Networks and Cloud Computing - Chapter 4

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What is a computer network?

A computer network is the communications media, devices, and software, needed for two or more computers or other decices to conenct to one another.

Local Area Network (LAN)

A local Area Network connects network nodes/computer systems and devices to one another over a small area - like a room, a house, or a few floors of a building.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

A metropolitan area network connects computer systems and devices to the users over an area that spans the size of a campus or city.

What does a star network look like? (Figure)

A star network has the single central hub node in the middle with multiple computer systems and/or devices being connected to it. Remember - computer systems can connect to one another through the use of this single central hub node.

What is a URL?

A uniform resource locator is a web address that specifies the exact location of a web page using letters and words that map to an IP address and host location.

What is a very short-range wireless connectivity technology?

A very short-range wireless connectivity technology is known as near-field communication (NFC).

What simply is a wireless access point?

A wireless access point is simply a transmitter with an antenna.

What is bluetooth?

Bluetooth is a wireless communications specification that describes how cell phones, computers, personal digital assistants, etc. can be connected to one another.

What are broadband communications?

Broadband communications is a relative a term; consists of a telecommunications system that can transmit data very quickly.

Businesses connect to the internet using a blank server if they are running and maintaining a LAN in their building (or other locations).

Businesses connect to the internet using a Local Area Network Server, if they are controlling and maintaining Local Area Networks within their office building or other locations.

Other options include (accessing the internet):

Cable modem connections DSL connections Satellite connections.

Channel bandwidth, the rate at which data is exchanged, is usually measured in...

Channel bandwidth, the rate at which data is exchanged, is usually measured in bits per second (bits/sec)

Communication satellites are relay stations that receive signals from one earth station and...

Communication satellites are relay stations that receive signals from one Earth Microwave Station and rebroadcast them to another Earth Microwave Station.

Near field communication is designed for what three things?

Consumer electronics, cell phones, and credit cards.

In a bus network, all network devices are connected to what? What does this thing serve as?

In a bus network, all network devices are connected to one another through a common network backbone. This backbone serves as the shared communications medium of the bus network.

What happens in a guided (wired) transmission media?

In a guided (wired) transmission media, signals are guided along a solid medium.

In a star network, all devices connect to one another through what?

In a star network, all of the devices connect to one another through a central single hub. This hub is called the single central hub node.

In a Wi-Fi network, the user's computer, smartphone, or cell phone is what?

In a wifi network, the user's computer, smartphone, or cell phone has a wireless adapter.

What does a bus network look like?

In the figure, bus network has a horizontal line in the middle (network backbone), which then has a total of seven vertical lines that connect to seven different computer systems and/or devices. - Databases, hardware, and programs are shared through this backbone.

In the figure, the communications satellite is approximately how many miles above the earth's floor?

In the figure, it shows that the communications satellite is approximately 22,300 miles from the earth's floor.

Internet censorship

Internet censorship is simply associated with the unfortunate truth of how some countries try to inteligente internet content and services.

What does IP enable?

Internet protocol enables computers to route communications traffic from one network to another.

What is an Network operating system?

NOS is a systems software that controls the computer systems and other devices on a network.

What does NOS stand for?

NOS stands for Network Operating System.

What are network nodes?

Network nodes are the computers and devices on the networks.

What is network topology?

Network topology consists of the shape or structure of the network, including the arrangement of the communications links and hardware on the network.

On the internet, data is transmitted from what to what?

On the internet, data is transmitted from one host computer to another.

What can organizations use networks for?

Organizations can use networks to share databases, hardware, and programs.

Other than locating potential network problems and malfunctions, what does network-management software do?

Other than locating telecommunications errors and network problems and malfunctions, network-management software focuses on protecting the software from being copied, modified, or downloaded illegally.

What does PBX stand for?

PBX is a communications device that stands for Private Branch Exchange.

What does SDN stand for? This is an emerging approach to networking!

SDN stands for Software-Defined Networking - this is an emerging approach to networking!

What does SDN allow for?

Software-defined networking, which is an emerging approach to networking, allows for network administrators to have a central control of the network without having physical access to all devices on the network (network devices).

TCP, what does it stand for? What is it?

TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol. Transmission Control Protocol is the widely used transport layer Protocol that most internet applications use with IP.

Describe the figure - do these network devices, that speak to one another, form a network connection over a wide area?

The figure shows multiple network systems within their own circles, each of them connecting to one another. These circles are the multiple access points. Yes, the computer devices and other systems that speak to one another do indeed connect to form a network connection over a wide area.

The first generation of wireless communications standards originated in the blank and was based on what type of communications.

The first generation of wireless communications standards originated in the 1980s and was based on analog communications.

What are the four different network types?

The four different network types are: Personal Area Network (PAN) Local Area Network (LAN) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) Wide Area Network (WAN)

What are the four different types of guided (wired) transmission media?

The four different types of guided (wired) transmission media are: Twisted-pair wire Cable Coaxial cable Fiber-optic cable

What is the infrastructure on which the web exists? Are these two things interrelated?

The infrastructure on which the Web exists is known as the internet - the World Wide Web (Web) and the Internet are most certainly interrelated.

What is the internet backbone?

The internet backbone is one of the internet's high-speed, long-distance communications links.

The internet is international in scope with...

The internet itself is international in scope with users on every continent.

What type of impact do internet sites have on world politics?

The internet sites today, have a profound impact on world politics.

What does the microwave Frequency Range involve?

The microwave Frequency range involves terrestrial and satellites (mainly communications satellites - signals are sent through the atmosphere and into space).

What are the most common network operating systems?

The most common network operating systems are: Linux Windows server UNIX Mac OS X

The personal Area Network supports...

The personal Area Network supports the interconnection of information technology that is close to one person.

When and by who was the Project of the ARPANET started?

The project of the ARPANET began in 1969 by the United States' Department of Defense (DoD).

When did the second generation of wireless communications standards supersede or take over the first generation? What did it employ?

The second generation of wireless communications standards took over the first generation in the early 1990s. The second generation began to employ fully digital networks.

Wireless communications media

The signs itself is broadcast over airwaves as a form of electromagnetic radiation.

What are the three most common network topologies?

The three most common network topologies are: Star network Bus network Mesh network

What are the two broad categories of communications media?

The two broad categories of communications media are guided (wired) and wireless.

What are the two common forms of satellite communications?

The two common forms of satellite communications are: 1. Geostationary satellite 2. Low earth orbit (LEO) satellite

What are the two things that WANs consist of?

The two things that wide Area networks consist of are: The computer equipment that is owned by the user. Data communications equipment, management of the wide Area Network, and telecommunications links are provided by various carriers and service providers.

What does this wireless adapter do?

The wireless adapter receives the data, translates it into a radio signal, and then transmits it using an antenna.

What does 1G - 4G LTE stand for - these are wireless communications standards.

The wireless communications standards: 1G - First Generation 2G - Second Generation 3G - Third Generation 4G LTE - Fourth Generation based on Long Term Evolution

What does a database server send and not send?

This is after the Client (the computer device that sends data or service requests to the servers on a network), requests service from the severs. The database server only sends the data that meets the needs of a specific query, NOT the entire file.

3G supports wireless voice and broadband speed data communications at speeds of 2 to 6 Mbps. True or False?

This is not entirely true; third generation does support wireless voice, but not broadband speed data communication at speeds of 2 to 6 Mbps - instead, it supports broadband speed data at speeds of 2 to 4 Mbps.

What are the several ways (4) that users can access the Internet?

1. Wireless connection (cellphones) 2. Dial-up connection - associated with telephone lines. 3. Connecting to internet via a Local Area Network Server. 4. High-speed service.

4G networks are based on blank, which focuses on packet switching rather than circuit switching.

4G networks are based Long Term Evolution, which is a standard for wireless communications that allows for packet switching rather than circuit switching.

4G wireless provides increased data transmission rates - how much times faster than 3G?

4G wireless provides faster transmission rates - it can be 3-20 times faster than the 3G wireless broadband speed data communications.

What is a Client?

A Client is any computer that sends messages requesting services from the servers on the network.

This type of group can maintain group policies for security, control settings, ensure malware protections is in place for mobile devices on a network, and what else?

A central control group is a group that can maintain policies for security, control settings, ensure malware protection to devices on a network, and make sure that passwords are necessary to access the network(s).

What is an IP address? Does your computer need an IP address?

An IP address is a 64-bit number that identifies a computer on the internet. Yes, your computer does indeed need an IP address.

What's another way you can connect to the internet (hint: internet s..)

Another the way that you can connect to the internet is through the use of an internet service provider.

Name five communications devices and explain three of them. - communications hardware.

Five communications with three explanations: Modem - translates data from a digital form (as it is stored in a computer) into an analog signal that can be transmitted over ordinary telephone lines. Fax Modem Front-end processor - manages communications to and from a computer system serving many people. Router Gateway - serves as an entrance to another network, such as the Internet

What software-defined networking (SDN) is google implementing?

Google is implementing the SDN known as Andromeda. This will allow google's cloud (network) computing services to scale better, update more efficiently, and will allow for the saving of money for the company as a whole.

The number of domains of each Affiliation ID; list them from lowest number to highest number (not the actual numbers)

Gov (lowest number of domains) Edu Biz Org Net Com (highest number of domains)

IP Protocol is the set of rules...

IP Protocol is the st of rules that are used to pass packets from one host to another.

What does IP stand for?

IP stands for Internet Protocol.

What does ISP stand for? What does an ISP do?

ISP stands for Internet Service Provider. An internet service provider is any organization that provides internet access to people.

What happens if an individual device fails to connect? What would be the biggest problem that could occur?

If an individual device fails within a star network, this is not a major problem. Data can be transmitted to another device that is still connected to the single central hub node. However, the biggest problem would reside in the harsh reality or possibility of the single central hub node failing - all devices lose connection to the network, and thus, to one another.

LANs are used all of the time in... to do what?

LANs are used all of the time in computer labs in order for the fast sharing of information to print out certain pages (to plotters and printers), and to be able to save files and download new software applications.

Give an example of how a local Area Network would be used in an office building.

Local Area networks are used in an office building for example, when sharing information between computers or when trying to print a document in a room other than your own - a printer located at the desktop publishing center.

What does MDM software stand for

MDM software stands for Mobile Device Management software.

Microwave transmission (signal) is a blank frequency signal that is sent through the air. What is its range (frequency range).

Microwave transmission (signal) is a high-frequency signal that is sent through the air. Its frequency range = 300MHz - 300 GHz

What does MDM software do?

Mobile device management software manages and troubleshoot mobile devices remotely, pushing out applications, data, patches and settings.


Radio Frequency Range: Very susceptible to signal being intercepted. Microwave Frequency range: the line-of-sight between the signal and the device must be clear (unobstructed line of sight between the sender and receiver). Signal is highly susceptible to interception. Infrared Frequency range: must have unobstructed line of sight - transmission is effective only for short distances.

What are the advantages of each frequency range?

Radio frequency range: used for mobile devices, the costs of remaining in this range are dropping. Microwave frequency range: avoids costs and efforts to lay cables or wires - high transmission speeds Infrared Frequency range - high-speed transmission - no use of when moving, removing, or installing devices

The Client/server architecture features what?

The Client/server architecture features multiple computer platforms that are dedicated to special functions - such as database management, printing, or communications.

Does 5G (Fifth Generation) wireless communications standards exist yet? If it doesn't, what things (name three) will it be expected to do?

The Fifth Generation Wireless Communications Standards does exist, but it cannot be bought yet. It is expected to do multiple things such as: Increase data transmission rates. Reduce power consumption. Reduce infrastructure costs.

What are the Hertz ranges for each of the wireless transmission media frequency ranges?

The Hertz ranges for each of the wireless transmission media frequency ranges are: 1. Radio Frequency - Operates between 3KHz and 300MHz 2. Microwave Frequency - High-Frequency radio signal - 300MHz - 300GHz 3. Infrared Frequency - 300 GHz - 400THz Frequency range

Who or what is responsible for managing up addresses and internet domain names? Domain names must follow or adhere to strict rules (titles of websites or URLs cannot be copies once again by another person).

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is responsible for managing IP addresses and Internet domain names (ICANN). Domain names must adhere to strict rules.

What is the ancestor of the internet called?

The ancestor of the internet is called the ARPANET.

What is the area that is covered by one or more interconnected wireless access points called?

The area that is covered by one or more interconnected wireless access points is known as a "hot spot."

What is a channel bandwidth?

The channel bandwidth is the rate at which data is exchanged.

When does the commercial deployment expect to be executed by - for 5G?

The commercial deployment for 5G wireless communications standards is expected to deploy by 2017.

What does the dial-up internet connection use?

The dial-up internet connection uses modems and standard phone lines.

What does URL stand for?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.

What are various Affiliation IDs and what do they mean?

Various Affiliation IDs: Biz - business sites Com - all types of entities (nonprofits, schools, and private individuals) Edu - post-secondary Educational sites Gov - government sites Net - networking sites Org - nonprofit organization sites

What does WAN stand for? What does a WAN do?

WAN stands for Wide Area Network A wide area network allows for the connection of network systems (computers and other devices) over large geographic regions.

When the ARPANET started becoming too famous, what happened? What were the two different networks called?

When the ARPANET started becoming too popular in universities, this network was divided into two separate networks: 1. Milnet (for military services) 2. Smaller version of the ARPNET (for all other services or content) - this eventually developed into the internet.

What does Wi-Fi employ?

Wi-Fi employs a wireless access point that receives a signal and then decodes it.

Wi-Fi is a wireless telecommunications technology brand owned by the blank.

Wi-Fi is a telecommunications technology brand that is owned by the Wi-Fi Alliance.

Wireless transmission involves the broadcast of communications in one of three frequency ranges. What are these ranges?

Wireless transmission involves the broadcast of communications in one of three frequencies: Radio Frequency Microwave Frequency Or Infrared Frequency

Is it true that wireless transmission media can sometimes be regulated?

Wireless transmission media/communications can indeed become regulated by the government. The signal must be broadcast within a specific frequency range in order to not interrupt other wireless transmissions.

With routing messages over the internet, what does the figure look like

With routing messages over the internet, the figure itself (the one that demonstrates how data is transmitted from one host computer to another), portrays two host computers at the top connected to one another. They are then connected to a bundle of routers or gateways, that are connected to two other interconnected computer host systems at the bottom of the figure.

With wide Area networks, communications may involve blank data flow.

With wide Area networks, communications may involve transborder data flow.

Is it true that enterprises mainly use local Area networks to connect network devices within an office building?

Yes, it is indeed true that many enterprises use a local Area Network when connecting the computer systems and devices of the workers within an office building.

Is it true that the number of worldwide internet users is expected to keep on growing?

Yes, it is indeed true that the number of worldwide internet users is expected to keep growing as time goes on.

Is it true that internet service over cellular and Wi-Fi networks (wireless connection) has become common?

Yes, it is most definitely true that internet connection or service over cellular and Wi-Fi networks has become common.

Do mesh networks use multiple access points in order to connect or link network devices to one another?

Yes, mesh networks do indeed use multiple access points to connect computer or other devices to one another. This network devices speak to one another to form a network across a large area.

Must you have an account with the internet service provider? What also must you have?

Yes, you must have an account with the internet service provider. Also, you must have the software and devices that support a connection via TCP/IP

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