What is the purpose of the building seen above?
Thomas Jefferson's plantation home, called "Monticello"
What does the image above depict?
A prominent radical French journalist, Marat was murdered in the name of the French Revolution. A young supporter of the opposing party saw Marat as partly responsible for a series of riots in which many people were killed. The painting depicts his death.
Why did Jefferson adopt Neoclassicism as the official style of government architecture?
He felt that the U.S. should free itself from British art influence and instead look to Republican Rome for artistic inspiration.
What was Jefferson's role in the development of the United States Capitol?
He produced a design for the U.S. Capitol that was based on Roman temples.
Why was the above image considered an emblem of the French Revolution?
It represented the concept of sacrifice for the good of the state.
What was the inspiration for the piece above?
It was inspired by Pierre Corneille's 17th century drama Horace, which was based on Roman historical texts. However, the actual scene is thought to be the artist's creation.
How was the Neoclassical period so different from the Baroque period?
Neoclassical style was about progress through reason, and Baroque was about drama and exuberance.
What is the title of the piece above?
Oath of Horatii
What did Houdon's style come to be associated with?
Republican politics
Who is depicted in the image above?
Samuel Adams
How did art change during the Enlightenment period?
There was a renewed interest in Greco-Roman and Classical works.
Which of the following best describes Jean-Antoine Houdon's style?
a combination of naturalism and a new classical style
What was the Enlightenment period?
a period in time in which progress through reason was highly valued
What did Houdon use as a prototype for the sculpture above?
classical athletes
What major events occurred during the Enlightenment period?
the American and French Revolutions
What building is seen above?
the United States Capitol building
Why do you think the artist include the inscription on the wooden desk in the image above?
to demonstrate a tombstone (?) OR symbolism ???