Neuro: Chapter 10

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Research by Coolen suggests that the circuit for the ejaculation generator in the male rat is located a. above the tenth thoracic segment. b. below the cauda equina. c. in the sexually dimorphic region of the medial preoptic area. d. in the lumbar region. e. within the thalamus.


Sensory cells of the vomeronasal organ project to the a. olfactory bulb. b. nasal cavity. c. optic bulb. d. accessory olfactory bulb. e. dorsal nucleus of the amygdala.


The ________ effect refers to the situation in which a group of female mice that are housed together show a slowing down and then a termination of their estrous cycles. a. Whitten b. Bruce c. Bruce-Lee d. Lee-Boot e. Vandenbergh


The fact that ________ neurons are inhibited by serotonin may explain the observation that ________ impair ejaculation, but not erection, in male humans. a. medial preoptic; alcoholic drinks b. lumbar spinothalamic; glutamate drugs c. medial preoptic; anticholinergic drugs d. lumbar spinothalamic; selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors e. ventromedial hypothalamic; selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors


The genetic sex of a fetus is determined by a. the hormones produced by the pituitary during fetal development. b. a single gene on the X chromosome. c. the gonads. d. the father's sperm. e. the phase of the menstrual cycle during which fertilization occurs.


The hormone ________ controls the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. a. leptin b. LH c. ghrelin d. kisspeptin e. cortisol


The key effect of luteinizing hormone is to a. stimulate beard growth. b. guide the implantation of the fertilized ovum. c. impair the growth of ovarian follicles. d. induce ovulation. e. promote the growth of axillary hair.


The prenatal development of the external male genitalia requires the presence of a. alpha-feto protein. b. melatonin. c. estradiol. d. dihydrotestosterone. e. anti-Müllerian hormone.


The prenatal development of the external male genitalia requires the presence of a. alpha-feto protein. b. melatonin. c. estradiol. d. dihydrotestosterone. e. anti-Müllerian hormone.


The prenatal development of the internal reproductive structures of the female a. requires the suppression of the Müllerian system by anti-Müllerian hormone. b. requires secretion of estradiol by the pituitary. c. is caused by secretion of progesterone. d. requires no hormone. e. requires secretion of androgens.


The prenatal development of the internal reproductive structures of the male requires a. activation of the Müllerian system by anti-Müllerian hormone. b. secretion of estradiol by the pituitary. c. secretion of progesterone. d. secretion of androgens. e. secretion of progesterone.


The protein that dictates the conversion of the undifferentiated gonads into the testes is controlled by the a. ob/ob protein. b. leptin protein. c. gene Tny. d. gene Sry. e. X chromosome.


Which of the following is true of the rat estrous cycle? a. The uterine lining is lost on day 4 of the cycle. b. The estrous cycle is controlled by adrenal hormones. c. Ovulation is not required for sexual behavior during the estrous cycle. d. The rat estrous cycle lasts 4 days. e. Removal of the ovaries does not disrupt the estrous cycle once it has been established in the adult female.


Which of the following is known to speed up the onset of female puberty? a. forced exercise and dieting b. low levels of body fat c. high plasma levels of leptin d. malnutrition e. consumption of a low-energy diet


The ________ is the most common subject for studies of sexual behavior. a. dog b. cat c. human d. rat e. mouse


Lordosis is considered to be an example of ________ in the female rat. a. receptivity b. perceptivity c. proceptivity d. attractivity e. reactivity


Male rodent sexual behavior can be diminished by damage to the a. medial preoptic area. b. medulla. c. dorsal amygdala. d. pons. e. forebrain.


A hormone that prevents the prenatal development of the Müllerian system is said to have a(n) a. defeminizing effect. b. activational effect. c. masculinizing effect. d. feminizing effect. e. nonselective action on the undifferentiated gonads.


A receptive female rat will perform ____________ when mounted. a. lordosis b. ear wiggling c. darting d. escaping e. startle


After ejaculation, a male rat will refrain from further copulation for a period of time. This is known as a. the refractory period. b. sexual satiety. c. sexual inhibition. d. the Coolidge effect. e. the cold-shower effect.


An adult rodent that was NOT exposed to prenatal androgens is injected estrogen and progesterone as an adult. You would expect that rodent to display a. female sexual behaviors. b. male sexual behaviors. c. signs of behavioral depression. d. defeminization. e. a tendency to be timid in social situations.


An example of an activational effect induced by the hormone estradiol would be a. growth of the uterine lining during the menstrual cycle. b. growth of axillary hair in females. c. differentiation of the Wolffian system into the fimbriae, Fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina. d. maturation of the ovaries in a female. e. alteration of the vocal cords to create a "deep" voice.


If a female rat is ovariectomized and given T at birth, she will not perform lordosis for a male even when given estradiol and progesterone. In this case, the animal has experienced a. behavioral defeminization. b. behavioral masculinization. c. activational effects of estradiol and progesterone. d. organizational effects of estradiol and progesterone. e. organizational effects of testosterone.


Impairment of oxytocin secretion in a ________ would be expected to ________. a. male; reduce ejaculatory force b. female; permanently lower the voice c. male; produce hair loss d. male; reduce sexual refractory periods e. female; increase sexual desire


Individuals with cloacal exstrophy are genetic _____________ who are often sexually attracted to ____________. a. males; females b. females; males c. males; males d. females; females e. males or females; females


Menstruation is triggered by a. reduced secretion of estrogen and progesterone from the corpus luteum. b. implantation of a fertilized ovum in the uterus. c. androgens from the adrenal cortex. d. estrogens from the adrenal cortex. e. increased secretion of estrogen and progesterone from the corpus luteum.


Menstruation is triggered by a. reduced secretion of estrogen and progesterone from the corpus luteum. b. implantation of a fertilized ovum in the uterus. c. androgens from the adrenal cortex. d. estrogens from the adrenal cortex. e. increased secretion of estrogen and progesterone from the corpus luteum.


Nest building is facilitated by administration of a. progesterone. b. estradiol. c. oxytocin. d. testosterone. e. prolactin.


Postmortem studies of brains of gay and heterosexual men and women have shown differences in the size of a. the suprachiasmatic nucleus. b. the corpus callosum. c. the cerebral cortex. d. the prefrontal cortex. e. the occipital lobe.


Rats primed with estradiol followed by progesterone injections show a. increased activity in single neurons in the VMH during lordosis. b. suppression of female sexual behavior. c. impaired thermoregulation during parturition and lactation. d. more and larger cells in the sexually dimorphic nucleus. e. increased activity in single neurons in the medial preoptic area during lordosis.


Sexual behavior in a female rodent would be reduced or prevented by a. an ovariectomy. b. targeted mutations of androgen eceptors. c. targeted mutations (deletions) of aldosterone receptors. d. damage to the medial preoptic hypothalamus. e. damage to the prefrontal cortex


Sexual behavior in the male rat requires the presence of a. testosterone. b. estrogen c. sensory factors. d. adrenaline. e. an X chromosome.


The MPA may provide excitatory input to the spinal cord sexual reflexes through the ________ and inhibitory input to the spinal cord through the ________. a. periaqueductal gray (PAG); nucleus paragigantocellularis (PGi) of the medulla b. PGi; PAG c. PGi; rostral thalamus d. lateral amygdala; medial thalamus e. lateral amygdala; medial hypothalamus


The Whitten effect and the Vandenbergh effect are induced in a female rodent by exposure to ________ from a(n) ________. a. urine; intact male rodent b. sweat; castrated male rodent c. urine; intact female rodent d. ultrasounds; stranger e. sweat; pregnant female rodent


The difference between receptivity and proceptivity is that a. proceptivity reflects the eagerness of the female to copulate. b. proceptivity is not subject to change during the estrous cycle. c. loss of estrogen will reduce receptivity but not proceptivity d. receptivity reflects the eagerness of the female to copulate. e. androgens facilitate receptivity but not proceptivity.


The growth of pubic and axillary hair is promoted by a. androgens secreted from the adrenal cortex. b. leptin. c. estrogens secreted from the adrenal cortex. d. progesterone. e. kisspeptin.


The hormone ________ exerts a defeminizing action during prenatal development. a. testosterone b. dihydrotestosterone c. estradiol d. ghrelin e. anti-Müllerian hormone


The steps of the menstruation cycle are (in order) a. follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase, menses. b. ovulation, follicular phase, luteal phase, menses. c. follicular phase, luteal phase, ovulation, menses. d. menses, luteal phase, ovulation, follicular phase. e. ovulation, follicular phase, ovulation, menses.


The structures of the Wolffian system are the precursors to the a. male internal sex organs. b. ovaries. c. female internal sex organs. d. testes. e. penis and scrotum.


Twin studies indicate that a. there is a genetic basis for homosexuality in males as well as in females. b. identical male twins are less likely to be concordant for homosexuality than are fraternal male twins. c. a male child whose older twin sisters are heterosexual is more likely to be homosexual. d. homosexual women are likely to have homosexual male relatives. e. early family environment is more important than genes for the development of


Which hormone causes ovulation? a. LH b. estradiol c. progesterone d. FSH e. testosterone


Which of the following is considered to be a human sex organ? a. ovaries b. adrenal gland c. pancreas d. pituitary e. thyroid


Which of the following is the current conclusion regarding the role of androgens in female sexual activity? a. Androgens amplify the effects of estradiol. b. Androgens' effects in women are no more than a placebo effect. c. Androgens act to increase genital blood flow in older females. d. Androgens inhibit the actions of estradiol in female sexual behavior. e. Androgens and estradiol are interchangeable hormones for female sexual behavior.


Which of the following is true of the sex chromosomes? a. Factors coded on the Y chromosome control the development of the male sex glands. b. The Y chromosome contains the blueprints for the male fetus. c. The sex chromosomes are the largest among the 23 pairs. d. The mother donates her Y chromosome to form a female fetus. e. The Y chromosome contains the blueprints for the female fetus.


Which of the following pairs represent an example of a primary sex characteristic and an example of a secondary sex characteristic? a. penis; beard growth b. enlarged breasts; wide hips c. testes development; ovaries d. clitoris; ovaries e. deep voice; beard growth


_______________ increases an individual's likelihood to trust another person with his or her money. a. Oxytocin b. Vasopressin c. Testosterone d. Estradiol e. Progesterone


A female rat is ovariectomized and then injected with testosterone immediately after birth. In adulthood, this rat is injected with testosterone and placed in a cage with a receptive female rat. This female rat will a. show evidence of maternal aggression. b. attempt to mount the female. c. show lordosis to the female rat. d. show female sexual behaviors. e. show intermale aggression.


A female rhesus monkey is exposed to testosterone in utero. As a result, the animal displays some defeminized behaviors as an adult. In this case, the influence of the hormone exposure had a(n) _______________ effect. a. activational b. organizational c. instrumental d. masculinizing e. feminizing


A pheromone is a a. chemical located on the tongue that detects sugar. b. chemical that is released by one animal that affects the behavior of another animal of the same species. c. hormone released from the gut after the ingestion of fat. d. substance used to disinfect surgical instruments. e. type of enzyme that deactivates cyclic nucleotides.


A secondary sex effect of androgens would be the a. development of a penis. b. growth of pubic hair. c. raising of the voice. d. growth of head hair. e. suppression of the ovaries.


A secondary sex effect of androgens would be the a. development of a penis. b. growth of pubic hair. c. raising of the voice. d. growth of head hair. e. suppression of the ovaries


A single egg contributes ________ to the developing zygote. a. XX b. X c. Y d. XY e. XO


Administration of a GnRH antagonist to human males is most likely to cause a. a loss of tactile sensitivity. b. a decrease in sexual interest and intercourse after two weeks of treatment. c. a loss of erections during REM sleep, but no change in sex drive. d. no change in sexual activity because the adrenals also secrete testosterone. e. increased secretion of testosterone.


An example of a secondary sex characteristic is a. ovary development. b. a deep voice. c. development of a clitoris. d. development of a vagina. e. formation of a penis.


An example of a secondary sex characteristic is a. ovary development. b. a deep voice. c. development of a clitoris. d. development of a vagina. e. formation of a penis.


An individual with androgen-insensitivity syndrome will a. not be feminized at puberty. b. have female external genitalia. c. not function sexually as an adult. d. prefer a female sexual partner. e. be likely to show very feminine toy preferences.


Damage to the lumbar spinothalamic cells impairs a. erection. b. ejaculation. c. erection and ejaculation. d. intromission. e. the ability of a male to display lordosis.


If a female rat is ovariectomized and given T at birth, she will not perform lordosis for a male. Instead, when given testosterone, she will mount. In this case, the animal has experienced a. behavioral defeminization. b. behavioral masculinization. c. activational effects of estradiol and progesterone. d. organizational effects of estradiol and progesterone. e. organizational effects of testosterone.


In considering male sexual behavior, it is true that a. orgasm requires intromission. b. ejaculation refers to the discharge of semen from the penis. c. intromission refers to a break between bouts of sexual behavior. d. pelvic thrusting is limited to males. e. the sexual behavior of human males requires high levels of testosterone


Sexual behavior in a female rat is ________ after removal of the ________. a. absent; medial preoptic area b. absent; ovaries c. absent; nucleus accumbens d. augmented; ovaries e. augmented; nucleus accumbens


The ________ is critical for the ability of a rodent to identify the sex of another rodent. a. orbitofrontal cortex b. vomeronasal organ c. prefrontal cortex d. lateral hypothalamus e. thalamus


The adulthood psychological adjustment achieved by Bruce-Brenda-David, the male twin whose penis was ablated during a botched circumcision procedure at age 7 months, suggests that a. nature's impulse is to create a female. b. sexual identity may not be easily shifted by the upbringing of a child. c. regular injections of testosterone can shift sexual identity. d. genetic type is less important than are social factors. e. normal circumcision can alter sexual identity.


The enzyme ________ converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. a. tyrosine hydroxylase b. 5-alpha reductase c. seminal hydroxylase d. 3,4 galactase e. tryptophan hydroxylase


The key distinction between an organizational hormone effect and an activational hormone effect is that a. activational effects are permanent. b. organizational effects are permanent. c. organizational effects only occur during adulthood. d. activational effects are mediated by receptors, whereas organizational effects are due to temporary changes in neurotransmitter secretion. e. organizational effects only occur in the brain.


The odor of human female underarm sweat can a. delay the onset of puberty. b. synchronize menstrual cycles in women. c. influence men's attractiveness to women. d. enhance sexual activity in men, but not women. e. induce the release of corticosterone from the adrenal glands.


The physiological and behavioral cues in a female rat to which a male rat will respond are termed a. receptive behaviors. b. attractiveness. c. perceptive behaviors. d. proceptivity behaviors. e. refractory behaviors.


The size of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is an indicator of a. prenatal androgenization. b. sexual orientation. c. ambivalent sexuality. d. sexual identity. e. postnatal androgenization.


The term concordant refers to when a. neither members of a twin pair show the same trait. b. both members of a twin pair show the same trait. c. an adopted child somewhat resembles its biological parents. d. only one member of a twin pair show the same trait. e. an adopted child somewhat resembles its adopted parents.


Which of the following is known to speed up the onset of female puberty? a. forced exercise and dieting b. low levels of body fat c. high plasma levels of leptin d. malnutrition e. consumption of a low-energy diet


What principle is demonstrated by the findings that mechanical stimulation of the genitals elicits sex-related behaviors in animals whose spinal cord has been cut? a. Sexual reflexes cannot occur without the brain. b. The brain is not required for the sexual reflexes of erection and ejaculation. c. Sexual orientation is dependent on spinal mechanisms. d. Pathways from the hypothalamus to the spinal cord are key to sexual behavior. e. Male sexual behavior can at times appear to be brainless.


Which of the following accurately represents the neural pathways that control the muscles responsible for lordosis in female rats? a. medial amygdala -> medial preoptic area -> PAG -> ventral horn of the spinal cord b. VMH -> PAG -> medullary reticular formation -> ventral horn motor neurons c. VMH -> nucleus accumbens -> dorsal horn of the spinal cord d. medial amygdala -> medial preoptic area -> PAG -> nucleus ambiguous e. VMH -> amygdala -> medullary reticular formation


Which of the following is an outcome of congenital adrenal hyperplasia? a. increased likelihood of being attracted to other men b. increased likelihood of being attracted to other women c. these children are very compliant to the wishes of their parents d. these children show a preference for dolls over guns e. the external genitalia appear as male


Which of the following terms belong together? a. Wolffian system; clitoris b. Müllerian system; Fallopian tubes c. Müllerian system; uterus d. Wolffian system; uterus e. Müllerian system; vas deferens


Which statement best describes the Bruce effect? a. The odor of a male mouse accelerates the onset of puberty in a female mouse. b. Spontaneous abortion in female mice is noted after exposure to the odor of a novel male. c. Group-housed female mice show a faster estrous cycle. d. Estrous cycles of group-housed female mice are synchronized after exposure to the odor of an intact male mouse. e. Group-housed female mice show slower estrous cycles.


A genetic male has a hormone receptor deficiency that resulted in this person having a penis and both sets of internal sex organs. The most likely explanation for this case is that the person might a. lack the Y chromosome. b. have undergone plastic surgery. c. have persistent Müllerian duct syndrome. d. have testes that oversecreted anti-Müllerian hormone. e. have Turner's syndrome.


A hormone that promotes the prenatal development of the Wolffian system is said to have a(n) a. defeminizing effect. b. activational effect. c. masculinizing effect. d. feminizing effect. e. nonselective action on the undifferentiated gonads.


A key indicator of the likelihood that a person will engage in adult homosexual behavior is a. prolonged in utero exposure to heavy metals. b. being raised by a harsh, punitive father. c. a self-report of homosexual feelings. d. a history of birth complications. e. being raised by a warm, loving mother.


A male rat is castrated immediately after birth and then given injections of estradiol and progesterone in adulthood. This male rat would be expected to a. exhibit enhanced inter-male aggression. b. attempt to copulate with a female in heat. c. show lordosis to another male. d. attempt to copulate with a nonestrous female. e. show maternal aggression.


According to the Coolidge effect, a novel female a. elicits motor responses that are incompatible with intromission. b. strengthens the sexual refractory period after ejaculation. c. diminishes the sexual refractory period of the male after ejaculation. d. fails to elicit sexual satiety. e. reduces the circulating levels of testosterone in the male rat.


Damage to the ________ will disrupt rodent nest building and pup care, but not female sexual behavior. a. medial amygdala b. stria terminalis c. medial preoptic area d. ventromedial hypothalamus e. reticular formation


Female sexual behavior is suppressed by a. damage to the thalamus. b. electrical stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus. c. damage to the ventromedial hypothalamus. d. glutamate infusion into the pons. e. chemical stimulation of the medial preoptic area.


Gametes are unique reproductive cells that a. secrete Müllerian-inhibiting substance. b. contain 23 pairs of chromosomes. c. carry half the genetic information of other cells of the body. d. are formed by the union of an egg and a sperm during fertilization. e. will eventually form the sex organs of the fetus.


If you were to see the developing gonads of a 6-week-old male fetus, you would see a. a clearly defined scrotum and penis. b. a clearly defined Wolffian duct system. c. gonads that are not differentiated for a male or female. d. clearly defined ovaries. e. a clearly defined Müllerian duct system.


Imagine that you have developed a new pheromone that induces male subjects to approach females. You create a perfume laced with this pheromone, name it Passion, and then begin your marketing plan. Which of the following actions would you take as you introduce your pheromone-laced perfume to the market? a. You would introduce your new product in early February. b. You would advertise this perfume in men's magazines. c. You would not hand out free samples during the cold and flu season. d. Your advertising would suggest that Passion leads to passion. e. You would advertise in hockey and hunting magazines.


Male sexual behavior in the rat is critically dependent on the a. central nucleus of the amygdala. b. periaqueductal gray matter. c. medial preoptic area. d. rostral medulla. e. sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area.


The Müllerian system structures are the precursors to the a. male internal sex organs. b. ovaries. c. female internal sex organs. d. testes. e. penis and scrotum.


The ________ directly inhibits the spinal motor neurons that control male sexual reflexes. a. medial preoptic area b. medial amygdala c. nucleus paragigantocellularis (PGi) of the medulla d. rostral hypothalamus e. ventromedial hypothalamus


The key event that starts sexual maturation at the onset of puberty is that a. the ovaries and testes release gonadotropic hormones. b. estradiol and testosterone are released from the hypothalamus. c. the pituitary secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormones. d. LH and FSH are released from the hypothalamus. e. the adrenals release adrenaline.


The primary feature that distinguishes a menstrual cycle from an estrous cycle is that a. females can mate at any time during the estrous cycle. b. females can only mate around the time of ovulation in the menstrual cycle. c. there is no cycle of growth/loss of the uterine lining in the estrous cycle. d. the estrous cycle does not involve the secretion of estrogens. e. the estrous cycle is longer than the menstrual cycle.


The primary feature that distinguishes a menstrual cycle from an estrous cycle is that a. females can mate at any time during the estrous cycle. b. females can only mate around the time of ovulation in the menstrual cycle. c. there is no cycle of growth/loss of the uterine lining in the estrous cycle. d. the estrous cycle does not involve the secretion of estrogens. e. the estrous cycle is longer than the menstrual cycle.


The principle that best describes an organizational effect of androgens during prenatal development that enables an animal to engage in male sexual behavior as an adult is a. feminization. b. emasculinization. c. behavioral masculinization. d. aromatization. e. behavioral defeminization.


The principle that best describes an organizational effect of androgens during prenatal development that enables an animal to engage in male sexual behavior as an adult is a. feminization. b. emasculinization. c. behavioral masculinization. d. aromatization. e. behavioral defeminization.


The vomeronasal organ a. projects to the accessory optic area. b. of a human is heavily innervated. c. is the receptive organ for pheromones. d. is critical for sexual behavior in dolphins. e. is found in all mammals.


Which of the following is a benefit associated with the action of a lactating mother licking the anogenital region of her offspring? a. The pups develop a strong bond with the mother. b. The licking induces the release of gonadal hormones. c. Pup urine is recycled to form milk. d. This stimulation speeds up the onset of puberty in the pups. e. This stimulation suppresses the release of gonadal hormones.


Which of the following is true of the hormone oxytocin? a. Oxytocin is released from the adrenal gland during orgasm. b. Oxytocin relaxes smooth muscle. c. Oxytocin release can induce the ejection of milk in a lactating female. d. Orgasm causes the release of oxytocin only in females. e. Oxytocin release is controlled by the anterior pituitary.


________ is sexual behavior displayed by male rodents. a. Lordosis b. Ear wiggling c. Intromission d. Rapid hopping movements e. Approaching another male


An example of a sexually dimorphic behavior noted in humans would be a. breathing. b. eating. c. breastfeeding. d. grooming of hair. e. vigorous exercise.

c. breastfeeding.

Which of the following are examples of sexually dimorphic behaviors in rats? a. eating b. parenting c. mating d. sleeping e. all locomotion

c. mating

A female rat is ovariectomized and then injected with testosterone immediately after birth. In adulthood, this rat is injected with estrogen and progesterone and placed in a cage with a male rat. This female rat will a. show evidence of maternal aggression. b. attempt to mount the male. c. show lordosis to the male rat. d. not show female sexual behaviors. e. show behavioral masculinization.


A key difference between rodent and human females is that a. a human female requires a progesterone surge for sexual receptivity. b. the rat estrous cycle is longer than the human menstrual cycle. c. rats are capable of mating at any point during the estrous cycle. d. a female rat can only mate during estrus. e. rats mate during diestrus as a form of birth control.


A novel female will elicit another bout of sexual behavior in a sexually satiated male rat. This is referred to as the ________ effect. a. Bruce b. Vandenbergh c. Lee-Boot d. Coolidge e. Whitten


A proposed function of lordosis is to a. prevent sexual contact with the male rat. b. expose the male rat to vaginal pheromones. c. prepare the female rat for a rapid escape response from the male. d. facilitate intromission by the male rat. e. allow the female rat to release additional pheromones.


Electrical stimulation of the ________ enhances sexual behavior in the ________. a. medial preoptic area; female rat b. central nucleus of the amygdala; female rat c. ventromedial nucleus; male rat d. medial preoptic area; male rat e. spinal cord; female rat


If findings from the prairie vole can be applied to human pair bonding, you would expect that a monogamous couple may show ________ than do promiscuous couples. a. lower brain levels of vasopressin (males) and oxytocin (females) b. loss of cells in the spinal cord c. increased release of prolactin during pair formation d. greater brain levels of vasopressin (males) and oxytocin (females) e. loss of cells in the frontal cortex


In ________ one might expect to observe both male and female internal reproductive structures. a. adrenogenital syndrome b. Turner's syndrome c. Sry syndrome d. persistent Müllerian duct syndrome in a genetic male e. androgen-insensitivity syndrome


A brain that is exposed to androgen during prenatal development will not show female sexual behavior in adulthood. This effect is referred to as a. feminization. b. emasculinization. c. behavioral masculinization. d. aromatization. e. behavioral defeminization.


A human female is more likely to initiate sexual activity with her partner a. when her estradiol levels are lowest. b. just prior to menstruation. c. in the winter months. d. just after a surge in testosterone from her adrenals. e. at a point in the menstrual cycle when estradiol levels are highest.


A person suffering from untreated androgen-insensitivity syndrome would exhibit a. XX chromosomal pattern. b. ovaries c. male external genitals. d. female internal genitals. e. an inability to have children.


Based on the impact of prenatal androgenization in rodents, the text author suggests that the brains of human a. female homosexuals are neither masculinized nor defeminized. b. male homosexuals are masculinized and defeminized. c. bisexuals are neither masculinized nor defeminized. d. male homosexuals are masculinized, but not defeminized. e. bisexuals are masculinized, but not defeminized.


Based on the impact of prenatal androgenization in rodents, the text author suggests that the brains of human a. female homosexuals are neither masculinized nor defeminized. b. male homosexuals are masculinized and defeminized. c. bisexuals are neither masculinized nor defeminized. d. male homosexuals are masculinized, but not defeminized. e. bisexuals are masculinized, but not defeminized.


Blanchard's research on family patterns and homosexuality indicates that a. older fathers are more likely to have homosexual sons. b. older mothers are more likely to have homosexual daughters. c. homosexual women have more older brothers than do heterosexual women. d. homosexual men tend to have more older sisters than do heterosexual men. e. homosexual men tend to have more older brothers than do heterosexual men.


Both men and women appear to show increased secretion of ________ in anticipation of renewed sexual contact. a. cortisol b. kisspeptin c. leptin d. estradiol e. testosterone


Damage to the ________ impairs the Lee-Boot, Whitten, and Bruce effects in mice. a. thalamus b. hippocampus c. prefrontal cortex d. lateral hypothalamus e. vomeronasal organ


In which disorder would the external genitals of a female develop in conjunction with testes? a. adrenogenital syndrome b. Turner's syndrome c. Sry syndrome d. persistent Müllerian duct syndrome e. androgen-insensitivity syndrome


Ovulation involves a surge in ________, which in turn ________. a. estrogen; promotes the longevity of the uterine lining b. estrogen; disrupts the ovarian follicle c. leptin; promotes the loss of the uterine lining d. follicle-stimulating hormone; causes the release of luteinizing hormone e. luteinizing hormone; ruptures the ovarian follicle and releases an ovum


Ovulation involves a surge in ________which in turn ________. a. estrogen; promotes the longevity of the uterine lining b. estrogen; disrupts the ovarian follicle c. leptin; promotes the loss of the uterine lining d. follicle-stimulating hormone; causes the release of luteinizing hormone e. luteinizing hormone; ruptures the ovarian follicle and releases an ovum


Sexual behavior in a castrated male rat can be restored by infusion of ________ into the ________. a. dopamine antagonists; medial preoptic area b. apomorphine; medial amygdala c. glutamate; pinal cord d. opiates; spinal cord e. testosterone; medial preoptic area


The ________ effect refers to the situation in which the odor of a male rodent will accelerate the onset of puberty in a female rodent. a. Whitten b. Bruce c. Bruce-Lee d. Lee-Boot e. Vandenbergh


The formation of the ovaries during prenatal development is controlled by a. the Sry gene. b. testosterone. c. the X chromosome. d. the Y chromosome. e. no factor.


The key principle demonstrated by Turner's syndrome is that a. male fetuses produce Müllerian-inhibiting substances. b. female secondary sexual characteristics appear without the ovaries. c. ovaries are necessary for development of the Müllerian system. d. different hormones are required to develop or to suppress the development of the male reproductive organs. e. ovaries are NOT necessary for development of the Müllerian system.


Which of the following can be accomplished by a rat pup at birth? a. visual following of a moving object b. locomotion toward food and away from danger c. temperature regulation d. voiding the bladder e. suckling a nipple


Which sequence of hormone treatment is most likely to restore sexual receptivity in an ovariectomized female rat? a. a small dose of estradiol alone b. a small dose of oxytocin alone c. an oxytocin dose followed thereafter by a progesterone dose d. a small dose of progesterone alone e. a small dose of estradiol followed by a progesterone dose


________________ is/are found in both males and females. a. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone b. Follicle stimulating hormone c. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone and testosterone d. Testosterone e. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and testosterone


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