NOTES - Article VI - Legislative Department

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Once every year on the fourth Monday of July

Congress shall convene on what regularity and when?

Pocket veto

Disapproval of a bill by inaction on his part


Each city with a population of at least 250,000 or each province shall have at least one (1) representative. True or False?

Presidential System

In this system, the powers of government, by virtue of this principle, are divided into three (3) distinct classes: the legislative, the executive, and the judicial

1/2 plus one(1)

Ordinarily, a quorum is at least ____________ of the members of a body

To legislate

The primary function of Congress


These refer to the affirmative votes on any question

initiative and referendum

through which people decide whether to a adopt or reject a policy

1. legislative power 2. Congress of the Philippines 3. initiative and referendum

3 important points in Section 1, article 6


A bill should embrace only one subject. True or False?

Revenue BIll

A bill where the primary and specific purpose of which is to raise revenue

Congress of the Philippines

A double-chamber body consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives


A financial program of the national government for a designated calendar year


A full-time obligation and not a mere sideline


A proposed law

1.Annual or general appropriations 2.Special or supplemental appropriations 3.Specific appropriation 4.Continuing appropriation

Appropriations may be: (4)

Tariff Bill

As used in the Constitution, this bill has reference to one imposing customs duties for revenue purposes

1.General legislative power 2.Specific powers 3.Implied powers 4.Inherent powers

Classifications of the powers of Congress: (4)

1.President of the Senate as ex officio chairman 2.12 Senators 3.12 members of House of Representatives

Composition of Commission on Appointments

Legislative Power

Essentially the authority under the Constitution to make laws and subsequently, when the need arises, to alter and repeal them


Formal part of a statute (or bill) that announces the subject matter of the act


Formal part of a statute (or bill) that follows the title and precedes the enacting clause

Enacting clause

Formal part of a statute (or bill) that immediately precedes the body of the statute and it serves as a formal means of identifying the legislative body that enacts the law


Formal part of a statute (or bill) that is that portion containing the proposed law or statute itself

Effectivity clause

Formal part of a statute (or bill) that is that portion providing for the time when the law shall take effect

1.Title 2.Preamble 3.Enacting clause 4.Body 5.Effectivity clause

Formal parts of a statute (or bill):(5)


In check & balancing, it means to balance the?


In check & balancing, it means to check the?


It is a provision or enactment inserted in the general appropriations bill which does not relate to some particular appropriation therein


It is an authorization made by law or other legislative enactment, direct payment out of government funds under specified conditions and/or for specified purposes

Legislative journal

It is defined as the official record of what is done and passed in a legislative assembly


It is such a number of the membership of an assembly or collective body as is competent to transact its business. In other words, it is that number that makes a lawful body and gives it power to pass a law or ordinance or do any other valid corporate act

The House of Representatives

It is the lower chamber of the Congress of the Philippines

General legislative power

It is the power to enact laws intended as rules of conduct to govern the relations among individuals or between the individuals and the State

Special Session

It takes place when the President calls Congress, during the time that it is in recess, to session to consider such subjects or legislations as he may designate


Members of the House of Representatives are popularly known as?

Official Gazette

Official publication of the Philippine government

The House of Representatives

Often informally called "Congress"

1. Presidential System 2. Parliamentary System 3. French presidential-parliamentary system

Principles of separation of powers

1.Natural-born citizen of Phil 2.At least 35 years of age on the day of election 3.Able to read and write 4.A registered voter 5.A resident of the Phil. for not less than two (2) years immediately preceding the day of elections

Qualifications of a Senator: (5)

1.Natural-born citizen 2.At least 25 years of age on the day of the election 3.Able to read and write 4.Except for a party-list representative, a registered voter in the district in which he shall be elected 5.A resident thereof for a period of not less than one (1) year preceding the day of election

Qualifications of a member of the House of Representatives: (5)

1. plenary or general 2. legislative powers not expressly delegated but deemed granted

Scope of legislative power of congress

Executive Sessions

Secret meetings of Congress or any of its committees are called ___________. A closed session is held if the issue to be discussed involves national security

T. Such power may be characterized as plenary or general (not enumerated) subject only to specific limitations in the Consti.

T/F: A grant of legislative power means the grant of all legislative powers for all purposes of civil government.


T/F: It is through laws that the legislature defines the rights and duties of citizens. True or False?

F. Not absolute bec. there are mechanisms for checks and balancing

T/F: Legislative power is absolute.

F, it is bicameral.

T/F: The Ph. congress is unicameral.

Three(3) years

Term of office for congressmen

6 Years

Term of office for senators

Nine (9) members, three (3) Justices of the Supreme Court designated by the Chief Justice and six (6) members of the Senate or the House of Representatives

The Electoral Tribunal is composed of?

Two hundred and fifty (250) members

The House of Representatives shall be composed of not more than?

24 Senators

The Senate is composed of how many senators?

To attain the broadest possible representation of all interests in its law and policy-making body

The basic aim of representative government

False. Not made mandatory

The holding of a special election is made mandatory by the Constitution. True or False?

False. Other way around

The legislative powers of the American Congress is broader than the delegated powers of our Congress. True or False?

3 consecutive terms

The maximum terms for a member of the House of Representatives

Twenty per centum (20%)

The party-list representatives shall constitute _________ of the total number of representatives including those under the party list

Fifth Republic

The present government of France established in 1958, is known as?

At noon on the 30th day of June next following their election

The term of office for senators commences when?

The Senate

The upper chamber of the Congress of the Philippines


The war contemplated in Art. VI Sec.6 is a defensive, not an aggressive war, because by express constitutional provision, the Phil. renounces war as an instrument of national policy. True or False?


The written will of the legislature as an organized body expressed according to the form necessary to constitute it into a law of the state, and rendered authentic by certain prescribed forms and solemntities

Rules of procedure

These are the rules made by any legislative body to regulate the mode and manner of conducting its business

Inherent powers

These powers are possessed and can be exercised by every government because they exist as an attribute of sovereignty

Implied powers

These powers are those essential or necessary to the effective exercise of the powers expressly granted, like the power to conduct inquiry and investigation in aid of legislation


These refer to statutes which are the written enactments of the legislature governing the relations of the people among themselves or between them and the government and its agencies


These refer to the negative votes on any question

Specific powers

They are powers which the Constitution expressly directs or authorizes Congress to exercise like the power to choose who shall become President in case two or more candidates have an equal and highest number of votes

Bill authorizing increase of the public debt

This bill creates public indebtedness such as a bill providing for the issuance of bonds and other forms of obligations

Incompatible Office

This includes any kind of office or employment in the government, or any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or -controlled corporations or their subsidiaries during his term

Bill of local application

This is a bill that is affecting purely local or municipal concerns like one creating a city or municipality or changing its name

Private Bill

This is a bill that is affecting purely private interest, such as one granting a franchise to a person or corporation, or compensation to a person for damages suffered by him for which the government considers itself liable

Continuing appropriation

This is an appropriation where it provides a definite sum to be always available from year to year, without the necessity of further legislative action

Specific appropriation

This is an appropriation where it sets aside a named sum of money for the payment of a particular expense

Special or supplemental appropriations

This is an appropriation where they include all appropriations not contained in the budget. They are designed to supplement the general appropriations

Annual or general appropriations

This is an appropriation where they set aside the annual expenses for the general operation of the government. This is popularly known as the budget


This is defined as a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent by an official body or assembled group

Appropriations Bill

This is one of the primary and specific aims of which is to make appropriations of money from the public treasury

Special Election

This kind of election for members of Congress may be called in case a vacancy arises in the Senate or House of Representatives to fill such vacancy in the manner prescribed by law

Hodge-podge or log-rolling legislation

This refers to any measure containing several subjects on unrelated matters combined together for the purpose of securing the support of members of the legislature severally interested in the diff. subjects of the bills

Forbidden Office

This refers to any office created or the emoluments of which have been increased during the term for which he was elected not merely during his tenure or period of actual incumbency

French presidential-parliamentary system

This system is a variant of the two (2) types of government


This term is often used in referring to a statute


This word is the Latin term for "I forbid" or "deny"


To suspend or expel a member, the concurrence of _________ of all the members of each House is necessary

1.Regular Election 2.Special Election

Two kinds of elections for members of Congress: (2)


Under the Constitution of the Philippines, a representative cannot serve continuously for more than nine (9) years. True or False?

Parliamentary System

Under this system, there is fusion rather than a separation between the executive and legislative bodies

Second Monday of May

When is the regular election of the members of the House of Representatives held?


a group that represents a certain sector

separation of powers

a principle that looses its meaning without checks & balances

political party

an organised group of people with at least roughly similar political aims and opinions, that seeks to influence public policy by getting its candidates elected to public office

Senate House of representatives

division of the congress of the Phil.


final arbiter in checking and balancing

2 consecutive terms

maximum term/s of senator

second Monday of May

national elections are held when?

1. checks by the president 2. checks by congress 3. checks by judiciary

principle of checks and balances by the 3 co-equal departments

district representation sectoral representation

representation classification of the HoR

sectoral representatives

represents sectors, specifically those which are marginalized (nasa laylayan)


the characteristic of having two chambers or two branches

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