NEWS 233 — Test Four

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Scatter Charts/Plots

— Good to show correlations between two things (e.g.: HDI vs. death rate). — Also good to spot outliers in data.

What is virtual reality?

"An artificial environment which is experienced through sensory stimuli (such as sights and sounds) provided by a computer and in which one's actions partially determine what happens in the environment."

What is augmented reality?

"An enhanced version of reality created by the use of technology to overlay digital information on an image of something being viewed through a device (such as a smartphone camera)."

Data journalism

A term that describes a type of storytelling that encourages the examination, analysis and visualization of data sets in an effort to illuminate important issues.

Excel Sum Function

Adds up all the values in one row/column

Google My Maps

Allows to create and share custom maps and import data from spreadsheets.


Allows you to create custom timelines for your story with your own data.


A graph of vertical bars representing the frequency distribution of a set of data.

Adobe Spark

A simple, social media graphics tool that is used to create interesting content for many platforms.

Area Charts

— Good for showing total change over time (when there are several values contributing to a total). — How do values rise or fall over time?

Filtering in Excel is one way to delete raw data that is known to be inaccurate.


The formula for percent change is old minus new multiplied by new.


Tree Maps

Good to compare things in a hierarchy and show the ration of components in one piece (e.g.: minutes played).

Three common mapping tools include....

Google My Maps, Storymap, Infogram

Five types of maps

Heat, Icon/Marker, Topographic, Subway, Locator

When should you use graphics and maps in a story?

Maps — should be used when the question "where" is asked in a story. Graphs — should be used when answers are visual and a comparison is needed.

"Graphs and charts are stories." What does this mean?

They should be able to stand on their own, not overly complicated and readers should not have to read an entire story to understand what a graphic, chart or timeline is saying.

You should use a map when...

You have a story to tell based on geographic data.

Bar Charts

— Good for making comparisons between two or more things. — Good for showing change over time. — Can be difficult to understand if changes are too small or insignificant.

Line Charts

— Good for showing change over time, especially if the changes are fairly small. — Good to show change that wouldn't be as easy to see with a bar chart.

Impacts of virtual reality in journalism

— A 2018 study found that VR prompted a higher empathetic response to a topic than did photo and/or text treatments of the same issue. — Viewers were more likely to take action and remember the content for a longer period of time when journalists used 360-degree video to tell stories.

What is the difference between a timeline and a chronology, according to graphics journalist Len de Groot?

— A timeline shows actual spans of time, with proportional measurements for decades, years, days or hours. — A chronology shows the momentum/progression for a series of events.

What is a map?

— A visual representation of geographical data. — A diagram or other visual representation showing the relative position or parts of something.

Use graphics/charts to

— Add context and depth to larger issues. — Explain information through text and visuals. — Illustrate a comparison.

Benefits of 360-degree/VR journalism

— Allow us to see "intimate realities" of "invisible moments." — Allow us to view 360-degree footage of mundane moments and details not framed by cameras. — Allow us to view multiple characters and their daily lives, not always seen on camera.

William Playfair

— Considered a pioneer of data visualization — Scottish author and scientist who converted statistical data into symbolic graphs.

When should a story be visualized?

— How necessary is your data/visualization? — Does it enhance the story or make it easier to understand? — Is it relevant? Does it provide context?

Icon Maps

— Illustrate different topics by regions using relevant icons or dots. — The icon (marker) size is directly proportional to the data. — The higher the value, the bigger the icon.

Topographic Maps

— Illustrate the shape of geographical surfaces using contour lines. — Show different types of landscapes (e.g.: vegetation, mountains, elevation).

Subway Maps

— Illustrate transportation routes connected w/straight and curved lines. — Not always to exact scale

Journalists who want to use a timeline for a story should ask themselves the following questions.....

— Is the story about hours, years, days or decades? — Can equal periods of time be represented with equal space? — Are parallel time periods required? — Can the timeline be combined with a map or a line graph? — Should photos or other images be used to tell the story? — How much text is needed to make the story understandable and satisfying?

General tips for creating graphs or charts

— Make sure everything is clearly labeled. — Use a legend if necessary (e.g.: colors & symbols) — Specify units (e.g.: millimeters? minutes? years? meters). — Always start your axis at 0 and use even intervals. — Avoid using 3D and "blow-apart" effects. — Less is more (e.g.: keep your visualization clear).

Common mistakes when creating charts & graphs

— No focal point (always have one) — Inconsistency (using too many colors, sizes, fonts) — Too much stuff (simplify when in doubt)

Pie Charts

— Pie charts are very good for showing parts of a whole. — Avoid using them when you have more than two values. — Are breakdowns of a whole, not comparisons or trends. — Percentages must always equal 100%.

Safety and privacy concerns regarding drone journalism include....

— Pilots need FAA certification — Regulations surrounding flying at night — Do not endanger people, animals, property — Always respect privacy when in doubt. — Never fly over people — Newsrooms should NOT encourage others to fly illegally

Locator Maps

— Refer to specific locations, such as businesses or crime scenes. — Users often want to look at data points near locations. — Show a clear distribution of points.

The NPPA's Code of Drone Journalism Ethics includes

— Safety is the top concern; do not endanger people, animals, property — Newsrooms should NOT encourage others to fly illegally — Respect privacy — Respect the integrity of the photographic moment — Do not improperly enhance your visuals — Drone journalism pilots should NOT perform other duties while operating an aircraft — Drone journalists have an obligation to hone their skills and "stay sharp." — Drone journalists need to be certain their gear is in top-notch quality.

Types of content you can create on Adobe Spark include

— Social graphics (Spark post) — Web pages (Spark page) — Short videos (Spark video)

How to calculate a rate?

— Take number and divide it by the population — Gives the per capita — or per person — rate. — Standard multiplier is often 100,000

Drone journalism

— The use of drones for journalistic storytelling — Replaces helicopter footage; easier and safer to use


— Tool combining data visualization and design. — Allows to add charts, edit data and download/share online.

Tips for creating charts & graphs

— Understand the information and choose the right delivery method — Emphasize what's important (e.g.: layout, size) — Use no more than two font types — Use color sparingly

Heat Maps

— Use colors or patterns to display numerical data for specific areas or regions. — Can display election results, temperature, population density, income, etc. — Use a low to high scale w/one color — Good for highlighting trends and making comparisons.

What are some best practices in mapping?

— Use simple outlines and avoid design distractions. — Less is more. — Select colors wisely; use color or text to emphasize important data.

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