Nutrition chapter 5 (lipids)

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Why is LDL considered "bad" cholesterol?

buildup of LDL in blood vessels contributes to atherosclerosis, a process that increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease if not cleared from the bloodstream, LDL cholesterol builds up in the blood vessel

Cholesterol __ be made by the body


Margarine is a leading source of cholesterol in the American diet


Pair the type of fat with a correct example or description of that type of fat

fatty acid= omega-6, omega-3 sterol= cholesterol phospholipid= lecithin triglyceride= 3 fatty acids and 1 glycerol molecule

What are the components of a phospholipid molecule?

glycerol backbone phosphorus-containing molecule

One risk factor for cardiovascular disease is

less than 40 mg/dl HDL

Name the class of nutrients that consists of triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols


What are some examples of foods that are considered high in fat?

mayonnaise butter salad oils margarine

Lecithin is a common example of a


Match the fatty acid type with its correct chemical structure description

saturated fatty acid= contains no carbon-carbon double bonds monounsaturated fatty acid= one carbon-carbon double bond polyunsaturated fatty acid= two or more carbon-carbon double bonds

Considering they health effects, trans fatty acids are most similar to

saturated fatty acids

Compared to foods made with unprocessed plant oils, partially hydrogenated oils are less likely to go rancid because

they have fewer double bonds

True or false: the process of oxidation usually changes the shape and/or function of a substance


What are some health benefits associated with consuming a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids?

Decrease blood triglyceride levels reduce risk of heart disease reduced inflammation

__ occurs when the double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids in food products are broken down by ultraviolet light or oxygen


Why is the potential for fat rancidity a problem for manufacturers?

Rancidity of fats decreases the food's shelf life

The layer of triglycerides beneath the skin serves to

insulate the body

Fatty fish provide eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are two __ that are important for brain and heart health

omega-3 fatty acids

Preparing meals with plant oils, such as olive oil, rather than animal fats, such as butter, is one way to improve the fat __ of your diet


A __ is a lipid with a multi-ringed structure


True or false: Much the energy our body uses at rest and during low-intensity exercise (or light activity) comes from fatty acids.


Why do reduced-fat foods contain the same, or similar, amount of calories as their reference foods?

When fat is removed, sugar is usually added to maintain a palatable flavor and texture, usually resulting in similar energy density.

Fats and oils contain mixtures of various fatty acids. Which of the following fats and oils are high in saturated fatty acids?

coconut oil cheeseburger butter

What are some examples of food sources that contain cholesterol?

eggs chicken ice cream

What are some examples of foods that contain cholesterol?

eggs turkey lean ground beef

A major function of phospholipids (e.g., lecithin) in foods is to act as a(n)


True or false: phospholipids do not contain fatty acids within their molecular structure?


Reduced triglycerides, reduced blood clotting, and reduced pain from rheumatoid arthritis are benefits associated with intake of

omega-3 fatty acids

What are some of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease?

smoking high blood cholesterol family history of cardiovascular disease hypertension

__ are most susceptible to rancidity because they contain many carbon-carbon double bonds.

unsaturated fats

Triglyceride are used as the primary energy source by muscles

when the body is at rest during low-intensity physical activity

From top to bottom, place the steps of dietary fat absorption in the order they occur

1= glycerol, monoglycerides, and fatty acids are absorbed from the lumen of the small intestine into the small intestinal cells 2= triglyceride are reassembled within the cells lining the small intestine 3= triglycerides are packaged into chylomicrons 4= chylomicrons enter the lymphatic system

List the steps of fat digestion and absorption starting in the mouth and ending at the small intestine.

1= some lipase is released by salivary glands and stomach 2= salivary lipase and gastric lipase begin digesting short-chain fatty acids in the stomach 3= bile emulsifies the fats 4= pancreatic lipase digests long-chain fatty acids and triglycerides 5= triglycerides are broken down and absorbed in the small intestine

The acceptable macronutrient distribution range set by the food and nutrition board for lipids is __% to __% of kilocalories

20% to 35%

True or false: most Americans need to drastically cut the amount of fat they consume each day.


What are some of the positive attributes of fats in the diet?

Fat imparts a creamy texture to foods many flavors are fat soluble, so fat enhances the flavor of foods

When choosing fats in your diet, which of the following are important guidelines to keep in mind?

Fat should make up 20% to 35% of total kilocalories select more plant sources of fat and fewer animal sources of fat

Match each type of lipid to a description of its chemical structure.

Fatty acid= chain of carbons flanked by hydrogens triglyceride= glycerol backbone with three fatty acids phospholipid=. glycerol backbone with fatty acids and at least one phosphorus-containing group sterol= multi-ringed compound with a hydroxyl group

What is one of the most important functions of the phospholipid molecule?

Phospholipids help form cell membranes

Which of the following are functions of phospholipids in the body?

absorption and transport of nutrients digestion of fats formation of cell membranes

The main sources of saturated fat in American diets are

animal fats

_____________ is a type of lipid that is found only in foods of animal origin.


What are some components of plaque?

cholesterol calcium white blood cells

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