Newborn assessment

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What is erythromycin 0.5% used for?

To prevent chlamydia and gonorrhea

What is erythema toxicum

newborn rash looks like acne with white head and red irritation goes away on its own

Weight and length of a newborn?

19-21 inches head to heal 2700-4000 grams can loose 5-10% couple days after birth

When does the umbilical cord fall off?

7-14 days after birth

Plantar grasp

Apply pressure with thumb on the ball of infant's foot. > Toes flex.

Breastfeeding stool vs formal feeding stool

BF yellowish not formed FS more formed and brown


Collection of blood between cranial bone and posterior membrane spears in first or second day and goes away in 2-3 weeks

capcut succedaneum

Collection of fluid edema toys swelling of the scalp crossed suture lines present at birth goes away in 12 hours of a few days after birth

What is Milia

Distended sebaceous glands that appear as tiny white papules on cheeks, chin & nose.

First urine of baby and frequency?

First urine is straw colored can have peachy colored crystals and one wet diaper a day until day 5 then 6-8 diapers a day

what is the vitiman k for

For blood clotting aquamephyton (phytonadione)


Gestational Age, Large Small and Average


Goes away in a yeah might not form until 2weeks or age looks like a bunch of grapes can be purple or red can be anywhere

Neck of a newborn qualities good and bad

Good- rotates freely when lifting baby neck should lean back Bad- webbing if the neck could lead to chromosome abnormalities if neck is stiff when lifting baby this is a sign of substance abuse form mom

Systemic physical exam

Head to toe assessment

Why check blood sugar on neonate?

If small or large for gestational age, if baby is jittery or shaky, or if temperature is low

Moro reflex

Infant reflex where a baby will startle in response to a loud sound or sudden movement.

What is Mottling

Lacey looking skin white splotches with red around it

Heel stick

Method of obtaining blood sample from neonate -Plantar surface of heel, on medial or lateral edge to avoid bone damage (<2.0 mm deep) -keep infant supine, foot lower than torso - lateral edge of foot

Baby vitals?

Pulse - 110~160, RR - 30~60, maybe slight pauses in breath, temp - 97.7~99.5 record for a full min each

Babinski reflex

Reflex in which a newborn fans out the toes when the sole of the foot is touched

What is Telangiectatic nevi?

Stork bites in nape of neck or face or scalp look like red pink splotches can go away

Galant Reflex

Stroking along one side of the spine while newborn is in ventral suspension (face down) causes lateral flexion of lower body toward stimulated side

First things to do after birth

Ststus, APGAR, vitals, measurements, general servey of gestational age

Barlow test

Test for a hip that is dislocatable but not dislocated in infants. With infant supine and hip and knees flexed, push posteriorly in line with the shaft of femur. An unstable femoral head will dislocate posteriorly from acetabulum. Positive is not good

stepping reflex

a neonatal reflex in which an infant lifts first one leg and then the other in a coordinated pattern like walking

Simian crease

a single straight palmar crease; an abnormal finding that is associated with Down Syndrome.

rooting reflex

an infant's response in turning toward the source of touching that occurs anywhere around his or her mouth

Ortolani maneuver

check hips for congenital dislocation, done until 1 yr old, should be smooth with no sounds , abnormal= feels like a clunk as head of femur pops back into place- positive ortolani sign If positive no good


having more than the normal number of fingers or toes

Nevis flammeus

port-wine stain, malformation of dermal blood vessels can lead to storch Webber if on face

Pseudomenstration in female infants

thin white or bloody tinged mucus may be present due to maternal withdraw of hormones

tonic neck reflex

turning the head to one side, extending the arm and leg on that side, and flexing the limbs on the opposite side


undescended testicles


webbed fingers or toes

palmar reflex

when you place your finger in an infant's palm, he will grasp it

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