Nutrition chapter 7 and 8

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When to throw away ROP foods?

1) It is torn or slimy, It contains excessive liquid, and if the food time bubbles, indicating the possible growth of Clostridium Botulinum.

what is the FIFO method?

1) identify the food item's use-by or expiration date 2)Store items with the earliest use-by or expiration dates in front of items with later dates. 3)Once shelved, use those items stored in front first. 4)Throw out food that has passed its manufacturer's use-by or expiration date.

What are the preventing cross-contamination guidelines?

1)Supplies: store food, linens, and single-use items ind designated storage areas. Must be stored away from walls and at least 6 inches off the floor. Must be in original packaging. 2)Containers: store food in containers intended for food. should be durable, leak-proof, and able to be sealed or covered. Never use empty food containers to store chemicals or put food in empty chemical containers. Wrap or cover all food correctly. Leaving food uncovered can lead to cross-contamination. 3)cleaning: Keep all storage areas clean and dry. Clean floors, walls, and shelving in coolers, freezers, dry-storage areas, and heated holding cabinets regularly. Clean up spills and leaks promptly to keep them from contaminating foods.

What is the correct internal storage temperature for TCS foods?

41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower or 135 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

How long can ready-to-eat TCS food that was prepped in-house be stored if it was held at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower?

7 days

When to label food for use on-site?

Any item not stored in it's original container must be labeled. The label must include the common name of the food or a statement that clearly and accurately identifies it.

How far above the ground should food be stored?

At least 6" (15 CM)

How should frozen food be kept?

At temperatures that will keep it frozen.

What are the ROP food guidelines?

Check the expiration date before using ROP items. Labels should clearly list contents, storage temperature, prep instructions, and a use-by-date. Operators who package food in-house using a ROP process need to follow specific rules for packaging and labeling. Consult local regulatory authority for guidance.

What should be done to maintain temperatures in storage units?

Consider using cold curtains in walk-in coolers and freezers to maintain temperatures. Use open shelving. Do not line shelves with foil, sheet pans, or paper. This restricts circulation of cold air in the unit. Monitor food temperatures in coolers regularly Randomly sample the temperature of stored food to verify that the cooler is working. Defrost freezers regularly. They are more efficient when free of frost. Move food to another freezer while defrosting.

What is the problem with storing raw ground beef above prepped salads?


How to store fresh produce?

Cut melons, cut tomatoes, and cut leafy greens are TCS food. Store them at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. While many raw, whole fruit/vegetables can be stored at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower, not all can be stored at this temperature. Work with produce supplier to determine the best storage temperature for the purchased items. Raw and whole vegetables (celery,carrots,and radishes) delivered in ice can be stored as they are. Use self-draining containers. change ice regularly. 1)fruit and vegetables kept in the cooler can dry out quickly. Keep humidity at 85-95%. 2)most produce can be stored in the cooler, avocados, bananas, pears, and tomatoes ripen best at room temperature. 3)Most produce should not be washed before storage. Moisture promotes the growth of mold. Wash produce before prepping or serving it. When soaking or storing produce in standing or ice water slurry, do not mix different items or multiple batches of the same item. Store whole citrus fruit, hard-rind squash, eggplant, and root vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, rutabagas, and onions) in a cool dry-storage area. 60- 70 degrees Fahrenheit are best. Use well ventilated containers, and store onions away from other vegetables that may absorb the odor.

what is FIFO?

First In First Out

Why is rotation important?

Food must be rotated while in storage to maintain quality and limit the growth of pathogens. Food items must be rotated so the items with the earliest use-by or expiration dates are used before those with later dates.

When to label food that is packaged on-site for retail sale?

Food packaged in the operation that is being sold to customers for use at home must be labeled. Label must consist of: 1)common name of the food or a statement that clearly identifies it 2)quantity of the food 3)list of ingredient s descending order by weight. Necessary only if the item has two or more ingredients. 4) List of artificial colors and flavors in the food. Chemical preservatives must also be listed. 5)name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor. 6)Source of each major food allergen contained in the food. Not necessary if the source is already part of the common name of the ingredient.

How to store UHT and aseptically packaged food?

Food that has been pasteurized at Ultra-high temperatures and aseptically packaged can be stored at room temperature. Once opened, store UHT and aseptically packaged food in the cooler at 41 degrees or lower. Store UHT items that are not aseptically packaged at an internal temperature of 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.

How to store canned foods?

Higher storage temperatures may shorten shelf life. Acidic food does not last as long as food that is low in acid. The acid can also form pinholes in the metal over time. guidelines: 1)discard damaged cans 2)keep dry-storage dry. Too much moisture will cause cans to rust. 3)Wipe cans clean with a sanitized cloth before opening them. This will help prevent dirt from falling into the contents of the can.

What is the importance of labeling ?

Illnesses have occurred when unlabeled chemicals were mistaken for food such as flour, sugar, and baking powder. Customers also have suffered allergic reactions when food was unknowingly prepped with a food allergen that was not identified on the label.

When storing food using FIFO method, where should the food with the earliest use-by dates be stored?

In front of food with later use-by dates

How to store dry food?

Keep flour,cereal, and grain items in airtight containers. They can quickly become stale in a humid room. They can also become moldy with too much moisture. Before using dry food, check containers/packages for insect or rodent damage. If stored in the correct conditions, salt and sugar can be held almost indefinitely.

In top-to-bottom order, how should a fresh pork roast, fresh salmon, a container of lettuce, and a pan of fresh chicken breasts be store in the cooler?

Lettuce, fresh salmon, fresh pork roast, fresh chicken breasts

What should you never do to coolers or freezers?

Overload them. Storing too many food items prevents good airflow and makes the units work harder to stay cold.

What is ROP?

Reduced-Oxygen Packaged Food

how to date mark for commercially processed foods?

Sometimes will have a use-by-date that is less than seven days from the date the container was opened. In this case, the container should be marked with this use-by-date as long as the date is based on food safety.

how to store ROP food?

Store at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. includes modified atmosphere packaged(MAP), vacuum-packed, and sous vide food. Frozen items should be at a temperature that keeps them frozen. Store and handle carefully.

Where do you store meat, poultry, seafood and dairy items in freezing units?

The coldest parts of the unit, away from the door.

What is UHT?

Ultra-high temperatures

how to date mark for combining food?

When combining food with different use-by-dates, the discard date of the dish should be based on the ealriest prepared food.

what must be included on the label of TCS food that was prepped in-house?

`Date that the food should be thrown out

what is an ideal storage location?

a clean, dry location away from dust and other contaminants.

What are the general storage guidelines?

label and mark your food correctly. You must also rotate food and store it at the correct temperature. Finally, you need to store items in a way that prevents cross-contamination.

What is not an ideal storage location?

locker rooms or dressing rooms, restrooms or garbage rooms, mechanical rooms, under unshielded sewer lines or leaking water lines, and under stairwells.

What should storage units have at least one of?

one air-temperature measuring device. Must be accurate to +/- 3 degrees Fahrenheit. Must be located in the warmest part of refrigerated units, and the coldest part of hot-holding units.

When to include date marking?

ready-to-eat TCS food will be held for longer than 24 hours. Must indicate when the food must be sold, eaten, or thrown out. Ready-to-eat TCS foods can be stored only seven days if it held at 75 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Count begins the day it was prepared or a commercial container was opened. Accomplished by wring the day or date the food was prepped on the label. Others write the use-by-date or date on the label.

What is the storage order of foods?

ready-to-eat food->seafood->whoel cuts of beef and pork ->ground meat and ground fish->whole and ground poultry

How to store poultry?

store at an internal temperature of 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.Frozen poultry should be kept at a temperature to keep it frozen. if not in original packaging, place in airtight containers or wrap ion airtight material. Ice-packed poultry can be stored in a cooler as is. Use self-draining containers. Change the ice and sanitize the container often.

how to store eggs?

store eggs at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Maintain constant temperature and humidity levels in coolers used to store shell eggs, 1)do not wash shelled eggs before storing. They are washed and sanitized at the packing facility. 2)plan to use all shell eggs within four to five weeks of the packing date. 3)keep shell eggs in cold storage until the time they are used. take out only as many eggs as needed for immediate use. 4)store frozen egg items at temperatures that will keep them frozen. 5)store liquid eggs according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 6)dried egg items can be stored in a cool dry-storage area. Once they are reconstituted (mixed with water), store them in the cooler at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Do not reconstitute more dried egg than is needed for immediate use.

How to store fish?

store fresh fish at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Keep fillets and steaks in original packaging, or tightly wrap them in moisture proof materials. Fresh, whole fish can be packed in flaked or crushed ice. Ice beds should be self-draining. Change the ice and sanitize the container often. Frozen fish should be kept at a temperature to keep it frozen.

How to store meat?

store in it's own storage unit or the coldest part of the cooler. Fresh meat should be held at an internal temperature of 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Frozen meat should be kept at a temperature to keep it frozen. If removed from its original packaging, wrap it in airtight, moisture proof material or place it in clean and sanitized containers. Primal cuts, quarters, sides of raw meat, and slab bacon can be hung on clean and sanitized hooks or on sanitized racks. Don't put above other food to prevent cross-contamination.

how to store milk?

store milk at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.

How to store shellfish?

store shucked shellfish at an internal temperature of 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Store live shellfish in its original container at an air temperature of 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Keep shellstock identification tags on file for 90 days from the date the last shellfish was sold or served from the container. Live shellfish(clams,oysters,mussels,and scallops) can be stored in a display tank under two conditions: 1)the tank has an sign stating that the shellfish for display only. 2)For shellfish to be served to customers, a variance has been obtained from the local regulatory authority that allows the shellfish to be served to customers. You will need to show the following: 1)water from other tanks will not flow into display tank. 2)using the display tank will not affect food quality or safety. 3)shellstock ID tags must be retained as required.

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