soc final

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Prejudice describes ________ while discrimination describes ________.

. attitudes; actions

What does it mean when sociologists say that age is "socially constructed"?

Age is based on cultural attitudes that are rooted in a society.

Of all ethnic groups, in which group are children most likely to grow up with two parents and least likely to be born to a single mother?

Asian American

The first person to propose that the scientific method could be applied to the study of social life was ________.

Auguste Comte

What did Solomon Asch's experiment on group conformity demonstrate?

Because of group pressure, most people are willing to say things they know are not true.

The sociologist who developed the concept of the power elite was ________.

C. Wright Mills

What is the meaning of the sociological imagination?

C. Wright Mills coined the term the "sociological imagination," which refers to understanding individual experiences within their broader social context. You can try out your own sociological imagination by considering a problem that you face, such as having a hard time finding a job. *making the connection between personal challenges and larger social issues

Which of the following individuals would have the narrowest field of "eligible" marriage partners based on background expectations?

Christian, the son of a CEO of a major corporation

Professor Zale bases her self-concept as a professor on the interactions she has with students, and the reactions she receives from them during class. In view of this, which process is Professor Zale utilizing?

Cooley's looking-glass self

Emile Durkheim identified the degree of social integration as the primary variable to explain different rates of suicide within different European nations.

Correct True

What is a primary reason why there are so few true countercultures in the United States?

Countercultures are difficult to maintain since people are so reliant on mainstream culture.

The early sociologist who argued that deviance might be functional for society was ________.

Emile Durkheim

Norms are the same wherever you go, regardless of the cultural context.


Proscriptive norms indicate what we should do, whereas prescriptive norms indicate what we should not do.


The tendency to view the world from the lens of our own culture is called 'cultural relativism.'


Violations of folkways are considered more serious than violations of mores.


The symbolic interactionist who stressed that play was crucial to the development of the concept of self was ________.

George Herbert Mead

How does the structure and function of groups change as they grow in size?

Groups tend to develop a more formal social structure.

Sociologically, why is gender especially significant?

It is a master status cutting across all aspects of life.

The concept of the relativity of deviance is BEST illustrated by which of the following statements?

It is not the act itself, but the reaction of others to the act that makes it deviant.

Why is entering into school significant from a sociological perspective?

It marks the transfer of allegiance from family to peer groups.

To determine the poverty line, the US government calculates a low-cost food budget for a family of a specific size, then subjects that number to which modification?

It multiplies the food budget by three.

How, for the most part, does the mass media influence gender roles in contemporary American society?

It reinforces gender roles considered appropriate for one's sex

Because of her outstanding contributions to social reform, as demonstrated in her work as co-founder of Hull-House, ________ was a co-winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1931.

Jane Addams

Which two theorists concluded that the universality of stratification can be explained by the necessity to motivate the most qualified people to fill the most important and demanding positions in a society?

Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore

All of the following statements are accurate regarding language, EXCEPT for which one?

Language is universal in terms of the meaning of particular sounds.

As the "baby boom" generation reaches retirement age, what can be expected of its effect on the economy?

Many jobs will open at roughly the same time.

Which statement BEST summarizes the relationship between killers and their victims?

Men outnumber women as both victims and killers.

As described in the text, what are two myths of race?

One race is superior to another; pure races exist.

Which of the following statements is MOST accurate with respect to determining social prestige in modern society?

One's occupational title is the greatest influence in determining social prestige.

How did the 2010 U.S. Census instruct Americans to classify themselves in relation to race?

Respondents can choose one or more races that they consider themselves to be

All of the following statements are accurate in describing gestures, EXCEPT for which one?

Social scientists have identified many common gestures and agree that gestures are universal.

In hunting and gathering as well as horticultural societies, women contributed the majority of the food supply to their groups.


Which statement regarding the nation's income is MOST accurate?

The top 20 percent of Americans earn nearly half the income.

Why do sociologists classify females as a minority group?

There is not a single society known where women-as-a-group have decision-making power over men.

Based on Merton's typologies, what do drug addicts, the homeless, nuns living in a convent, and monks living in a monastery have in common?

They are all retreatists.

According to Max Weber, the "sign" Calvinists looked for as an indication they were saved was their successful investment in capital.


There is nothing "natural" about material or nonmaterial culture.


What did Karl Marx predict after workers were exploited year after year by the capitalist class?

Workers would revolt against the bourgeoisie and assume control.

Which of the following groups is LEAST qualified as a social institution?

a neighborhood street gang

Which of the following topics would most likely be approached based on a macrosociological analysis?

a study of the impact of terrorism on the travel plans of business people

What did Stanley Milgram's teacher-learner experiment demonstrate?

a substantial number of people will inflict pain on others if ordered to do so by a person in a position of authority.

Because so many Americans "have become interested in their roots," which of the following food choices do some analysts use to illustrate the belief that America is a diverse nation?

a tossed salad

Americans usually recognize hard work, education, and material comfort as desired qualities. Where one of these qualities is found, the other two also apply. This is an example of ________.

a value cluster

Prejudice, discrimination, and hostility directed against people because of their age is called ________.


People and groups that influence our orientation to life—our self-concept, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors—are called ________.

agents of socialization

Which of the following illustrates the "medicalization of deviance?"

all of the above are correct

A system of beliefs that justifies a particular social arrangement, such as slavery, is called ________.

an idealogy

In every society in the world, men's earnings _________.

are greater than women's earnings

How have television advertisements and other forms of cultural media typically portrayed the elderly?

as unimportant and stereotyped

A(n) ________ leadership style has the tendency to encourage either aggressive or apathetic behavior among group members with aggressive members growing increasingly hostile toward their leader.


According to Adorno, a(n) ________ is a person who is prejudiced, has deep respect for authority, and is submissive to authority figures.

authoritarian personality

What must be true for division of labor to develop?

basic survival needs must be met

Which of the following represents an achieved status?

being a high school dropout

When many students graduate from college, they are able to earn an extra $1,465 a month between the ages of 25 and 65. These students manage to earn this bonus by ________.

being born male

While the notion of gender refers to sociological characteristics, the concept of sex refers to ________ characteristics.


What are the titles Karl Marx used to describe the two classes in society were the ________ and the ________.

bourgeoisie; proletariat

________ are the MOST likely segment of the population in the United States to experience poverty today.


Karl Marx suggested that the force that drives human history and is at the core of human society is ________.

class conflict

In any group of three members, two of the three may have a tendency to alienate the third member and dominate the decision making for the group the trio represents. When this occurs, what term BEST applies to the two unified members?


Which groups of social theorists would focus most on macro-level analysis when examining patterns of society?

conflict theorists and functionalists

Inner and outer controls that work against our tendencies to deviate is known as what theory?

control theory

One of the effective methods of control employed during the rule of monarchies was the divine right of kings. This was a method of maintaining stratification that falls under the general category of ________.

controlling ideas

Great Britain was one of the first nations in which industrial capitalism developed. According to world system theory, Great Britain would be a ________ nation.


What is the major means of control used by the neocolonialists to maintain global stratification?

creating debt along with ever-mounting interest

Violations of norms and rules that are written into law are officially called ________.


McDonald's sells Quarter Pounders in Tokyo, Moscow, Paris, Berlin, and practically every other major city in the world. Mickey Mouse and Fred Flintstone are among the most popular cartoon figures in Mexico. These are examples of ________.

cultural leveling

Language, beliefs, values, norms, behavior, material objects, and technology that are passed from one generation to the next by members of society describe ________.


Some nations have traditionally been in poverty from one generation to the next, relying on tradition rather than experimenting with new technology that might improve their standard of living. This explanation for global stratification is called ________.

culture of poverty

What term best describes one's feelings when one first arrives in a completely different culture?

culture shock

________ is any behavior, belief, or condition that violates significant social norms in the society or group in which it occurs.


The theory of behavior in which people who associate with some groups learn an "excess of definitions" of deviance, increasing the likelihood that they will become deviant is ________.

differential association theory

The relocation of Native Americans to reservations and the transfer of Americans of Japanese descent to internment camps during World War II are examples of ________.

direct transfer

An approach to social interaction in which social life is analyzed in terms of the stage is called ________.


According to Georg Simmel, which of the following groups is the MOST unstable?


Karl Marx believed that ________ was the central force for social change, while Max Weber believed that ________ was the force most responsible for social change.

economics; religion

The refusal of Christians to accept Islam as a valid religion is a form of ________, while the sincere effort to understand the practice of having multiple wives in some societies is a form of ________.

ethnocentrism; cultural relativism

Sociologists use the concept of "norms" to describe ________.

expectations or rules of behavior that develop from values

According to Davis and Moore, people do not earn what they deserve.


All master statuses are achieved statuses.


As group size increases, so does the intimacy of relations among group members.


Children who are raised by animals are no less human than children raised by their parents.


Conflict theory argues that people who commit the most violent crimes receive the lightest sentences.


Everyone who shares a respective ethnic identity expresses that identity through the same ethnic work


In a class system, there is little opportunity for movement between classes.


Individual discrimination, rather than institutional discrimination, is the reason that minority group members are less likely to be given a mortgage.


Instrumental leaders tend to look out for group members whereas expressive leaders focus on getting a job done.


Inter-generational mobility occurs during one's life-time whereas intra-generational mobility occurs between generations.


Lower-class parents encourage their children to be creative as they grow up, while middle class parents focus on having their children defer to authority.


Minority groups are smaller in number than dominant groups.


Most of the time we make up how to behave as we go along, with very little direction from society.


One of the functions of deviance for society is to upset people who do not like it when people violate the norms.


Only very self-conscious people use status symbols.


People in the capitalist class are more likely to experience mental health problems because of the excessive stress associated with managing high-powered jobs.


Primary groups tend to be impersonal, whereas secondary groups are more intimate.


Race and ethnicity mean the same thing.


Reference groups are reserved for members of professional networks and are utilized almost exclusively by people with career aspirations.


Socialization is mostly complete by the time we turn eighteen.


Sociologists often use "common sense" to understand the way the world "is."


The culture of poverty theory argues that rich countries impose their culture on poor countries.


The way in which race is determined is a universal cultural constant.


What term would Karl Marx use for today's workers who mistakenly identify with the capitalists simply because they own a few shares of stock or work as managers of large corporations?

false class consciousness

Mark views society as a system of interrelated parts, while John views society as composed of groups competing for scarce resources. Mark would be considered a(n) ________ and John would be seen as a(n) ________.

functionalist; conflict theorist

In every society, from the hunting and gathering society to the postindustrial society, the MOST common basis for social stratification has been ________.


The Smiths are going Christmas shopping for their two children, Dick and Jane. They plan to buy Dick a Tonka truck and Jane a Barbie doll. Their selection of toys for their children is an example of ________ by parents.

gender socialization

The massacre of Native Americans in the 1800s, the extermination of the Jews in Nazi Germany, and the slaughter of the Tutsis in Rwanda are all examples of ________.


The systematic annihilation or attempted annihilation of a people based on their presumed race or ethnicity is called ________.


When the former Soviet Union collapsed, NATO forces were no longer needed to protect Europe from a communist invasion. Rather than disband NATO, it was turned into a "rapid response force" to fight terrorism. Sociologists would call this shift in focus an example of ________.

goal displacement

Which of Williams' United States values contradicts the other values of freedom, democracy, and equality?

group superiority

In group decision making, a form of tunnel vision that develops in which there is only one "right" viewpoint and suggested alternatives are perceived as signs of disloyalty is called ________.


In Pakistan, Jordan, and Kurdistan, a woman who has brought disgrace to her family is killed by a male relative, usually her brother or husband. This practice is called ________.

honor killing

In what society were women and men often considered social equals?

hunting and gathering

Americans glorify academic progress and material success. However, most students do not graduate with honors and most citizens are not wealthy. This condition characterizes the difference between ________ and ________.

ideal culture; real culture

George Herbert Mead theorized that learning to take the role of the other entails three stages—the ________, _______, and _______ stages.

imitation; play; team games

According to control theory, when are inner controls MOST effective in deterring deviant behavior?

in the presence of strong attachments, commitments, and involvement with other members of society

Pedro, a legal immigrant from Mexico, and George, a white male whose family has been in America for several generations, have each applied for a car loan at the local bank. Pedro's loan was turned down while George was granted a loan. In comparing their credit history, both men had good credit, and their debts and income were comparable. This is an example of ________ against Pedro

institutional discrimination

A leader of a group whose responsibility would be to keep the group moving towards its goal is classified as a(n)________ leader.


What is the upward or downward movement in social class by family members from one generation to the next?

intergenerational mobility

Slavery and apartheid are both examples of the ways in which a country's dominant group exploits minority groups for its economic advantage. What do sociologists call this policy?

internal colonialism

Which of the following would be an example of an "upsetting" experiment?

interrupting your teacher during a lecture to ask her how she is doing

Based on studies of isolated and institutionalized children, what is the key variable in acquiring the basic "human" traits we take for granted?

intimate early social interaction

What is the relationship between one's social class and one's chances of being a victim of crime?


The significance of names or reputations given to people when they engage in certain types of behavior is the focus of ________ theory.


Which aspect of symbolic culture is most central to allowing humans to communicate with one another?


Anthropologists Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf concluded that ________.

language creates ways of thinking and perceiving

With respect to group dynamics, what is the defining characteristic of a small group?

ll members of the group can interact directly with one another.

Functionalists and conflict theorists tend to focus on the _______, or large scale patterns of society, in conducting their analyses.

macro level

According to Robert Merton, ________ are the intended beneficial consequences of people's actions.

manifest functions

A position in society that cuts across other statuses a person holds, such as being a high-ranking Army officer, a college president, or a handicapped Olympian, would be considered that person's ________.

master status

Jewelry, art, hairstyles, and clothing each represent examples of ________.

material culture

The sociologist who believed that social class is made up of three components—property, power, and prestige—was ________.

max weber

What classification or terminology do sociologists apply to women that describe their inability to gain equal access to power, property, and prestige?

minority group

What term did Louis Wirth use to define groups of people who are singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination?

minority group

Expectations that guide our behavior are called ________.


Mechanical solidarity is to Gemeinschaft as ________ solidarity is to Gesellschaft.


Kody is a member of the L.A. Crips. The other gangs in his territory are the Bloods and Satan's Slaves. Kody feels very antagonistic towards the Bloods and the Slaves. For Kody, these two rival gangs would be considered ________.

out groups

According to the social-conflict approach, what a society labels as deviant is based mostly on

patterns of inequality and who has more power

Ruth owns the Head 2 Toe Boutique where she employs fifteen workers. According to Erik Wright's model of social class, Ruth would be classified as a(n) ________.

petty bourgeoisie

The social institution that is most recognized for allocating power, determining authority, and preventing chaos is ________.


What is the term used to describe an attitude that exaggerates the virtues of a group, such as all Asian Americans being brilliant or all African Americans being great athletes?

positive prejudice

The ability to control others, even over their objections, is referred to as ________.


A group characterized by intimate, long-term, face-to-face association and cooperation is referred to as a ________.

primary group

Of the following groups, the ________ plays the MOST significant role in the development of the self.

primary group

All of the following concepts are associated with postindustrial societies EXCEPT for which one?


What are the three variables Max Weber identified as defining social class?

property, power, prestige

For many college professors, their own teachers served as role models. Kody Scott looked up to older gang members as his idols. In both cases, former teachers and older gang members qualify as being________.

reference groups

The scientific method requires ________, or repeating a study in order to compare the new research results with the original findings.


What political party are members of the upper class more likely to belong?


When young people enter college as resident students, they must learn new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors. This is an example of ________.


Expectations that define appropriate or inappropriate behavior for the occupant of a status are called ________.


John recently received his semester grades and found that he had failed two courses. He says the reason he failed the two courses is that they were taught by female professors. John believes that women are really not smart enough to teach at the college level. In this example, the female professors are most likely ________.

scapegoats and being blamed for John's grades

According to Mead's theory of development, individuals who have a profound influence on the lives of another person, such as parents or siblings, are referred to as ________.

significant others

The notion that only the fittest members of society deserve to survive and that social programs to help the poor will ultimately weaken the social order is a doctrine known as ________.

social Darwinism

The organized, usual, or standard ways by which society meets its basic needs are referred to as ________.

social institutions

The French sociologist Emile Durkheim is most identified with which of the following areas of study?

social integration

What term does Durkheim use to describe the degree to which members of a society are united by shared values and other social bonds?

social integration

________ are the social ties that radiate outward from the self and link people together like a spider's web.

social networks

Every December, many Jewish families celebrate Chanukah, the "festival of lights," during which special foods are served, rituals are practiced, and traditional activities take place that are unique to this faith. In this context, members of the Jewish faith would represent which concept?


In psychoanalytic theory, the "culture within us" is represented by the ________.


Which sociological perspective is most closely linked to microsociology?

symbolic interactionism

Based on the global stratification model, nations of the former Soviet Union and its former satellites in Eastern Europe are classified as ________.

the Industrializing Nations

Sociologists who view law as an instrument of oppression used to control workers are aligned most with which sociological perspective?

the conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective is MOST closely aligned with the explanation that Social Security benefits came about as the result of a struggle between competing interest groups?

the conflict perspective

In society, which group has the greatest power, privileges, and social status?

the dominant group

According to Freud, which aspect of the individual's personality must control his or her behavior?

the ego

The trend in the United States in which MOST poor families are headed by women is called ________.

the feminization of poverty

Agatha has worked for ten years in the public relations department of a large firm. She has been promoted to several higher paying managerial positions, but never to an executive position, even though she has directed several successful projects for the firm. Her lack of promotion MOST likely illustrates ________.

the glass ceiling

What is the relationship between births to single women and their level of education?

the greater the level of education, the fewer births to single women

In Freud's theory, what part of the personality represents the pleasure-seeking aspect, demanding immediate fulfillment of basic needs such as attention, food, safety, and sex?

the id

What term applies to the stages that people pass through from birth to death, beginning with "childhood" and concluding with "the older years"?

the life course

Because of ________, deviance is often seen as mental sickness rather than problematic behavior.

the medicalization of deviance

What did the research by Kohn suggest as being the primary influence upon parents that emphasized how they reared their children?

the parents' occupations

What was the term C. Wright Mills used to refer to those who make the big decisions in American society?

the power eilte

In the "nature versus nurture" argument regarding socialization, the "nurture" component refers to ________.

the social environment

Which wave of the women's movement focused on the problems of women in the Least Industrialized Nations?

the third wave

When used by sociologists, the term "wealth" refers to ________.

the value of a person's property minus that person's debt

What was the purpose of colonialism as it was practiced by the major European powers during eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries?

to exploit the annexed nation's people and resources

According to the principles of symbolic interactionism, symbols not only allow relationships to exist, they also allow society to exist.


Because age is socially constructed, there is little unified agreement worldwide on the image and treatment of the elderly.


Differential association theory argues that we learn deviance by being around other people who practice it.


Gender stratification refers to the unequal access to power, property, and prestige of males and females based on their sex.


In contrast to most other stratification systems, Karl Marx's system had only two classes, each depending on the individual's relationship to the means of production.


Mead emphasized that in order to learn to take the role of the "other," a child must pass through three stages: imitation, play, and team game.


Mechanical solidarity and Gemeinschaft both describe the most intimate societies that are personal and have close kinship connections.


Neocolonialism is a form of wealthier countries controlling poorer countries economically.


Parents are typically the first significant others to show children the gender map.


Re-socialization may happen to us several times during our lives.


Role conflict occurs when roles associated with two different statuses make incompatible demands on us.


Sociologist Erving Goffman (1963) used the term stigma to refer to characteristics that discredit people, including violations of norms of ability and violations of norms of appearance.


Sociologists who use the functionalist perspective stress how industrialization and urbanization have undermined the traditional functions of the family.


Status inconsistency occurs when people occupy two statuses are not expected to go together.


The fact that women are twice as likely to die after coronary bypass surgery can be traced to unintentional sexual discrimination by medical personnel.


The more years of schooling you complete, the longer you can expect to live.


The most intimate of all groups is the dyad.


The number of members in an age cohort determines the size of a "baby boom" or a "baby bust."


The purpose of "upsetting experiments" is to see how people react when social norms are violated.


A hypothesis predicts a relationship between or among ________, factors that vary, or change, from one person or situation to another.


The difference between status and role is that ________.

we occupy a status that is a social position, but we play a role that is a social expectation

Numerically, what is the race of the majority of the poor in the United States?


Which concept explains the rise of global stratification as including core nations, semiperiphery nations, periphery nations, and external areas?

world system theory

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