NCSF Chapter 2

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13.The deltoid becomes the primary abductor of the humerus beginning at what joint angle; reducing involvement of the rotator cuff?

30° (c) - In order to reduce the activation of the rotator cuff, the lowest portion of the lift should place the humerus at a 30 degree angle relative to the hips. If the arms are lowered past this point, neural activation of the deltoid (specifically the medial head) will be diminished and replaced by rotator cuff activation; specifically the supraspinatus.

4.All of the following are rotator cuff muscles, except:

Levator Scapulae (c) - The supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis make up the musculature of the rotator cuff; often easily remembered through the acronym "SITS". The shoulder joint is a shallow ball-and-socket joint formed by the scapula and humerus. The rotator cuff functions for assist rotational motion and help counteract joint instability by stabilizing the humerus at different angles.

1.What is the correct movement of the glenohumeral joint during the tricep pushdown exercise?

No joint movement The glenohumeral joint should experience no movement during arm exercises. Since the elbow is a hinge joint any shoulder movement would negate the focus from the triceps musculature. A common fault during triceps exercises is to combine elbow extension with shoulder extension. Many exercisers "cheat" using the lats to assist with momentum forces; seen when the humerus (upper arms) deviates backward and forward across the midaxillary line during the eccentric and concentric phases.

7.What muscle acts as the agonist during performance of the Romanian deadlift?

hamstrings (c) - The hamstring muscle group includes the biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus. The rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and vastus medialis are all part of the quadriceps; functioning as the antagonist to the hamstring group.

3.What is the term used to describe the natural curvature of the cervical and lumbar spine?

Lordotic (a) - A lordotic curve is the term used to describe the natural curvature of both the cervical spine (C1-C7) and the lumbar spine (L1-L5). A natural lordotic curve is essential for support and energy transfer. Excessive curvature is referred to as lordosis as seen during back hyperextension. A kyphotic curve is the term used to describe a convex curvature of the thoracic spine ( T1-T12).

2.What is the dual-action muscle of the quadriceps; allowing it to act upon both the hip and knee joints?

Vastus Lateralis The quadriceps is comprised of four different muscles; the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius and rectus femoris. The rectus femoris is the only quadriceps muscle that crosses two joints - the hip and knee. The superior aspect of the rectus femoris originates at the pelvis, resulting in hip flexion when contracted. The inferior portion inserts on the patella via the quadriceps tendon causing knee extension.

40.The mechanism known as reciprocal inhibition will cause the _________ to relax when performing a triceps push-down. a.posterior deltoid b.biceps brachii c.pectoralis major d.latissimus dorsi

b.biceps brachii

22.Using integrated movement patterns for improved movement and performance is termed ____________.

a.Functional training (a) - The purpose of functional training is to gain physical adaptations through integrated movements; requiring the neuromuscular system to account for synchronized contractions with varying degrees of stabilization, acceleration and deceleration. It may take on different training forms but in general the actions are closed chain and use multiple planes at the same time to improve function in free-living conditions.

12.__________ refers to a spatial familiarity from improvements in the nervous system.

a.Proprioception (a) - The body uses neural signaling to control movement. Proprioception refers to the body's awareness of position in space. It is particularly important for balance and voluntary movement control. Proprioceptors are internal regulators providing feedback for movement and stability.

35.What exercise causes horizontal adduction of the shoulder complex? a.Push-up b.Pull-up c.Seated row d.Front raise

a.Push-up (a) - Bench press, chest flies, and push-ups all promote strength through shoulder horizontal adduction. The pectoralis major anchors to the clavicle and sternum and pulls the humerus inward toward the body's midline.

34.What exercise can be used to stretch the adductors of the hip? a.Forward lunge b.Lateral lunge c.Reverse lunge d.All the above

b.Lateral lunge (b) - A lateral lunge would directly promote flexibility improvements in the hip adductors as the ROM placed upon the musculature is increased in the frontal plane. Forward or reverse lunges in the sagittal plane would stretch the hip flexors - and to a limited degree the hip extensors.

6.When the hip and knee are fully flexed as seen in the single-leg squat (Bulgarian squat), what hip extensor is the prime mover?

a.gluteus maximus (a) - The quadriceps and glutes provide the main effort for hip and knee extension during performance of the single-leg squat. The glute is a primary hip extensor when the knees are fully flexed and the quadriceps muscle group is responsible for extending the knee during the lift. The hamstrings function secondarily while the adductors and abductors serve as guiding neutralizers.

18.What muscle group is targeted when performing the front squat?

a.quadriceps (a) - Due to the close proximity of the feet combined with the location of the bar, the front squat requires more knee extension than the back squat. Therefore, the prime mover is the quadriceps. The back squat requires more hip extension, so it is a glute-dominant exercise with support of the hamstrings and quadriceps.

31.Your client wants to increase the size of his gastrocnemius, what exercise would you recommend?

a.standing calf raise (a) - An appropriate exercise to isolate the gastrocnemius would be the standing calf raise. The gastrocnemius is the prime mover for plantar flexion and is highly activated when the knee is extended. The seated calf extension would be a better choice to target the soleus of the calf because it does not insert across the knee like the gastrocnemius. Interestingly, the calf is also a knee flexor, so leg curls may be felt in the gastrocnemius but only as an assistive mover.

39.Which spotting technique is correct for dumbbell flies? a.Spot the humerus b.Spot the forearms c.Spot the dumbbells d.Flyes do not require a spot

b.Spot the forearms (b) - Spotting the dumbbell flyes requires the exercise professional to spot the forearms. Spotting the humerus could potentially hyperextend the elbow in those with joint deficits.

10.Retraction of the scapula during the seated row is caused by:

b.concentric contraction of the rhomboids (b) - Concentric contraction of the rhomboids will cause the scapulae to retract, as seen during the correct performance of the bilateral row exercise. The rhomboids function to move the scapulae inward; providing the "squeezing sensation" felt in the upper back when activated properly.

27.Your 72 year-old male client is experiencing kyphotic exaggeration (kyphosis) in his thoracic spine. What is the correct programmatic selection? a.increase overhead lifting movements to mobilize the shoulders and stretch the upper back b.increase pulling movements such as back flies and rows c.train the upper body with dumbbells instead of barbell presses to increase ROM d.increase the use of abdominal exercises to strengthen the core

b.increase pulling movements such as back flies and rows (b) - The correct course of action for a 72 year-old male client with kyphosis is to increase pulling movements, such as a variety of angled rows. It would also be recommended to stretch the chest and internal rotators. Kyphosis is an undesirable, exaggerated curvature of the thoracic spine associated with old age. It can become progressively worse with weakness, muscle imbalance and chronically-bad posture. Restoring range of motion must be a primary focus in both the thoracic spine and shoulder joints before any significant loading is to take place.

16.To avoid tibial translation (knee crossing the toe) during the forward lunge exercise, clients should be cued to:

b.take a broader step and push the back leg downward (b) - Both forward and reverse lunges are controlled by the back leg position. Taking a broad step forward or backward while pushing the back knee downward controls the pelvic location to prevent forward movement of the femur. When lunging, the tibia should be vertical - not excessively forward. Excess dorsi flexion forces the knee to cross the toe promoting undesirable translation of the tibia.

38.Spotting heavy bench presses requires a _______________ grip.

c.Alternate (c) - While spotting a submax bench press, use a pronated grip to guide the bar and properly protect the exerciser. During maximal lifts, the lift off and rerack requires an alternate grip for leverage . This grip is particularly important if an exerciser fails under heavy loads as it is not feasible to curl hundreds of pounds of weight.

20.What location on the body is used to spot the chin-up exercise?

c.Hands at the waist (c) - The proper spotting technique for an individual performing the chin-up would be place your hands on the client's hips at the waist; assisting the concentric portion of the movement. A common error is to spot from the ankles/feet, which often causes an increase in lordotic curvature and can lead to forward forces. If they slip off due to hand fatigue when the spot position is at the ankles - it could lead to a serious injury.

28.What muscle is trained during humeral adduction in the frontal plane?

c.Latissimus dorsi (c) - The medial deltoid and supraspinatus causes humeral abduction while the trapezius causes shoulder complex elevation. The latissimus dorsi is responsible for humeral adduction.

29.What is the correct spotting technique for the lat pull-down?

c.Spot at the bar (c) - When spotting the lat pull-down exercise, the trainer should stand behind the client and place both hands on the bar using a pronated grip (palms down) to provide assistance as needed. Due to the nature of the lift, spotting at the implement is the safest and most effective option.

23.Which of the following exercises represents an inappropriate use of training equipment? a.Bench press on a Smith machine b.Jump squats on a Smith machine c.Supine leg press using a Smith machine d.All the above

c.Supine leg press using a Smith machine (c) - Performing a supine leg press using a Smith machine is a common, but risky, maneuver as exercisers attempt to replicate a vertical leg press. This act would be considered an inappropriate and negligent use of gym equipment for the trainer from a liability perspective. The scenario has multiple potential risks for injury, such as increased sheering stress on the back as well as the possibility of the bar sliding off the shoes and impacting the client.

19.Choose the exercise that would be used for increasing hip power.

c.alternating jump lunges (c) - Of the choices listed the alternating jump lunges are the only action that requires ballistic hip and leg extension. Hip power is developed through rapid contractions, preferably using the stretch shortening cycle for added force gain. Rapid extension of the hips, knees, and ankles increase the body's vertical power production capabilities for activities such as running and jumping.

30.What is the position of the lumbar spine during proper performance of the bent-over row exercise?

c.lordotic curve (c) - The lumbar spine should maintain a lordotic curve during correct execution of the bent-over row. When the entire spinal column obtains a neutral position, the lumbar and cervical segments will have lordotic curves while the thoracic spine will have a limited kyphotic curve. Any excess curvature should be avoided during rowing exercises.

11.The majority of back injuries from incorrect lifting occur between which segments of the spine?

c.lumbar and sacrum (c) - The low lumbar segments (L4-L5, L5-S1) of the spine experience the majority of back injuries because they have the greatest capacity for movement. Most injuries occur between the bottom of the lumbar spine and top of the sacrum (L5 and S1). Improper movement patterns during resistance training can cause compressive forces anteriorly, posteriorly and/or laterally; resulting in direct lower back injuries.

37.What represents an exercise regression? a.pull-up to a chin-up b.back squat to front squat c.barbell bench press to dumbbell bench press d.chest dips to push-ups

d.chest dips to push-ups d) - Chest dips require both strength and stability as one hangs from the fixed bars. The push-up places more load under contact, reducing both the weight and stability requirements - making it an easier chest exercise for those having difficulty with dips.

17.What would increase the proprioception requirement of the traditional lunge exercise?

c.moving backward instead of forward (c) - To increase the proprioception requirement of the traditional lunge exercise, one can move backward instead of forward. Moving backwards places increased demands on sensory receptors (proprioceptors) in connective structures. Less afferent data can be collected from the eyes due to the inability to actually see where the foot is being placed. When first increasing the proprioceptive requirements of a movement, the individual may appear shaky due to the novelty of the action. In these cases they should not use external weight. However following successive practice, the sensory feedback systems improve so that the movement can be performed with greater proficiency.

41.Which of the following exercises could be categorized as a dynamic flexibility activity for the hip flexors? a.back squat b.seated leg curl c.walking lunge step-ups

c.walking lunge (c) - Walking lunges can dynamically stretch the hip flexors due to the unilateral hip extension seen during the bottom portion of the lunge (trailing leg). Broad lunges can be very effective in dynamically stretching the hip flexors when performed correctly.

15.Which of the following muscles cause movement in the frontal plane?

d.All of the above (d) - All of the muscles act in the frontal plane. The tensor fascia latae abducts the femur, the quadratus lumborum laterally flexes the spine and the supraspinatus abducts the humerus.

21.What is the most common error in the deadlift exercise that causes the back to round? a.Too much weight is used b.Extending the knees before the hips c.Starting too far back from the bar d.All the above

d.All the above

24.What should be avoided for a 47 year-old client that has osteoarthritis in their knee? a.Box jumps b.Plyometrics c.Running d.All the above

d.All the above

25.Why is performance negatively affected when training in a hot, humid environment? a.blood pressure increases b.heart rate decreases c.fluid loss increases d.All the above

d.All the above (d) - If there is more fluid present in the atmosphere (increased humidity), evaporation will not occur at the skin - and the body cannot effectively cool. Excessive sweating will occur which expedites fluid loss in an attempt to cool down bodily systems. This situation will potentially increase the risk for heat-related illnesses. Significant fluid loss will end up reducing performance.

32.What type of training reduces the risk of osteoporosis? a.machine-based resistance exercises compound movements c.power-based training d.All the above

d.All the above (d) - Resistance training of any type and body weight aerobic exercise, such as running, improve bone density. The stronger the muscle attached to the bone the stronger the bone becomes in response. Everyone who is healthy enough should perform resistance training at least twice a week and weight-bearing aerobic exercise as tolerated.

9.The prime mover of the dumbbell side raise exercise is the ______________.

d.deltoid (d) - The deltoid is predominantly responsible for shoulder abduction (medial head specifically) above 30 degrees, serving as the prime mover during the lateral side raise. The rhomboids retract, rotate and fix the scapula in place (example exercise: seated row). The infraspinatus extends and externally rotates the humerus (example exercise: external band rotation). The levator scapulae is an assistive mover during a number of exercises involving the shoulder complex (example exercise: upright row).

5.Which muscle is responsible for the first 30 degrees of trunk flexion and is targeted during the crunch movement?

d.rectus abdominis (d) - The rectus abdominis is the muscle responsible for the first 30 degrees of trunk flexion when properly performing a crunch. Flexion beyond 30 degrees results in increased hip flexor activation as seen when performing full sit-ups. Anchored sit-ups further increase hip flexor activation and can cause shearing stresses across the spine, and should be avoided among clients at risk for back pain.

33.You observe your client having difficulty performing a 90° step-up. Specifically, he is leaning forward and not fully extending his legs. What is the correct course of action? a.have the client swing his arms to aid in momentum b.have the client move slower and focus on pushing through the balls of his feet c.have the client hold a light medicine ball at the chest to help them remain upright d.reduce the step height so his knee angle is lower

d.reduce the step height so his knee angle is lower (d) - If a client is struggling during a high step-up requiring a knee angle of 90°, the most beneficial modification would be to reduce the step height so his knee angle is lower. Decreasing the knee angle will allow the client to fully extend the leg using proper form without compensation. Starting lower and progressing upward allows the body to acclimate to its weight when under-conditioned.

26.How can the stiff-legged deadlift pictured be adjusted to a proper Romanian deadlift? a.the ankles should be more dorsi-flexed and hips forward b.the hips should be further flexed and the weight moved forward c.the knees should be further extended and shoulders elevated d.the back should be flat and knees slightly flexed

d.the back should be flat and knees slightly flexed (d) - The goal of the Romanian deadlift (RDL) is to perform hamstring-dominated hip extension. In order to accomplish this goal, it is essential to perform the movement with a neutral spine. Failing to maintain a neutral spine will place greater stress on the musculature of the low back. A common error when performing the RDL is to lock the knees and round the back, often due to lack of hip extensor range of motion; causing the pelvis to migrate posteriorly.

36.The front and back squat require the spotter to squat in sync with the exerciser with their hands on: a.their waist b.the bar c.their chest d.the lateral aspects of their rib cage

d.the lateral aspects of their rib cage (d) - The correct hand location for the squat is the lateral aspects of the rib cage. Since the bony segments connect to the spine it is the ideal location to control the lift. Spotting at the waist or bar is undesirable as it provides no leverage. Spotting at the chest creates disadvantages for height differences and is inappropriate for female exercisers.

42.What is the purpose of programming a drop or strip set in an exercise bout? .to increase power increase muscular endurance increase flexibility increase muscle fiber recruitment increase muscle fiber recruitment (d) - The drop set best serves to increase muscle fiber recruitment, thus making it ideal for hypertrophy training. While the total repetitions creep into the "endurance" domain, the fact that the entire set is performed at near-maximal intensity elicits the proper endocrine response for lean mass gains when part of an appropriate hypertrophy program.

8.During the descent phase of the standing barbell curl, the biceps contract _________.

eccentrically (b) - An eccentric contraction occurs when the resistance force is greater than the force being applied by the muscle, such as during the decent phase of a standing barbell curl. Eccentric contractions occur when a muscle is lengthening; concentric contractions occur when a muscle is shortening. If there is force with no joint movement the contraction is termed isometric.

14.The performance of a lunge with forward press on a cable machine occurs in which movement plane?

sagittal (a) - A lunge with forward cable press occurs in the sagittal plane. Sagittal-plane exercises will include forward and backward actions (flexion/extension). Transverse-plane exercises will include rotational movements between the axillary line and midline (horizontal movements). Frontal-plane exercises will include lateral movements (ab/adduction).

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