Network+ Chapter 6

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Which Carrier Sense technology is used on wireless networks to reduce collisions? CSMA/CA SSID 802.11 CSMA/CD


What is the lowest layer of the OSI model at which wired and wireless transmissions share the same protocols? Layer 3 Layer 1 Layer 4 Layer 2

layer 3

AP (access point)

A device used on wireless LANs that accepts wireless signals from multiple nodes and retransmits them to the rest of the network.


A low-power wireless technology that provides close-range communication between devices such as PCs, smartphones, tablets, and accessories.

CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance)

A network access method used on 802.11 wireless networks. CSMA/CA does not eliminate, but minimizes, the potential for collisions.

What technology does Bluetooth use to take advantage of the 79 channels allocated to the Bluetooth band? DSSS FHSS ZigBee RTS/CTS



The IEEE standard for a wireless networking technique designed to be compatible with 802.11b in the 2.4-GHz frequency range while using different data modulation techniques that allow it to reach a theoretical maximum capacity of 54 Mbps.


The IEEE standard for a wireless networking technique that exceeds benchmarks set by earlier standards by increasing its useful bandwidth and amplitude. 802.11ac is the first Wi-Fi standard to approach Gigabit Ethernet capabilities.


The IEEE standard for a wireless networking technique that may issue signals in the 2.4-GHz or 5-GHz band and can achieve actual data throughput between 65 Mbps and 600 Mbps.


The IEEE standard for a wireless networking technique that uses DSSS (direct-sequence spread spectrum) signaling in the 2.4-GHz frequency range and provides a theoretical maximum throughput of 11 Mbps.

war driving

The act of driving around an area while running a laptop configured to detect and capture wireless data transmissions.

A hacker takes advantage of an open Bluetooth connection to send a virus to a user's smartphone. What kind of security breach has occurred? Bluesnarfing War driving Bluejacking Data breach


Which Bluetooth class has the highest power output? Class 3 Class 2 Class 1 They all have equal power output

class 1

You just settled in for some study time at the local coffee shop, and you pause long enough to connect your smartphone to the Wi-Fi so you can listen to some music while you study. As you're about to sign in, you realize that you clicked on an SSID called "Free Coffee and Internet." What kind of security trap did you almost fall for? Evil twin Brute force attack Bluejacking Guest network

evil twin


A specific frequency range on the wireless spectrum.

Which 802.11 standard functions in both the 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz bands? 802.11n 802.11ac 802.11b 802.11g


data frame

An 802.11 frame type that is responsible for carrying data between stations.

CAPWAP (Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points)

A proprietary protocol created by Cisco to replace LWAPP. Both LWAPP and CAPWAP make centralized wireless management possible.


A smart home protocol that provides two basic types of functions: signaling, to manage wireless connections, and control, to transmit data and commands between devices.

ad hoc

A type of wireless LAN in which stations communicate directly with each other (rather than using an access point).

SSID (service set identifier)

A unique character string used to identify an access point on an 802.11 network.


A wireless security method that improves upon WPA by using a stronger encryption protocol called AES.

wireless bridge

An access point used to create remote wired access to a network.

brute force attack

An attempt to discover an encryption key or password by trying numerous possible character combinations until the correct combination is found.


An open-source wireless technology that gathers and tracks information from sensors typically embedded in heart rate monitors, GPS devices, and other activity monitoring devices.

BSS (basic service set)

In IEEE terminology, a group of stations that share an access point.

BSSID (basic service set identifier)

In IEEE terminology, the identifier for a BSS (basic service set).

channel bonding

In the context of 802.11n and 802.11ac wireless technology, the combination of two or more adjacent 20-MHz frequency bands to create one 40-, 60-, 80-, or 120-MHz channel.

beacon frame

In the context of wireless networking, a frame issued by an access point to alert other nodes of its existence.


In the context of wireless networking, the communication that occurs between a wireless client and an access point enabling the client to connect to the network via that access point.


In the context of wireless signal propagation, the phenomenon that occurs when an electromagnetic wave encounters an obstruction and splits into secondary waves.

While troubleshooting an E-mail client issue on a user's system, you that the incoming mail server settings are configured to listen on port 143. How will the client be able to access E-mails if you continue to use port 143? [Choose all that apply]. You can use multiple devices to access E-mails. The E-mail client will not be able to send or relay E-mails. There will be no E-mails in the sent folder. Incoming E-mails will be stored on the server.

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) uses port 143 to retrieve e-mail messages from the e-mail server. IMAP was designed with the goal of permitting complete management of an email box by multiple email clients, therefore clients generally leave messages on the server until the user explicitly deletes them. All modern email clients support it and it is still in widespread use today. You can use multiple devices to access E-mails. Incoming E-mails will be stored on the server.

A user swipes her smartphone across a tag on a poster to obtain showtimes for a movie she wants to see later that evening. What wireless technology transmitted the data? Bluetooth NFC Z-Wave ANT+


An E-mail client application uses port 25 to connect to the outgoing E-mail server. Which protocol is being used in this scenario? SMTP IMAP POP3 SNMP`


You have recently installed a new firewall on network. After the firewall is installed, you review the firewall logs and notice that port 25 incoming traffic is blocked. Which of the following protocol is impacted with this? POP3 SMTP SNMP IMAP

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol can be used to both send and receive e-mails to and from an e-mail client. Today however, SMTP is primarily used by e-mail clients only for sending as client applications usually use POP3 or IMAP. SMTP is also used for e-mail message relaying from one e-mail server to another. The SMTP protocol uses port 25.


The IEEE standard for a wireless networking technique that uses multiple frequency bands in the 5-GHz frequency range and provides a theoretical maximum throughput of 54 Mbps.

If users in your organizations use laptops and mobile to access online E-mail accounts. You are using IMAP as the protocol. What will happen if a user, using both mobile and a laptop, deletes one E-mail using either of the device? The desktop client will retain one copy of the E-mail as it is locally downloaded. The user will be able to view it from the other device. The deletion of the E-mail will occur on both the devices. The user will be able to see the E-mail in Inbox, but it will be marked as deleted.

The deletion of the E-mail will occur on both the devices.

captive portal

The first page displayed by a client's browser when the client connects to a guest network. This page usually requires the user to agree to a set of terms and conditions before gaining further access to the guest network.


The process of comparing and matching a client's credentials with the credentials in a client database to enable the client to log on to the network.

Which one of the following wireless transmission types requires a clear LOS to function? Bluetooth Infrared NFC Wi-Fi


Using port 110, you have configured an E-mail client to retrieve E-mails from a remote server over a TCP/IP connection. Which protocol is the E-mail client configured with? SMTP SNMP SNMP POP


You've just completed a survey of the wireless signals traversing the airspace in your employer's vicinity, and you've found an unauthorized AP with a very strong signal near the middle of the 100-acre campus. What kind of threat do you need to report to your boss? Rogue AP Hidden node Bluesnarfing War driving

rogue ap

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