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Which of the following file extensions is not associated with a shapefile?

.aux (.shp, .shx, and .dbf are all shapefile extentions)

Sensing in the blue portion of the EM spectrum means sensing energy wavelengths of

0.4 to 0.5 um

Sensing in the "visible" portion of the EM spectrum means sensing energy wavelengths of

0.4 to 0.7 um

Sensing in the green portion of the EM spectrum means sensing energy wavelengths of

0.5 to 0.6 um

Sensing in the "red" portion of the EM spectrum means sensing energy wavelengths of

0.6 um-0.7 um

Landsat 7 and 8 satellite has the capability to see the same area on the ground every

16 days

Speed of light

186,00 miles/sec in vacuum

Use of WAAS can reduce position error to within


The use of a base station or other Earth-bound source to transmit a correction signal to a GPS receiver refers to


The shortest path between an origin and other nodes on a network can be determined with

Dijkstra's Algorithm

Landsat 7 carries which of the following sensors?


The Russian equivalent of GPS is


GPS satellites are


U.S. GPS is called


The energy range of 0.7 to 1.3 micrometers defines which of the following types of energy?

Near infrared

A charted identifier for an feature based on its reflectance of different wavelengths of energy is a

Spectral signature

TIGER stands for

Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding Referencing

Our eyes are sensitive to viewing which wavelengths of light?

Visible 0.4 to 0.7 um

The datum used by GPS is


What does WAAS stand for

Wide Area Augmentation System (covers United States and portions of N. America)


a file produced by the US Census Bureaeu that contains the line segments that correspond with roads all over the United States

In a GIS network an "edge" represents

a link on the network

Energy that is trapped and held by a surface has been


Geoprocessing describes

applying an action to one dataset that results in a new dataset being creating

Multiple addresses can be geocoded at once via

batch geocoding

An area of spatial proximity around a point refers to which GIS operation?


Site suitability analysis is used to

determine which areas are useful or not useful in spatial analysis

NDVI is primarily used to determine

health of vegetation

A major road (such as Virginia Beach Blvd) would be represented in a GIS as

multiple records, with each representing one piece of the road

A remote sensing device simultaneously measuring seven bands of energy wavelengths would be capable of producing which type of imagery?


Healthy vegetation reflects

near infrared

TIGER files typically contain all of the following data except

number of houses per street

Linear interpolation is used in geocoding to

place a point an approximate distance along a line

A sensor's ability to determine fine differences in a band of energy measurements is a sensor's

radiometric resolution

The base network data used for geocoding is referred to as

reference database

Which of the following is not a component of a geodatabase

relationship classes

Address parsing is done to

separate the parts of an address

The ground size of one pixel's worth of imagery is a measure of

spatial resolution

The specific bands and wavelengths that a sensor can measure defines its

spectral resolution

Setting up the components of an address in a regular format describes


Destinations to visit on a network are referred to as


How often a satellite can return to image the same area on the ground is a measure of that sensor's

temporal resolution

In a TIGER file the FEDIRP field refers to

the direction of the prefix of the street

The number of units to travel along a link of a network is

transit cost

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