NRES 103

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How long can humans last without water?

3-4 days

Annual cargo through the Seaway peaked in the mid-1970s at around 57 million tons; the Seaway was designed to handle

80 million tons

what prevented water-bound organisms from migrating from the ocean to the upper Great Lakes?

Niagara Falls

Unlike the algal blooms in the late 1960s, the blooms in Lake Erie in the mid-1990s were caused by

cyanobacteria blue-green algae microcystis

native mussels in the great lakes helped to maintain water clarity by

filtering organic material from the water column eating algae


is characterized by an abundance of dissolved nutrients is characterized by a high level of oxygen depletion

The St. Lawrence divide

is generally more of a hill than a mountain runs through southern Canada runs through the western part of Chicago

Compared to point-source pollution, nonpoint pollution

is harder to track is more difficult to regulate

Compared to the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts, North America's 4th seacoast is unique in that

it has a single entry point for foreign freighters

who eats who in lakes is not necessarily linear, as exemplified by the lake sturgeon because

it is quite large yet eat small prey items

For a trait to be considered to be an adaptation in an evolutionary sense

it must be favorable to an organism's survival it must be favorable to an organism's ability to reproduce It must be heritable

ballast serves a key function on freighters because

it provides stability to an empty ship it is heavy, readily available, and basically free

Water pollution was compounded by the huge size of the Great Lakes because

people didn't think they could have much of an impact on such large bodies of water

bighead and silver carp are able to take over aquatic ecosystems because they

starve their competitors by eating plankton

There was a mistake made in naming Lakes Michigan and Huron. What was it

they are actually one lake

Turnover of water, or mixing, in lakes is important in terms of maintaining

water quality

The concept of a food chain is

An oversimplification


a rare and potentially fatal illness caused by a toxin produced by the bacterium clostridium botulinum

Rather than a food chain, it's more accurate to think in terms of a food web because

it focuses on trophic relationships as a network

The alewife is a

Native of north america Non-native of the great lakes

Increases in high precipitation events is a concern in the Great Lakes because a direct results will be

More runoff from agricultural fields

of the five great lakes, lake erie

has the most fish is the most productive

it's thought that lampreys first entered Lake Ontario

through the erie canal

the primary mission of the early French explorers of the Great Lakes was

to find a passage to the great south sea and cathay

The food chain is Lake Powell

. was very simple was predicted to collapse in less than a decade

For a given set of 100 species introductions, how many on average will become invasive?


Of the world's port cities, the Great Lakes are directly connected to


The last glacier withdrew from North America about

12,000 years ago

Of the changes in the Great Lakes associated with climate, recreational boating and tourism are most affected by

?Algal blooms Low water High water High water temperature?

Alewives became the primary food source of lake trout, but also

Harmed the reproductive potential of the trout

The listing of the lake sturgeon as endangered illustrates the point that environmental impacts especially impact species that

Have a low reproductive rate

one example of a hugely expensive project that's been implemented to transfer water across a continent is

In china

The notion of restoring even parts of the Great Lakes region to conditions that existed prior to European settlement is challenging because

Of so much environmental degradation

Even though zebra mussels can only move about 14'' an hour using their foot, they can rapidly reach new locations because

Offspring are covered with hairs that help them to catch currents

Fishery managers began to stock chinook salmon because

Planted after 6 months

Which of the following is one of the main focus areas for the Great Lakes Initiative?

Removal of toxins Invasive species control Nonpoint source pollution control

What feature makes lake ontario somewhat separate from the other lakes in terms of connectivity?

The height of Niagra falls

one of the hotspots for invasive carp highlighted in the film Silent Invaders is

The illinois river

According to the film the st.lawrence seaway system

Tourists from all over the world sail through the seaway on luxury cruise ships The seaway was one of the top 10 public works of the 20th century All cargo is tracked as it makes its way through the system

A key commercial use of the great lakes from the days of La sell involves


when General John Peabody took charge of the situation for USACE, he

Turned on the barriers kept the voltage to ¼ of capacity

Predicting which species are likely to become invasive is

Very difficult to do

A unique feature of the great lakes in summer is the tendency to

Warm from the shore out

The diet of the round goby includes

Young zebra and quagga mussels Zooplankton Eggs of other fish Young of larger fish

Once the salmon and alewife were gone in Lake Huron

a number of native fish species began to increase in number fishing towns in Michigan along the Huron coast lost a lot of revenue the round goby proved to be a key food source for some native fish species

Cladaphora is a green algae that is native to all the Great Lakes except Superior, and became a nuisance in the 1960s due to

adverse impacts of human activities excess phosphorus inputs

Which of the following factors contributes to the uniqueness of the Great Lakes?

all of the above

Another ballast hitch-hiker, the Eurasian ruffe, became a very successful invader in the Great Lakes, largely due to

an extremely high reproductive rate

Eventually, the round goby

became the dominant forage fish helped to keep mussel populations in check depressed populations of sculpins and darters

The EPA exempted the discharge of ballast water from the Clean Water Act

because they thought it was relatively harmless because doing so would reduce administrative costs even though they did not have Congressional approval to do so

Botulism-causing bacteria spread up the food chain after

being ingested by invasive mussels gobies ate toxic mussels birds consumed toxic gobies

What is the process by which toxins reach higher levels in species that are higher up the food chain?


Most invasive species are introduced

by humans

The effects of lead poisoning

can last for decades are especially pronounced in children

Quagga mussels eventually outnumbered zebra mussels by a huge margin because the former

can tolerate much deeper water

In the scientific method, predictions are generated from hypotheses, then tested with


to help reduce a $25 million budget deficit, the city of Flint

decided to temporarily get its water from the Flint River decided to build its own water pipeline

since the mid-1970s, the amount of cargo passing through the Seaway annually has


dead zones in the great lakes are created by

decomposition of algal cells excessive nutrient inputs run away algal growth

One problem with mid-ocean flushing of ballast tanks is that

effectiveness is difficult to assess due to the lag time in detection of exotic species it kills 99% of organisms, but there could still be a lot in there it kills 99% of organisms, but there could still be a lot in there

The west-to-east flow of the Great Lakes is due to differences in


The first European to explore the St. Lawrence River was Jacques Cartier, but after 1000 miles he had to turn back because

encountered impassible rapids

Which lake has the highest seichal fluctuation


The Great Lakes region is uniquely positioned to stop future invasions because

every overseas freighter must pass through the St. Lambert Lock

Asian carp possess several of the key attributes that tend to allow species to become invasive, including

extremely high reproduction rate all the above lack of predators good dispersers

Canada is supportive of efforts to close the seaway to ocean-going freighters


When a bighead carp was caught beyond the barrier and just miles from Lake Michigan

five states took USACE and Illinois to court

In the film Saving the Great Lakes from Toxic Algae, Jeff Reutters from the Stone Lab recommends that if we are going to the possibility of poisoned drinking water in the Lake Erie region, we should first

focus on water treatment plants

The Clean Water Act

focused on point-source pollution ignored nonpoint pollution

in recent decades, what is the primary factor has led to an exponential increase in the movement of invasive species?

global connectivity

At this point in time, what is the biggest problem facing the Great Lakes?

human ignorance

Collectively, western states in the U.S. have spent how much to monitor and control invasive mussels?

hundreds of millions of dollars

the Pacific Northwest is vulnerable to mussel invasion because

hundreds of thousands of boats use the lakes and reservoirs there every year it's impossible to guard every boat ramp no state or water body has been able to stop the mussel from invading

The second set of barriers funded by Congress

included three clusters of electrodes was not turned on initially out of fear of detonating barges with flammable cargo were more powerful than the original

Which of the following trends in the Great Lakes is attributed to climate change?

increase in water temperature increase in the number of heavy rainfall events

In 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency agreed to mandate treatment systems for all trans-oceanic ships discharging ballast in U.S. waters, but

it's not certain that such systems will be effective against all exotic species such systems aren't required until 2021 it's uncertain as to whether all ships will comply

Compared to the Europeans, the Woodland Culture was

lacking in some ways but equal or superior in others

As described in Silent Invaders, zebra mussels have an inhalant siphon and an exhalant siphone. What is removed in between?

large algae

In addition to agricultural runoff causing algal blooms in Lake Erie, other major contributors include

lawn fertilizer leaky septic fields inputs from the Detroit River none of the above

When federal funding was halted for the carp-controlling-sewage experiment, Arkansas Game and Fish

let some of them go

The zebra mussel, quagga mussel, and round goby

likely reached the Great Lakes in the ballast of a freighter have their native range in the Black and/or Caspian Seas First appeared in North America in or near Lake St. Clair

Some strategies for getting rid of carp include

making fertilizer from them making pet food from them making fish cakes from them

A fundamental principle of environmental justice is that

minority groups should not be disproportionately burdened by environmental harm people should have a voice in decisions that affect them

For four of the five Great Lakes, the estimated impact of invasion by Asian carp is

moderate to high

Zooplankton are in turn eaten by

mollusks Crustaceans bait-sized fish All the above

Cities tended to be constructed

near areas preferred by spawning fish and waterfowl adjacent to protected harbors and river mouths where timber resources were

invasive species are harmful because

of where they are

The alewife came to dominate native fish in the Great Lakes by

preying on their young outcompeting them for food

successful invasive species tend to

produce a lot of offspring be very good dispersers

Tanner's overarching objective as Michigan's Chief of Fisheries was A) reduce or eliminate invasive species

provide the best experience possible in recreational fishing

In response to the State Emergency Manager's claim that water from Lake Huron was no safer than that of the Flint River, scientists from Virginia Tech

provided data showing water from the Flint River was 19 times more corrosive

by far, the best predictors of the presence of environmental pollutants is/are


Once water samples tested positive for carp beyond the electrical barriers, General Peabody

refused to close the locks

Invasive mussels were able to colonize isolated inland lakes by

taking refuge in any damp spot on a boat out of water being able to live on a boat outside water for days

A key question in ecological restoration globally, and especially applicable to the Great Lakes has to do with

target conditions

on an annual basis, the Soo Locks handle more ships and more tonnage

than the Panama and Suez Canals combined

At one point, the Great Lakes were connected to

the Atlantic Ocean

The Supreme Court rejected Missouri's lawsuit, even though the number of typhoid cases in St. Louis had increased four-fold since the opening of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal because

the Illinois River appeared to be relatively clean compared to what it was

The first canal to bridge the Chicago Portage was

the Illinois and Michigan Canal

There have been a number of unintended environmental consequences that have adversely affected the Lakes once they were connected to one another and to the Atlantic Ocean. The reason is that

the Lakes are relatively young

Ultimately, the federal government charged the state of Michigan with a violation of

the Safe Water Drinking Act


the accumulation of toxic substances, such as pesticides, in an organism. It occurs when an organism absorbs the substance at a rate faster than that at which the substance is lost by metabolism or excretion

After the trees were cut in the Great Black Swamp, roads were built and ditches were dug. The latter was greatly facilitated by

the buckeye traction ditcher

Vernon Applegate was able to help reduce lamprey populations by focusing on

the creeks where lampreys nest

the deadliest fire in US history was

the peshtigo fire

Historical racism was reported to contribute to the use of Flint River water for drinking because

the residents were mostly poor and African American the residents were not viewed as credible The complaints of the residents were not taken seriously

Once the Great Black Swamp was cleared and drained, the people there found

the soils were incredibly rich they had the most productive land in the country

According to the film "What's So Great About the Great Lakes", of the five lakes, Superior is not

the stormiest

All energy is derived from

the sun

Features of zebra mussels that enabled them to be such successful invaders include

their ability to reproduce at a relatively young age the ability of females to produce so many eggs a lack of native predators in the Great Lakes their high filtration rate

Whitefish were ultimately able to switch to invasive mussels as a good source because

their stomach muscles began to enlarge

In reality, wetland serve many useful purposes. For example,

they filter the water they provide valuable habitat for waterfowl hey slow water down, allowing contaminants to settle out

the drought in California is a national problem

they grow 90% of the nation's produce

Whitefish were never a consumer of fish, probably because

they had no teeth

invasive mussels were able to virtually take over Lake Mead's bed and canyon walls below the waterline in only two years because

they were able to reproduce rapidly in the warm climate

in the film The St. Lawrence Seaway System, the proposed way to get around the fact that the locks and channels were too small for transoceanic ships was

to unload cargo and put it on smaller ships

a key commercial use of the Great Lakes from the days of La Salle involves


the concept of a food chain is all about what type of relationships?


In the us, the coastline of the great lakes is longer than the atlantic coastline, the coast on the gulf of mexico, or the pacific coast(not counting alaska and hawaii)


Superior is not the stormiest


if ballast control systems are installed on all freighters entering the Great Lakes, the probability of more invasive species showing up there is

very high

DNA barcoding

was initially used to identify invasive species in ship's ballast is meant to identify species

Fisheries managers were surprised to learn that chinook salmon

were reproducing in the wild in prodigious numbers

On lands near Lake Erie's western basin, there is a large emphasis in ecological restoration on


the scientific method is initiated

with observations

The primary mission of the early french explorers of the great lakes was

Find the south sea and cathay

Rain, snow, and surface runoff from streams and rivers add water to the great lakes, but this is offset by


A key difference between exploitation of the environment by europeans and native americans was that the latter

They have less people

One way that gobies can gain a numerical advantage on native fish is that

They spawn up to three times per summer They are voracious egg eaters They drive other fish form their spawning beds

the amount of cargo to pass through the Seaway currently

could be carried by two freight trains per day

The exorbitantly high cost of pumping water thousands of miles is the thing that prevents it from happening.



is required by every living organism does not exist naturally in the environment

In the film clip Invasive Species - Asian Carp, Kay Nelson, who represents an array of industries on the southern shores of Lake Michigan, expresses concern about the idea of constructing a permanent barrier in the Sanitary and Ship Canal because

the general public has the impression this is a quick fix

sea in the former soviet union

was once the world's fourth largest lake

The Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal

was the largest earth-moving project in North America at the time helped to sanitize Chicago's water reversed the flow of the Chicago River

Detractors of the st. lawrence seaway believed

That it would ruin the business of us ports on the eastern seaboard

currently, the average number of trans-oceanic ships passing through the seaway each day is


most foreign freighters sail out of the Great Lakes carrying grain, totaling what percentage of total grain exports for the U.S. and Canada?


How much of the planet s available freshwater is found in the Great Lakes?


annual damage to fisheries and recreational activities caused by invasive mussels in the Great Lakes is estimated to cost

200 million

Of the 10 largest lakes in the world by surface area, how many great lakes are included


The reported annual cost borne by municipalities and industry in the Great Lakes region to keep pipes free from mussels

600 million

Of the world's port cities, what percentage are within two stops of a Great Lakes port?


A key problem with the st. lawrence seaway was

The 9 month shipping season That the locks and channels were too small

A goal in constructing the erie canal was

All the above→ to help organize the territories west of the original 13 colonies, new york city a port of global significance, connect the eastern seaboard to the interior of the continent

Water levels in the Great Lakes have always varied, but with climate change, this variation is expected to

Be greater Be less predictable

The welland canal was constructed to

Circumvent niagra falls Enable canada to compete with the erie canal Enable ships rather than barges to reach the great lakes

the early immigrants who encountered the great black swamp and decided to settle in the region

Decided to drain it were in awe

What is the shallowest of the great lakes?


According to the film Great Lakes Water Level Changes, the three major factors in the Great Lakes water budget include

Evaporation from the lakes Precipitation directly on the lakes Runoff into the lakes

When relatively large predators are absent in an ecosystem, populations of prey species


The paleo indians are thought to have played a role in

Killing the elephant

Successful invasive species often lack predators in their new environment, and also tend to be

Habitat generalists

Zebra mussels impact native mussels directly

Inhibiting their ability to open their shells

The round goby is a highly successful invasive species because

It is very aggressive

There were two water features that had to be addressed to achieve connectivity for shipping across all five lakes.

One was niagra falls. The other was the fall of st. mary

The massive die-off in 1967 involved an estimated 20 billion alewives and was caused by

Their own physiology

Alewife populations crashed because

There was so much predation pressure from salmon The invasive mussels took up so much plankton

In addition to ballast water, round gobies are spreading in the Great Lakes region because

They are used as bait to catch larger fish

One thing that the timber holdings in the upper Midwest and the Great Lakes Fisheries had in common was that

They both seemed limitless

The zebra mussel could not have 'walked' across the atlantic ocean to reach the great lakes, even over many generations, because

They could not have survived the ocean's salinity or depth

Since the Great Lakes have been connected to the Atlantic Ocean, the number of forage fish species has


which of the following is not a feature that the Great Lakes share with the oceans?


The same process causing massive algal blooms in Lake Erie

has resulted in dead zones around the world has created a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico

Prior to settlement, water flowed clear from the Maumee River to Lake Erie. Now, the extensive grid of ditches and tile lines

have increased flows in the river have made the river more turbid have increased nutrient inputs to the river

in cities, surfaces that are impervious to rainfall tend to

increase in area increase runoff during storm events result in inputs to rivers and the lakes that included dirt, refuse, and horse manure

the film clip "The Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes" describes a number of geologic phenomena that have changed the lakes over time. One of these has to do with the transition from a northerly outflow of Great Lakes water to a southerly course. This transition was caused by

rising land surface after the glacier a retreat

An extreme form of wave action in the Great Lakes that is associated with rapid changes in wind and barometric pressure is known as a


in a sense, it could be said that the clean water act had its origins in

the cuyahoga river

which river is one of the worst in place pollutant problems in the great lakes system

the detroit

It was surprising that a year after the zebra mussel was discovered in Lake St. Clair, the species was found at extremely high densities in southern Lake Michigan, surprising because

this movement would have been against the lake's currents

at this point, the only mandated strategy for ships sailing from foreign ports into the great lakes is

to flush all of their ballast tanks mid-ocean

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