Nutrition basics

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Metabolism is:

The total of all chemical processes that occur in living cells, including chemical reactions involved in generating energy, making proteins, and eliminating waste products


A non nutrient made by plants

cohort study

A study where epidemiologists collect and analyze various kinds of information about a large group of people over time

Case-control study

A study where: Factors are identified that may be responsible for the dresses Individuals with a disease are matched to a person with similar characteristics who does not have the disease

Treatment group

Fed a certain amount of a chemical daily for 52 weeks


Your usual pattern of food choices

The 6 classes of nutrients are:

carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water


life-sustaining substances in food

Double-blind studies

neither the participants nor the researchers know who has been assigned to which condition

Dietary supplement

product that contains a vitamin, a mineral, an herb or other plant product, an amino acid, or a dietary substance that supplements the diet


reports of personal experiences


study of the occurrence, distribution, and spread of disease in humans

Control group

In an experiment, the group that is not exposed to the treatment; contrasts with the experimental group and serves as a comparison for evaluating the effect of the treatment.

Carbohydrates major function

Source of energy


Another term for dietary supplements

Observational epidemiological

Blank research includes Cohort studies and case-control studies

Observational epidemiological research includes

Case-control studies Cohort studies

Water main function

Maintenance of fluid balance •regulation of body temp •elimination of wastes •transportation of substances •participant in many chemical reactions

Essential nutrients

Must be supplied by food because the body doesn't synthesize the nutrient of make enough to meet its needs

Deficiency disease

Occurs if a nutrient is missing from the diet

Minerals major function

•Regulation of body processes •Formation of certain chemical messengers •Structural and functional components of various substances and tissues •Physical growth

Lipids major functions

•Source of energy storage •Cellular development, physical growth •Regulation of body processes (certain chemical messengers) •absorption of certain vitamins

Proteins major functions

•production of structural components •cellular development, growth and maintenance •regulation of body processes •transportation of many nutrients •immune function and fluid balance •source of energy

vitamins major functions

•regulation of body processes •maintenance of immune function, production and maintenance of tissues, protects against agents that can damage cellular components

Epidemiologists use data from NHANES to determine the:

•risk factors for major diseases •national standards for heigh, weight, and blood pressure •prevalence of major diseases

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