans- developed new technology 3) middle-class families- rich + had influence in Parliament (where they opposed any improvement of working conditions)

How was imperialism bad?

1) millions= killed (Congo, Sepoy Rebellion, Armistar Massacre, Irish/ Orissa Famine, Khmer rouge) 2) 9/10 people in Canton= addicted to opium 3) caused unhappiness- some nations= better land 4) caused civil wars in Africa 5) took away raw materials 6) some lands natives= not treated equally (*racism*) (Africa)

Why was a labor supply needed in the Industrial Rev?

1) mine coal + iron 2) build factories/ machines 3) run machines

How did demand and capital put the whole industrial revolution into full spin?

1) more capital= had $ to invest in mining, shipping, railroads, and factories 2) increased pop = more demand for goods -> built factories to make goods which= more demand for workers

What 2 things did the Treaty of Nanjing lead to?

1) more opium trade 2) crumbling of Chinese empire

start of 100 Days

1) napoleon escaped Elba and sails to France 2) Louis XVIII hears Napoleon landing so he sends an army to get him 3) Napoleon goes across France (Alps) because there= more Bonapartes here 4) Louis's army meets him but decides to JOIN Napoleon 5) Louis sends another general + that army also JOINS Napoleon 6) Louis is so unpopular that people left him + Louis retreated

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain?

1) natural resources - large supplies of coal to power steam engines - had a lot of iron to build machines 2) agricultural rev freed people from farming/ increased pop so there= a lot of labor supply in Britain 3) had demand + capital 4) religion encouraged hard work (Calvinist-Puritans?) 5) had strong navy to protect its empire so it was able to relax and focus of economic prosperity 6) had overseas trade

What 2 things made industrialization in Germany possible?

1) natural resources- iron + coal 2) rapidly growing population

Changes during the Industrial Revolution

1) new inventions/ machines + factories took people out of working land + into working factories 2) crowded, multi-story apartments 3) bought clothes, food, + machine made goods 4) traveled by train or steamship 5) villages became industrial towns/cities 6) messages flew across on telegraphs 7) rural way of life disappeared

How could Napoleon be a liberal?

1) new reforms - equality of all in the eyes of law - no privileges of birth 2) brought back enlightenment thinking - equality of citizens before the law, religious toleration, and advancement based on merit 3) replaced liberty, equality, and fraternity with order, security, and efficiency

What= 2 parts of Industrial Rev+ how did they affect/ cause each other?

1) new technology/ inventions 2) new tech= replaced people + = less labor so people went to cities to work in factories (*Industrialism*)

Cons of Scramble

1) oppression of African (Congo) 2) land/ farmland= taken away 3) not treated equally (*expanded racism*) 4) caused Berlin Conference

How did Napoleon use propaganda?

1) paintings 2) memoirs- false stories 3) "never let the truth get in the way of a good story" 4) Arc de triumphe + Vendome Column 5) victory parades 6) Named battles *ex:* Battle of Pyramids, Nile, etc

What= Benito Mussolini's major events?

1) paramilitary fascist movement 2) storming Rome/ taking power 3) his alliance with Hitler in WWII

What nations did France imperialize?

1) parts of Africa (Senegal + Algeria) 2) Indochina

What did the opium company do with the $ they earned from opium?

1) pay back expenses (which= little because laborers + drug dealers= make little) 2) pay themselves 3) buy more opium

Cons of Marx ideas (communism)

1) people can take advantage of system - can work little but get more $ 2) destroy idea of hardwork 3) Employment may go up, but meaningful employment goes down

How did Otto Bismarck create the Franco-Prussian War

1) picked fight with Prussia's enemy (France) by changing the "EMS dispatch" telegraph messages which mad France made enough to start a war 2) Bismarck told the little states around France that France= take over them too 3) Now that Bismarck= support of Prussia + little states, they fought + won against France 4) After he convinced them to unite + form Germany because "if they could beat France, what else could they do together?"

What= 3 results of the Germans invading through Belgium? How?

1) plan= delayed because Belgians slowed them down 2) US saw German as bad people- heard about through newspapers the harsh way Germans treated the Belgians 3) Britain joined ally side + declared war on Germany- because Germany= rubber from Belgium

results of Slave trade

1) pop of Africa decreases 2) economies that benefited from the trade collapse leaving open land which is still fought over today 3) Racism- justified the trade by saying slaves= inferior to them (Social Darwinism)

Strengths of Napoleonic codes

1) preserved social aims of Rev (ex: equality) 2) guaranteed equality 3) protected interest of the rising middle class 4) religious freedom

Why did Napoleon go to Egypt?

1) protect French trade interests, 2) attack British commerce/ stop Britain's access/ trade with India

What are Europeans success in Africa due to? Why?

1) railroads- communication + travel= easier 2) Guns (machine)- could take by force 3) germs- whipped out population

Putting-out system (cottage industry)

1) raw cotton distributed to peasant families who spun it into thread then wove the thread into cloth in their own homes 3) then artisans finished and dyed the cloth

Who was Pershing the commander of?


Why did the US go from neutrality to war?

1) war= glorified in movies 2) they heard of Germans abuse on Belgians 3) Lusitania/ Germans unrestricted warfare 4)Zimmerman- Germany wanted Mexico's help to stop America entering the war against them (started Mexican War?)

What were the problems with tanks?

1) went SLOW 2) broke down ALL the time 3) Inside, it got so hot + many passed out

What things did Haussman change to modernize Paris?

1) widened streets + boulevards 2) put regulation on facades of buildings 3) public parks 4) water works 5) public monuments

WWI impact on women

1) women took over jobs of men who left for war 2) taking over jobs kept economy going 3) joined women's branches of the armed forces to care for soldiers (*ex:* nurse) 4) women's support for the war effort helped them finally win the right to vote

What did 25% of 18-31 old men leaving US result in?

1) women took over men jobs/ also worked as nurses, etc in military 2) Great Migration of blacks from S to N for open jobs

How did Napoleon rise to power?

1) won several battles 2) gained political power + the title Emperor through the Coup

Before the Industrial Revolution

1) worked land using handmade tools 2) lived in simple cottages lit by firelight + candles 3) made own clothes + grew own food 4) little travel- horse drawn carts

What= main points of Marx's beliefs?

1) world wide revolution 2) take place in Britain or Germany + spread 3) set up Utopian society where everyone is equal

What did Napoleon do of St. Helena?

1) wrote his memoirs 2) died from stomach cancer

What= 4 points to Billy Mitchell argument?

1)"Future is planes" 2) a plane can destroy a battle ship 3) the Jenny can= improved 4) without planes, US= get attacked

How many died total from the sinking of the Lusitania? Americans?

1,200 total, 128 Americans

What specific things did the Congress of Vienna do + who specifically pursued these goals?

1-2) *chief goal*= balance of power + protect system of monarchy 3) restore the way things were- *Metternich* 4) "holy alliance" of Christian monarchs- *Czar Alexander I* 5) prevented revival of French military- *Lord Castlereagh*

Crimean war

1853-1856 - Russians VS British, French, Sardinia + Ottoman Empire (Turkey) - fought on Crimean peninsula - most important even= Charge of the Light Brigade

How many casualties at the Battle of Verdun?

1/2 million on each side (G + F)

How many slaves were shipped to the new world? How many survived?

12.5 million= shipped but 10.7 million survived due to harsh treatment of slaves during the journey

What event did Napoleon describe as a "Whiff of Grapeshot?"

13 Vendémiaire, 1795

Atlantic slave trade

1400-1800 - North America, South America, Africa

How long before Napoleon was born did France first acquire Corsica?

15 months

Just as a comparison how big was George Washington's Army in the American Revolution?


East India Company

1600-1874 -set up for trade -did most of business in India -started as trade company then it ruled parts of India *how English got involved in India*

When did the 1st slave come to the Americas?


What year did France colonize Haiti?


Neo-Classical Art/ Arch

1750-1850 ish -Birth= Paris -Based on Greek/ Roman ideas -Political artwork/ propaganda -Music= known as Classical Period

King George III

1760-1820 -King of Great Britain and King of Ireland until the union of the two countries, after which he was King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland -known as Mad King/ Farmer George because he= crazy/ got involved in agriculture -King of England during 7 years wars (French+ Indian wars) + Am Rev (he= king who US broke away from)

Tennis Court Oath

1789 -an oath to meet until there was a constitution in France -most symbolic event in French history

What year was the major slave revolt in Haiti? How long did it last?

1791-1803 (lasted 12 years)

Siege of Toulon

1793 1) During French Rev, the port of Toulon was dominated by the royalists 2) The French could not allow Toulon to be in enemy hands. So, they besieged to city. 3) The British supported the royalists and helped by setting up fortifications around the town. 4) On the French side, Napoleon led the French to a significant victory

Cisalpine Republic in Italy

1797 to 1802 (5 years) A sister republic created by Napoleon by combining territories/ states in Northern Italy

When did Napoleonic warfare occur?


When was the Scramble for Africa?


When was the Victorian Age


What year did Haiti gain its independence?


Battle of Trafalgar

1805 British fleet (Nelson on HMS victory) VS French fleet -British won by *crossing the T*

Battle of Austerlitz

1805 Napoleon defeats two armies (Russian, Austrian) -*Napoleon's greatest victory*

Arc de Triumphe

1806-1836 -Paris, France at the top of Champs elysee -Napoleon wanted it so his troops could walk through but it wasn't done until 1836 so Napoleon couldn't walk through it -Names of battles won + generals= written on it -Tomb of Unknown soldiers + internal flame= at bottom

Peninsular Campaign

1808-1814 - part of the Napoleonic Wars where France fought with Spain for control of the Iberian Peninsula. - *French VS British, Spanish, and Portuguese forces*

What= the music piece made to honor Russia?

1812 Overture

When was the Congress of Vienna?


corn laws

1815 -tariff/ trade restrictions on imported food + grains (corn) in Britain - *kept grain prices high so many think it was Britain trying make their prices to high for the Irish + starve the Irish during their potato famine*

Queen Victoria

1819-1901 -time of rule= Victorian Age -*Queen of England+ empress of India (though she never step foot in India)* - major events= expansion of British empire, Industrial Rev, + rise of Parliament

Greek War of Independence

1821-1832 War where Greece won independence from the Ottoman Empire (Turks) - *created nationalism in Greece*

when did the factory conditions get better?


In what years where there a series of liberal Rev in Europe?

1830 + 1848

When was the Irish potato famine start?


How did the famine begin?

1845 -there= a blight which whipped out the potato pop

Paris Commune

A brief liberal Parisian government who took the place of the conservative French gov that left during the Franco-Prussian War - working people took power (Karl Marx) - socialists


A deadlock in which neither side is able to defeat the other


A form of government in which citizens choose their leaders by voting

What is trench warfare? What are some of its aspects

A form of warfare in which opposing armies fight each other from trenches dug in the battlefield. 1) no-mans land= land in between 2) Whistle= go "over the top" + attack 3) If rain, trenches= filled with water

centralized government

A government in which a central authority controls the running of a state.

United Irishmen

A group who wanted to win Ireland's independence from Britain -*radical (liberal)*


A policy of favoring native-born individuals over foreign-born ones -*anti-imigrant*


A political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and no tolerance of opposition -*reactionary*

Sussex Pledge

A promise Germany made to America, after Wilson threatened to sever ties, to stop sinking their ships without warning.

collective security

A system in which a group of nations acts as one to preserve the peace of all

Napoleonic Code

A uniform system of laws established for France by Napoleon in an attempt to revise France's outdated legal system -established civil, commercial, penal (disciplinary), and criminal codes -*gave citizens basic rights* -applied to ALL territories under Napoleon's control + influenced many other nations

Who fought for the allies in the Battle of Gallipoli? Why?

ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) - couldn't take any ally troops from western front so used Australians/ New Zealands

What was the German tank called?


What was the native population of Australia called?


_________________ is to Australia and _______________ is to New Zealand

Aboriginals, Maori

Super Ego

According to Freud, the ethical or moral part of the brain

Who's ideas does free trade agree with?

Adam Smith

Whose ideas= more long lasting Karl Marx or Adam Smith? Why?

Adam Smith because the working class did not revolt + in 1990s nearly every nation= incorporated elements of free-market capitalism

Who came up with the idea of laissez-faire? Where was it explained?

Adam Smith explained it in his book- "The Wealth of Nations"

Who= heroes of Battle of Jutland?

Admiral Jellicoe (British), Admiral Scheer (German)

370th from Illinois

African Am unit that served in WWI + = commanded by black officers

Who was Jessie Owens? What did he accomplish at the Berlin Olympics?

African American track + field athlete who got 4 gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics

When did Italy acquire Rome/ Papal States?

After French troops= had to abandon protection after Franco-Prussian War

How did Beethoven's view change? What did he do?

After Napoleon crowned himself emperor, Beethoven saw him as a traitor - so, he ripped up his symphony about Napoleon

How is Gandi related to India/ WWII?

After Nazi= defeated, Britain said that India= NOT ready for independence, so Gandi led a revolutionary movement in India for independence

What is the story of Sergeant Alum York draft? Why was his request denied?

After Sergeant Alum York started going to Church + became religious, he didn't want to kill anyone. However, he= drafted to the army, so he said he= conscientious objector. His Church wasn't big enough for this request so he got put into the army + started training

Describe Napoleon's coronation to become emperor.

After acquiring enough power, he had a coronation in Notre Dame in Paris. There, Napoleon took the crown from the pope and put it on his own head showing that he owed his throne to no one but himself.

What happened to Napoleon after the Battle of the Nile? What does this relate to?

After being unable to get supplies, Napoleon abandoned his men and went back to Paris where he was thrown a victory parade even though he lost - relates to his saying, "never let the truth get in to way of a good story"

Battle of the Pyramids

After capturing Alexandria, Napoleon headed for Cairo. On his way he ran into an Egyptian army who greatly outnumbered him in cavalry. So, Napoleon made defensive "squares" by which a full brigade was in the front and back lines and half on the sides. This allowed the "square" to move in any direction. With this new structure, Napoleon stormed the army and won Cairo and Lower Egypt for France.

How was Francis Joseph involved in the 1908 Annexation of Bosnia?

After losing Unification of Germany, Francis Joseph turned his eye to Ottoman Empire + took Bosnia

when did Napoleon set up the Cisalpine Republic?

After the Lodi Battle, Napoleon organized two states: one to the south of the Po River, the Cispadane Republic, and one to the north, the Transpadane Republic

Where + when was Napoleon born?

Ajaccio, France (capital of Corsica) in 1769

Sergeant Alum York

American - greatest Am soldier ever seen/ war hero - After teen hood, he didn't want to kill anyone anymore and when drafted asked to= conscientious objector but was denied - amazing with a rifle - famous for single-handedly killing 25 Germans and making 132 surrender to him - becomes poster child/ super hero for Am army

What= the arch piece made to honor Russia?

Alexanders Column

Dreyfus Affair

Alfred Dreyfus (Jewish army captain) was tried for treason for selling military secrets - *they prosecuted him even though they knew ho= innocent because he= JEWISH (anti-semitism)*

Who invented the dynamite? Why was it important?

Alfred Nobel - let blow up things like mines

Who wrote "The Charge of the Light Brigade"? What was it about

Alfred, Lord Tennyson - about the Battle of Balaclava where the British cavalry led by Lord Cardigan charged at Russian forces

Give an example of how France's ties to _____________ in Africa showed in its civilization?

Algeria - *ex:* in S France, there= Muslim lang/ pop

Who fought in Passendale? Who won?

Allies (British) VS Germans - Britain called off the offensive, claiming victory, despite some 310,000 British casualties, as opposed to 260,000 on the German side

Who fought in the Battle of Gallipoli?

Allies (French + British (Great Britain and Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, India, and Newfoundland) VS Ottoman Empire

Who fought in the Battle of Somme?

Allies (French/ *British*) VS Germans

What= strategy allies used by fighting Battle of Gallipoli?

Allies thought creating another front would force the Germans to split their army still further as they would need to support the depleting Turkish army. Then, when the Germans went to assist the Turks, that would leave their lines weakened in the west or east and lead to greater mobility there.

Along with promising ________________ to both the _________ and_______________ what else messed up the Middle East?

Along with promising Palestine to both the Jews and Palestinians, the straight lines as borders also messed up Middle East+ caused fighting

What did Germany take after unification?

Alsace + Loraine

What was the Beer Hall Putsch?

Also known as the Munich Putsch - Hitler's failed attempt at a coup/ overthrowing the Weimar Republic - It was modeled after the March on Rome and it ended with Hitler getting arrested.


American Expeditionary Force - US members of armed forces sent to Europe to fight in WWI

What battle did the Russian plan (Plan 19) lead to? Where?

Battle of Tannenberg (1914) - Eastern Front

Battle of Belleau Wood

Am VS Germans - Am victory over Germans in France but in grimmest battle with terrible costs - 1st large scale fighting of US troops in WWI - US marine got nickname Devil Dogs from it

Billy Mitchell

American - commander of Am air service - "father of US air force" - argued that "the future is planes" when US air service= getting cut after WWI - kicked out of military - predicted Pearl Harbor

What= a good example of Enlightenment action? How were the French involved?

American Revolution -France assisted Am in Revolutionary war which bankrupted France

What was the biggest French victory in WWI?

Battle of Verdun

Bloody April

April 1917 - month where British suffer extensively heavier casualties than the German (due to Germans= Fokker)

When did the US declare war Germany + its allies?

April 6, 1917

Neo Classical Arch

Arc de Triumphe

what was the most famous arch in Neo-Classical age?

Arc de Triumphe

Sir Arthur Evans

Archaeologist -He excavated ruins of the ancient city of *Knossos* in Crete -There he was looking for labyrinths + minotaur but uncovered evidence of a sophisticated Bronze Age civilization which he named Minoan -*his work= one of archaeology's major achievements + greatly advanced the study of European + eastern mediterranean prehistory*

major Am victory in WWI?

Argonne Forest

What battle= part of Allies counter offensive?

Argonne forest

What article of the Treat of Versailles blamed Germany for starting the war?

Article 231

geographically, what increases as you go north? Why?

As you go north, the nations became more industrial and wealthy - *religion*- calvinism= in N which preached hard work ethic

Who did the British battle in West Africa?


Gavrilo Princip

Assassin of Franz Ferdinand - member of the Black Hand

What was the spark of WWI?

Assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo

What was Mustafa Kemal nickname?


What is the major city of New Zealand?


When did President Hindenburg die?

August 2nd 1934

Where + when was Napoleon's greatest victory?

Austerlitz, 1805

During the French Rev, who was France fighting? Why?

Austria -when France went into Rev, its enemies + allies thought it= chance to weaken France

Where was Metternich from and where did he lie on the political spectrum?

Austria, conservative

What forces did Napoleon defeat while crossing the alps?

Austrian army and Piedmontese army

Who painted "the kiss"? Where was he from? What characteristics were in the painting?

Austrian painter Klimt - characteristic: dream like + nature


Austrian who studied the mind - believed EVERYTHING had to do with sex - believed he had a wonder drug (cocaine) that= good for everything -BOOK: The Interpretation of Dreams

What was the first country in WWI to declare war?

Austrian-Hungarian empire

Oskar Potiorek

Austrian-Hungarian general - sat in Franz Ferdinand car when he was assassinated - told Franz to go to the hospital because "do you think Sarajevo is full of assassins?" - lead Austria invade Serbia (disaster)

Who did Oskar Potiorek fight for?


Who took control of Italy during Congress of Vienna? Who= in control for a while?

Austrians, Hapsburgs, French Bourbon - *Papacy*

Who did Garibaldi conquer in Sicily? Who had more soldiers?

Austrians?, Garibaldi= outnumbered

Where did Gaudi live? What region?

Barcelona, Spain (in region Catalonia)

What battle did the Ethiopians smash the Italian invaders?

Battle of Adowa

What= Am 1st large scale fighting of US troops in WWI?

Battle of Belleau Wood

What= Am victory over Germans in France?

Battle of Belleau Wood

What battles= 2 major areas of US fighting?

Battle of Belleau Wood + Argonne forest

What was Britain's greatest defeat in WWI?

Battle of Gallipoli

What was Ottoman Empire's greatest victory?

Battle of Gallipoli

What was one of the Allies' greatest disasters in World War One?

Battle of Gallipoli

In which battle was the 1st tank used?

Battle of Somme

What was the bloodiest battles in WWI?

Battle of Somme

What was the famous battle Douglas Haig fought at?

Battle of Somme

What was the biggest German victory in WWI?

Battle of Tannenberg

What was the major battle in the Eastern Front?

Battle of Tannenberg

What was the biggest defeat of the Russians in WWI? What did it lead to?

Battle of Tannenberg - lead to Russian Revolution (communist nation)

What was the political hub for British and Chinese in China?


Where did 20% of slaves come from in Africa?

Bight of Benin

Who= most famous Britain flyer?

Billy Bishop

Who said, "the future is planes?"

Billy Mitchell

Who was the commander of Am air service?

Billy Mitchell

Who was the father of US air force?

Billy Mitchell

Who became chancellor of united Germany?


Who said, "If there is another war it will come out of some silly thing in the Balkans?"


Who said, "Only a fool learns from his mistakes, a wise man learns from others mistakes?"


Who said, "Politics is like sausage, you don't want to know how they are made."


Who basically predicted WWI? What did he say?

Bismarck - "If there is another war it will come out of some silly thing in the Balkans"

What was the Austro-Prussian War? What was it called?

Bismarck provoked Austria into declaring war on Prussia - lasted 7 weeks - Prussia won = annexed several N German states - *called Seven Weeks War*


Bismarck's attack on the Catholic Church - tried strip Catholic church of power by making Catholics loyal to state above Church but plan backfired

What was John Pershing nickname?

Black Jack

What was the major battle in Russian Invasion?


Who won the Battle of Jutland?

Both sides claimed victory? -British Navy lost more men and ships but remained a powerful tool while the German Navy retreated/ was too diminished to put to sea again

Who did Napoleon defeat in the Siege of Toulon?

Both the royalists and the foreign invaders that supported them.

What is the symbol of Berlin?

Brandenburg Gate

Where did the Industrial Revolution start?


Where did the Industrial Revolution spread?

Britain -> Germany -> W Europe -> N Europe -> North America

What is WWII relation to India?

Britain said if India helped them defeat Nazi, then they will grant India independence

Which nation won imperialism? 2nd?

Britain then France

Which nation= global lang? 2nd?

Britain then France

Who fought in the Battle of Jutland?

Britain's Navy VS Imperial German Navy

David Lloyd George

Britain's prime minister Paris Peace Conference - goal was to make the Germans pay for the other countries' staggering war losses + never let Germany= powerful again - also promised to build a postwar Britain "fit for heroes" but this= a lot of $

Who did Billy Bishop fly for? Where= he from?

Britain, Canda

What nations helped the Greeks in their war for independence?

Britain, France, + Russia?

What= 3 most successful nations in the scramble?

Britain, France, Belgium

Which country had the largest navy? Alliance?

Britain, allies

Where did Karl Marx say the communist society would form first? Why?

Britain/ Germany because he thought workers would revolt + society would form where the industrial rev= strong

Why didn't Britain give India independence after WWII?

Britain= in debt + needed support from its colonies

What nations did Douglas Haig fight for?


Who won the opium war? Why?

British - they= went through IV + had latest guns + tech which beat China's outdated weapons + fighting methods

Who won the Boer War?

British -they used Cape Colony + the Boers republics in SA

Cecil Rhodes

British - founded/ owner of DeBeers in S Africa over the worlds largest diamond mines - As a high colonial leader, he had a colony named after him (Rhodesia) - pushed for railroad from Cairo -> Capetown - led Boers - established Rhodes scholarship fund

Battle of the Nile

British (led by Horatio Nelson) VS French *fleets* near Alexandria, Egypt. - British won + Napoleon= retreated from Egypt

What is the most famous art museum in London?

British Museum

Winston Churchill

British Prime Minister - behind the making of tanks

Who was Neville Chamberlain?

British Prime Minister when British entered WWII

William Henry Perkin

British chemist that revolutionized the dye industry - invented the 1st organic die

Who developed the tank? Why?

British developed it because they wanted to build a land battle ship that could move across broken ground + through barbed wire

HMS Vanguard

British fast battleship - built during the Second World War - biggest and fastest of the Royal Navy's battleships - *last battleship to be launched in the world*

Douglas Haig

British general - famous battle= Battle of Somme - people questioned his tactics of not caring about casualties but only the fact of winning - sometimes referred to as Butcher Haig - believed # overpowered machine guns


British passenger ship holding Americans that sunk off the coast of Ireland by German U-Boats

Joseph Swan

British physicist and chemist that invented the first incandescent light bulb

Pitt the Younger

British prime minister who organized alliances against the forces of revolution and Napoleon

T.E. Lawrence

British solider -"Lawrence of Arabia" - sent by British to promise Palestinians homeland in Palestine if they helped British in war ^*this caused prob with Balfar Declaration*

Armitsar Massacre

British troops fired a large crowd of unarmed protesting Indians in the Indian city of Armistar - hundreds= killed/ wounded - *set road to independence*

What was allies strategy during Battle of Somme?

British were trying to relieve French at Verdun

___________________ is to US as ___________________ is to Germany (air service)

Hat in the Ring Squad, Flying Circus

Henry Stanley

British-American explorer of Africa - famous for his expeditions in search of Dr. David Livingstone. When he finally tracked him down, he said, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume." + nursed him back to health with Africans - In his best selling book "Through the Dark Continent," he made people seen Africa romantically (as better) - After, he= hired by King Leopold of Belgium to explore the Congo River basin + arrange trade treaties with African leaders

Who led the British during the Battle of Waterloo? Prussian army?

British= Duke of Wellington (Arthur Wellesley) Prussian= General Blucher of Prussia

What= US machine gun called?



Brutal act committed against innocent people

What was John Pershing known for?

Building the US army back up

What was the major event in the Russian invasion?

Burning of Moscow

What was Douglas Haig sometimes referred as? Why?

Butcher Haig - because so many Britains (700,000)= slaughtered

3rd of May

By Francisco Goya - *most famous painting in Spanish history* - *one of the most famous paintings ever done* - piece of propaganda - French= no face saying ALL French soldiers= corrupt - After French troops went out as act of reprisal + picked out Spanish + killed them in revenge - *you kill 1 French, 10 of you= killed* - Setting= Madrid

2nd of May

By Francisco Goya - painting of riot that killed French troops - Setting= Madrid

What capital of Australia?


What is the capital of Australia?


What region was opium brought into China from?


Before Suez canal what cape did they go around to get to India?

Cape of Good Hope

Who discovered Australia?

Captain James Cook

How did Napoleon cause Caribbean + Latin Am to = independent?

Caribbean + Latin Am= under control of Spain so when Nap occupied/ distracted Spain, they= able to break away

Cavour= _____ Italy while Garibaldi= _______

Cavour= N, Garibaldi= S

Who pushed for the railroad from Cairo -> Capetown?

Cecil Rhodes

what disease is being Irish linked to? How?

Celiac disease (allergic to gluten) - believed that since Irish stopped eating bread/ grain + more potatoes, their bodies= trouble digesting it

What was the most important event of the Crimean War?

Charge of the Light Brigade

How was one of the most famous writers about the Industrial Revolution time period?

Charles Dickens

Who said "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times?" How does this explain the Industrial Rev?

Charles Dickens - The conditions for factory workers were BAD (low pay, unemployment, bad living + working conditions, no sick days) YET... - *increase in industry* 1) factories brought more jobs 2) new inventions revolutionized Europe + were able to lead to some modern things (*ex:* elevator, etc) 3) railroads= people can visit family in other towns 4) opportunities increased

Who invented the rubber? Why was it important?

Charles Goodyear - for building things

Who= famous Am hero in Battle of Argonne Forest? Why?

Charles Whittlesey because he kept the Am alive + refused surrender during Battle of Argonne Forest

What were the major US slave ports?

Charleston (SC), New Orleans (Louisiana), Beaufort (SC)

Who killed Marat and why? How?

Charlotte Corday, because she wanted "peace" -stabbed him in his bath

Who made the Liberty Leading the People? What= the story behind it?

Delacroix - story of 1830 Rev in France when the liberals overthrew conservative - women in front= supposed to personify liberty + show way to overthrow *nationalism theme*

When did most soldiers during WWI expect fighting to be over?


Christmas Truce

Christmas 1914 - series of widespread but unofficial ceasefires along the Western Front of World War I - German + allied soldiers exchanged presents, celebrated, + had a time of peace - retrieved bodies from no mans land - day after, war started again

What was to Music of the Neo- Classical art known as?

Classical Period

Congress of Vienna

Committee that tried to fix Europe after Napoleon

What= Belgium's empire in Africa?


What nations did Belgium imperialize?

Congo (in Africa)

What land did Belgium get in Africa? What was their land/ rule like?

Congo- good land with good raw materials -Leopold committed terrible abuses to the villagers, but soon= kicked out of rule

US military medal of honor

Congressional medal of honor

Henry Cabot Lodge

Conservative, republican who disagreed with the Versailles Treaty, League of nations + Wilson

What did Napoleon replace the Directory with?


Concordat of 1801

Contract Napoleon made with the Roman Catholic Church which kept the church under state control but recognized religious freedom for Catholics -*made peace/ brought back Roman Catholic Church in France*

What island was Napoleon born on?


Pasquale Paoli

Corsican patriot who led independence movement against France

Napoleon's Coup

Coup of 18 Brumaire -When Napoleon seized power by overthrowing the Directory (gov system) in France + setting up the Consulate -Became First Consul, then First Consul of Life, then Emperor -*brother (Lucien Bonaparte) gave him courage to do it*

Why did the English hate the British before the Famine?

Cromwell+ slaughtering the Irish

How did the British under Nelson's lead win the Battle of Trafalgar?

Crossing T - let British shoot at French ships which were horizontal while it= vertical

What did Victoria + Albert build? Why?

Crystal Palace exhibition of 1851 -Albert= big in tech + wanted to showcase the wonders/ inventions of the Industrial Revolution

Who led Russia at the time they withdrew from the Continental system?

Czar Alexander I of Russia

Czar Nicholas II

Czar of Russia until he= overthrown during the Russian Revolution of 1917.

What did the National Assembly write for political change?

Declaration of the Rights of Man ^constitution for equality

Who is the most famous painters in France?



Deliberate killing of a racial or cultural group

Charles Darwin

Discovered... 1) Father of evolution 2) Developed the theory of natural selection (survival of the fittest) *Where:* on Galapagos islands - Books: Desent of Man, Origins of Species

Who said, "hopefully we have more men then bullets?"

Douglas Haig

Who said, "the machine gun is an overrated weapon?"

Douglas Haig

Who were the heroes of the Battle of Somme?

Douglas Haig (British)

Who was the best known explorer-missionary?

Dr. David Livingstone

Where was Europe's opium company based?

Dublin, Ireland

Who was Marie Louise?

Duchess of Parma -18-year-old daughter of Emperor Francis I of Austria (head of the House of Habsburg) and her great-aunt was Marie Antoinette.

How was Josephine's 1st husband executed?

During the Terror

Who first settled South Africa?



Dutch settlers in South Africa

Who invented the elevator? Why was it important?

E. Otis - allowed for the use of skyscrappers

What telegraph did Bismarck change?

EMS Dispatch

Who was the first British group to go to India?

East India Company

Where did Hindenburg fight?

Eastern Front

Who= most famous American flyer? Who did he fight for?

Eddie Rickenbacker, Am/ allies

_________________ is the US as _________________ is the Germany (pilots)

Eddie Rickenbacker, Red Baron (Manfred von Richthofen)

Edward VIII ruled only for a short time, why?

Edward VIII only ruled for a short time because he abdicated when the Church of England + British gov didn't let him marry the woman he loved (Wallis Simpson)

How would going to Egypt stop British trade with India?

Egypt (and the Red Sea) was used as the "middle ground" so taking it would block the major root of access between the countries

Who was the leader of the suffragetes movement in Britain?

Emily Pankhurst

Who= the most famous of the suffragetes?

Emily Pankhurst

What were the 2 most industrialized nations?

England (Britain) + Germany

Lord Byron

English poet - *most famous poet in 1800s* that joined the Greeks in their war for independence and died fighting

During the Battle of Trafalgar how many ships did the English lose? French?

English= 0 ships French= 19 ships

Henry Bessemer

Englishman who developed the first efficient method for the mass production of steel (Bessemer process)

Who did Napoleon III hire to do his urban renewal project in Paris?


Thomas Jefferson

Enlightenment figure -architect -involved in writing the Declaration of Rights of Man (French Rev) + Constitution (US) ^*involved in 2 of the most important writings for the rights of men*


Ensuring that all people have the same rights

What was the nickname for Ireland?


What was the name of "Napoleon's symphony" by Beethoven?

Eroica (Herotica)

What was Beethoven 3rd symphony?

Eroica (Herotica) (Napoleon's Symphony)

What 2 nations remained free in Africa in the 1800s?

Ethiopia + Liberia

What= rule that Berlin Conference made about colonizing Africa?

European power could not claim any part of Africa unless it had set up a gov office there first

Who did the Asante trade with?

Europeans + Muslims

Who makes the most $ from the opium market?

Europeans at the top

Why was opium sold to China?

Europeans wanted silk + tea from China so they sold opium to Chine which resulted in them making $ because Chinese got addicted to the drug which they used to buy silk + tea

After the Berlin Conference what happened?

Europeans went out to take lands in Africa + started forming new borders

What effect did flamethrowers have on WWI?

FEAR - weren't used a lot but there= fear created of them= shot into trenches + soldiers burning to death or being forces out of trenches into open fire

What was the French tank called?

FT 17

Who built the Suez Canal? Where was he from?

Ferdinand de Lesseps (*French*)

What was the German flamethrower called?


Where did most of the fighting take place in WWI?

Flanders, Belgium

Where was Passendale fought?

Flanders, Belgium

Who said, "This is not a peace. It is an armistice (truce) for 20 years?"


Who was the Supreme Allied Commander? What does this mean?

Foch - he was in charge of French, British, Russia, + US forces in WWI

What did Foch say at the end of WWI? What does he say this about? Why is this important?

Foch says that the Treaty of Versailles was, "not a peace. It is an armistice (truce) for 20 years" - basically predicts WWII would happen

What was the fighter planes Germans used?

Fokker Triplane


Form of business in which profits from one project are reinvested in other projects to make more money

What did Woodrow Wilson want to resolve war?

Fourteen points - freedom of seas, free trade, large-scale reductions of arms, end to secret treaties, + self-determination

What nations did Petrain fight for?


Who did Roland Garros fly for?


What country in Europe= educated? Why?

France because of Napoleon

What was the result of Napoleon crossing the Alps?

France gained a victory in Italy

Why did Clemenceau want reparations from Germany?

France had to pay reparations after the Franco-Prussian war

Which countries were members of the allies

France, Russia, Serbia, + great Britain

What= examples of anti-semitic acts in France due to nationalism? Germany?

France= Dreyfus Affair Germany= Kulturkamf

Francis I

Francis I of Austria, Francis II HRE - He= HRE until Napoleon took is land + set up Confederation of Rhine leaving Francis with parts of Austrian - got defeated by Nap at Austerlitz - he= major figure in Congress of Vienna (his prime minister ran congress) - *hated any change of French Rev/ LOVED monarchy (conservative)*

Who said, "I don't see peoples, I see subjects?"

Francis Joseph

Who claimed Bosnia for the Austrian-Hungarian empire? What was it called?

Francis Joseph - 1908 annexation of Bosnia

After what war= Italy completely unified (besides Vatican)?

Franco-Prussian War

What= African American who won congressional medal of honor?

Freddie Stowers

What= Roland Garros famous for?

French 1) 1st man called an ace 2) experimented with putting machine guns on side

Neo-Classical goes with what time period?

French Rev -> Napoleon

Why was Napoleon marrying Marie Louise ironic?

French Rev got rid of Hapsburg queen yet he brings a Hapsburg queen back

Sacre Couer

French church built to look like a Romanesque church - means sacred heart - surrounded my neighborhood (Montmartre) where young people/ artists live

Why Saint-Domingue?

French equivalent of Saint Dominic- patron saint of Hispaniola

Taxi Cab Rescue

French filled taxi cabs with soldiers + took them to fight at Marne

Philippe Petain

French general - Hero at battle of Verdun ^ where he said "they (Germans) shall not pass" - start of WWII he joins the Nazi + goes into politics and runs Vichy France - Went from hero of French history -> traitor


French general - Supreme allied commander - developed French Plan 17 - Thought Treaty of Versailles would only last 20 years (basically predicted WWII would happen) - buried at Invalides next to Napoleon


French plane (FR) - advantage= speed


French representative at the Paris Peace Conference - nickname= "Tiger" for his fierce anti-German war policy - wanted reparations - wanted to weaken Germany so that it= never again threaten France


French revolutionary leader - wrote for deaths in French Rev - stabbed to death in his bath by Charlotte Corday


French ruled island in the Mediterranean where Napoleon was born

Why was the Battle of Somme fought?

French told British to attack Germans to relieve pressure on French troops at Verdun

Jean Champollion

Frenchman - studied + deciphered the Egyptian hieroglyphics on the Rosetta stone

The Interpretation of Dreams

Freud -thought your body= telling you something in dream + it all= had to do with sex


Freud's idea that people keep things inside + want to get them out. So, he started the idea of having people talk out their prob (therapy)

Freudian Slip

Freud's idea where your sub-conscience mind is thinking something + it slips out when you talk *ex:* call teacher mom if fighting with her + can't stop thinking of her

Who was the most famous leader of the Weimar Republic? What did he do?

Friedrich Ebert- brought about the constitution of the Weimar Republic

Who invented the telegraph? Why was it important?

G. Marconi - changed communication

What did Germany see Battle of Jutland as? Britain?

G= they won B= they won + greatest victory since Trafalgar

Where did Charles Darwin study?

Galapagos Islands

What= the major Turkish battle? Who won? Who= general?

Gallipoli - Turks won - Mustafa Kemal= general

Who was the leader of the Independence movement in India?


How did Garibaldi win the Battle of Sicily

Garibaldi saw a rock being thrown + though enemy= out of ammunition (even though they weren't), so he told his troops to charge. This frightened the Austrian army + Garibaldi= able to win

What is arguably the most fam architect in 1800s?


Schieffen Plan

German idea to deal with Russia + France separately + take France out first with a quick right hook through Belgium + then deal with the SLOWER Russian next -*designed to avoid a 2-front war*


German kingdom or empire`


German submarine

who won the Battle of Tannenberg? Why?

Germans - The Germans were able to surprise the Russian because Russians did NOT encode messages/ Russians= least industrialized

Who used submarine warfare during WWI? Why?

Germans - to sink merchant ships carrying supplies to Britain

Who invented chemical warfare? How?

Germans (mustard gas)

What happened after the German= stalled by the Belgians?

Germans continued until they reached the French forces at the Battle of the Marne

Why were the flamethrowers made?

Germans decided to blast enemy out of trenches

After US came, what happened?

Germans put full effort to take Paris in Spring Offensive, however, after they= unsuccessful, war shifted to finding peace.

How did the Zimmerman Note lead to US involvement in the war?

Germans sent not through telegraph to Mexico but British intercepted note + showed it to US making it public + making the anti-German feeling intensify in US

Who started the Battle of Verdun?

Germans tried to take Verdun by launching an attack

Describe Germans strategy of "Bleed France White" during Battle of Verdun.

Germans weren't trying to go forward, their goal was to kill as many French as possible because they knew that the French would continue to keep providing troops to the battle

Who was Mustard gas first used by? When?

Germans, 1915

What strategy did French + German use in the Battle of Verdun?

Germans: "Bleed France White" French: not let Germans pass + protect Paris

What was the first country in WWI to invade another?


Which nation did Hindenburg fight for?


Who was the Battle of Tannenburg against? Nations + generals?

Germany (Hidenburg) VS Russia (Samsonov)

Where was Queen Victoria from? How do you know?

Germany (because she= from House of Hanovers)

How did Russia leaving WWI impact the war?

Germany could now concentrate its forces primarily on the Western Front

What was the Weimar Republic? When?

Germany's democratic government formed from 1919-1933 (after WWI -> rise of Nazi)

Which countries where members of the central Powers?

Germany, Austria, + Ottoman Empire

What other European powers wanted to join in on the scramble?

Germany, Italy, Portugal?

Which country had the largest army? Alliance?

Germany, central powers

Which country produced the most steel? Alliance?

Germany, central powers

What was Gaudi's nickname?

God's Architect

St. Patricks

Gothic style - Irish built it in US after they went from Ireland -> US


Gov System established after the Reign of Terror / National Convention - five man group as the executive branch of the country - incompetent and corrupt.

What was the largest army in European history?

Grand Armee

Why did Britain, France, + Russia? help the Greeks?

Greece= seen as the "cradle of civilization" so they thought it should= independent

What= a famous example of nationalism in 1800s?

Greek war of Independence


Groups of merchant ships protected by warships

During the French Rev, what killed thousands?


What ship did Charles Darwin sail on?

HMS Beagle

What battleships= used in Battle of Jutland by British + German?

HMS Dreadnaughts

What were WWI battleships known as?

HMS Dreadnaughts

Waterloo= _________ ___________ fro British + Prussian

HUGE victory

What was the crowning jewel of Napoleon's overseas empire? What did it have a lot of?

Haiti -had a lot of sugarcane

What is the war dance of the Maori?


What African Am unit served the longest?

Harlem Hell Fighters (369th Infrantry Regiment)

What unit did Henry Johnson belong to?

Harlem Hell Fighters (369th Infrantry Regiment)

What= first African Am unit to serve?

Harlem Hell Fighters (369th Infrantry Regiment)

What= US air service called?

Hat in the Ring Squad

What was the pivotal architecture in 1800s France?

Haussman style

After not getting a response from Czar what does Napoleon realize + do?

He realizes that Czar was waiting for the weather to take care of them so he retreated all the way home to France.

What type of education did Napoleon receive?

He received education from French military schools

What did Napoleon do since he loved Venice and its beauty so much?

He stole art work

How did Napoleon feel about Venice, especially San Marco's square?

He thought Venice= beautiful city + "jewel" of Italy -*referred to San Marco's square as "the drawing room of Europe" because it was a wonderful place to sit and enjoy*

After Napoleon crossed the Alps what did he do?

He took the "jewel" of Italy (Venice) + stole artifacts which he took back to Paris

How did Napoleon set up a merit based society?

He tried to reward talented and hardworking people (set up Legion of Honor)

What is the major thing Napoleon brought to warfare?

He= 1st to bring enlightenment to military

What happened to Nelson in the Battle of Trafalgar?

He= shot + killed

Who invented the system of mass production of steel? Why was it important?

Henry Bessemer - steel= used to build things

Who specifically opposed Wilson/ Treaty of Versailles? Why?

Henry Cabot Lodge, he= conservative, republican

Who said, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"

Henry Stanley

What was the most famous pilot coming out of WWI?

Hermann Goering

Who invented the machine gun? Why was it important?

Hiram Maxim - helped Europeans conquer the world

Name of "Haiti" over ages.

Hispaniola (under Spain) -> Saint-Dominque (French) -> Haiti (independence)

Who made Lebensraum?


What= example of reactionary? Why?

Hitler- thought Germany= better before Jews= there

Who did the signing of the armitice upset in the future? How?

Hitler/ Nazi because in factory workers= no strike + Jews not give up, Germany may not have lost

What= jewel of the British empire?


Where was opium grew? Why?

India- soil/ weather= better here than in England - it= hot + dry in India

What let new advanced weapons come to be in WWI?

Industrial Rev

Where was Foch buried?


flying shuttle

Invented by John Kay - this sped up the weaving process

Water frame

Invented by Richard Artwright - Spinning machine powered by water that was able to speed up spinning even more

Alfred Nobel

Invented dynamite

John Kay

Invented the flying shuttle

Jethro Tull

Invented the seed drill

Richard Arkwright

Invented the water frame

Charles Goodyear

Invented vulcanized rubber

What is the IRA?

Irish Republican Army - sought to end British Rule in northern Ireland, facilitate the reunification of Ireland + create an independent republic

Who built the railroads?

Irish and Chinese

Easter Rebellion

Irish demand for independence during Easter week in 1916, hoping to get it while British were occupied by the WW1.

What was Bismarck called?

Iron Chancellor

German military medal of honor

Iron Cross

What is one of the most important land features in Africa?

Suez Canal

What is the significance of British getting India?

It gave Britain a stronghold in Asia from which they could launch attacks on China (Opium Wars)

Why was the 13 Vendémiaire important for Napoleon?

It gave Napoleon the fame and authority to take command of the French Army and from there overthrow the republic/ take over the country

Why is the Rosetta Stone important?

It helped scholars crack the code of heiroglyphics (the ancient Egyptian writing system)

When was the Rosetta Stone discovered? By who?

It was discovered in 1799 by a group of French soldiers who were part of Napoleon Bonaparte's Egypt campaign while they were repairing a fort

What was Britain's empire like in Africa?

It= 2nd largest but owned more useful + heavily populated pieces of land - battled Zulu and Boer to claim Egypt (Cairo), chunks of W and E Africa, and S Africa (Capetown)

What was the Big Bertha? Where was it used?

It= huge German gun - used in the invasion of Belgium

What was the Big Bertha II? Was it used?

It= improved German version of Big Bertha - hardly used as weapon, BUT used to but fear in French because it could hit Paris (75 miles)

How did the "Coronation of Napoleon" express Napoleon's thoughts of the truth/ a good story?

It= not historically correct - Fam= NOT there but Napoleon wanted himself to seem like a family man - it= painting of Napoleon crowning his WIFE empress, so he wouldn't seem like an ego maniac

How did "Napoleon crossing the alps" express Napoleon's thoughts of the truth/ a good story?

It= not historically correct - Napoleon crossed the Alps on a Donkey but he had himself= painted on a horse so he= looks cooler

Why was Toulon an important city?

It= port city on the coast of France and allowed the French to defend their country from outside attacks


Italian patriot whose conquest of Sicily and Naples led to the formation of the Italian state - main goal= *UNITE ITALY* - symbol= red shirt - hero in independence movement in SA + Italy - famous battle= Sicily - united S Italy (Sicily + Naples) through fighting - Handshake at Teano

Who was Benito Mussolini? What was his nickname? Alliances?

Italian political leader + the fascist dictator of Italy - nickname= II Duce (the Leader) - alliances= Adolf Hitler in WWII


Italian prime minister - insisted Allies= honor secret agreement to give Italy lands that= once rules by A-H

Which nation decided to stay neutral during WWI until one side broke ahead?


Where did Napoleon start Nationalism? How?

Italy, Spain, Britain, Germany, Russia -They didn't like French ways so they united to counter French influence

When was Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany? By who? Why?

Jan 30, 1933 - by President Paul von Hindenburg - because Hitler channeled popular discontent with the post-war Weimar gov + got people to support + vote for the Nazi party - However, *Hitler= NEVER ELECTED*

Japan before Matthew Perry

Japan were isolationists (conservatives) + stayed out of trade + limited western influence

Japan after Matthew Perry

Japan= exposed to western influence + started Industrial Rev (industrialism) + Imperialism + tried to = the most powerful country in Asia

What was another name for the Flying Circus?

Jasta II

Flying Circus

Jasta II - most famous squadron in German air force - led by Manfred von Richthofen - used dogfighting - 350 kills

What was the fighter plane US had?


What= the controversy about Jessie Owens ceremony at the 1936 Berlin Olympics?

Jessie Owens was placed into the 400-meter at the last minute without being apart of the pre-game relay training squad

How did nationalism create anti-semitism?

Jews= different religion/ left out so people= don't see them as part of their country

who was the most famous American general in WWI?

John Pershing

What created tension between allies during WWI?

John Pershing not letting Britain/ France take his US troops (only black)

Who became King of Spain? Why?

Joseph Bonaparte in 1808

Who invented the first incandescent light bulb? Why was it important?

Joseph Swan - gave light at night

Why did Napoleon divorce Empress Joséphine? Was it hard for them?

Josephine could not produce a heir -It was hard because Josephine was the love of Napoleon's life and they both grew to love each other

When did Napoleon invade Russia?

June 24, 1812

When was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?

June 28, 1914

When was the Treaty of Versailles signed?

June 28, 1919

What were the nobles of Prussia called?


What= major reactionary groups?

KKK, Fascist

What= German word for king?


Who invented the first automobile? Why was it important?

Karl Benz - transportation

Who said "Workers of the world, unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains"

Karl Marx - called for world wide revolution to bring downfall of capitalism + create communist society

Who would have said, "population growth will surpass food production?"


Who was the commander of the Flying Circus?

Manfred von Richthofen

What was the most famous pilot? What nation= he from?

Manfred von Richthofen - Germany (Prussia)

Who= most famous German flyer?

Manfred von Richthofen (Red Baron)

cottage industry

Manufacturing based in homes rather than in a factory - mom + dad/ individuals did everything

Why was nature a characteristic in Romantic Period?

Many= moving to the cities (like London/ Paris) so people missed the outdoors

What is the native population of New Zealand called?


When was the Napoleonic code approved?

March 1804

Spring Offensive

March 1918 - Germans try to get to France before the Americans arrive to Europe - 50,000 German men attack region of Somme - stormed trenches + called storm troopers - 200,000 Germans= killed/ wounded - exhausted Germans

When was the Dachau opened?

March 1933 shortly after Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany

Who started the Reichstag fire?

Marinus van der Lubbe

What was the first tank? Who made it?

Mark I, British

What= 2nd tank made, 3rd?

Mark II, Mark III

What= German machine gun called?

Maschinengewehr (MG 42)

Who forced Japan to open up trade with US?

Matthew Perry

Who wanted to set up a republic during the Italian unification?

Mazzini + Garibaldi


Mediterranean island Napoleon was exiled to after his abdication.

Congress of Vienna

Meeting of representatives of European leaders who restored stability and peace to Europe after years of rev + wars

Who helped protect Ethiopia against Italy? How?

Menelik II - he modernized the country + brought in latest weapons/ trained his army so they= prepared for Italy

What= a church founded during the Industrial Revolution? Who by? What did it preach?

Methodist Church founded by John Wesley - tried to rekindle hope among working poor + encouraged people to adopt sober and moral ways

Why didn't Italy become a nation during the Congress of Vienna?

Metternich thought "Italy is a geographic expression, not a political entity." - meaning they= just nation that takes up space + had no political existence


Military leader of the Shona in Zimbabwe in E Africa during Asante war but was captured + executed

Where do most people in society lie on the political spectrum?

Moderate (2-2)

Besides soldiers, what other people did Napoleon take to Egypt?

Napoleon brought along scientists, engineers, artists and scholars who were to capture Egyptian culture and history.

What is ironic about the Russian Invasion?

Napoleon lost almost all his men + lost the Russian Campaign yet he didn't lose a battle

What was the significance of the Battle of Trafalgar?

Napoleon realized that he= no control of sea and couldn't ever invade England

What symphony did Beethoven write? Why was it done?

Napoleon symphony -he wrote it to honor the Bonaparte family

What did Napoleon start in Russia? How?

Nationalism -Napoleon offered Italy freedom + Declaration of the Rights of Men but Russia said NO because it= French - created Nationalism because all Russia united together + went against it because *they= Russian*

What 2 things did Napoleon start in Italy? How?

Nationalism 1) Napoleon offered Italy freedom + Declaration of the Rights of Men but Italy said NO because it= French -created Nationalism because all Italy united together + went against it because *they= Italian* 2) started uniting Italian peninsula/ first person to unify Italy because of ^

What was the goal of the Easter Rebellion? When was it?

Mon (April 24) - Sun (April 29) Easter week in 1916 - goal= establish an Irish Republic + secure and maintain rights and liberties of Irish people

What was the house of Thomas Jefferson that he built?


What are Spanish Muslims called?


What= the traditional capital of Russia?


John Pershing

Most fam American general - nickname= Black Jack - fought in Spanish- Am + Mexican War - commander of AEF - Built the US army back up - Protected US troops from British/ French control (besides US blacks)

Sopwith Camel

Most famous British plane - Advantages= speed - Disadvantages= maneuverability

Napoleon's relationship with the Polish people

Most french people had negative views of Poles due to Polish stereotypes. However, Napoleon needed the Poles and used them as his ally. - But they still had an unequal status with the French


Movement in Britain supporting women's rights to vote - *ex:* Emily Pankhurst


Movement of people from rural areas to cities

What= agreement called between Neville Chamberlain + Hitler?

Munich Agreement

What was the Beer Hall Putsch also known as?

Munich Putsch

Who led March on Rome?


What was the March on Rome?

Mussolini's Fascist party went to Rome and Mussolini was appointed as prime minister therefore transferring political power to Mussolini/ Fascists

Who was the hero of the Battle of Gallipoli?

Mustafa Kemal (Turk)

Which= wealthier N or S Italy?


Where= Battle of Argonne Forest fought?

N + NW of Verdun

In the early Industrial revolution, were the children treated well? Why?

NO 1) mothers worked more so mom= less time for child - ^ as babies, moms drugged them with opium to stop them from crying 2) had to work as young as 6 or as an apprentice - ^ treated poorly as either 3) many kids= uneducated because they had to work

In a poor country, if the population explodes, will it help? Who's ideas does this support?

NO, Malthusianism (Thomas Malthus)

In the early Industrial Revolution, were the factories better than farming?

NO, though people made more $ here, ... 1) factories= unsanitary/ unsafe (breathe in cotton lint/ dust which destroyed lungs + unsafe machinery) 2) 12-17 hr work days 3) didn't get much to eat 4) overcrowded housing

What did the supporters of Laissez-faire think the cure for poverty was?

NOT gov relief, but... -individuals should be left to improve their own through hard work and limiting the size of their families

Who was the first person to unify Italy?


Who did the power in France fall into after Rev?

Napoleon Bonapartist

What event started on June 24, 1812

Napoleon I invaded Russia with his Grand Armee on June 24, 1812

Who started THE urban renewal project in Paris?

Napoleon III

Who made Paris beautiful?

Napoleon III/ Haussman

Why is it ironic that Napoleon's army ran out of supplies?

Napoleon believed "an army travels on its stomach"

Why was the Vendome Column built?

Napoleon wanted it built because he saw that Greeks + Romans built column's after their victories

Why was the Arc de Triumphe built?

Napoleon wanted it so his troops could walk through but it wasn't done until 1836 so Napoleon couldn't walk through it

How tall was Napoleon? Was he considered short, average or tall?

Napoleon was 5 feet 7 inches. He was considered tall because the average height at the time was 5 feet 5 inches in modern units

What was Napoleon's relationship like with Empress Joséphine?

Napoleon was deeply in love with Josephine, but Josephine saw him as someone who could protect her family and didn't love him in the same way

What does Napoleon do after he abandons his troops at the Battle of Nile and returns to Paris for his parade?

Napoleon's coup -Napoleon overthrows gov + becomes First Consul -> First Consul for life -> Emperor

Who was seen as a hero in France? Terrorists?

Napoleon, Paoli/ Toussant L Overture

What did Napoleon start in British? How?

Nationalism - British hated Napoleon so they united due to that

What did Napoleon start in Germany (HRE)? How?

Nationalism -Napoleon offered Italy freedom + Declaration of the Rights of Men but Germany (HRE) said NO because it= French - created Nationalism because all Germany united together + went against it because *they= German*


The Great boulevard of Vienna that replaced outdated medieval walls is an example of the urban renewal/ redesign of the late nineteenth century

What 2 things did Napoleon start in Spain? How?

Nationalism, guerilla warfare in Spain 1) Napoleon offered Italy freedom + Declaration of the Rights of Men but Spain said NO because it= French - created Nationalism because all Spain united together + went against it because *they= Spanish* 2) people hated Joseph's rule and used gorilla warfare to revolt


Negotiation between nations

Why did the war on the Western Front turn into a stalemate?

Neither side was able to defeat each other because when one side would attack and take a few miles/ trenches, the other would launch a counterattack with the same results. Therefore, the battle lines in France remained almost unchanged for the war ^ couldn't defeat each other because of WEAPONS

Who= first to lead a ship to cross T? What ship?

Nelson on the HMS victory

What was the art/arch during the French Rev/ into Napoleon?


Vendome Column

Neo-Classical piece in Paris - Napoleon wanted it built because he saw that Greeks + Romans built column's after their victories - *tells story of Napoleons greatest victory at Austerlitz* - based off of the Trajan's column of the Greek/ Romans in Rome

Antonio Canova

Neo-Classical sculptor *Works:* Nepoleon as Mars the Peacemaker, Revived by Cupid's Kiss

Where did the Agricultural Revolution begin? Who= next?

Netherlands -then British farmers expanded on Dutch experiments

capital of India

New Delhi

Did the US sign the Treaty of Versailles? Join League of Nations? Why?

No because they didn't want US getting dragged into any other wars

Did Napoleon's family like Empress Joséphine?

No, they hated her because she was an older woman with 2 children

Where did Napoleon's coronation take place?

Notre Dame in Paris

When did WWI end?

November 11, 1918 when Germans surrendered

When did the guns stop firing in WWI?

November 11, 1918 when Germans surrendered

Give examples of presidents who are liberals

Obama, JFK, Roosevelt (most liberal)

Where are the Galapagos Islands?

Off the coast of Ecuador (SA)

Why is Sergeant Alum York famous?

On western front... 1) York + his group ended up on the wrong side of the trenches + ran into Germans 2) During fire, York's commanding officer= killed + York belly crawls + shoots down *25 Germans* 3) Germans= taken back + *132* surrendered to York + his small group

Manfred von Richthofen

Prussian (German) noble family (Junkers?) - commander of Flying Circus - nickname= Red Baron (because has red plane) - had 80 kills - died in dog fighting but don't know exactly how

How did the Congress of Vienna promote peace?

Quadruple alliance

Who was the last ruler from the house of Hanovers?

Queen Victoria

What caused the want for independence in India?

Orissa Famine

What led to the Amritsar Massacre in a way? Why?

Orissa Famine - Orissa Famine led India to start to want independence which is why they showed in Amritsar Massacre

Who said "do you think Sarajevo is full of assassins?"

Oskar Potiorek

Who organized the Berlin Conference?

Otto von Bismarck

What empire was Bosnia in before Francis Joseph took it for Austrian-Hungary empire?

Ottoman Empire

who won the Battle of Gallipoli?

Ottoman Empire

What nation did Greece revolt against?

Ottoman empire (Turks)

How did Japan treat Koreans during WWII?

POORLY - sex slaved for soldiers, slaves, etc

Artists/ Architect during Neo- Classical age

Painters: 1) *J.L. David* 2) J.A. Ingres 3) Francisco Goya Sculptor: Canova Architect: Thomas Jefferson Composer: Beethoven

Who was seen as a hero in Corsica? Terrorist?

Paoli, Napoleon

What did the Franco-Prussian War cause in Italy?

Papal States= protected against Italian unification by French. However, once French= gone, Papal States= taken by Italy

Les Invalides

Paris - org. built by Louis XIV as hospital but now= museum of military achievements - *Napoleon= buried here*

What was the Big Bertha II also called? Why?

Paris gun because it could hit Paris (75 miles) from Germany

Where is the Arc de Triumphe?

Paris, France at the top of Champs elysee

Eiffel Tower

Paris, France by Gustave Eiffel - built for world's fair/ 100th anniversary of French Rev - was= supposed to= torn down because people hated it, but it= communication/ radio signals during WW I so it wasn't

What was the 3rd Battle of Ypres called?



Payment for war damages


Peninsula in the Black Sea

rural migration

People moving to urban areas from the countryside.

Who lead AEF during Battle of Argonne Forest?


conscientious objector

Person who refuses to enter the military or bear arms due to moral or religious reasons

Where did Victoria rule?

Queen of England+ empress of India (though she never step foot in India)

Who said "they shall not pass?" Where?

Petain (French) during Battle of Verdun

St. Petersburg's name was changed to what during WWI? Why?

Petrograd because it sounded to German

Who were the heroes of the Battle of Verdun?

Philippe Petain (French) VS Hindenburg (German)

What= Austrians plans in WWI?

Plan A the Plan B

What new nations= formed from Treaty of Versailles?

Poland, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia


Policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the nation's economy.


Political leader of Italian nationalism - united northern Italy diplomatically+ using diplomacy/ not through violence - wanted Victor Emmanuel to= king of Italy - believed in Realpolitik

What is the Haitian capital?


Where+ Why did the Atlantic slave trade start?

Portuguese -> Spanish settlements in Americas - needed a larger labor supply to field the crops (sugarcane, coffee, cotton)

What was the Balkans nickname? Why?

Powder keg of Europe - it= unstable (home to different nationalities + religions- Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Muslims) + many wars started here

What art museum holds the 2nd and 3rd of may?

Prado Museum

What is the famous art museum in Madrid?

Prado Museum


Prejudice against Jews

Who said "The world must be made safe for democracy?" What does this mean?

Pres. Wilson - US needs to help end WWI so then democracy + peace can= established

Who said, "Only a peace between equals can last?" What does this mean?

Pres. Wilson - equality/ democracy needs to= established in order to keep any peace

Who said, "The war to end all wars?" What does this mean?

Pres. Wilson - thought that if everyone followed fourteen points + kept equality + peace this= last war ever

Who appointed Hitler Chancellor?

President Paul von Hindenburg

Serbian military medal of honor

Princpson? (named after FF assassin-Princip)


Privately built roads that charged a fee to travelers who used them

Balfar Declaration

Promised Jews a homeland in Palestine

From what nation did Germany nationalists take customs from?


How was Francis Joseph involved in the Unification of Germany?

Prussia + Austria were competing to unify Germany -Francis lost power struggle so Germany= unified by Prussia

What nation led the German unification?

Prussia under Bismarck


Prussia's noble class - wealthy, landowning, conservative

Who discovered the Minoan civilization? Where?

Sir Arthur Evans in Knossos Crete

What= 2 paintings by Turner? What characteristics do they represent?

Rain, Steam and Speed + Slave Ship - dream like + nature

What was Britain's gov in India?


president's house in India

Rashtrapati Bhavan in Delhi

What politics did Bismarck believe in which led to his success?


Who= most famous pilot of WWI?

Red Baron

What was Manfred von Richthofen's nickname? Why?

Red Baron because he has a bright red plane

What were the soldiers called who defeated Sicily under Garibaldi?

Red Shirts/ the One Thousand

What was the nickname of soldier from Russia during WWI? Why?

Reds, because Russia became a communist nation


Region between Germany and France demilitarized by Treaty of Versailles

What was the German parliament building?

Reichstag building

What was the name of Benito Mussolini's political party?

Republican Fascist Party

What present party in US= Conservative?


Give an example of how names were changed from org. European names -> African names in 1980s

Rhodesia= split in N and S and N= Zambia + S= Zimbabwee

What was the last blood of the "Terror"?


During the French Rev, who caused the death of thousands? Through what?

Robespierre through the "Terror"

What= example of radical in French Rev? Why?

Robespierre- got rid of religion, changed calendar, introduced metric system

Famous sculptor of the Romantic Period


Who was the most liberal pres?


Who invented the diesel engine? Why was it important?

Rudolf Diesel -they generate more power from less fuel

Who would most likely say "It's the white man's burden"?

Rudyard Kipling

Who wrote "The White Man's Burden"?

Rudyard Kipling

Where is St. Petersburg?


Who= least industrialized of the great powers in WWI?


Who did Serbia ask for help? Why?

Russia because Russia= champion of Slavic nations

What nations stopped following the Continental System? What did this cause?

Russia, and Portugal -reason why Napoleon invaded Russia + Spain

What was the fighter plane the Russians used?

Russian knight

Why couldn't Napoleon just take supplies from Russian land?

Russian= using scorched earth policy + were burning everything

What did the French call Haiti before slaves gained independence and changed the name to Haiti?


Who was the only competent Russian general who died in the Battle of Tannenberg


Where was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?

Sarajevo, Bosnia

Victor Emmanuel

Sardinia's monarch who helped unite Italy + became the 1st king of united Italy

What= only Italian ruled land before unification? Who= king?

Sardinia, Victor Emmanuel

Where did German's navy give up ships?

Scapa Flow

What was German's plan of war called?

Schieffen Plan

What major strategy did the Russians use during the Russian Invasion?

Scorched Earth Policy

What was united German called?

Second Reich

What was Gaudi's masterpiece?

Segrada Familia

What caused the start of the Raj?

Sepoy Rebellion

What was the turning point of Britain rule in India?

Sepoy Rebellion

What did the separation in India later "cause"? How?

Sepoy rebellion -separation of India -> less communication -> rumors -> Sepoy rebellion

Battle of Borodino

Sept. 1812 - In Moscow - Napoleon defeated Russian + took the city of Moscow - However, the Russians burned the city + its food/ shelter before Napoleon could settle

When did the Battle of Argonne Forest start?

Sept. 26, 1918

Black Hand

Serbian nationalist/terrorist group responsible for the assassination of Austrian Franz Ferdinand

Who was seen as the war hero for Am?

Sergeant Alum York

Who was the greatest Am soldier?

Sergeant Alum York

What was the Hero of Passendale?

Sir Douglas Haig (British)

Did Josephine love Napoleon?

She started out as using him for her protection, however overtime, she began to love him as much as he loved her

What= the normal tactics of naval battles?

Ships= face each other horizontally and fire at each other with their cannons ^ why called "Ships of the line"

What was Napoleon's first victory?

Siege of Toulon

what was Napoleon's claim to fame?

Siege of Toulon

What did Europeans want from China?

Silk + tea

How did people support their actions for the slave trade?

Social Darwinism

What= the dominant ideology in Western society in 1800s?

Social Darwinism

What= most famous fighter plane the British used?

Sopwith Camel

Cape of Good Hope

Southern tip of Africa

What plane did Eddie Rickenbacker fly?


What was the fighter plane French used?


What encouraged the Austrians to resume hostility against the French? What did they do?

Spanish resistance -Battle of Austerlitz

Who colonized Haiti before France? When? How?

Spanish when columbus sailed in 1492

How did the US get Philippines?

Spanish- American war

What was the last major offense of WWI?

Spring Offense

Where did Napoleon go on his 2nd exile? why?

St. Helena - put here because it= so remote + little ships go through there because wind= too bad for trade

Why was steel important?

Steel was lighter, cheaper and stronger than iron, which made it ideal for building weapons, + machines

What= famous city in Australia?


What was Hindenburg's major battle? Where?

Tannenburg on the Eastern Front

How did the French get soldiers to the Battle of the Marne to fight?

Taxi Cab Rescue

What saved France from being conquered in the Battle of Marne?

Taxi Cab Rescue

What was the name of the original inhabitants of the island of Hispaniola?


who was the 1812 Overture written by?


No Man's Land

Territory between rival Trenches where shells (bombs), barbed wire, + destruction of war was

Sykes-Picot Agreement

The 1916 secret agreement between Britain and France that divided up the Ottoman empire into French + British mandates

Harlem Hell Fighters

The African American 369th infantry unit of all black army troops that fought with the French Army in World War I - most famous= Henry Johnson - 1st Afr Am unit to serve - served longest time

What role did the Enlightenment and French Revolution play in the slave revolt?

The Enlightenment and French Revolution ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity motivated the slaves to revolt and want freedom.

Who won the Battle of Arcola? Over who?

The French army of Italy commanded by Napoleon Bonaparte won the victory over Austria

How great was Napoleon's empire?

The French empire Napoleon created was the greatest in Europe since the Roman empire

How big was Napoleon's Grand Armee in June 1812?

The Grand Armee was the largest army assembled up to that point in European history with 500,000 men.


The Indian custom of a widow voluntarily throwing herself on the funeral pyre of her husband OR taking her life in another fashion

What did most US soldiers fly in WWI? Why not the Jenny?

The Jenny= bad so many US soldiers flew ally planes (mostly Spad) when they got involved in WWI

What happened to Moscow?

The Russians burned 70% of it, so the French would have nothing.

warfare in Peninsular campaign

The Spanish used guerilla warfare (little warfare)

Social Darwinism

The belief of 1800s that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle - you= successful if you work hard/= smart -*dominant ideology in Western society for years* -*expanded racism*


The compromise that created the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary

Paris Peace Conference

The great rulers and countries excluding Germany and Russia met in Versailles to negotiate the repercussions of the war

Franco-Prussian War

This was a major war between the French and the Germans in 1871 that brought about the unification of Germany. - caused by Otto Von Bismarck through EMS Dispatch - end, Bismarck marched to Paris + Kaiser= crowned in Versailles - major/ ending battle= Battle of Sedan - France= defeated by Prussians

John Wesley

The founder of the Methodist Church

Who was the famous thinker of the Victorian Age?

Thomas Malthus

What was League of Nations precursor to?

United Nations/ UN

Who did the Austrian-Hungarian empire do after Franz Ferdinand= assassinated?

They blamed the Serbian gov + gave them an ultimatum

Why did colonial troops volunteer eagerly? Did this work? give example.

They expected that their service= step towards citizenship/ independence - DID NOT WORK- *ex:* Britain= not give India independence because said India= "not ready" (really Britain just needed help because it= in debt), so Gandi led a revolutionary movement in India for independence

How were African, Asian, Indian, etc colonies part of WWI? Give examples.

They provided troops, laborers, + supplies to the nations that ruled them *ex:* Britain= troops from Canada, Australia, + New Zealand + French/ Britain African colonies also sent troops

Why was napoleon teased at school?

They saw him as a 2nd class Frenchman because he = NOT really French, he= Corisican

Who do most modern historians blame for WWI?

They think all parties share equal blame for the catastrophe that nobody wanted

What were the Tommies told to expect at the beginning of the battle of the Somme? Why?

They were told that the bombardment would destroy the front lines of the German trenches allowing the soldiers to walk in and take over

What were the main raw materials of India that British took?

cotton + rice


Those who wanted to overthrow the republic + restore the French monarchy

What really happened in the Schieffen plan?

Though Russia did take 6 weeks to mobilize, France= NOT easily defeated in 6 weeks because the Belgians put up a fight against Germany which slowed them down/ delayed them

Why did Napoleon cross the Alps?

To surprise the Austrians and extend his reach beyond France to Italian territory that was under the control of the Austrians

What was the nickname of soldier from Britain during WWI?


Who was seen as a hero in Haiti? Terrorist?

Toussant L Overture, Napoleon

What did the British make China accept after winning the opium war?

Treaty of Nanjing

In 1936, what did Hitler violate? Why?

Treaty of Versailles by reoccupying the Rhineland

Treaty of Versailles

Treaty that ended WW I. It blamed Germany for WW I and handed down harsh punishment.

What was formed after the German unification? Why?

Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria + Italy - wanted to stop France from finding a powerful ally + taking back lands

Allies (WWI)

Triple Entente - France, Russia, + Serbia + Britain

Give examples of presidents who are Conservatives

Trump, Reagan, George W Bush, Jackson

What was the capital of the united Italy?


Mustafa Kemal

Turk - nickname= Atturk - lead Ottoman Turkish army - most famous battle= Gallipoli - considered "Father of Turkey" - President of Turkey - dramatically changed Turkey

Who did Mustafa Kemal fight for?


Who is the most famous painter in London?


Who= captain of the Lusitania when it= sunk?


_____________ is to London as _____________ is to France

Turner is to London as Delacroix is to France

What= U-boat that shot down the Lusitania?


What was the original ideal plan of the independence movement in India?

UNIFY india

Who fought in Battle of Argonne Forest?

US (Pershing) VS Germans

What happened April 6, 1917?

US declared war on Germany + its allies therefore entering into WWI

Black Tom Island attack

US was selling supplies to mostly allies in WWI because Britain= block German ports, so German agents tried to sabotage the import by blowing up ammunitions at Black Tom Island near Elis Island - near statue of liberty + damaged it

What nations actually became communist nations? What does this say about Marx theory?

USSR, China, North Korea, Cuba, + Vietnam -Marx thought an industrialized nation= 1st communist nation (Germany+ Britain) yet the nation that actually went through it= *NOT industrialized nations* -*opposite of what he thought would happen*

Marc Brunel

Underwater tunneling

What= one group of people that did NOT support the laissez- faire during the 1800s?


What were early socialists called?


What did the Cisalpine Republic put an end to?

Venice's 3 centuries of independence


Verdi -about an Ethiopian princess (aida) who is held captive in Egypt. She= in love with a General, Radames, who is chosen to lead a war with Ethiopia. Aida must weigh her love for Radames against her responsibilities for her country.

What= "sister battles"? Why?

Verdun + somme - because Verdun led to Somme

Where was the 1st king of Germany crowned?


What= British machine gun called?


What does Verdi stand for? What does this show?

Victor Emmanuel II of Italy - shows how dedicated Verdi was

What contributed to the expansion of Britain's empire during the Victorian Age?

Victoria's kids + grandkids marring into famous royal families all throughout Europe

British military medal of honor

Victorian Cross

What was the capital of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire?



View change as progress + are willing to discard traditional values - willing to use government to promote equality but not order.

Was Napoleon seen as a hero or villain of Corsica? Why?

Villain -Corsica was under French rule + Paoli led a rev against France -Bonaparte family supported the rev until Napoleon started to rise to power, so they *betrayed* Corsica + supported France

How many people did WWI kill? Spanish Flu?

WWI= 8.5 million, Spanish flu= 20 million

Who did Edward VIII abdicate because he couldn't marry?

Wallis Simpson

Who= captain of the German U-boat (U-20) that shot down the Lusitania?

Walter Schweiger

Why did the Germans sink the Lusitania?

Wanted to cut off German ports from supplies coming in

Louis Bonaparte

Was king of Holland but was forced to abdicate by Napoleon because he defined the Continental System

Lucien Bonaparte

Was president of the Council of Five Hundred and was responsible for Napoleon's election as First Consul during 19 Brumaire

What is the capital of New Zealand?


Francisco Goya

Went from Rococco -> Neo Classical -> Romantic *Works:* 2nd of May, 3rd of May, Saton devouring his youth

where were the Asante located?

West Africa

Where did the majority of WWI fighting take place?

Western Front

How did Queen Victoria contribute to the rise of Parliament?

When Albert died at age 42, Victoria mourned his death by wearing black everyday for the rest of her life + let her prime ministers in Parliament rule while she= grieving

When did the pop of cities truly explode in Britain? Why?

When Industrial Rev started - increased demand for workers + decrease demand for farmers

When did the population of Congo decline? How? How many= killed?

When King Leopold II of Belgium came + abused the people there - killed 10 million


When Napoleon took back his power - lasted/ called 100 days

When was it thought that French Rev ended? Why?

When Napoleon was crowned Emperor because Napoleon turns his back on the ideas of the Revolution

What was the Massacre of the Innocent? What did it show?

When boys with a few months of training were sent to the front where they= killed in thousands -*showed how people thought war= cool until it= NOT*

13 Vendémiaire

Whiff of Grapeshot, 1795 1) Two years after Toulon, a royalist army was marching toward Paris and citizens of royalists rose up in revolt. 2)Napoleon sent a cavalry unit to retrieve canons and them assemble right in front of the royalists route of advancement. 3) Though his army was outnumbered, Napoleon attack the royalists at close range with grapeshot. 4) This drove them back and in the end won Napoleon the battle.

Did Italy join any alliances in WWI?

Whoever= winning

Did Italy join any alliances?

Whoever= winning *ex:* Triple Alliance?

Who invented the 1st organic die? Why was it important?

William Henry Perkin - revolutionized the die industry

Who became kaiser of united Germany? Where was he crowned?

William I of Prussia, Versailles

which kaiser abdicates the throne in 1918?

William II

Who= king after William I? What did he do?

William II -ruined everything by increasing army + navy making Britain + Russia get scared + form an alliance with France leaving Germany to= allies only with Austria - however, he did introduce social welfare, system of public schools, etc.

Who came up with the plan for the Battle of Gallipoli?

Winston Churchill

Who was the Britain behind making tanks?

Winston Churchill

Who= US president who involved US in WWI?

Woodrow Wilson


Working class movement in Britain that wanted to make sure everyone= ability to vote

In 1800s was Britain's empire big?

YES - they held a lot of land even with the loss of the 13 colonies

Was Eddie Rickenbacker a good pilot? How do you know?

YES, he= 26 kills in 3 months

What type of "aircraft" did Germany use to bomb England



a cluster of small iron balls fired from a cannon


a combination, alliance, or merger for some specific purpose

trade deficit

a country imports more than it exports

Sphere of Influence

a country or area in which another country has power to affect developments although it has no formal authority - like British controlling China/ its trade?


a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country

capital crime

a crime that is punishable by death


a disease that causes plants to wither and die


a follower of the religion of Islam

Hindenburg Line

a fortified German defense line formed by an intricate system of deep trenches and dugouts


a heap of combustible material (like wood) for burning a body

League of Nations

an international group of nations that tried to preserve peace by acting as a place where all nations can meet + talk about their problems - Prob with it= that it= no way to enforce decisions - precursor to present day United nations/ UN

What did Britain's exports shift from?

cotton -> opium


a person of mixed European and black descent (especially in the Caribbean)


a person of mixed white and black ancestry especially a person with one white and one black parent.


a pirate, originally off the Spanish-American coasts


a ruler exercising authority in a colony on behalf of a extreme ruler/ monarch -*colonial leader*


a secret society of white Southerners in the United States that wants to go back to time where America= white Anglo- Saxons -*conservative*


a state that is controlled and protected by another.

steam locomotive

a steam powered rail vehicle used for pulling trains

Eastern Front

a stretch of battlefield along the German and Russian border


a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government - also known as a coup d'etat

How many people did the Crystal Palace bring into London?

about 1 mil

Oedipus complex

according to Freud, at some age (3-6) a boy wanted to marry his mother + kill his father - based off Greek Myth Oedipus


according to Freud, part of the mind from which primal needs + drives emerge -primal needs= food, water, mate (sex)


according to Freud, the organized, realistic part of the brain that makes decisions between the desires of "Id" + morals of "super ego" -*decides between needs vs morals*


act of returning a military attack; counterattack.

Black Panters

africans who want to change society -*liberals*

When did Italy acquire Venetia (region where Venice is)?

after Austro-Prussian war in Germany

When was the Confederation of the Rhine formed?

after French invaded HRE (Germany)

When did Britain declare war on Hitler in WWII? Who= leading Britain during this time?

after Hitler invaded Poland - Neville Chamberlain

After what did the Asante rise?

after Muslim revolutionaries overthrew their rulers + established the Sokoto caliphate in W Africa

What was the economic crisis that Germany faced in early 1920s?

after losing WWI the Versailles treaty forced Germany to pay huge reparations + lose 13% of land - *Hyperinflation started in Germany due to the reparations paid*

When were soldiers' romanticized notions of war diminished?

after the 1st battle

Where did the Germans use the flamethrower?

against French in the Battle of Verdun in 1915


agreement between the pope and the ruler of a country


agreement to end fighting in a war (NOT to settle prob/ long lasting peace)

Timeline of the Industrial Revolution

agricultural -> textiles -> transportation

What started urbanization? What made it explode?

agricultural rev (enclosures) but the Industrial Revolution made it explode rapidly

Quadruple Alliance

alliance between Russia, Britain, Austria, Prussia where they pledged to work together + maintain the balance of power + suppress revolutionary uprising

What causes WWI to build?

alliances - now it= France, Serbia, Russia, + Britain VS Germany, A-H empire, + Ottoman empire?

Who fought in the battle of Somme? How did fighting start?

allies (French/ British) VS Germans - started with an 8 day/ 24 hour bombardment

Give an example of how the allies used propaganda in WWI?

allies used it to play up Germany's invasion of Belgium as a barbaric act - circulated tales of it= an atrocity

What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928?

also called Pact of Paris (because signed in Paris) a treaty that outlawed war in an attempt to prevent another World War - 62 countries signed it but it= NOT very effective because it did not include a plan to deal with countries that broke their pledge + it= not prevent WWII

what is a pilot called when he or she shoots 5 planes down?

an Ace

demilitarized zone

an area with no military forces


an economic system built on large industries rather than on agriculture or craftsmanship


an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury

Who turned to sabotage/ violence in Italy because of the gov?


J.A. Ingres

another famous Neo-Classical painter *Works:* Napoleon on his Throne

Boxers= ____________



any member of the people of eastern Europe or Asian Russia who speak a Slavonic language

What did Billy Mitchell argue? How?

argued the cut of the air service/ that ships are better than planes because said the "Future is planes," a plane can destroy a battle ship, the Jenny can= improved, and without planes, US= get attacked

When did Britain's influence on India start? How?

around 7 year war when East India Company went for trade + ended up ruling there

How did Britain rule India after Sepoy Rebellion?

as a Colony under gov of Raj

How did Britain rule India before Sepoy Rebellion?

as a private Company (East India Company)

What was the assassination that causes WWI?

assassination of Franz Ferdinand

What was the significance of Sepoy Rebellion?

at the end, British gov ruled India as a Colony + no longer a private Company (East India Company) -*caused British gov to step in + form Raj*

Where was the silk/ tea bought in China taken? Through what?

back to London through the Suez Canal


ballot in which voters have a direct say on an issue

How large did Napoleon's empire get?

basically all of Europe besides Britain were under his control or allies with France

What was the most famous battle of WWI?

battle of Somme

Krupp Family

became an enormous industrial complex that produced mainly *weapons* for a world in Germany

Jérôme Bonaparte

became king of Westphalia, fought in the Russian campaign, and led a division at Waterloo

Why was Paris the birth place of Neo-classical Art/ Arch?

because Enlightenment, French Rev, and Napoleon years were based in Paris

Why was there a need for Napoleon's concordat?

because in the French Rev, the Roman Catholic Church was destroyed

Why was the tank called a "tank?"

because it= referred to by British as water tanker

How did music help increase the desire for unification in Italy?

before they= cluster of geographical kingdoms who shared a common lang, BUT music *created a deeper connection between them which = nationalism which = unification*

What did the March of Rome mark?

beginning of fascist rule


belief that the gov should not interfere in the free operation of the economy

What battle= part of Germans Spring offensive?

belleau woods

What did Bismarck do to stop socialists opposition? Did it work?

better conditions for workers (improved health + accident insurance, etc.) - not really, socialist= no abandoned, but there= no revolution

What other factor increased the population in 1800s?

better hygiene/ better medical care *slowed death from disease*


biggest French colony in Africa - captured by Charles X

What did Europeans get in order to buy opium seeds?


Walter Schweiger

captain of the German U-boat (U-20) that shot down the Lusitania

W.H. Turner

captain of the Lusitania at the time of sinking

How did enclosures trigger the Industrial Revolution?

caused urbanization

What did the Germany, Austria, + Ottoman Empire alliance call themselves?

central powers

Otto Bismarck

chancellor (prime minister) to king of Prussia - unified Germany through Seven Weeks War + Franco-Prussian War - ruled German empire as chancellor (Iron Chancellor) - believed in Realpolitik - industrialized Germany - took part in scramble of Africa (Berlin conference/ took area for Germany)

total war

channeling a nation's entire resources into war

Instead of helping the Irish what did the British do during the potato famine?

corn laws (starve them)

What was the major thing the British wanted from India?


What did the borders of the Berlin Conference cause in Africa?

civil wars between tribal groups

what did Karl Marx think the struggles throughout history was? Give ex.

class struggles *ex:* 1) Roman times= slave VS slave owners 2) MA= serfs VS lords 3) Industrial Rev= workers VS factory owners

What= 2 major crops in Haiti?

coffee and sugarcane (slaves= brought in to harvest crops)

League of Nations= a ______________ _____________

collective security

What= a major radical group?


What did the Russian Rev lead to in Russia?

communist nation

Social warfare

conflict between different classes in a community resulting from different social or economic positions/ opposed interests *ex:* As Marx thought, the struggle for political and economic power carried on between capitalists and workers

If you don' like technology you=...


If you= Amish you=...


If you= KKK you=...


If you= absolute monarch you= most likely...


In UK (Great Britain) if you= conservative, you=__________


Where did Pol Pot lie on the political spectrum?


Where does Francis Joseph lie on the political Spectrum?


Where was the Khmer Rouge on the political spectrum?


Where did the Luddites fall on the political spectrum?

conservative (Right)

Japan as isolationists= where on the political spectrum?

conservative (reactionary)

Where did Charles X lie on the political spectrum?

conservative (reactionary)

Where was Francis I on the political spectrum? Why?

conservative (reactionary) -hated any change of French Rev/ LOVED monarchy

Where does Louis XVIII lie on the political spectrum?

conservative (right)

Why were there revolts after Italian Unification?

conservative gov (constitutional monarchy)= very few got to vote so liberals (socialists, anarchists) revolted

What type of gov was set up by Cavour in unites Italy? Where does this lie on the political spectrum?

constitutional monarchy on conservative (right) side

Who won the battle of Somme?

controversial - British said won because they gained 12 mi however, they= 1.2 million casualties


economic union created in Prussia in 1830s which dismantled tariff barriers between German states in an attempt to create unity

WWI was supposed to be the war to ________ all wars


Why was the Russian invasion significant?

ended in Napoleon's exile to Elba

What did the Napoleonic code embody?

enlightenment principles *ex:* equality of citizens before the law, religious toleration, and advancement based on merit

Why was the Beer Hall Putsch significant?

even though Hitler was charged + put in jail, when he returned his political position was stronger than ever

Who did the Napoleonic Code give equality to?

everyone except women + children (+ slaves?)

Communist Society

everything= owned by gov but wealth= divided equally between citizens where everyone only takes what they need - hoped one day, gov= disappear + community as a whole owns wealth/ property

Crystal Palace exhibition of 1851

exhibition in Hyde Park London which showcases the wonders/ inventions of the Industrial Revolution -*brought over 1 mil people into London*

Dr. David Livingstone

explorer - *discovered Victorian Falls* - *Crossed African continent* + spent 30 years in Africa meeting and writing about the people - disappeared + was found by Henry Stanley - opposed slave trade - wanted to open up the interior of Africa to Christianity + trade


extending a nation's rule over foreign nations

What was Helen of Troy's nickname?

face that launched a thousand ships


factory owners - according to Karl Marx, they= rich


factory workers - according to Karl Marx, they= poor

Prado Museum

fam art museum in downtown Madrid -Neo-Classical style to look like G/R temple -*holds 2nd and 3rd of may*

Towards the end of WWI what happened to the Kaiser?

forced into exile by own gov

Continental System

foreign policy of Napoleon I during the Napoleonic Wars which said allies or neutrals of France could not trade with the UK (British)

What happened because China didn't fully adopt western ways?

foreigners took territories from China because they= motive + new tech to do so

Who were the two leaders of the slave revolt?

former slaves Toussant Louverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines.

Karl Marx

founder of modern communism - books: Das Kapital, The Communist Manifesta - thought throughout history struggle= class struggles - thought working conditions would change and factory workers would rise up in rev and set up a new communist society

Gregor Mendel

founder of modern genetics -experimented with pea plants by looking at their recessive + dominant traits - established laws of heredity

What did Wilson win a nobel prize for?

fourteen points

What was Wilson's most famous thing?

fourteen points

Where was the Maginot Line built?

from Laferté to the Rhine River in northeast France

What did the British Royal family change their name to in 1917? Why did they change their name?

from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha -> English Windsor - because of anti-German sentiment during WWI

After he gained support as a victorious general, what did Napoleon do next?

gained respect as a political leader through Napoleon's coup

How did the Neo-Classical time period impact the Mall in DC in US?

gardens= like Versailles

What did the Khmer Rouge do in Cambodia?

genocide - killed 1/3 population in killing fields

Why did Bismarck fight in France-Prussian War?

get small surrounding German states + completely unite Germany

What was the hope for the Franco-Prussian War?

get the independent German states to unify with Prussia

What gave Britain the ability/ power to launch attacks on China (Opium Wars)?

getting a stronghold in India


give up (power or territory)


glorification of the military

why was Darby's discovery help trigger the Industrial Rev?

good quality iron that was cheap was able to = used to build steam engines, machines, + railroads etc. which helped *grow industry*

What nickname of US marine? Where did they get it? Why?

got nickname Devil Dogs by Germans at Battle of Belleau Wood - because US troops attacked like the ferocious mountain dogs of Bavarian folklore

How did Pershing build the US army back up?

got the supplies, training, clothes, etc for all his troops

In karl Marx's society the ________ would eventually disappear.


What did Social Darwinism discourage?

government regulation

How was Napoleon able to win 13 Vendémiaire even though he was outnumbered?



group of workers who hated the new technology + protested the Industrial Revolution by breaking into factories and destroying machinery -*conservative*

Emily Pankhurst

helped British women win the right to vote -*led suffragetes movement*

Wilson= __________ in Europe + ______________ in US. Why?

hero in Europe + somewhat disliked in US 1) When Wilson went to Versailles he only brought his democratic friends which caused controversy with republicans 2) many opposed signing the Treaty of Versailles/ joining the League of Nations which Wilson supported because they didn't want US getting dragged into any other wars

What troops did John Pershing give to France/ Britain?

his black troops

where was Napoleon buried?

his body= brought back to Paris + buried in Les Invalides

What did Napoleon invading Russia result in?

his downfall (exile to Elba)

what was Napoleon's goal for invading Russia? Did he want to conquer Russia?

his goal was to with *ONE* major battle in hope that after, Russia= stop trade with Britain

how was Wilson an idealist?

his goals= unrealistic *ex:* 14 points, last war, peace

Who= successor of Francis Joseph?

his nephew Franz Ferdinand

Who did Napoleon make King of Rome?

his son Napoleon II

Who followed Edward VIII when he abdicated?

his younger brother King George VI

Overall, from about 1800-1830 the factory conditions were __________________



idea that the goal of society should be to bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people

What was Wilson's major flaw?


Why didn't Britain/ world travel into Africa before? What were they focused on before?

if they did, they got disease - more focused on Africa as slave trade

How did the political spectrum represent seating arrangements?

in National Assembly, people with the same political views sat together. -So, left= liberal, right= conservative, + middle= both

Where was Alexanders Column put?

in a winter palace courtyard

How did Franz Ferdinand travel through the parade?

in an open car

How were the countries left after WWI?

in bad shape

Where was all the industrial nations/ wealth?

in the North

How is part 1 of the industrial rev like a chain reaction?

increased demand -> machines -> larger supply of goods -> prices fell -> more consumers (because goods= more affordable) -> more demand for goods

What happened to Germany after they= united?


Trench foot

infection of the feet caused by cold, wet and insanitary conditions

Spanish Flu

influenza pandemic which killed 20 million

What is the biggest thing England gave India?

infrastructure (specifically *trains*)

Where did Oskar Potiorek lead Austria?

invasion into Serbia

spinning jenny

invented by James Hargreaves - A machine that could spin several threads at once allowing thread to be made as fast as weavers wove it

seed drill

invented by jethro tull - deposits seeds in rows rather than scattering - *this= less waste and the crop was easier to weed and cut*

Rudolf Diesel

invented the diesel engine

E. Otis

invented the elevator

Karl Benz

invented the first automobile

G. Marconi

invented the long-distance wireless telegraph

Hiram Maxim

invented the machine gun

James Hargreaves

invented the spinning jenny

Part 1 of Industrial Rev in Britain summary.

inventions -> factories -> transportation -> railroads/ steamboats

What was the main prob with the Schieffen plan?

it goes through BELGIUM which Britain said NOT to involve

From 1700 -> 1800 what happened to London's pop? Why?

it increased from 600,000 -> 1 mil - because of agricultural + industrial Rev

how was coal used as energy?

it powered steam engines

What affect did the Napoleonic code have on the slave revolt in Hati?

it reintroduced colonial slavery to Hati

Why was the assassination of Francis Ferdinand important?

it set off WWI

What did Italian Nationalism cause?

it started uniting Italian peninsula

Why was the 1936 fight a big deal?

it symbolized the struggle between democracy (Joe- US) + Nazism (Max- German)

Why is the Vendome Column important?

it tells story of Napoleons greatest victory at Austerlitz*

What was the architecture like in Romantic period?

it was made to look like it was from another time period *ex:* Paris Opera House

why was Ireland so affected by the potato famine?

it= 1 crop economy

Why= Battle of Belleau Wood godo+ bad for US?

it= Am victory over Germans in France but in grimmest battle with terrible costs

Why did opium make so many people addictive?

it= a VERY addictive drug

How did drug dealers put themselves at risk?

it= a capital crime

What= the Commonwealth of Nations?

it= a group of 53 states, all (except 2) which= formerly apart of the British Empire

How did the steam engine trigger the Industrial Rev?

it= a key power source to the Industrial rev -it powered things like machines or ships without being next to water

What is steam power's benefits over using what was used?

it= a power source used in steam engines that made it possible to build factories away from running water

Why was Napoleon crowning himself Emperor a big deal? Was it controversal?

it= big deal because not only did he crown *himself,* but the French Rev fought to overthrow a monarchy yet he was bringing that back -yes it= controversal + END of French Rev

How did the color of Mustard gas make it more effective? What was used to counter this?

it= clear so you couldn't see it coming - so many armies kept birds on front line to indicate if mustard gas= coming

What happened to US air service after WWI? Who tried to save it?

it= cut -Billy Mitchell tried to save it

With inventions from Kay, Hargreaves, and Arkwright how did the cotton industry change?

it= industrialized because the new machines= too large to be operated at home so factories= built to house the machines + spinners and weavers went to the factories to work

Why is Alexanders Column unique?

it= made from *1 slab* of granite

What= prob with the League of Nations?

it= no way to enforce decisions

What was Serbia's response to Austrian-Hungarian's ultimatum

it= ridiculous so they asked to negotiate a few demands

When Leopold= removed what happened to his colony?

it= turned over to the Belgian gov + became Belgian Congo

What did the African Am units bring to Europe?



keeping of unacceptable ideas from consciousness - this= bad because according to Freud, when you repress your feelings, it= stunt growth + causes you to act out. (*Freud thinks you should EXPRESS emotions*)

What prob did factory life create for women?

kept them out of their home for 12 hours or more so it was hard for them to have time to care for their family

How many Germans did Sergeant Alum York kill? capture?

killed 25, captured 132

In UK (Great Britain) if you= liberal, you=__________


What did Napoleon soldiers die mostly from? How do we know?

lack of supplies because most= died before Napoleon even got to Moscow - weather- HOT summer (heat exhaustion) + cold winter also impacted their death too

In the early 1800s what economy was used by the middle-class business leaders?


Why didn't the British help the Irish during the famine?



land of mountain which is surrounded on three sides by the Alps (foot-hills of alps)


lands in Africa where freed slaves from America would return


large gas-filled balloon (used by Germany to bomb England)


large peninsula in SE Europe where 3 cultures end/ mix - Power keg of Europe - German, Middle Eastern (Muslims/ Ottoman empire), + Russia


large, powerful weapons such as cannons and bayonets


largest diamond company in the world - founded by Cecil Rhodes

Great Sphinx of Giza

largest single-stone statue in the world, and an iconic symbol of Ancient Egypt

What= last pic painted of Marie Antoinette? Who painted it?

last pic= sketch of her right before she= guillotined -by J.L. David

Describe the Nuremberg Laws.

laws approved by the Nazi Party in 1935, depriving Jews of German citizenship and taking some rights away from them - Reich Citizenship Law- said only German or kindred blood could be a citizen of Germany (NOT Jews) - Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor- banned marriages/ sexual relations between Jews + non-Jewish Germans

Who was Michael Collins?

leader of the Irish independence movement + chairman of the provisional gov of Irish free state

What effect did the Agricultural Revolution have on population?

led to rapid growth of population

Further south = __________ industrial + ___________ ______________

less, less wealthy

what kind of family was Napoleon born into?

lesser noble fam

What did Albert's death/ Victoria's reaction affect Parliament?

let Parliament grow/ rise to power

If you= Black Panters you=...


If you= Green party you=...


If you= feminist you=...


If you= union you=...


Where did Karl Marx lie on the political spectrum?


Where does Emily Pankhurst lie on the political spectrum?


Where on the political spectrum would the Napoleonic codes fall?


Revolutions of 1830 and 1848

liberal revolts against very conservative monarchs that rose up all throughout Europe including France, Austria, Prussia, + England

If you= Civil Rights activist you=... Why?

liberal, in past, women= treated poorly so if you pushing for equality your= not go back to that

if you= a revolutionary you most likely=...


What= slogan of French Revolution?

liberty, equality, and fraternity (brotherhood)

How did US movies depict Germans?

like the British see them- abusive, mean, etc.

Maginot Line

line of elaborate defensive barriers consisting of fortifications, obstacles, and weapon installations


list of demands

Fourteen Points

list of terms for resolving WWI and future wars - outlined by American President Woodrow Wilson - described peace including: freedom of seas, free trade, large-scale reductions of arms, end to secret treaties, + *self-determination*


long, tube-like instrument for viewing from below to above the water

Was the initial price drug dealers sold opium at high or low?


How did the Agricultural Revolution increase population?

lowered the death rate 1) reduced risk of famine 2) women= healthier (because they ate better) + produced stronger babies 3) New farming techniques and improved livestock breeding which led to increase food production

what was Napoleon's new french schools called?


steam engine

machine that used steam power to perform mechanical work -*was able to power machines anywhere* (not just next to running water)

Napoleon Crossing the Alps (painting)

made by J.L. David by the request of the King of Spain -it= propaganda/ a lie

How did the Chinese gov try to solve opium prob?

making it a capital crime to have opium


making of amends for a wrong one has don *ex:* compensation for war damage paid by a defeated state

durable goods

manufactured items *NOT* for immediate consumption and have a life span longer than three years *ex:* car, washing machine

non-durable goods

manufactured items for immediate consumption and have a life span less than three years

Who was Bosnia home to?

many Serbs + Slavs

why were the ships Irish fled on called coffin ships?

many died on the ships from disease

How did religion relate to the Industrial Revolution?

many found comfort in religious practices which helped channel workers' anger away from revolution and towards social reform

What did Hitler mean by Lebensraum?

means "living space" to carry the desire of the Nazis to expand into countries + provide a living space for the growing German race


melt in order to get the pure metal away from its waste matter

Who were the Black Shirts?

members of any of the armed squads of the Italian Fascists - wore black shirts as part of their uniforms *ex:* Mussolini's private army

Napoleon's society was ___________ based


underwater tunneling

method of building tunnels that are partly or wholly constructed under a body of water

What came out of the French Revolution?

metric system, etc

Egypt was both a _______________ and _______________ experience

military and intelectual


military draft

Robert Clive

military leader who ruled India under East India Company - led East India Company in Battle of Plassey - credited with securing India, and the wealth that followed, for the British crown.


misleading information used to promote/ publicize a particular political cause

How did European nations spread their religion in Africa?


What did Cavour want to set up?


Boxer Uprising/ Rebellion

national anti-foreign movement in China - thought westerners= corrupting China so the Boxers practiced marital arts to defeat the west + thought *modern weapons = NOT hurt them*

What did Britain rely on to stop Napoleon from taking Britain+ ruling the continent?


Why did Germany make Zimmerman note?

needed time to starve British/ delay US from entering the war so made an alliance with Mexico so US troops= go to Mexican border instead of Europe's

What did Germany do after resuming unrestricted warfare? Why?

needed time to starve British/ delay US from entering the war so made an alliance with Mexico so US troops= go to Mexican border instead of Europe's (Zimmerman note)


neighborhood surrounding the Sacre Couer church where young people/ artists live

Did Napoleon really shot the nose of the Great Sphinx at Giza?


Was Hitler elected to be Chancellor?


Was the Battle of Nile close to the Nile?


Where the battle of the Pyramids near pyramids?


are there a lot of radicals/ reactionaries?


Was Robespierre the only writer/ influencer of the Rev?

no -Jean-Paul Marrat, Georges Benton, etc

Did Napoleon's Continental System work? Why?

no it failed -Britain was able to keep its trade between Americas + India

Was the Egyptian Campaign a success? What did Napoleon do about it?

no, but Napoleon managed to hide stories of the worst losses from his admirers in France

Was Karl Marx ideas correct? Why did this happen?

no, efforts of reformers + gov led to improved conditions for the working class so there= NO revolt

Was Bismarck a German nationalist?

no, he hoped uniting Germany= bring more power to the Hohenzollerns

Did Douglas Haig praise machine guns? Why? Support with a quote.

no, he thought that, "the machine gun is an overrated weapon" because Britain= people in African, Asia, etc so they= enough men for the bullets

Did Gavrilo Princip escape after assassinating Franz Ferdinand?

no, he tried jumping off a bridge but Sarajevo= in drought + he landed on rock + = captured

Does Czar accept Napoleon's message of peace?

no, he waits until Russia's harsh winter which he knows the French will not survive

Was the Industrial Revolution a quick process?

no, it was slow and uneven

Was it only Britain that made tanks?

no, other nation did too (like Britain + France)

Did everyone support the Industrial Revolution? Why

no, some (weavers + skilled artisans) protested it because the labor saving machines were costing them their jobs

Was the Napoleonic Codes only used by France?

no, they served as a model for codes of law for many other countries (including the US- Louisiana)

Was Britain involved in any alliances? Why? What= they made sure to protect?

no, they thought it= bad for commerce to pick sides - BUT needed rubber from Belgium so they said "DON'T mess with Belgium"

Was Britain involved in any alliances in WWI? Why? What= they made sure to protect?

no, they thought it= bad for commerce to pick sides - BUT needed rubber from Belgium so they said "DON'T mess with Belgium"

What Prussian class was Manfred von Richthofen part of?

noble class (Junkers)

Where is Piedmont?

northwest Italy/ borders Switzerland and France

Nepoleon as Mars the Peacemaker

nude of Napoleon by Antonio Canova

trade imbalance

occurs when a country's imports and exports are not equal - could= trade surplus or deficit

What= one prob with steamboats?

ocean voyages= harder because coal takes up cargo space

Where was Jutland fought?

off coast of Denmark

What was the raw material in Nigeria?


on what did the Irish flee the nation?

on "coffin ships"

Taiping Rebellion

one of most devastating peasant revolts in history - caused by increase in poverty + misery for peasants - leader= Hong Xiuquan - goal= establish a "Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace" (The Taiping) - called for land reforms, community ownership of property, equality of women, end to Qing dynasty - won control of large parts of China for about 14 years - Qing gov survived but has to share power

Ring Road

one of the most famous streets in Europe - called ringstrasse - in Vienna - tore down walls of Vienna to make this road

Rhodes scholarship fund

one of the most premiere academic achievements in the world

Who revolted after the Italian Unification?

socialists, anarchists

out of the 4 million, how many actually were brought to fight in WWI? Why?

only 50% (2 million) - some= saved for any fighting with Mexico + war= over by the time the others= trained + ready to serve


only African nation that remained free during the 1800s in Africa (along with Liberia?) -Italy tried to get it but failed -Italy finally took it in 1900s

What made China trade deficit?


What did the trading of opium disagreement between Britain + China start?

opium war

labor unions

organizations of workers who bargained for better pay, hours, and working conditions

What did allies do to counterattack submarine warfare?

organized convoys

Saton devouring his youth

painting by Francisco Goya of Saton eating children

Left side

people sat here/ were classified as this if they *wanted to change society* -Radical= 10 (MAJOR change) -called Liberals


people sat here/ were classified as this if they wanted a little bit of both the left + right side -called moderate

Right side

people sat here/ were classified as this if they were *happy with things now and/or liked the way things USED to be* -Reactionary= 10 (want to go backwards) -called Conservatives


people who oppose all forms of organized government


people who work to spread their religious beliefs

How did the agricultural revolution increase health?

people= healthier because they ate better -especially women who could them produce healthier babies

What happened to many medieval stuff in mid 1800? What was this period called? Give ex.

period of urban renewal/ redesign - medieval stuff= torn down *ex:* walls torn down, ring road, parks added, *PARIS*


person who wants to return to outdated ideas of the past which they think= better

What position did Eddie Rickenbacker start out as?

personal driver to generals like Pershing

What did Eddie Rickenbacker dream to be in WWI?



place in which workers and machines are brought together to produce large quantities of goods

What was the French plan called? Who made it?

plan 17 by General Foch

What was Russians plan called?

plan 19

What was the most impactful weapon of WWI?


At each step of Napoleon's rise to power what did he hold? What was the outcome?

plebiscite, the French strongly supported him


policy of supporting neither side in a war


popular musical composer during 1800s - *wrote operas with Italian nationalistic background which created a connection between all of Italy + increased their desire for independence* - wrote Aida

What did Sergeant Alum York become? Why?

poster child/ super hero of Am army because he= image all Am soldiers should stride to be

Why did the Irish come to the US?

potato famine

The beginning of factory life brought ___________ and __________ living conditions to its workers

poverty and harsh living conditions

steam power

power that is applied to an engine by the force of steam - used in steam engines

Who was Queen Victoria's husband/ love of her life?

prince Albert (her cousin)

Napoleon retreating from Russia (painting)

propaganda- shows Napoleon retreating with his men but Napoleon abandoned his troops

What was the significance of the Orissa's Famine?

put India in full force for wanting Independence (in Amritsar Massacre)

What system did Britain start out with to turn cotton into cloth?

putting out system

What did Eddie Rickenbacker do before WWI?

racecar driver

What did Social Darwinism expand?


Social Darwinism expanded ________________ like Napoleon expanded ________________.

racism, nationalism

If you= 10 on the left what are you called?


If you= a part of the United Irishmen, you=...

radical (liberal)

What "caused" Napoleon's defeat at Battle of Waterloo?


Political Spectrum

range of political views

What was the major thing the Europe wanted from Africa?

raw materials

What did British take for giving India infrastructure? What did this lead to?

raw materials (cotton + rice) - led to India becoming poor

If you= 10 on the right what are you called?



realistic politics based on the needs of the state rather than moral considerations.


rebuilt/ modernized Paris under Napoleon III - created new style (Haussman style) which created the Parisian lifestyle (spend more time out of apartment) - made Paris beautiful

What is the color associated with Communism?


What is the color associated with Marx?



region around Barcelona - people here want independence

What region did Neville Chamberlain give to Hitler in his policy of appeasement?

region of Czech (Sudentenland)

What= goals of the Washington Naval Conference of 1921?

relieve growing tension in East Asia, restrain Japanese naval expansion in the waters of West Pacific + avoid another war

Sister Republics

republic established by France

Name 1 conservative action the Congress of Vienna took.

restore monarchy that French Rev/ Nap = unseated

How did the Congress of Vienna restore the monarchs?

restored legitimacy that French Rev/ Nap = unseated *ex:* Louis XVIII


restoring hereditary monarchies


restricting access to ideas and information

Why did Kristallnacht happen?

result of rage after a Polish Jew shot a German diplomat in Paris?

What were Toussant L Overture and Napoleon both?

revolutionary thinkers

What was the major thing Europe wanted from Indochina?


What was the major thing the French wanted from Indochina?

rice + food

What is Africa rich in? Why are many African countries poor then?

rich in raw materials *ex:* diamond, gold, copper, etc - African countries= poor because ONLY got rich if u= white - Also, Africans= high birth rate which= poor (Malthusianism)

Austrian-Hungarian ultimatum

ridiculous - Austrian-Hungarian said it= ALL rules or NONE - Serbia asked to negotiate - NO + Austrian-Hungarian declared war which -> WWI


right of people to choose their own form of government

Which side of the political spectrum was the Republican Fascist Party on?

right side (conservative)

Where is Trajan's Column located?


What was the major thing the Belgian wanted from Congo?


what was used before steam power?

running water from a stream or river

How did British respond to China making opium a capital crime?

said they= right of free trade

Why was Billy Mitchell court marshaled + kicked out of the military?

said without planes, US= get attacked

Bight of Benin

scene of extensive slave trading - 20% of slaves came from here

What did Social Darwinism cause in a way?

scramble of Africa/ racism

What could you say caused the rumors to be spread that started the Sepoy Rebellion?

separation of India when Britain get Suez Canal -> less communication -> rumors -> Sepoy rebellion

What did Hindenburg develop? What was it?

series of defensive fortifications which were called the Hindenburg Line

international law

set of rules to govern nations relations with each other

Why did Napoleon marry Marie Louise?

she= 1) young (can have baby) 2) had power (Hapsburg fam)

HMS victory

ship Nelson used to cross T and defeat Napoleon in the battle of Trafalgar

clipper ships

ships that transported opium, silk, + tea back and forth between Britain, India, + China

Roman republic of 1849

short-lived state when the government of the Papal States was temporarily replaced by a republican government - republic= led by 3 leaders one of which= Mazzini

Why was the Suez Canal important?

shortened the time/ made it less dangerous to go from the Med Sea to India - *India, being the "Jewel of the British empire" was so important to Britain so they needed a shorter, easier path*


shutting off ports to keep people or supplies from moving in or out

How did people protest the industrial Rev?

smashing machines, burning factories

To end poverty + injustice during the 1800s, what emerged?



someone guided more by ideals than by practical considerations - goals= unrealistic


someone who favors extreme change

What did Sir Arthur Evans discover?

sophisticated Bronze Age civilization which he named Minoan

Was the Cisalpine Republic to the south or north of the Po River?


what happened in 1861?

southern Italy voted + Victor Emmanuel II= crowned king of Italy

What caused 50% of US casualties in WWI?

spanish flu

blood and iron

speech by Otto Von Bismarck - about his belief that all the country needed for success with "blood and iron" (a strong military + industry)

significance of the Battle of the Marne

spoiled German's plans for a quick victory/ made the Schlieffen Plan impossible meaning Germany would have to fight on two fronts


spreading of ideas to promote a cause or to damage an opposing cause


start up $ for business

What did King Leopold of Belgium's action do?

started the scramble


stateless, classless and is governed directly by the people -*radical*

What became a key power source to the Industrial rev?

steam engine

What= the great revolution in transportation in Britain during the Industrial Rev? Why?

steam locomotive because it made it possible for railroads

What is the Rosetta Stone?

stone with writing on it in two languages (Egyptian and Greek), using three scripts (hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek).

What was the "start" of French Rev

storming of Bastille


strong nations seek to dominate other countries politically, socially, and economically.

Just like in Britain, as the Industrial Rev spread, it often began with great ______________ but produced more material __________ for people

suffering, benefits

Brandenburg Gate

symbol of Berlin -Neo- Classical


system in which the people as a whole rather than private individuals own all property and operate all businesses


tactfully; without offending others

crossing the T

tactic by Horatio Nelson where British ships would vertically break the French's horizontal line and then shoot at the French ships which= unable to fire back quickly because they= turned


territories administered by western powers

In what industry did the Industrial Revolution begin? Why?

textiles- it= Britain's largest industry

What did the Ottoman empire try to cure with nationalism?

the "Sick Man of Europe" (What their empire= called due to a line of poor sultans)

Who built by the Maginot Line? Why?

the French built it in an attempt to prevent an invasion by German troops + make them go around it

What was the nickname of soldier from Germany during WWI?

the Huns

Why were the Berlin Olympics important to the Nazi party?

the Nazi used the games for propaganda purposes - they promoted a new, strong, united Germany

What was the Vendome Column based off of?

the Trajan's column of the Greek/ Romans in Rome

profit margin

the amount by which revenue from sales exceeds costs in a business - Net earnings


the process of assembling troops and supplies and making them ready for war

David Ricardo

thought poor= too many children + formed "iron law of wages"

What did Napoleon refer to Marco's square as? Why?

the drawing room of Europe -he thought it was a wonderful place to sit and enjoy

Why was nationalism a new idea for the Ottoman Empire?

the empire was made up of so many races, religions, lang, + customs that it had it before

What did the Battle of the Pyramids signal?

the final chapter of 700 years of Mamluk rule in Egypt

What was the nickname of soldier from France during WWI?

the hairy ones (because they all= grew facial hair)


the highest official of a monarch, prime minister

Free association

the mental process thought up by Freud where one word or image may spontaneously suggest another without any apparent connection.

Give an example of how Napoleon was amazing at strategy

the night before, Napoleon would plan out the battle and predict what his enemy would do *ex:* 10= start, 10:10 Austria= do this, 10:15... etc.

Scorched Earth Policy

the practice of burning crops/ villages + killing livestock during wartime so that the enemy cannot live off the land


the quality or state of being impressive or awesome; high rank/ importance


the right to live under their own laws and be tried in their own courts


the right to vote

How did Battle of Tannenberg affect the Russians?

their ONLY competent general (Samsonov)= suicide in this battle which left the Czar to take over the military because there= no one else ^soon causes Russian Revolution

How did the machine gun contribute to the stalemate on the Western Front?

their rapid-fire mowed down waves of soldiers making it nearly impossible to advance across no man's land.

Iron Law of Wages

theory by David Ricardo - *shows why business always pushes down labor costs* - wages= high -> families= more children-> produces a greater labor supply -> more labor leads to lower wages + higher unemployment

How did borders cause civil wars in Africa?

there could= 2 rival groups that live near each other that were split unevenly leaving one of the tribes with more people and the other with less. The majority would then get guns thinking they could finally take down the minority. The minority would get guns to fight back. ALL this= *civil wars in Africa*

What= negotiations when signing the armitice?

there- none, the French came in + MADE Germany sign because German= very weak at that point

Why does Napoleon choose to cross France over the Alps during his restoration?

there= more Bonapartes here

How were the Irish treated when they came to the US?

there= nativism in US, so they though Irish= stupid, uncivilized, scums + also since they= Catholic, they= unwelcomed - thought that Irish= make America dirty

Why were many young men in 1900s pro-war?

there= no major battles between 1815-1914 so many forgot what war= like + only heard glorified stories of war from poetry

In the beginning of WWI, why were soldiers so quick to join the war?

there= no major battles between 1815-1914 so many forgot what war= like + only heard glorified stories of war from poetry - *had romanticized notions of war*

Why did so many Italians move to US in late 1800s?

there= rural poverty in *Southern* Italy due to industrialization

Why did some people think Napoleon was poisoned + didn't die from cancer?

thought he= poisoned by the British cooks

Why were the new united Germans a big threat to the British?

they became the only nation that could challenge the British

How did Ireland get all his potatoes?

they came from Peru through the Colombian exchange

Why were railroads so important for factory transportation?

they didn't have to follow the course of a river so factory owners/ merchants could ship goods over land

Why did Louis XVIII's armies join Napoleon?

they gave up of Louis

Why were Sir Arthur Evans discoveries important?

they greatly advanced the study of European + eastern mediterranean prehistory

Why did Germany and Italy get little amounts of Africa?

they just formed + all the others lands= gobbled up

In March of 1918 what did Germans do? Why?

they launched a final major attack because now that Russia= out of war, Germany could focus all its troops on Western front + wanted to get to France before all Am could arrive

How did the seed drill + turnip= better soil trigger the industrial Rev?

they made the quantity+ quality of crops better/ made them easier to harvest -*this led to higher food production which= pop growth, and better health, as more people come more jobs in factories= filled?*

How was there large populations of Irish western US if they came and settled in the East?

they moved west because of... 1) railroads 2) gold rush ^ needed $ because it= hard for them to get jobs

How are the steam engine being produced and better iron being produced related?

they needed iron to built the steam engine OR the steam engine powered factories that make iron

How did the Congress of Vienna promote a balance of power?

they redrew the map -added Belgium + Luxembourg to Holland to create Netherlands -Austria= controls Italy -Prussia= more land to stop French expansion

How were the first 10 ottoman sultans stronger that those who followed them?

they respected + balanced different races, lang, religions, + cultural groups

Why didn't China quickly adopt western ways?

they saw no reason for new industries because China's wealth + taxes came from land

How did Britain respond to the Continental System?

they set up blockades on European ports

When fighting failed, how did Napoleon try to take down Britain?

they set up the continental system

Why did Napoleon invade Spain? What did this start?

they tried to invade Portugal (who didn't follow the continental system) through Spain, however, while doing this they started the Peninsular Campaign with Spain where they fought for control of the Iberian Peninsula.

What did the Germans do about the Maginot Line?

they went around it (through Belgium?)

What happened to the leaders of the Uprising? Why was it so significant?

they were executed by a firing squad - this= significant because the rushed executions + mass arrests fueled public resentment towards the British + helped build support for the rebels + movement for Irish independence

Give an example of how the suffragetes fought for womens right to vote.

they would pin signs to themselves about womens right to then jump in from of the kings? horse to make a point they the king? = killing their rights

Besides being foreign why else did many "natives" hate the Irish?

they= Catholic

What= wrong with the borders drawn by the Berlin Conference?

they= drew borders as straight lines which cut through traditional settlements and caused a major disruption/ civil wars

In the Battle of the Marne what= Frances prob? How did they solve this?

they= had trouble getting troops from Paris -> battle field - Solution= Taxi Cab Rescue

Describe the trenches

they= holes in the dirt, cold, there= lice, + life= like that of animals

Why was Napoleon's divorce with Josephine ironic?

they= love of each others lives yet they divorce

How did US react to the sinking of Lusitania? Why?

they= shocked + outraged because President Woodrow Wilson insisted that since US= neutral, Americans= right to safe travel on seas (due to international law)

What did the agricultural revolution mean for farm workers?

they= thrown out of work + went to cities to work in factories

Why did Robespierre side with the king being killed?

thought Rev can't live if the king is alive

How did Napoleon bring back the Catholic Church?

through a concordat

What were the industrial revolutions?

time of rapid growth of new technology and mass industrialism -*Industrialism because new tech= less labor so people went to cities to work in factories* - went from cottage industry -> factories

Where were the Napoleonic codes applied?

to ALL territories under Napoleon's control


to add/ take control of

How was the money from selling opium used for?

to buy silk + tea

Why was Alexanders Column made?

to celebrate Russians victory over Napoleon/ to honor Russia

Why was the 1812 Overture composed?

to celebrate Russians victory over Napoleon/ to honor Russia


to divide up money into different investments so that if one area turns for the worse then you will be protected


to give up a position of power

How did steamboats come to be?

to transport factory/ merchants goods, Watt's steam engine was used to power a boat creating a steam boat

What 3 things did German nationalism cause in Germany? Why?

to= German you needed to= Prussian (who= Protestant) which led to... 1) Kulturkamf 2) anti-semitism 3) people leaving to US (mostly Jews/ Catholics)

Matthew Perry

took 7 warships + FORCED Japan to open up trade to US

How did the Napoleonic code give minors few rights?

took away their privileges of birth

Besides making $ from the selling of opium, how did Europeans make money from the materials they bought from China (silk + tea)?

took silk, made dresses, + sold dresses for like 10x more

First Consul

top gov position in France

As WWI wore on, nations realized that they had to do ________ _________

total war

Before the western nations got involved, what kind of trade did they have with China?

trade deficit

Before the western nations got involved, what kind of trade did China experience?

trade surplus

What was the biggest part on infrastructure that England gave India? What did they do?

trains (railroads) which unified India


treating a substance with heat to kill or slow the growth of disease causing agents

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

treaty between Russia and Germany that would end Russia's involvement in WWI in 1917

Lateran Accords of 1929

treaty which recognized Vatican city as an independent state granted to the papacy

What type of warfare was used in WWI?

trench warfare

Court Marshaled

tried by a military court

How did the Neo-Classical time period impact the Ben Franklin Parkway in US?

tried to= Champs Elysee but in US

What= Neville Chamberlain famous for?

trying to avoid war by allowing Hitler to expand Germany through the policy of appeasement in the Munich Agreement. However, Hitler took more than just the region of Sudentenland in Czech + Chamberlain declared war on Germany after Hitler invaded Poland

Confederation of the Rhine

union of all the states of Germany (except Austria and Prussia) under the protection of Napoleon I. - formed after French invaded HRE (Germany)

Why was Napoleon _____________ on land?

unstoppable - 1) used enlightenment thinking 2) strategy= divide + conquer

Charles Townshend

urged farmers to grow turnips, which restored exhausted soil

Abraham Darby

used coal instead of charcoal to smelt iron - was able to remove the impurities from coal to product a better quality + less expensive iron

Why did France want the "largest" empire in Africa

wanted to show that they= powerful because at the time they= being humiliated (lost Franco-Prussian war + British claimed Suez Canal)

What problem did the flying shuttle cause? Who fixed this prob?

weavers were able to weave thread into cloth faster than the spinners could spin cotton into thread - James Hargreaves solves this with the spinning jenny + Arkwright improved it further

What is German for Vienna?


How did Sergeant Alum York change in his life?

went from being drunk + violent -> going to Church+ refusing to kill

After Hong Kong get independence from Britain in 1997, where did the rich business men in Hong Kong go?

western US + Canada (Vancouver)

Where was Charles Darwin buried?

westminster abbey

How did WWI cause the Great Migration in US?

when America got involved, 25% of 18-31 males left US leaving job openings. Blacks from the south could now go to the north + get a job with better pay

Handshake at Teano

when Garibaldi met Cavour's men in Naples + sacrificed his cause for an Italian republic by giving his lands in the S to Cavour so Italy could= *UNITED*

German Navy Mutiny

when German navy refused to go out to sea + fight

trade surplus

when a country exports more than it imports


when a pilot shoots 5 planes down

What book did Hitler write? When? What does it mean?

when imprisoned after the coup attempt Hitler wrote Mein Kampf (means My Struggle)

dog fighting

when pilots carried guns and tried to shoot down enemy planes in WWI - *first time in history planes were used for combat*

What= Washington Naval Conference of 1921?

when the world's largest naval powers gathered in Washington DC to discuss naval reduction

What is an example of Japan's new found love of imperialism?

when they colonized Korea

Who did employers prefer to hire women or men? Why?

women 1) easier to manage 2) could pay less but get same work hours

What did Freddie Stowers win? Why? Why= this special?

won congressional medal of honor - because after being shot multiple times while leading an assault on a hill in the Argonne Forest, he still commanded troops + encouraged them to keep going - special because he= black

What did socialists want to develop?

world in which society would operate for the benefit of all members, rather than just for the wealthy


worldwide epidemic; spread of disease across a large area

Did Germany support Austrian-Hungarian declaring war? How do you know?

yes - instead of urging restraint, Kaiser William II gave Austria a "blank check" for Austria to fill out with the amount they need for war

Was the Napoleonic code an enlightened document? Why?

yes because it was based on Napoleon's interpretation of the French Revolution, which was built upon the ideals of Enlightenment. -it ensured equality before the law, property rights, and religious liberty, etc.

Did Utilitarians think the gov should= involved? Why?

yes, Because free market favored rich, gov should= step in to stop the rich from harming the working class while increasing their happiness -*gov= improve the hard lives of working class*

Did Italy ever change which alliance they= in?

yes, central powers= winning in beginning -> allies at end

Did Europeans do well in Africa? Yet what did they do in the making of this wealth?

yes, got rich from raw materials - yet they destroyed Africa in the making

Did the factory ever get better? When? Why?

yes, people began to think that things needed to change + reforms began in 1830

Did the German Spring Offensive look like a success at first? What happened?

yes, they broke through front line + people in Paris began to panic, however the Germans ran into Am troops at Belleau Woods

What did the 3rd of May say about the French?

you kill 1 French, 10 of you= killed

more left/ further out you go on political spectrum means...

you want a greater change in society *ex:* 10 (radical) on left side wants a major change while 1,2,3 on left side want only a little change

more right/ further out you go on political spectrum means...

you want things to be the way they used to be *ex:* 10 (reactionary) on right side wants to go backwards while 1,2,3 on right ride are happy with the way things are

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