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"get out of hell free" cards sold by the Catholic Church.

Third Estate

97% of the population; owned 70% of the land; paid a lot of taxes

Legislative Assembly

A French congress with the power to create laws and approve declarations of war


A book about about a perfect imaginary world where everyone was focused on happiness rather than wealth.

Albrecht Durer

A german painter and wood cutter. He loved to show mythology combined with Christianity.

tennis court oath

A pledge made by the members of France's National Assembly; they vowed to continue meeting until France wrote a constitution

Martin Luther

A religious man who did not approve the selling of indulgences by the Catholic Church.

William Shakespeare

A writer in England who understood human emotions and flaws and mixed it with his extraordinary writing.

Estates General

An assembly of representatives from all three of the estates in France; hasn't been called in very long time because an absolute monarch had no need for it

Christian Humanism

Applying Jesus's teachings to everyday life

Rome and Greece

Cultures that were studied and looked upon for the Renaissance.


Everyday language of ordinary people

Francesco Petrarch

Father of Humanism


French nobility who fled country to escape the Revolution


He painted many Madonna and Child paintings. He also painted the fresco School of Athens

Leonardo da Vinci

He painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. He was also an inventor, scientist and sculptor.


He painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He considered a better sculpture and sculpted the Marble David.

Johann Gutenberg

He revolutionized the printing press. This was one of the most important inventions

Abbe Sieyes

He was a member of the clergy who sympathized with the third estate

Jaques-Louis David

He was a very famous painter who depicted many French revolution scenes

Jaques Necker

He was the Minister of Finance. He was a noble but the third estate loved him

Niccolo Machiavelli

He wrote the Prince

Peace of Lodi

It was a truce to keep peace between all the city-states

Gutenberg Bible

Johann Gutenberg's first big and famous book that he print.

assembly of notables

Louis XVI called this group of privileged representatives because he wants to tax the nobles but they say no


Louis wants to escape France because he thinks it is too dangerous for him; he makes it all the way to this city before getting caught.

Marie Antoinette

She was Louis's wife; she was Austrian; She had no concept of what poor was

Renaissance Man

Someone who was good at lots of stuff. They were expected to produce artworks, books, etc.

Old Regime

The Political and Social system that existed in France before the French Revolution; the 3 estates


The Renaissance began in __________


The renaissance started to spread to the ___________

National Assembly

The third estate breaks off from the Estates General and create a new group called this

Desiderius Erasmus

The writer of The Praise of Folly in which he made fun of the Catholic Church. He believed in Christianity of the heart.

Thomas More

The writer of Utopia


They opposed change; they sat on the right

Second Estate

They were nobles; owned 20% of the land; despised Enlightenment ideas; no taxes

First estate

They were the clergy; owned 10% of France's land; no taxes


They were the people who fought in wars for the different city-states in Italy


They were the rich folks in the third estate. They were educated and wealthy but they still paid taxes

American Revolution

This event inspired French people to revolt like the colonists did


This event inspired the French people to revolt because they learned new ideas from the philosophes; the third was the general will; they liked the social contract

Madame Deficit

This was Marie Antoinette's nickname

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

This was a document that said the government is going to take charge of the Catholic Church; government does it for the land; Catholic peasants hate this

the Bastille

This was a prison that a mob stormed; they kill the guy in charge and put his head on a stick

July 14, 1789

This was the day that the Bastille was stormed

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

This was the governing document used by the National Assembly

What is the Third Estate?

This was written by Abbe Sieyes; He said the 3rd estate is everything, has been nothing, and demands to be something

Elizabethan Age

Time period in England. Named after Queen Elizabeth I

He locks the door

What does Louis do to prevent the National Assembly from meeting?

double the amount of third estate delegates

What was the Third Estate's first suggested change for the Estates General?

give each delegate one vote

What was the Third Estate's second suggested change for the Estates General?

The Bread March

Women marched to Versailles because of the rising price of bread and demanded that Louis and Marie come to Paris to see all the problems


_________________ was when people became less spiritual and became more focused on worldly things

Patron of the Arts

a person who contributed to the arts

ferdinand magellan

after columus dies; realizes horrible quality of maps; the first circumnavigation of the world in early sixteenth century; dies in philippines during attack and doesn't live through journey


alternative capital of portugal; conquered by admiral alfonso de albuquerque in 1510; city in india along coast and north of calicut


astrolabe, better maps, sextant, mariner's compass, caravel

line of demarcation

boundary between Spanish and Portuguese territories for exploring


builds ships and makes repairs on ships


city in indonesia conquered by admiral alfonso de albuquerque in 1511


city on coast of inda that vasco de gama first reaches

fort at hormuz

controlled by portuguese; at the straight that connects arabian sea and persian gulf; controls trade and entrance

queen isabel

convinces king ferdinand of spain to give christopher columbus the bare minimum for his voyages

motives for european exploration

crusades, renaissance, reformation, monarchs, technological advances, fame and fortune

technological advances

exploration became less risky; scientific inventions

bartolomeo dias

explores southern tip of africa; discovers that africa's large land mass comes to an end; does not establish sea route to the indies and bypass middlemen because of weather and crew; makes it known that its possible; has updated map

admiral alfonso de albuquerque

goal is to conquer and portugal control explored lands; allows portugal to station people, military, and ships in goa and malacca

fame and fortune

if you became famous for exploration, you could affiliate with other famous people

spice islands



interprets instruments, weather, tide

christopher columbus

italian; had idea to go westward around to other side of the world; gets 3 ships and 90 men; sails in 1492; mistook caribbean for india and spice islands; 4 trips; causes conflict with portugal because he stole what was already taken


jealous of portugal; wealthier than portugal


knew very little about the world; their depiction of the world was about 1/3 of the true size; knowledge was from trade


makes maps and reads maps; maps paths and sells them

mariner's compass

most important on ship; accurate directions


new ship; triangular sails; could sail in high winds; sails could turn and allowed the ship to sail in any direction


people came back from them and talked about experiences such as food; the spices were sold from region to region at higher prices for profit; to bypass intermediaries


people in the government who did not hold extreme political views; they sat in the middle of the room

Renaissance woman

people who were expected to be knowledgeable in the arts but not produce them.

portuguese martime empire

portugal exploring the north and west coast of africa; for trade; desire to go beyond; strategy of capturing cities

cutting out intermediaries and breaking the italian-muslim dominance

portugal's goal for exploration

christófo colón

portuguese name for christopher columbus

prince henry the navigator

portuguese prince that founded the school for navigation


refugees and missionaries; spread of christianity; jesuit motivations


sculpted the bronze David


seeking new sources of revenue; elizabeth needed money for overseas colonies

Cultural diffusion

spreading ideas from one place to another

school for navigation

started in 1419; in Lisbon; taught mapmakers, shipbuilders, instrument makers, scientists, sea captains

treaty of tordesillas

states that spain can explore the west of the line of demarcation and portugal can explore the east


tells time, times of sunrise/sunset, direction, day of week; accurate; celestial; easy to make


the studies of what people created

vanishing point

this allows the artist to show perspective

The Book of Courtier

this book taught people how to be a Renaissance man. It was written by Baldassare Castiglione

The Great Fear

this was caused by a grain shortage; peasants thought nobles were sabotaging them; the peasants revolt and kill many nobles


those in the government who favor extreme change; they all sat on the left


told longitude and latitude; celestial

pope alexander vi

tries to settle argument between portugal and spain; created line of demarcation and treaty of tordesillas

vasco da gama

uses dias's information up to east coast of africa; takes a risk at east coast of africa and turns away from land; first european to travel to india by sea; obtains many goods and travels back to europe; 60x profit


values of humanism; curiosity about other lands and peoples


zig-zag pattern technique to sail directly against wind

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