NR-222 Health and Wellness Exam 2

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Health Teaching and Health Promotion ( the nurse employs strategies to promote health and safe environment is what ANA standard?


What is occurring during the concrete period?

-Able to perform mental operations -Understand how to categorize by length, height, -cause and effect reasoning

Dealing with expression of feelings and emotions and the development of values, attitudes and beliefs is what type of learning?

-Affective learning

Discussion groups that allow patients to receive support from others in the group (allows patients to receive support from others in group) is what type of learning?

-Affective learning

What are the characteristics of the formal period?

-Feelings are more unique -"imaginary audience" -learning how to operate things formally -belief that their actions and appearance are constantly being scrutinized

What is the seventh stage of Erikson's Stage of Psychological Development?

-Generativity vs Self-Absorption/Stagnation -focuses on supporting future generations -Contributing to community involvement

Some health concerns associated with middle age adults are:

-Health promotion -Stress reduction -obesity -depression

When a patient is actively participating in care, and the nurse is using evidence based interventions is what part of the learning process?


What is the eight stage of Erikson's Stage of Psychological Development?

-Integrity vs Despair (Older Age)

What is the preconventional level?

-It's the stage of moral development in which they develop their morals by being punished or rewarded

What is occurring during the Pre-operational stage?

-Learn to think with symbols and mental images -egocentrism -magical thinkning -aninism -learning how everything works

What is the fourth period of the Jean Piaget Cognitive developmental theory?

-Period IV Formal Operations (11yrs to Adulthood)

At the sixth stage of Erikson's Stage of Psychological Development, what would be occurring?

-Puberty has hit -"Who am I"? -relationships begin to form -(intimacy vs isolation, young adult)

What motivates good and bad actions for the child at the pre-conventional level?

-Punishment and reward

Older Adults usually have to deal with

-Retirement -residence of change -death of a spouse

When a nurse is creating a smooth transition, telling a patient whether the goals were met or not is what phase?

-Termination Phase

During the sensorimotor stage, the main task is to:

-curiosity -learn through touching and putting things in their mouth -

During the working phase the nurse is

-encouraging the patient to setting goals -nurse and patient work together to solve problems -provide information to change behavior

Middle age adults (mid 30s-60s) go through :

-perimenopause and menopause -Climacteric

How would one describe the initiative vs guilt stage?

-preschoolers learn to maintain a sense of initiative without imposing in the freedom of others -engage in animism

What are some health promotions for an infant ?

-sleep -immunizations -Nutrition -Supplementation

Why is teaching different from learning?

-the concept of imparting knowledge through a series of activities

The "surety model" is helpful in what type of communication therapeutic or non-therapeutic?


reality orientation

- a technique that makes an older adult ore aware of a person , place and time

What is psychomotor learning?

Deals with physical functions, reflexes, and movements

Children can solve word problems at this period?

Period II, Pre-operational

What stage is Autonomy vs shame and doubt?

Stage 2 (1-3 yrs, toddlers)

At the preschooler age , children gain a more concrete thinking and demonstrate more logic, true or false?


Sympathy, asking personal questions, passive-aggressive responses, and arguing are all examples of?

non-therapeutic communication

During the pre-interaction phase a nurse is

reading charts, getting pre-information

What is true about the preoperational period of Piaget's theory?A. The child develops a scheme for dealing with the environment.B. The child is able to describe a process without actually doing it.C. The child has the capacity to reason with respect to possibilities.D. The child believes that everyone experiences the world exactly as he or she does.

D. The child believes that everyone experiences the world exactly as he or she does.

According to Erikson's stages of life, what is the stage when a child begins walking, feeding, and using the toilet?A. Trust versus mistrustB. Initiative versus guiltC. Identity versus role confusionD. Autonomy versus sense of shame and doubt

D.Autonomy vs Sense of shame and doubt

What is the fifth stage of Erikson Stage of Psychological Development?

Identify vs Role Confusion (Adolescent 6-11yrs)

What is ANA standard 5?

Implementation- The RN implements the identified plan.

What is the fourth stage of Erikson Stage of Psychological Development?

Industry vs Inferiority (School age 6-11yrs)

Separation and individualization occur at a period in a child's life?


The health risk for school age children are accidents and _____?


Which stage is a preschooler would fall underneath in Erikson Stage of Psychological Development?

Initiative vs Guilt (Preschooler)

What is the postconventional stage?

It's the stage of moral development in which the morality of an action is determined by a set of general principles that reflect core values. E.g. Social contract Universal ethical principle -morals comes from life and life experiences

The number of people in the room, temp of the room , the need for privacy, ventilation, and noise effects what?

Learning environment

"I get good grades why can't I go to the movies, I do everything right" describes what level of Kohlbergs moral development?

Level II

Moral development changes the most at what?

Level III -PostConventional

Respiratory muscle strength decreases, decreased contractile strength of the myocardium results in decreased cardiac output, and saggy breast is associated with what age group?

Older Adults

Preschooler (3-5yrs), the health risk are injury prevention, home safety and what ?

Parental example

What is the first period of the Jean Piaget Cognitive developmental theory?

Period I: Sensorimotor (birth to 2 years)

What is the second period of the Jean Piaget Cognitive developmental theory?

Period II : Preoperational Stage (2 to 7 yrs)

What is the third period of the Jean Piaget Cognitive developmental theory?

Period III: Concrete ( 7 years to 11 years)

"If you don't act right when we get home, there won't be any TV" is an example of what level?

Pre-conventional level

What level of Kohlberg does a child ask "why" constantly?

Pre-conventional level

Adolescents (13-20) yrs, begin what?


A parent of a 3-year-old tells a clinic nurse that the child is rebelling constantly and having temper tantrums. Using Erikson's psychosocial development theory, which instruction (s) should the nurse provide to the parent? Select all that apply1. Set limits on the child's behavior2. Ignore the child when this behavior occurs3. Allow the behavior, because this is normal at this age period4. Provide a simple explanation of why the behavior is unacceptable.5. Punish the child every time the child says "no" to change the behavior.

Response 1 and 4

The mother of an 8-year-old child tells the clinic nurse that she is concerned about the child because the child seems to be more attentive to friends than anything else. Using Erikson's psychosocial development theory, the nurse should make which response?1. "You need to be concerned"2. "You need to monitor the child's behavior closely"3. "At this age, the child is developing his own personality"4. "You need to provide more praise to the child to stop this behavior"

Response 3

The best age for kids to start sports is what?


At which stage of Kohlberg's theory is the child afraid of punishment?A. Stage 1B. Stage 2C. Stage 3D. Stage 4

Stage 1

At which stage of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning does a child recognize that there is more than one right view?

Stage 2 :Instrumental Relativist Orientation

Older Adults are ill, disabled , and unattractive, unable to learn and understand new information are what?


School age children experience peer relationships, sexual identity and _____?


Validation therapy

The caregiver accepts values and beliefs of the resident with dementia, even though they may differ from reality

Sharing empathy, using silence, asking relevant questions, and using touch are all forms of what?

Therapeutic communication

According to the Piaget's theory, which behavior does a nine-year-old child show?A. Logical reasoningB. Concrete thinkingC. Object permanenceD. Imaginary audience

B. Concrete thinking

According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, which stage is a part of conventional reasoning?A. Social contract orientationB. Society-maintaining orientationC. Instrument relativist orientationD. Universal ethical principle orientation

B. Society-maintaining orientation

Which of these age groups has the highest incidence of lead poisoning?A. AdultB. ToddlerC. AdolescentD. School-age child


ageism definition

prejudice or discrimination on the basis of a increasing age

What is object permanence?

the awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived

What is the good boy-nice girl orientation stage?

the individual wants to win approval and maintain the expectations of one's immediate group

electronic communication

use of technology to create ongoing relationships with patients and their health care team

How can one provide health promotion for pre-schoolers?

vision screening

A newborn is considered the first 28 days, true or false?


Learning how to type or walk is example of what type of learning?


Lecture falls underneath what type of learning?


Q&A session falls under what type of learning?


When an individual gains information to further develop his/her intellectual abilities and thinking process is what type of learning?


What is the ANA standard 9 ?

Communication- nurse communicated effectively in all areas of practice

life long learning

Continually learning new skills and knowledge throughout ones journey of being a nurse

As a toddler, they may have a sense of autonomy and parallel play, true or false?


During 1 month old to 1 year old , a child is increasing in height and weight rapidly? True or False


During Industry Vs Inferiority , children are making "best friends" and also begin to compare themselves to their friends, true or false?


Limitations in ADLs limit the ability to live independently, true or false?


Morals don't start until the age of 4 true or false ?


Motivation to learn, Readiness to learn, and Ability to learn are the basic principles of learning? True or False


Poising , drowning and motor vehicle accidents are the most common health risk for toddlers, true or false?


School age children gain a sense of achievement from working and playing with peers, true or false?


True or False: Adolescents are much more likely to use health care services if they encounter providers who are caring and respectful?


Young Adults (21-34yrs) health concerns include family stress, job stress, infertility, obesity, exercise, and childbearing family: true or false?


toilet training and nutrition are important at the toddler stage , true or false ?


Minority adolescents are at greater risk of health care problems and barriers to health care

True or false

What is the first stage of Erik Erikson stage of Psychological Development?

Trust Vs Mistrust (infant )

What is an example of conservations?

Understand and recognize that despite the way that play-dough changes, it will always be the original size of playdough

Therapeutic communication

Verbal and nonverbal communication techniques that encourage patients to express their feelings and to achieve a positive relationship.

Health promotion with pre-schoolers includes nutrition, sleep and what?


What is the conventional level?

When moral reasoning is based on internalization of societal and other's expectations

What's the difference between delirium and dementia?

one is an acute confusional state and the other is generalized impairment of intellectual functioning

What is a health risk for an infant?

child maltreatment

small group communication

communication occurring within small groups of three or more people -Usually goal directed

intrapersonal communication

communication with oneself (self-talk)

Interpersonal communication

direct, face-to-face communication between two or more people

Health risk for adolescents are violence , substance abuse, suicide, STI , pregnancy, and

eating disorder

public communication

interaction with an audience

Some health risk to be concerned with concerning young adults is

intimate partner violence , substance abuse, personal hygiene (dental hygiene)

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