Nutrition Ch. 10, Nutrition Ch. 11, Nutrition Ch. 13

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To ensure that a 7-month-old infant receives adequate fat to provide essential fatty acids in his diet, he needs to have _____ calories from fat for 675 calories he is eating daily.


The ideal pattern of weight gain for a healthy-weight woman is thought to be about _____ pounds total during the first three months of pregnancy.

3 1/2

Any meal should be finished at least _____ hours before an athletic competition.

3 or 4

For CVD prevention, trans fat in the diet should account for less than _____ percent of calories.


The American Dietetic Association recommends _____ grams protein per kilogram of body weight each day for an endurance athlete.

1.2 - 1.4

An endurance athlete can lose _____ of fluid an hour.

1.5 quarts

A female athlete weighs 120 pounds before a race and 115 pounds after the race. How much fluid should she consume?

10 cups

Resting blood pressure should ideally be _____ or lower.

120 over 80

Nancy weighs 124 pounds and is at an appropriate weight for her height. How much should Nancy weigh at the end of her pregnancy?

149 - 159 pounds

At what weight can a 165-lb. woman with hypertension who plans to lose weight first expect to see a significantly lower blood pressure value?

155 pounds

Beverly consumed 1500 calories daily before she became pregnant. Approximately how many calories per day should she consume during lactation?


A person who continues exercising moderately for longer than _____ minutes begins to use less glucose and more fat for fuel.


Sports nutrition experts recommend that endurance athletes consume _____ percent of their energy from fat.


A nonpregnant woman requires 1600 calories per day to maintain her desirable body weight. How many calories per day would she need if she were in the third trimester of pregnancy?


To help prevent hypertension Americans should limit their sodium intake to _____ mg per day.


A nursing mother produces about _____ ounces of milk a day.


A pregnant woman needs about _____ grams of protein per day above prepregnancy needs.


A pregnancy weight gain of _____ pounds is recommended for women who are at their appropriate weights.


By what age do most people have well developed plaques in their arteries?

30 years

During the second trimester of pregnancy, a daily increase of _____ calories above the allowance for nonpregnant women is recommended.


A pregnant teenager with a body mass index in the normal range is encouraged to gain _____ pounds or so.


A three-month-old baby girl who weighs 9 pounds needs how many calories each day?


In men, aging becomes a significant risk factor for heart disease at age:


How many grams of carbohydrate would an athlete need to consume to ensure full glycogen and other nutrient stores and to meet energy needs if he consumes 2800 calories?

490 grams

Active people can have resting pulse rates of _____ beats per minute or lower.


Calculate the recommended daily protein intake for a female marathon runner weighing 126 pounds.

69 - 80 g

According to recommendations for reducing CVD risk, the percentage of calories from saturated fat in the diet should be no more than _____ percent.


A nonpregnant woman requires 46 grams of protein per day. How many grams per day would she need if she became pregnant?


Calculate the protein needed for a male runner weighing 152 lb who is training for an upcoming competition. He participates in sprints and hurdling races.

83 - 117

The ______ website is a valuable resource for reliable nutrition information that parents can use to help their children select healthier foods


Your friend participates in strenuous world-class competition that lasts for four hours or more. Which of the following would you recommend to your friend?

Suggest that he consume sports drinks and pretzels.

(T/F) A chronic state of inflammation can be harmful to the tissues


(T/F) A deficiency or toxicity of even a single nutrient can weaken the body's defenses considerably.


(T/F) A low-birthweight baby is defined as one who weighs less than 5 1/2 pounds.


(T/F) A low-birthweight baby is nearly 40 times more likely to die in the first year of life than is a normal-weight baby.


(T/F) A major reason why a woman's nutrition before pregnancy is crucial is that it determines whether her uterus will support the growth of a normal placenta


(T/F) A sudden, large weight gain during pregnancy is always a danger signal.


(T/F) Added sugars can be useful in meeting the high carbohydrate needs of some athletes


(T/F) Aerobically trained muscles burn fat more readily than untrained muscles


(T/F) All pregnant women should be assessed for glucose tolerance during one of their prenatal examinations.


(T/F) An athlete should drink extra fluids in the last few days of training before an event in order to ensure proper hydration


(T/F) Constituents in foods may be cancer causing, cancer promoting, or protective against cancer.


(T/F) Degenerative diseases are often referred to as chronic diseases.


(T/F) Excess calories from carbohydrates, protein, and fat all raise cancer rates.


(T/F) Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is one of the leading known preventable causes of mental retardation in the world


(T/F) Folate fortification has lowered the number of neural tube defects that occur each year.


(T/F) For the great majority of cancers, lifestyle factors and environmental exposures are the major risk factors


(T/F) Fostering a sense of autonomy in a one-year-old includes allowing the child to explore and experiment with her food


(T/F) High blood pressure presents no symptoms that you can feel


(T/F) Maternal dietary calcium intake has no effect on the calcium content of breast milk


(T/F) Metabolic syndrome with its cluster of factors raises the risk of CVD.


(T/F) Most athletes probably need somewhat more protein than do sedentary people


(T/F) Obesity is a risk for certain cancers such as colon, breast, endometrial, pancreas, and kidney cancer.


(T/F) People who regularly engage in physical activity live longer on average than those who are physically inactive.


(T/F) Physical activity during pregnancy can improve fitness, facilitate labor, and reduce psychological stress.


(T/F) Research does not support the idea that athletes need supplements of vitamins to enhance their performance


(T/F) The DASH diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products


(T/F) The DASH diet is designed for helping people with hypertension to control the disease


(T/F) The composition of breast milk changes from early milk for the newborn to later milk to feed the older infant.


(T/F) The most important step that a person can take to protect against hypertension is to be tested for it


(T/F) The two weeks following fertilization are considered to be a critical period developmentally for the zygote.


(T/F) Thirty minutes of brisk walking on at least 5 days a week can improve the odds against heart disease.


(T/F) To emphasize muscle endurance in weight training, you would combine less resistance (lighter weights) with more repetitions.


(T/F) When calorie intakes rise, cancer rates also increase


(T/F) When women in developed countries die of pregnancy complications, the cause is often eclampsia


A vitamin needed by an infant in amounts nearly seven times those needed by an adult on a per-pound basis

Vitamin D

At eight weeks of development, the fetus is characterized by:

a beating heart. a fully formed digestive system.

Constipation during pregnancy should be relieved by:

a high-fiber diet. plentiful water intake.

All of the following dietary factors are protective against CVD except:

a low-carbohydrate diet.

Which of the following factors does not influence how much glucose a person uses during physical activity?

age of the person exercising

Which of the following should be avoided during pregnancy?

alcohol dieting

Which of the following have been associated with an increase in cancer risk?

alcohol intake high intakes of red meat high intakes of processed meats

Which of the following is not a component of fitness?


Why would you tell someone not to drink alcohol before engaging in an athletic event?

because it is a diuretic because it impairs temperature regulation

All of the following statements concerning beer are correct except ______

beer gets most of its calories from carbohydrates

One thing to consider when attempting to increase daily physical activity for health is to:

begin with an activity such as brisk walking for moderate intensity.

All of the following are recommendations for children from the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans except:

children and adolescents should do 60 minutes of physical activity 3 days a week.

A woman has gained 30 pounds in her first two months of pregnancy and has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. What should she know about her health risks from this condition?

this condition usually goes away after the baby is born

What is recommended for replacing fuels that have been used during exercise?

eat a high-carbohydrate meal within two hours after exercise

The best action to take to decrease your risk of cancer is to:

eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruits in generous quantities every day.

To obtain the folate that can reduce the risk of neural tube defects, a woman who is capable of becoming pregnant should:

eat folate-fortified foods. eat folate-rich foods.

How can endurance athletes best postpone fatigue during their activity?

eat glucose periodically during the event

A 5-month-old infant's nutrient intake should include:

twice as much calcium as adults need on the basis of body weight.

Glycogen depletion occurs after about _____ hour(s) of vigorous activity.


Strategies which help endurance athletes maintain their blood glucose concentrations for as long as they can include:

eating a high-carbohydrate diet regularly. taking in glucose during endurance activities.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate family involvement with a child who is overweight?

encourage family outdoor activities together

The study of changes in how genes function without any changes in the sequence of the genes


As physical activity continues beyond the first few minutes, which of the following flows into the bloodstream to signal the liver and fat cells to liberate their stored energy nutrients?


What should a woman who drinks a daily glass of wine with her dinner consider when she becomes pregnant?

even a small amount of alcohol during a critical growth period can be damaging

The length of time a person must spend exercising in order to meet the physical activity guidelines for americans varies by

exercise intensity

The first symptom of dehydration (besides thirst) is:


To prevent hyponatremia during prolonged events, athletes should:

favor sports drinks over water. eat pretzels in the last half of a long event.

Which of the following are most prone to iron deficiency?

female athletes endurance athletes

The stage of human gestation from eight weeks after conception until birth of an infant is called a(an):


An "atherogenic diet" is high in all of the following except _______


To support lactation, a breastfeeding woman needs more of the following

fluid energy

If the water supply is severely deficient in _____, both breastfed and formula-fed infants require supplementation after six months of age.


Breastfed infants may need supplements of ______

fluoride, iron, and vitamin D

A B vitamin that is needed in larger amounts during pregnancy


A deficiency of which nutrient during pregnancy appears to be related to an increased risk of neural tube defects in newborns?


Which of the following nutrients is related to the prevention of neural tube defects?


Which of the following nutrients plays a special role with respect to esophageal and colon cancer?


Which of the following must be given careful attention when feeding the person with AIDS?

food safety

Major actions in the arteries that lead to heart attack and stroke include:

formation of plaques leading to inflammation from a diet high in saturated fat. response to arterial damage by formation of blood clots that can break loose.

The DASH diet is characterized by increased intakes of ______

fruits and vegetables whole grains artificial fats

A form of diabetes that occurs only during pregnancy


Wherever dietary fat consists mostly of _____ fats and fish, fruits, and vegetables are eaten in abundance, blood cholesterol and the rate of death from heart disease are low.


The term ergogenic:

implies that the product has special work-enhancing powers. is associated with supplements claimed to benefit athletes.

Researchers measure cardiovascular fitness with VO2 max, which will:

increase as fitness improves and blood is pumped more efficiently.

Characteristics of cardiorespiratory endurance include:

increased cardiac output and oxygen delivery. reduced blood pressure.

The pregnant woman's body helps to conserve iron by

increasing iron absorption

A 70-year-old woman wants to begin a weight training program. What advice would you give her?

it would be a good way to improve her bone density

A healthy digestive system defends against invading microbes because

its linings are heavily laced with immune tissues

Characteristics of breast milk include that:

its sodium content is low. its protein is largely alpha-lactalbumin.

Anaerobic glucose breakdown produces a compound called _____ that accumulates in the tissues and blood.


Which of the following does not contain vitamin B12?


To lower LDL cholesterol levels you would tell someone to:

lose weight. increase physical activity.

Risk factors for gestational diabetes include all of the following except:

low BMI before pregnancy.

An athlete's pregame meals should be _____

low in fat moderate in protein

All of the following are potential benefits of regular physical activity except

lower risk of sickle-cell anemia

Cindy experienced malnutrition late in her pregnancy. Which of the following organs of the infant will most likely be affected?


Which of the following appears to help prevent and treat hypertension in certain populations?

magnesium potassium

Carbonated beverages are not a good choice for meeting an athlete's fluid needs because they:

make a person feel full quickly and may limit fluid intake.

In the early minutes of an activity, _____ provides the majority of energy the muscles use to go into action.

muscle glycogen

When designing a fitness routine that is intended to help muscles gain strength and size, what must you consider?

muscles need a day or two of rest to refuel and repair

Which of the following is among the minerals that are in great demand during pregnancy because they are involved in building the skeleton?

phosphorus magnesium

Recommendations have been established for moderate physical activity because:

physically active people live longer than those who are inactive.

The health benefits of being physically active include all of the following except:

reducing the amount of sleep needed each day.

Which of the following is (are) appropriate for children who are found to have high blood lipids?

reduction in saturated fat and trans fat age-appropriate intake of calories

Muscles respond to the overload of exercise by gaining:

strength. size.

Which of the following enhances flexibility?


The sudden shutting off of the blood flow to the brain by a thrombus, embolism, or the bursting of a vessel


For athletic performance, the diet should consist of all of the following except:

supplements high in protein.

The _____ blood pressure number is the pressure against the artery wall when the heart muscle is contracting


The amount of protein needed for physical activity varies depending on:

the amount of training in a particular exercise an athlete has had.

Athletes will use complete meal replacers to prepare for competition because:

they may benefit an athlete with a nervous stomach before an event.

A pregnant woman needs an extra 450 calories above the allowance for non pregnant women during which trimester(s)?


Calculate how much carbohydrate an athlete who is in training for a marathon should eat within two hours after his daily workout in order to enhance his body's storage of glycogen if he weighs 175 pounds.

88-123 grams

Calculate the calories needed from fat each day for a triathlete who requires 4500 calories a day

900 - 1575

Salt-sensitive individuals are likely to include:

African Americans. those who have diabetes.

The metabolic syndrome greatly increases a person's risk of developing:


The technique that allows identification of inherited disease tendencies by comparing patterns of gene expression is known as:

DNA microarray technology.

(T/F) A sure way to get a baby to sleep through the night is to feed solid foods as soon as the baby can swallow them


(T/F) Active people do not need extra fluid in cold weather.


(T/F) An initial goal for management of overweight and obesity in children is to encourage moderate weight loss.


(T/F) Atherosclerosis is simply the accumulation of lipids within the artery wall


(T/F) Athletes should avoid frequent between-meal snacks


(T/F) CVD is a man's disease.


(T/F) Chronic diseases are the only type of diseases that afflict people in developed countries.


(T/F) Chronic diseases have distinct causes, known as risk factors


(T/F) Currently, for the best chance of consuming adequate nutrients and staying healthy, people should obtain an evaluation of their genetic profile


(T/F) Dietary supplements can trigger extra immune power to fend off dangerous infections.


(T/F) During pregnancy, the recommended carbohydrate intake is less than 175 grams per day.


(T/F) For normal-weight women, the ideal pattern of weight gain during the first trimester is one pound per week.


(T/F) Health care providers are now able to tailor a person's treatment to prevent or minimize disease based on their identified genetic profile.


(T/F) Hypertension is more severe and occurs earlier in life among people of european or asian descent than among african americans


(T/F) In light of the developmental needs of one-year-olds, parents should allow such behaviors as standing at the table and throwing food


(T/F) Iron-deficiency anemia impairs physical performance because iron helps deliver the muscles' oxygen.


(T/F) Just as a virus causes influenza, a risk factor causes a chronic disease


(T/F) Men suffer more often from heart attacks than women do, making CVD a man's disease


(T/F) Sufficient intakes of calcium-rich foods may increase the risk of colon cancer


(T/F) The American Academy of Pediatrics urges all women to drink only moderately during pregnancy


(T/F) The DASH diet is designed for athletes who compete in sprinting events


(T/F) The DRI recommendation for calcium intake is higher for pregnant than non- pregnant women in the same age group.


(T/F) The FDA and EPA advise pregnant women to limit seafood consumption to 3 ounces a week of a variety of safer fish and shellfish such as canned light tuna, salmon, and shrimp.


(T/F) The weight that pregnant women put on is nearly all fat tissue.


(T/F) To overload a muscle is never productive


(T/F) Weight-bearing activity may interfere with maintenance of bone strength


(T/F) Weight-bearing activity that improves muscle strength and endurance has no effect on maintaining bone mass


Which of the following athletes would use the least protein for fuel during exercise?

Gary, who consumes a carbohydrate-rich diet

Which of the following statements regarding carnitine is true?

It is a nonessential nutrient.

Which of the following individuals is at highest risk for developing hypertension?

Jack, a 40-year-old African American male whose parents had hypertension

Which of the following would be considered a risk factor for CVD?

LDL 160 mg/dL or higher

Which of the following statements is(are) true concerning iron during pregnancy?

The body conserves iron even more than usual. Iron supplements are needed.

An athlete is in the early weeks of an aerobic training program and develops a decrease in hemoglobin concentration. Which of the following is true?

The condition is called sports anemia. It goes away by itself.

An athlete takes vitamin and mineral supplements prior to competition because he believes they can enhance performance. How would you respond to this practice?

The practice does not improve performance because there is not enough time for them to be combined with other appropriate parts so they can do their work.

Which of the following is an advantage of sports bars for athletes?

They are easy to eat in the hours before competition.

Which of the following is characteristic of candy bars and specialty drinks marketed to athletes?

They provide extra food energy. They can be useful as a pregame meal.

Which of the following is an example of the effect of certain nutrients or foods on gene expression and disease development?

a phytochemical found in broccoli and broccoli sprouts has been shown to reverse uncontrolled cancer cell division in laboratory studies supplementation of folate and vitamin B12 during pregnancy has been shown to turn off the "yellow and fat" gene in pups born to laboratory mice

Which woman is at risk of not developing a healthy placenta?

a woman with anorexia nervosa who is restricting her food intake

The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend:

accumulating activities in weekly totals of at least 10-minute sessions.

Which of the following holds the key to maintaining the best possible immune system support?

adequate nutrition

Which of the following is a risk factor for the development of hypertension?

age genes

All of the following are actions on the cell in formation of cancer except:

all carcinogens damage or change the cell's genetic material to cause cancer.

Parents should introduce one food at a time into an infant's/toddler's diet to help them detect possible ____ to foods


The ________ sac surrounds the developing fetus and provides the cushioning fluid that protects the fetus


Which of the following is among the most dangerous and illegal ergogenic practices?

anabolic steroid hormones

Protective factors in breast milk include

antiviral agents anti-inflammatory agents antibacterial agents

The nausea of morning sickness:

arises from hormonal changes of early pregnancy. can often be alleviated.

A diet that increases LDL levels in the blood and can also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease


A condition in which blood lipids like cholesterol can be deposited in the walls of the blood vessels


Which of the following preventative measures should a pregnant woman take to avoid contracting listeriosis?

avoid feta cheese thoroughly heat hot dogs

Your friend's parents both have heart disease. She is considering having genetic testing done so she can see what changes she might be able to make to reduce her risk of developing it as well. What would you tell her?

being forewarned will help her to make lifestyle changes to reduce her risk

Alcohol consumption by women during pregnancy can result in all of the following except:

blindness in infants.

An adolescent has a total cholesterol level of 180 mg/dL and an LDL of 115 mg/dL. This individual's disease risk would be classified as:


What are the risks of hypertension during pregnancy?

both types increase the chance of heart attack and stroke

Which of these foods should form the bulk of the pregame meal?

breads, potatoes, pasta, and fruit juices

When compared to formula, breast milk offers the following protection against infections and allergies:

breast milk contains antibodies against diarrhea caused by a rotavirus.

A pregnant woman should strive to meet her DRI for _____ by increasing intakes of milk, cheese, yogurt, and other foods rich in this mineral, or by taking a 600 mg supplement daily.


Which of the following may offer a protective effect against colon cancer?


Laboratory studies suggest that diets high in _____ seem to promote cancer.


All pregnant women need generous amounts of _____ to spare their protein and to provide energy.


Which of the following should not be used by athletes?

carbonated beverages alcohol

Your uncle is considering taking an herbal medicine to control his hypertension after seeing an add for a product on the Internet. What information would you give him?

check to see if the herbs in the product have interactions with any drugs he is taking

The embryonic cluster of cells will embed itself in the uterine wall by the process of __________


To minimize risks of CVD you would:

choose more fruits and whole grains. consume 1 or 2 servings of fatty fish each week.

A type of disease that results from the interaction of genetics, nutrition, and past or current diseases


An advantage for the mother of breastfeeding her infant would be:

conserving her iron stores for several months.

You are interested in controlling your risk of developing CVD. Which of the following would you do?

consume high levels of complex carbohydrates and fiber substitute fish for red meat twice a week

To help control blood cholesterol you would:

consume oats, barley, and legumes. limit foods with trans fatty acids.

Jack's physician has placed him on a diet recommended to control his blood cholesterol. In order to follow this plan Jack would:

consume £ 200 mg cholesterol per day. consume less than 7% of calories as saturated fat.

Dietary guidelines for cancer prevention include:

controlling energy intake. increasing intake of fruits and vegetables.

Which of the following is not one of the key elements to help identify women with preeclampsia?


During exercise the optimal beverage for replacing fluids is:

cool water.

Weight training results in all of the following except:

decreased bone density.

Smoking powerfully raises the risk for CVD in men and women in all of the following ways except

decreasing the heart's workload

Heart disease in women is characterized by:

development at a later age than in men.

A condition in which the body's cells are resistant to the effects of insulin from the pancreas in the majority of cases


Which of the following is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease?


The _______ blood pressure number is the pressure against the artery wall when the heart muscle is relaxing


All of the following are risk factors for CVD except:

diastolic blood pressure of 80.

All of the following are examples of how diseases might worsen malnutrition except

disease decreases nutrient excretion

What is the best way for athletes to ensure they have adequate sodium levels in their bodies?

do not restrict salty foods in the days before competition

Which is the best meal to help reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the blood?

grilled salmon, wild rice, steamed broccoli, whole-wheat roll

A woman frequently has a dinner meal of grilled steak, baked potato with margarine, green peas, and a white dinner roll. Which food should be eaten less often to reduce her risk of breast cancer?

grilled steak

A varsity sprinter is considering taking caffeine pills before his competition to help his performance. What information would you give him?

he needs to be aware that sport governing bodies prohibit high doses of caffeine

What recommendation is most appropriate to help a 6-year-old obese boy to improve his health?

he should carry a refillable water bottle with him to drink instead of soft drinks

Early malnutrition in the mother affects the baby's:

heart. brain.

A common complaint of pregnancy that can by relieved by eating smaller meals and sitting up while eating


Which of the following is associated with a reduced risk of CVD?

high HDL

When trying to reduce the risk of heart disease, the most important risk factor to modify first is:

high LDL cholesterol because of its role in plaque formation.

Which of the following is not one of the risk factors for CVD?

high blood HDL

An atherogenic diet is characterized as one that is:

high in saturated fats. high in trans fats.

A benefit of resistance training is that:

high resistance and few repetitions will build strength.

In general, studies of populations have suggested that low cancer rates correlate with:

high vegetable intakes. high whole grain intakes.

Which diet has been shown to increase an athlete's endurance?

high-carbohydrate diet

Which of the following would not be appropriate as part of a pregame meal?

high-fiber cereal with low-fat milk

All of the following are recommended for vegetarian women who are pregnant except:

high-protein supplements.

______ are structural proteins associated with chromosomes that can also influence whether a gene is expressed (made into an active protein) or silenced


An initial goal for obese children is to:

hold weight steady while they grow taller. slow their rate of gain.

The addition of foods to a baby's diet should be governed by all of the following considerations except:

how often the baby cries.

What is one effect of malnutrition on the body's defense system?

immune system organs decrease in size

What effect does malnutrition during critical times of development in pregnancy have on the fetus?

impairment of the development of an organ is irreversible

Which of the following is the single most potent indicator of an infant's future health status?

infant's birthweight

Which of the following would be a good suggestion for making small changes in the type of fat in your diet for better health?

instead of a snack of potato chips and sour cream dip eat baked tortilla chips and salsa

A mineral needed by an infant in amounts over seven times those needed by an adult on a per-pound basis


Most babies are born with enough _____ to last about half a year.


Which is required as part of myoglobin?


Sports anemia:

is a normal adaptation to endurance training. is temporary.

The U.S. "Fruit and Veggies: More Matters" program encourages people to:

it can narrow passages in arteries and reduce blood flow to the heart

Which of the following is characteristic of colostrum?

it contains antibodies from the mother's blood it contains white cells from the mother's blood

Which of the following foods poses a choking hazard to infants and small children?

marshmallows hot dog slices

Moderate use of caffeine by athletes:

may assist performance.

Before athletic competitions, a moderate caffeine intake

may enhance performance

A woman who craves nonnutritious substances during pregnancy:

may have a nutrient-poor diet. is experiencing pica.

the spread of cancerous cells beyond the point of tumor formation


DNA _____ can influence how a gene is expressed (turned on or off) in a developing individual


What is the intensity level of a physical activity that causes some increase in breathing, is a perceived exertion of 5 or 6, and allows you to have a conversation while doing the activity?


Which statement about the best way to schedule daily physical activity is accurate?

moderate-intensity activity can be divided into smaller sessions throughout the day

Prenatal exposure to alcohol can result in which of the following fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in children?

mood disorders and problem behaviors diagnosed in preschool years

If a woman develops preeclampsia during her pregnancy she will most likely have to be concerned about which of the following?

most women will lose their symptoms within two days after delivery

Alcohol alone is associated with cancers of the:

mouth. breast.

Sports drinks offer some advantages over water for athletes who:

need to replenish electrolytes.

An estimated 85% of children with type 2 diabetes are:


Authorities recommend limiting sweetened soft drinks and punches in children's diets for fear that overconsumption may promote:

obesity. excess calorie intake.

Carnitine supplements

often produce diarrhea

Fortified food sources of folate include all of the following except:

orange juice.

Which of the following is a recommendation in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans for weekly physical activity?

perform muscle-strengthening activities of moderate to high intensity 2 or more days a week

Muscle growth is stimulated by:

physically demanding activity.

Kathy has given birth to a small, low-birthweight infant. Which of the following most likely made the greatest contribution to this situation?

poor nutrition

Which of the following is the major factor in low birthweight?

poor nutrition

Which of the following minerals may help to regulate blood pressure?


Individuals with hypertension being treated with diuretics should consume foods rich in:


Women who have uncontrolled high blood glucose levels during pregnancy may experience complications such as:

preterm labor.

Human breast milk contains considerably less ______ than cow's milk


If you want to make your own baby foods at home it is best to:

puree a small amount of cooked food before seasonings have been added.

Billy is a 6-month-old infant. Which of the following foods should Billy consume?

pureed vegetables

Jeff is a 54-year-old male who is 5' 6" tall, weighs 165 pounds, and has hypertension. The single most effective dietary measure Jeff can take is to:

reduce his weight.

To reduce your risks of developing cancer you would:

reduce intake of saturated fat only. have a high fruit and vegetable intake.

The effect of maternal nutritional deprivation during lactation is to:

reduce the quantity of milk.

Progressive weight training is not associated with:

reduced lean body tissue.

The epigenome on the DNA strand has the responsibility of:

regulating the expression of genes by turning them on or off.

To prevent heartburn during pregnancy you would recommend:

relaxing and eating slowly. avoiding greasy and spicy foods.

A man with pre-hypertension is trying to keep his blood pressure from going higher. Which of the following dietary changes might help?

remove the salt shaker from the table

Protein is needed by the body to support an exercise program because of its role in:

repairing muscle tissue after exercise.

To prevent both muscle cramps and hyponatremia, endurance athletes who compete and sweat heavily for four or more hours need to

replace sodium during the event

Which of the following should be introduced first when feeding a baby?

rice cereal

Which of the following is the best fluid for an athlete working out in a cold climate?

room temperature water

Examples of cruciferous vegetables include:

rutabaga. bok choy.

In dietary recommendations to decrease the risk of CVD, trans-fatty acids are classified with _____ fat.


Without proper management, type 1 or type 2 diabetes during pregnancy can cause all except

severe nausea

Is a 10-year-old girl who has become very overweight during the past two years at risk for developing chronic diseases?

she is at risk of developing type 2 diabetes because of weight gain

What would you tell a female long distance runner who is considering whether or not to begin taking an iron supplement?

she needs to have medical testing of her blood iron values first to see if she needs it

A 17-year-old girl still in high school has just become pregnant. What advice should she be given about her nutrient intake during pregnancy?

she needs to take a prenatal vitamin supplement to be certain she is getting enough folate

A competitive world-class skier needs advice on fluid intake during training, competition, and recovery. What should be recommended?

she should drink fluids with carbohydrate added to replenish glycogen stores

A woman who has just become pregnant is used to drinking 2 pots of coffee a day. What adjustments should she make in her caffeine consumption?

she should limit coffee consumption to one coffee cup a day

An obese woman is trying to get pregnant with her first baby. What recommendation would you give her?

she should try to achieve a healthy pre-pregnancy weight first

You are counseling a pregnant woman who is experiencing "morning sickness." To alleviate this condition you tell her to:

sip a carbonated beverage before getting out of bed. nibble on a cracker before getting out of bed.

It is desirable to begin feeding the infant iron-fortified cereals by about _____ months.


To treat obesity in children, a first goal is to

slow their rate of gain while they grow taller

A diet with adequate ____ fibers may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease


A main difference between a person contracting an infectious disease and a chronic disease is:

some infectious diseases can be cured with medications but chronic diseases cannot

The role of lactate in enhancing muscle gain is to:

stimulate muscle growth from resistance exercise.

Which of the following does not characterize the damage done by alcohol during pregnancy?

stimulates maternal appetite and therefore increases fetal nutrition

Which of the following energy systems provides the needed energy for a lifter's heave of a heavy weight?

the energy reservoir

All of the following statements are true concerning the placenta except:

the fetus receives nutrients and carbon dioxide across the placenta.

The pregnant woman's greater need for folate is due to:

the great increase in her blood volume. the rapid growth of the fetus.

A benefit of cardiorespiratory endurance training is that:

the heart muscle grows larger and stronger.

The development of fetal alcohol syndrome in infants is related to alcohol intake by a woman during her pregnancy. How does this syndrome affect the infant?

the most severe impact happens during the first two months of pregnancy

Which of the following determines whether the mother is able to grow a healthy placenta?

the mother's prepregnancy nutrition

A woman who is breastfeeding is not able to eat enough food for two weeks because of a lack of money. What effect will it have on her breast milk?

the quantity of milk will decrease but it will still have nutritional adequacy

Effects of protein-energy malnutrition on the body's defense system include:

the skin becomes thinner with less connective tissue. antibody secretions and immune cell number are reduced.

A weight lifter is taking creatine supplements to increase the power in his muscles. What benefit might he be receiving from the supplement?

the supplement might result in weight gain

Arguments against genetic testing include all of the following except:

there is no evidence that information about genetic coding can be used to make lifestyle changes.

The advantage for athletes of using sport drinks for fluid replacement is that:

they have a pleasant taste which encourages consumption.

A high school football player is eating enough protein foods in his diet to provide him with 2.5 grams per kg of his body weight. What type of benefit will he get from his high protein intake?

this exceeds the recommendation for his sport so he should consider trading carbohydrate for some of the protein

Lactating women who smoke tobacco

transfer nicotine and other chemicals to their infants through their breast milk

A pregnancy typically lasts 40 weeks and is divided into thirds known as ___________


A person who exercises moderately for longer than 20 minutes begins to ____

use less glucose and more fat for fuel

Examples of aerobic physical activity include all of the following except:

using weight machines.

______ deficiency can weaken the body's skin and membrane defenses against infection

vitamin A

Susie is a pregnant vegetarian who does not consume meat, fish, poultry, or animal products such as dairy foods or eggs. Susie would be at risk for developing a deficiency of:

vitamin B12.

Which of the following nutrients is important for athletes because it is needed for the formation of collagen?

vitamin C

The most important antioxidant related to physical activity is:

vitamin E.

The body's need for _____ far surpasses that for any other nutrient.


A 45-year-old man who is overweight and has several family members with heart disease is concerned about developing it. Which risk factor does he have the ability to improve or change?


Which of the following raises HDL concentration?

weight loss physical activity

When may the use of commercial formula for feeding an infant be appropriate?

when a premature infant has special medical needs

Which of the following is a major action involving blood pressure levels in the arteries?

when the pressure is at the right level, cells receive nutrients and oxygen and release their wastes

To consume an adequate amount of B vitamins, magnesium, and chromium an athlete should eat:

whole grains.

Should all pregnant women take prenatal supplements of vitamins and minerals?

yes, because they contain the increased nutrient values needed during pregnancy

You have been following a fitness program for several weeks and your resting pulse has gone from 70 to 58. What can you state about your progress?

you are making good progress and should continue so the pulse goes lower

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