Network+ Guide to Networks, Chapter 9, SUPER QUIZ!

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A network that any user can access with no restrictions. The most familiar example is the Internet.

public network

A Unix/Linux TCP/IP utility that allows one to view host's routing table -- destination IP address, mask, gateway, and interface


A utility for viewing or modifying a host's routing table.


A TCP/IP troubleshooting utility that uses ICMP to trace the path from one networked node to another, identifying all intermediate hops between the two nodes. Traceroute is useful for determining router or subnet connectivity problems. On Windows-based systems, the utility is known as tracert.

traceroute (tracert)

A Windows TCP/IP utility that traces path between 2 nodes (all hops)


A Windows and Unix/Linux TCP/IP utility that displays domain contact, hosting ISP, and DNS server


A Windows TCP/IP utility that allows the user to view TCP/IP settings (IP address, mask, gateway)


A TCP/IP troubleshooting utility that displays statistics and the state of current TCP/IP connections. It also displays ports, which can signal whether services are using the correct ports.


A Windows and Unix/Linux TCP/IP utility that displays TCP/IP traffic statistics and host connections, ports


Which of the following commands allows you to view the routing table on your Linux workstation? (Choose all that apply.)

netstat -r / route

A Unix/Linux TCP/IP utility that provides route discovery and analysis (like ping and traceroute)


A route discovery and analysis utility that comes with the Unix and Linux operating systems


What utility might you use to find out whether your ISP's router is responsible for the poor network performance your organization experiences on a particular afternoon?


A route discovery and analysis utility that comes with UNIX and Linux operating systems. Mtr combines the functions of the ping and traceroute commands and delivers an easily readable chart as its output.

mtr (my traceroute)

A TCP/IP troubleshooting utility that provides information about NetBIOS names and their addresses. If you know the NetBIOS name of a workstation, you can use nbtstat to determine its IP address.


A Windows TCP/IP utility that resolves NetBIOS computer name to IP address


A TCP/IP utility that allows you to look up the DNS host name of a network node by specifying its IP address, or vice versa. This ability is useful for verifying that a host is configured correctly and for troubleshooting DNS resolution problems.


A Windows and Unix/Linux TCP/IP utility that resolves IP address to hostname, hostname to IP address, and displays primary DNS server name & IP address


If you know that your colleague's TCP/IP host name is JSMITH, and you need to find out his IP address, which of the following commands should you type at your shell prompt or command prompt?

nslookup jsmith

A command-line utility that combines the functionality of the tracert and ping commands (similar to UNIX's mtr command) and comes with Windows operating systems.


A network whose access is restricted to only clients or machines with proper credentials.

private network

You have decided to use PAT on your small office network. At minimum, how many IP addresses must you obtain from your ISP in order for all five clients in your office to be able to access servers on the Internet?


Your workstation's IP address is, and your supervisor's workstation's IP address is When you send data from your workstation to your supervisor's workstation, what is the most likely IP address of the first default gateway that will accept and interpret your transmission?

On a network with an IP address of (or 10001100 10000101 0001110001001000) and a subnet mask of (or 11111111 11111000 0000000000000000), what is the network ID? (or 10001100 10000000 00000000 0000000)

You have enabled NAT on your small office's router. The router's private network IP address is Which of the following IP addresses is the most likely to be automatically assigned to one of the workstations that uses this router as its default gateway?

Your company has leased a Class C network whose network ID is You want to create 16 subnets within this network. One of the subnets will have an extended network prefix of What will be the broadcast address for this subnet? (Hint: If you know the number of hosts per subnet, you can easily determine the broadcast address.)

If you subdivide your Class B network into 254 subnets, what is the maximum number of hosts you can assign to any single subnet?


If you worked on a network that could not interpret classless addressing, and your network ID was, what is the theoretical maximum number of different subnets you could create on this network?


Convert the following subnet mask into its dotted-decimal equivalent: 11111111 11111111 11111000 00000000.

What is the default subnet mask for a Class C network?

You have decided to create 254 subnets on your Class B network. What subnet mask will you use to accomplish this?

As a networking consultant, you've been asked to help expand a client's TCP/IP network. The network administrator tells you that the network ID is subnetted as On this network, how many bits of each IP address are devoted to host information?


A passive ______ just passes the signal on


An active ______ regenerates (cleans up and boosts) the signal


Operates on OSI Physical Layer and replaced by switches since switches filter the traffic


Sends all packets to all nodes (excessive traffic)


What Network layer protocol does the traceroute utility use to obtain its information about paths between a source and destination?


A service provided with Windows operating systems that allows one computer, the ICS host, to share its Internet connection with other computers on the same network.

ICS (Internet Connection Sharing)

On a network using the Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing service, the computer whose Internet connection other computers share. The ICS host must contain two network interfaces: one that connects to the Internet and one that connects to the LAN.

ICS host

A mail retrieval protocol that improves on the shortcomings of POP. The single biggest advantage IMAP4 has relative to POP is that it allows users to store messages on the mail server, rather than always having to download them to the local machine. The most current version of IMAP is version 4 (IMAP4).

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)

The most commonly used form of the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP).

IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol, version 4)

Which two of the following are benefits of using IMAP4 relative to POP3?

It allows users to review and delete mail without downloading it from the mail server. It enables multiple users to easily share a central mailbox.

A standard for encoding and interpreting binary files, images, video, and non-ASCII character sets within an e-mail message.

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

A technique in which IP addresses used on a private network are assigned a public IP address by a gateway when accessing a public network.

NAT (Network Address Translation)

Allows computer to connect to network


Operates at the OSI Data Link Layer and provides a unique MAC address for the device


TCP/IP suite loaded here


A protocol that runs in the Session and Transport layers of the OSI model and associates NetBIOS names with workstations. NetBIOS alone is not routable because it does not contain Network layer information. However, when encapsulated in another protocol such as TCP/IP, it can be routed.


A form of address translation that uses TCP port numbers to distinguish each client's transmission, thus allowing multiple clients to share a limited number of Internet-recognized IP addresses.

PAT (Port Address Translation)

An Application layer protocol used to retrieve messages from a mail server. When a client retrieves mail via POP, messages previously stored on the mail server are downloaded to the client's workstation, and then deleted from the mail server.

POP (Post Office Protocol)

The most commonly used form of the Post Office Protocol.

POP3 (Post Office Protocol, version 3)

Operates on OSI Physical Layer and can extend network distance by boosting signal


Regenerates weak signals


Utility that allows you to view routing table on Unix or Linux systems


Which of the following commands reveals the default gateway addresses for all the hosts to which a router is connected?


Blocks broadcast traffic


Builds tables & forwards packets based on IP address


Operate at the OSI Network Layer and is a WAN/Internetworking device


The Application layer TCP/IP subprotocol responsible for moving messages from one e-mail server to another.

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

A type of address translation in which each private IP address is correlated with its own Internet-recognized IP address.

SNAT (Static Network Address Translation)

A logical process of combining bits. In ANDing, a bit with a value of 1 plus another bit with a value of 1 results in a 1. A bit with a value of 0 plus any other bit results in a 0.


Maintain tables of MAC & IP addresses


Operate on both Network & Data Link Layers of OSI


Contains 1 input and 1 output port


Forwards packets with unknown destination address


Greater latency than repeaters


Operates at the OSI Data Link Layer and separates network segments or broadcast domains


Translation _____ connects dissimilar network segments


Transparent _____ used on Ethernet networks


Uses MAC address


An IP addressing and subnetting method in which network and host information is manipulated without adhering to the limitations imposed by traditional network class distinctions. CIDR is also known as classless routing or supernetting. Older routing protocols, such as RIP, are not capable of interpreting CIDR addressing schemes.

CIDR (Classless Interdomain Routing)

In CIDR notation, the number of bits used for an extended network prefix. For example, the CIDR block for is /22.

CIDR block

In CIDR, a method of denoting network IDs and their subnet boundaries. Slash notation takes the form of the network ID followed by a slash (/), followed by the number of bits that are used for the extended network prefix.

CIDR notation

A type of address translation in which a limited pool of Internet-valid IP addresses is shared by multiple private network hosts.

DNAT (Dynamic Network Address Translation)

Allows you to query a DNS database and find the host name associated wit a specific IP adress or VISA VERSA

Dig (Domain Information Grouper)

Suppose your office's only DNS server was down, and you wanted to view the DNS address record for your company's domain. Which of the following TCP/IP utilities would allow you to do this?

Dig (Domain Information Grouper)

A node on a network has an IP address of and its subnet mask is What type of subnetting has been used on this network?


Separates a network into multiple logical defined segments, or subnets


A LAN device that operates at the OSI Data Link Layer and forwards packets based on MAC address


Greatly reduce LAN traffic compared to hubs


Will give entire bandwidth of 1 port


A Windows and Unix/Linux TCP/IP utility that displays client computer's hostname


A Unix/Linux TCP/IP utility that allows the user to view TCP/IP settings (IP address, mask, gateway)


A TCP/IP utility that at its simplest returns either the IP address of a host if its host name is specified or its host name if its IP address is specified.


When you use the mtr command to assess the path from your office workstation to a server on your company's WAN that's located in Spain, what is the first hop the mtr command will display?

Your default gateway's IP address

A Unix/Linux TCP/IP utility that resolves IP address to hostname and resolves hostname to IP address

host / dig

A TCP/IP utility used to show or modify a client's host name.


An IP addressing convention that adheres to network class distinctions, in which the first 8 bits of a Class A address, the first 16 bits of a Class B address, and the first 24 bits of a Class C address are used for network information.

classful addressing

The gateway that first interprets a device's outbound requests, and then interprets its inbound requests to and from other subnets. In a Postal Service analogy, the default gateway is similar to a local post office.

default gateway

A TCP/IP utility that queries the DNS database and provides information about a host given its IP address or vice versa. Dig is similar to the nslookup utility, but provides more information, even in its simplest form, than nslookup can.

dig (domain information groper)

The combination of an IP address's network ID and subnet information. By interpreting the address's extended network prefix, a device can determine the subnet to which an address belongs.

extended network prefix

The prefix in an IPv6 address that identifies a route. Because route prefixes vary in length, slash notation is used to define them. For example, the route prefix indicated by 2608:FE10::/32 includes all subnets whose prefixes begin with 2608:FE10 and, consequently, all interfaces whose IP addresses begin with 2608:FE10.

route prefix

A Windows TCP/IP utility that allows one to view host's routing table -- destination IP address, mask, gateway, and interface

route print

The 64-bit prefix in an IPv6 address that identifies a subnet. A single IPv6 subnet is capable of supplying 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 IPv6 addresses.

subnet prefix

In IPv4, a type of subnet that is created by moving the subnet boundary to the left and using bits that normally would be reserved for network class information.


A 32-bit number that, when combined with a device's IPv4 address, indicates the kind of supernet to which the device belongs.

supernet mask

A Unix/Linux TCP/IP utility that traces path between 2 nodes (all hops)


A version of the traceroute utility found on some Linux distributions.


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